Ch. 2/3 study guide

Study Guide for Ch. 2 and 3
1. What is the function of a catalyst?
2. What is activation energy?
3. What is an enzyme?
4. What is the induced – fit (lock and key) mechanism for enzymes?
5. Where does the substrate bind to the enzyme?
6. What is an endothermic reaction?
7. What is an exothermic reaction?
8. Classify the reactions below as either endothermic or exothermic.
A) ___________________________________
B) _________________________________________
9. Does an endothermic reaction make or break bonds?
10. Does an exothermic reaction make or break bonds?
11. What reaction forms bonds between two monomers of any macromolecule? (Hint: This reaction
has two names)
What molecule is “released” during the reaction above?
What reaction breaks the bonds of a polymer to break it down into single monomers?
What molecule is inserted to break the bond during the reaction above?
All organic compounds contain which element?
How many bonds can carbon make?
What are the four major organic macromolecules?
18. What elements are found in Carbohydrates?
19. What are the monomers for Carbohydrates?
20. List two examples of monosaccharides.
What are two monosaccharides linked together called?
What are polymers of carbohydrates called?
The polymers for carbohydrates form what type of structure in aqueous solutions?
Which polysaccharide is the animal short-term storage of energy?
Which polysaccharide is found as a structural component in cell walls in plants?
Which polysaccharide is the plant storage form of energy?
27. Which polysaccharide is found in the exoskeleton of arthropods?
28. What elements are found in Nucleic Acids?
29. What are the monomers for Nucleic Acids?
30. What are the 2 polymers that can be created from these monomers?
31. Draw and label the 3 basic components (functional groups) of a nucleotide. (It is not necessary
to know the chemical structures of each component for this monomer)
32. What are the monomers for Proteins?
33. What type of bond if formed between the monomers of a protein?
34. Draw the basic structure of an amino acid and label the major functional groups. (you must
include the chemical structure for this monomer)
35. Which macromolecule forms long carbon chains?
36. What are the structural components of a triglyceride (glycolipid)?
37. What are the structural components of a phospholipid?
38. List 3 examples of lipids.
39. Lipids are soluble in __________________________ and insoluble in _____________________.
40. Which test is used to determine the presence of lipids?
a. What does a positive test result look like?
41. Which test is used to determine the presence of proteins?
a. What does a positive test result look like?
42. Which test is used to determine the presence of simple carbohydrates?
a. What does a positive test result look like?
43. Which test is used to determine the presence of complex carbohydrates?
a. What does a positive test result look like?
44. Which macromolecule does not have a test to determine the presence?