Instructor: Jeff Joens
Time: M, T, W, R 9:30am to 10:45am
Office: CP 331; phone 348-3121 (voice mail)
Room: CP 145
Web page: www.joenschem.com
e-mail: joensj@fiu.edu
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday from 3:00pm to 5:00pm; Thursday from 11:00am to noon. I will usually be
available immediately after class. You can also see me by appointment.
Course objective: To provide, along with the companion course CHM 1045 and the corresponding laboratory
courses, a two semester general introduction to basic concepts in chemistry.
Text: Nivaldo J. Tro, Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2011 (required).
Final grades:
3 hour exams (100 points each)
Final exam (comprehensive)
360-450 A
315-359 B
225-314 C
190-224 D
300 points
150 points
450 points total
0-189 F
Notes: 1) Final grades will be based on the total number of points accumulated from all of the exams. NO EXAM
2) Exams will be closed book and closed notes. You should bring a scientific calculator (not a graphical,
text, or programmable calculator) with you to the exam. I recommend (but do not require) the Sharp EL-521 or TI30XA calculators. Be sure you know how to use your calculator before you show up to the exam. Cell phones,
laptops, and all other electronic devices must be turned off and put away before the exam.
3) If you are forced to miss an exam you must notify me as far in advance as possible. Excused absences
from exams, and the procedure for making up exams, will be at the discretion of the instructor.
4) Cheating or assisting other students in cheating is a violation of University policy and will be punished.
For further information refer to the sections "Standards of Student Conduct" and "Misconduct Procedures", found in
The Student Handbook: http://globaldatebooksonline.com/flipbooks/flo2011/ A link to the handbook can be found
by going to the FIU homepage ( http://www.fiu.edu/index.html ) and clicking on "Current Students".
5) Homework will be assigned periodically but not collected. Solutions to the homework will be available
through my web page: www.joenschem.com Several copies of the solution manual, with solutions to all of the
problems from the textbook, are available (for two hour checkout) at the circulation desk at the Green Library.
6) Old exams from previous semesters, solutions to new exams, the powerpoint lectures, and other useful
information will also be available at that web page.
7) You are expected to retain old exams for your records until after you receive your final grade for the
8) As per University policy, an incomplete for this class will be given only for a valid medical reason, and
only after a written agreement that states the reason for the incomplete and with a timetable for the missing work.
Tentative course outline
Chapter 12 - Solutions
Chapter 13 - Chemical Kinetics
First Hour Exam – Monday July 9th
Chapter 14 - Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 15 - Acids and Bases
Drop Date – Thursday, July 19th
Second Hour Exam – Monday, July 23rd
Chapter 16 - Aqueous Ionic Equilibrium
Chapter 17 - Free Energy and Thermodynamics
Third Hour Exam – Monday, August 6th
Chapter 18 - Electrochemistry
Final Exam, Thursday, August 9th