Earth Science - Jefferson Township Public Schools

Jefferson Township High School
Earth Science -- Class Guidelines
I. Materials:
A) At School:
a) One marble 100 page notebook. This notebook MUST be with you whenever you are in Earth Science
b) 1 pocket folder for all handouts, write-ups, homework
c) Simple calculator - if possible
d) At least, one working pencil and one working ink pen (black or blue; no pastels nor gel pens)
e) Metric ruler (30 cm/12 inch OR 15cm/6 inch)
B) At Home:
a) At home, please have available a good English dictionary as a reference.
b) Your textbook, neatly covered, and kept in a safe place – please bring your textbook to school when asked
or assigned as homework.
II. Grading:
Notebook, Lab & Activities
Tests & Quizzes
III. Homework:
a) Homework will be assigned almost every day (hopefully not on Fridays – we’ll try!)
b) All homework is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise noted.
c) Homework will be checked at the beginning of the period of the day it is due.
d) Homework turned in one day late will be lowered; two days – half credit.
e) Do your OWN homework, both the person copying and providing the homework to be copied will receive
a zero - no exceptions.
f) Keep all of your homework assignments IN YOUR NOTEBOOK.
g) Homework quizzes will be administered each marking period.
IV. Notebooks
a) Notebooks are to have a table of contents page and all pages numbered.
b) Each day’s topic should be noted on the table of contents and on next available pages.
c) The day’s notes on each day neatly organized and displayed.
d) There will be occasional notebook quizzes.
V. One folder
a) In folder, keep everything you are given or create in class.
i. Handouts/Worksheets
ii. Labs
VI. Tests & Quizzes
a) All tests will be announced in advanced.
b) For open notebook tests, you may only use YOUR notebook. Zeros will be awarded to both parties if you
use a fellow student’s notebook.
c) Most quizzes will be announced the day before; others will be a surprise.
VII. Labs & Activities
a) Labs are essential to passing this class. Anyone not cooperating, not following directions, or not working
will be removed from the lab and receive a zero for the lab.
b) Safety guidelines will be reviewed and discussed in class. You must pass the lab safety test in order to
participate in labs.
c) Labs or activities are due the same day performed, unless a formal write-up is required.
d) When formal lab write-ups are assigned, please follow the write up procedures we establish in class
Jefferson Township High School
Earth Science -- Class Guidelines
VIII. Routine and Rituals
a) Walk respectfully into the classroom ON TIME. If you are not in your seat before the bell rings – you will
be marked late.
b) Take out your Earth Science notebook, fill in the Table of Contents (Date, Aim, Page), go to Page- write
down Aim and perform Do Now, if required (this will be set-up and discussed in class).
c) Class discussions are part of the learning process, however, only one person may speak at a time. Please,
no calling out. Raise your hand and wait until you are called on. Please have respect for the person
d) Good class participation and behavior will be rewarded.
e) Gum chewing is allowed. There is neither loud chewing, nor cracking allowed. Gum is for chewing in your
mouth not to be found on the desks or floor. If any gum is seen or found outside of your mouths anywhere
but in the garbage, the entire class will loose gum chewing privileges for a month. If it happens again, for
the rest of the year. No gum chewing during labs.
f) Writing on the desks, lab tables, or floor is strictly prohibited. Desks will be checked at the beginning and
end of the period. If there is writing on your desk at the beginning of the period, notify me
IMMEDIATELY so that you are not held responsible.
g) If you need to see the nurse, please see me and I will decide if you need to go. Anyone who cannot stay
awake nor keep their head up, will be sent to the nurse. YOU will be held accountable for material covered
that day.
h) Bathroom visits will be recorded and checked. Please do not abuse the privilege.
i) If you are absent, YOU are responsible for seeing me for your work. YOU are responsible for completing
it and returning it to me by the agreed upon time. I will not remind you. I will probably not be able to give
you missed assignments during class, please see me at the end of the day.
j) When the dismissal bell rings, it is my signal that the period is over not your signal to leave. Please remain
in your seats until you are dismissed. If not, the whole class will be detained until all are seated.
k) I am available for help and make-up work (labs, etc.) before and after school. Please make an appointment
with me at least one day in advance. Make sure we BOTH write it down.
l) There are no stupid questions, except the one not asked. If I do not know the answer to your Earth Science
question, I will find it and get back to you.
X. Have fun – responsible and accountable – and keep your eye on the ball!
Jefferson Township High School
Earth Science -- Class Guidelines
September 20, 2004
Mrs. Kirshenbaum,
I ________________________________ have read and understand the guidelines for Earth Science this school
year, 2004-2005. I will adhere to these guidelines and will accept the responsibilities of my actions in the
Student signature: ___________________________________ Period: _________
Parent/Guardian signature: ____________________________ Date: __________
If you or your parent(s)/guardian(s) have any objections or comments regarding the Earth Science Guidelines, please
write them below and I will address them personally. Please include phone number and/or eMail address.
Many thanks,
J. Kirshenbaum