Structure/Outline of the Persuasive Speech

Structure/Outline of the Persuasive Speech
The structure of a persuasive speech is grounded on three fundamentals: identify the need, provide a
plan of solution, and prove the practicality of the solution. When a speaker strives to persuade his or her
listeners not to do something, the structure of the speech should be oriented on establishing the
impracticality of performing the actions.
This particular model outline of a persuasive speech is based on Monroe's motivational sequence.
Monroe's motivational sequence is a five-stage scheme of proving the necessity of some changes or
actions. This is the sequence:
a) Attract attention of the audience to some problem that needs solution (with the help of a startling
opening, visual aids, statistics, and so on).
b) Prove the need for improvements and changes of a situation: different kinds of testimonies should be
provided to demonstrate inefficiency of existing methods of solving the problem. The audience should be
ready to absorb the new solution as revolutionary, promising or positive.
c) Give “satisfaction” to the need: display a new workable solution to the problem and make sure the
audience has understood your explanations. Details help the audience learn new information.
d) Help the audience visualize the practical benefits of the new solution. The visualization can be realized
with the help visual aids, language imagery, and emotional presentation.
e) Motivate the audience to act according to your plan. In the final part of the motivational speech, it is
important that the speaker recalls the initial problem and helps the audience understand the benefits of
the solution.
Required critical aspects for a persuasive speech:
1) Audibility of the presentation
2) Credibility of a speaker
3) Emotionality of a delivery
4) Connection with audience
Minimum Requirements
 2-5 minute oral presentation. The typed speech is due on the day the speech is
delivered. The typed speech must include a works cited page. The typed speech must
be in proper MLA format.
 At least two sources and one powerful quote from each source to back your claim
 A visual aid is helpful but not required
 Your speech must contain an opening statement of interest such as a rhetorical question or a
startling statement.
 Your speech must motivate audience interest in your subject by alluding to sources of
information you have consulted or pique the audience’s sense of curiosity.
 Your speech must contain a need step that will be developed by illustrations or ramifications.
 Your speech must contain transitional words and phrases to show relationships between ideas
and arguments.
 Your speech must contain one or more rhetorical devices such as repetition, parallelism,
alliteration, and so on.
 Your speech must conclude with a summary of the writer’s position or a call to action.
Topic: ______________________________________________________________________________
Due date: __________