EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Special Edition n Cleaning Validation III Gamal Amer, Ph.D. Validation and Process Associates, Inc. Louis A. Angelucci, III Foster Wheeler Corporation George N. Brower Analex Corporation Kenneth G. Chapman Drumbeat Dimensions, Inc. Dennis Christensen Consultant Robert C. Coleman US Food & Drug Administration Shahid Dara Independent Consultant PCI, Pharmachem International William E. Hall, Ph.D. Hall & Associates Eldon Henson Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health JAY H. KING LifeScan, a Johnson & Johnson Company JOHN G. LANESE, Ph.D. The Lanese Group, Inc. Barbara Mullendore AstraZeneca ROBERT A. NASH, Ph.D. St. John’s University Charlie Neal, Jr. BE&K David R. Dills Medtronic Xomed TOD E. RANSDELL Bio-Rad Laboratories Michael Ferrante Catalytica Pharmaceuticals Patricia Stewart Flaherty Bayer Corporation Roberta D. Goode Consultant CYNTHIA GREEN Northwest Regulatory Support Daniel Harpaz, Ph.D. MELVIN R. SMITH Independent Consultant ROBERT W. STOTZ, Ph.D. Validation Technologies, Corporation ERIC D. VEIT Johnson & Johnson David W. Vincent Validation Technologies, Inc. Editor and Publisher Glenn Melvin Vice President Terri Kulesa Production Director Edward Eick Associate Publisher Brandon Melvin Disclaimer: Any reproduction of the contents of this publication in whole or part is strictly prohibited without permission. Views and conclusions expressed in articles herein are those of the authors. The publisher accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information supplied herein or for any opinion expressed. No liability can be accepted in anyway. The information provided does not constitute legal advice. Change of Address: Notices should be sent promptly. Provide new address, including zip code or postal code. Submissions: Manuscripts are welcomed. Please call for editorial guidelines. Reprints: Reprints of all articles in this issue are available. Call 561-790-2025 for more information. JOURNAL MISSION The Journal of Validation Technology is a peer-reviewed publication that provides an objective forum for the dissemination of information to professionals in FDA-regulated in­dustries. The Journal’s Editorial Advisory Board reviews all submissions to ensure that they have been researched thoroughly, reflect current industry standards, and are not promotional in nature. The Journal will not publish articles which have not been approved by the Board. 4 Institute of Validation Technology PO B­ox 6004 Duluth, MN 55806 Telephone: 218-723-4977 U.S. only: 888-524-9922 Fax: 218-723-9308 or E-Mail: info@ivthome.com Web Site: www.ivthome.com ISSN 1079-6630 CONTENTS TABLE OF Special Edition n Cleaning Validation III Equipment Cleaning Validation: Microbial Control Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Cleaning Validation: Maximum Allowable Residue: Question and Answer . . . . . . . 13 by by Destin A. LeBlanc, M.A. William E. Hall, Ph.D. Development of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analysis for Detergent Residue Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 by James G. Jin and Cheryl Woodward Total Organic Carbon Analysis for Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Karen A. Clark by Detergent Selection – A First Critical Step in Developing a Validated Cleaning Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 by Mark Altier Analysis Cleaning Validation Samples: What Method? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 by Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D., Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. Control and Monitoring of Bioburden in Biotech/Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 by Raj Jaisinghani, Greg Smith and Gerald Macedo A Cleaning Validation Program for the ELIFA System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 by LeeAnne Macaulay, Jeff Morier, Patti Hosler and Danuta Kierek-Jaszczuk, Ph.D. BONUS A Cleaning Validation Master Plan for Oral Solid Dose Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 by Julie A. Thomas Proposed Validation standard — VS-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 5 Equipment Cleaning Validation: Microbial Control Issues By Destin A. LeBlanc, M.A. Cleaning Validation Technologies v T he PDA spring conference taminants.” How­­ever, Section 6.7 of was held in Las Vegas, this document that covers “Micro­­bio­ }…it is Nevada in March 20, 2001. As­pects” focuses exclusively becoming more logical The conference showcased clean­ on the same issue discussed in the common for ing validation, residue limits, bio­ FDA guidance document, namely burden, micro­bial limits, and sani­ the issue of preventing microbial pro­ regulatory tization. This paper is based on a liferation during storage. authorities pre­sentation at that conference. As a practical matter, microbial The initial focus of regulatory residues on equipment surfaces are to cite documents relating to cleaning part of the contaminants that should manufacturers validation for process equipment be reduced to an acceptable level; in pharmaceutical manufacturing that acceptable level being what is for deficiencies in­volved measuring residues of the safe for the manufacture of the sub­ related to drug active and the cleaning agent. sequently manufactured pro­duct. For example, the introduction to Unfortunately, very little has been microbial the Food and Drug Ad­mini­stra­tion written on what is a safe level for control in (FDA) guidance document on clean­­ microorganisms following cleaning ing validation1 states: “This guide is and/or sanitation.3,4 Part of the reason cleaning intended to cover equipment clean­ for this is that microbial resi­dues are validation ing for chemical residues only.” significantly different from chemi­ While admitting that microbial re­s­ cal re­sidues. Chemical resi­dues are programs.~ i­dues are beyond the scope of the “in­ert” in the sense that it is easy to guideline, that guidance document cal­culate (especially using scenarios further states, “microbiological aspects of equip­ of uniform contamination in the subsequently manu­ ment cleaning should be considered,” particularly factured product) the potential levels and effects of with reference to preventive measures so that micro­ those chemical residues in the subsequently manu­ bial proliferation does not occur during storage. The factured pro­duct should they be transferred to that European PIC/S document,2 that was issued several subsequently manufactured pro­duct. With microbial years later, does explicitly mention microbial re­si­ residues left after the cleaning process, the situation dues. In Section 6.2.1, contaminants to be re­moved is somewhat different. Because microorganisms are in­clude “the previous products, residues of cleaning living organisms, those left as residues on equipment agents as well as the control of potential microbial con­ may change in number after the cleaning process, but 6 Institute of Validation Technology Destin A. LeBlanc, M.A. before the manufacture of the subsequently manu­ the cleaned equipment. However, many times this factured pro­duct. Those microbes transferred to the does not include any assessment as to the effect of subsequently manufactured product may also change that unchanged bioburden level on the subsequently in number after they are incorporated into the subse­ manufactured product. quently manufactured product in the manufacturing This paper will address issues covering ap­proaches step. This change may be a significant reduction in to control of microorganisms in process equipment, bioburden, either due to drying of the equipment or setting of acceptance limits, sampling techniques, and due to a preservative in the finished drug product, approaches to providing acceptable documentation. for example. This change may also involve rapid Microbial Control Measures proliferation, either due to suitable growth conditions in wet equipment during storage, or due to suitable Control measures to reduce the bioburden on growth conditions in the finished drug product. Or, they may result in no significant change in microbial cleaned process equipment include control of bio­ level, because the bioburden was due to bacterial burden of raw materials, the cleaning process itself, spores (that will survive readily in dried equipment), or because the }Some companies will measure the subsequently manufactured product was a dry product (with low water change in microbial levels on activity). There­fore, knowing the equipment surfaces during storage levels of microorganisms left on the equipment following cleaning does of the cleaned equipment. However, not necessarily give one the full many times this does not include any story of the po­ten­tial hazards of those microbial residues. Addi­tional in­for­ assessment as to the effect mation is required to assess those of that unchanged bioburden potential hazards. Why has microbial evaluation level on the subsequently during cleaning of process equip­ manufactured product.~ ment been a little discussed topic? Part of the reason is that it is not a significant problem in process man­ ufacturing. Yes, it could conceivably be a problem if a separate sanitizing step, and drying of the equip­ cleaning and storage were inadequate. How­ever, for ment following cleaning. Bioburden of raw materials the most part, cleaning and storage of pro­cess equip­ in­cludes the active, excipients, water, and any process­ ing aids. In many cases, the manufacturer may have ment, in so far as it applies to microbial residues, probably is done relatively well in most pharmaceu­ little control over the bioburden of raw materials other tical manufacturing facilities. On the other hand, it is than to accept a specification by the raw material sup­ becoming more common for regulatory authorities to plier. The most critical raw materials probably will be cite manufacturers for deficiencies related to micro­ natural products, in which there may be considerable bial control in cleaning validation programs. One variation in the levels and types of microorganisms. A solid monitoring program to control in­coming bio­ reason for this seeming anom­aly is that while firms are adequately controlling microbial contamination of burden of raw material is necessary. If there could be process equipment, there may be little documentation significant variation in bioburden, then that should to support this. This lack of documentation includes be addressed in the cleaning validation Performance any measurement of microbial residues during the Qualification (PQ) trials. At least one PQ trial should cleaning validation and/or during routine monitoring. utilize the worst-case incoming bioburden of raw Some companies will measure the change in micro­ materials to demonstrate adequate cleaning and micro­ bial levels on equipment surfaces during storage of bial control under those conditions. Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 7 Destin A. LeBlanc, M.A. A second means of microbial control is the cleaning process itself. The conditions of aqueous cleaning are often hostile to microbial survival. These con­ditions include high temperature (commonly 60-80ºC), pH extremes (>11 and <4), and the presence of oxidizers (such as sodium hypochlorite in biotechnology manu­ facture). In addition, the presence of surfactants in the cleaning solution can assist in providing good physical removal of microbes (without necessarily killing them). Good cleaning is also beneficial to microbial control in that chemical residues left behind can provide a physi­ cal “microbial trap” to allow microorganisms to survive even in the presence of chemical sanitizers. Those chemical residues left behind might also serve as a nutrient source that allows microbes to proliferate dur­ ing improper storage. Based on the author’s experience, in most cases, effective control of microorganisms in pharmaceutical process equipment can be achieved with the use of an effective cleaning process, without the need for a separate chemical sanitizing step. In some cases, a separate sanitizing step may be necessary. This may include sanitation by steam or by chemical sanitizers. Suitable chemical sanitizers for process equipment include sodium hypochlorite (chlo­ rine bleach), quaternary ammonium compounds, alco­ hol (ethyl or isopropyl), hydrogen peroxide, and per­ acetic acid. It should be noted that, with the exception of alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, additional rinses would be necessary to remove any chemical residues of the sanitizer from the equipment. Those chemical residues may also have to be evaluated as residues to be measured in the cleaning validation protocol. For such chemical treatments, it is not an expectation that the equipment be sterile. Unless the final rinse is with sterile water, microorganisms will be reintroduced into the equipment from the use of Water-for-Injection (WFI) or purified water as the final rinse. Some companies will use an alternative to sanitizing immediately after cleaning. This usually involves sani­ tizing after storage and immediately before use. This may be used in situations where it is difficult to control microbial recontamination or proliferation during stor­ age. It should be noted that control of storage condi­ tions, if possible, is preferable. The practice of relying solely on a separate sanitizing step immediately before manufacture should be discouraged. If this is practiced, then the sanitization step should be shown to be effec­ tive in reducing bioburden under the worst-case storage 8 Institute of Validation Technology conditions (“initial” bioburden, time, temperature, and humidity). Needless to say, if the chemical sanitizing step is performed im­mediately prior to manufacture of the subsequently manufactured product, then removal of the sanitizer chemical residues to an acceptable level should also be demonstrated. A fourth consideration for control of microor­ ganisms is drying the process equipment surfaces following the final rinse. Drying the surfaces will further reduce the levels of vegetative organisms on the surface. In addition, drying will assist in prevent­ ing microbial proliferation during storage. Drying can be achieved by heated air, heated nitrogen, or by rinsing with alcohol. In all cases, the process can be assisted by application of a vacuum (to speed the evaporation of the water or, in the case of an alcohol rinse, of the alcohol itself). Limits for Microbes As mentioned earlier, it is possible to reasonably predict levels of chemical residues in subsequently manufactured products based on the levels present on equipment surfaces.5,6 With microorganisms, it is pos­ sible to measure levels on equipment surfaces; how­ ever, the effect of those residues will depend on what happens to those microorganisms once they come in contact with the subsequently manufactured product. Areas that may have to be evaluated include the species (including the so-called “objectionable” organisms), type of organism (vegetative bacteria versus bacterial spore, for ex­ample), the presence of preservatives in that subsequently manufactured product, the water activity of the subsequently manufactured product, as well as any subsequent sterilization process performed on that product. As a general rule, if the water activity is less than 0.6, then it can be expected that microorganisms will not proliferate (although they may continue to sur­ vive without reproducing).7 Water activity is a physicalchemical measurement that ex­presses the water vapor pressure above the test sample as a fraction of the water vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature as the test sample. For aqueous products with a neutral pH, microbial proliferation can generally be expected unless there is a preservative in the product. If there is a possibility of microbial proliferation because the product is unpreserved and neutral, then that should be addressed in setting limits. Destin A. LeBlanc, M.A. Three methods to set microbial limits will be ad­dressed. The first (Case I) involve limits where the sub­sequent product does not allow microbial prolif­ eration and is not subject to any further sterilization process. The second (Case II) involves subsequently manufactured products that are terminally sterilized. The third (Case III) involves subsequently manufac­ tured products that are processed aseptically. Case I Limits If the subsequently manufactured product does not allow microbial proliferation, then the determination of acceptable microbial limits in the cleaned equip­ ment can be calculated using the same principles used for chemical residues with one important exception. This process involves first determining the accep­ tance limit in the subsequently manufactured product. This limit is typically given in Colony Forming Units (CFU) per gram of product. Once this is determined, then the limit per surface area of equipment (assum­ ing uniform contamination) can be calculated based on the batch size of the subsequently manufactured product and the equipment surface area. How is the limit in the subsequently manufactured product determined? For chemical residues, it is based on dosing information for actives or toxicity in­for­mation for cleaning agents. Such concepts cannot be directly applied to microbes. Fortunately, there are two good sources of information relating to levels of microorgan­ isms in products. One is the manufacturer’s own Quality Control (QC) specifications for the product, that may include a limit for bioburden in the product. A second source is information given in the proposed United States Pharmacopeia (USP) <1111> relating to “Microbial Attributes of Non­sterile Pharma­copeial Articles.”8 Examples of those limits are given below: Solid oral: ≤1000 CFU/g Liquid oral;≤100 CFU/g Topicals: ≤100 CFU/g Note: Although these limits were discussed and proposed in the Pharmacopeial Forum, these spe­ cific recommendations were not adopted officially as part of the 24th edition of the USP. Unfortunately, this is where the one exception to the conventional treatment arises. When one looks at the bioburden in a finished drug product, the equip­ ment surfaces are not the only source of bioburden. One must also consider the raw materials themselves, as well as the primary packaging, as potential sources of microorganisms. The best way to deal with this issue is to develop information on the bio­burden of the raw materials and the primary packaging, and factor these into the limits calculation. For example, if one were dealing with an oral liquid, one might calculate the contribution from the raw materials (assuming the upper limit bioburden for each raw material) as a maximum of 27 CFU/g. At the same time the contribu­ tion from the primary packaging is determined to be 3 CFU/g. Therefore, the amount allowed from equipment surfaces would be 70 CFU/g (100 minus 27 minus 3). An additional safety factor should be used to account for the significant variability in microbiological enu­ meration. An appropriate factor may be on the order of 5. There­fore, in this case, the limit (in CFU/g) that would be allowed solely due to the cleaned equipment surfaces would be 14 CFU/g (obtained by dividing 70 by 5). Higher safety factors also could be considered. These numbers are given for illustration purposes only. It should be realized that the contribution percentage allowed from cleaned equipment would vary depend­ ing on the contributions from the raw materials and the primary packaging. Once the limit in the subsequently manufactured product allowed from the cleaned equipment sur­ faces is determined, the next step is to determine the limit per surface area (CFU/cm2). This is calculated exactly as it would be for chemical residues: Limit per surface area = LSP x MBS SA where LSP = Limit in the subsequent product MBS = Minimum batch size SA = Product contact surface area In the example above, if the batch size is 200 kg and the product contact surface area is 260,000 cm2, then the microbial surface limit of the cleaned equip­ ment is: Limit per surface area =(70 CFU/g)(200,000g) = 54 CFU/ cm2 (260,000 cm2) Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 9 Destin A. LeBlanc, M.A. If sampling were done with a typical contact plate of 25 cm2, this would correspond to a limit of over 1300 CFU per contact plate. Since it is reasonable to count a maximum of only 250 CFU on a typical contact plate, this would clearly be in the TNTC (too numerous to count) category. Needless to say, this will vary with the limit in the subsequently manufactured product, the portion allowed from cleaned surfaces, the safety factor used, batch size, and the shared surface area. However, under most reasonable scenarios, the calculated limit due to microorganisms on the cleaned equipment surfaces will be significantly above what should be (and can be) achieved by proper cleaning. As a general rule, a good cleaning process should produce surfaces that contain no more than 25 CFU per contact plate (<1 CFU/cm2). When failures occur, generally they will be gross failures, with counts gen­ erally above 100 CFU per-plate. Case II Limits This involves setting limits for cleaned equipment when the product subsequently manufactured in that equipment is to be sterilized. In this case, the microbial limit in the subsequently manufactured product can be established based on the assumed bioburden of that product at the time of sterilization. In other words, any validated sterilization process depends on an assumed bioburden of the item being sterilized. That assumed bioburden then becomes the limit in the subsequently manufactured product. Once that limit in the subse­ quently manufactured product is established, then the calculations are the same as for Case I – a certain por­ tion of that total limit is allowed from cleaned equip­ ment surfaces, a safety factor is applied, and then the limit per surface area is calculated using the minimum subsequent product batch size and the product contact surface area. It is significant that this issue is actually addressed in the FDA’s cleaning validation guidance document; that states: “…it is important to note that control of bio­ burden through adequate cleaning and storage of equipment is important to ensure that subsequent sterilization or sanitization procedures achieve the necessary assurance of sterility.” 9 Case III Limits This third case involves setting limits on equip­ 10 Institute of Validation Technology ment surfaces where the subsequently manufactured product is aseptically produced. This case is slightly different from Case II in that it is the equipment itself, and not the product, which is subsequently sterilized. This case is relatively straightforward, because the microbial limits on the surfaces of cleaned equipment are established based on the assumed bioburden of the equipment surfaces for sterilization validation of that equipment. No information on batch sizes or surface areas is necessary. The assumed bioburden for the sterilization validation can be used directly for limit purposes. The only adjustment may be the incorpora­ tion of a safety factor (to accommodate normal varia­ tion in microbiological enumeration). Measurement Techniques Conventional tools used for microbial enumeration from surfaces can be used. These include rinse water sampling (usually with membrane filtration), swab­ bing (with desorption of the swab into a sterile solu­ tion and then a pour plate count), and use of a con­tact plate. The choice of recovery medium and incubation conditions is usually dictated by the expected organ­ isms. As a general rule, the initial focus is on aerobic bacteria. However, if anaerobic bac­teria or molds/ yeasts are suspected problems, these should be also evaluated. One issue that does not translate directly from chemical residue measurements is the idea of deter­ mining percent recovery using the sampling method. In the measurement of chemical residues, the target residue is spiked onto a model surface and the quan­ titative percent recovery is determined. The amount re­covered as a percent of the amount spiked is consid­ ered the sampling method percent recovery. Per­cent recoveries in chemical sampling measurement are generally above 50 percent. This percent recovery is then used to convert an analyzed sample value; for example, if a chemical residue measured by a swab­ bing technique gives 0.6 µg of residue, then with a 50 percent recovery, this actually represents the possibil­ ity of 1.2 µg being on that surface. This concept can­ not be applied directly to microbiological sampling. The reason for this is partly the inherent variability in microbiological testing. If one measured 10 CFU in one test and 5 CFU in a duplicate test (a 50 percent difference), one would be hard pressed to say that Destin A. LeBlanc, M.A. those numbers are significantly different. In addition, how would one actually measure the percent recovery in a microbiological test? If a model surface is spiked with a specific number of a certain bacterium, and then that surface is allowed to dry and is sampled, just the process of drying might cause a low recovery of bacteria (due to the dying of vegetative bacteria by drying). In addition, what species of bacteria would be used for the recovery study? It is recognized that microbiological sampling methods may understate the number of microbes on a surface (indeed the concept of a CFU, that may limits should be included in the validation protocol, and measured as part of the three PQ trials. One should also include the absence of “ob­jectionable” organisms as part of the acceptance criteria. To deal with processes for which cleaning valida­ tion has already been completed, but for which no microbial evaluation has been done, there are two strategies available. The objective of each is to devel­ op documentation that the cleaning process consis­ tently provides equipment surfaces with acceptable bioburden. One option is to perform a cleaning validation PQ, measuring only bioburden on sur­ faces for comparison to calculated acceptance limits. The other option }One issue that does not translate is to initiate a routine microbiologi­ cal mon­itoring program as part of directly from chemical residue the monitoring of cleaning. This measurements is the idea of may involve something as simple as monitoring the bioburden in the determining percent recovery final rinse water to demonstrate con­ using the sampling method.~ sistency. This data, combined with product QC data on bioburden, may satisfy the need for adequate docu­ contain any number of bacteria, also clouds the issue). mentation. There are two ways to view such an issue. One is to One should also consider one’s motivation for make it clear that whatever variation exists in measur­ wanting to obtain assur­ance that the bioburden is ing micro­organisms on surfaces is probably equally an ac­ceptably low after cleaning. If the im­petus for action issue when one sets limits based on product limits or is due to lack of data, one should resist the impulse to sterilization bioburden limits. Therefore, the variabili­ immediately add a sanitizer into the cleaning program. ty issue becomes a “wash.” The other perspective is to The focus should be on developing data to demonstrate ac­count for such variation by choosing extremely high the sufficiency of the current cleaning process. Adding safety factors. In the calculation example for Case I, a separate sanitizing step only complicates matters by a factor of 5 was used as a safety factor. Even if that adding additional residue concerns. If the impetus for safety factor were increased to 10 or 20, the calculated action is due to observed high microbial counts on acceptance limits would have still been ex­tremely equipment surfaces or (more likely) in manufactured high, and still beyond what one should achieve with a product, then it is important to determine by careful well-designed cleaning program. investigation whether that unacceptable contamination is due to issues with the cleaning process, with stor­ Documentation Strategies age, or to both. In such a case, a separate sanitizing step should only be added if the data fully support it. How these issues will be addressed will depend on Conclusion the stage of the cleaning process development. For a new process being designed, the best strategy is to pre­ Bioburden on cleaned equipment is an impor­ pare a calculation of microbial limits, and then design the cleaning process to meet those acceptance criteria. tant concern in the cleaning process. Fortunately, Included in that evaluation should be any change in most aqueous cleaning processes, properly designed, bioburden (in particular, any increase or proliferation) should provide low and acceptable bioburden levels on storage of the equipment. The micro­bial acceptance on equipment surfaces following the cleaning pro­cess. Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 11 Destin A. LeBlanc, M.A. Proper drying and storage should provide assurance that microbial proliferation does not occur be­fore the manufacture of the subsequently manufactured product in that equipment. Any scientifically justi­ fied determination of acceptable bioburden levels, particularly for non-sterile products, is generally far higher than what should be achieved in conventional practice. This is becoming more of a regulatory and compliance issue, not because microbial contami­ nation is a widespread pro­blem, but rather because pharmaceutical manufacturers may lack appropriate documentation to support their practices. This can easily be remedied by a separate validation protocol to address microbial issues, or by routine monitoring to demonstrate consistency. o About the Author Destin A. LeBlanc, M.A., is with Cleaning Validation Technologies, providing consulting in the area of pharmaceutical cleaning validation. He has 25 years experience with cleaning and microbial control technologies. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and the University of Iowa. He can be reached by phone at 210-481-7865, and by e-mail at destin@cleaningvalidation.com. References 1. FDA. “Guide to Inspections of Validation of Cleaning Pro­ cesses.” 1993. 2. Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme. Recom­men­ da­tions on Cleaning Validation. Document PR 1/99-2. Geneva, Switzerland. April 1, 2000. 3. A.M. Cundell. Microbial Monitoring. Presented at the 4th IIR Cleaning Validation Conference, October 20-22, 1997. (http:// microbiol.org/files/PMFList/clean.ppt, accessed May 29, 2001). 4. S.E. Docherty. “Establishing Microbial Cleaning Limits for Nonsterile Manufacturing Equipment.” Pharmaceutical En­gineering. Vol. 19 No. 3. May/June 1999. Pp. 36-40. 5. G.L. Fourmen and M.V. Mullen. “Determining Cleaning Validation Acceptance Limits for Pharmaceutical Manufact­uring Operations.” Pharmaceutical Technology. Vol. 17 No. 4. 1993. Pp. 54-60. 6. D.A. LeBlanc. “Establishing Scientifically Justified Ac­ceptance Criteria of Finished Drug Products.” Pharma­ceutical Technology. Vol. 19 No. 5. October 1998. Pp. 136-148. 7. R.R. Friedel. “The Application of Water Activity Measurements to Microbiological Attributes Testing of Raw Materials Used in the Manufacture of Nonsterile Pharma­ceutical Products.” Pharmacopoeial Forum. Vol. 25 No. 5. September-October 1999. pp. 8974-8981. 