Multi-Faith Centre Press Release Women of Faith Claim their Voice

Multi-Faith Centre
Press Release
Women of Faith Claim their Voice and Role in fostering a Culture of Peace
Women and men from across Asia and the Pacific will join Australian participants in
February next year for a major interfaith symposium on the theme of ‘Women, Faith and a
Culture of Peace’. The co-hosts of the symposium are two Brisbane-based organisations, the
Multi-Faith Centre at Griffith University and Believing Women for a Culture of Peace.
The event will be held at the Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University, Nathan Campus. The
organisers are hoping that it will attract more than one hundred participants.from a diversity
of faith communities, interfaith networks, community organisations, peace and justice groups,
and academic and research bodies.
Highlighting and enhancing the initiatives of women in the interfaith arena, both in building
relationships and working together across faiths and cultures to promote just, peaceful and
sustainable societies. However, the symposium is not restricted to women, and the organisers
anticipate that men who are committed to promoting women’s participation within and across
faiths will also attend.
The programme will go from Saturday afternoon 23rd February to Monday afternoon 25
February 2008. “A number of very well-known and highly-respected delegates from the
Asia-Pacific region have already been confirmed as presenters in the panels and workshops
that form the core of the programme,” said Virginia Cawagas of the Multi-Faith Centre.
Australian participants from diverse backgrounds are also registering. “It will be very
enriching for Australian participants to engage with one another and with their Asia-Pacific
counterparts,” said Ms Cawagas, “and a valuable opportunity to establish on-going
connections for fostering peace-building initiatives in our region.”
To download a promotional flyer with details of the programme and a registration form, go to or
13 December 2007
Contacts for more information:
Dr Virginia Cawagas
Tel: 3875 7051
Sr Wendy Flannery
Tel: 3350 5802