Solar Energy Test (part 1)

Matter and Energy: Understanding Particle Nature
What should I study?
Particles versus Empty Space
o What do we find between particles?
o How come we can walk through liquids and gases?
o How come gases can be compressed?
o How does the amount of empty space compare in
the three states of matter?
Qualities of air
o Does air push? Does it take up space? Does it
have mass?
o How do you know? What experiments/
observations support you conclusion?
o What is a vacuum?
Matter and Reactions
o What is conservation?
o Is mass conserved? Is volume? How can you
test this?
o Describe the work of John Dalton
o Balancing Equations
o Physical Properties of Matter
Physical versus Chemical changes
o What changes and what stays the same?
What does each of these terms mean?
o Synthesis versus Decomposition reaction
o Examples of physical and chemical changes.
o Separating Mixtures based on physical
o What does density mean? What are the units of
the relationship between mass and volume?
How does density relate to sinking and floating?
Percent underwater.
Rate the density of objects based on whether they
are sinking/floating.
change from one state of matter to another
state of matter?
How does temperature affect particle motion
and diffusion?
How does a thermometer work and what
does it actually mean to measure
1st and 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
(directions of energy flow – warm to cool)
o What is the formula for finding Density? What is
o What ahs to happen for a substance to
Particle Motion Model
o What do we mean by particle? How does it relate
to matter?
o What is mass? What is the difference between
mass and weight?
o How do particles move in liquids and gases? How
do they move in solids? (speed, directions, etc).
o How can we represent particle motion using
particle pictures (what are the key components)?
o Parts of an atom - Proton, Neutron, and
o Relationship between atoms, molecules, and
o Finding Mass, Volume (both ways), and
Heating and Cooling as Processes
o What does it mean to call heating a process? Why
can’t heat be a physical thing?
o What are the different types of heating and how do
they work? (conduction, convection, and radiation)
o What are the phase/states of matter?
o Using Energy Bar Charts do describe
o Reading the Periodic Table
o Using Atomic Models to solve problems
o Common Chemical symbols
Where can I find materials to study?
 Notebook notes
 Website resources, blogs, & conference
Old labs and Quizzes
Worksheets / handouts
How can I study?
 Answer questions on the study guide
 Make up problems /concept questions
 Email or IM - Mr. Finley
Reread notes and blogs
Group study on Class conference
Note cards on key vocab. / concept