Social Science 4 EP CLASSROOM PROGRAMMING Programming of teaching units edebé Lesson 1. The Earth 1. Objectives in terms of competencies and in relation to multiple intelligences 1. Begin learning about and putting into practice strategies for information and communication, developing strategies for processing information to put into practice the competencies involved in the performance of everyday tasks, using different methods, sources and texts. (Learning to Learn / Intrapersonal Intelligence) 2. Learn how to define problematic situations in the environment that are close to their reality, as well as in areas that are further away, considering possible solutions to obtain sufficient knowledge and application of the elements of the landscape, the Universe, climate and geographical diversity, where the students will design small investigations, analyse and communicate results using measurement tools, tables or graphic representations. (Mathematical. Science and technology / Naturalistic Intelligence) 2. List of Content / Grading Criteria / Learning standards Content • Presentation of the content of the unit. P • Introduction to the vocabulary of the unit. P • The Solar System: components and location. C Grading Criteria • Obtain specific and relevant information on previously determined facts and phenomena, using different (direct and indirect) sources, together with information and communication technology to obtain information, learning and expressing content on Social sciences. • Distinction: asteroid, satellite, meteor, comet. C • Revolution and rotation. C • Day and night. C • The moon and its phases. P • Solar eclipse. P • Lunar eclipse. P • Parallels and meridians. C • Describe the main characteristics of the Solar System and identify different types of stars and their characteristics by locating the planet Earth in the Solar System. • Identify and describe the layers of earth based on their structure, explaining their basic characteristics, exploring and becoming familiar with the different ways to depict the Earth, using and handling plans, maps, planispheres and globes, correctly locating geographical elements and handling the concepts of parallels, meridians and coordinates. Learning standards • Searches for, selects and organises specific and relevant information, analyses it, draws conclusions, reflects on the process followed and communicates it orally and in writing. • Describes the characteristics, components and movements of the Solar System, identifying the Sun in the centre of the Solar System and locating the planets according to their proximity. • Identifies and depicts the axis of the Earth’s rotation and the geographic poles. • Identifies images that show the movement of the Earth around the Sun as it turns on its axis. • Associates the passing of seasons with these movements. • Depicts the Earth’s parallels and meridians. • Locate a point based on coordinates. P • Distinguishes latitude from longitude. • Time zones. C • Is aware of the usefulness of a telescope. • Various types of maps, distinction. C • Understands how mankind reached the conclusion that the Earth was round. • Purpose of the scales and symbols in maps. C • Distinction between biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. C • Describes some of mankind’s trips into space and landing on the Moon. • Explains the different depictions of the Earth, plans, maps, planispheres and globes. • Identifies and classifies the different types of maps, including planispheres. • Defines the scale on a map and uses and interprets the most typical conventional signs that may appear in it. • Locates different points on the Earth using parallels and meridians and geographic coordinates. TRANSVERSAL TEACHINGS – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – LEARNING ACTIVITIES Study the names of the planets with mnemonic rules and share them in class. Research on meteorites, satellites, comets and asteroids. Draw the Solar System. Understand why night and day exist. Create a clay model of the Earth’s rotation and present it in class. Understand the reasons for and how the different seasons work. Search for and share information on the moon and the first man to walk on it. Research on famous astronauts. Understand what a solar eclipse is, the best place to see one and the safest way to do so. Distinguish between a solar and a lunar eclipse. Locate points on a map using parallels and meridians. Know what parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude are. Relate our country’s time with the time of other countries. Go into detail about the different time zones. Decide what type of map is best for depicting different elements. Understand how it was discovered that the Earth was round and what types of maps exist. Differentiate the symbols that appear on a map. Understand the importance of ice for the Earth, and the problems that would arise if the glaciers melt. Differentiate between the four spheres: biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. OTHER ACTIVITIES INITIAL EVALUATION MOTIVATION Class group – Brainstorm ideas on the key content of the lesson to focus attention and be able to activate the previous knowledge necessary (in this case, planet Earth, the reasons why it is called the blue planet, and why there is light in one part of the planet and not the other). – – – COMPETENCIES AND MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES SUPPLEMENTARY Ask the students questions on the movement of the Earth and the consequence it has on our planet’s climate. Afterward students will observe the wall and must respond to questions asked by the teacher such as what weather phenomena do they associate with the different seasons. Present the fundamental vocabulary of the lesson. Explain to the students that in this lesson they will look at topics related to the Solar System, movement of the Earth, seasons, the moon, eclipses, depiction of the Earth, scales, symbol maps and time zones. Carry out a study to discover the climate effects that arise when warm air meets cold air. Students should follow a methodology: Make a hypothesis, Experiment and Analyse. They’ll have to establish a hypothesis on what happens when cold air clashes with hot air. Then, with the teacher’s help, they’ll carry out the experiment indicated, with water, ice and matches. Once the result has been observed, they can decide whether their hypothesis was correct and reach a conclusion. Students will have to do a science fair. To do so, they will need to start dividing into groups and choosing one of the experiments proposed in the book. Afterwards, they will follow the book’s instructions, conduct their experiment and explain it in a poster. Once the experiment and poster have been completed, they will prepare the science fair, exhibit their experiments and explain them to the audience. – We are the planets: listen to, learn and sing the planets rap and discuss its meaning with the teacher. – Our universe: visit a link with information on the Universe, discuss the information obtained and, using clay, mould the elements that are a part of the topics that grabbed the attention of the students the most. The models will be exhibited and the model with which they are related will be explained. – Isaac Newton: watch the video on how Isaac Newton discovered gravity and establish a dialogue through questions asked by the teacher. – Spin, spin and spin: form a large circle on the playground, spin in circles, increasing the speed and observing their surroundings. In the end they’ll sit on the ground and reflect on the movement following the questions raised by the teacher. – Moon phases: after viewing the videos on moon phases in groups of four or five, express said phases on a posterboard and listen to the song It’s time to shine. – Parallels and meridians: print various world maps and indicate the tropics, the poles, the parallels and meridians. Voluntarily, one group of students can propose to another coordinates to locate on the maps and correct the answers with sound arguments. – World globe: create a globe, indicating the Equator and the Greenwich meridian, as well as the rest of the parallels and meridians and oceans and continents. The works will be exhibited in the classroom. – Map scale: make a map to scale of a section of the school. The space will have to be measured with strides, an equivalent will have to be established and the plan drawn. Discuss the differences between the plans and reflect on the scales used in the different proposals. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY CURRICULAR ADJUSTMENT: Photocopiable sheets for review – Draw the Solar System. – Complete different phrases on space and the planets. Photocopiable sheets for further study – Relate the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and lithosphere with their drawing. – Complete different phrases related to life on Earth. – Explain why we should take care of planet Earth. GRADING THE UNIT Grading resources (material for the teacher) – Photocopiable grading sheet: • Define different types of maps. • Draw, colour and name the Solar System and all of its planets. COMPETENCIES / MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Course plan and teaching guidelines Indicators for on-going grading – Competencies work/Multiple Intelligences – Grading competencies / Multiple Intelligences Individual record. – Portfolio index. – Grading report. ACTIVITIES THAT PROMOTE READING AND DEVELOPMENT OF ORAL/WRITTEN EXPRESSION Reading Use reading comprehension strategies: - Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension). - Reading aloud. Comprehensively read text. Read other written texts, in digital format, interactive activities…, to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate. Read text fragments. O/W Expression Oral activities to break the ice, which allow an appropriate ambience to be established, and the topic to be introduced. Appropriately express orally/in writing the learning, using accurate vocabulary. Respond in writing to questions related to the content of the lesson. Listen to sounds corresponding to objects and actions and identify them. Observe and discuss images. Use open-ended questions, information search tasks, games … Sing songs. TIC ACTIVITIES Online resources ( – Interactive Digital Book. – Flashcards. – Listening exercises. Web links Video on the Solar System ( Video on rotation, day and night I ( Video on rotation, day and night II ( Revolution and the seasons I ( Revolution and the seasons II ( Link on eclipses: ( Game on parallels and meridians ( Link on parallels and meridians ( Link on time zones ( Link on the discovery that the Earth was round ( Link on maps ( Video on map symbols ( Link on the layers of the Earth: ( Song about the planets ( Rap about the planets ( Video on how Isaac Newton discovered gravity ( Videos with the students about the phases of the moon I ( Videos with the students about the phases of the moon II ( Song about the moon ( Earth, Parallels and Meridians, Latitude and Longitude video ( Link with world maps to print out ( Link on maps and their symbols ( Vivaldi’s Four Seasons ( Landscapes on the seasons to print out and paint I ( Landscapes on the seasons to print out and paint II ( MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A POSITIVE EVALUATION – – – – Is aware of the need to protect the Earth. Explains the Solar System and the Earth and moon’s rotation. Differentiates different types of maps and is able to read them. Understands time zones. GRADING CRITERIA – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Search, selection and organisation of specific and relevant information, which the student is able to analyse, obtain conclusions, reflect on the process followed and communicate it orally and in writing,. Description of the characteristics, components and movements of the Solar System, identifying the Sun in the centre of the Solar System and locating the planets according to their proximity. Identification and depiction of the axis of the Earth’s rotation and the geographic poles. Identification of images that show the movement of the Earth around the Sun as it turns on its own axis. Association of the passing of seasons with these movements. Depiction of the Earth’s parallels and meridians. Distinction of latitude from longitude. Awareness of the usefulness of a telescope. Understanding how mankind reached the conclusion that the Earth was round. Description of some of mankind’s trips into space and landing on the Moon. Explanation of the different depictions of the Earth, plans, maps, planispheres and globes Identification and classification of the different types of maps, including planispheres. Definition of the scale on a map and uses and interprets the most typical conventional signs that may appear in it. Location of different points on the Earth using parallels and meridians and geographic coordinates. METHODOLOGY MATERIALS AND RESOURCES – – – Student’s book Social Science 4, edebé Flashcards Murals Online resources – Interactive Digital Book – Listening exercises – Flashcards – Art and Science Other resources – Activity book Social Science 4, edebé – Digital whiteboard – Educational resources – Consumable material SPACES - TIMES – – Classroom; other spaces. Approximate time: three weeks. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES The proposed methodology promotes the construction of significant learning based on the following sequence: • Adjustment of the presentation of content to the students’ linguistic competence in English. • Initial motivation and evoking of previous knowledge. • Progressive and careful inclusion of content through examples taken from everyday situations, with contextualisations that allow learning to be transferred, generalised and expanded, and which connect with the identified competencies. • Application of lessons in various activities (application, reasoning, competencies and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive, review, further study...), organised by levels of difficulty and which facilitate the competencies work and the different cognitive styles of the students. • Various kinds of digital resources, using the digital whiteboard as well as the computer. These resources include activities integrated in the learning sequence, interactive activities and careful selection of Internet links. Lesson 1 STRUCTURE: – The lesson’s work is started with a two-page image related to the lesson’s content and which includes an exercise that evokes previous knowledge (Look and think). – The content that will be worked with is presented in the section You will learn about, in addition to the lesson’s key vocabulary (Vocabulary). – The content is developed in sequences, structured on double pages, the base of which is the image, which provides the basic reality reference points for understanding what will be explained. – Each sequence includes various learning activities, both oral and written, which allow the content to be worked with (Talk about it, Did you know?, Notebook activities, Online). – Investigate is a proposal that is found at the end of every two or three lessons. It is an experimental activity related to the content that is worked with and contains the main stages of the scientific method. – An integrated task or The challenge is presented with activities to work with and evaluate competencies and multiple intelligences. Contextualised activities are raised, referring to real and everyday situations for the students, in which they must put into practice and – apply what they’ve learnt. In these activities, the different skills and learning styles are taken into consideration (reading, reasoning, movement, dramatisation, artistic depiction…). Final activities in which the students can review the content through all sorts of activities. GRADING PROCEDURES AND INSTRUMENTS WRITTEN – – – – – Various tasks carried out by the student in the daily activity of the class. Various activities for grading the student (book, photocopiable sheets …). Group projects. TIC Activities: interactive, Internet links Individual report. Assessment of the approach and processes followed, as well as the result obtained. ORAL – – – – Individual and group questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test. Observation and assessment of the degree of participation of each student and the quality of their contribution. OTHERS Course plan and teaching guidelines Indicators for on-going grading – Competencies work/ Multiple Intelligences – Grading competencies / Multiple Intelligences Individual record. – Portfolio index. – Grading report. EVALUATION OF THE TEACHING PRACTICE ADJUSTMENT OF THE PLANNING There is coherence between what is programmed and the development of the classes. There is a balanced