8. <1111> Microbial Attributes of Nonsterile Pharmacopoeial Articles (proposed). Pharmacopoeial Forum. Vol. 25 No. 2. March-April 1999. Pp. 77857791. 9. FDA. “Guide to Inspections of Validation of Cleaning Pro­ cesses.” 1993. 12 Institute of Validation Technology CFU: FDA: PQ: QC: USP: WFI: Article Acronym Listing Colony Forming Units Food and Drug Ad­mini­stra­tion Performance Qualification Quality Control United States Pharmacopeia Water-For-Injection Cleaning Validation: Maximum Allowable Residue Question and Answer W e are involved in the pro­ duction of soft gel­atin capsules and tablets in our newly built facility. Our prod­ ucts consist of at least 17 minerals and multivitamins in a single pro­ duct, while other products consist of the same ingredients having some quantity (in MG) varying with the previous one. In some products, some vitamins are not present. I want to know how to conduct a cleaning validation study of each product. Again, I want to know which ingre­ dients I have to check after cleaning of the equipment to determine the residues? The choice of which ingredient in a multi-ingredient product should }…sometimes serve as the focus of the cleaning the many validation is often a difficult one for vitamin and mineral products. For possible classical pharmaceutical products, combinations the choice is usually based on choos­ the most potent ingredient, or the of products and ing least water soluble ingredient, or a equipment would combination of these two factors. vitamins and minerals the choice result in so many For may be more difficult because of studies that the the many ingredients present in the and the relatively small company would formulation amounts present. Coup­led with these never be able to difficulties is often the difficulty in assaying the very small amounts of complete them active re­sidues that might be pres­ during a • What will the limit be for the micro­­ ent after cleaning. My suggestion bial contamination for the cleaning would be to identify an ingredient for reasonable validation studies, and what will be which there is a good sensitive assay period of time.~ available. For example, if one of the the rationale for the same? • If I’m using some cleaning agent, in­gredients hap­pens to show good then what rationale is used for de­tectable levels of fluorescence keeping the limit the same? (e.g., riboflavin, folic acid, and certain B vitamins show good fluorescence) in water, then this material could be selected as the “marker” material, and could Thank you for your question. It is a very good one because it represents cleaning from the serve as the ingredient to focus on during the analysis of the rinse samples. In the case of vitamins and min­ point of view of a manufacturer of vitamins and min­ erals, it may be necessary, and even highly desirable, erals, which in some countries, are considered drugs, to take this ap­proach because of the extremely low and in other countries, are considered as “nutraceuti­ levels of residues present after cleaning. It may also cals,” an important and emerging part of our business. The first specific question you asked related to be possible to examine equipment in a dark room with the use of an ultraviolet light to identify areas of equip­ how to conduct a cleaning validation for each prod­ ment that are not cleaned sufficiently (an enhanced uct, and how to select which ingredient to check visual examination), again utilizing the known fluo­ after cleaning to verify that the cleaning is adequate. A: Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 13 William E. Hall, Ph.D. rescent behavior of certain vitamins. A brief study will need to be carried out to determine if this approach is appropriate and adequate for your particular situation. I would suggest that you not try to con­duct cleaning validation for every product. The reason I say that is be­cause sometimes the many possible combina­ tions of products and equipment would result in so many studies that the company would never be able to complete them during a reasonable period of time. If, for example, you have 50 products, and each could be run on ten (10) different pieces of equipment, then you would need 500 studies to cover all the possible combinations and permutations. That is simply too much of a re­source and cost issue for the average company to face. It would be much better to divide your products into groups or families, and choose one or two representatives from each group to conduct full cleaning validation. The assumption is that you can pick some “worst-case,” most difficult to clean, potent products from each group. The first step is to divide the products into groups. I don’t know the names and ingredients of the products your company manufactur­ ers; however, you did mention that some products are vitamin products and others are mineral products. So I think there would be two major groups – vitamins and minerals. Then each of these groups might be further divided, if necessary. For example, in the vitamin cat­ egory you may have some products that contain water sol­uble vitamins, and some that contain fat soluble vitamins. So now we have three (3) major groups (water soluble vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, and mineral pro­­ducts). So you begin to see our approach. It might be that if you have vastly different types of mineral products you might want to also further divide that group into smaller groups. In any event, you want to have pro­bably four (4) to ten (10) products in each group, and then pick a worst-case representative from each group. So by choosing this “grouping approach,” you have re­duced the work from a very large resource requirement to a doable or achievable project. The choice of the worst-case representative should be based on a combination of aqueous solubility and po­tency. The potency can be determined for some pro­ducts by determining the amount present in the product from the label or package insert. Sometimes this may be a little confusing for vitamin products because the amounts are listed in units instead of quantitative amounts, such as milligrams. In these 14 Institute of Validation Technology cases, I would sug­gest that you refer to the Internet, and conduct a search on the toxicity or potency of these materials. You may be surprised to find that a vita­ min, such as folic acid, is quite potent in terms of its medical effect and dosage. The limits for these products can be calculated by allowing a certain small fraction of vitamins or minerals to carry over to each dose of the following product. Again, you will need basic information, such as the medical dosage of the initial product, the batch size and dosage of the next or subsequently manufac­ tured product. In terms of the safety factor, i.e., the factor that is used to reduce the allowable dosage, I suggest that you use a factor of 1/100th for vitamin and mineral products. A factor of 1/1000th is often used for pharmaceuticals, but I feel a more generous factor of 1/100th is appropriate for vitamin and min­ eral products. You could refer to some of the articles published in the Journal of Validation Technology for the details of how to calculate specific limits. Your last question related to what rationale should be used for the cleaning agent itself. The basic re­quirement is that you be able to provide data that de­monstrates that the cleaning agent itself is re­moved during the cleaning process, usually by the final rinse. You will need to go through the same rationale for the product residue limits, i.e., establish a scientific basis or justification that shows that the most potent ingredient in the cleaning agent is reduced to a medi­ cally insignificant level. It is beyond the scope of this answer to go into the mathematical details of how to calculate this data, but again the details can be found in the various articles published in the Journal of Validation Technology. You will need to know about the ingredients in your cleaning agent, as they are typically multi-ingredient formulations, just like our pharmaceutical products, and you will need to get that information from your supplier of cleaning agents. The good news is that if you use the same cleaning agent and cleaning procedure for many products, then you only have to do a single cleaning validation study (three runs) for the cleaning agent. o This answer was provided by an Editorial Advisory Board Member, William E. Hall, Ph.D. Dr. Hall be reached by phone at 910-458-5068, or by fax at 910458-1087, and by e-mail at cleandoct@aol.com. Development of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analysis for Detergent Residue Verification By James G. Jin and Cheryl Woodward Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. T v he 1993 FDA Guideline for concluded that the visual detection cleaning validation states of foam was the best method for the }…the that the removal of deter­ detergents they tested.4 The method gent residues should be evaluated biotechnology and of visual detection of foam is only effective for foaming detergents, and there should be no or very low pharmaceuti1 but is invalid for low foaming deter­ detergent levels left after cleaning. cal industry has gents. From a user’s point of view, Currently, the pharmaceutical in­dus­ try employs varieties of detergents this paper documents that TOC is an become for cleaning and different clean­­ing effective and quantitative method increasingly validation programs. Many com­ for detergent residue verification. panies have not included detergent interested in Total Organic Carbon residue evaluation as part of their the use of Methodology cleaning validation programs main­ ly due to unavailability of ef­fective TOC [Total TOC is a non-specific method for methodologies or lack of aware­ness Organic Carbon] the compound analyzed. How­ever, of the requirement by man­agement. TOC analysis is sensitive to very In the late 1970s, To­tal Organic as an analytical low levels of 0.002-0.8 ppm carbon, Carbon (TOC) analysis had been tool in cleaning depending on whether the sample is used for monitoring water quality in a water sample or a swab sample. pharmaceuticals and en­viron­mental validation Cur­rent­ly, two major oxidation tech­ controls. More re­cent­ly, the biotech­ programs.~ nologies dominate the TOC market: nology and pharmaceutical industry combustion and Ultra Violet (UV)/ has be­come in­creasingly interested persulfate. There has been debate in the use of TOC as an analytical about which technique is better suited for TOC testing tool in cleaning validation programs. TOC analy­ since the late 1980s. The major differences for each sis has been used as an analytical tool for cleaning technique5 are described in Figure 1, and give the user validation in the biotechnology industry for years.2,3 Westman and Karlson recently conducted a compari­ appropriate information to make an informed deci­ son study for different analytical methods – visual sion as to which technique better serves their needs. detection of foam, pH, conductivity measurements, The best TOC oxidation technology is the one and TOC for detergent residue evaluation. They that meets the application and analytical needs of the Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 15 James G. Jin Figure 1 Types of Total Organic Carbon Techniques Oxidation Combustion Combustion UV/Persulfate Heated Persulfate Combustion UV/Persulfate UV Detection TechniqueAnalytical Range (TOC)Official Methods Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) 0.5 – 100% AOAC 955.07 Coulometric 1 – 100% ASTM D4129 Non-Dispersive Infrared Detector (NDIR) 0.002 – 10,000 mg/L USP 643 NDIR 0.002 to 1,000 mg/L USP 643 NDIR 0.004 – 25,000 mg/L USP 643 Membrane/Conductivity 0.0005 – 50 mg/L USP 643 Conductivity or NDIR 0.0005 – 0.5 mg/L USP 643 user’s situation. The UV/Persulfate method meets precision and accuracy requirements for low-level cal­ibration check standards such as 0.5 ppm carbon in detergent residue evaluation. However, if captur­ ing the particulate organic matter in the TOC value is important, then combustion would be the better oxidation technology. The instrument we chose is a Tekmar-Dohrmann Phoenix 8000 with the UV/Per­ sul­fate oxidation technique. degradation of all carbon species to carbon dioxide, water, and other oxides of heteroelements. The UV light alone induces breakdown of many carbon spe­ cies with the persulfate providing additional help to attack compounds difficult to oxidize. The radical reactions are aggressive and indiscriminate in their attack. Chemistry of Oxidation and Total Organic Carbon Analysis of UV/Persulfate The NDIR is constructed in such a way as to be sensitive and selective for carbon dioxide present in the gas flow. An infrared beam from the source is passed through a chopper and down the sample chamber to a dual chamber detector. Each chamber is filled with carbon dioxide and is separated by a thin membrane. Varying intensity of the light hitting the cell causes fluctuation in temperature and thus the pressure of the gas inside the detector. This causes the membrane to deflect, which is ultimately read as a millivolt output signal from the detector. Wet chemistry oxidation of carbon compounds utilizes two chemical reactions to complete the analysis. A 21 percent solution of phosphoric acid is utilized in converting inorganic carbon species. Acid­ification of the sample allows for attack on inor­ ganic species such as carbonates and bicarbonates to convert them to carbon dioxide. This, along with any dissolved carbon dioxide in the sample is then sparged out, and either exhausted to vent or routed to the Non-­Dispersive Infrared detection (NDIR) for quantification when analyzing for Inorganic Carbon (IC) or TOC by difference (TC-IC). H+ + CO -2 → H O + CO 3 2 2 Persulfate is used to do the rest of the oxidation chemistry that is required for analysis. Sodium persul­ fate, at a concentration of 10 percent, and phosphoric acid, five percent are added to the UV chamber for analysis. The persulfate species in the presence of UV light breaks down at a weak oxygen-oxygen bond yielding two radicals per molecule. These radi­ cals start chain reactions that ultimately lead to the 16 Institute of Validation Technology S O -2 → SO -1 + R → H O + CO 2 8 4 2 2 Detergent Evaluation Three detergents (CIP-100, CIP-200, and Sparquat 256) were tested both in-house using the Tekmar Dohrmann Phoenix 8000 TOC Analyzer and at a contract lab, Quantitative Technologies Inc. (QTI), to ver­ify the total amount of organic carbon in each de­tergent at its original concentration. The method and instrument used at QTI was a Perkin-Elmer CHN Analyzer 2400. This experiment was performed to make a comparison between our instrument and the instrument in a qualified contract laboratory for infor­ mation purposes only. One detergent (Chlor-Mate) was tested in-house and compared with the available James G. Jin vendor’s specification. The TOC results for all the detergents are shown in Figure 2. The differences between the in-house and QTI results with respect to the TOC assay for CIP-100 and CIP-200 are 5.0 percent and 9.6 percent, respectively. These differences are relatively low compared to the 20 percent recovery criteria during recovery studies. The difference between the in-house and QTI results with respect to the TOC assay for Sparquat 256 is 28.4 percent. The in-house result was reviewed and no error was noted in the performance of the test­ ing procedure. The major differences may be due to in­strument and testing method variations. The result for Chlor-Mate is within the vendor’s specification. Swab Selection It has been known for years that polyester is a suitable material for TOC swabbing analysis. Over 20 different kinds of polyester swab samples were received from The Texwipe Company LLC. Five of them were chosen for TOC evaluation based on sample design and the convenience for use. The purpose of this experiment was to select a type of swab that has little TOC background interference and with consistent TOC results over time. Ultra purified water with 0.05 to 0.08 ppm carbon was used for swab analysis. The TOC results obtained from our TOC analyzer are shown in Figure 3. Swabs TX761 and TX741A showed increasing TOC results from 0.0813 to 0.9692 ppm carbon and from 0.1724 to 1.1246 ppm carbon over five days, re­spectively. Swab TX700 showed an unacceptably high TOC result of 46.1991 ppm carbon at the begin­ ning of the experiment, and was therefore not tested further. None of these swabs are suitable for our TOC analysis. Both polyester wipers AlphaSorb® HC TX2412 Figure 2 and TX2418 show acceptable results with respect to result consistency. The average of the seven TOC results from TX2412 and TX2418 found in Figure 3 is 0.8327 ± 0.1860 ppm carbon. The variation is acceptable compared to the acceptance criterion of three ppm carbon. These two swabs with the same material were selected to be our TOC swabs (cut to 5x5 cm2) for detergent residue verification. The TX3340 TOC cleaning validation kit including Eagle EP Picher 03464-40mL clear vials, Tex­wipe® TX714L-large SnapSwabsTM, and blank vial labels may be chosen since it is specially de­signed for TOC swabbing purposes. Detergent Recovery Evaluation from Stainless Steel Surface Ten stainless steel templates were spiked with detergent solution and swabbed using the polyester wipers AlphaSorb® HC TX2418 (5x5 cm2) for the detergent recovery study. The spiking and swabbing procedures were the same as those used for drug substance recovery studies. Forty mL of ultra puri­ fied water was added to each test tube as the extrac­ tion solution, vortexed about one minute, and then sonicated for five minutes for testing. The results are shown in Figure 4. The recoveries for CIP-100, CIP-200, and ChlorMate are over 80 percent and no correction factor is necessary. For Sparquat 256, a correction factor of 0.61 will be used. For example, if a result of 0.5 ppm carbon is obtained from the TOC analyzer, the final reported result would be 0.82 (0.5 ÷ 0.61) ppm carbon. Detergent Recovery Evaluation from Non-Stain­ less Steel Surfaces The aforementioned study was repeated using non-stainless steel templates. Two or three non-stain­ Total Organic Carbon Results for Detergent Evaluation Detergent Manufacturer/LotTotal Organic Carbon Result TOC Results Identification From BIPI* From QTI/Vendor CIP-100 Vestal Convac lot 211097 4.0208 ± 0.0139% 4.22% CIP-200 Convac lot 213915 2.4986 ± 0.0114% 2.26% Sparquat 256 ISSA (lot: n/a) 14.0232 ± 0.9336% 18.0% Chlor-Mate WestAgro® lot J8G0489AR 1.29% ± 0.0086% 1 – 1.5% *Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 17 James G. Jin Figure 3 Total Organic Carbon Results (ppm C) for Swab Selection Swab TOC/Two HoursTOC/Four HoursTOC/One DayTOC/Two DaysTOC/Five Days Description in H O in H O in H O in H O in H O Polyester Alpha 0.0813 0.3221 0.3926 0.9410 0.9692 swab TX761 ± 0.0041 ± 0.0853 ± 0.0166 ± 0.0288 ± 0.0299 Polyester Alpha 0.1724 0.2509 0.5330 0.8091 1.1246 swab TX741 A ± 0.0144 ± 0.0068 ± 0.0250 ± 0.0200 ± 0.0394 Polyester wipers 1.1665 0.6091 0.8602 0.7535 0.9723 AlphaSorb® ± 0.0406 ± 0.0490 ± 0.0264 ± 0.0328 ± 0.0668 HC TX2412 Polyester wipers 0.7406 0.7269 N/A(1) N/A(1) N/A(1) ® AlphaSorb ± 0.0056 ± 0.0297 HC TX2418 Polyester Alpha 46.1991 N/A N/A N/A N/A swab TX700 ± 8.0761 2 2 2 2 2 1. Polyester wipers AlphaSorb ® HC TX2412 and polyester wipers AlphaSorb ® HC. TX2418 is same material cut to different sizes. less steel templates were spiked with each detergent solution and swabbed using the polyester wipers AlphaSorb® HC TX2418 (5x5 cm2). The results are shown in Figure 5. For CIP-100 and CIP-200, the recoveries from each non-metal surface are over 80 percent. There­ fore, no correction factor is needed with respect to the TOC recovery. For Sparquat 256, the recoveries vary with different surfaces. The correction factors are as follows: For Delrin surface: correction factor = 0.74 For Glass surface: correction factor = 0.75 For Nylon surface: correction factor = 0.43 For Lexan surface: correction factor = 1.0 Evaluation of Detergent Residue After Rinsing The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate: ∂ The suitability of the Acceptance Criterion (AC) of three ppm carbon ∑ The effect of detergent concentration on deter­ gent residue after rinsing ∏ Recovery of detergent from different surfaces with and without rinsing π Rinsing efficiency and rinse time Four detergents (CIP-100, CIP-200, Sparquat 256, and Chlor-Mate) were used in both a concen­ trated form and at a working concentration of 0.5 oz/gal. Approximately one mL of detergent solution 18 Institute of Validation Technology Figure 4 Total Organic Carbon Recovery Results from a Stainless Steel Surface Detergent PercentNumber Percent Recovery of Relative SamplesStandard Deviation CIP-100 CIP-200 Sparquat 256 Chlor-Mate 111.7 92.4 61.0 99.1 30 10 20 10 5.92 4.10 8.47 2.76 Note: R esults were automatically corrected for the instrument blank effect. Figure 5 Total Organic Carbon Recovery Results from a Non-Stainless Steel Surface DetergentLexan Delrin GlassNylon Surface Percent Percent Percent Percent RecoveryRecoveryRecoveryRecovery CIP-100 106.9 CIP-200 90.3 Sparquat 83.3 256 113.8 92.3 74.0 107.6 97.4 75.1 127.0 93.2 42.5 was pipetted and spiked onto the templates with different materials of construction and dried with ventilation under a hood in the research and devel­ James G. Jin opment manufacturing area for a minimum of four hours. The templates were swabbed per standard swabbing procedure either before or after rinsing, using the polyester wipers AlphaSorb® HC TX2412 cut to 5x5 cm2. The rinse was first conducted using tap water and then purified water United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), both at room temperature and with a slow flow rate of approximately 2.7 L/ min. Two different rinse times (30 seconds and 60 seconds) were evaluated for different detergents on different templates to simulate the final rinse step in our manual cleaning process. The recovery results are reported in Figure 6. The Tekmar Dohrmann Phoenix 8000 TOC ana­ lyzer was easily able to detect the non-rinse samples with the results of 3.911 ppm carbon, 2.0928 ppm carbon, and 10.0868 ppm carbon for CIP-100, CIP200, and Sparquat 256, respectively. The results indicate that the AC of three ppm carbon is still high for detergents CIP-100, CIP-200, and Sparquat 256. The AC of one ppm carbon is acceptable. There were no differences in detectable residue for all four detergents (both concentrated and at 0.5 oz/gal) on stainless steel after a 30-second tap water rinse fol­ lowed by a 30-second purified water, USP rinse. Delrin was chosen for a typical material of construc­ Figure 6 Total Organic Carbon Results on Detergent Residue by Rinsing Sample ConcentrationTemplatesRinse TimeAreaTOC Results IdentificationSwabbed (ppm C)d CIP-100 0.5 oz/gal SS a No rinse 100 cm2 3.9111 a b 0.5 oz/gal SS 30”/30” 100 cm2 Less than blank CIP-100 CIP-100 Concentrated SS a 30”/30” b 100 cm2 Less than blank b 2 CIP-100 0.5 oz/gal Delrin 30”/30” 100 cm Less than blank 0.5 oz/gal Delrin 60”/60” b 100 cm2 Less than blank CIP-100 0.5 oz/gal Nylon 30”/30” b 100 cm2 0.6682 CIP-100 CIP-100 0.5 oz/gal Glass 30”/30” b 100 cm2 0.0001 b 2 CIP-100 0.5 oz/gal Lexan 30”/30” 100 cm Less than blank CIP-200 CIP-200 CIP-200 CIP-200 CIP-200 CIP-200 CIP-200 CIP-200 Sparquat Sparquat Sparquat Sparquat Sparquat Sparquat Sparquat Sparquat 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 Chlor-Mate Chlor-Mate Notes: 0.5 oz/gal 0.5 oz/gal Concentrated 0.5 oz/gal 0.5 oz/gal 0.5 oz/gal 0.5 oz/gal 0.5 oz/gal SS a SS a SS a Delrin Delrin Nylon Glass Lexan No rinse 30”/30” b 30”/30” b 30”/30” b 60”/60” b 30”/30” b 30”/30” b 30”/30” b 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 2.0928 Less than Less than Less than Less than 0.7720 0.0133 Less than 0.5 oz/gal 0.5 oz/gal Concentrated 0.5 oz/gal 0.5 oz/gal 0.5 oz/gal 0.5 oz/gal 0.5 oz/gal SS a SS a SS a Delrin Delrin Nylon Glass Lexan No rinse 30”/30” b 30”/30” b 30”/30” b 60”/60” b 30”/30” b 30”/30” b 30”/30” b 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 10.0868 c 0.2693 c Less than Less than Less than 0.3866 c Less than Less than 0.5 oz/gal Concentrated SS a SS a 30”/30” b 30”/30” b 100 cm2 100 cm2 blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank Less than blank Less than blank a. Stainless steel. b. 30”/30” or 60”/60” – rinse time in seconds, tap water/purified water United States Pharmacopoeia (USP). c. Result without correction factor. Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 19 James G. Jin tion and 30/60 seconds were chosen for evaluation of the rinse time. There was no difference in detectable residue for CIP-100, CIP-200, and Sparquat 256 on the Delrin surface after 30-second and 60-second rinse times. The results also show that it is more dif­ ficult to remove residues of CIP-100, CIP-200, and Sparquat 256 from a Nylon surface than from other materials. Acceptance Criterion for Detergent Residue There is no universal AC for detergent residue allowed to be left on GMP equipment surfaces. In our detergent residue verification program, the AC for each detergent residue left on equipment surfaces depends on the sensitivity of the instrument used for analysis. This means we must set a low AC that is still quantifiable and applicable. Toxicity of the detergent is not a concern at these trace amounts de­tergent level. Effects on human health from re­sidue left on equipment surfaces should be insignificant at a low concentration such as 0.5 oz/gal and with a routine rinse procedure. Our objective in this program is to demonstrate that we are able to verify whether or not the detergent residues are removed to an acceptable low-level we can achieve. Therefore, the AC should be established as close to the instrument’s level of detection as possible. We tighten the initial limit of three ppm carbon to AC = 1.0 ppm carbon (net reading automatically corrected with blank by the instrument in a 40 mL solution), which is less than two times the blank baseline. The AC can also be expressed as AC ≤ 10 ppb carbon/ cm2. This AC is practical and verifiable. The significance of the 1.0 ppm carbon AC for each detergent can be explained in Figure 7. We can see from the above calculations that AC = 1.0 ppm carbon means, for all detergents at 0.5 oz/gal, that we allow the maximum of 1 ÷ 3.92 = 0.26 mL of CIP-100, 1 ÷ 2.44 = 0.41 mL of CIP-200, 1 ÷ 13.68 = 0.07 mL of Sparquat 256, and 1 ÷ 1.26 = 0.79 mL of Chlor-Mate to be left on 100 cm2 of equipment surface after cleaning, respectively. Detergent Residue Verification Program Our detergent verification program is designed to be a one-time verification for each detergent used. This was based on the rinse experiment and the assumption that our routine rinsing procedures performed by well trained operators are sufficient to remove detergent residues to the level of less than the AC. This assumption has been verified from the results shown in Figure 6 that all the residues are eas­ ily removed by a 30-second tap water rinse followed by a 30-second purified water, USP rinse with very low spray rate. Verification rather than validation is currently required by the 1993 FDA, Guide to In­spec­­ tions of Validation of Cleaning Procedures due to the fact that detergent residue is less significant than drug substance residue left after cleaning. Summary The detergent residue verification program has been successfully established using the Tekmar Dohrmann Phoenix 8000 TOC analyzer. This paper has shown the program development, and presents critical data to support the detergent verification reports for each detergent used. The instrument Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), system calibration, and the TOC analysis method development were performed but not discussed in this paper. The poly­ ester wipers AlphaSorb® HC TX2412 and TX2418 cut to 5x5 cm2 have been selected as the swabs for sampling detergent residue from equipment surface for TOC analysis. The AC for the detergents CIP100, CIP-200, Sparquat 256, and Chlor-Mate with respect to TOC has been established as AC ≤ 10 ppb car­bon/cm2. Two different rinse times, 30 seconds and 60 seconds, were evaluated. The results show Figure 7 Significance of Total Organic Carbon Results for Detergent at 0.5 oz/gal CIP-100CIP-200Sparquat 256Chlor-mate 1 mL at 0.5 oz/gal 3.92 ppm 2.44 ppm 13.68 ppm 1.26 ppm diluted to 40 mL 1.0 ppm C per 100 cm2 0.26 mL 0.41 mL 0.07 mL 0.79 mL corresponding to 20 Institute of Validation Technology James G. Jin that 30-second/30-second rinse time (30-second rinse with tap water and then 30-second rinse with puri­ fied water, USP) is sufficient to remove the detergent re­sidues from different material templates including stainless steel, Delrin, Glass, Nylon, and Lexan to a level below the AC. The correction factors were de­ter­ mined based on the results of the recovery studies and will be used by analytical sciences to report the final TOC results for the detergent residue verification. o About the Authors James G. Jin is Chairman of the Cleaning Validation Committee for Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma­ceuti­ cals, Inc., which is responsible for clean­ing validation program development and implementation. He has more than ten years experience in pharmaceutical science and business arenas. He can be reach­ ed by phone at 203-798-5309. Cheryl Woodward is Associate Director of Research and Development (R&D) Manufacturing, for Boeh­ ringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. She is re­sponsible for all aspects of GMP manufacturing for clinical supplies and has over 18 years experience in the pharmaceutical and related industries. She can be reached by phone at 203-798-5367. References 1. FDA. Guide to Inspections of Validation of Cleaning Pro­ce­ dures. July, 1993. 2. Jenkins K.M., Vanderwielen A.J, Armstrong J.A, Leonard L.M, Murphy G.P, Piros N.A. 1996. “Application of Total Organic Carbon Analysis to Cleaning Validation.” PDA. Journal of Pharma­ceutical Science and Technology. 50. Pp 6-15. 3. Guazzaroni M., Yiin B., Yu J., 1998. “Application of Total Or­ganic Carbon Analysis for Cleaning Validation in Pharma­ceuti­ cal Manufacturing.” American Biotechnology Laboratory. Septem­ ber. Pp. 66-67. 4. Westman L., Karlsson G., 2000. “Methods for Detecting Re­si­ dues of Cleaning Agents During Cleaning Validation.” Re­search Article, Vol. 54, No. 5. September/October. 5. Furlong J., Booth B., Wallace B. 1999. “Selection of a TOC Analyzer: Analytical Considerations.” Tekmar-Dohrmann Ap­pli­cation Note. Vol. 9.20. Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 21 Total Organic Carbon Analysis for Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing By Karen A. Clark Anatel Corporation v I n the pharmaceutical industry, specific methods like TOC is that Good Manufacturing Practice they cannot identify exactly what }TOC analysis (GMP) requires that the clean­ the residue material is. Depending can be adapted on the chosen cleaning process and ing of drug manufacturing equip­ ment be validated.1 Many different established acceptance limits, a to any drug validation techniques can demon­ non-­specific method may be all that strate that the manufacturing equip­ is needed to validate the process. compound or ment is cleaned and essentially free TOC analysis can be adapted cleaning agent from residual active drug substanc­ to any drug compound or clean­ es and all cleaning agents. ing agent that contains carbon and that contains Common analytical techniques is “adequately” soluble in water. carbon and is in the validation process include Studies have been conducted to High Performance Liquid Chrom­ demonstrate that TOC methods can ‘adequately’ atography (HPLC), spectrophotom­ also be applied to carbon containing soluble in water.