FCC Testing Center Exam Form Instructor First & Last Name: Course info: Course #: Course Title: Phone: (H): (W): (C): Test (quiz, exam, etc): Testing Dates: Start: End: Time Limit: Student Names: Does student have an accommodation Plan? Proctoring Instructions: Note: If extended time is permitted, please account for that time in your time limit above. (Please check all supplemental material that is allowed or necessary) Yes: No: Bluebook Dictionary Head Phones Scrap Paper Calculator Ear Plugs Periodic Table Textbooks Computer Franklin Speller Scantron Other Assistive Technology Notes (be specific... 3x5 note card, size of paper,front/back, #pages allowed, etc): Enter specific information about notes: Other Information: Untaken/Expired exams will be returned to your mailbox, Box #: Please fill out and attach to the brown envelope containing test(s) & return to Box #199 or room L104. Completed exams will be signed for in the Testing Center. Mary Garst @ 301-846-2522