distribution of time. The class development is adapted to the group’s characteristics. Significant learning exercises were taken into account. Use of appropriate The interdisciplinary nature was considered (in activities, handling of content, etc.). methodology The methodology promotes students’ motivation and the development of skills. Degree of follow up with the students. Regulation of the teaching Validity of the resources used in class for learning. practice Promotion criteria are agreed by the teachers. The critieria for a positive evaluation are linked to the objectives and the content. Evaluation of the learning Grading instruments allow various learning variables to be recorded. and information that is given by the teachers to the Grading criteria are adjusted to the types of activities planned. The Evaluation Criteria and the grading critera were given to: students and the families The students. The families. Measures are adopted ahead of time in order to become familiar with learning Use of measures that bear difficulties. in mind diversity A response was offered to the different skills and learning rhythms. The measures and resources offered were sufficient. Applies extraordinary measures recommended by the teaching team bearing in mind reports prepared by educational psychologists. Preparing the class and teaching materials ACADEMIC RESULTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS (NEE) – – – – – – … Individual attention in the classroom in order to carry out the proposed activities. Adaptation of the activities of the programme. Individual attention inside and outside of the classroom in order to carry out the adapted activities. Significant curricular adaptation for NEE. Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity. Adaptations to the curricular material due to joining later in the school year. 1 … … 2 … … 3 … … Students 4 5 6 … … … … … … 7 … … 8 … … … Lesson 2. The Atmosphere 1. Objectives in terms of competencies and in relation to multiple intelligences 1. Develop habits that favour or strengthen the use of strategies for individual and group work in a cooperative fashion, in close contexts, presenting a responsible attitude, of effort and determination, of self-confidence, critical perspective, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in the construction of knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit, with the purpose of planning and managing projects related to everyday life. (Learning to learn / Intrapersonal Intelligence) 2. Learn how to define problematic situations in the environment that are close to their reality, as well as in areas that are further away, considering possible solutions to obtain sufficient knowledge and application of the elements of the landscape, the Universe, climate and geographical diversity, where the students will design small investigations, analyse and communicate results using measurement tools, tables or graphic representations. (Mathematical. Science and technology / Naturalistic Intelligence) 2. List of Content / Grading Criteria / Learning standards Content • Presentation of the content of the unit. P • Introduction to the vocabulary of the unit. P • The atmosphere. C • The weather. C • Weather elements and factors • Large climate zones of the planet. C • Types of climates in Spain and its immediate environment. C • Characteristics. Special vegetables from each climate zone in Spain. C • Meteorology and the seasons of the year. P • The weather and its factors. C • Characterisation of the weather: clouds, wind, precipitation and temperature. C • Predicting the weather. C Grading Criteria • Identify the atmosphere as the setting for meteorological phenomena and relate the layers that form it with each of their functions. Learning standards • Defines atmosphere, knows how it varies in altitude and descripes facts and characteristics of the layers that are detected in them. • Identify the weather, its factors and characteristics: clouds, wind, precipitation and temperature, explaining the seasons of the year. • Explains the importance of caring for the atmosphere and the consequences of not doing so. • Identify the weather stations: instruments and utilities, as well as some basic symbols of the climate maps and the characteristics of the climate. • Describe weather, be familiar with weather phenomena that allow us to characterise it, starting with registers and graphic representations of the weather. • Explain the difference between climate and weather, analysing the importance of the predictions in view of meteorological catastrophes. • Recognise the main weather phenomena, identifying their most relevant manifestations and identifying the characteristics of the seasons of the year. • Weather maps. C • Conventional symbols. P • Development of scientific thinking. P • Identify the devices that meteorologists use to obtain specific and accurate measurements on atmospheric conditions, assessing the importance of predicting weather in the lives of • Identifies and describes the alterations and imbalances that human beings produce in the natural environment and the causes that provoke it. • Identifies the main elements of weather that characterise the climate: temperature, humidity, wind and precipitation. • Describes the causes that produce the formation of clouds and precipitation. • Prepares and interprets simple temperature and precipitation graphs. • Interprets simple meteorological maps distinguishing their main elements. • Explains the need to conserve basic natural resources to guarantee sustainable development. • Shows sensitivity in view of environmental problems and responsible consumption. • Verification of the most important content of the unit. P people and in the economic activities of some sectors. • Interpret weather maps and recognise information used to describe and predict it. TRANSVERSAL TEACHINGS • Our heritage: understands the importance of the ozone layer as well as the danger it is in. • On line: is aware of climate change and its dangers. – – – – – – – – – – LEARNING ACTIVITIES Understand how the ozone layer functions and the threat of ultraviolet rays. Propose ways to protect crops, animals and our skin from ultraviolet rays. Differentiate between the climate of Spain and that of London and understand the reasons for this difference. Research climate changes of the region where they’ve lived during the last two years and become aware of the climate you live in. Understand what climate factors are and how they act. Search for, draw and write about the characteristics of climate, flora, fauna and the environmental effects of the region itself. Investigate and respond to questions on seasons. Understand how temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity and the wind influence the weather. Distinguish the different symbols on the weather map. Prepare a weather report using different symbols and explaining how the different phenomena are produced. OTHER ACTIVITIES INITIAL EVALUATION MOTIVATION Class group – Brainstorm ideas on the key content of the lesson to focus attention and be able to activate the previous knowledge necessary (in this case, the clouds that are observed in the image can be related to the air and ask the students whether all of the planets possess this essential element for the life). – – – COMPETENCIES AND MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES SUPPLEMENTARY Explain to the students that in this lesson they will study the composition of the atmosphere, the climate and weather, climate factors, climate areas, climates in Spain, the characteristics of the seasons, meteorological instruments and predictions and weather maps and their symbology. Present the fundamental vocabulary of the lesson. Show the mural of the lesson and ask questions about the different atmospheric phenomena and its influence on our everyday life. Carry out a study to discover the climate effects that arise when warm air meets cold air. Students should follow a methodology: Make a hypothesis, Experiment and Analyse. They’ll have to establish a hypothesis on what happens when cold air clashes with hot air. Then, with the teacher’s help they’ll carry out the experiment indicated, with water, ice and matches. Once the result has been observed, they can decide whether their hypothesis was correct and reach a a conclusion. Students will have to do a science fair. To do so, they