Scottish Interfaith Week Events 25th November – 2nd December 2012 All events are FREE unless otherwise stated. Some events are invitation only. INTERFAITH SCOTLAND A Celebration of Scottish Interfaith Week Sponsored by John Mason MSP 6 – 8pm, Thursday 29th November, Scottish Parliament The theme of Scottish Interfaith Week this year is ‘Celebration’. In place of our usual launch event at the start of the week, Interfaith Scotland is delighted to host ‘A Celebration of Scottish Interfaith Week’ at the Scottish Parliament. The event is sponsored by John Mason MSP. Roseanna Cunningham, Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs, will give a keynote address to those gathered which will be followed by a vegetarian buffet supper. Invitation Only Interfaith Scotland National Youth Conference 11am – 4pm, Saturday 17th November, University of Dundee Interfaith Scotland’s National Youth Conference will take place at the University of Dundee’s Dalhousie Building. The topic is 'Faith in Peace Building' and the event is open to young people aged 16 - 35 from all faiths and none. For further details and for an application form, please contact Frances Hume: or phone our office on 0141 420 6982. ABERDEEN Tuesday 20th November ‘Beyond Tolerance’ 7.30pm, University Chaplaincy, Old Aberdeen AB24 3EE We invite you to come and watch ‘Beyond Tolerance’, a short film and education resource which explores the world of Interfaith from different perspectives and to then discuss this inspiring documentary. ABERDEEN CONTINUED Sunday 25th November University Interfaith Service 11am, Kings College Chapel, Old Aberdeen AB24 3FX All are very welcome to attend the University of Aberdeen’s Interfaith Service and Kirking of the students’ association. Contact Rev Easter Smart for more details: Saturday 1st December ‘Human Library’ 10am – 3pm, Central Library Aberdeen Representatives of faith groups in Aberdeen will become live “books”, giving talks on their faiths and answering questions. Thursday 13th December ‘Light and Faith’ 7.30pm University Chaplaincy, Old Aberdeen AB24 3EE Audrey and Keith Mellard from the Bahá'i faith will light the seven candles of unity, followed by a discussion of the importance of light for different faith groups. CENTRAL SCOTLAND Sunday 25th November ‘Soul Space’ 6.15pm, Queen Street Methodist Church, Stirling Bring and share a vegetarian supper, then a sharing of reflections on the theme of ‘Influential Women half forgotten in our traditions’. For further information contact John Cape: DUNDEE Tuesday 27th November ‘Sacred Earth’ 7pm, Hannah Maclure Centre, University of Abertay Dundee, Bell Street, Dundee Professor Seaton, a leading expert in a wide range of agricultural and rural design issues, will explore the relationship between technologically dependent humanity and the natural environment. Refreshments will be served afterwards. Everyone welcome. DUMFRIES Thursday 29th November ‘A Celebration of Scottish Interfaith Week’ 11am, Multicultural Centre, Dumfries A morning of food, families and friendship to celebrate Scottish Interfaith Week. Contact Melinda Dolan for more details: ‘Time for Reflection’ There will be a Time for Reflection before the start of the Full Council meeting by Reverend Neil Campbell. Friday 30th November ‘See Me’ Pledge United Reform Church, Annan Representatives from several faith communities in Dumfries and Galloway are coming together to sign the ‘See me’ pledge at the United Reform Church in Annan. ‘See me’ is Scotland’s national campaign to tackle the stigma and discrimination of mental ill-health, and aims to raise awareness on this important issue through public campaigns and encouraging groups and individuals to sign the ‘See me…’ pledge as a way of showing their commitment. More information at Invitation only EDINBURGH Sunday 25th November Launch of Interfaith Week Programme 4.30pm - 5.30pm: St Johns Church, Princes Street (Lothian Road). At the launch event, we will be outlining Edinburgh Interfaith Association’s Interfaith Week Programme. A presentation will be given to Victor Spence, former General Secretary of Edinburgh Interfaith Association followed by an introduction from the new Edinburgh Interfaith Association General Secretary, Iain Stewart. There will also be a multi-faith / cultural entertainment programme. 