Mole Worksheet #1: moles ↔ particles

Name ________________________
Date ______________ Period _____
Mole Worksheet #1: moles ↔ particles
The mole is simply a number equal to 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 6.02 x 1023. How large is a mole??
Well, if you had a mole of pennies, you would have enough money to pay all the expenses of the United States for
the next billion years. A mole of large marshmallows would cover the United States to a depth of more than 600
1. A mole
is “counting number”. The following are also counting numbers. What number do each of the
following terms represent?
score ______________
ream (of paper)_______________
2. List the four types of “representative particles” that are referred to in your textbook?
Converting moles to representative particles:
6.02 X 1023 representative particles
1 mole
Converting representative particles to moles:
representative particles = moles X
moles = representative particles X
6.02 X 10
1 mole
representative particles
3. Determine the number of representative particles in each of the following. Show factor label method.
A. 0.250 mol silver
B. 8.56 x 10-3 mol NaCl
C. 35.4 mol CO2
D. 0.425 mol N2
4. Determine the number of moles in each of the following. Show factor label method.
A. 3.25 x 1020 atoms Pb
B. 4.96 x 1024 molecules glucose
C. 1.56 x 1023 formula units NaOH
D. 1.25 x 1025 Cu2+ ions
5. Make the following conversions. Show factor label method.
A. 1.51 x 1015 atoms Si to mol Si
B. 4.25 x 10-2 mol NO2 to molecules NO2
C. 8.95 x 1025 molecules CCl4 to mol CCl4
D. 5.90 mol Ca to atoms Ca