will need to start dividing into groups and choosing one of the experiments proposed in the book. Afterwards, they will follow the book’s instructions, conduct their experiment and explain it in a poster. Once the experiment and poster have been completed, they will prepare the science fair, exhibit their experiments and explain them to the audience. – Blue sky, red sunset: in groups of four or five, answer why the sky changes colour and acquires red or orange tones during sunrise and sunset. The experiment will be carried out following the book’s instructions and they will discuss how light and colours work. – Climate vs Weather: watch the video that shows the difference between climate and weather and write down relevant phrases on strips of posterboard and hang them from the classroom ceiling. – Global warming: in groups of five, conduct an investigation on the causes and consequences of climate change and the Greenhouse effect. The work will be expressed on posterboard, which will be presented to their classmates and the information from the presentations will be summarsised in three phrases written on the whiteboard. – Flashcards: identify the climate conditions that appear on the flashcards, and, using the new vocabulary words, write down the definitions in a notebook, invent three short phrases and play hangman. The flashcards will be glued on paper wrapping paper leaving space, after searching for information on the Internet, to write questions asked by the teacher. – Climate map of Spain: trace with coloured pencils the climate areas on the map of Spain drawn by the teacher and add a colour code to identify the climatology. The map will be hung in the classroom. – Season interactive games: carry out activites related to the seaons of the year. – Windsock: create a wind sock following the book’s instructions and verify that it works on a windy day with the help of a compass. – Make a hypothesis: make a hypothesis on what happens when a mass of warm air collides with cold air. – Experiment: conduct an experiment following the steps detailed in the book. – Analyse: respond to the proposed questions and discuss the experience. – Learn how to: visit the proposed links in order to observe the different experiments. – Prepare your experiments: choose an experiment, carry it out, and explain it on posterboard. – The fair: organise a fair in a space like the playground or the gymnasium, show the posterboards and explain the experiments conducted. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY CURRICULAR ADJUSTMENT: Photocopiable sheets for review – Explain the difference between atmosphere and hydrosphere. – Explain the difference between climate and weather. – Draw and colour the different layers of the atmosphere. – Draw and colour a globe, indicating the tropics, equator and arctic circles, as well as the main climate zones. Photocopiable sheets for further study – – Briefly explain the characteristics of the seasons. Relate the different climates with their main characteristics. GRADING THE UNIT Grading resources (material for the teacher) – Photocopiable grading sheet: • Respond to different questions on the seasons. • Complete the table on weather factors. COMPETENCIES / MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Course plan and teaching guidelines Indicators for on-going grading – Competencies work/Multiple Intelligences – Grading competencies / Multiple Intelligences Individual record. – Portfolio index. – Grading report. ACTIVITIES THAT PROMOTE READING AND DEVELOPMENT OF ORAL/WRITTEN EXPRESSION Reading Use reading comprehension strategies: - Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension). - Reading aloud. Comprehensively read text. Read other written texts, in digital format, interactive activities…, to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate. Read text fragments. O/W Expression Oral activities to break the ice, which allow an appropriate ambience to be established, and the topic to be introduced. Appropriately express orally/in writing the learning, using accurate vocabulary. Respond in writing to questions related to the content of the lesson. Listen to sounds corresponding to objects and actions and identify them. Observe and discuss images. Use open-ended questions, information search tasks, games … Sing songs. TIC ACTIVITIES Online resources ( – Interactive Digital Book. – Flashcards. – Listening exercises. Web links Link on the atmosphere and the ozone layer ( Link on climate factors I ( Link on climate factors II ( Link on the global alert on planet Earth ( Link on symbols of the weather ( Video on the difference between climate and weather ( Activities related to the seasons of the year ( MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A POSITIVE EVALUATION – – – – – Understand what the ozone layer is and its importance. Distinguish the planet’s climate areas and the existing climate factors. Explain the differences among the four seasons. Understand the composition of the atmosphere. Write about climates in Spain. GRADING CRITERIA – – – – – – – – – Definition of atmosphere, knowledge of how it varies in altitude and description of acts and characteristics of the layers that are detected in them. Explanation of the importance of caring for the atmosphere and the consequences of not doing so. Identification and description of the alterations and imbalances that human beings produce in the natural environment and the causes that provoke it. Identification of the main elements of weather that characterise the climate: temperature, humidity, wind and precipitation. Description of the causes that produce the formation of clouds and precipitation. Preparation and interpretation of simple temperature and precipitation graphs. Interpretation of simple meteorological maps distinguishing their main elements. Explanation of the need to conserve basic natural resources to guarantee sustainable development. Demonstrates sensitivity in view of environmental problems and responsible consumption. METHODOLOGY MATERIALS AND RESOURCES – – – Student’s book Social Science 4, edebé Flashcards Murals Online resources – Interactive Digital Book – Listening exercises – Flashcards – Art and Science Other resources – Activity book Social Science 4, edebé – Digital whiteboard – Educational resources – Consumable material SPACES - TIMES – – Classroom; other spaces. Approximate time: three weeks. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES The proposed methodology promotes the construction of significant learning based on the following sequence: • Adjustment of the presentation of content to the students’ linguistic competence in English. • Initial motivation and evoking of previous knowledge. • Progressive and careful inclusion of content through examples taken from everyday situations, with contextualisations that allow learning to be transferred, generalised and expanded, and which connect with the identified competencies. • Application of lessons in various activities (application, reasoning, competencies and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive, review, further study...), organised by levels of difficulty and which facilitate the competencies work and the different cognitive styles of the students. • Various kinds of digital resources, using the digital whiteboard as well as the computer. These resources include activities integrated in the learning sequence, interactive activities and careful selection of Internet links. Lesson 2 STRUCTURE: – The lesson’s work is started with a two-page image related to the lesson’s content and which includes an exercise that evokes previous knowledge (Look and think). – The content that will be worked with is presented in the section You will learn about, in addition to the lesson’s key vocabulary (Vocabulary). – The content is developed in sequences, structured on double pages, the base of which is the image, which provides the basic reality reference points for understanding what will be explained. – Each sequence includes various learning activities, both oral and written, which allow the content to be worked with (Talk about it, Did you know?, Notebook activities, Online). – Investigate is a proposal that is found at the end of every two or three lessons. It is an experimental activity related to the content that is worked with and contains the main stages of the scientific method. – An integrated