~ etry Ultraviolet/Visible (UV/Vis) compounds that have limited water and Total Organic Carbon (TOC). solubility, and recovery results are HPLC and UV/Vis are classified as equal to those achieved by HPLC.6 specific methods that identify and measure appropri­ TOC methods are sensitive to the parts per billion ate active substances. TOC is classified as a non- (ppb) range and are less time consuming than HPLC specific method and is ideal for detecting all carbon- or UV/Vis. United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) containing compounds, including active species, TOC methods are standard for Water-for-Injection and Purified Water,7 and simple modifications of excipients, and cleaning agent(s).2,3,4,5 The disadvantage of specific methods, particular­ these methods can be used for cleaning validation. ly HPLC, is that a new procedure must be developed Methodology for every manufactured active drug substance. This development process can be very time consuming TOC analysis involves the oxidation of carbon and and tedious, plus important sampling issues must also be considered. In addition, HPLC analyses must the detection of the resulting carbon dioxide. A num­ be performed in a relatively short time period after ber of different oxidation techniques exist, including photocatalytic oxidation, chemical oxidation, and sampling to avoid any chemical deterioration of the active substance. Finally, the sensitivity of HPLC high-temperature combustion. In this study, an Anatel methods can be limited by the presence of degrada­ A-2000 Wide-Range TOC Analyzer, equipped with an autosampler, was used. The Anatel A-2000 Widetion products. Of course the disadvantage to non22 Institute of Validation Technology Karen A. Clark 2 2 Figure 1 Measured TOC (ppb) Range Analyzer measures TOC in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) methods D 4779-88 and D 4839-88. It measures TOC directly by adding phosphoric acid to the water sample to reduce the pH from approximately two to three. At this low pH any inorganic carbon that is present is liberated as CO into a nitrogen carrier gas and is directly measured by a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) detector. Any remaining carbon in the sample is assumed to be TOC. A sodium persulfate oxidant is then added to the sample, and in the presence of UV radiation, the remaining carbon is oxidized to CO . The amount of CO generated is then measured by the NDIR to determine the amount of TOC originally present in the water. For equipment cleaning validation there are two types of TOC sampling techniques. One is the direct surface sampling of the equipment using a swab. The second consists of a final rinse of the equipment with high-purity water (typically <500 ppb TOC) and collecting a sample of the rinse for analysis. In general, direct surface sampling indicates how clean the actual surface is. This study demonstrates how to develop and validate a TOC method to measure a variety of different organic residues on stain­ less steel surfaces. Performance parameters tested include linearity, method detection limit (MDL), limit of quantitation (LOQ), accuracy, precision, and swab recovery. 2 Measured TOC (ppb) Figure 2 Linearity ∂ CIP-100 (alkaline) ∑ CIP-200 ® (acidic) ∏ Alconox ® (emulsifier) π Triton-X 100 (wetting agent) ® Results are shown in Figures 1-4. Correlation coefficients ranged from 0.9787 to 0.9998. Alconox and Triton-X 100 have a tendency to foam, depend­ ing on the concentrations that are analyzed and this foaming phenomena can have a negative effect on the accuracy of the TOC result (reduced R2). Three 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Figure 3 Measured TOC (ppm) TOC analysis should provide a linear relationship between the measured compound concentration and the TOC response of the analyzer. We evaluated four different types of cleaning agents for linearity: 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Linearity of CIP-100 y=39.254x + 1.462 R2=0.9997 0 50 100 150 200 250 CIP 100 Concentration (ppm) Linearity of CIP- 200 y=19.132x + 51.042 R2=0.9998 0 100 200 300 400 500 CIP 200 Concentration (ppm) Linearity of Alconox y=0.0355x + 1.1983 R2=0.9787 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Alconox Concentration (ppm) Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 23 Karen A. Clark Linearity of Triton-X 100 Measured TOC (ppb) 12500 y=415.76x + 16.997 R2=0.9982 10000 7500 5000 2500 0 Figure 5 0 Linearity of Sucrose 12000 Measured TOC (ppb) 5 10 15 20 25 Triton-X 100 Concentration (ppm) y=1.003x + 45.185 R2=0.9996 10000 8000 4000 2000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Sucrose Concentration (ppb) Figure 6 Linearity of Vancomycin Measured TOC (ppb) 8000 y=0.8758x + 62.133 R2=0.9998 6000 4000 2000 24 0 Linearity of Endotoxin 8000 y=0.9287x + 30.8 R2=0.9998 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Endotoxin Concentration (ppb) representative examples of active substances were also tested for linearity: an excipient (sucrose), an antibiotic (vancomycin), and endotoxin. Results are shown in Figures 5-7. All three compounds demonstrated excellent linearity with correlation coefficients (R2) ranging from 0.9996 to 0.9998. Method Detection Limit and Limit of Quantitation 6000 Figure 7 Measured TOC (ppb) Figure 4 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Vancomycin Concentration (ppb) Institute of Validation Technology We determined the Method Detection Limit (MDL) by measuring the TOC response of the meth­ od blank. A method blank consists of the sampling vial, swab, and recovery solution. In this study, the recovery solution was low TOC (< 25 ppb) water. Ten pre-cleaned vials were filled with the low TOC water. One swab was placed in each vial (Texwipe Alpha Swab TX761; tips cut off). Solutions were vortexed and allowed to stand for one hour prior to analysis. Four replicates from each vial were ana­ lyzed. The four replicates from each of the ten blank vials were averaged. These ten values were averaged again and a standard deviation was calculated. The standard deviation was multiplied by the Student t number for n-1 degrees of freedom (3.25 for n=10), at 99% confidence levels to determine the method detection limit. The MDL was calculated to be 50 ppb. The Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) was calcu­ lated by multiplying the MDL by three. A value of 150 ppb was obtained (see Figure 8). Precision and Accuracy Karen A. Clark Figure 8 To demonstrate the precision and accuracy for this TOC method, a representative solution of CIP-100 as 1000 ppb, or one ppm as carbon, was analyzed sequen­ tially ten times. This carbon concentration was chosen to evaluate these method parameters because, in gen­ eral, TOC residual limits are typically around one ppm. Results are listed in Figure 9. At this TOC level, the precision was ± 1% and the accuracy was ± 5%. Calculated TOC Averages from 10 Blank Vials Vial NumberAverage TOC (ppb) 1 58 2 72 3 75 4 93 5 79 6 102 7 60 8 83 9 67 10 54 Average 74.3 Standard Deviation 15.5 50 ppb MDL (Student t, n=10) LOQ 151 ppb Figure 9 Swab Recovery Calculated Accuracy and Precision from 10 Replicates of a 1ppm CIP100 Solution as Carbon Vial NumberMeasured TOC (ppb) 1 1041 1 1025 1 1039 1 1057 1 1054 2 1034 2 1042 2 1048 2 1054 2 1055 Average 1045 Standard Deviation 10.5 % CV (precision) 1.0% % Recovery based on 105% 1 ppm C (accuracy) Figure 10 Stainless steel plates were used in the swab recov­ ery test to simulate manufacturing equipment. One side of each plate was spiked with a solution of active substance or cleaning agent. The plates were allowed to completely dry overnight at room temperature. A Texwipe alpha swab TX761 was moistened with low TOC (< 25 ppb) water and the spiked plate surface was swabbed both vertically and horizontally. The swab end was cut off, placed into a vial to which we added 40-mL of low TOC water. The vial was capped tight, vortexed, and allowed to stand for one hour prior to analysis. The same volume of each solution that was spiked onto the plates was separately spiked directly into 40-mL of low TOC water and analyzed. The per­ cent recoveries of the different substances are listed in Figure 10. Reported values are the average of three individual swab samples for each substance. The swab recoveries varied between 79.3% to 95.9% Conclusion This study demonstrates that TOC analysis is suitable for measuring organic residues on stain­ less steel surfaces, and that it is a reliable method for cleaning validation as demonstrated by surface residue recoveries of 79%-96%. This methodology Representative Examples of Swab Recoveries from Cleaning Agents and Active Substances Substance ppm C of Spike Standard Solution CIP-100 1810 Sucrose 2663 Vancomycin 661 Endotoxin 902 ppm C of Spiked Plate 1710 2112 634 736 % Recovery % RSD 94.5 79.3 95.9 80.0 1.8 4.9 3.0 2.8 Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 25 Karen A. Clark shows that low limits of detection, excellent linear­ ity, precision, and accuracy can be obtained. All of these TOC results, with the exception of Alconox and Triton-X 100, were generated using the same TOC method, making TOC analysis a low cost and less time consuming alternative for cleaning valida­ tion. o About the Author Karen A. Clark is a Product Manager at Anatel Corporation. She has over 15 years experience in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry focusing on drug formulations, analytical methods development and validation, and GLP/GMP laboratory management. Clark holds a B.S. in Biochemistry from Millersville University and an M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado. She can be reached by e-mail at kclark@anatel.com or at Anatel Corporation, 2200 Central Avenue, Boulder, CO 80301. References 1. FDA. Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations, 21 CFR 211.220. 2. Baffi, R. et al. 1991. “A Total Organic Carbon Analysis Method for Validating Cleaning Between Products in Bio­pharmaceutical Manufacturing.” Journal of Parenteral Science and Technology 45, no. 1: 13-9. 3. Jenkins, K. M. et al. 1996. “Application of Total Organic Carbon Analysis to Cleaning Validation.” PDA Journal of Pharm­ aceutical Science and Technology 50, no. 1: 6-15. 4. Strege, M. A. et al. 1996. “Total Organic Carbon Analysis of Swab Samples for the Cleaning Validation of Bioprocess Fer­men­tation Equipment.” BioPharm (April). 5. Guazzaroni, M. et al. 1998. “Application of Total Organic Car­ bon Analysis for Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceutical Man­ ufacturing.” American Biotechnology Laboratory 16, no. 10 (September). 6. Walsh, A. 1999. “Using TOC Analysis for Cleaning Val­idation.” Presented at The Validation Council’s Conference on Cleaning Validation, 27 October, Princeton, New Jersey. 7. USP 23, Fifth Supplement, 15 November 1996. 26 Institute of Validation Technology Advertisement What are you are you working on today? We’d like like to hear about it… The Journal of Validation Technology and the Journal of GXP Compliance are looking for authors to submit case studies on contemporary validation and compliance topics and issues. If you would like to submit an article for consideration or request a copy of editorial guidelines, please fill out this form and fax it to: Institute of Validation Technology – Editorial Department. Phone: (218) 740-7028 • Editorial Department Fax: (218) 740-6308. PO Box 6004 Duluth, MN 55806 Phone: 218-740-7028 U.S. Only: 888-524-9922 Fax: 218-740-6308 E-Mail: info@ivthome.com Web Site: www.ivthome.com Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Title:______________________________________________________________________ Company:_________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________ City: _ ____________________________________________________________________ State:_____________________________________________________________________ Zip:���������������������������������������������������������������������� Country:_ ________________________________ Telephone:________________________ Fax:_ _____________________________________________________________________ E-Mail:������������������������������������������������������������������� Topic:�������������������������������������������������������������������� Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 27 Detergent Selection – A First Critical Step in Developing a Validated Cleaning Program By Mark Altier Ecolab, Inc. v T he FDA recognizes the im­portance of effective cleaning and sanitizing pro­ tocols as a proactive measure in preventing cross-contamination in the pharma­ceutical and cosmetic in­dus­tries: detergent for a given ap­plication }This article will should be based on sound, scientific discuss the key reasoning. A sound rationale for detergent factors that selection begins at the man­­ufactur­ ing site, where the process and must be clean­­ing program will take place. A ad­dres­sed when full evaluation of the pro­cess, clean­ 21CFR 211.67: “Equip­ment ing strategies, potential contaminant selecting a and utensils shall be cleaned, main­ and available utilities is a detergent. Each levels, tained, and sanitized at appropriate good first step. Follow­ing this step, factor will be intervals to prevent malfunctions laboratory testing is re­quired to or contamination that would alter de­termine the exact nature of the discussed in the safety, identity, strength, qual­ po­tential contaminant. Next, ident­ detail and ity, or purity of the drug product ifi­ca­tion and testing of various clean­ beyond the official or other estab­ ing chem­istries against the potential examples are lished requirements.” contaminant is performed to deter­ given when mine which de­tergent type is best In order to comply with this reg­ suit­ ed for con­taminant re­moval. The appropriate. ulatory requirement, sound clean­ next step is to return to the manufac­ The roles of ing and sanitizing protocols must turing site, test the cleaning chem­ laboratory testing istry, and optimize the program. be developed and followed. One of the most critical components of This ap­proach provides a sound, and plant any cleaning program is detergent scientific rationale for the detergent optimization are selection and lays a firm foundation se­lection. Different pro­­cesses and po­tential contaminants may require also addressed.~ to the formal cleaning protocol, once different de­tergents that are appro­ de­veloped. priate for the application. In certain This article will discuss the key cleaning ap­plications, a neutral foaming de­tergent factors that must be ad­dres­sed when selecting a might be appropriate, where­as in others, a non-foam­­ detergent. Each factor will be discussed in detail ing alkaline detergent is de­sirable. The choice of and examples are given when appropriate. The roles 28 Institute of Validation Technology Mark Altier of laboratory testing and plant optimization are also addressed. The Five Factors for Determining Detergent Suitability There are five key factors that must be ad­dres­sed when determining which detergent is most suitable for a cleaning application. These are: ∂ Nature of the residue (or potential contami­ nant) ∑ Surface to be cleaned ∏ Method of application π Role of water ∫ Environmental factors All five of these factors must be addressed when developing a cleaning program. Failure to address any of these issues in sufficient detail can result in a less than desirable cleaning program and could place the successful completion of the cleaning validation at serious risk. The Nature of the Residue A residue can be defined as any unwanted matter or potential contaminant on the surface of the ob­ject or equipment being cleaned. Oftentimes, what is re­ferred to as a “residue,” is in fact a finished prod­ uct, drug active, or other component that is produced us­ing the process equipment that is being cleaned. The terms “residue,” “contaminant,” and “potential con­taminant” will be used interchangeably through­ out this article. Determination of the nature of a residue is a funda­ mental component in the development of any clean­­ing program. In some cases, the exact nature and com­ position of a residue is known. For example, if the residue is a finished product, the exact composition and physical properties are almost always known. However, the identity and nature of the re­sidue may be completely unknown if the re­sidue is composed of an intermediate, byproduct, or result of thermal, chemical, or other degradation of a previously known substance. The nature of the potential contaminant plays a central role in determining what type of detergent is most appropriate for the application. Individual re­si­dues require different detergent chemistries. All residue types will fall into one of the following three categories: organic, inorganic, or a combination of these. Most potential contaminants are a combina­ Figure 1 Common Residue Types in the Pharmaceutical Industry Organic ResiduesInorganic Residues Eudragit Titanium Dioxide Acetaminophen Zinc Oxide Carbopols Iron Oxide Albuterol Sulfate Calcium Carbonate Neomycin Sulfate Inorganic Salts Water/Oil – Oil/Water Emulsions Silicon Dioxide Glyburide tion of organic and inorganic components. Com­mon residue types in the pharmaceutical industry are given in Figure 1. A number of powerful analytical instruments are available that can provide tremendous insight into the nature and composition of almost any unknown potential contaminant type. Some of the more useful tools include: • Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) • Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) • Compound microscopic imaging • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance imaging (NMR) • Inductively Coupled Plasma detector (ICP) • Atomic Absorption Analyzer (AA) Often, a combination of two or more of these tools is required to provide a full picture of a potential contaminant in question. For example, Fig­ure 2 and Fig­ure 3 are typical images generated to help char­ acterize unknown potential contaminant samples. This type of analysis is invaluable in determining the ex­act residue type and breakdown of the organic and inorganic portions of a residue. Figure 2 is an FTIR image of an unknown re­sidue. This characterizes and gives a general breakdown of Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 29 Mark Altier Figure 2 FTIR Scan of Unknown Sample. This Analysis Indicates the Presence of Alkyl and Amide Protein Components and Possible Inorganic Content 1631.22 1545.75 1454.66 1396.07 1311.04 1251.26 1077.51 1044.64 980.456 870.204 694.924 .35 .30 .15 .10 .05 2287.55 2257.66 2211.86 2165.99 2155.88 2033.97 2013.07 2958.86 2926.38 2854.86 .20 3933.71 Absorbance .25 0 3500 Figure 3 3000 2500 2000 Wave Number (cm-1) 1500 1000 EDS Scan of Unknown Sample Counts This Analysis Confirms the Presence of Inorganic Components Such as Silicon, Aluminum, and Iron, in Addition to Organic Compounds 600 580 560 540 520 500 480 460 440 420 400 380 360 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 C 0.000 30 Fe Si Al O Fe 1.000 Mg Fe 2.000 Institute of Validation Technology 3.000 4.000 Key 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 Mark Altier the organic portion of the residue. FTIR imaging gives valuable insight into the functional groups that may be present in the organic component of a re­si­due. Figure 3 confirms the presence of inorganic ma­terial and identifies the specific inorganic components pres­ ent in an unknown sample. This information is useful when determining which chelant or surfactant family is most suitable for re­moving or tying up the free metal ions and other inorganic material. Combined, FTIR and EDS imaging can give a com­plete picture of most unknown residues. These analyses provide the information needed to select a group of detergent chemistries that are formulated and known to be effective against the residue type. Surfaces To Be Cleaned Different substrates (i.e., product contact surfaces, such as stainless steel, glass, or plastic) will interact differently with the contaminant and the de­tergent system. Some materials, such as glass, and alumi­num, are not tolerant to high pH systems. Other substrates may tolerate high pH, but may not tolerate chlorine or chlorides. It is important to have a clear understand­ ing of how the substrate being cleaned will interact with the detergent system, otherwise serious dam­ age to equipment surfaces can result. A SEM image, shown in Figure 4, is a stainless steel surface that has been pitted by using an in­compatible detergent. The prospective customer in this case felt that the residue was becoming more tenacious with time and was using higher detergent concentrations to remove the residue. A close look at the surface revealed that the surface was actually being pitted by the detergent, providing microscopic crevices where the residue was able to harbor during the cleaning cycle. This problem was aggravated by the fact that the customer continued to increase the detergent concentration, which acceler­ ated the rate and degree of corrosion, and provided the residue with even more locations to harbor during the cleaning cycle. These images clearly demonstrate the problems Figure 4 Microscopic Corrosion of a Stainless Steel Surface Caused by Improper Detergent Selection. Inset Shows Boxed Region at 1000 Times Magnification Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 31 Mark Altier that can be caused by improper detergent selection. In this case, the customer was advised to discontinue the use of the incompatible detergent, and a compat­ ible detergent chemistry was identified and tested. The customer was also required to re­place or re­pair damaged equipment. When developing a cleaning protocol, it is neces­ sary to identify all components of the process that will be exposed to the cleaning chemical(s). This includes equipment surfaces, gasket materials, nozzles, piping, pumps, etc. It is also important to consider surfaces that will be exposed to the vapor phase of the cleaning solution, such as overhead spaces in enclosed vessels and pipes. A common mistake is to concentrate only on items that will have direct contact with the liquid solution, neglecting the vapor phase. Method of Application There are several common methods of applying a detergent to equipment surfaces. Some are more common than others in the pharmaceutical industry. Some of the more common methods of application in the pharmaceutical industry include: • Clean-in-Place (CIP) • Clean Out-of-Place (COP) • Manual scrubbing/wiping • High and low pressure spray • Soaking/immersion Each of these application methods dictate cer­ tain desirable or undesirable detergent properties. For example, a high pH detergent is ideal in a CIP application where little, or no direct contact is made be­tween the detergent and the operator. In a manual application, however, a high pH detergent creates a significant safety risk to an operator handling the de­tergent concentrate and use solutions. In a manual application, a neutral or mildly alkaline de­tergent (pH 7.0 – 10.0) is much more desirable as it sig­ nificantly reduces the risk for accidental chemical burn to the operator’s eyes, skin, and mucous mem­ branes. Other detergent characteristics, such as foam properties, are important considerations in light of the method by which the cleaning solution will be applied to a surface. A moderate-to-high foaming detergent is not desirable when used in an agitated immersion or 32 Institute of Validation Technology CIP application, as both create high-shear and thus are prone to foam formation. The result of this is a detergent solution that foams out-of-process or CIP vessels, cavitates pumps, and pro­vides inefficient surface coverage when sprayed on the inside of a ves­ sel through a spray ball. Con­versely, a high foaming detergent is desirable in a manual application, as this gives the operator a visual indication of where the detergent solution has been applied to the surface. Some cleaning application technologies exist that are widely used in other industries, but have not taken hold in the pharmaceutical industry. These application methods include: • Thin film cleaning • Stabilized foam generators • Built, solvated detergents (Generally Recog­ nized As Safe [GRAS]) Discussion regarding these application methods are outside of this article and will not be addressed. The Role of Water In general, 95-99% of a cleaning solution is com­­posed of water. It is important to know the purity level of the water being used for cleaning and sanitizing. In many pharmaceutical applications, the water being used for cleaning and sanitizing is high purity water. However, this is not the case in every application and in these cases, know­ing and under­ standing how the purity level of the process water affects the cleaning process is critical. Some of the factors that can affect the cleaning process include water hardness, pH, metals, salts, and microbial con­ tamination. Refer to Figure 5. Of the factors listed above, water hardness has the most significant impact on cleaning and sanitizing solutions. Water hardness can be classified as tem­ porary or permanent hardness. Temporary hard­ness indicates the presence of bicarbonates of mag­nesium or calcium. Both of these compounds are readily water soluble and can be present at high levels. When heated, these compounds react to form the carbonate salts, which are water insoluble. Permanent hardness refers to a condition where the chloride or sulfate salts of magnesium and/or calcium are present in the water. These compounds are also very water soluble, but are unaffected by temperature. Mark Altier Figure 5 Typical Water Impurities That Can Impact a Cleaning Process ComponentChemical Problem FormulaCaused BaSO Barium Sulfate Carbon Dioxide CO Calcium Bicarbonate Ca(HCO ) Calcium Sulfate CaSO Iron Fe Mn Manganese Magnesium Bicarbonate Mg(HCO ) Magnesium Chloride MgCl Magnesium Sulfate MgSO O Oxygen Sodium Chloride NaCl Si Silica Suspended Solids r 4 2 3 2 4 3 2 4 2 2 Scale Corrosion Scale and Corrosion Scale and Corrosion Scale Scale Scale Scale and Corrosion Scale and Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion Scale Deposit and Corrosion Both temporary and permanent hardness cause problems in alkaline solutions, as they both pre­ cipitate in high pH solutions and cause scaling on equipment surfaces. Water hardness is responsible for scaling, film formation, excessive detergent con­ sumption, and formation of precipitate. Water hard­ ness can be addressed by installing a water softening system, or by using a detergent that is formulated to handle hard water. Environmental Factors Many pharmaceutical plants have some type of effluent restrictions mandated by local municipalities, or by the plant’s internal effluent treatment facility. Common factors that must be considered are pH, phosphate levels, Biological Oxygen De­mand (BOD) or Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) loading, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) levels, and solids levels. In many cases, the correct choice of detergent can help reduce the impact on components of the effluent stream that are a concern. For example, if phos­phates are a concern, a detergent that contains low levels of phosphate can be used. Another example is a situation where the pH of the effluent must not exceed 10 and must not fall below four. If a strong acid or alkaline detergent is used, the pH restrictions could be violated. In this case, choosing a neutral, mildly alkaline or mildly acidic detergent may be the solution. However, in some cases, a strongly acidic or alkaline detergent might be re­quired to effectively re­move the potential contaminant from equipment surfaces. If a strong alkaline detergent is re­quired, the cleaning cycle could be designed to include an acid rinse. The acid rinse will help reduce the amount of rinse water re­quired to neutralize residual alkalinity in the system, will help remove any inorganic residues, and can be captured and mixed with the alkaline wash water to neutralize. In general, detergents will have the greatest im­pact on pH and phosphate levels. Relative to the residue load, detergents generally have little im­pact on BOD, COD, TOC, or solids levels. If effluent restrictions exist, these should be ad­dressed in the early stages of the development of a cleaning program to avoid compounded problems later on when the cleaning protocol is implemented. At this point, five key factors that should be considered when selecting a detergent to be used as a part of a validated cleaning program have been discussed. Once these factors are addressed and an appropriate detergent chemistry is identified, labora­ tory testing should be done to verify that the chem­ istry is effective against the potential contaminant. Other cleaning parameters such as cleaning time, temperature, and concentration can be evaluated in the laboratory as well. Laboratory Testing Cleaning studies conducted in the laboratory can be designed to closely mimic the actual applica­ tion method, such as a CIP system, or they can be Figure 6 Water Hardness (Reported as CaCO ) Rating 3 Hardness Soft Moderately Hard Hard Very Hard Grains Parts Per Per GallonMillion (PPM) 0 – 3.5 3.5 – 7.0 7.0 – 10.5 >10.5 0 – 60 60 – 120 120 – 180 >180 Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 33 Mark Altier de­signed to stress the system to differentiate between similar cleaning chemistries. An example of the lat­ ter is a designed study that removes all mechanical action from the system, forcing the chemistry type and concentration, thermal energy, and contact time to act on the residue. This ap­proach is espe­ cially effective in differentiating between similar chemi­stries that appear to be equally effective when ap­plied using some type of mechanical action. An important component of designed clean­ ing studies is the preparation of the residue being tested. Typically, the residue is applied to a 304 or 316 stainless steel coupon and the treated coupon is then subjected to the cleaning solution. The application of the residue to the coupon is critical to obtain results that can be directly applied to the actual system in the plant. For example, a manufacturing process may involve a heating step that causes some of the finished product to “bake” onto a vessel side wall. To obtain re­sults that are ap­plicable to this situation, the residue should be applied to the coupon surface, heated, and then allowed to bake for an equivalent amount of time as is experienced in the actual pro­ cess. If this is not done, the results of the study will have little relevance to the development of a cleaning program aimed at removing a baked on residue from equipment surfaces. Prior to implementing any cleaning studies, a set of success criteria must be established. Once the cleaning studies have been completed, quantitative measurements against the success criteria should be made. Based on the results of this work, a final deter­ gent chemistry recommendation is derived. Ideally, the detergent chemistry should meet or exceed all established success criteria. The end result of the laboratory work will be a scientifically sound recommendation of detergent chemistry and other important cleaning parameters such as cleaning time, temperature, and concentra­ tion. This is the basis for the overall cleaning pro­ gram that will be tested at the production facility. The importance of performing preliminary labora­ tory testing is that it provides a sound, scientific rationale of why the selected chemistry is appropri­ ate for the cleaning application. Plant Optimization 34 Institute of Validation Technology Once a cleaning chemistry has been identified and verified in the laboratory and other cleaning parameters such as cleaning time, temperature and concentration have been established, testing and optimization must be carried out at the production plant. Initial optimization and testing is usually done on a pilot scale, prior to scaling up. The re­sults of the laboratory cleaning studies should be used as a guide or a starting point for the optimization process at the plant site. Conclusion Process cleaning is an integral component of any pharmaceutical process. The five key factors that must be addressed to help identify a detergent when developing a cleaning program have been defined and discussed. The interaction of these factors with each other and with the development of a cleaning program must be understood. Lab­oratory testing is critical for documenting the ap­propriateness of the detergent selection for the cleaning applica­ tion. Plant optimization is a final critical step prior to starting the validation process at the production facility. When these steps are taken, a complete, scientifically sound approach to the development of a cleaning program can be documented. o About the Author Mark Altier is a Principal Chemical Engineer for Ecolab Inc., where he manages their pharmaceutical and cosmetic programs. Mark has worked for Ecolab for seven years and has held positions in quality assurance, process engineering, and re­search and development. He can be reached at 651-306-5876, by fax at 651-552-4899, or by e-mail at mark.altier@ecolab.com. Analyzing Cleaning Validation Samples: What Method? By Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. and Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. Steris Corporation C v leaning validations are very and cons of each technique will be difficult to perform. They ex­am­ined. Validating the methods can be made easier if an }This article will will be discussed, as well. The ref­ ap­propriate method for analyzing erences included with this paper can describe various the samples is used. The method be used to provide more in-depth used should be based on the previ­ information to the reader and act as analytical ously established residue limits of guides to the available literature. the active and cleaning agents. There Choosing the appropriate ana­ technologies are many choices of an­alyt­i­cal tech­ lytical tool depends on a variety of niques that can potentially be used. available for use, factors.5,6 The most important fac­ is determining what species or This article will de­scribe various particularly for tor parameter is being measured.7 Is it analytical technologies avail­able for use, particularly for cleaning agent cleaning agent res- an or­ganic compound or inorganic compound? The next question is residues. Ref­­­er­ences are provided to idues. References mea­sure­ment. How is this com­ guide the reader to more in-depth information. are provided to pound going to be measured? Is it going to be swabbed from a surface Cleaning validation in the phar­ maceutical industry is of critical guide the reader to or determined from a rinse water sample? If it is going to be swabbed im­portance.1, 2, 3 There are many more in-depth analytical techniques available that from a surface, where will this swab­ 4 can be used in cleaning validations. bing oc­cur? Another im­portant fac­ information.