HUND'S RULES Hund’s Rules relate the energy ordering of the various atomic terms 1 1 arising from a single configuration configuration, e.g. e g 2p2. 3P0,1,2 0 1 2 < D2 < S0 They have a simple physical interpretation. 1. The term with the highest multiplicity (2S+1) lies lowest in energy. 2. For 2 F terms t with ith the th same multiplicity, lti li it th the one with ith th the llargestt L li lies llowestt iin energy. Terms with the same L and S have very nearly the same energy for light atoms. They do differ in the total J, and each J state has a very slightly different energy, referred f d tto as th the fi fine structure t t splitting litti iin th the atom. t 3 3 3 e.g. P2, P1, and P0 Hunds third rule applies to the ordering of these J states. 3 ) If th 3a) the sub b shell h ll iis lless th than h halflf filled, fill d th the llowestt J llevell iis th the mostt stable. 3b) If the sub shell is more than half- filled, the highest J level is the most stable. F h For heavy atoms, t s this L-S L S coupling li scheme s h is nott a very good d approximation, i ti and d we employ j-j coupling of angular momenta. As a final note, interaction with the nuclear spins produces further very slight splitti of splitting f the th iindividual di id l J levels, l ls an effect ff t known k ass the th h hyperfine p fi splitti splitting. H Hund d'ss last rule tells that the order of the fine structure levels is inverted for the more than half-filled shells. Electron Correlation and Quantum Chemistry Programs To recapitulate earlier results, we have first seen that we can employ l a self lf consistent f field ld (SCF) ( CF) approach h for f an n-electron l atom system to obtain the best possible wave function of the product form, N ψ ( r1 , r2 , θ1 , θ2 , φ1 , φ2 …) = ∏ R , (ri) Y , (θ i, φ i) . m n i =1 i i i i This SCF wavefunction has each electron moving in the electrostatic potential given by the nuclear attraction and the electrostatic charge cloud arising from the ϕ ϕ*ϕ ϕ of the other n-1 electrons. electrons Only an average electron correlation is accounted for in this limit, but the concept of orbitals for each electron is still present. We can do a variational calculation calculat on w with th a bas basiss set to obtain obta n the best value for each ϕI w within th n the confines of that basis set. If the basis set were complete, then we would obtain the Hartree Fock SCF limit. To go beyond y this limit, we add more terms to account for instantaneous electron correlation. These could be terms of the form This method of adding terms that look like other orbitals is referred to as configuration interaction (CI), and it can give an exact nonrelativistic l ti i ti solution l ti tto th the wave equation. ti H However th the conceptt of f individual orbitals is lost, and we now have only a very complex function. This is by far the hardest part of a given calculation. He atom total energy and ionization energy calculations M th d Method Total E Energy/au* / * Ionization E Energy/au* / * Perturbation calculations Complete p neglect g of f the interelectronic repulsion term First-order perturbation theory Second-order perturbation theory Thirteenth order perturbation theory Thirteenth-order Variational calculations (ls)2 with ξ = 1.6875 (ns)2 with ξ = 1.61162 n = 0.995 Hartree-Fock Hy11eras, 10 parameters Kinoshita 39 parameters Kinoshita, Pekeris, 1078 parameters *au = atomic unit of energy -4.00 -2.75 2.91 - 2.903 2 903 7243 3 -2.8477 -2.8542 -2.8617 -2.90363 -2 9037225 -2.9037225 -2.9037243 75 2.00 0.75 0.91 0 904 0.904 0.848 0.854 0.862 0.904 0 904 0.904 0.904 1 au = 2*IP(H) = 2 Hartree ≅ 27.21 eV Multielectron Atoms We have seen how to employ the variational method to improve the wave v functi function n for f r the th helium h lium atom. t m We W have h v seen s n that th t with ith hard h rd work rk we can do almost arbitrarily well for the properties of the helium atom. The first step was to obtain the best independent particle (separable) product form of the wave function. function The starting point was our independent