NAMA KURSUS : PENGURUSAN STRATEGI (Strategic Management) KOD KURSUS : MGM4139 KREDIT : 3 (3+0) JUMLAH JAM PEMBELAJARAN PELAJAR : 124 jam per semester PRASYARAT : Tahun Akhir atau Sulung HASIL PEMBELAJARAN : Pelajar dapat: 1. mengintegrasikan ilmu yang diperolehi dari pelbagai kursus terdahulu untuk menyelesaikan masalah dan membuat keputusan. (C5,A4,P3, CT) 2. mengenalpasti strategi perniagaan dalam menangani persekitaran dinamik. (C4,A1,KK) 3. menerangkan kesan faktor luaran terhadap strategi perniagaan dan korporat. (C3,A2). 4. membentuk kemahiran berfikir secara analitik, kemahiran berkomunikasi, kerja berpasukan, kemahiran pengurusan dan kemahiran kepimpinan yang efektif. (C5,A3,P2,CT,CS,LS) SINOPSIS : Kursus ini merangkumi pengetahuan am mengenai pendekatan sainstifik dalam perancangan strategik termasuk membuat analisis dalaman dan luaran sesebuah organisasi dan mengaplikasikan beberapa kaedah pembuatan keputusan strategik seperti analisis SWOT, SPACE, Matriks, BCG dan seterusnya memperkenalkan konsep pelaksanaan dan penilaian strategi. (This course covers a general knowledge on scientific approches in strategic planning including making an internal and external analysis on a particular organization, and the applications of several strategic decision making methods including SWOT, SPACE analysis and BCG matrix, and also introducing strategy implementation and evolution concepts.) 1 KANDUNGAN KULIAH : Jam Pembelajaran Bersemuka 1. Pengenalan Pengurusan Strategi - Proses pengurusan strategi - Faedah pengurusan strategi - Tahap-tahap pengurusan strategi 2. Kenyataan Wawasan dan Misi Perniagaan - Kenyataan wawasan - Kenyataan misi - Kepentingan wawasan dan misi - Ciri-ciri wawasan dan misi - Menulis dan menilai wawasan dan misi 3 3. Analisis Luaran - Mengenalpasti faktor-faktor persekitaran luaran - Analisis persaingan industri (Porter) - Matrik Penilaian Faktor Luaran (EFE) - Matriks Profail Bersaingan (CPM) 4 4. Analisis Dalaman - Mengenalpasti faktor-faktor persekitaran dalaman - Rantaian nilai - Matriks Penilaian Faktor Dalaman (IFE) 4 5. Strategies in Action - Jenis strategi (integrasi, intensif, pempelbagaian, defensif) - Alat mencapai strategi - Pakatan strategik 6 6. Kaedah Analisis dan Pemilihan Strategi - Matriks Kekuatan-Kelemahan-Peluang-Ancaman (SWOT) - Matriks Penilaian Kedudukan dan Tindakan Strategik (SPACE) - Matriks Boston Consulting Group (BCG) - Matriks Dalaman-Luaran (IE) - Matriks Strategi Utama - Matriks Perancangan Strategik kuantitatif (QSPM) 8 7. Pelaksanaan Strategi - Hubungan struktur dan strategi - Penstrukturan semula - Perekayasaan semula - Pengurusan sumber manusia - Mengurus resitance kepada perubahan 4 Penilaian dan Kawalan 3 4 2 8. 9. 10. - Rangkakerja Penilaian strategi Balance Scorecard Sistem penilaian yang efektif Rancangan kontingensi Isu-isu Strategi di peringkat Antarabangsa - Peringkat perniagaan (strategi generik perniagaan Porter) - Peringkat Korporat (multidomestik, transnasional, global) 2 Strategic Management Case Analysis -Menyediakan kes -Menulis analisis kes -Oral Presentation 4 Jumlah RUJUKAN : 42 1. David, F.R. (2013). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (14th Edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall International, Inc. 2. Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D. and Hoskisson, R.E. (2007). Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts (7th Edition). Ohio: South- Western/Thomson. 3. Thompson, J. and Martin, F. (2005). Strategic Management: Awareness and Change (5th Edition). London: Thomson Learning. 4. Wheelen, T.L. and Hunger, J.D. (2006). Strategic Management and Business Policy (10th Edition). New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall. 5. Zainal A. Mohamed. (2007). Pengurusan Strategik. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications and Distributors Sdn. Bhd. PENILAIAN : 1. Kerja Kursus (Lihat arah penilaian untuk kerja kursus): 60% 2. Peperiksaan Akhir: 40% 3 PENILAIAN KURSUS MGM 4139 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PJJ 2013 PENSYARAH: MEJAR Dr. HAJI ABDUL RASHID ABDULLAH KERJA KURSUS: 60% (1) Penilaian Minggu 8-12 (Ujian Pertengahan): 10% (2) Penilaian Berterusan (Tugasan No.2 Case Study ): 35% (3) Penilaian Berterusan (Tugasan No.3 Oral Case Presentation): 15%. PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR: 40% PANDUAN PENILAIAN DAN TUGASAN (1) PENILAIAN MINGGU 8-12 (UJIAN PERTENGAHAN): 10% Peperiksaan bertulis selama 1jam 30 minit dalam bentuk soalan MCQ dan soalan struktur. (Chapter 