<html> <body> <body bgcolor=white> <head> <title> Pete's primitive math page </title> </head> <h1 align=center> HELLO WORLD! YOU'VE FOUND PETE WILSON'S MATH HOMEPAGE! </h1> <h2 align=center> This page is under construction, but does currently contain some relevant and interesting links (many more math links in the future!) </h2> <P>Click <A HREF=" http://www.geom.umn.edu/~wilson/Monge8.html ">here </A>to see my response to question #8 of the Monge's theorem homework for math 5337. <p> <CENTER><A HREF="http://espnet.sportszone.com/"><IMG SRC="http://www.publabs.umn.edu/publab/images/new3d.gif" HSPACE=5 BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER></A> <I><FONT SIZE=+2>Sports are another fantastic passion of mine!!! If you share this interest, click on that spinning little NEW do- hickey to the left to go to a staple homepage in any sports guru's diet.</FONT></I></CENTER> <CENTER><IMG SRC="135040t.jpg" ></CENTER> <CENTER><IMG SRC="135110t.jpg" ></CENTER> <P>Below is a picture of my charming wife, Jodie, and I chowing down on frog legs in Mexico! <P> <center><IMG SRC="frogs.jpg" ></center> <P>Click <A HREF="MAILTO:wilso087@gold.tc.umn.edu">here </A>to comment on my page. <P>Click <A HREF=" http://www.geom.umn.edu/~hipp/group.html ">here </A>to go to Karina H's and my group web page for math 5337. </body> </html>