electron (neglect r12) model, and the best possible result of this form was called the Hartree-Fock limit. The results were much better, but still not of chemically relevant accuracy, so we had to devise methods to include the correlated motion of the electrons. The method described in class was called configuration interaction, and we demonstrated that the results could be very y good. g In the process, p we of course took into account the couplings between electrons, and so the original naive concept of separate good quantum numbers n, , m and ms for each electron has gone down the drain. W are left We l f with i h the h fact f that h only l totall energy, totall angular l momentum are rigorously conserved. We now make a brief foray into writing out the Schrödinger equation and its independent electron solution for an n-electron n electron system. system Multielectron Atoms Consider an atom with nuclear charge +Ze, nuclear mass M and N electrons. The Hamiltonian is given by 2 ⎡ ⎤ Ze e 2 2 ˆ H=− + ∑∑ ∇M + ∑ ⎢ − ∇i − ⎥ 2M r i ⎦ i=1 ii=11 ⎣ 2 m e i 1 j> i r ij 2 N 2 2 N N What do we do now?? First, we separate out the center of mass motion, ti taking t ki care of f 3 of f the th 3(N+1) 3(N 1) degrees d s of f freedom. f d N Next, t ass before, we assume the nuclear mass to be much greater than all of the electrons. This places the center of mass on the nucleus, dropping the first term and it makes the electron- nucleus attractions central forces. The problem, as with helium, is now separable if we neglect the electron-electron electron electron repulsion terms. We have N independent +Ze Ze ((-e) e) one electron problems. As before the solutions are given by 2 En ,n ,...n = − Z e 1 2 2 2a o N n1 = 1,2,… n2 = 1,2,… n3 …nN N 1 ∑n i=1 i 2 N where ψ = ∏ R , (r i )Y , (θ i , φi ) mi ni i i i =1 Next we must include spin, and make the resulting function antisymmetric. As earlier, we do this using Slater Determinants. Determinants Now on to molecules! MOLECULAR STRUCTURE The Born Born-Oppenheimer Oppenheimer Approximation The general molecular Schrödinger equation, apart from electron spin effects, is (T n ) +Te +Vnn +Vee +Ven ψ = Eψ where the operators in the Hamiltonian are the kinetic energy operators of the nuclei and the electrons, electrons and then the potential energy operators between the nuclei, between the electrons, and between the nuclei and electrons. Coordinates are defined below for a three nucleus, three electron molecule. Definition of distances in a molecule In general, the explicit forms of these operators are as follows Tn = Te = nuclei ∑ α − 2 2 Mα electrons ∑ i =1 − 2 ∇α 2 2 me nuclei 2 ∇i Z Z e Vnn = ∑ ∑ α β R αβ α β>α Vee = Ven = 2 e2 ∑ ∑ i =1 j >i r ijj electrons nuclei ∑ α electrons ∑i − Zα e 2 ri α There is a repulsive interaction among the nuclear charges and a repulsive charge-charge interaction among the electrons. However, the interaction potential between electrons and nuclei is attractive, since the particles have opposite charges. This particular interaction couples the motions of the electrons and the motions of the nuclei. Born-Oppenheimer Born Oppenheimer Approximation The wavefunctions that satisfy this Hamiltonian must be functions of both the electron position coordinates and the nuclear position coordinates, and this differential equation is not separable. In principle, true solutions could be found, but this is a formidable differential equation to work with. An n alternative a t rnat iss an approximate appro mat ((but ut generally g n ra y a very ry good approximation) separation of the differential equation based upon the very large difference between the mass of an electron and the masses of the nuclei. nuclei The difference suggests that the nuclei will be sluggish in their motions relative to the electron motions. Over a brief period of time, the h electrons l will ll "see" " " the h nuclei l as if f fixed f d in space; the h nuclear motions will be relatively slight. The nuclei, on the g of f a blur,, other hand,, will "see" the electrons as something given their fast motions.