Historical Fiction Reading Packet

Fiction Reading Packet
Story Notes
Main Characters (Tip: Before listing them, determine what makes someone a main character.)
Setting (Tip: Setting includes not just time, but place and atmosphere.)
Primary Conflicts (In other words, central problems.)
Main Events (Before listing them, determine the criteria for main events. List at least five.)
Climax (Highest point in the novel)
Resolution (How does it end?)
Observations or Conclusions (Tip: Talk about important themes, surprises, and connections to your life, other books,
or classes.)
Vocabulary Squares
Directions: Find 6 unknown or unfamiliar words in your book and fill out a vocabulary square for each.
Synonym (word that means
the same):
Synonym (word that means the
Part of Speech (noun, verb,
adjective, etc.):
Antonym (word that means
the opposite):
Part of Speech (noun, verb,
adjective, etc.):
Antonym (word that means the
Definition (should match the
word’s use in your book):
Definition (should match the
word’s use in your book):
Sentence in which you found it:
Sentence in which you found it:
Synonym (word that means
the same):
Synonym (word that means the
Part of Speech (noun, verb,
adjective, etc.):
Antonym (word that means
the opposite):
Part of Speech (noun, verb,
adjective, etc.):
Antonym (word that means the
Definition (should match the
word’s use in your book):
Definition (should match the
word’s use in your book):
Sentence in which you found it:
Sentence in which you found it:
Synonym (word that means
the same):
Synonym (word that means the
Part of Speech (noun, verb,
adjective, etc.):
Antonym (word that means
the opposite):
Part of Speech (noun, verb,
adjective, etc.):
Antonym (word that means the
Definition (should match the
word’s use in your book):
Definition (should match the
word’s use in your book):
Sentence in which you found it:
Sentence in which you found it:
DURING READING: Reading Log – 20 Points
Question #
Page #’s
Directions: While you are reading your book, stop every 10 pages to respond to what you have read. If you are reading a book
over 300 pages, you may stop every 20 pages. If you are reading a book under 70 pages, you must stop every 5 pages. For each
section, choose one of the questions below to answer, providing evidence from the text. Keep the questions in mind while
reading so you know what to look for. Try to answer a different question each time.
1. Describe the setting of this part of the story.
2. Describe how the main character is developed in this section.
3. Identify the point of view the story is written in.
4. Discuss what the main character wants in this story.
5. Explain how the setting reflects the historical context.
6. Explain how the events of the story reflect the historical context.
7. Explain how a character reflects the historical context.
8. Explain the most important event from this section.
9. Compare and contrast two major characters.
10. Explain why an author might have included an event from this section.
11. Examine how the author uses dialogue to develop a character.
12. Examine how the author uses description to develop the setting.
13. Explain how the context helped you figure out an unknown or confusing word.
14. Imagine how an element of this story (setting, character, events) would be different if it was taking place today.
15. Evaluate the conclusion of the novel.
Evidence from Text
Include a specific quote or a summary of an event
or detail to support your answer to the question.
Combine the evidence from the text with your own
thoughts (inferences) to answer the question in 2-3
complete sentences.