task or The challenge is presented with activities to work with and evaluate competencies and multiple intelligences. Contextualised activities are raised, referring to real and everyday situations for the students, in which they must put into practice and – apply what they’ve learnt. In these activities, the different skills and learning styles are taken into consideration (reading, reasoning, movement, dramatisation, artistic depiction…). Final activities in which the students can review the content through all sorts of activities. GRADING PROCEDURES AND INSTRUMENTS WRITTEN – – – – – Various tasks carried out by the student in the daily activity of the class. Various activities for grading the student (book, photocopiable sheets …). Group projects. TIC Activities: interactive, Internet links Individual report. Assessment of the approach and processes followed, as well as the result obtained. ORAL – – – – Individual and group questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test. Observation and assessment of the degree of participation of each student and the quality of their contribution. OTHERS Course plan and teaching guidelines Indicators for on-going grading – Competencies work/ Multiple Intelligences – Grading competencies / Multiple Intelligences Individual record. – Portfolio index. – Grading report. EVALUATION OF THE TEACHING PRACTICE ADJUSTMENT OF THE PLANNING There is coherence between what is programmed and the development of the classes. There is a balanced distribution of time. The class development is adapted to the group’s characteristics. Significant learning exercises were taken into account. Use of appropriate The interdisciplinary nature was considered (in activities, handling of content, etc.). methodology The methodology promotes students’ motivation and the development of skills. Degree of follow up with the students. Regulation of the teaching Validity of the resources used in class for learning. practice Promotion criteria are agreed by the teachers. The critieria for a positive evaluation are linked to the objectives and the content. Evaluation of the learning Grading instruments allow various learning variables to be recorded. and information that is given by the teachers to the Grading criteria are adjusted to the types of activities planned. The Evaluation Criteria and the grading critera were given to: students and the families The students. The families. Measures are adopted ahead of time in order to become familiar with learning Use of measures that bear difficulties. in mind diversity A response was offered to the different skills and learning rhythms. The measures and resources offered were sufficient. Applies extraordinary measures recommended by the teaching team bearing in mind reports prepared by educational psychologists. Preparing the class and teaching materials ACADEMIC RESULTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS (NEE) – – – – – – … Individual attention in the classroom in order to carry out the proposed activities. Adaptation of the activities of the programme. Individual attention inside and outside of the classroom in order to carry out the adapted activities. Significant curricular adaptation for NEE. Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity. Adaptations to the curricular material due to joining later in the school year. 1 … … 2 … … 3 … … Students 4 5 6 … … … … … … 7 … … 8 … … … Lesson 3. Hydrosphere 1. Objectives in terms of competencies and in relation to multiple intelligences 1. Begin learning about and putting into practice strategies for information and communication, developing strategies for processing information to put into practice the competencies involved in the performance of everyday tasks, using different methods, sources and texts. (Learning to Learn / Intrapersonal Intelligence) 2. Know and value our heritage and actively contribute to its conservation and maintenance, showing responsible and civil human conduct, collaborating in the reduction of the causes that generate pollution and climate change, in sustainable development and responsible consumption, by searching for alternatives to prevent and reduce them. (Mathematical. Science and technology / Naturalistic Intelligence) 2. List of Content / Grading Criteria / Learning standards Content • Presentation of the content of the unit. P • The water cycle. C Grading Criteria • Explain the hydrosphere, identify and name masses and watercourses, differentiating between surface water and groundwater, drainage basins and watersheds, describing the water cycle. • The distribution of water on the planet. C • Describe the river system of Spain and Europe. • Introduction to vocabulary of the unit. P Learning standards • Defines hydrosphere and identifies and names masses and inland watercourses and the movements of oceanic water and explains how they are distributed on the planet. • Describes in an organised fashion the phases in which the water cycle is produced. • Names and locates the oceans on a map. • Characteristics of inland water and seas. C • Parts of a river. C • Drainage basins. C • Knows the main accumulations and watercourses of the immediate environment. • Identifies and names the parts of a river and describes the characteristics of each one. • Main rivers in Spain. C • Names and locates on a map the largest rivers in Spain. • Main rivers in Europe. C TRANSVERSAL TEACHINGS Our heritage: understanding of the importance of water and its relationship to diarrhoea, the main cause of infant death in Sub-Saharan Africa. – – – – – – – – – – LEARNING ACTIVITIES Understand how the water cycle works and the different elements that comprise it. Understand what groundwater is and the importance it has for the Earth. Explain how rivers start and are formed as well as distinguish their source. Be aware of how human activity affects the river basins. Search for information on the importance of water for life and explain the importance of saving water. Become informed on how river basins work. Draw a map on Spain’s main rivers and explain their characteristics in class. Identify Spain’s main rivers on a map. Identify Europe’s main rivers on a map. Draw a map and compile information on Europe’s main rivers. OTHER ACTIVITIES INITIAL EVALUATION MOTIVATION Class group – Brainstorm ideas on the key content of the lesson to focus attention and be able to activate the previous knowledge necessary (in this case, reflect on the water found on the planet Earth as well as its importance for mankind, animals and plants and the phases of the cycle that this element completes). – – – – COMPETENCIES AND MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES SUPPLEMENTARY Explain to the students that in this lesson they will study the water cycles, the distribution of water in the world, the characteristics of the sea and inland water, surface water and ground water, the parts of the river and its basin, and the main rivers of Spain and Europe. Present the lesson’s main vocabulary. Show the lesson mural and ask questions on the role that water plays in different terrestrial habitats. The teacher should have the students reflect on the importance of water in all climates of the Earth. Show the students flashcards of different activities carried out by humankind. Students will have to respond to questions and indicate which flashcards correspond to the vocabulary and contents of the lesson. Conduct research with the objective of measuring the hardness of a mineral. Students should follow a methodology: Make a hypothesis, Experiment and Analyse. Students will establish a hypothesis on which mineral they think is the hardest. Then, they will follow the book’s instructions so that, with a file, a coin and a nail, they can establish the hardness of the minerals. Lastly, they will have to answer the questions raised and decide whether or not their initial hypothesis was correct. Create a model of the Earth’s surface. Students should start with their knowledge on the hydrosphere and geosphere thanks to two lessons in the book; then they will prepare a list of the elements that the model should include and search for images of the structure of the surface area in Spain. Following the book’s instructions, and using clay and other elements, they will complete the model and show it to their classmates. – Clean the water experiment: based on the need to clean existing drinking water, conduct the experiment following the book’s instructions and then reflect on the need for clean water based on the proposed questions. – Salt water vs. Fresh water: in pairs, conduct the experiment to differentiate between salt water and fresh water, and discuss the results with their classmates. – River vocabulary: write the words dictated by the teacher, search for their meaning and share the results in class. Then they will access to a link with information on rivers, marking relevant data and gluing them on a posterboard. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY CURRICULAR ADJUSTMENT: Photocopiable sheets for review: – Draw a mountain and a river and label the parts of the river. – Define the characteristics of the different types of water. – Write a list with the main rivers in Spain and the cities and towns through which they run. Photocopiable sheets for further study: – Relate precipation, collection and evaporation with their definitions. – Draw the water cycle, indicating the physical changes, and organising the different phases according to this same cylce. GRADING THE UNIT Grading resources (material for the teacher) – Photocopiable grading sheet: • Respond to questions about water. • Draw the water cycle and label its elements. COMPETENCIES / MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Course plan and teaching guidelines Indicators for on-going grading – Competencies work/Multiple Intelligences – Grading competencies / Multiple Intelligences Individual record. – Portfolio index. – Grading report. ACTIVITIES THAT PROMOTE READING AND DEVELOPMENT OF ORAL/WRITTEN EXPRESSION Reading Use reading comprehension strategies: - Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension). - Reading aloud. Comprehensively read text. Read other written texts, in digital format, interactive activities…, to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate. Read text fragments. O/W Expression Oral activities to break the ice, which allow an appropriate ambience to be established, and the topic to be introduced. Appropriately express orally/in writing the learning, using accurate vocabulary. Respond in writing to questions related to the content of the lesson. Listen to sounds corresponding to objects and actions and identify them. Observe and discuss images. Use open-ended questions, information search tasks, games … Sing songs. TIC ACTIVITIES Online resources ( – Interactive Digital Book. – Flashcards. – Listening exercises. Web links Link on the water ( Video on groundwater ( Video on water basins ( Game on rivers in Spain ( Link on European rivers ( Video on water ( Video on springs ( Images of hot springs in Iceland ( Video on a geyser ( Link on rivers ( Video on the Amazon river ( MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A POSITIVE EVALUATION – – – – Understands the importance of water in our lives. Differentiates between seas and inland water and the distribution of water in the world. Differentiates and can name of the elements of the water cycle. Can name the main rivers in Spain. GRADING CRITERIA – – – – – – Definition of hydrosphere and identification and naming of masses and inland watercourses and the movements of oceanic water and how it is distributed on the planet. Organised description of the phases in which the water cycles is produced. Mention and location of the oceans on a map. Knowledge of the main accumulations and courses of water in their immediate environment. Identification and naming of the parts of a river and description of the characteristics of each one of them. Mention and location on a map of the largest rivers in Spain. METHODOLOGY MATERIALS AND RESOURCES – – – Student’s book Social Science 4, edebé Flashcards Murals Online resources – Interactive Digital Book – Listening exercises – Flashcards – Art and Science Other resources – Activity book Social Science 4, edebé – Digital whiteboard – Educational resources – Consumable material SPACES - TIMES – – Classroom; other spaces. Approximate time: three weeks. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES The proposed methodology promotes the construction of significant learning based on the following sequence: • Adjustment of the presentation of content to the students’ linguistic competence in English. • Initial motivation and evoking of previous knowledge. • Progressive and careful inclusion of content through examples taken from everyday situations, with contextualisations that allow learning to be transferred, generalised and expanded, and which connect with the identified competencies. • Application of lessons in various activities (application, reasoning, competencies and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive, review, further study...), organised by levels of difficulty and which facilitate the competencies work and the different cognitive styles of the students. • Various kinds of digital resources, using the digital whiteboard as well as the computer. These resources include activities integrated in the learning sequence, interactive activities and careful selection of Internet links. Lesson 3 STRUCTURE: – The lesson’s work is started with a two-page image related to the lesson’s content and which includes an exercise that evokes previous knowledge (Look and think). – The content that will be worked with is presented in the section You will learn about, in addition to the lesson’s key vocabulary (Vocabulary). – The content is developed in sequences, structured on double pages, the base of which is the image, which provides the basic reality reference points for understanding what will be explained. – Each sequence includes various learning activities, both oral and written, which allow the content to be worked with (Talk about it, Did you know?, Notebook activities, Online). – Investigate is a proposal that is found at the end of every two or three lessons. It is an experimental activity related to the content that is worked with and contains the main stages of the scientific method. – An integrated task or The challenge is presented with activities to work with and evaluate competencies and multiple intelligences. Contextualised activities are raised, referring to – real and everyday situations for the students, in which they must put into practice and apply what they’ve learnt. In these activities, the different skills and learning styles are taken into consideration (reading, reasoning, movement, dramatisation, artistic depiction…). Final activities in which the students can review the content through all sorts of activities. GRADING PROCEDURES AND INSTRUMENTS WRITTEN – – – – – Various tasks carried out by the student in the daily activity of the class. Various activities for grading the student (book, photocopiable sheets …). Group projects. TIC Activities: interactive, Internet links Individual report. Assessment of the approach and processes followed, as well as the result obtained. ORAL – – – – Individual and group questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test. Observation and assessment of the degree of participation of each student and the quality of their contribution. OTHERS Course plan and teaching guidelines Indicators for on-going grading – Competencies work/ Multiple Intelligences – Grading competencies / Multiple Intelligences Individual record. – Portfolio index. – Grading report. EVALUATION OF THE TEACHING PRACTICE ADJUSTMENT OF THE PLANNING There is coherence between what is programmed and the development of the classes. There is a balanced distribution of time. The class development is adapted to the group’s characteristics. Significant learning exercises were taken into account. Use of appropriate The interdisciplinary nature was considered (in activities, handling of content, etc.). methodology The methodology promotes students’ motivation and the development of skills. Degree of follow up with the students. Regulation of the teaching Validity of the resources used in class for learning. practice Promotion criteria are agreed by the teachers. The critieria for a positive evaluation are linked to the objectives and the content. Evaluation of the learning Grading instruments allow various learning variables to be recorded. and information that is given by the teachers to the Grading criteria are adjusted to the types of activities planned. The Evaluation Criteria and the grading critera were given to: students and the families The students. The families. Measures are adopted ahead of time in order to become familiar with learning Use of measures that bear difficulties. in mind diversity A response was offered to the different skills and learning rhythms. The measures and resources offered were sufficient. Applies extraordinary measures recommended by the teaching team bearing in mind reports prepared by educational psychologists. Preparing the class and teaching materials ACADEMIC RESULTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS (NEE) – – – – – – … Individual attention in the classroom in order to carry out the proposed activities. Adaptation of the activities of the programme. Individual attention inside and outside of the classroom in order to carry out the adapted activities. Significant curricular adaptation for NEE. Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity. Adaptations to the curricular material due to joining later in the school year. 1 … … 2 … … 3 … … Students 4 5 6 … … … … … … 7 … … 8 … … … Lesson 4. Geosphere 1. Objectives in terms of competencies and in relation to multiple intelligences 1. Begin learning about and putting into practice strategies for information and communication, developing strategies for processing information to put into practice the competencies involved in the performance of everyday tasks, using different methods, sources and texts. (Learning to Learn / Intrapersonal Intelligence) 2. Know and value our heritage and actively contribute to its conservation and maintenance, showing responsible and civil human conduct, collaborating in the reduction of the causes that generate pollution and climate change, in sustainable development and responsible consumption, by searching for alternatives to prevent and reduce them. (Mathematical. Science and technology / Naturalistic Intelligence) 2. List of Content / Grading Criteria / Learning standards Content Presentation of the content of the unit. P • Introduction to vocabulary of the unit. P • Layers of the geosphere. C • The lithosphere . C • Characteristics and types of rocks. C • Uses and utilities. P • Minerals: properties. P • Uses and utilities. P • Tectonic plate. C • Earthquakes and volcanoes. C • Formation of landforms. C • Main landforms. C • Main units of landforms in Spain. C • Development of scientific thinking. P • Verification of the most important content of the unit. P Grading Criteria • Learn the concepts of rock and mineral, become familiar with some types of rocks and their composition, identifying different minerals, describing their properties and how they are found in nature, acquiring a basic idea of their uses and utilities. • Explain the concept of relief and its formation, identifying and naming typical types of continental and coastal landforms, locating the main units of relief in Spain. Learning standards • Observes, identifies and explains the composition of rocks, naming some types. • Identifies and explains the differences between rocks and minerals, classifies some minerals by their properties and describes the use and utilities of rocks and minerals. • Defines terrain, describes different types of landforms and the elements that comprise them. • Describes the general characteristics of the landforms in Spanish territories. TRANSVERSAL TEACHINGS – – – – – – – – – – – – – – LEARNING ACTIVITIES Recognise the existence of geological layers and understand how it is possible to be familiar with them. Understand the composition of the different layers and differentiate between organic and inorganic material. Research and present information on the lithosphere. Understand the difference between types of rock, such as igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary. Explain how magma becomes rock. Relate the existence of different minerals with their everyday use. Differentiate between minerals and precious stones. Explain what earthquakes are, how they are formed, and why there are areas of the planet that are more prone to have them. Understand what happened in Pompeii and the Vesuvius volcano. Understand how mountains are formed. Distinguish and draw the relief structures. Differentiate the different geographical accidents. Identify the relief structures of the city and autonomous community, and search for information on them. Search for the highest peak in Spain and its characteristics. OTHER ACTIVITIES INITIAL EVALUATION MOTIVATION Class group – Brainstorm ideas on the key content of the lesson to focus attention and be able to activate the previous knowledge necessary (in this case, reflect on the composition and structure of the Earth, indicating the existence of layers and their relationship with volcanoes, like the one that appears in the image). – – – – COMPETENCIES AND MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES SUPPLEMENTARY Explain to the students that in this lesson they will study the types of rock, the differences between the minerals and precious stones, tectonic plates and their relationship with volcanoes and earthquakes and the structure of the land’s surface in Spain. Present the fundamental vocabulary of the lesson. Show the lesson mural and ask questions about the habitats they see on it, as well as the different species that live in them. The teacher should have the students reflect on the importance of the composition of the Earth’s layers in the relief shown. Show the students flashcards of different activities carried out by human beings. Students will have to respond to questions and show which flashcards correspond to the vocabulary and the content of the lesson. Carry out research in order to measure the hardness of a mineral. To do so, a methodology must be followed: Make a hypothesis, Experiment, Analyse. Students must establish a hypothesis on what mineral they consider to be the hardest. Subsequently, they will follow the book’s instructions so that, with a file, a coin and a nail, they can establish the hardness of the minerals. Lastly, they will have to answer the questions raised and decide whether or not their initial hypothesis was correct. Create a model of the Earth’s surface. Students should start with their knowledge on the hydrosphere and geosphere thanks to two lessons in the book; then they will prepare a list of the elements that the model should include and search for images of the structure of the surface area in Spain. Following the book’s instructions, and using clay and other elements, they will complete the model and show it to their classmates. – Rocks and gems and minerals: listen to a song on rocks, precious stones and minerals. – Fossils: watch a video on the formation of fossils and research them in groups. The information will be expressed on a posterboard or by modelling elements of the video in clay, and the information will be presented to the rest of their classmates. – World Volcanoes: in pairs, choose a volcano in the world and search for information on the Internet, using the proposed link. – World Earthquakes and Tsunamis: in pairs, conduct research on earthquakes and tsunamis, starting with the proposed questions. – Flashcards: observe the flashcards, name the concepts they represent and play hangman with them, inventing short phrases or playing with the concept they represent. – Acid Rain: in groups, research acid rain and prepare a presentation in which the causes and consequences are explained, as well as its influence on the formation of reliefs. – Land forms: research land forms using the proposed link and write definitions on the different structures named in the student book. – Spain’s relief: in groups, depict the map of Spain’s relief following the book’s instructions. – Experiment: with the help of a coin, a key and a file, measure the hardness of the different materials. – Analyse: answer the questions that are raised. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY CURRICULAR ADJUSTMENT: Photocopiable sheets for review: – Differentiate between organic and inorganic material. – Answer different questions on the different levels of land. – Relate different types of rock with their definition. – Draw a mineral and write its name and characteristics. Photocopiable sheets for further study: – Draw a volcano and label its parts. – Answer different questions on tectonic plates. GRADING THE UNIT COMPETENCIES / MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Grading resources (material for the teacher) Course plan and teaching guidelines – Photocopiable grading sheet: • Complete a text on the layers of the Indicators for on-going grading earth and the life that exists in them. • Classify different elements in rocks and – Competencies work/Multiple Intelligences minerals. – Grading competencies / Multiple Intelligences Individual record. • Relate certain minerals with their – Portfolio index. characteristics. – Grading report. ACTIVITIES THAT PROMOTE READING AND DEVELOPMENT OF ORAL/WRITTEN EXPRESSION Reading Use reading comprehension strategies: - Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension). - Reading aloud. Comprehensively read text. Read other written texts, in digital format, interactive activities…, to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate. Read text fragments. O/W Expression Oral activities to break the ice, which allow an appropriate ambience to be established, and the topic to be introduced. Appropriately express orally/in writing the learning, using accurate vocabulary. Respond in writing to questions related to the content of the lesson. Listen to sounds corresponding to objects and actions and identify them. Observe and discuss images. Use open-ended questions, information search tasks, games … Sing songs. TIC ACTIVITIES Online resources ( – Interactive Digital Book. – Flashcards. – Listening exercises. Web links Link on the layers of the Earth ( Link on volcanoes and Pompeii ( Video on Pompeii ( Link on the formation of mountains ( Video on the types of landforms ( Video on the interaction among the four spheres ( Video on the three types of rocks that exist ( Video on the formation of fossils ( List of all of the volcanoes that exist in the world ( Video on Weathering and erosion ( Link on the different types of landforms ( MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A POSITIVE EVALUATION – – – – Understands the importance of land resources. Differentiates the layers of the Earth and understands the natural movements and main structures of landforms. Explains the movements of tectonic plates. Names different rocks, minerals and precious stones. GRADING CRITERIA – – – – Observation, identification and explanation of the composition of rocks naming some types of rocks. Identification and explanation of the difference between rocks and minerals, classification of some minerals and description of the uses and utilities of rocks and minerals. Definition of landform, description of different types of landforms and naming of the elements that form them. Description of the general characteristics of the relief in the territories of Spain. METHODOLOGY MATERIALS AND RESOURCES – – – Student’s book Social Science 4, edebé Flashcards Murals Online resources – Interactive Digital Book – Listening exercises – Flashcards – Art and Science Other resources – Activity book Social Science 4, edebé – Digital whiteboard – Educational resources – Consumable material SPACES - TIMES – – Classroom; other spaces. Approximate time: three weeks. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES The proposed methodology promotes the construction of significant learning based on the following sequence: • Adjustment of the presentation of content to the students’ linguistic competence in English. • Initial motivation and evoking of previous knowledge. • Progressive and careful inclusion of content through examples taken from everyday situations, with contextualisations that allow learning to be transferred, generalised and expanded, and which connect with the identified competencies. • Application of lessons in various activities (application, reasoning, competencies and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive, review, further study...), organised by levels of difficulty and which facilitate the competencies work and the different cognitive styles of the students. • Various kinds of digital resources, using the digital whiteboard as well as the computer. These resources include activities integrated in the learning sequence, interactive activities and careful selection of Internet links.Lesson 4 STRUCTURE: – The lesson’s work is started with a two-page image related to the lesson’s content and which includes an exercise that evokes previous knowledge (Look and think). – The content that will be worked with is presented in the section You will learn about, in addition to the lesson’s key vocabulary (Vocabulary). – The content is developed in sequences, structured on double pages, the base of which is the image, which provides the basic reality reference points for understanding what will be explained. – Each sequence includes various learning activities, both oral and written, which allow the content to be worked with (Talk about it, Did you know?, Notebook activities, Online). – Investigate is a proposal that is found at the end of every two or three lessons. It is an experimental activity related to the content that is worked with and contains the main stages of the scientific method. – An integrated task or The challenge is presented with activities to work with and evaluate competencies and multiple intelligences. Contextualised activities are raised, referring to real and everyday situations for the students, in which they must put into practice and apply what they’ve learnt. In these activities, the different skills and learning styles are – taken into consideration (reading, reasoning, movement, dramatisation, artistic depiction…). Final activities in which the students can review the content through all sorts of activities. GRADING PROCEDURES AND INSTRUMENTS WRITTEN – – – – – Various tasks carried out by the student in the daily activity of the class. Various activities for grading the student (book, photocopiable sheets …). Group projects. TIC Activities: interactive, Internet links Individual report. Assessment of the approach and processes followed, as well as the result obtained. ORAL – – – – Individual and group questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test. Observation and assessment of the degree of participation of each student and the quality of their contribution. OTHERS Course plan and teaching guidelines Indicators for on-going grading – Competencies work/ Multiple Intelligences – Grading competencies / Multiple Intelligences Individual record. – Portfolio index. – Grading report. EVALUATION OF THE TEACHING PRACTICE ADJUSTMENT OF THE PLANNING There is coherence between what is programmed and the development of the classes. There is a balanced distribution of time. The class development is adapted to the group’s characteristics. Significant learning exercises were taken into account. Use of appropriate The interdisciplinary nature was considered (in activities, handling of content, etc.). methodology The methodology promotes students’ motivation and the development of skills. Degree of follow up with the students. Regulation of the teaching Validity of the resources used in class for learning. practice Promotion criteria are agreed by the teachers. The critieria for a positive evaluation are linked to the objectives and the content. Evaluation of the learning Grading instruments allow various learning variables to be recorded. and information that is given by the teachers to the Grading criteria are adjusted to the types of activities planned. The Evaluation Criteria and the grading critera were given to: students and the families The students. The families. Measures are adopted ahead of time in order to become familiar with learning Use of measures that bear difficulties. in mind diversity A response was offered to the different skills and learning rhythms. The measures and resources offered were sufficient. Applies extraordinary measures recommended by the teaching team bearing in mind reports prepared by educational psychologists. Preparing the class and teaching materials ACADEMIC RESULTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS (NEE) – – – – – – … Individual attention in the classroom in order to carry out the proposed activities. Adaptation of the activities of the programme. Individual attention inside and outside of the classroom in order to carry out the adapted activities. Significant curricular adaptation for NEE. Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity. Adaptations to the curricular material due to joining later in the school year. 1 … … 2 … … 3 … … Students 4 5 6 … … … … … … 7 … … 8 … … …