~ The choice of the technique used tor in choosing an analytical tool is in analyzing a particular sample is establishing the limits of the resi­ very important in cleaning valida­ due. The limit should always be tion. The technique must be appropriate for measur­ established prior to selecting the analytical tool.8, 9 ing the analyte at and below the acceptance residue The limits should not be established solely based on limit. Today’s analytical chemist has a wide vari­ detection limits of a particular method. Yet, another ety of techniques available for use. These choices important factor in choosing an analytical tool is in­clude specific and nonspecific methods. Many whether or not the method can be validated. If the methods are complementary to each other. The pros method can’t be validated, then another technique Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 35 Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. & Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. needs to be chosen. Sampling Technique The sampling technique plays a large role in determining which analytical technique to use. Some techniques are more applicable for swab samples, and other techniques are more applicable for rinse water sampling. The acceptable sampling techniques include direct surface sampling (swab) and rinse water samples.10 The rinse water sample is a direct measure of potential contaminants, but the analysis should not just be a compendial test for water. Rinse water analyses should be directed toward responses peculiar to the possible contaminants. A questionable form of sampling is placebo sampling. The placebo method sampling is when the product, not contain­ ing the active ingredient, is processed in the specific piece of equipment. This is analyzed for any active that may have been picked up from the equipment. A problem with placebos is the potential lack of uni­ formity. The contaminant may not be evenly distrib­ uted throughout the placebo. Another problem is the analytical power of the tools that are used to analyze the samples. The residue levels may be extremely low if in fact the contaminant is evenly distributed throughout the sample. The use of placebos is only acceptable if used with swab or rinse water data. Therefore, placebos are generally not used because of the additional work involved. Another important factor to consider in choosing an analytical method is the type of residue being analyzed. Residues can be drug actives, formulation components, cleaning agents, organic, inorganic, water soluble, water insoluble, particulate, microbial, and/or endotoxins. If the residue being detected is a drug active, and the method used for detection is the same method that is used for quality control purposes of the final formula, it must be established that the active has not changed its chemical nature during the cleaning process. That is, it must be established that the active is still detectable and quantifiable using the analytical method. This can easily be established by performing forced degradation studies. Exposing the active to the cleaning compound at an elevated temperature and then analyzing that sample will help determine the compatibility of the cleaner with the active. If the active has indeed changed its chemical nature during the cleaning process, a new technique 36 Institute of Validation Technology will need to be established for its analysis. Limit of Detection and Quantitation Before choosing a method, some definitions need to be established. The Limit of Detection (LOD) is the lowest amount of a compound that can be detect­ ed. The Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) is defined as the lowest amount of a compound that can be quantified. The LOD is usually lower than the LOQ, but is never higher. The LOD should never be used to establish residue acceptance limits. The residue ac­cep­tance limit should be well above the LOQ so that it can be accurately quantitated. Specific and Nonspecific Methods A specific method is a method that detects a unique compound in the presence of potential con­ taminants. Some examples of specific methods are High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), ion chromatography, atomic absorption, inductively coupled plasma, capillary electrophoresis, and other chromatographic methods. It should be noted that HPLC is not inherently specific. What is meant is that the conditions in an HPLC measurement can usually be adjusted to separate out known potential contaminants. Nonspecific methods are those methods that detect any compound that produces a certain response. Some examples of nonspecific methods are Total Organic Carbon (TOC), pH, titrations, and conductivity. A very interesting and sensitive nonspecific technique is dynamic contact angle.11 Titrations may be specific for acids or bases, but they are not specific for par­ ticular acids or bases. There are, however, specific titrations for classes of surfactants.12 Interferences A good nonspecific strategy that could be fol­ lowed is to first identify possible interferences. These interferences can be either positive or negative. The nonspecific property is then measured, and the resi­ due is calculated as if all of the measured property is due to that residue. For example, if the cleaning agent was the analyte and TOC was the method used, all of the TOC would be assumed to have come from the cleaning agent and calculated as such. This would then provide a worst-case upper-limit value. There are many possible sources of interferences. Cleaning agents and compounds can be a source of Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. & Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. interferences, for example. Active agents and their byproducts, water system components, maintenance materials, and the atmosphere can all be sources, as well as people, if samples are not handled properly. The materials used to perform the analytical method can also be a source of interference. For example, if a swab that has a high TOC value is used to sample, it could increase the level of TOC detected. For specific methods, there should be no interfer­ ence if the method is properly designed. Again, it should be stressed that the method must be able to fol­ low the analyte after exposure to the cleaning en­viron­ ment. It is necessary to establish that the cleaning environment or the cleaning process does not change the analyte. For nonspecific methods (which measure a nonspecific property), any compound with the prop­ erty that is introduced into the sample will interfere. For example, if the method being used is TOC, atmo­ spheric carbon that may enter the sample could cause interference. With all nonspecific methods, there is a need to identify potential sources of interference. n High Performance Liquid Chromatography The first technique that will be discussed is HPLC. Almost every pharmaceutical company has an HPLC instrument. HPLCs utilize a variety of detectors. These include ultraviolet (UV), fluorescence, elec­ trochemical, refractive index, conductivity, evapo­ rative light scattering, and many others. The ultra­ violet de­tector is by far the most common. However, Evaporative Light Scattering Detection (ELSD) may be the most appropriate detector for cleaning agents. We will discuss the use of both UV and ELSD detec­ tors in depth. • Ultraviolet Detectors There are many advantages of using UV detec­ tors. Many compounds have chromophores and therefore, they can be easily detected by UV. Many in­struments are equipped with diode array spec­ tral capabilities. This allows for easy detection of impurities or potential contaminants within peaks. Ultraviolet detection usually requires no additional reagents or post column or pre-column reactions. UV detectors are not harmful to the sample, if that is important. They are generally inexpensive and read­ ily available. Also, molar absorptivities are gener­ ally not affected by temperature and therefore, there is no need for heating or cooling the detector. While there are many advantages of UV detec­ tors, there are also some significant disadvantages. UV detectors cannot detect all types of compounds and therefore are not considered to be universal. All compounds do not have chromophores. This is particularly true of surfactants that are used in the pharmaceutical industry. Dirty cells, air bubbles, and the use of gradients can affect baseline drift and detection capability. The limits of detection can be higher than other detector types due to background interferences. • Evaporative Light Scattering Detection In ELSD, the compound is separated on an HPLC column as usual, and then enters a nebulizer that is combined with a gas stream and passed through a heated column. The heated column evaporates the mobile phase leaving the solid analyte in the column. The solid analyte then passes through a detector that consists of a laser or light source. The laser or light source is scattered when it hits the solid analyte. The detector then picks up this scattering. There are many advantages associated with evap­ orative light scattering detectors. ELSD is claimed to be universal. It is called universal because it can detect any type of compound. ELSDs are simple, versatile, and rugged in use. Since it is a mass detector, all compounds produce similar responses. Additionally, there is no baseline drift due to mobile phase effects. There are two primary disadvantages of ELSD. First, there is a very limited choice of buffer salts that can be used. Recall that the mobile phase is evaporated or removed, leaving the analyte. Any buffers that will not evaporate will also produce solid particles that will then be detected and cause interferences. The second disadvantage is that the nebulizer and detector must produce consistent par­ ticle sizes. This requires careful cleaning and moni­ toring of the nebulizer. Actives and Detergent There are many types of residues that can be ana­ lyzed using HPLC techniques. These include both actives and detergent residues. When dealing with detergent residues, it is important to identify what is being analyzed: surfactant, builder components, Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 37 Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. & Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. chelating agents, etc. The separation and quantita­ tion of surfactants at low levels is difficult, at best. Industry literature is full of references for surfactant analyses using HPLC. The vast majority of tech­ niques described in the literature are for the deter­ mination of surfactants in concentrated products.13,14 There­fore, the limits of quantitation and the limits of detection are rather high. There are also references for the analysis of surfactants related to the environ­ ment.15,16 In environmental analysis, the sample is pre-concentrated so that the limits of quantitation are very low. The pre-concentration can be up to one thousand fold. coating simply to make it more rugged. All common detection techniques (UV, fluorescence, etc.) can be used in capillary electrophoresis detection. The capillary itself serves as the detector cell. A small portion of the polyimide coating is scraped off prior to use, and the bare portion of the capillary is placed in the light path. This detection is different from that seen in HPLC because the detection occurs while the separation is taking place, rather than after separation has been completed. Using a Z-cell can increase the sensitivity of the technique. This is accomplished by }The TOC is then computed by subtracting the inorganic carbon concentration from the total carbon concentration of the sample.~ Suggested Reading Authors Lin, et. al., compared the analysis of anionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactants con­ taining n-dodecyl groups using HPLC and capillary electrophore­ sis.17 They found that HPLC was best for all classes of surfactants, especially for for­ mulated surfactants. Authors Carrer, et. al., utilized ELSD for amphoteric type surfactants.18 Amphoteric surfactants are a class of surfactants that display cationic behavior in an acidic solution and anionic behavior in an alkaline solution. The lowest cali­ bration standard that they utilized was 50 ppm, but they probably could have gone much lower. Authors Guerro, et. al., obtained a limit of quantitation of 0.49 ppm for alkyl polyethylene glycol ethers using ELSD.19 n Capillary Electrophoresis An interesting method of analysis is Capillary Electrophoresis (CE). There are many different types of CE. Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (CZE) is by far the most common. CE instrumentation is fairly simple, consisting of a high voltage source, a capil­ lary, and a detector. The high voltage source is used to apply a potential across two solutions. One of the solutions contains the analyte, and the potential ap­plied to the solutions causes the analyte to migrate through the capillary, through the detector, and into the other solution. The column or capillary is typically composed of fused silica with a polyimide coating. The diameter of the capillary is typically 25-75µm in diameter. The capillary has a polyimide 38 Institute of Validation Technology using a special accessory that bends the capillary, causing the source radiation to penetrate lengthwise through the capillary rather than a cross-sectional sampling. This, in effect, increases the path length of the cell. The Z-cell can be used in all types of CE where UV detection is used. CE can be used for many different types of analy­ ses. Surfactants can be determined quite readily using this technique.20,21 However, detection limits typically are higher than with HPLC. This can be overcome by pre-concentrating the samples on the capillary itself. A voltage is applied to the capillary in a manner that allows the compounds to collect at one end of the capillary without flowing through to the detector. An advantage that capillary electrophoresis holds over HPLC is the ease with which indirect detection can take place. Indirect detection is where a highly UVabsorbing material is included in the mobile phase. As the analyte is eluted or travels along the capillary through the detector, a negative peak is seen for the analyte. This typically is done for compounds that dis­ play low UV absorption. In addition to being useful for the analysis of surfactants, capillary electrophore­ sis can be used to analyze organic acids, inorganics,22 and trace drug residues.23 Suggested Reading Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. & Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. Vogt, et. al., provided a good overview of the separation of cationic, anionic, and nonionic surfac­ tants using capillary electrophoresis.24 They indicated that one can easily adjust the parameters of the sepa­ ration to coelute or separate oligomers. Coelution of the oligomers increased the sensitivity at the ex­pense of increasing the potential for coeluting positive interferences. Direct UV detection could be used for UV-absorbing materials and indirect or non­-UV absorbing materials. Heinig, et. al., utilized micellar electrokinetic cap­ illary chromatography for the separation of non-ionic alkylphenol polyoxyethylene type surfactants.25 How­ ever, the use of this method was limited because of insufficient peak resolution and relatively low detec­ tion sensitivity. Heinig, et. al., also compared HPLC and CE analyses of surfactants.26 The surfactant types they studied were linear alkylbenzenesulfonates, nonylphenolpolyethoxylates, cetylpyridinium chlo­ ride, and alkylsulfonates. For the CE analyses, they utilized UV detection either in the direct or indirect modes, depending on the nature of the surfactant. For the HPLC analyses, they utilized either direct UV detection or conductivity detection. An­ionic sur­ factant samples were pre-concentrated one thousand fold through the use of solid phase extraction. This allowed for detection limits in the parts per billion range to be obtained. Kelly, et. al., utilized CE with indirect detec­ tion to determine sodium dodecylsulfate concentra­ tions.27 They also indicated that it is important to look at the absorption of the surfactants onto filters if the samples are indeed filtered prior to analysis. This is most important in dilute solutions. Filtering large volumes of sample can minimize this. Again, appropriate studies need to be done to determine if this indeed is a problem. Altria, et. al., examined the use of CE in the analy­ sis of sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate.28 They ob­tained a limit of quantitation of 0.6 ppm and a 0.3 ppm limit of detection. They utilized direct UV detection. Shamsi, et. al., utilized CE with indirect de­tection for the determination of cationic and anion­ ic surfactants.29 The authors obtained limits of detec­ tion of 0.25 and 0.5 ppm, respectively. Heinig, et. al., also utilized CE in the analysis of cationic surfactants using indirect UV detection.30 They compared this with HPLC. They obtained a limit of quantitation for CE of 4.0 ppm; and for HPLC, they obtained a limit of quantitation of 5.0 ppm. n Total Organic Carbon TOC is used widely in the pharmaceutical indus­ try.31, 32, 33 The TOC is determined by the oxidation of an organic compound into carbon dioxide. This oxidation can occur through a number of mecha­ nisms depending on the instrument being used. Some typical methods are persulfate, persulfate/UV oxidation, and direct combustion. The carbon diox­ ide that is produced from these oxidations is either measured using conductivity or infrared techniques. In­stru­ments generally measure the inorganic carbon content of a sample. The inorganic carbon consists of carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and carbonate. They then determine the total carbon content of the sam­ ple. The TOC is then computed by subtracting the inorganic carbon concentration from the total carbon concentration of the sample. There are two primary advantages associated with TOC. The first is that it does not take long to develop a method. There are not a lot of variables in the actual analysis. The second advantage is that it is relatively quick. A third potential advantage (which can also be a disadvantage) is that it will detect and analyze any compound containing carbon. As with most techniques, there are disadvantages in using TOC. A significant disadvantage is that the compound or the analyte must be water soluble. This does not mean that the compound must be soluble in the hundreds of parts per million range but soluble in the low parts per million range. Another disadvantage is that organic solvents cannot be used. If organic solvents were used, the TOC of the solvents would be measured instead of the residue. There are also many sources of contamination that can occur using TOC. These sources can include the atmosphere, the swab it­self, personnel, and many other sources. Methods de­veloped using TOC should be written to include controls and blanks to identify or account for possible contamination. For example, a common source of con­ tamination is the technique used to cut the handles of the swabs so that they fit into the TOC vials. Many times, the scissors or utensils are not clean enough for TOC use. This introduces contamination into the sampling vial when the swab is cut. Excipients Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 39 Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. & Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. Some methods/techniques can be used in certain situations to complement each other. Examples in­clude TOC and HPLC. Consider the case of a drug in the presence of excipients. The excipients are very soluble in water while the drug active has ex­tremely low solubility in water. The excipients con­tribute to the TOC values because they are very soluble in water; however, the drug active does not show up in the TOC analysis. An HPLC analysis is performed to monitor the loss of the drug. The ex­ci­pients are removed much faster from a surface during cleaning than the drug active is removed. In this case, TOC analysis is not a good stand-alone method. It is, however, a good complement for the HPLC assay. The TOC analysis enables the analyst to see what water soluble matter is left behind, if any. Suggested Reading Guazzaroni, et. al., examined the use of total or­ganic carbon for the analysis of detergents, endo­ toxins, biological media, and polyethylene glycol.34 For detergents, they were able to obtain a 0.7 ppm limit of quantitation. Endotoxins were found to have a 0.2 ppm limit of quantitation. The biological media produced a total organic carbon limit of quantitation of 20.3 ppm; and the polyethylene glycol produced a 0.5 ppm limit of quantitation. They examined swab and rinse water recoveries. They were able to obtain 78-101 percent recoveries utilizing swabs, and 93 percent or better for rinse water recoveries. There are many examples in the literature that uti­ lize ion chromatography as the method for analysis of surfactants.35 The surfactants have to be charged in order to be analyzed using ion chromatography, that is, only anionic or cationic surfactants can be detected. Pan, et. al., recorded limits of quantitation down to 0.5 ppm for linear alkane sulfates and sulfo­ nates.36 Takeda, et. al., recorded a limit of quantita­ tion of 0.1 ppm for dodecyl alkyl sulfates.37 Nair, et. al., separated different sulfate, sulfonate, and cat­ ionic type surfactants using ion chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection.38 They reported detection limits at less than 1.0 ppm. n Ion Chromatography In addition to its use for surfactants, ion chro­ matography can be used for the analysis of inor­ ganics and other organic compounds present in 40 Institute of Validation Technology cleaners.39, 40, 41 Most cleaners contain sodium and/or potassium. The ion chromatography detection tech­ nique of suppressed conductivity is more sensitive to potassium than it is to sodium. Very low levels of cleaning agent can be detected using this technique. This assumes that the rinse water used contains no potassium. Ionizable organic acids are also readily quantitated using ion chromatography. This includes chelating agents that are often found in cleaning compounds. Suggested Reading In determining surfactants, an excellent review concerning their analysis was done by Vogt, et. al..42 They compared the use of HPLC, CE, ion chro­ matography, Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectro­ scopy (LC-MS) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectro­scopy (GC-MS). They also discussed pre-con­ centration of the samples. They compared the use of solid phase extraction, super critical fluid extraction, Soxhlet extraction, and steam distillation as means of pre-concentrating samples. They found, by far, that the best method was solid phase extractions for the pre-concentration of surfactants. They also examined the use of titrimetric methods of analysis for surfactants. For detecting anionics, substances like methylene blue, pyridinium azo, and triphenyl­ methane dye was used to complex the surfactants prior to photometric determination. Non­ionics were determined indirectly by forming a cationic complex with barium. This complex was then precipitated by bismuth tetraiodide ion in acidic acid. The bismuth was then quantified by potentiometric titrations. Cationics were complexed with anionic dyes such as disulfine blue. Theile, et. al., brought up an excellent point that surfactants tend to concentrate at interfaces.43 This can be a problem in extremely dilute solutions of surfactants. The surfactants can collect at the surface of the containers that they are stored in. This may cause errors in analysis. Proper controls in studies should be done to determine if this is a problem. The authors indicated that pre-concentration was re­quired to determine very low levels of surfactant. Solid phase extraction was the best method for this. They were also able to obtain detection limits for linear alkylbenzenesulfonates of 2.0 ppb with fluo­ rescence detection and 10.0 ppb using HPLC with Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. & Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. UV detection after pre-concentration. n Thin-Layer Chromatography There are many examples in the literature for the use of Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) for the qualitative determination of surfactants.44, 45 Henrich described the TLC of over 150 surfactants in six different TLC systems.46 This was excellent for iden­ tification of the surfactants, but the author did not attempt to quantify the surfactants. Buschmann and Kruse combined diffuse reflection infrared spectros­ copy and TLC, along with SIMS and TLC for sur­ factant identification.47 Although these techniques are tedious and time-consuming, there is no doubt that these methods could be developed into quantita­ tive analyses. Novakovic has used high performance TLC for two generic drugs.48 Other Techniques Other excellent techniques for inorganic con­ taminants, and in some cases actives, are Atomic Absorption (AA)49 and Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) atomic emission. These techniques can detect inorganic contaminants down to extremely low lev­ els. Inorganic contaminants in a system are often ignored. These can come from rouge that forms in Water for Injection (WFI) systems. They can also come from the detergent utilized in cleaning the equipment. n Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is never used as a stand-alone method for analyzing residues on equipment. This is because of the lack of portability of FTIR equipment and the semi-quanti­ tative nature of the reflectance techniques used for these types of analyses. However, it is very useful in performing screening studies and in evaluating po­tential cleaning agents. This is done by soiling standard coupons with the cleaning agent, allowing them to dry, and performing static rinsing studies. These types of studies can indicate whether or not the cleaning agent is readily removed from surfaces. The height or area of a particular peak is measured versus the concentration of the standard coupon. n Bioluminescence Bioluminescence is quite useful for biologicals. This type of analysis usually uses Adenosine Tri­ phosphate (ATP) bioluminescence.50 This is based on the reaction of ATP with Luciferin/Luciferase. This technique is often used in biopharmaceutical facilities. It has extremely high sensitivity and a very high repro­ ducibility. In many cases, the instruments can be used at the equipment site. This technique utilizes swabs for surface analyses. n Optically Stimulated Electron Emission In some cases, a company’s established limits of residue are so low that they cannot be detected by conventional methods. A very sensitive method that may be applicable is Optically Stimulated Electron Emission (OSEE).51 The instrumentation for OSEE is fairly portable, and can be readily taken to tank side for analysis. The technique uses a probe that is placed against a surface, and a UV source illuminates and activates the surface. When some surfaces are exposed to UV light at certain wavelengths, electrons are emitted from the surface. The instrument measures the current that is produced. If even small amounts of residues are present on the surface, the current will be affected. The current can be affected either in a posi­ tive or negative way depending on the nature of the residue. This is an extremely sensitive technique. It can be used in either a qualitative or quantitative manner. n Portable Mass Spectrometer For those companies that require ultrasensitive measurements and identification of the residues, a technique has been developed – Lawrence Liver­ more National Laboratories has developed a port­ able mass spectrometer.52 The unit consists of a gun portion of the instrument that is connected with cables to vacuum pumps. The gun portion is held against the surface to be analyzed. A seal is formed, and the surface is heated to volatilize any com­ pounds that are present. This instrument is used not only to measure how much of something is present, but also what that something is. This piece of equip­ ment has been utilized in the aerospace industry. One drawback of the portable mass spectrometer is that it requires relatively flat surfaces. However, they are currently working on adaptors to be used on non-flat surfaces. Additional Techniques Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 41 Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. & Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. In the biopharmaceutical industry, a wide vari­ A minimum validation requires two different 53 ety of techniques are utilized. These include the analysts, instruments, columns (if chromatographic Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA),54 method), days, and prepared standards and sam­ the Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL), and a wide ples.60 These are the “twos” of method validation. variety of protein determinations. These are all con­ The point of any method validation is to show that taminant specific assays. For example, the LAL test the method can be utilized by different analysts and/ measures the level of endotoxins present. There is or laboratories, along with the ability to produce the same results. If a validated method is given to a lab­ also the anthrone assay that can be used to monitor the levels of carbohydrates on sur­ faces. These techniques are usually }For those companies that require ultraused in combination with TOC. The nonspecific techniques of sensitive measurements and pH, conductivity, and titrations identification of the residues, a can be used throughout all areas of pharmaceutical manufacturing. technique has been developed Ob­viously, these techniques are – Lawrence Livermore National most often utilized in rinse water monitoring. The conductivity and Laboratories has developed a pH of rinse water is typically moni­ portable mass spectrometer .