1 and 2). Tarikh: 5 April 2013 (Week 6). (2) PENILAIAN BERTERUSAN (TUGASAN NO.2 CASE STUDY): 35% Tarikh hantar Tugasan: Week 12 The students will be divided into groups with at least 2 members per group. The group will be the sole analysts of the company throughout the semester, and will proceed to analyze the company. All students will do their assignment based on the chosen company. Each group is scheduled to do a presentation of the assignment that was given. The class is expected to share other findings and applications and contributions of knowledge will be appreciated. The groups doing the presentation need to submit the print-out of the presentation slides at least one day earlier to the lecturer. The written assignment (case study analysis) should include: 1. INTRODUCTION (a) Brief history of the company (b) Core product/service (c) Problem(s) facing by the company 4 2. An “External Factor Evaluation” matrix for the company chosen. Five categories of external environment (1) Economic forces (2) Social, cultural demographic and environmental forces (3) Political, governmental and legal forces (4) Technological forces (5) Competitive forces Relates each external category to your chosen company List about 10 factors which include all the five categories of external environment Identify whether the factors are considered as opportunities or threats. In the EFE Matrix, identify/ classify the category of external environment at the end of each factor. 3. An “Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE)” Matrix for your company. Six categories of internal environment: (1) Management (2) Marketing (3) Finance/accounting (4) Productions/operations (5) Research and development (6) Management information system Relates each internal category to your chosen company List about 10 factors which include all the six categories of internal environment Identify whether the factors are considered as strengths or weaknesses In the IFE Matrix, identify/ classify the category of internal environment at the end of each factor. 4. A “SWOT Matrix” for your company Transfer all the external factors (opportunities and threats) from your revised EFE matrix to SWOT Matrix. Transfer all the internal factors (strengths and weaknesses from your revised IFE matrix to SWOT Matrix. Reduce the font size and margin in order to place the SWOT matrix into one (1) page only. For each of the resultant strategy (SO, ST, WO and WT), suggest at least Two (2) alternatives from the matching. Specify the factors involved in the matching activity. Briefly explain all the alternatives derived from the matching. 5 5. A “SPACE Matrix” for your company. (1) Four dimensions of SPACE Matrix: (2) Financial strengths (FS)-Internal (3) Competitive advantage (CA)-internal (4) Industry strengths (IS)-external (5) Environmental stability (ES)-external List about 5-10 factors for each dimension. Determine the directional vector coordinate for your chosen company. Then, draw the directional vector. Show each step towards obtaining the directional vector. Based on these results, briefly give your opinion pertaining to your chosen company position. 6. Condensation of strategies (QSPM, regrouping, etc) Transfer all the alternatives strategies (SWOT and SPACE) into QCPM in order to select the best strategy to be applied by the company. Give your justification. 7. Conclusion Last, propose only One (1) most appropriate strategy to be selected and implemented by the company from the QSPM. Briefly explain how the proposed strategy can overcome the problem facing by the company. Submission date: Week 12 (3) PENILAIAN BERTERUSAN (TUGASAN NO.3 ORAL CASE PRESENTATION): 15%. Presentation date: Week 13-Week 14 Each group is scheduled to do a presentation of the assignment (case study analysis) that was given. The class is expected to share other findings and applications and contributions during the presentation. The groups doing the presentation need to submit the print-out of the presentation slides at least one day earlier to the lecturer. Each group is given about 30-35 minutes to present their findings of the case study analysis on the assigned date, followed by 5-10 minutes of Q&A (35-45 minutes/group). The presentation will be evaluated based on the group assessment and individual assessment. The criteria of presentation assessment (group and individual) are as attached. Presentation date: as assigned. PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR: 40% Short essay (Chapters to announced later) 6 7