ATMOSPHERE 18 Mass 5.14 x 10 kg 20 Moles of air 1.8 x 10 mol 18 Mass of Troposphere 4.11 x 10 kg 18 Mass of stratosphere 0.5 x 10 kg Height of Troposphere 12 km Avg height for 0.5 atm 5.6 km Molecular weight 28.96g / mol 3 Density of dry air @ STP 1.293kg / m Density of atmosphere Dry atmosphere by moles: N2 - 78%; O2 -21%; Ar 0.93%, CO2 380 ppmv, N2O 0.32ppm, CO 0.1ppm, O3 10ppb, NO2 0.2 ppb, NO 0.05 ppb, NH4 0.05 ppb … by mass: N2 - 75%; O2 -23%; Ar 1.2%, CO2 ? STP = 0 deg C, 1 atm. @ STP1 mol = 22.4L OCEANS 14 2 Area 3.61 x 10 m 14 2 Ice-free Pacific 1.66 x 10 m 14 2 Ice-free Atlantic 0.83 x 10 m 14 2 Indian Ocean 0.65 x 10 m 14 2 Ice-free Arctic 0.14 x 10 m 14 2 Sea Ice 0.33 x 10 m 18 3 Total Volume 1.35 x 10 m 21 Total Mass 1.4 x 10 kg 16 Mixed Layer Volume 2.7 x 10 m Mixed Layer Depth 75 m Mean Depth 3,370 m WATER 15 3 Stocks x 10 m Oceans 1,350 Ice 29 Groundwater 8.3 Freshwater Lakes 0.125 Salt Lakes / Big Seas 0.104 Soil Water 0.067 Atmosphere 0.013 Living Biomass 0.003 Stream Channels 0.001 12 3 Flows x 10 m / yr Precipitation on Land 108 Precipitation on Sea 410 Evaporation from Sea 456 ET from Land 62 World Runoff 46 US Precip 5.6 US ET 3.95 US Runoff 1.65 Average Precipitation ~1m /yr Human impacts: 9 3 10 m / yr World US Withdrawal 3300 480 Consumption 1200 160 EARTH AND LAND MASSES 24 Mass of Earth 5.98 x 10 kg 14 2 Total Surface Area 5.10 x 10 m 14 2 Area of Continents 1.48 x 10 m Avg. Continental Elevation 840 m 6 Equator Radius 6.38 x 10 m 6 Polar Radius 6.36 x 10 m 11 Avg. Distance from Sun 1.495 x 10 ECOSYSTEMS Ecosystem Living BM 12 10 kg (C) Dead BM 12 10 kg (C) Continental 560 1500 Ocean 2 2000 Much lower residence time for C in than on land! Ecosystem Area Mass 12 10 kg(C) 2 m / 2 m Trop Forest 24.5 18.8 Temp Forest 12.0 14.6 Boreal Forest 12.0 9.0 Forest Totals 74.4 1013 kg & kg/yr Wood/Shrubla nd Savanna Grassland Desert Rock,Ice,Sand Cultivated Land Swamp/Marsh Lake/Stream Open Ocean Upwelling Continental Shelf Algal Bed Estuaries NPP 12 10 kg (C) / yr 50 25 ocean NPP kg(C) / 2 m -yr 0.83 0.56 0.36 3.14 8.0 2.7 0.27 15.0 9.0 18.0 24.0 14.0 15 0.7 0.3 0.01 0.5 1.8 0.23 0.032 0.015 0.29 2.0 2.5 332.0 1.13 0.23 0.057 0.4 26.6 6.8 0.01 0.001 4 0.01 0.005 0.6 1.4 0.9 0.45 0.90 0.81 0.23 0.16 SOIL Soil Moisture 30% Well-soaked Soil ~40%v H2O Rough Approx depth 2m 3 Bulk Density 1.1 kg/m ≈ 3 0.91 m /kg 3 3 Compacted 2.5 kg/m ≈ 0.40 m /kg 12 Background Erosion 30 x 10 kg / yr 12 Human Erosion 5 x 10 kg / yr ENERGY Flows 26 Solar output 3.7 x 10 W 17 Incident on Earth’s 1.75 x 10 W 2 upper atmosphere (Ω) 1368 W/m 2 Ω over Earth Surf (Ω/4) 343 W/m 2 Reflected 103 W/m 2 Absorbed by Atm 86 W/m 