5.45pm -6.45pm: Social gathering after event. A chance to network, learn more about Edinburgh Interfaith Association and the programme for the week, what happens behind the scenes and meet some new friends. Monday 26th November Interfaith Week Community Meal 6pm-7pm, Church Hall, St John’s Church, Princes Street (Lothian Road) Come and join us for a ‘taster’ of our monthly Community Meal during Interfaith Week. The Edinburgh Interfaith Association hosts a Community Meal in the Church Hall of St John’s Church, Princes Street on the first Monday of every month. All food is vegetarian and there is a vegan option by request. ‘Islam’s Influence on Judaism’ 7pm, Martin Hall, New College, University of Edinburgh, the Mound A lecture by Rabbi Mark Solomon with a response from Christian and Muslim representatives. Mark Solomon is Rabbi of the Edinburgh and Manchester Liberal Jewish Communities, Associate Chair of the Rabbinic Board of Liberal Judaism and Interfaith Consultant for Liberal Judaism. For more information visit: or email: Wednesday 28th November Civic Café - One Last Request 7pm-8pm, St Andrews & St Georges West, Shandwick Place At the end of our lives we would all like to think that our dying wishes are followed through, whether we would want to be cremated, buried or our ashes scattered according to our tradition. At present next of kin have rights to decide what happens to the body of a loved one when they pass away. Is this right? What happens when their beliefs conflict? EDINBURGH CONTINUED Friday 30th November – Sunday 2nd December Three Faiths, Three Friends, Three Encounters The Edinburgh Interfaith Association and the ‘Three Faiths Forum’ Edinburgh welcome people to a unique three day programme of dialogue whereby we welcome faith teachers from three of the Abrahamic traditions to one another’s services of worship. The programme will see representatives visit Blackhall Mosque on the Friday, Edinburgh Jewish Synagogue on the Saturday and Mayfield Salisbury Church on the Sunday. One of the event organizers Bashir Malik said, "We must show respect for each other from the core of our hearts, and these visits to each other's place of worship is the best way to express our respect and commitment to contributing to achieving peace and harmony within our communities". For further details please contact: Reverend Ian Gilmour at Friday 30th November Freedom to Practice Religion 10 – 11am, St Marks Unitarian Church, Castle Terrace A conversation between Ewan Aitken (Church of Scotland Minister and City Councillor) and Ravinder Kaur Nijjar (Scottish Sikh Women's Association and the Co-Chair of Religions for Peace European Women of Faith Network) on how far religious freedoms should extend. The discussion follows on from recent debates surrounding religious groups’ rights to maintain traditional practices such as carrying and wearing symbols / articles of clothing central to their faith (e.g. kirpan, hijab, crucifix). Saturday 1st December Screening of teachings by His Holiness the 17th Karmapa ‘How to Become a Good Person by having the wish to benefit others’ 10.30am – 12.30pm, Kagyu Samye Dzong Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre for World Peace and Health, 4 Walker Street, Edinburgh EH3 7LA This film screening is an opportunity to hear words of wisdom of benefit to people of all faiths and none from the head of the Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. The teaching lasts approximately one and a half hours and is followed by a chance to meet and chat over a cuppa and biscuits. Suggested donation £5 on the door. EDINBURGH CONTINUED: Saturday 1st December Bollywood Dreams: £8 (£6) 2pm – 3.15pm, St John’s Church, Princes Street. £8 (£6) tickets on the door £1 from every ticket sold will go to Mary’s Meals. One of the UK’s best upcoming Bollywood singers, Scotland’s very own talent, SAJ SABRI, will be performing for us at this unique interfaith event. This young artist has been performing in front of large audiences since the age of 12 and his awe-inspiring melodious voice has entertained hundreds of audiences for over a decade. Sunday 2nd December The Labyrinth 6.30 - 8.30pm, Polwarth Parish Church, 36-38 Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh, EH11 1LU Polwarth Parish Church warmly invites you to celebrate with a pot-luck supper and an introduction to THE LABYRINTH. Bring food to share (tea, coffee and juice provided). Meet local people of other faiths and experience the labyrinth as meditation, prayer and pilgrimage. To RSVP or for further details please contact: Meet Your Bahá'i Neighbour 2pm – 4pm, The Edinburgh Bahá'i Centre, 44 Albany Street, EH1 3QR The Bahá'i Community invite you to come and experience Bahá'i worship, hear a short introduction to the Bahá'i faith with the opportunity for questions, then we are further invited to enjoy light refreshments. Sunday 2nd December The Big Inter-Faith Quiz 7pm, St Marks Unitarian Church, Castle Terrace Following the success of last year’s Big Inter-Faith Quiz, we invite you to flex your grey matter once again and show us how much you know about the world’s great faith traditions. Remember, the more religiously diverse your team is, the greater chance you have of being crowned Big Inter-Faith Quiz Champions! Tea, coffee and delicious kosher cakes will be served. For more information please contact: Iain Stewart on 0131 228 8146 or at You can enter a team or come as an individual and be assigned to a team on the night. EDINBURGH CONTINUED Saturday 8th December On Being: Powerful What does it mean to be a woman? A Celebration of Strength and Sisterhood. 