Jefferson Postage Stamps-


Jefferson Postage

Stamps -

Create 4 different postage stamps (1/4 page each) that commemorate

Thomas Jefferson’s talents, interests, or achievements. On the back of each stamp, write a short statement about what the postage stamp represents.

Jefferson Museum

Exhibit -

Plan a museum exhibit about Thomas Jefferson.

Draw the exhibit, which will illustrate Jefferson’s life and achievements, on one side of the paper. On the other side, write short descriptions for each part of your exhibit (number each picture and matching description).

John Marshall Eulogy-

Write a eulogy for John

Marshall (written remarks that praise an individual for his or her character and/or achievements).

Your eulogy should evaluate the impact of

John Marshall and the

Marshall Court on the federal judicial system. It should be around 5-7 complete sentences in length.

Main Idea Questions-

Answer the three main idea questions on page

301 in complete sentences. You need to provide at least two complete sentences for each question.

Critical Thinking


Answer the critical thinking question on page

301 using at least 5-7 complete sentences.

CD Cover-

Create a CD cover and at least six song titles about chapter 10 section 1.

Include a one sentence explanation after each song title to explain the song title’s meaning.

Design a Webpage 1-

Design a Facebook,

MySpace, or internet homepage for Thomas

Jefferson . Needs to include a picture, short biography, years of birth and death, occupations, accomplishments, and political affiliation

(which party did he belong to?).

Design a Webpage 2-

Design a Facebook,

MySpace, or internet homepage for John

Marshall . Needs to include a picture, short biography, years of birth and death, occupations, accomplishments, and political affiliation

(which party did he belong to?).

Ch. 10 Sect. 1 Outline-

Create an outline for

Chapter 10 section 1. It should include each major heading, several subheadings, and important details.