2 Flux at ground level 154 W/m 2 Evapotranspiration 80 W/m 12 NPP 75-125 x 10 W 12 Geothermal 20-40 x 10 W 12 US Energy Consumption 3.34 x 10 W 12 World Energy Consump 14.9 x 10 W Content Unless noted, J per Kg 7 3 Nat gas (STP) 3.9 x 10 J/m 6 Gasoline 48 x 10 6 Crude oil 43 x 10 6 Coal 29.3 x 10 6 Dry biomass 16 x 10 Heat Capacity Water (at 15°C) 4184 J /ºC kg Air (Cp) 1004.2 J /ºC kg Vaporization Heat of H2O 17°C 2.46 E6 J/kg 100°C 2.26 E6 J/kg CARBON 12 Stocks (in 10 kg(C) except as noted) 19 Rocks and sediment 10 kg (C) Fossil fuels (9600), inorganic C in seawater (40,000). Dead organic C: Continental (1500), Marine-deep (2000), Mixed Layer (40) Atmosphere @ 380 ppbv (820) Living Organisms: Cont (560), Marine (2) 12 Flows (in 10 kg (C)/yr where not noted) Terrestrial: NPP -50; resp+decomp 50 Marine NPP -25; resp+decomp 25 (80% in mixed layer) Fossil fuel flux, Cement (~6.5 (Cow: 5.3)) Anthrop Land Use Change ~1 River Organic C->Oceans 0.2 Inorganic C from Weather 0.1 Human Total: 7.5 GtC/yr Natural Total: 7.5 GtC/yr SULFUR 12 Stocks (in 10 kg (S) where not noted) 2Dissolved as SO4 in seawater 18 1.4x10 kg In dead OM (50), Living (3), Atmo. (0.004) 2Atmospheric mostly as H2 S, SO2 , SO4 12 Flows (in 10 kg (S)/yr where not noted) Plant Uptake: Land(0.15), Sea (0.6) 2SO2 /SO4 atmosphere->surface (0.24) Flow to S from bio/seaspray/volcanos to atmosphere (0.15) Human emissions (0.085), River flow to sea (0.1), Fertilizer/industrial fixing (0.03). Human total: 85 Mt (S)/yr Natural Total: 150 Mt (S)/yr NITROGEN 12 Stocks (in 10 kg (N) where not noted) 18 N2 in atmosphere 3.9x10 kg Inorganic fixed N in soil (1-10), seawater (350), atmosphere (1.4) Organic (dead) on land (150), sea (300) Organic (living) on land (7.5), sea (0.3) 12 Flows (in 10 kg (N) /yr where not noted) Ammonification 5 (Org-N -> NH4) Assimilation 5 (NH4 / NO3 (1:1) -> Org N) NH3 and NOx to atmosphere 0.5 NH4 / NOX precipitation 0.1 Denitrification 0.1 (NO3 -> NO / N2 1:1) Bio-N fixation 0.2 (2/3 Terr, 1/3 marine) Anthrop N-Fix 0.1 (2/3 fert, 1/3 combust) Human total: 150 Mt (N)/yr Natural Total: 150 Mt (N)/yr ! 3. Substitute back in and solve. Often + best to get [H ] terms all on one side. Step (1) DOESN’T work with ≈ infinite sources, eg. atmosphere. TIME CONSTANTS Transit time E-folding Time Residence time (Initial Concentrations) Trop. res time >20µm Trop(SO2 ,H2 S, NO,HO2) – pH of Pristine Atmosphere Reactive or very soluble " "2 " [H + ] = [HCO"3 ] + 2[CO"2 gases 3 ] + [HSO 3 ] + [SO 3 ] + [OH ] Assume 0.2 ppbv SO2 ; 380 ppm CO2 : Vertical mixing in 10"11.24 10"21.57 10"11.37 10"18.26 10"14 troposphere + [H ] = + + + + [H + ] [H + ]2 [H + ] [H + ]2 [H + ] Troposphere particles < 1µm + ! - PHOSPHORUS 12 Stocks (in 10 kg (P) ) Organic: Living (5); Dead (25) Inorganic: Soil (200) Dissolved/susp. MixLyr (3), Deep Ocean ! (300) 12 Flows (in 10 Kg (P)/yr) Bio-Uptake=Decay (0.2 sea / 1.0 marine) Human mining (0.2); Riverflow (0.2); Guano deposition and fishing each (0.0004) ALKALINITY Acid-Base Reactions -1.47 [H2CO3] = p(CO2) x 10 + -14 H2O < > H + HO 10 + -6.35 H2CO3 < > H + HCO3 10 + -2 -10.33 HCO3 < > H + CO3 10 + 3 H2SO4 < > H + HSO4 10 + -2 -1.9 HSO4 < > H + SO4 10 0.096 [H2SO3] = p(SO2) x 10 + -1.77 H2SO3 < > H + HSO3 10 + -2 -7.21 HSO3 < > H + SO3 10 -1.6 [HNO3] = p(NO2) x 10 + 1 HNO3 < > H + NO3 10 +2 -2 -8.42 [Ca ][CO3 ] = 10 (calcite) Henry’s constant for: H2 CO3 -1.47, H2 SO3 0.096, HNO3 -1.6, NH3 1.76, CO -3.0, N2O -1.59, H2 S -0.97 moles of pH ! ! ! Some tricks: 1. Complete dissociation when you have fixed amt of acid with -log [acid] > pK. 2. Look for negligible terms. ! ! - Solve for H assuming HCO3 & HSO3 only spp. @380 pH = -5.50 ; @275 ppm; pH= 5.54 " + [Alk] = [HCO"3 ] + 2[CO"2 3 ] + [OH ] - [H ] +2 + + - + moles of H ions added Draw and understand Alkalinity – pH curves. Acidity<-> damage relationships. CLIMATE CHANGE -8 2 4 Sigma = 5.67x10 W/m /ºK Simple model: Energy balance between outermost of atmosphere and inflow: ! To = (1# a)1/4 = This energy is supplied 4" through radiation from bottom up. Earth’s Surface gets all inflow. Ts = (n + 1)1/4 To = !(n + 1)1/4 (1# a)1/4 4" n≈2 for earth. This overpredicts T≈303 ºK Actual Surface temp = 288ºK EQUATIONS Donor Controlled Model dM = a " bM and dt b= 1 t res ;b tot = b1 + b 2 + ...+ b n >100 days 1 year 10 years -2 alkalinity E = "T 4 10 days Probability =2[Ca ]+2[Mg ]+[Na ]+[K ]–[NO 3 ]– [SO 4 ] Can also solve in terms of other ions by using net charge balance = 0. Also, remember that this is in EQUIVALENTS/L. And, if [Alk]=0, then pH is 5.6 from natural sources like dissolved CO2 . Pre-industrial pH was 5.51 in rainwater and 8.3 in oceans. +2 Interhemispheric mixing Mixing time of stratosphere, trop restime for CO2. ,non reactive gases trop>stratosphere <1 day 1 day BIOMASS Tree makeup 30% H2O of total weight, 70% Rough formula CH2O. Remember CH2O ≠ C Deevey Formula C150 H 300 O 150 N10 P 2S1 C:N Ratios : Leaves (10), Trees (300400) GPP ~2x NPP, or roughly half of NPP>resp. 2 3 6 9 12 15 18 PREFIXES h-hecto k-kilo M-mega G-giga T-tera P-peta E-exa -2 -3 -6 -9 -12 -15 -18 c-centi m-milli µ-micro n-nano p-pico f-femto a-atto ELEMENTS H-1 ; C-12; N-14; O-16; P-31, S-32; Ca40 2 1ha = (100m) , 1J = 0.2390cal, 3 2 Vsphere = 4/3 x pi x r , Asphere = 4 x pi x r 2 Vcone = h/3 x pi x r