WRITES AND WRONGS OF NEWS WRITING REPORTING LIST OF CONTENTS JOURNALISM OBJECTIVES NEWS SELECTION THE FUNCTION OF NEWS GATEKEEPING OBJECTIVES: • Critically view how news is gathered and how decisions are made in transmitting or distributing news • Comprehend the various types of news media, news values and characteristics of quality journalism JOURNALISM The activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast. (Oxford Dictionary) THE FUNCTION OF NEWS News is that part of communication that keeps us informed of the changing events, issues, and characters in the world outside. Though it may be interesting or even entertaining, the foremost value of news is as a utility to empower the informed. ( American Press Institute) NEWS SELECTION Journalist need to make sense of a vast amount of information and consider how to organize it in a way that highlights the issues that are most important so it is comprehensible to an audience that will have very different levels of understanding of the events in question. The judgements involved will include selecting those stories deemed to be important (newsworthy) and deciding how to present the information. Inevitably the form of presentation (sometimes known as the “Framing”) will reflect the experience and outlook of the journalists themselves. It is important for an audience to understand these framings and to think critically about them. (UNESCO MIL Curriculum) GATEKEEPING It is the process through which information is filtered for whether for broadcasting, the dissemination, publication, internet, or some other mode of communication. EDUCATIONAL ACCESSIBILITY FLEXIBILITY OF time and place HERE ARE SOME KEY POINTS THAT EXPLAIN DIGITAL EDUCATION TRENDS: INCREASED ACCESSIBILITY TIME AND PLACE FLEXIBILITY INTERACTIVE ENGAGEMENT DEFINITION OF DIGITAL EDUCATION As pioneers of digital education, we need to continuously analyze the direction of future technology. With breakthroughs such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and previously unthinkable technologies, we can predict the evolution of education. Let's explore together the challenges and opportunities that exist in shaping curriculum and teaching methods that are relevant to an ever-changing era. Our future education will bring amazing innovation and progress. CONCLUSION This digital education transformation requires collaboration, patience, and determination to ensure every student has full access to quality education. I believe we can take education to a higher level. Let's create an inspiring and sustainable educational future together. THANK YOU