~ tored and compared to the conduc­ tivity and pH of the water prior to introduction to the equipment. If acidic or alkaline materials are being measured, oratory, that laboratory must revalidate the method for their laboratory. It is not sufficient or accurate titration is a very useful technique. In some cases, to assume that another laboratory’s validation will titration can be more sensitive than performing TOC analyses. The sample size can be adjusted, apply in all laboratories. For example, if a surfactant and/or the normality of the titrant can be adjusted to is being quantitated, typically a low wavelength is used in a UV detector for HPLC. UV detectors increase the sensitivity of the titration. vary in their noise levels at these low wavelengths. Method Validation A detector used in one laboratory may have sig­ nificantly less noise than a detector in another lab­ It is very important to scientifically establish the oratory. The second laboratory may not be able to residue limit prior to choosing the method of analy­ detect at the same low level as the first laboratory. sis. This includes the limit in the analytical sample and the limit in the next product. This will ensure Coupons and Swabs that the method chosen will be able to detect and Coupons can be prepared for recovery studies quantitate the limit chosen. Once the technique for through the use of aerosol bottles available through analysis has been chosen, it is very important to vali­ laboratory supply companies. A known weight per­ date the method used.55- 60 The validation of a meth­od cent of a solution containing the analyte can be is very different than the validation of recovery. A sprayed fairly evenly over the surface of a coupon. validated method is one that is rugged and robust The coupon can be swabbed using a standard tech­ enough to measure the residue limit established. nique. It does not matter how you swab the coupon, The validation of a recovery is to determine the as long as the complete surface is covered and that the amount that can be recovered from a surface. Again, coupons are swabbed the same way – each and every it should be stressed that these are two completely time. The type of swabs used in recovery studies must different validations. be the same as those used in the validation protocol. If this is a simulated rinse procedure, then the coupons “Twos” of Validation are rinsed and the rinse water is analyzed. 42 Institute of Validation Technology Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. & Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. For swabs, a desorption process is carried out. This can consist of simply shaking the sample vial or using an ultrasonic bath. The samples are then analyzed. Recovery studies are always done below ac­ceptance limits in the test solution. This ensures that the limit will be (or can be) measured in the anal­ ysis. A recovery of greater than 80 percent is good. If the recovery is greater than 50 percent, it may be acceptable. However, if the recovery is less than 50 percent, questions arise and the source of the poor recovery should be investigated. A possible cause of a poor re­covery can be that the residue is being too tightly held by the swab. This can be investigated by spiking a swab with a known amount of residue, allowing it to dry, trying to desorb the res­idue, and following up with analysis. If the analyte is held too tightly by the swab, another type of swab material should be investigated. The recovery factor should be included in analytical calculations or in the accep­ tance limit calculation. It should not be included in both of the calculations. Containers The choice of containers used in the analysis of samples is very important. It has been shown that, in very dilute solutions, surfactants can adsorb onto the surfaces of sample vials. This will produce arti­ ficially low results in the analysis. This, however, typically only occurs in static systems. There is no need to worry about the adsorption of the surfactant on the walls of manufacturing equipment. This is because the agitation that is involved in cleaning removes the surfactants from the surfaces. This is another matter in sample vials. Appropriate spiking studies should be performed to ensure that this phe­ nomenon is not occurring and will not interfere with the analytical method. This includes both HPLC or ion chromatography sample vials, as well as TOC sample vials. This phenomenon is not limited to sur­ factants. Proteins have been shown to adsorb readily onto glass surfaces. These proteins are much more difficult to remove from surfaces than surfactants. Specific Versus Nonspecific The choice of using a specific or nonspecific method can be difficult. If a drug active is highly toxic, a specific method is always recommended.61 Detergents can be quantitated either using spe­ cific or nonspecific methods; however, care must be taken in choosing which component is measured. For example, a detergent may contain five percent of a surfactant and 20 percent of another organic ingre­ dient. Assuming equal sensitivities of the analyti­ cal methods, the limit of quantitation of the whole detergent system will be lowered by a factor of four if the ingredient present in the greater amount is determined. If a nonspecific method (i.e., TOC) is used for the same system, a much lower limit of quantitation could be determined simply because there would be a tremendous amount of carbon present in the sam­ ple. In addition, if detergent systems are combined, such as in the case of adding a detergent additive to another product, the choice of a specific method would be made even more difficult. The question would be, “Which detergent do I determine?” A disadvantage of using a nonspecific method for the entire cleaning validation analysis is that, if there is a failure in the future, it would not be known where the failure originally occurred. The failure could be due to the active, excipients, detergent system, or even an unknown source. Conclusion There are many different analytical techniques available that can be used to detect residues. These range from simple titrations to more complex LCMS. The choice of technique should be based on what equipment is available, the type of residue, and the scientifically established residue limit. It is important for an analytical chemist to keep abreast of the literature and what techniques are available. There are techniques available that will analyze any residue at any level. At the end of the day, however, it is always wise to choose the simplest technique that can be used to reach the desired goal. o About the Authors Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. is Manager – Hard Surface Products at STERIS Corporation. He has 18 years of experience in cleaning and surface technologies, which includes developing products and methods for the cleaning and analyzing of a wide variety of Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 43 Herbert J. Kaiser, Ph.D. & Maria Minowitz, M.L.S. surfaces. Dr. Kaiser has developed a wide variety of products for the healthcare, industrial, and pharmaceutical markets. He is the sole inventor listed in five United States Patents for various industrial treatment schemes. Dr. Kaiser received his B.A. degree from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, his M.S.(R) from St. Louis University, and his Ph.D. from the Un­iversity of Missouri. He is a member of the American Chemical Society and the Association for the Ad­vancement of Medical Instrumentation. Dr. Kaiser can be reached by phone at 314-290-4725, by fax at 314-290-4650, or e-mail at herb_kaiser@steris. com. Maria Minowitz, M.L.S., Information Associate at STERIS Corporation, has 10 years of experience in corporate research and development librarianship. She has been responsible for information management in the disciplines of chemistry, medicine, and engineering. Minowitz received her A.B. degree from St. Louis University and an M.L.S. from the University of Missouri-Columbia. 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Bisnafide.” Pharmaceutical Device Technology. Vol. 3(4). 1998. pp. 471-476. Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 45 Control and Monitoring of Bioburden in Biotech/ Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms By Raj Jaisinghani Technovation & Greg Smith Encelle, Inc. & Gerald Macedo Med-Pharmex, Inc. v T his paper describes results HEPA fan filter units (FFUs) was of monitoring biotech clean­­­­­­­­ possible. The results showed that at }The FDA rooms and a pharmaceutical the same flow rate the EEF resulted has specific cleanroom equipped with an Elec­ in significantly lower bioburden as trically Enhanced Fil­tration (EEF) requirements and compared to the FFUs. system that significantly reduces 1 Background airborne bioburden in cleanrooms. guidelines for bioThe EEF High Ef­ficiency Part­ burden for The fundamental purpose of iculate Air (HEPA) system traps various cleanrooms in the pharmaceutical, and kills bacteria and also im­proves the filtration performance of a filter pharmaceutical medical device, biotechnology, and hospital applications is to control me­dia by two to three orders of operations and the amount of bioburden due to magnitude. In laboratory tests the both internal operations and trans­ EEF tech­nology has been shown processes.~ port from the air. From a particu­ to kill Staphyl­o­coccus epidermidis late point of view, cleanrooms in and Escherichia coli. These field these industries are classified and specified accord­ test results support laboratory testing and show that basically there is no airborne bioburden in both a ing to the same cleanroom standards (e.g., Federal Class 10 room, with terminal HEPA in addition to the Stand­ard 209E) as in other industries. It is often EEF, and in a Class 1000 room that utilizes only the assumed that the particle (total) concentrations will generally correlate to concentration of viable EEF without any terminal HEPA filters. In the case of an old laboratory converted to a cleanroom, direct microorganisms. This may not always be valid. comparison of the EEF with respect to conventional Hence, the concentration of viable organisms is also 46 Institute of Validation Technology Raj Jaisinghani, Greg Smith, & Gerald Macedo directly measured – both at the work surfaces (or at the process) and in the air. Cleanrooms in these industries must meet separate standards for bioburden. The FDA has specific require­ ments and guidelines1 for bioburden for various phar­ maceutical operations and processes. Similarly, the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) and the European Union’s GMP 2 guidelines give specific recommended limits for microbial contamination for each class of room. A cleanroom that meets the particle concentra­ tion requirements, but does not result in the desired level of bioburden, will clearly be inadequate. One of the main obstacles in achieving the required bioburden levels is that the measurement of bioburden is time consuming. Typically, bioburden measure­ ment involves sampling, incubation, and counting of colonies. This is a time consuming pro­cess and thus “real” time monitoring is not possible. Thus, it is not always possible to relate higher incidents of bioburden to operating events. Recently, however, ultraviolet (UV) fluorescence (cf. Seaver and Eversole3, Pinnick et al.4) technology has made it possible to achieve real time monitoring of particles of biological origin. This technology will find increasing use in the real time monitoring of air in hospitals, cleanrooms, and mili­ tary nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) warfare protection systems – as a real time supplement to the standard methods of determining bioburden. As this happens, more attention will be focused on cleanroom contamination control systems – currently mainly mechanical filtration. One problem with mechanical filters is that under certain conditions common bacteria caught on the filter can start growing on the filters, grow through the media, and start shedding into the room.5,6,7 The well-known case of the Legionnaire’s outbreak at the veterans convention in Philadelphia has been attributed to this phenomena. In that case the filters were sup­ posedly in a wet state. Generally, it is accepted that bacteria is difficult to grow on clean glass fiber filter media, used in HEPA filters, under normal humidity conditions. However, since the function of these fil­ ters is to capture all particulate contamination, filters eventually get dirty. The experiments conducted by Jaisinghani et al.8 show that very little contaminant is needed for growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli on HEPA glass filters. In their experi­ ments Jaisinghani et al.8 found that very little of the applied E. coli survived on the clean glass filter after four hours of airflow, keeping in mind that E. coli is not a hardy organism. Next about one gm of colloidal kaolin was added to the E. coli solution that was to be aerosolized. This time the recovery of E. coli was about 104 – 105 CFU/square inch of the filter media. Similar tests with S. epidermidis recovered a little more S. epidermidisthan with E. coli even without the colloidal kaolin, due to the hardier nature of S. epidermidis. With 1 gm of colloidal kaolin in the 25 ml S. epidermidis solution (in tryptic soy broth) the recovery of S. epider­ midis was about 105 – 106 CFU/square inch of filter media. Tests with airflow continuing for seven hours (following the aerosol) did not result in any significant reduction in bacteria recovery. This result suggests that, even in normal environments, bacteria can sur­ vive or grow on the filters. As the trend towards using HEPA cleanroom filters for longer periods continues, the possibility of bacterial growth on the filter, and thus the rise in the airborne bioburden, also increases. EEF Technology Jaisinghani7 has played a significant role in the development and commercialization of EEF tech­ nology. The most recent version (see Figure 1) of this technology7 maintains the filter under an ion­ izing (as opposed to a simple electrostatic field) Figure 1 Technovation’s Ionizing EEF Technology Ionizing Wires Filter Flow Downstream Ground Electrode Control Electrode Ionizer Electrode H.V. Supply Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 47 Raj Jaisinghani, Greg Smith, & Gerald Macedo field. Another higher intensity ionizing field charges incoming particles, stabilizes the electrical fields, and increases the safety and reliability by ensuring that no spark over can occur towards the filter. This method provides two fundamental benefits: 1. Bacteria are killed as they pass through a first high intensity ionizing field and then killed as they are subjected to continuous ionizing radiation when they are trapped on the filter. This inhibits growth of bacteria on the filter. 2. The same ionizing fields enable penetration re­duction by about two to three orders of mag­ nitude. Since the cost of the additional electrical compo­ nents is partially offset by the increase in filtration performance (either higher flow at the same pres­ sure drop and filtration efficiency or lower pressure drop at the same flow and efficiency, as compared to mechanical filtration of the same size) this is a highly cost effective method for the control of bioburden. Laboratory Evaluation of the EEF Jaisinghani et al.8 have demonstrated the bacteri­ cidal properties of the EEF under laboratory condi­ tions. This study, conducted at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, is summarized in this section. Experimental Methods S. epidermidis was grown in Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) to a concentration of 3 x 109 colony form­ ing units (CFU)/ml. The culture was lyophilized in Wheaton vials in 5 ml aliquots – 1.5 x 1010 CFU per vial. All vials were stored in a desiccator at 4 – 6ºC. Pleated 15.24cm by 15.24cm by 5cm (6” x 6” x 2”) deep filters were first coated with colloidal kaolin and TSB using an Aztek airbrush. The airbrush cup was filled with 1g kaolin suspended in 25ml TSB and sprayed onto a filter inside a laminar flow hood and allowed to air dry before being used. The pleated filters were placed in a miniature version of the EEF. One vial of lyophilized S. epidermidis was resuspend­ ed with 1 ml of sterile distilled water. A small aliquot of this suspension was serially diluted ten-fold to 10-8 and plated on Columbia Blood Agar (CBA) plates to 48 Institute of Validation Technology confirm the initial viable concentration of bacteria. The rehydrated culture was then sprayed onto the filter using a Meinhard nebulizer, which was placed eight inches from the center of the filter. A control assay was performed to determine the amount of viable S. epidermidis on the filter, without application of high voltage. The bacteria were sprayed onto the filter as previously described, and the temper­ ature and humidity were monitored every 15 minutes for four hours or seven hours during which the airflow was on. The relative humidity was held between 4555% using a Kaz steam vaporizer. At the end of each control run three pieces of the filter were extracted using a sterilized scalpel and forceps. The pieces of filter were approximately one square inch on the face of the filter, which when unfolded measured approxi­ mately 28 square inches of filter material. Filter pieces were removed from the center of the filter, directly above the center, and directly below the center. The samples were cut into small pieces and placed into 10 ml of sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 in a Nasco Whirl-Pak bag. The bags were then processed in a Tek Mar Stomacher Lab-Blender 80 for one minute. Each sample was then serially diluted ten-fold to 10-2, 10-3, and 10-4, then spread on CBA plates to determine the number of viable bacte­ ria per sample filter piece. Similar tests were then conducted by applying high voltage to the EEF. In addition to monitoring the tem­ perature and humidity, the current was also monitored at fifteen minute intervals during the four or seven hour period of airflow with the applied high voltage on. Results and Discussion The results are summarized in Figure 2. In the absence of any voltage applied to the EEF unit (i.e., control tests), viable bacteria were recovered from one square inch of filter in the range of 1 x 105 CFU to 2 x 106 CFU. Counts greater than about 3 x 106 CFU were too crowded to be accurately counted and were considered to be too numerous to count. When high voltage was applied for four hours, the majority of the bacteria were killed. The kill rate increased with increased voltage or with the first applied field strength (applied voltage divided by the distance of the ionizer wires from the control ground electrode – see Figure 1), V/d1. At a field strength (V/d1) of 4.2 kV/cm, there was no growth after 24 hours of incu­ Raj Jaisinghani, Greg Smith, & Gerald Macedo Figure 2 EEF Bactericidal Test Summary Using S. epidermidis FilterIncubationEEF ExposureEEF FieldAverageComment TimeTimeStrengthColonies Control orHoursHours EEF Control 24.00 (v/d1) kv/cm 0.00 0.00 #/Sq. inch 1.00E+06 No additional growth 00.0E+00 100% Killed Control 24.00 0.00 0.00 1.02E+05 24.00 4.00 3.99 3.44E+02 99.93% Killed 0.00E+00 Some growth EEF EEF EEF EEF EEF EEF EEF EEF EEF 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 4.00 bation. After 48 hours, there was either no growth or small (in size and in number) colonies grown. These small colonies were identified as S. epidermidis, and were identical in biochemical profile as the isolate used in the tests. It was concluded that four hours at 4.2 kV/cm (V/d1) did not completely kill the S. epidermidis. If the bacteria were not all killed, some of them were damaged sufficiently so that no growth or very limited growth could occur after 24 hours incubation. When the ionizing time was increased to seven hours, over 99% of the bacteria (as compared to the control) were killed. When the applied field strength, V/d1, was increased to 4.5 kV/cm or higher, no growth occurred on any of the filter pieces except for one experiment. This exception may have occurred because the start­ ing dose of bacteria for this experiment was three times higher than for the control and up to 10 times higher than for any other experiment. Nonetheless, there were still three to four logs of killing using an applied field strength, V/d1 of 4.5 kV/cm or higher, as compared to the control experiments. It should be noted that, in practice, bacteria caught on the filter are held within the ionizing field for an almost infi­ nite amount of time, thus receiving an almost infinite radiation dosage. Hence, in practice, the killing effi­ ciency should be higher even at lower field strengths. Similar results were obtained using E. coli in a previ­ 4.64 4.24 0.00E+00 4.50 4.20 4.20 4.80 After 48 Hours 5.44E+02 99.9% Killed 2.16E+02 4.20 3.51E+03 Figure 3 100% Killed 0.00E+00 6.26E+03 4.20 After 24 Hours 98.75% Killed 99.95% Killed 99.3% Killed Model 3001 EEF Filter ous study conducted with the EEF at the University of Wisconsin. Field Results in Cleanrooms Model 3001B or Model 1001B BIO PLUS® EEFs (Figure 3) manufactured by Technovation Systems, Inc., were used in the cleanroom discussed here. Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 49 Raj Jaisinghani, Greg Smith, & Gerald Macedo Both models have a flow rating of about 3000 scfm without attached ductwork. Comparison to FFU in a Converted Cleanroom Jaisinghani et al.8 have conducted a field study com­ paring FFUs to an EEF in a small laboratory converted to a cleanroom. This will be referred to as the “older Encelle cleanroom.” (Encelle, Inc., Greenville, NC.) Encelle had four conventional HEPA fan filter units (FFUs) installed in this tissue culture laboratory, prior to replacing these with one Model 1001 EEF. One model 1001 provides HEPA filtered air at about the same total flow (approx. 4250 m3/h (2500 scfm) in this case) as the four FFUs. This allowed direct evaluation of the effect of EEF on the bioburden in the room, under field conditions. Airborne bioburden in the room was reduced by as much as 75% after switching to the EEF system. The airborne bioburden in the Class 10K room was 0.021 cfu/ft3 (no process) and 0.392 cfu/ft3 (in process) after installation of the EEF filter. Figure 4 shows the Federal Standard 209E, USP, and European Union recommended airborne biobur­ den and particulate concentration for various class cleanrooms. Clearly, from a bioburden perspective Encelle’s older Class 10K room performs (at rest) at a level equivalent to a Class 100 room – without incur­ ring the higher cost associated with building a Class 100 room. Most of this benefit should be attributed to the EEF filter system. New Class 1000 Biotech Tissue Cul­ture Cleanroom Facility Description A 1,300 square foot Class 1,000 cleanroom and 900 square feet of Class 10,000 surrounding space was constructed at Encelle, Inc., Greenville, NC facility. It utilized eight 3001B BIO PLUS® EEF filters. The total flow rate utilized here (22 fpm average air velocity) was on the lower end of flow normally used in Class 1,000 cleanrooms. This room will simply be referred to, henceforth, as “the Encelle cleanroom.” All processing and manufacturing conducted within the cleanroom areas are done aseptically. Workers are gowned in sterile coveralls, shoe covers, goggles, or face-­masks with shields, hair nets, and sterile gloves. The Class 1K cleanroom and clean Class 10K sur­ rounding zone are cleaned daily with a monthly rotation of sterile chemicals using cleanroom equipment and trained personnel. Disinfectants include Hypochlor®, Process LpH®, Process Vesphene®, and as needed, treat­ ments with a spore-killing agent called SporKlenz®. Sampling Methods An environmental monitoring program has been designed to establish the standards and limits that are acceptable to the facility management and to regulatory agencies that will audit the manufactur­ ing within the cleanroom environments. Daily activities for monitoring include tempera­ ture and pressure readings. Relative humidity is also reported on sampling days. Surface samples are collected on a routine basis using only sterile supplies. Surfaces monitored in­clude floors, equipment, walls, and ceilings. A five per­ cent sheep’s blood agar plate (three inch diameter) is swabbed with a sterile, moist, cotton swab after sampling various surface areas. Plates are labeled and incubated at 37ºC, with five percent carbon dioxide for 72 hours. Colony forming units that grow are counted and identified using standard microbial techniques. Particle counting is conducted biweekly or as needed for monitoring during critical processes. A Biotest® APC Plus particle counter measures concen­ tration at particle sizes of 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0µm. Figure 4 Recommendations for Airborne Bioburden for Various Cleanroom Classes Class Parameter 10K 10K 1K 1K 100 100 0.5 Um particles #/ft3 <10K CFU/ft3 0.5 Um particles #/ft3 <1K CFU/ft3 0.5 Um particles #/ft3 <100 3 CFU/ft 50 209EEUUSP Institute of Validation Technology <10K <2.83 <1K NA <100 <0.028 at rest; <0.283 Process <2.5 NA <0.1 Process Raj Jaisinghani, Greg Smith, & Gerald Macedo Data is collected in nearly 200 areas within the filtered-air areas. These areas are categorized by pro­ cess and particle counts are reported to the facilities manager for evaluation and disposition if warranted. Data is downloaded via an RS-232 port for digital documentation of these counts. Microbial air sampling is performed in parallel with particle counting to provide data on airborne viable particulate counts and comply with Federal Standard 209E Cleanliness classes for cleanrooms and clean zones. A Biotest® Centrifugal Air Sampler collects 500 liters of air in each location on sterile tryptic soy agar strips that are designed for this type of sampler. Strips are labeled and incubated similarly to the surface agar plates. Classification and identifi­ cation are performed using the standards described in the current edition of the USP. USP standards9 for microbial growth follow in Figure 5. Results – Particle Concentration The particle concentration measurements are shown in Figure 6. From the perspective of particle counts alone, the design Class 1,000 cleanroom is functioning very close Figure 5 USP Standard for Bioburden in Cleanrooms Class 100 Requirements Air Surface Gowns 0.1 cfu/ft3 3 cfu/plate* 5 cfu/plate Class 10,000 Requirements Air Surface Gowns 0.5 cfu/ft3 5 cfu/plate (10 from floor) 10 cfu/plate Class 100,000 Requirements Air Surface Gowns * 2 in2 surface 2.5 cfu/ft3 20/plate 30/plate to a Class 100 cleanroom in operation. It should be noted that the cleanroom certified as Class 100 at rest (i.e., without personnel). Similarly, the design Class 10,000 area is functioning as a borderline Class 1,000 in operation. It should be noted again, that the airflow rate used in this Class 1,000 cleanroom (22 fpm) was on the low end for a normal Class 1,000 cleanroom. The high performance of this room can be attributed to the high degree of ceiling coverage (i.e., Airflow is highly distributed throughout the room) which is an inherent feature of the Technovation BIO PLUS® EEF system. Results – Airborne Microorganisms Figure 7 shows the results of airborne microor­ ganism monitoring in the Class 1,000 cleanroom. The results clearly indicate that, from the perspec­ tive of airborne bioburden, the Class 1,000 area is performing at a level that is to be expected for a Class 100 to Class 10 level. Note that (by comparing to the particulate data in Figure 8) the airborne bioburden does not correlate to the particulate concentration. During the months of December and January, the sub-micron particulate concentration actually went up while the airborne bioburden was reduced. Figure 8 shows the results of airborne microor­ ganism monitoring in the Class 10,000 cleanroom. Note again that the bioburden does not relate to the particulate concentration. One probable reason for this is that the bacterium are larger than the size of the sub-micron particles being monitored. Also note that on the average the Class 10K area performs between a USP Class 100 and a USP Class 10K from a bioburden perspective. Results – Surface Microorganisms Figure 9 shows the results of surface microorgan­ ism monitoring in the Class 1,000 cleanroom. The surface concentrations of bacteria are almost zero throughout the cleanroom suite. This can be attributed to: n The cleaning protocols instituted at Encelle n The use of the disinfecting compounds n The low airborne bioburden Observations from the Encelle Cleanroom Mon­ itoring 1. The Encelle cleanroom operates significantly Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 51 Raj Jaisinghani, Greg Smith, & Gerald Macedo Figure 6 Particle Concentration Measurements in the Encelle Tissue Culture Laboratory Air Particle Concentration (per ft3) 11/14/99 11/14/99 12/1/99 12/1/99 12/31/99 12/13/99 1/6/00 1/6/00 1/28/00 12/28/00 Size – > 0.3 uM 0.5 uM 0.3 uM 0.5 uM 0.3 uM 0.5 uM 0.3 uM 0.5 uM 0.3 uM 0.5 uM Class 10,000 Design AreasApprox. Sq. Ft. Mechanical Corridor 235 1959 506 786 602 1163 903 801 899 852 512 Side Corridor 555 2240 642 4559 1035 3598 762 4058 687 7989 1422 Water Filtration Area 171 3649 2598 4657 2429 11406 4312 8350 4368 6378 1295 Labware Processing 212 343 102 981 719 1233 1798 243 326 618 530 Gowning Room 139 236 87 853 1063 1506 913 2874 2808 957 235 Materials Pass Through 40 257 88 450 539 2461 2463 3887 6064 1451 595 482 671 683 1065 1187 1859 1123 2525 1014 765 Total Square Feet – > 1312 Actual Area Classification Class 1,000 Design Areas Specialized Cleanrooom 152 158 66 223 145 350 337 313 379 754 237 Formulations Mfg. Area 142 208 24 84 52 415 228 322 307 360 126 Product Testing Area 132 28 5 9 9 43 49 19 74 19 76 Product Finishing Area 127 264 26 129 49 474 139 400 179 472 184 Product Mfg. Area 145 293 83 250 87 534 180 639 698 829 731 Refrigerator/Freezer Storage 212 262 55 233 157 832 692 427 335 659 381 Total Square Feet – > 910 67 43 52 83 147 271 118 329 172 289 Actual Area Classification better than the design classification although the flow rate (average room velocity = 22 fpm) used is at the low end of what is normally used in such a cleanroom. This is due to the higher distribution of flow rate – an inherent feature of the BIO PLUS® filter system. 