What does this mean? Juran Trilogy QUALITY PLANNING The Juran Trilogy Prepared and Presented Carol Haraden Day 1 18 January 2011 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT QUALITY CONTROL Institute for Healthcare Improvement • Quality Planning: You develop a new process using the principles of reliability from the beginning. • Quality Control: You monitor the process to be certain that it is working as designed. Does it continue to deliver the outcome you want? • Quality Improvement: The process is not delivering the outcomes as designed so it must be improved. Juran Trilogy The Sequence QUALITY PLANNING • PLAN - the process using a quality process to deliver the outcome you want. Example: plan the process to deliver antibiotics to patients 60 minutes before surgical incision QUALITY IMPROVEMENT QUALITY CONTROL Institute for Healthcare Improvement • QUALITY CONTROL - monitor the process to be sure it is reliably delivering the outcome. Example: you put the process in place and you monitor the results and you find: – – – – Week 1: 100% Week 2: 95% Week 3: 75% Week 4: 72% A Quick Exercise • QUALITY IMPROVEMENT - the process is not delivering the outcome you intended. • Using the example data, you can see that the process is less and less reliable. • You would now decide that the process is NOT IN CONTROL and needs improvement. • When you look at the three elements of the Juran Trilogy, where do we spend most of our time? – Quality Planning – Quality Control – Quality Improvement • Think of your work: List 8 processes you work with everyday. • Where would you say you spend your time with those processes: planning, controlling, or improving? Institute for Healthcare Improvement