Qu-ests (35%)

Cognitive Tutor ® Geometry
Classroom Policies and Expectations
Mr. Funfar
Room #208
(412) 833-1600 ext. 2635
By the end of this course, you will have experienced the major components of geometry. Topics will
include, but are not limited to, Perimeter/Area, Volume/Surface Area, Introduction to
Angles/Triangles, Right Triangle Geometry, Parallel/Perpendicular Lines, Transformations,
Quadrilaterals, Circles, and Trigonometry.
This course is designed to prepare you for future math courses as well as the “real world.” Thus, you
will be expected to take responsibility for your own learning. This means, that I expect you to
complete homework assignments regularly, to be an active participant and listener in the class, to work
cooperatively with your peers as well as with me, and to come to class organized, prepared, and ready
to learn. In addition, it will be up to you to realize when you need extra help and/or practice.
Grading Policy
Grading will be based on six main categories – Homework, Projects, Accountability Activities, Computer
Lab, Qu-ests, and Semester Exams. Please note that grades are weighted by category.
Homework/Notebook (5%)
Homework will be assigned and graded on a regular basis. Each assignment is typically worth
10 points. You are expected to at least try every problem. Assignments are due at the
beginning of class. Late homework will be accepted under extenuating circumstances; 80%
will be the maximum value earned.
All make-up assignments from a given section must be turned in by the day of the qu-est to
receive any credit. Once the qu-est is taken, no credit will be given for any assignment from
that particular section.
At times during the year, your notebook may be checked. You will be given a detailed rubric
for each notebook check at least a week in advance. It is your responsibility to keep a neat
AND organized notebook.
Homework Expectations
All problems must be attempted.
All work must be shown, including explanations (as appropriate).
All pictures must be drawn (as appropriate).
All students must check their work and ask questions when the homework is gone over
in class.
Projects (10%)
During each chapter, students will be provided an opportunity to illustrate their understanding
of geometric concepts in a manner beyond the traditional paper/pencil exam (i.e. qu-ests).
Projects represent a main component of alternative assessment to help ensure that students
are grasping the geometric concepts discussed in class.
Most projects will be completed individually and outside of the classroom; occasionally students
will work in class on project and/or in groups (that they select).
All students will be given at least 1 week to complete any project. The teacher will help provide
cues for “chunking” the project into smaller, more manageable parts.
Projects are assigned either during or at the end of a chapter. There is, on average, one
project per chapter.
Accountability Activities (15%)
Class work will regularly be collected for a grade. Warm-Ups may also be collected for points.
You will have 3-5 minutes from the time that the late bell rings to complete warm-ups, so be
sure to get to class quickly!
You will often be required to work cooperatively with other students to complete in class
assignments. Each student is required to participate by answering assigned questions and
helping teammates. Students who do not participate will not receive full credit on team
assignments. Teams may be required to present solutions to the class. Active participation,
cooperation, and effort may positively affect your grade for this course. At times, students
will receive a grade based on their team work in class.
You will be required to complete Write Abouts throughout the year. These will be assigned as
class work and/or homework. Write Abouts require not just solving a problem, but writing a
detailed explanation to a mathematical problem. Each Write About is worth 6 points. Write
About style questions also appear on each test to ensure students are truly grasping the
concepts and able to apply their knowledge to real-world situations.
Some worksheets will be assigned and graded for accuracy. Students will be given at least 3
days to complete these assignments. These worksheets contain many real world problems and
extensions of what we did in class. Students should get help during lab days if needed and also
utilize the resource center (and their learning support teacher if applicable).
Computer Lab (25%)
 Students will work two days a week on the Cognitive Tutor computer program. This amazing
program adjusts to the student’s level of understanding on a particular skill and provides the
appropriate amount of practice and remediation.
Students can work on the computer lab outside of class on any computer that has Internet
access. Students are EXPECTED to work on the computer lab outside of class when they are
not assigned any traditional homework. It is recommended that students set aside 30 to 60
minutes of a time a week outside of class to work on the Cognitive Tutor computer program.
Since this program is individualized though, the actual time may vary, but all students are
expected to meet the benchmarks at the end of each chapter.
Students will earn 10 points for each completed lab section. At the end of each chapter is a
post-test. The post-test is also worth 10 points, but is graded based on the student’s
proficiency. Students can earn 10, 8, 6, or 4 based on their accuracy (advanced, proficient,
basic, below basic). The post- test must be completed in class; all other parts of the lab can be
completed outside of the classroom.
If a student does not meet the benchmark (i.e. complete the units by the chapter qu-est),
he/she can still work on the previous lab chapter and earn up to 80% of the points.
o Students must work on the previous labs OUTSIDE of class only.
o Students must TELL the teacher when they have completed the previous lab; otherwise
they will not receive the partial credit
o Students can complete the previous chapter’s lab through the end of a semester.
Qu-ests (35%)
Qu-ests (QUiz and tEST put together!) are MAJOR part of your grade. There is typically a
mid-chapter qu-est as well as a chapter qu-est (depending on the length of a chapter). It is
important to take notes, complete all of your homework, and study for these qu-ests. A
thorough review guide is provided for each qu-est (it looks exactly like the actual qu-est, but
numbers are changed). The answer key for review guides for qu-ests will ALWAYS be posted
on my teacher page at least a day before the actual qu-est.
Semester Exams (10%)
There will be two Semester Exams during the year. Each Semester Exam will cover the
material from that semester only. A review guide will be given for each semester exam that is
VERY similar to the actual exam. In some cases on the multiple choice portion has been
removed and numbers are changed.