2. The airborne bioburden in both the Class 1K and 10K areas is lower than what would be expected for such rooms based on USP rec­ ommendations. The Class 1K room has the bioburden of what would be expected (based on USP) for a Class 100 room. Coupling this observation to the laboratory studies on the bactericidal properties of the EEF technology and the direct comparison with respect to con­ ventional FFU HEPAs, it may be inferred that 52 Institute of Validation Technology the low airborne bioburden is due to the BIO PLUS® EEF filters. 3. The surface bio contamination is almost non existent in the Class 1K cleanroom. This may be attributed to the good cleaning practices used at Encelle and due to the low airborne bioburden in the suite. 4. The airborne bioburden seems to be lower in the winter months, although the room tempera­ ture is held constant at 66ºF. This may be due to lower humidity in the winter months. New Class 10 Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Facility Description A 12’x20’ Class 10 cleanroom (including a Raj Jaisinghani, Greg Smith, & Gerald Macedo Figure 7 Airborne Bioburden in the Encelle Class 1,000 Cleanroom New Facility’s Microbial Air Sample Results Collected with Biotest Plus Centrifugal Air Sampler Design Class 1,000 11/14/99 11/30/99 Average cfuAv. cfu/ft3 cfu/ft3/24hr* cfu/ft3/72hr*Average cfuAv. cfu/ft3 cfu/ft3/24hr* cfu/ft3/72hr* Device Testing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coating 0 0 0 0 1 0.028 0.028 0.028 Formulations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Device Manufacturing 3 0.085 0.085 0.085 2 0.057 0.057 0.057 Refrigeration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Isolation 3 0.085 0.085 0.085 15 0.425 0.425 0.425 Class 1,000 Average 1 0.028 0.028 0.028 3 0.085 0.085 0.085 Design Class 1,000 12/13/99 1/28/00 Average cfuAv. cfu/ft3 cfu/ft3/24hr* cfu/ft3/72hr*Average cfuAv. cfu/ft3 cfu/ft3/24hr* cfu/ft3/72hr* Device Testing 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 Coating 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 Formulations 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 Device Manufacturing 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 Refrigeration 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 Isolation 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 Class 1,000 Average 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 The time period refers to the incubation time in hours. 4’x12’ Class 10K gowning room) was constructed at MedPharmex in Pomona, CA using two BIO PLUS® Model 3001B filters with eight terminal 2’x4’ HEPA filters. The Model 3001Bs were used for the 12’x16’ Class 10 inner room. The resultant average room ve­loc­ ity in the Class 10 area was 24 fpm (4500 scfm). The design specification for the room was Class 100. This airflow was much lower than used in a Class 100 clean­ room – normally, with conventional single terminal HEPAs, at least 40 fpm average room velocity is used in a Class 100 room. However, due to the double HEPA filter system (each Model 3001B powered Airflow through four terminal HEPAs) the cleanroom easily classified as Class 10 as per Federal Standard 209E. This resulted in significant energy savings. The room was validated for bioburden initially and then has been shut down since the facility is now being moved to a new location. The facility was cleaned with 0.25% hypochlorite solution. Sampling Methods Air sampling was done using Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) and Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA). The TSA values reflect total bacterial counts while the SDA reflects molds and yeast, although it contains no bacterial inhibitors. In some cases Rose Bengal Agar (RBA) was used. This reflects a better value for molds/yeast since the RBA contains bacterial growth inhibitors. Surface monitoring was done using 24-30 cm2 RODAC plates with TSA and SDA. The TSA plates were incubated for a minimum of 48 hours at 32.5 +/- 2.5ºC while the SDA plates were incubated for a minimum of 72 hours at 22.5 +/- 2.5ºC. Results – Airborne Microorganisms The gowning room was sampled in two zones Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 53 Raj Jaisinghani, Greg Smith, & Gerald Macedo Figure 8 Airborne Bioburden in the Encelle Class 10K Area New Facility’s Microbial Air Sample Results Collected with Biotest Plus Centrifugal Air Sampler Design Class 10,000 11/14/99 Average cfuAv. cfu/ft3 cfu/ft3/24hr* cfu/ft3/72hr*Average cfu cfu/ft3 11/30/99Average cfu/ft3/24hr* cfu/ft3/72hr* Water Filtration Area 30 0.850 0.850 0.850 2 0.057 0.057 0.057 Side Corridor 3 0.085 0.085 0.850 3 0.058 0.085 0.085 Manufacturing Corridor 19 0.538 0.538 0.538 11 0.312 0.312 0.312 Labware Processing 5 0.142 0.142 0.142 4 0.113 0.113 0.113 Gowning Room 0 0 0 0 3 0.085 0.085 0.085 Materials Pass Through 3 0.085 0.085 0.085 11 0.312 0.312 0.312 Class 10,000 Average 10 0.283 0.283 0.283 5.67 0.160 0.160 0.172 12/13/99 1/28/00 Design Class 10,000 Average cfuAv. cfu/ft3 cfu/ft3/24hr* cfu/ft3/72hr*Average cfuAv. cfu/ft3 cfu/ft3/24hr* cfu/ft3/72hr* Water Filtration Area 2 0.057 0.057 0.057 2 0.057 0.057 0.057 Side Corridor 2 0.057 0.057 0.057 0 0 0 0 Manufacturing Corridor 1 0.028 0.028 0.028 0 0 0 0 Labware Processing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gowning Room 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Materials Pass Through 2 0.057 0.057 0.057 0 0 0 0 1.17 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.333 0.009 0.009 0.009 Class 1,000 Average The time period refers to the incubation time in hours. while the Class 10 cleanroom was sampled in five zones. All plates (TSA and SDA) were negative (i.e., zero counts) in all the areas. The Class 10 area was also sampled using RBA and once again the results were negative – zero counts. Results – Surface Microorganisms The surface measurements were made before and after cleaning the newly constructed cleanroom. The results are shown in Figure 10. The 0.25% Hypo­ chlorite cleaning is obviously very effective in elimi­ nating surface bacteria. Observations From the Medpharmex Clean­room Validation 1. The new Encelle Class 1000 and the Med­Pharmex Class 10 room have about the same airflow aver­ age velocity. From the particulate point of view the MedPharmex room operates at Class 10 simply 54 Institute of Validation Technology because of the double HEPA filter system used. The MedPharmex cleanroom validates as a Class 10 cleanroom, although the airflow used was lower than what is normally used in a Class 100 room. 2. It should be noted that the MedPharmex room was simply validated and then shut down in order to move it to an adjacent facility, while the Encelle room is being continuously monitored and is operational. How­ever, from the point of view of airborne bioburden, after the first month of operation the Encelle Class 1000 room operates at an equivalent level as the MedPharmex Class 10 room – with essentially zero airborne bacte­ rial counts. The low bioburden benefit to Encelle (this Class 1000 room is operating at essentially zero airborne bioburden) may be attributed to the bactericidal properties of the EEF system. o Raj Jaisinghani, Greg Smith, & Gerald Macedo Figure 9 New Facility Surface Contamination Summary Design Classification 10,000 Average number of cfu/plate grown in 72 hours Date – > 11/14/99 11/30/99 12/13/99 01/28/00 Water Filtration Area 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 Side Corridor Manufacturing Corridor 0 0 0 0 Labware Processing 1 0 0 0 Gowning Room 0 0 0 0 Materials Pass Through 0 0 0 0 Design Classification 1,000 Average number of cfu/plate grown in 72 hours Date – > 11/14/99 11/30/99 12/13/99 01/28/00 Device Testing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coating Formulations 0 0 0 0 Device Manufacturing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Refrigeration Isolation 0 0 0 0 Control 255 210 134 104 Figure 10 Surface Bioburden in the Class 10/10K Suite (Counts per 25 cm RODAC Plates) 2 Area Before CleaningAfter Cleaning TSA SDA TSA SDA CountsCountsCountsCounts Gowning Table-gowning 22 5 0 0 Wall-gowning 3 0 0 0 Class 10 Tank 0 1 0 0 Fill 21 12 0 0 Filter table 9 4 0 0 Wall 1 0 0 0 About the Authors Rajan (Raj) Jaisinghani is a chemical engineer with thirty years of research, product development, and business development experience. Jaisinghani holds a B.S. from Banaras Hindu University, India, and an M.S., with additional graduate work, from the Un­iver­sity of Wisconsin. Jaisinghani has extensive re­search experience in air and liquid filtration, colloid and aerosol science, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and physical surface chemistry. He holds 10 patents and has many publications in technical journals and handbooks. He can be reached by phone at 804-744-0604, by fax at 804-744-0677, or by e-mail at technova@sprynet.com. Greg Smith is facilities manager at Encelle, Inc. He holds a B.A. in Psychology from West Virginia University and a B.S. in Chemistry from East Carolina University. Smith has assisted in the development of medical devices and has five years experience as a hospital pharmacy aseptic compounding technician. He can be reached by phone at 252-355-4405 or by e-mail at gsmith@Encelle.com. Gerald Macedo has a B.S. degree in Pharm­acy and an M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences. He has over 30 years experience in pharmaceutical manufacturing, with extensive experience in the manufacture of sterile injectables. He has ser­ved as head of man­ufactur­ing, quality control, quality assurance, research and development, and regulatory affairs. Macedo currently heads Med-Pharmex, Inc., a pharmaceutical manufacturing company. He can be reached by phone at 909-593-7875 or by fax at 909-593-7862. References 1. FDA. “Guideline on Sterile Drug Products by Aseptic Pro­ cessing.” Rockville, MD. 2. EU. 1998. “The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the EU.” Good Manufacturing Processes 4. Luxembourg. 3. Seaver, M. and Eversole, J.D. 1996. “Monitoring Biological Aerosols Using UV Fluorescence.” Proceedings 15th Annual Meeting AAAR. October. Orlando, FL: 270. 4. Pinnick, R.G., Chen, G., and Chang, R.K. 1996. “Aerosol Analyzer for Rapid Measurements of the Fluorescence Species of Airborne Bacteria Excited with a Conditionally Fired Pulsed 266 nm Laser.” Proceedings 15th Annual Meeting AAAR. October. Orlando, FL. 5. Rhodes, W.W., Rinaldi, M.G., and Gorman, G.W. 1995. “Reduction and Growth Inhibition of Microorganisms in Commercial and Institutional Environments.” Environmental Health 12 (October). 6. Tolliver, D.I. 1988. “Domestic and International Issues in Contamination Control Technologies.” Microcontamination 6, no. 2 (February). 7. Jaisinghani, R. A. U.S. Patent 543,383. 4 April 1995. 8. Jaisinghani, R.A., Inzana, T.J., and Glindemann, G. 1998. “New Bactericidal Electrically Enhanced Filtration System for Cleanrooms.” Paper presented at the IEST 44th Annual Technical Meeting. April. Phoenix, AZ. 9. “Microbial Evaluation of Cleanrooms and Other Controlled Environments.” United States Pharmacopoeia, <1116>, p. 20992106. Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 55 A Cleaning Validation Program for the ELIFA System By LeeAnne Macaulay, Jeff Morier, Patti Hosler, & Danuta Kierek-Jaszczuk, Ph.D. Cangene Corporation v T he Enzyme-Linked Immuno­ filtration Assay (ELIFA) provides high sensitivity of de­tection with rapid results. For this reason we developed a very sensitive, semi-quantitative ELIFA to determine IgA in therapeutic Win­Rho SDF™ im­munoglobulin. In the course of the development we no­ticed that non-uni­ form and unusually high background (blank) re­sponses, that occurred infre­ quently, greatly interfered with the test results obtained. We hypothe­ sized that such background responses resulted from inadequate cleaning of the ELIFA apparatus. Accordingly, a cleaning program for the apparatus has been devised and validated. In this paper the results supporting the hypo­ thesis will be presented, and the ratio­ nale and core aspects of the developed program delineated. port individual CVPs and enforce compliance. The guidelines and pro­ }The grams may cover a plethora of dif­ establishment ferent types of equipment but they usually refer to equipment used in of Cleaning the manufacture, processing, hold­ Validation ing, filling, and packaging of raw Programs (CVP) materials, inter­mediate/­final prod­ ucts, and associated components. The in the guidelines do not refer to equipment pharmaceutical used in Research and Development (R&D), and to our understanding, industry is there is no regulatory requirement dictated by the for the development of CVPs for equipment used in these areas. The regulatory Easy-Titer™ ELIFA system2 is a small, micro­titer format compatible requirements apparatus developed and manufac­ to develop tured by Pierce Chemical Company. As shown in Figure 1 (adapted from and observe, Product Instructions, Pierce Chemical in a fully Company) the apparatus utilizes a documented way, nitrocellulose mem­brane (NC) sand­ Cleaning Validation wiched be­tween the sample appli­ effective cleaning Programs for Research cation plate and vacuum collection and Development? chamber. Similar to the widely used procedures.~ Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent The establishment of Cleaning Assay (ELISA), the ELIFA is an Validation Pro­grams (CVP) in the pharmaceutical immunoassay well suited for testing of multiple sam­ industry is dictated by the regulatory requirements ples over a range of serial dilutions.3 In the ELIFA, the immunological reaction between NC immobilized to develop and observe, in a fully documented way, effective cleaning procedures. Regulatory guidelines ligand and ligand-specific analyte in the test sample followed by an enzymatic reaction with a chromo­ for validation of cleaning pro­cesses1 are meant to sup­ 56 Institute of Validation Technology LeeAnne Macaulay, Jeff Morier, Patti Hosler, & Danuta Kierek-Jaszczuk, Ph.D. Figure 1 Exploded View of the Easy-Titer™ Elifa System Thumb Screws Sample Application Plate Nitrocellulose Clamp Microtiter Plate Vacuum Relief Valve Pump Tubing Port Gaskets Tubing Position Stops (Acrylic Balls) Transfer Cannula Collection Chamber Membrane Support Plate Guide Pins genic substrate gives rise to colored dots. The color intensity of the individual dots varies proportionally to the amount of the analyte in the samples and dots produced by the samples devoid of analyte (blanks or background) are very pale or even colorless. We used the ELIFA system to research and develop a screen­ ing assay for human IgA.4 The developed IgA ELIFA will be used for testing of the licensed WinRho SDF™ therapeutic, hence, its performance characteristics need to be established and validated. In pre-validation stud­ ies, however, we observed that the developed ELIFA lacked reproducibility. The color of the blank dots var­ ied sometimes from experiment to experiment or, even within the same experiment, from well to well. We also observed that the color of dots produced by the repli­ cated test samples occasionally varied. We postulated that the observed variability is a result of external con­ tamination carried over from previous experiment(s). An inadequately cleaned ELIFA apparatus would then be the cause of obscured test results. We, therefore, decided to develop a CVP for the ELIFA apparatus before proceeding to assay validation. ELIFA CVP – Approaches and Hallmarks A body of experience at Cangene with valida­ tion5,6 or cleaning7 programs, as well as manufac­ turer’s cleaning instructions for the ELIFA system (Figure 2, adapted from Product Instructions, Pierce Chemical Company) was the foundation when devel­ oping the ELIFA CVP. Among others, the devel­ oped program addressed the following: nS pecific design of apparatus, its individual parts and accessories that require cleaning n Disassembling and re-assembling the unit before and after cleaning Figure 2 Cleaning of the Easy-Titer™ ELIFA System Clean all of the pieces to the Easy-Titer™ ELIFA System unit in a two percent PCC-54 solution and then rinse with distilled water. The unit may also be soaked in the PCC-54 solution to remove stains from the unit caused by the substrate solution. Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 57 LeeAnne Macaulay, Jeff Morier, Patti Hosler, & Danuta Kierek-Jaszczuk, Ph.D. nC leaning operations n Cleaning procedures including cleaning ves­ sels, agents and utensils n Compatibility of cleaning agents with equip­ ment and assay n Decontaminating abilities of cleaning agents n Sampling on cleaned equipment n Analytical methods for monitoring of cleaning processes n Storage of cleaned parts n Inspection of apparatus for cleanliness before use n Recording and documenting the cleaning pro­ cedures n Establishing acceptance criteria, and n Maintaining cleaning records Strategy for Validation of Cleaning Procedures Two cleaning procedures (procedure 1 and 2 in Figure 3) utilizing either enzyme or detergent-based cleaning agents were developed and tested in conjunc­ Figure 3 Procedure 1 tion with two ELIFA experiments; the standard IgA ELIFA and the mock ELIFA. Such a combination of analytical methods allowed for instantaneous moni­ toring of the effectiveness of the cleaning pro­cess. Standard IgA ELIFA method4 involved testing 96 replicates of a sample at a high (worst-case condition) IgA concentration, which were applied into 96 wells of the ELIFA apparatus. As expected, these experiments invariably produced highly colored dots (Figure 4). A tested cleaning regimen (procedure 1 or 2 in Figure 3) followed by the second mock experiment was then executed. The mock ex­periment involved the use of the diluting buffer in lieu of a sample with high IgA concentration that was also applied into 96 wells of the ELIFA apparatus. Providing that the cleaning regi­ men was effective, the mock experiment should not produce colored dots, as there was no specific analyte that could attach to the immobilized ligand to facilitate subsequent enzymatic and color reactions. The results ob­tained show that whereas Procedure 1 did not re­move the contaminants from preceding experiments well enough (Figure 5), procedure 2 was fully effec­ Cleaning Procedures 1 and 2 Procedure 2 Disassemble the unit by first removing the thumb Disassemble the unit by first removing the thumb screws screws on the top of the sample application plate, then located on the top of the sample application plate, then removing the application plate and top gasket, and removing the application plate and top gasket, and finally unclamping the membrane support plate from finally unclamping the membrane support plate from the collection chamber. the collection chamber. Rinse all parts for two minutes under running Reverse Rinse all parts for two minutes under running RO water. Osmosis (RO) water. Immerse them into a vessel with two percent TERG-A- Immerse them into a vessel with five percent RBS10 solution ZYME (Alconox Inc., New York, NY, U.S.A.) solution and at 50ºC and wash for five minutes by agitating the vessel. wash for five minutes by agitating the vessel. Rinse all parts for two minutes under RO water. Rinse all parts for two minutes under RO water. Clean all 96 wells of the sample application plate with Clean all 96 wells of the sample application plate with TOC swabs by dipping the swabs into the detergent TOC swabs by dipping the swabs into the detergent solution, inserting them into wells once from top and solution, inserting them into wells once from the top and once from the bottom, and swabbing the inner part of once from the bottom, and swabbing the inner part of each well by turning the swab first to the right and each well by turning the swab first to the right and then to the left. then to the left. Clean all 96 wells of the top gasket in a similar way. Clean all 96 wells of the top gasket in a similar way. Raise all 96 cannulas on the membrane support plate Raise all 96 cannulas on the membrane support plate and and soak the plate for five minutes in the detergent clean them with TOC swabs by dipping the swabs into the solution.detergent solution and swabbing the surface of individual cannulas and also spaces between cannulas and bottom gaskets. Rinse each part and the spaces between the bottom Rinse each part and the spaces between the bottom gasket and the membrane support plate for two gasket and the membrane support plate for two seconds seconds under running RO water. under running RO water. 58 Institute of Validation Technology LeeAnne Macaulay, Jeff Morier, Patti Hosler, & Danuta Kierek-Jaszczuk, Ph.D. Figure 4 IgA ELIFA Results Obtained for a Test Sample Containing Human IgA at a Concentration of 2µg/mL Figure 5 IgA ELIFA Results Obtained for a Replicated Test Sample Deprived of Human IgA. The experiment was performed in an apparatus cleaned with TERG-A-ZYME (Procedure 1). Figure 6 IgA ELIFA Results Obtained for a Replicated Test Sample Deprived of Human IgA. tive (Figure 6). Procedure 2 was then validated, in two independent experiments performed by two analysts. It was shown that it invariably leads to results similar to those presented in Figure 6. Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Validated Procedure The Total Organic Carbon (TOC) method is widely utilized in industrial CVPs as it measures low levels of carbon and is compatible with swab sampling techniques. The standard IgA ELIFA4 fol­ lowed by the validated cleaning procedure and swab sampling of the surface of three randomly selected wells were, therefore, used to assess the cleanliness of the apparatus by standard TOC. A procedure used at Cangene8 was followed. The results obtained con­ firm that the validated cleaning procedure was fully effective as the carbon concentration determined in The experiment was performed in an apparatus cleaned with RBS (Procedure 2). Figure 7 Results From Total Organic Carbon Analysis (in ppb) SampleSampleReplicaReplicaReplicaAverageSD Percent NumberName 1 2 3CV 1 2 3 4 Well B11 Well D8 Well G2 Water 277.8 235.4 228.4 185.2 271.7 234.3 219.1 165.4 268.9 225.9 255.3 167.4 272.8 231.8 234.3 172.7 4.55 5.20 4.73 10.9 Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 1.67 2.24 8.03 6.29 59 LeeAnne Macaulay, Jeff Morier, Patti Hosler, & Danuta Kierek-Jaszczuk, Ph.D. water extracts of test samples was only slightly great­ er than that of water used for extraction (Figure 7). Implementing of the ELIFA CVP The validated ELIFA cleaning procedure will become part of a written Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Although addressing R&D instrumentation, the SOP document will detail the activities that were con­ ducted by adhering to industrial standards for cleaning validation.1,9 The document will also advise on safety precautions, cleaning schedule, and assignment of responsibility for cleaning and storage of the cleaned apparatus. The SOP document will be observed not only when validating the performance of the IgA ELIFA, but also during routine use of the ELIFA sys­ tem. It will be the subject of a periodic evaluation and, if deemed necessary, be updated and/or revised. Conclusions nA comprehensive, credible CVP designed and developed at Cangene for the Easy-Titer™ ELIFA system has been shown to effectively remove contaminants and residues entrapped in the apparatus after the conclusion of the ex­periment(s) and/or subsequent cleaning. n The CVP has been demonstrated to vastly re­duce the analytical background of the IgA ELIFA, improve its signal to background ratio, increase the quality of the test results and may, therefore, be expected to notably support the upcoming assay validation. n The CVP, by virtue of anti-viral and anti-bacte­ rial properties of the RBS10, allows for simulta­ neous decontamination and sanitization of the ELIFA unit, thus facilitating its safe use with infectious samples. n The CVPs generated for R&D equipment that fulfill the standards of industrial cleaning validation not only improve the quality of the as­says utilizing this equipment but may become vital components of assay validation. o About the Authors LeeAnne Macaulay is a Technician at Cangene Corporation. She completed the first year towards 60 Institute of Validation Technology a B.Sc. degree at the University of Winnipeg and received a diploma in Chemical and Bioscience Technology from Red River College in Winnipeg. She has experience in QC/QA Laboratories in the areas of microbiology and biochemistry. Jeff Morier is a Senior Assay Development Tech­ nologist at Cangene Corporation. He received his B.Sc. degree in Microbiology from the University of Manitoba. He has seven years experience in the pharmaceutical industry in the areas of QC microbiology, QA biotechnology, and R&D experience in the validation of immunoassays of various formats. Patti Hosler is a Technician at Cangene Corporation. She completed the first year of a B.Sc. degree program at Brandon University and received a diploma in Chemical and Bioscience Technology from Red River College. She has seven years experience as a QA/QC laboratory technician in the food production industry. Danuta W. Kierek-Jaszczuk is a Senior Research Scientist/Assay Development Supervisor at Cangene Corporation. She obtained her M.S. degree in Biology from the Nicolaus Copernicus University, and a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Sciences from the Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding. She can be reached by phone at 204-275-4263, by fax at 204-269-7003, and by e-mail at dkjaszcz@cangene.com. References 1. FDA. 1993. “Guideline to Inspection of Validation of Cleaning Pro­ cesses.” Office of Regulatory Affairs, USFDA, Washington, D.C. 2. Pierce Chemical Company. Product Instructions, Easy-Titer™ ELIFA System. Rockford, IL. 3. Paffard, S.M., Miles, R.J., Clark, C.R., and Price, R.G. 1996. “A Rapid and Sensitive Enzyme Linked Immunofilter Assay (ELIFA) for Whole Bacterial Cells.” Journal of Immunological Methods 192, no. 1–2: 133-6. 4. Morier, J., Macaulay, L., and Kierek-Jaszczuk, D. “Screening for the Presence of Human IgA in a Hyper Immune Product Using An Enzyme-Linked ImmunoFiltration Assay.” Poster Presentation at IBC Conference on Assay Development for Future High-Throughput Screening. 8 – 9 November 1999. Annapolis, MD. 5. Faurschou, A. 2000. General Procedure for Validation Program. SOP Document # 11.001.0001.RR. Cangene Corporation. Winnipeg, MB, Canada. 6. Alejo, M. and Faurschou, A. 1998. Process Validation Qualification. SOP Document # 11.001.0002.RR. Cangene Corp­oration. Winnipeg, MB, Canada. 7. Heise, R. and Poschner, E. 1999. Manual Cleaning and Sanitizing Equipment. SOP Document # 2.010.0017.RR, Cangene Corp­ oration. Winnipeg, MB, Canada. 8. Shinkarik, T. 1998. Surface Sampling for Total Organic Carbon (TOC). SOP Document # 500602.RR, Cangene Corporation. Winnipeg, MB, Canada. 9. Chudzik, G.M. 1998. “General Guide to Recovery Studies Using Swab Sampling Methods For Cleaning Validation.” Journal of Validation Technology 5, no. 1: 77-81. 10. Pierce Chemical Company. Product Information, RBS. Rockford, IL. A Cleaning Validation Master Plan for Oral Solid Dose Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Equipment By Julie A. Thomas McNeil Consumer Healthcare W v ith the benchmark con­ Validations of Clean­ing Processes stantly being raised, – July 1993.” Each of these will be }Often, many companies find discussed in greater detail in the sec­ companies have tions below. that they are in perpetual valida­ tion mode. Often, companies have executed executed validations for equipment, n Objective cleaning, and processes, but the n Scope validations for doc­­umentation no longer stands up n Introduction to the latest in validation standards. n Responsibilities equipment, Although these validations are gen­ n Philosophy cleaning, and proerally complete and on file, there n Methodology are many opportunities to improve n Schedule cesses, but the docboth the supporting documenta­ Objective tion and the execution. One way to umentation en­sure that your company’s policies no longer stands This section should state the pur­ and procedures regarding cleaning pose of your cleaning master valida­ validation are state-of-the-art is to up to the latest tion plan and define whether you will assemble a multi-disciplined team be revalidating current procedures or from the appropriate manufacturing validation prospectively validating new ones. sites that can review and revise all Often, the plan will have provisions components associated with clean­ standards.