Fort Herriman Middle School Disclosure Statement 2015-2016 Home of the Diamondbacks (Revised 6/23/15) website: Welcome to Fort Herriman Middle School! The administration and faculty at Fort Herriman believe that communication and organization are key components for middle school students to make a smooth and successful transition between elementary school and high school. In an effort to streamline this organizational process, we ask your support for the following school-wide policies. Diamondback Traits: Our behavior standards RRespects self and others AAlways in the right place TTakes responsibility TTotally prepared LLives to learn EExhibits character Students are expected to follow the Diamondback Traits in all areas of the building, including classrooms, gym, cafeteria, hallways, auditorium, library, restrooms and computer labs. Consequences for positive and negative behaviors are: REWARDS 1. Self-respect and self-discipline 2. Class and school wide incentives 3. Positive note home to parent CONSEQUENCES (3 steps) 1. Teacher Intervention and/or Think Time 2. Contact parent 3. Referral to administration Parent Communication: Please visit the website often. This website contains links to Skyward (the district’s grading program), Mastery Connect (the school’s formative assessment tool), teacher/classroom information (web pages, blogs, Google Classroom, email addresses), calendars with important dates, and a link to the Jordan School District Student Email System. Students and parents can stay well informed about class work, homework assignments, and other important school information by utilizing the website. Please contact the attendance office for information about your Skyward password. School-wide Intervention Programs: FHMS believes that the best intervention happens in the classroom. We also recognize that students will need additional support and time not available in the regular classroom. School wide interventions include: Diamond Time, TA tutoring, after school tutoring, rise and stretch or team time, essential intervention. Many of these interventions take place during Teacher Advisory (TA) time. On days when regular TA is in session, students not in need of specific interventions will be expected to dedicate their time to sustained silent reading. All students will be required to bring a novel (a book with characters and a plot) or other appropriate reading material to TA class. School-wide Electronic Device Policy: Cell phones are permitted but may only be used during class breaks and lunchtime. Please do not call or text your children during school time. If you need to contact your child, call the office. If students use phones at inappropriate times, they will be subject to confiscation, which may require a parent to pick up the cell phone from the administration. IPods and other electronic devices are not allowed for entertainment purposes during school hours. Misuse of these items will result in immediate confiscation and may require parent pick up. There may be times when teachers will allow students to use electronic devices for educational purposes. Ear buds are not allowed during the school day. Grading Policy: Our school’s focus is to emphasize student learning. We believe the academic grade should be reflective of student learning of key standards and objectives. Therefore, each teacher’s grading scale may be different based on how they weigh assignments, tests, quizzes, etc. Please discuss grading scales with individual teachers if you have questions. School-wide Tardy Policy and Citizenship Grades: Students are expected to be in the classroom with their materials ready when the tardy bell rings. Excessive tardies can affect students’ citizenship grades. Citizenship grades will also be based on class behavior, preparedness, attitude, participation, etc. The following is a typical scale used to calculate citizenship grades: H - Honor; 0-1 tardies, no referrals – Exemplary behavior, preparedness, attitude, participation, etc. S - Satisfactory; 2-3 tardies, no referrals – Acceptable behavior, preparedness, attitude, participation, etc. N - Needs improvement; 4 tardies, or 1 referral – Needs improvement in behavior, preparedness, attitude, participation, etc. U -Unsatisfactory; 5+ tardies, or 2+ referrals – Unacceptable behavior, preparedness, attitude, participation, etc. School-wide Late Work Policy: Teachers will provide students with sufficient time to complete assignments and will clearly inform students of assignment due dates. Teachers may identify major projects that will not be accepted late (i.e.: book reports, science projects, final essays, etc.). End-of-quarter deadlines will be set and enforced. 7th and 8th grade students will be allowed to turn in two late assignments per class per quarter without penalty. Freshmen students are expected to turn in their assignments on time. They may, however, turn in one late assignment per class per quarter without penalty. If other late assignments are accepted, reduction of score is at the discretion of the teacher. School-wide Make-Up Work Policy: It is the student’s responsibility to ask teachers for assignments missed due to absence. Many teachers have web sites, blogs, and/or other online resources where parents and students can access work that was missed during an absence. Students will be given a minimum of one extra day for each day absent to turn in make-up assignments. Make up work due dates will be set by the teacher. If a student misses a make-up work due date, the school-wide late work policy will be enforced. Student Classroom Supplies: Students are expected to be prepared at school each day with the needed supplies to be successful. Please check regularly with your student to make sure they have these supplies. (Paper, pencil, pen, colored pencils, binder/folder, etc.) NO PERMANENT MARKERS OR SHARPIES EVER! F! WE H! M! S! ARE THE BEST! HECK, YES!