SCHOLARSHIPS FOR MASTERS EXCHANGE PROGRAM IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: A EUROPEAN-AUSTRALIAN ASIA-PACIFIC NEXUS (EAAPN) September 11, the Iraq war and globalisation underscore the fact that international relations are in flux. The European Union and the Asia-Pacific share common interests in responding to these challenges. Systematic, successful collaboration requires a new specialised generation of professionals, intellectual leaders and policy makers able to bridge Europe and the Asia-Pacific. The European Union and Australia's Department of Education, Science and Technology have committed a substantial amount of money to EAAPN. The EAAPN will provide high quality postgraduate teaching with student mobility between Europe and Australia. See also: 8 Scholarships of € 5,200 for one semester (of which € 1,000 max. for airfare) are still left for Sciences Po students! Spent a semester at an Australian consortium university plus two weeks at a second Australian consortium university! The Australian institutions involved are: University of Melbourne, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Griffith University, Brisbane, In order to be eligible you need to : Be a European citizen Have a valid (max. 2 years) IELTS (6,5) or TOEFL (577) or have spent at least one year at an English-medium university Be enrolled in a Master at Sciences Po allowing you to go for an exchange semester abroad More information: Asia Centre- Tel. 01 45 49 77 63