Grading Scale
You will receive a letter grade at the end of each nine-week term and at the completion of each
semester. Your Term grade will be based on the total points that you earn during the grading
period. Semester grades will be based on a cumulative total of your performance for the two
nine weeks and on the semester exam.
Grading Scale:
o 89.45 – 100% A
o 79.45 – 89.44% B
o 69.45 – 79.44% C
o 60.00 – 69.44% D
o Below 60.00% F
Online Resources: The Where and What…
Teacher Page
Accessing the Class Website: USC High School => Teacher Pages => Fisher, S. => Algebra 2
NO PASSWORD IS REQUIRED; students, parent(s)/guardian(s) as well as tutors can access
o Contact information
o Links to the the CT program, Edline, Blended Schools, and syllabus
Blended Schools
Accessing Blended Schools: http://blendedschools.blackboard.com
Requires username and password
o Weekly agendas with homework for each night
o Completed handouts/answer keys to class notes, practice, and review guides
 These are posted the day of a lesson for students to review and utilize.
Accessing the Edline: www.edline.net
Requires username and password; email Mr. Todd Ollendyke, tollendyke@uscsd.k12.pa.us with ?’s
o Long term calendar (typically by chapter); including assessment dates
o Nightly homework assignments posted on the calendar
o Grade reports updated frequently
Cognitive Tutor Computer Program
In addition to the textbook, class notes, and practice worksheets you receive from me, you will also be
completing the Cognitive Tutor Computer program. Once students complete a unit, he/she can go back
and utilize the “review mode” to practice for a qu-est. Students are encouraged to utilize the “review
mode” to help prepare for qu-ests.
Need Help??
Utilize all the aforementioned online resources (teacher, Edline, Cognitive Tutor webpages)
Get extra help in the Resource Center. Math teachers will be there, ready to help, throughout
the day.
Meet with Mr. Funfar before or after school (as schedule permits). Please know that teachers
have many obligations and meetings both before and after school; be patient and flexible.
Materials Needed
1.5” - 2” 3-ring Binder (we use strictly handouts based on the Cognitive Tutor model)
Pencil(s) and Pen(s)
Loose Leaf Paper
A scientific calculator such as a TI-30 is sufficient; a graphing calculator is not needed
You are responsible for bringing all required materials to class. This includes a pencil, calculator, and
notebook. No one will be excused to go to their locker to get something needed for class.
Classroom Expectations
We ARE…Accountable, Respectful, & Exceptional. These three guidelines for behavior place a wide
variety of expectations on you, the student, and I, the teacher. Failure to comply with this
expectation will result in the following actions:
a. Warning
b. Removal from assigned seat.
c. Removal from classroom. You will be required to complete all work assigned that day in the
Dean’s office. Parent(s) or guardian(s) will be contacted. Discipline report will be filed.
2. Aggressive behavior, vandalism, and offensive language will not be tolerated. Discipline reports will
be filed.
3. NO cell phones, hats, iPods/iPads/Mp3 players, sleeping, note passing, etc. during class.
4. Any work done for another class in my classroom will be considered my work.
5. Water is the only beverage permitted in the classroom setting.
6. You are expected to check Edline and the teacher page on a regular basis for assignments and
progress reports. You are responsible for correcting any missing work and/or errors in my grade
book. If you miss a day, you should go onto these websites and print out the missing notes and
ATTEMPT the homework. These materials have been posted for you to utilize, not for show.
7. WORK hard, maintain a positive attitude and be active in class!
Attendance Policy
Attendance is important to maintain good grades, and it is expected that any missed work will be done.
Tardiness to class will be unacceptable. Students who are late for class 3 times without a pass
will result in a discipline report.
Absences from class
All class work and homework assignments missed should be completed as soon as possible.
Students should get notes from my website or from classmates prior to coming to class the
day he/she returns so that missed homework assignments could be completed.
All missing assignments should be turned in before the corresponding quiz/test. Once the
quiz/test is taken, all missing assignments become a zero.
If you miss the day of the qu-est, you will take it the next day during free mods or class.
However, you will be responsible for the missed work if you choose to take it during class.
If you miss ONE day before the qu-est (review day) you will take it with everyone else,
unless you come see me during homeroom.
Multiple absences will be handled on an individual basis. (Two week maximum)
Absences from class due to truancy
Any student who cuts class will receive a zero for any work due in class that day. (including qu-ests).
Truancy also results in a discipline report.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying homework, telling students in other classes about the
problems or answers from a quiz or test, storing test answers or formulas in a graphing
calculator/cellular phone/MP3 device, copying from another student during class, or sharing calculators
during an assessment. Cheating on homework, quizzes, tests, or other assignments is punishable under
the school discipline code. Anyone caught cheating will receive a score of zero for that assignment,
quiz, or test and/or a discipline report will be issued.
A note to you, the student…
I am looking forward to an exceptional year with all of you in Cognitive Tutor ® Geometry! I
know that together we can accomplish GREAT things in this class. You are capable of doing well in
mathematics and with hard work, effort, and dedication I guarantee you will thrive in geometry!
Also, I want you to learn mathematics and at the same time ENJOY it! Math can be fun, just
have an open mind and a positive attitude! Those things go a long way not only in the classroom, but
also in life. I will be working very hard to keep things interesting every day in class.
Finally, I set high standards for my students, but also for myself as a teacher. If you ever
have concerns or questions, please come and see me so we can discuss them together. Do not hesitate
to email me with questions or stay after school for extra help. I am more than willing to do whatever
it takes for you to succeed.
Most Sincerely,
M. Funfar 
Note: I reserve the right to change/modify this syllabus, as I deem necessary. You will be notified
immediately if changes occur.