2 – 4pm, Venue to be confirmed. A women-only safe space for sharing our thoughts on power (positive and negative) in our lives, our relationships, our faith communities. How do we support one another, grieve our losses, come together in times of crisis, and celebrate our triumphs? We imagine the answers are as varied as there are women. In partnership with Edinburgh Inter Faith Association, Edinburgh Women's Interfaith Group and Scottish Women's Aid, this event takes place within the international campaign, ‘16 days of Activism Against Gender Violence’ aiming to strengthen networks of women working towards justice in their communities. Space is limited. Please RSVP by December 3 to Julia Cato at Educational Visits by Religious Leaders A number of Edinburgh’s religious leaders and faith community representatives will visit schools in Edinburgh and the Lothians. They will deliver short educational presentations to assist understanding of the world’s religions and the diversity of belief and practices. They will also engage in question and answer sessions on their respective faith traditions, as well as challenging local and global matters of concern. For schools who would like to take up these opportunities please call Edinburgh Inter Faith Association on 0131 228 8146. Advent World Religions Study Programme Edinburgh Inter Faith Association is delighted to support the advent study programme at St James Church, Portobello which will see speakers from four different faith traditions deliver an introduction to their faith followed by small group discussion. EDINBURGH CONTINUED December 15th Tinderbox Festival Venue: Roxy Art House Edinburgh 2 Roxburgh Place, Old Town The Tinderbox Project’s vision is a cultural landscape in which young people have a place and a voice, and where their views, experiences and ideas are listened to and valued by society. Music and the arts are used to achieve positive social change and create far-reaching and accessible opportunities for young people. The Tinderbox arts festival brings together people from different backgrounds and communities, in which they all collaborate in creating a really exciting event. During the Festival on December 15th there will be a collaborative exhibition with workshops including: Beyond the Vale - Arts and crafts workshops with Muslim boys aged 10-13, Kaimes School: Sikh Sanjog/ Wester Hailes Arts Learning and Eduction (WHALE) For further details contact Jack Nissan: FIFE Wednesday 28th November Inaugural Interfaith Lecture: ‘Does Interfaith Dialogue have a Future?’ The Very Reverend David Arnott 7.30pm, Adam Smith Theatre Beveridge Suite, Kirkcaldy The Very Reverend David Arnott, retired Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, will be sharing about his experiences at the gathering of World Faiths hosted by Pope Benedict in Assisi in 2011, his visits to Israel and Palestine and to the Annandale Mosque in Edinburgh. For more information, contact the Fife Interfaith Group at: or ‘I Speak for Myself’ Exhibition Adam Smith College : 26th - 28th November at the Atrium, St Brycesdale Campus 29th- 30th Stenton Campus, Glenrothes AMINA Muslim Women’s Resource Centre has produced an inspiring and informative exhibition which shares photos, personal messages and experiences of Muslim women in Scotland in order to combat the negative stereotypes they face. GLASGOW ‘Inspiring Communities through Engagement’ Islam Information Scotland Islam Information Scotland will be delivering an outreach project over the course of Scottish Interfaith Week, giving the opportunity for non-Muslim faith groups and places of worship to facilitate meetings with mosques and Muslim organisations in their neighbourhood. For more details contact Mazhar Khan on 0141 574 4300 or email: Sunday 25th November ‘Your Jewish Journey’: Limmud Day 2012 Limmud is a special event for the Jewish community to come together and reflect on their faith. The theme for this year is ‘Your Jewish Journey’ and Frances Hume, Development Officer at Interfaith Scotland and Rose Drew, Project Manager of Interfaith Glasgow will lead an interfaith workshop looking at faith journeys of people from different faiths. Kumanga Andrahennadi, a Tibetan Buddhist, Dr Saeed Bhutta, a Muslim and Jo Love, a Christian, will share about their own faith journeys. This workshop is only open to people who are attending the full day of workshops for which there is a fee. Monday 26th November ‘Communities Together: Build a Bridge’ 4 – 6pm, St Anne’s Primary School, 35 David Street, Glasgow, G40 2UN Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) will take place in January 2013. The HMD Trust has launched a Music and Voice programme, giving organisers the opportunity to use their voice to ‘Build a Bridge’ between their communities and the rest of the UK. A two hour workshop will be taking