~ for both situations. ing validation. What follows are ex­cerpts from a Cleaning Validation Scope Master Plan (the Plan) that was painstakingly com­ posed and has now be­come the standard for planning The scope needs to list exactly which aspects of val­ and executing cleaning validations at several manu­ idation will be covered in the document and to which facturing sites. types of products and/or processes the Plan applies. For An outline of the Plan contains the following seven elements, the concepts of which are taken directly example, “This document provides steps for planning, executing, and maintaining equipment cleaning valida­ from the FDA publication, “Guide to Inspections of Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 61 Julie A. Thomas tions for oral solid dose products at Your Company’s manufacturing facility in Your City, State.” Introduction The introduction should let the reader know what elements will be addressed in the Master Validation Plan and why a formal plan is necessary. For in­stance, “This plan is intended to be a roadmap clarifying the course the Company will take as it plans and executes the cleaning validations required by current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). This program describes and defines the various categories of cleaning validation, provides the nec­ essary protocol elements, and offers guidance for un­ex­pected results. Furthermore, it includes provi­ sions for revalidation and monitoring and serves as a mechanism to organize and store critical informa­ tion that supports the cleaning validation process.” Responsibilities There are many departments and disciplines involved in planning for and executing a cleaning validation. It is necessary to list each contributing area and the associated tasks for which it is respon­ sible. This serves to clarify roles and to ensure that tasks are not overlooked. Typically, representatives from Validation, Manufacturing, Quality Control, En­gineer­ing, and Research and Development (R&D) will be needed. The following are some examples of departmental responsibilities: Validation Specialist • Review cleaning procedures • Assist the cleaning validation team in iden­ tifying equipment test sites for swab or rinse samples • Write cleaning validation protocols • Coordinate execution of the cleaning pro­ cess with the appropriate departments and laboratories • Prepare the sampling schedule • Assemble the test data into final report form for approval Manufacturing • Provide technical information for the devel­ opment of protocols and reports • Review and approve protocols and reports 62 Institute of Validation Technology for accuracy and agreement with operating practices • Create and/or revise related SOPs and cleaning checklists • Perform cleaning processes per SOP as referenced in the validation protocol • Provide documented training for all person­ nel responsible for cleaning the equipment Quality Assurance • Review and approve protocols and reports for conformance with cGMPs and internal procedures • Provide analytical technical support • Provide documented training for all person­ nel responsible for sample collection and testing • Collect analytical samples as specified in the protocol • Perform analytical testing using validated procedures • Label, package, and send out those samples that need to be analyzed by an external laboratory • Review and approve analytical results • Notify departments of test results Engineering • Inform the affected department in advance of any anticipated change to the facility or equipment • Include all utilities and cleaning equipment in the calibration and maintenance pro­ gram • Review and approve equipment drawings and surface area calculations Research and Development • Provide swab and surface recovery data for active ingredients and cleaning agents • Validate analytical test methods for chemi­ cal and cleaning agent analyses • Transfer validated methods to the site QC laboratories and/or contract laboratories • Provide recommended cleaning procedures for new active ingredients and/or cleaning agents Cleaning Validation Philosophy This section discusses the considerations you Julie A. Thomas have made in developing a comprehensive cleaning validation program, such as how to define equipment holding time, equipment storage time, and campaign length. In general, the philosophy section presents the Company’s position on what is being achieved by the cleaning validation and how it will be demonstrated. For instance, “Cleaning validation is required for all manufacturing and packaging equipment that comes into contact with the product or product components during production. Prior to validation, acceptance criteria will be developed for active ingredient and cleaning agent residues. Verification of acceptable equipment holding time will be included as part of the validation. Holding time is defined as the time between the end of the last product manufactured and the start of the cleaning process. This will demonstrate that the cleaning procedure effectively removes resi­ due after the equipment has remained idle for a speci­ fied period of time. Additionally, holding time will be evaluated to ensure storage conditions are adequate for a predetermined length of time. Storage time is defined as the time between cleaning completion and the next batch processed on the equipment. Campaign length will be determined jointly by Operations and R&D and validated with at least three iterations using the maximum number of batches or maximum length of time. This approach fully challenges the cleaning procedure by providing worst-case residues.” Cleaning Validation Methodology To ensure all of the elements are in place for a thorough and successful validation, a chronological methodology should be followed. One such design is illustrated through the following four phases: devel­ opment, planning, execution, and maintenance. (See Figure 1) In this section of the Plan, it is appropriate to include the number of sampling/testing iterations required for each piece of equipment and/or each analyte. (See Figure 2.) If you intend to reduce the number of tests re­quired to validate cleaning after various products by using a grouping approach, it should be explained in this section.1 Development Phase The initial phase of the cleaning validation plan is preparatory and includes analytical methods valida­ tion, recovery studies, surface types, degradants, and methods transfer. There is a considerable amount of scientific activity that must be completed before the validation can begin. These steps are explored in the following sections. 1. Analytical Methods Validation Describe how the analytical methods will be developed and validated for active ingredients, deg­ radants (if applicable), and cleaning agent residue. Validation of the method should assess reproducibil­ ity, linearity, specificity, limit of detection (LOD), and swab and surface recovery. Other elements for consideration are the instrumentation, swabbing and dilution solvents, dilution volume, and sample han­ dling and storage.2,3 2. Recovery Studies Recovery studies evaluate quantitative recovery of chemical residue from both the surface to be sampled and the swab material to be used for sam­ pling. The results confirm the appropriateness of the sampling method and material used. You should determine the minimum recovery criteria for each surface type and state that percentage in this sec­ tion. For instance, you may want recovery values of at least 70% of actual readily soluble residues, but may choose a much lower recovery value for rela­ tively insoluble proteins.4 Most important, you must provide data to justify the chosen value. 3. Surface Types Since different surface types have different affini­ ties, you may want to choose a few surface materials to represent the many product contact surfaces used in manufacturing. For oral solid dose manufactur­ ing, you may determine that stainless steel, silicone, and polypropylene are the most abundant surfaces and that they also provide varying degrees of poros­ ity. A matrix of all surface types and the representa­ tive material that will be used in recovery studies is appropriate. (See Figure 3) 4. Degradants Many degradant products are more soluble in the cleaning solvent than are the active ingredients; there­­ fore, you should determine the degree of degradant Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 63 Julie A. Thomas Figure 1 Cleaning Validation Flow Diagram Development Phase Analytical Method Validation Analytical Method Development •D egradant identification • Transfer • Recovery • Surface types Planning Phase Equipment •S ample site selection • Surface area calculation • Schematic Analyte Selection and Acceptance Criteria Protocol Development rite •W • Approve • Train ctive ingredient •A • Cleaning agent Cleaning SOP rite •W • Approve • Train Execution Phase Protocol Execution •C lean • Sample • Test Pass? No Incident Investigation Yes Validation Report •W rite • Approve Maintenance Phase Monitoring Change Control Revalidation 64 Institute of Validation Technology Julie A. Thomas Figure 2 Cleaning Iteration Summary Requirements SampleTotal Number of IterationsConditions Active Residue 3 1 at maximum campaign length or maximum time period plus holding time. 2 at maximum campaign length or time period. Cleaning Agent Residue 3 3 per cleaning procedure, per piece of equipment. testing required based on the toxicity and solubil­ ity of potential degradants. Likewise, active ingre­ dients should be exposed to the selected cleaning agent under normal usage conditions to determine if degradants are formed as a result of the cleaning process. 5. Analytical Methods Transfer In this section, you can state how sampling and analytical methods will be transferred from the R&D laboratories to the site QC laboratories and how the analysts conducting validation testing will be qualified. Reference appropriate SOPs and/or De­velopment Transfer Report. Planning Phase The next phase of preparation is the planning phase. This is a broad category that focuses on equipment information, analyte selection, acceptance criteria, cleaning procedures, and protocol development. At this point, you are starting to think about what equipment will be included in the validation, which analytes will be chosen, and how you will determine acceptance cri­ teria. This leads to an in-depth review of the procedures and, finally, to protocol development. Figure 3 Recovery Surface: 1. Equipment Information This section should detail the methodology for providing specific equipment information. One option is to prepare a binder containing detailed surface area calculations, swab sampling sites (with justification), photos, and schematic diagrams for each piece of equipment. This binder can be main­ tained separately and used as an attachment to the cleaning validation protocol as needed. a) Sample Site Selection Explain how you will select sampling sites to rep­ resent the product contact surface area of the equip­ ment. One of the best sources of information is the operator who routinely cleans the equipment. He or she can certainly point out the areas they find most difficult to clean. Make the operator part of a larger team of experts to include representatives from Validation, QA, and Operations, and let the team determine the product contact surface areas that are most difficult to clean and those that are most repre­ sentative of the equipment. Sampling these sites will represent the entire equipment surface area using the assumption that residue will be evenly distrib­ uted over the equipment and that the most difficult to clean locations will represent the worst case for residue removal. Include the basis for selecting each Surface Recovery Matrix 316L Stainless Steel PolyethyleneSilicone Material Used: 316L Coupon Plastic Bulk Container Hose To Represent: 304 Stainless Aluminum Brass Teflon Lexan HDPE Rubber EPDM Neoprene Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 65 Julie A. Thomas site. For example, sampling sites may be deemed to be the most difficult to clean, most difficult to dry, or of different material of construction. Swab sites Figure 4 Kason Separator Swab Site can be indicated with either digital photographs or suitable diagrams. (See Figure 4) b) Surface Area Calculation An accurate surface area must be calculated for each piece or section of equipment. This can be done with manufacturer’s drawings, but should be confirmed by field measurements. If drawings are not available, the equipment must be measured to determine surface area (see Figure 5). Although not shown here, it is advisable to include the calcula­ Figure 5 Surface Area Swab NumberArea Swabbed 1 Screen/ring interface gasket 2 Discharge port – inside of top circular area (top seam) Total contact S.A. of Kason Separator (in ) 2 Total contact S.A. of Filter Socks (in2) 3,171.2 15.6 tions with the schematic diagram in the equipment information binder mentioned above. c) Schematic Diagram To clearly illustrate each piece of equipment, pre­ 66 Figure 6 Institute of Validation Technology pare schematic diagrams labeled with the major sec­ tions of the equipment. (See Figure 6) The drawings do not have to be to scale, but should appropriately represent the equipment. If a schematic is not practical (i.e., a packaging line), a photograph is acceptable. The intent is to depict the product contact surfaces that are included in the calculations. This helps to ensure that the swab samples are taken from the intended location. 2. Analyte Selection Analyte selection is required for active, excipi­ ent (possibly), and cleaning agent residues. Keep in mind that you are validating a cleaning proce­ dure, not a manufacturing process. In the situation where the same cleaning procedure is used for many product formulas, there is an opportunity to select a representative analyte to cover multiple active ingre­ dients and reduce the amount of testing. a) Actives If several active ingredients are processed in a single piece of equipment, a marker active, or guiding sub­ stance, can be selected based on the active ingredient solubility in water, potency, previous production expe­ rience, and R&D studies. This reduces the number of studies required to validate the cleaning procedure.5 b) Excipients Julie A. Thomas The removal of excipients can either be con­ firmed by visual inspection or through analytical testing. The approach should be stated here along with training requirements for individuals perform­ ing visual inspection. c) Cleaning Agents Testing for cleaning agent residue is essential but is often an area in which current cleaning validations are deficient. For most cleaning agents, a marker compound can be selected for analysis based on the recommendation of the cleaning agent manufactur­ er. Removal of volatile cleaning agents that do not leave a residue, such as isopropyl alcohol, may not need to be validated. 3. Acceptance Criteria The equipment must pass visual and olfac­ tory inspection, where appropriate, as defined in the cleaning validation protocol prior to initiation of swabbing.6 This is a critical step in the validation process that, if skipped, can lead to failed results. a) Active Ingredient Acceptance criteria for active ingredients should be based on medical and pharmacological properties and scientific information. Calculations using the maximum allowable carryover (MAC) and/or 10ppm formulas can be used.7 To ensure that all active contact surfaces are consid­ ered in the carryover calculation, you may want to iden­ tify equipment trains. Acceptance criteria are calculated using the surface area from the entire equipment train; however, protocols are executed per each piece of equip­ ment. Equipment trains could be designated as follows: n Granulation – granulator system through the product container n Compression through printing – compression, film-coating, and printing phases n Packaging – product contact surfaces for each type of packaging line b) Cleaning Agent Acceptance criteria for the cleaning agent marker should be based on toxicity, limit of detection of validated assay method, and/or data gathered dur­ ing certification studies. Acceptance criteria can be calculated using a formula such as the No Observed Effect Limits (NOEL).8 4. Cleaning Procedures This section should indicate that cleaning procedures will be developed (or existing procedures reviewed) prior to the validation. It should also list the required elements for cleaning procedures, such as temperature, pressure, water quality, cleaning agent concentration, spray nozzle location, etc., or it should reference where these requirements can be found.9 Additionally, you should describe the process for training the operators who will be executing the validation studies.10 5. Protocol Development The next step is to write a cleaning validation pro­ tocol for each cleaning procedure that you intend to validate. The protocol should describe all documenta­ tion required to complete the cleaning validation. It should also present the rationale for using a marker active to cover validation for multiple products. For ease of review, include a matrix of the products and equipment that are covered by each validation, or reference where this information can be found. For example, if there are three active ingredients processed in Fluid Bed Granulator #1, indicate which active will be used to represent the other two. Likewise, indicate which pieces of equipment will be used to validate Figure 7 Equipment Cleaning Matrix Active AActive BActive CCleaning Agent A Fluid Bed Gran 1 Fluid Bed Gran 2 Starch Kettle 1 X – – – – – – – – X – X the removal of active ingredient and cleaning agent residues. (See Figure 7) Execution Phase When all of the supporting documentation is com­ plete, it is time to execute the plan. During the execu­ tion phase, you will complete the protocol, investi­ gate any nonconformances that may have occurred, and write a report to summarize your findings. 1. Protocol Execution Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 67 Julie A. Thomas Typically, three iterations of cleaning, sampling, and testing using the same procedure are required. Acceptance criteria for all cleaning iterations must be met for both the active ingredient and the clean­ ing agent. Be sure to reference the procedure where a detailed description of the chemical swab prepara­ tion and sampling methods can be found. 2. Incident Investigation This section explains how the Company will handle test failures and nonconformances during execution of the validation. Once the root cause of the failure has been identified, options are to addend the protocol or start over with a new protocol. For any incident that occurs during validation, docu­ ment the investigation along with corrective and preventive actions. The incident report may contain elements such as: n Cleaning validation protocol number n Incident report number n Equipment model and location n Initiator and date n Incident description n Root cause analysis n Corrective actions recommended/taken n Assessment of effect on product 3. Reports Describe the report format and content that will be used to summarize the validation. Reference appropriate SOPs for detailed report information. An explanation of all deviations should be included in the validation report. Maintenance Phase The final phase of the Plan should specify how you will maintain the conditions you have just validated. This includes periodic monitoring, using a control of change process, and potentially, revali­ dating. 1. Monitoring This section details how you will ensure that the conditions used during validation remain in con­ trol during routine production. This is especially important for manual cleaning procedures, where 68 Institute of Validation Technology repeatability is highly dependent on the quality and consistency of training. Monitoring should include, at a minimum, a review of changes made to the cleaning procedure or equipment, visual inspection of the equipment, and direct observation of employ­ ees executing the cleaning procedure. For some equipment, swab samples for active ingredients may be necessary in addition to the visual inspection and observation. Indicate the frequency that you intend to monitor the cleaning process. Reference the appropriate SOP for detailed requirements of the monitoring program. 2. Change Control Indicate how changes will be managed to ensure the validated state is maintained. Any change in the facility, process equipment, cleaning procedure, cleaning agent, product formulation, or addition of new products to the equipment train should be documented and approved via the Change Control System. The change should be reviewed by the Val­ idation Group, Operations, and QA, who will decide if revalidation is necessary. Reference appropriate SOPs.11 3. Revalidation Indicate the criteria that will be used to determine the need for revalidation. Based on the nature of the change, a determination will be made as to which, if any, phases of the validation must be repeated. Ref­erence where documentation of the revalidation will be filed.12,13 Cleaning Validation Schedule Prioritization As is usually the case, all cleaning validations cannot commence at one time; therefore, it is nec­ essary to set up a priority list. Some situations to consider are: n Equipment shared between products contain­ ing different active ingredients n Equipment in contact with raw material with high potential for contamination n Unshared primary equipment currently in use with outdated validations n Unshared auxiliary equipment used for pro­ Julie A. Thomas duction with limited potential for product contamination Tactical Schedule A proposed schedule, including equipment pri­ oritization and target initiation dates, should be pre­ sented in this section. This gives an indication that you have contemplated the order of execution, and it also provides a tool that can be used to track your progress. Summary There are many aspects of cleaning validation that must be carefully planned to guarantee a suc­ cessful validation program. If you begin with a phi­ losophy, this will set the stage for you to develop a structured approach. By dividing the approach into sections, such as development, planning, execu­ tion, and maintenance, it breaks down the project into manageable segments. To complete the Plan, generate a tactical schedule and begin monitoring pro­g­ress towards your new and improved cleaning validation status. o About the Author References 1.Jenkins, K.M. and Vanderwielen, A.J. “Cleaning Validation: An Overall Perspective,” Pharmaceutical Technology, April 1994, p. 62. 2.McCormick, P.Y. and Cullen, L.F., Pharmaceutical Process Validation, 2nd ed., edited by I.R. Berry and R.A. Nash, 1993, p. 334. 3.Kirsch, R.B., “Validation of Analytical Methods Used in Pharmaceutical Cleaning Assessment and Validation,” Pharmaceutical Technology, Analytical Validation, 1998. 4.Chudzik, G.M., “General Guide to Recovery Studies Using Swab Sampling Methods for Cleaning Validation,” Journal of Validation Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 77-81. 5.Hall, W.E., “Your Cleaning Program: Is It Ready for the PreApproval Inspection?” Journal of Validation Technology, Vol. 4, No. 4, August 1998, p. 302. 6.Alvey, A.P. and Carrie, T.R., “Not Seeing is Believing – A Non-Traditional Approach for Cleaning Validation,” Journal of Validation Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 189-193. 7.Fourman, G.L. and Mullen, M.V., “Determining Cleaning Validation Acceptance Limits for Pharmaceutical Manufact­ur ing Operations,” Pharmaceutical Technology, 17 (4), 1993, pp. 54-60. 8.Hall, W.E., “Validation of Cleaning Processes for Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical Processes,” Cleaning Validation An Exclusive Publication, p. 4. 9.Hall, W.E., “Proper Documentation and Written Procedures,” Journal of Validation Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 199-201. 10.Tunner, J., “Manual Cleaning Procedure Design and Validation,” Cleaning Validation An Exclusive Publication, p. 28. 11.PDA Technical Report No. 29, “Points to Consider for Cleaning Validation,” March 1998, p.43. 12.Coleman, R.C., “How Clean is Clean?” Journal of Validation Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, August 1996, p. 278. 13.Jenkins, K.M. and Vanderwielen, A.J., “Cleaning Validation: An Overall Perspective,” Pharmaceutical Technology, April 1994, p. 70. Julie Thomas is Validation Manager at McNeil Consumer Healthcare in Round Rock, Texas. She has 14 years of experience in various aspects of solid dose pharmaceutical manufacturing. Most recently, she chaired a company-wide committee to enhance cleaning validation practices and procedures for all McNeil facilities. She can be reached by phone at 512-248-4470 or by e-mail at jthomas1@mccus.jnj.com. This article presents only one alternative for pre­ paring a Master Validation Plan. The views ex­pressed in this article are strictly those of the author and in no way represent the view of McNeil Con­sumer Healthcare, Johnson & Johnson, or this publication. © Advanstar Communications Inc. All rights reserved. Special Edition: Cleaning Validation III 69 PROPOSED VALIDATION STANDARD VS-3 Cleaning Validation VALIDATION TECHNOLOGY Journal of Validation Technology ~ Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 PROPOSED VALIDATION STANDARD VS-3 Cleaning Validation Introduction T his document is the third in a series of new proposed validation standards issued by the Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee (IVT/SC). The initial proposed standard (Process Validation Standard VS-l: Nonaseptic Pharmaceutical Processes) was issued in February 2000, and is intended to help practitioners worldwide who develop, implement, control, and validate processes that produce Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and drug products. Our second proposed validation standard VS-2: Computer-Related System Validation was issued in May 2001. The current document (Cleaning Proposed Validation Standard VS-3) is intended to offer more specific proposed standards for the cleaning processes for equipment used to manufacture APIs and drug products. These proposed standards, will be used by reviewers of manuscripts intended for publication in the lournal of Validation Technology (1VI). Just as with the previous proposed standards, readers are encouraged to offer comments, questions, and recommendations. Such feedback will be useful to the IVT/SC and JVT editors in updating this document and in developing future proposed standards. Technologies are continually changing, sometimes in ways that can influence the way validation is best conducted. Therefore, the IVT/SC plans to periodically update each proposed validation standard, including its corresponding Preamble and reference list. In order to be dynamically responsive to changing industrial practices and regulatory requirements, and make it easier for readers to cut and paste the contents for their own use, all three proposed standards are available on the IVT web site at www.ivthome.com. A fundamental need the IVT/SC intends to meet with its new proposed standards stems from the fact that most Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations today call for numerous written procedures; for example, more than 100 different kinds of written procedures are required to comply with current GMP regulations in the United States. Many firms find it helpful to issue written policies in order to coordinate and reduce the number and length of required Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Thus, the IVT proposed validation standards format includes statements and definitions that can be excised and used directly or with minor editing in a firm's policies and SOPs. Contents of the Proposed Cleaning Validation Standard In order to be consistent with the prototype standard (Validation Standard VS-l) the Proposed Cleaning Validation Standard VS-3 will be divided into the following five sections: I. II. III. IV. ~ Policy statements - Proposed standards that indicate what is required Procedural Statements - Proposed standards that describe how to meet requirements Acronyms - Meaning of each acronym/abbreviation used in the document Glossary - Definition of key terms, which are highlighted and asterisked (*) when first used in the proposed validation standard Institute of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 V. Regulatory Excerpts - Regulatory language (United States, Australia, Canada, World Health Organization [WHO], Japan, and European Union) related to each Standard T he following proposed standard is intended to reflect desirable contemporary practices, is not binding in any way, and can be modified to suit a firm's specific needs. This proposed standard incorporates imperative verbs (e.g., shall, will, must) to provide users with unambiguous quality assurance auditing tools, and is prefaced by a Preamble that provides rationale for several of the more complex concepts. This document is also directed toward users located at a given plant site that mayor may not be a part of a larger corporation. Terms that are bold and asterisked (*) the first time they are used are defined in Section IV - Glossary. I. POLICY STATEMENTS POL 1.1 The critical cleaning processes associated with the manufacture of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)*, critical Intermediates*, Drug Products*, or In-Process Materials* shall be validated or verified. POL 1.2 The critical cleaning processes associated with products in the development stage of the product lifecycle shall be verified. The administrative responsibility for such products will reside in either the appropriate development group or in the Site Validation Steering Committee (SVSC)*. If the company decides that responsibility for cleaning verification shall reside in the appropriate development group, then the documentation describing the verification procedure and the Cleaning Verification Protocols* must also be approved by the site Quality Authority*. POL 1.3 During development of the new product, the manufacturing equipment, batch size, and formulation is constantly changing and the cleaning procedure must be appropriate and customized for each manufacturing event. The lifecycle for the development and validation of a new cleaning procedure consists of the following steps: l.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 l.