EEC CPAG orientation outline - Community Partner Advisory Groups

Extension Education Committee CPAG Orientation
Introduction to CPAGs - PPT
_____The Wisconsin Idea
_____Mission of UW-Extension
_____Purpose of CPAGs
_____Informal Mission of CPAGs
_____Who Creates CPAGs
_____What CPAGs Do and Don't Do
_____CPAGs Can Contribute to Extension Effectiveness
_____How Will CPAGs Be Supported
_____Review Handouts:
_____Features and Benefits of CPAGs
_____Recruiting Member to a CPAG
_____Extension Committee Endorsement to Proceed with the Formation of a CPAG
_____Oval Mapping Steps 1 and 2:
 _____Each major stakeholder group is written on a large note card and taped to the wall
(Examples include agriculture stakeholders, family stakeholders, youth stakeholders, economic
development stakeholders, other…)
 _____Large group brainstorm: What are the organizations within each of these major
stakeholder groups that are important to an advisory group in ____________ County?
o Leading group discussion questions include:
 What community organizations make decisions that could effect our local
Extension office?
 What community organizations utilize Extension services?
 What are community organizations that we do not traditionally work with, but that
provide community resources (think outside the box)
o Examples include Health and Human Services, HCE, other family stakeholders;
Downtown Assoc, Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Commission (economic
development stakeholders); health services, tribal court system, youth services
o Each organization name is written on a medium size card and taped to wall around it's
corresponding major stakeholder group
_____Review next steps:
 Second EEC meeting: distribute a copy of partial stakeholder "map" from this meeting
 After stakeholder map is distributed and between meetings, write down names of people you
know who are connected with organizations
 Third EEC: brainstorm names and prioritize people to invite to the first meeting
 Third EEC: set target date for first meeting
_____Questions, comments, etc from EEC members?
_____Meeting follow-up:
 _____Type up oval mapping results from this meeting
Developed by Jackson County 2/05