place on 26th November from 4 – 6pm, which will show you how to interpret, teach and incorporate the specially commissioned song A Bridge of Voice, within the setting of an HMD activity, joining with groups all over the UK and singing A Bridge of Voice at the same time on either 27 or 28 January 2013. The workshops are for everyone, no matter what your musical ability or whether you prefer to sing or play an instrument. Further information can be found at: Please call 020 7785 7029 or email with your full name, address and contact details if you wish to come along to St Anne’s Primary School. GLASGOW CONTINUED Monday 26th November Civic Reception 6pm, Glasgow City Chambers Hosted by the Lord Provost to celebrate Scottish Interfaith Week and an exciting new phase of interfaith engagement in Glasgow as the new project ‘Interfaith Glasgow’ gets underway. Invitation Only Tuesday 27th November The Catholic Committee for Interreligious dialogue is organising a seminar for people interested in interfaith relations. For further details contact Sister Isabel Smyth: Thursday 29th November “Chasing God” (Film) Meditation : 6:45pm Film : 7:10pm Sharing : 8:30pm Inner Space Glasgow, 277 High Street, Glasgow G4 0QS 0141 552 7446 / Narrated by award-winning comedian, Dawn French, this film addresses the subject: Why do humans believe in a higher power? By interviewing scientists, atheists and religious leaders from diverse faiths, this documentary explores the motivations of humankind to believe in something bigger and more powerful than itself. The film will be preceded by a meditation session and is followed by a time of sharing. Friday 30th November – Sunday 2nd December Jews, Christians and Muslims in the West End of Glasgow All are welcome to attend the following visits to places of worship in Glasgow: Friday 30th November, Muslim prayers at Carrington Street Mosque at 1.30pm Saturday 1st December, Jewish synagogue service at Garnethill Synagogue Sunday 2nd December, Christian service at one of the local churches Tuesday 4th December, participants are invited to visit St Bride’s Church in Hyndland Road where there will be the opportunity to reflect on the above visits. Contact Isabel Smyth for more details: GLASGOW CONTINUED Friday 30th November ‘Sharing Light’ 5 – 7pm, Blessed John Duns Scotus Church, Gorbals An event organised by Bridging the Gap, an organisation working with young people to reduce sectarianism and supporting asylum seekers and refugees of all ages. All are welcome to attend our Interfaith Week event on the theme of light. ‘Religious Reform: Keeping Faith in the Straight and Narrow’ 6pm, Lecture Theatre 2, Boyd Orr Building, Glasgow University, G12 8QQ The Glasgow Ahlulbayt Society invites you to an event for interfaith week on the topic of ‘Religious Reform’. Rev Sally Foster Fulton from the Church of Scotland and Sheikh Haneef will speak and answer questions on the importance of continuous reformation within the practice and application of religion and the importance of reformation within the religious individual. All welcome. ‘Inspiring Interfaith Dialogue in Schools’ St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art Organised by Interfaith Glasgow, this event at the St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art brings together secondary school pupils from across Glasgow to engage in dialogue, find out more about interfaith work and gain skills to help them develop their own interfaith groups in schools. Monday 3rd December ‘Women of Faith’ 9.30 – 11.30am, Arlington Street Mosque, 31 Arlington Street, G3 6DT Come along to the mosque to share with women of all faiths and none. We meet on the first Monday of each month to get to know one another, find common ground and discuss different topics in an informal setting. All women are welcome, as are children, and refreshments will be provided. Contact Khalida for more details: PAISLEY Sunday 25th November Interfaith Service 11am – 12pm, Wallneuk North Church of Scotland Abercorn Street, Paisley, PA3 4AB, Scotland All are welcome to attend this interfaith service. Please note the change of date. Tuesday 27th November Student Interfaith Lunch 12.30 – 1.30pm, Reid Kerr College, Paisley Students of Reid Kerr College are invited to attend an interfaith lunch to find out about the work of Interfaith Scotland and to engage in dialogue. SHETLAND Wednesday 28th November ‘Dialogue in Nigeria’ (Film) 7.30pm, Room 10, Islesburgh Community Centre A documentary film outlining the story of Christian and Muslim young adults in Nigeria who meet in face-to-face dialogue. “The soul’s oldest memory is of union, And the soul’s deepest longing is for reunion”. SKYE Saturday 1st December ‘Reflections on Peace’ 10am – 12pm, St Columba’s Episcopal Church, Portree A discussion on how to establish peaceful practices in our being, thinking, creating and sharing. There will be refreshments and everyone is welcome.