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.3.8 l.3.9 1.3.10 1.3.11 1.3.12 Determine what materials need to be cleaned from the equipment or surfaces. Determine what methods should be used to evaluate the anticipated residues (from Section 1.3.1). Determine the sensitivity and reproducibility of these methods. Define the Critical Product Cleaning Specifications*. Define the specific equipment to be used for each development batch. Define the specific formulation to be used for manufacturing each individual development batch. Identify the cleaning agents to be used, if appropriate. Determine what other products are manufactured in the same equipment. Calculate Cleaning Verification Limits* for the specific equipment taking into account the critical product cleaning specifications as well as the other products made in the same equipment. Draft a Cleaning Procedure* for the specific combination of product and manufacturing equipment. Identify Critical Cleaning Process Operating Parameters* and Cleaning Agents*. Prepare a cleaning verification protocol. Manufacture a single product batch, clean the equipment; then test the equipment, as specified in the cleaning verification protocol. Once development is complete, perform Cleaning Validation* on the first three (3) commercial batches. Journal of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 1.3.13 1.3.14 1.3.15 1.3.16 1.3.17 1.3.18 1.3.19 1.3.20 Validate analytical methods to be used for cleaning validation samples. Determine recovery factors of expected residues from representative materials (stainless steel, glass, plastics). Prepare and obtain approval of a Cleaning Validation Protocol*. Train and qualify operational and supervisory laboratory and production personnel in product-specific cleaning procedures, sampling procedures, and analytical procedures. Ensure that interrelated systems (automated clean-in-place, utilities, Programmable Logic Controllers [PLCs]) are all validated. Conduct Cleaning Performance Qualification (CPQ)*. Assemble and document evidence that the cleaning process is acceptable and consistent. Provide for retention of archived cleaning validation files for required periods following the last commercial lot expiration date. POL 1.4 The cleaning processes associated with products in the marketed stage of the product lifecycle shall be validated for all products manufactured with a normal frequency of production. For rare instances where products are infrequently manufactured (e.g., one batch per year or less frequently), it may be difficult to achieve fully validated cleaning processes and the principle of cleaning verification should be utilized. The administrative responsibility for cleaning validation and cleaning verification of products will reside in the Site Validation Steering Committee (SVSC). The SVSC shall adjudicate cleaning validation issues and appoint project-specific validation teams as needed that include principal(s) having experience in the cleaning processes involved. Such SVSC responsibilities extend to cleaning processes used by contract vendors and suppliers of the firm's drug products and/or APIs, as well as to those cleaning processes employed on-site. POL 1.5 A written Cleaning Verification Policy (CVP) shall be used to define and describe the strategies and approaches used to verify cleaning procedures associated with drug products, biotechnology products, medical devices, and APIs during the development stage of the lifecycle. POL 1.6 A written Cleaning Validation Master Plan (CVMP)* shall be used to define and coordinate validation activities related to any cleaning process associated with the manufacture of a commercially marketed drug product, biotechnology product, medical device, and API. POL 1.7 Cleaning Verification Protocols shall be used to define individual cleaning verification runs. POL 1.8 Cleaning Validation Protocols shall be used to define individual cleaning validation runs. POL 1.9 Cleaning Verification Reports* shall be used for documenting and summarizing results of cleaning verification studies. Definite statements must be used, especially in describing the scientific rationale for the limits chosen and whether the cleaning process was effective in meeting the limits. POL 2.0 Cleaning Validation Reports* shall be used for documenting and summarizing results of cleaning validation studies. Definitive statements must be used, especially in describing the scientific rationale for the limits chosen and whether the cleaning process was effective in ensuring that these limits were met. Institute of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 POL 2.1 All Cleaning Verification Policies, Cleaning Validation Master Plans, Cleaning Verification Protocols, Cleaning Validation Protocols, Cleaning Verification Reports and Cleaning Validation Reports must be approved and available to the SVSc. All such cleaning documents created on-site must be approved by the site Quality Authority and, when production is involved, also by the site Production Authority*. POL 2.2 Relevant cleaning process verification and validation information from other divisions, departments (including Research and Development), production sites, and outside contract services is to be gathered, evaluated, utilized, and maintained by the SVSC. POL 2.3 Certain cleaning processes are considered critical manufacturing steps and thus require validation (it should be noted that not all cleaning procedures are considered critical and thus require validation). Once the cleaning procedures are validated, they must not be altered without prior review, and any changes should be subjected to a formal Change Control* review process prior to making the change. The site Quality Authority must approve all changes to validated cleaning procedures. II. PROCEDURAL STATEMENTS PROC - 2.a [ref. POL 1.3.2] Critical product cleaning specifications are known factors that can influence the development of the cleaning process. These can be physical in nature such as solubility in a variety of solvents, polymorphic crystal form, and stability. These factors could also be chemical in nature such as reactivity with water or other solvents. They could also include medical information such as potency, toxicity, and allergenicity. They could also be safety factors such as toxicity when inhaled and could require personal protection attire to protect the operator. These factors, which are normally determined during pre-formulation, are vital information that must be known before meaningful cleaning procedures and limits can be developed. PROC - 2.b [ref. POL 1.3.3] During development, various types of equipment may be used in an effort to develop an optimum process or effective product. This means that normally the specific equipment or the scale of the equipment may vary from batch-to-batch. Because of this variability in the equipment used, the cleaning procedures may also vary from batch-to-batch even for the same product. Therefore, the cleaning verification results apply only to the specific cleaning event (i.e., the specific combination of equipment, processes, and materials) used for the individual study. The cleaning verification report should contain the details of the specific equipment (size, model number), formulation, and processes used. PROC - 2.c [ref. POL 1.3.4] During development, the formulation may vary from batch-to-batch in order to identify the combination of ingredients that presents the best product performance 'in vitro' and 'in vivo'. Excipients may be varied as well as the concentration of active ingredient. These combinations will present different degrees of cleaning challenges. A given cleaning procedure may be adequate for one formulation but inadequate for another formulation of the same active ingredient. This data will be useful for the selection of the ultimate cleaning procedure that will be used for commercial product. It will be necessary to include the formulation in the cleaning verification study, either by reproducing in total, or by reference to a formula number. Journal of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 PROC - 2.d [ref. POL 1.3.5] Since it is other products made in the same equipment that will be contaminated due to inadequate cleaning, it is necessary to evaluate the other products made in the same equipment. Some of the factors pertaining to other products that will be needed are: • Batch sizes • Normal daily doses • Route of administration PROC - 2.e [ref. POL 1.3.6] In order to develop a scientific basis for cleaning verification limits, information will be needed for both the product being cleaned as well as other products made in the same equipment. The following information should be assembled: • For product being cleaned - Solubility in various solvents - Potency - Toxicity - Stability (wet and dry) - Allergenicity - Route of administration - Daily dosage - Difficulty of cleaning - Physical and chemical interaction with cleaning agent • For other products made in same equipment - Batch sizes - Daily doses - Stability - Chemical interaction with product being cleaned - Route of administration The pharmacological relationships between the potential contaminating product and other products, which could be possibly cross contaminated, may also be significant and should be considered if known. The contaminating product has the potential to amplify the medical activity of other products resulting in a synergistic effect. The contaminant could also partially negate the medical effect of the other products by having an antagonistic effect. PROC - 2.f [ref. POL 1.3.7] Just as there are critical parameters for the manufacturing process, there are critical parameters for the cleaning process. These factors will lead to either inadequate or inconsistent cleaning if not controlled. Critical parameters for the cleaning process must be determined and may vary from one cleaning process to another. Some potential critical cleaning parameters (list is not all inclusive) are: • • • • Temperature of wash solutions Temperature of rinse solutions Amount of mixing or agitation during cleaning Mechanical wiping or brushing Institute of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Flow rates Concentration of cleaning agent Time of washing Time of rinsing Length of time and environmental conditions (temperature, humidity) between manufacturing and cleaning Nature and amounts of excipients Concentration or amount of residue left on equipment Physical properties of residues Chemical properties of residues Cleaning solvent chosen Soak times Contact time with cleaning agent Rinse volumes Order of application of cleaning solvents (acid, alkaline, and organic solvents) PROC - 2.g [ref. 1.3.8] Each cleaning verification protocol shall include, and is not limited to, the following: o Statement of objective or purpose Justification for cleaning verification limits, if applicable ~ Descriptions of sampling procedure(s), and locations, types, and numbers of samples to be taken o Indications of most difficult-to-clean locations in equipment o Experimental plan to be executed, including number of samples, and how data will be calculated <D Descriptions of analytical methodology and sensitivity of analytical method as well as recovery factors o Descriptions of all testing instruments to be used and specific calibration plans for each o Complete description of acceptance criteria including visual examination (if possible) and quantitative analytical data o Training records of operators and analytical personnel @ PROC - 2.h [ref. 1.3.11] Prior to cleaning validation studies, analytical methods must be validated to demonstrate that they are suitably sensitive to detect residues at levels below the allowable limits. Analytical Method Validation* for cleaning validation shall include, and is not limited to, the following: o Accuracy Precision ~ Linearity o Robustness o Sensitivity-Limit of Detection (LOD)*, Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)* <D Specificity @ The specificity of the analytical method may not be as critical for cleaning validation as for process validation due to the fact that the levels of residue detected is very low, and often non-specific analytical methods are available that may be at least or more sensitive than specific methods. The assumption is often made that all of the residue detected is composed of the most potent ingredient (usually the active) present and, if this amount is still below the established limits, then the exact nature of the residue is irrelevant, i.e., the 'worst case' assumption was made and limits were met. Journal of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 PROC - 2.i [ref. 1.3.12] Following validation of the analytical method, the analytical method should be challenged concurrently with the sampling procedure(s) to determine the percentage recovered from representative manufacturing surfaces. The determination of recovery is important and will differ according to the composition of the surface sampled (e.g., stainless steel, glass, plastics), the nature of the sampling technique, and the nature of the residues themselves. The recovery factor must be used to correct observed analytical results to account for portions of residue that remain on equipment even after swab and rinse sampling. PROC - 2.j[ref. 1.3.13] Each cleaning validation protocol shall include, and is not limited to, the following: o Statement of objective or purpose Justification for cleaning validation limits Descriptions of sampling procedure(s) and diagrams of locations o Indications of most difficult-to-clean locations in equipment o Experimental plan to be executed, including number of cleanings to be evaluated, number of samples from each cleaning, and how data will be calculated <D Descriptions of analytical methodology and sensitivity of the analytical method as well as recovery factors fi Descriptions of all testing instruments to be used and specific calibration plans for each «l) Complete description of acceptance criteria including visual examination (if possible) and quantitative analytical data CD Criteria for determining when the cleaning process may be considered validated, i.e., how many successful consecutive cleanings (normally at least three (3) are required) @ Training records of operators and analytical personnel @ @) PROC - 2.k [ref.1.3.14] Prior to implementation of the cleaning validation protocol, it is important to verify the training of the production operators who actually conduct the cleaning, sampling personnel (production, analytical, validation) who sample the equipment, analytical personnel who analyze cleaning validation samples, as well as personnel who implement the protocol and process the documentation. If documentation does not already exist that demonstrates each of these types of training, then the training should be done before any actual validation runs are carried out. PROC - 2.1 [ref. 1.3.15] Special equipment and critical utilities such as water and steam must be qualified prior to implementation of the cleaning validation protocol. In addition, any automated cleaning equipment such as Clean-inPlace (CIP)* systems and their associated automated controllers must also be validated or qualified prior to implementation of the cleaning validation protocol. In the case of CIP, Sprayball Pattern Analysis* should be carried out to verify that cleaning solutions reach all locations in closed systems. The qualification of equipment and utilities is normally accomplished by means of an Installation Qualification (IQ) * and an Operational Qualification (OQ) * (see next two sections). PROC - 2.m [ref. 1.3.15] An Installation Qualification (IQ) must exist for all equipment that is critical to the cleaning process including specialized cleaning aids such as Spray Devices (Sprayballs)*, equipment that delivers cleaning solutions, high pressure wands, water heating devices, steam generators, and utilities. The IQ is to include at least the following: Institute of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 o List of all equipment, the operation of which has potential bearing on the quality of the cleaning process As-built drawings of all specialized cleaning equipment such as pumps, high pressure delivery devices, and hose cleaners @) Verification that all such equipment and the installation thereof meets original intent, including applicable building, electrical, plumbing, and other such codes o Preventative maintenance plans and schedules for all such equipment @ PROC - 2.n [ref. 1.3.15] An Operational Qualification (OQ) must exist for all equipment that is critical to the cleaning process and should include at least the following: o A list identifying each step of the cleaning process that relates to the specific equipment Process operating parameters for each piece of equipment that is critical to the cleaning process An OQ protocol that is designed to demonstrate via appropriate tests that the equipment operates as intended throughout the cleaning process o Report that describes the successful execution of each OQ protocol for each piece of equipment critical to the cleaning process @ @) PROC - 2.0 [ref. 1.3.16] At least three consecutive, successful cleanings shall be completed on the equipment used to produce the commercial product. Normally, the cleanings follow the production of each of the batches used for the validation of the manufacturing process. A Cleaning Performance Qualification (CPQ) shall be performed when the following items are complete and commercial production has been authorized. • The cleaning process is fully defined in writing, including identification of critical cleaning process operating parameters • A justification for Cleaning Validation Limits* has been prepared that takes into account the potency and toxicity of the material, as well as the other products to be made in the same equipment • IQ and OQ steps are complete for critical utilities and any specialized equipment used in cleaning such as pumps, sprayballs, high pressure wand cleaners, etc. • Operating, sampling, and analytical personnel are trained and qualified and the training is documented • An appropriate change control procedure is in place PROC - 2.p [ref. 1.3.17] Once the cleaning validation protocol has been implemented on three cleanings and the sampling and testing has been completed, the data must be assembled and evaluated for each cleaning event. A cleaning validation report should be prepared that consists of: • The cleaning validation protocol • All data assembled in a logical format • An analysis of the data that addresses any deviations in the protocol, explains any failures, compares the data to the acceptance criteria, and ultimately states whether the cleaning process mayor may not be considered validated PROC - 2.q [ref. POL 1.5] The Cleaning Verification Policy (CVP) can be considered to be the master plan for cleaning for a product during the development phase of the lifecycle of the product. Since each cleaning is a unique event because of the variability in the manufacturing equipment, formulation, and batch size between batches of the same Journal of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 product, it is not possible to validate the cleaning process during the development phase. Still it is possible to prepare a policy describing the testing of development equipment and what criteria will be used to determine if the equipment has been suitably cleaned. The strategy and approach to cleaning in the development areas must be in writing and clearly explain how equipment will be sampled and tested, and how limits will be determined, recognizing that only a single set of data will be available. Since only a single set of data is available, it would be erroneous to refer to this situation as "validation". Thus the term "cleaning verification" is a more appropriate description of this scenario. PROC - 2.r [ref. POL 1.6] The Cleaning Validation Master Plan (CVMP) may take different forms in companies around the world. Some may have a separate independent document. Others may have a Standard Operating Procedure* that describes in general terms how the cleaning program will operate. Still others will devote a section of the Validation Master Plan* to cleaning. Regardless of the exact form taken, it is essential to have a written plan describing how the cleaning program will be organized and controlled. The essential elements of the CVMP are: • A description of the approach and strategy to be used for controlling, verifying, and/or validating in the various departments such as Basic Research *, Research and Development *, Scale-Up! Pilot Plant*, Production*, Packaging*, Contract Manufacturing Facilities *, and Contract Packaging Facilities *. • A mechanism for defining what is adequate cleaning, based on the potency, toxicity, potential allergenicity, potential teratogenicity, and potential carcinogenicity of the material, as well as other factors such as route of administration and properties of the other products made in the same equipment. • Sampling methods to be used to evaluate cleaned equipment. Examples are Swab Sampling* and Rinse Sampling*, or a combination of these two methods depending on the nature of the equipment or product. • Selection of sampling locations to include 'worst case' and/or most difficult-to-clean locations. • For equipment used for manufacturing multiple products, how the Worst Case Product* for cleaning purposes might be selected from a group of very similar products. Typically, a Product Matrix Approach* is used to compare the critical cleaning properties of the products in the group. Critical cleaning properties are potency/toxicity, solubility, and the inherent difficulty of cleaning. • Provision for how documentation will be developed, reviewed, and approved. This would include a list of those responsible for preparing, reviewing, and approving Cleaning Verification Protocols, Cleaning Verification Reports, Cleaning Validation Protocols, Cleaning Validation Reports, Cleaning Procedures, Change Control Procedures, and Cleaning Monitoring Programs *. • Criteria for Revalidation* of cleaning procedures. • Provision for creation of a Site Validation Steering Committee (SVSC), that would serve as the group immediately responsible for all cleaning issues. This group would normally select project teams related to cleaning activities, e.g., for a new product. • Training of development, pilot plant, sampling, and analytical testing personnel. • Definition of resources required and allocated. • Schedule of cleaning activities including cleaning validation and assignment of responsibilities. III. ACRONYMS API BPC CGMPs CIP CPQ Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical Current Good Manufacturing Practice (U.S.) Clean-in-Place Cleaning Performance Qualification Institute of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 CVMP CVP IPEC IQ OQ PIC SOP SVSC Cleaning Validation Master Plan Cleaning Verification Policy International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Installation Qualification Operational Qualification Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention Standard Operating Procedure Site Validation Steering Committee IV. GLOSSARY Reference Standard Number POL 1.1 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) - (synonymous with drug substance). A substance that is represented for use in a drug and, when used in the manufacturing, processing, or packaging of a drug, becomes an active ingredient of a finished drug product. Such substances are intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effects in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or to affect the structure and function of the body of humans or other animals. Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical (BPC) - includes active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) as well as non-active excipients such as starch, lactose, rnicrocellulose, and other materials that have no direct therapeutic effect but may indirectly affect the performance of drug dosage forms. PROC·2.h Analytical Method Validation - documented evidence that an analytical procedure will consistently detect and/or quantitate materials. PROC-2.r Basic Research - the segment of the pharmaceutical industry that evaluates new chemical entities for potential application to treatment of disease. This includes, but is not limited to, basic disciplines such as biochemistry, molecular biology, toxicology, pharmacology, and pharmacokinetics. POL 2.3 Change Control Procedure - A procedure for: (a.) Identifying all modifications or alterations that are potentially significant to a state of control, qualification, or validation. (b.) Implementing corrective action, such as repair, readjustment, requalification, and/or revalidation. (c.) Implementing interim measures to be taken until effective corrective actions are complete. (d.) Documenting all of the above. POL 1.3.9 Cleaning Agents - any chemical or solvent that facilitates the cleaning of equipment by dissolution, hydrolysis, or other chemical or physical action. PROC-2.r Cleaning Monitoring Program - a formal, written program describing how cleaning procedures can be monitored on a regular schedule to evaluate the effectiveness and consistency of the cleaning process. Journal of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 POL 1.3.18 Cleaning Performance Qualification (CPQ) - documented evidence that a cleaning procedure is consistent in removing product residue and cleaning agent from equipment. POL 1.3.9 Cleaning Procedure - a detailed written procedure (SOP) that describes how equipment will be disassembled, cleaned, examined, and reassembled. POL 1.3.12 Cleaning Validation - documented evidence that a cleaning procedure is consistent in removing product residue and cleaning agents from equipment (sometimes also referred to as Cleaning Performance Qualification [CPQ]). POL 1.6 Cleaning Validation Master Plan (CVMP) - a comprehensive, written plan that describes the company's strategy in ensuring that all cleaning procedures are effective and in a state of control to ensure that all products are free of contamination and of high qUality. The plan includes or references all appropriate cleaning procedures, and SOPs describes how protocols, cleaning validation reports, and other documentation will be assembled, provides for the testing and analysis of data, identifies resources to be allocated, provides for training of personnel, describes qualification of equipment, indicates the process for assigning responsibility for the various activities, provides a criteria for revalidation of cleaning procedures, and describes a mechanism for controlling changes to validated procedures and equipment. PROC-2.o Cleaning Validation Limits - The maximum allowable amounts of material that can remain on equipment after cleaning without compromising the safety of the consumer or the quality of the product. These limits are applied during the cleaning validation study and depending on the manufacturing circumstances, limits may be for: • • • • • • • • POL 1.3.15 Residues of active ingredients Residues of excipients Degradation materials Intermediates Cleaning agent or by-product residuals Bioburden Endotoxin Other foreign materials Cleaning Validation Protocol - a product specific plan of sampling and testing of equipment after at least three consecutive cleanings to establish that equipment is appropriately cleaned after a specific product is manufactured in a development area by a specific, detailed written cleaning procedure. POL 2.0 Cleaning Validation Reports - a written report that summarizes results and conclusions of the cleaning validation study and includes: • • • • • • Protocol Test results Analyses Conclusions Discussions of any deviations from procedures specified in the original protocol Discussion of any failures Institute of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 • Indication as to whether the testing met the acceptance criteria specified in the protocol POL 1.3.8 Cleaning Verification Limits - Maximum amount of residue that may remain on equipment during a cleaning verification study. These limits are derived in a similar fashion to those for a cleaning validation study, but are applied to a single cleaning event, as versus multiple cleaning runs (at least three) for cleaning validation studies. Just as for cleaning validation, the limits may be for any of the following: • • • • • • • • Residues of active ingredients Residues of excipients Degradation materials Intermediates Cleaning agents or by-product residuals Bioburden Endotoxin Other foreign materials POL 1.5 Cleaning Verification Policy (CVP) - a written document describing how equipment will be verified as clean after a single manufacturing event in a development area. This is a general document that will pertain to all cleaning in development areas. POL 1.2 Cleaning Verification Protocol- a product specific plan of experimental sampling and testing to verify that equipment is appropriately cleaned after a specific product is manufactured in a development area. POL 1.9 Cleaning Verification Reports - a written report that summarizes results and conclusions of the cleaning verification study and includes: • • • • • • • Protocol Test results Analyses Conclusions Discussions of any deviations in procedures from those specified in the original protocol Discussion of any failures Indication as to whether the testing met the acceptance criteria specified in the protocol PROC-2.1 Clean-in-Place (CIP) - cleaning of equipment that is accomplished without disassembly of the equipment but rather through the application of cleaning solutions delivered internally by one or more internal spray devices (sprayballs) or recirculation of cleaning solution throughout the equipment. CIP may be entirely automated or the cycle parameters may be controlled by the operator. This type of cleaning is also known as closed system cleaning. PROC-2.r Contract Manufacturing Facilities - facilities or companies that manufacture products for customers on a contractual basis. PROC-2.r Contract Packaging Facilities - facilities or companies that package products for customers on a contractual basis. Journal of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 POL 1.3.9 Critical Cleaning Process Operating Parameter - an operating variable that is assigned a required control range with acceptability limits, outside of which exists potential for product or process failure. A critical process operating parameter is determined by process development and/or investigational work. POL 1.3.3 Critical Product Cleaning Specifications - physico-chemical properties as well as therapeutic or medical information that are used to determine cleaning procedures and set limits for cleaning processes. Examples are solubility, stability, hydrophobicity, therapeutic potency, and toxicity. POL 1.1 Drug Products - a finished dosage form (e.g., tablet, capsule) that contains an API, generally in association with excipients. Synonymous with finished drug product. POL 1.1 In-Process Materials - (as applied to drug product manufacture) - any material manufactured, blended, compacted, coated, granulated, encapsulated, tableted, or otherwise processed that is produced for and used in the preparation of a drug product. (Corresponding materials used in the preparation of APIs are referred to as intermediates.) PROC-2.1 Installation Qualification (IQ) - documented verification that equipment, system, or a subsystem has been properly installed, adheres to applicable codes and approved design intentions, and supplier recommendations have been suitably addressed. POL 1.1 Intermediate - a material produced during steps in the synthesis of an API that must undergo further molecular change or processing before it becomes an API. The degree to which a given intermediate should be rated "critical" with respect to cleaning must be determined by a firm's experts based on such criteria as: • Potential toxicity or other physiological activity • Degree to which equipment used is dedicated to the process, as opposed to having multiple uses • Ease or difficulty of removing process residuals when cleaning equipment PROC-2.h Limit of Detection (LOD) - the lowest amount or concentration of a material that can be detected by an analytical instrument or chemical test. Although detectable, the amount of material in the sample cannot be determined at this level. PROC-2.h Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) - the lowest amount or concentration of a material that can be quantitatively determined by an analytical instrument or chemical test. PROC-2.1 Operational Qualification (OQ) - documented verification that equipment, system, or process performs as specified throughout representative or anticipated operating ranges. (Note: Overlap between IQ and OQ often occurs and is considered allowable, but should be addressed in the VMP.) PROC-2.r Packaging - The area or department that receives bulk product and incorporates the product in packaging that will either be sent to the customer or sent to another area for additional packaging and/or labeling. PROC-2.r Production - The unit of the company responsible for the manufacture of bulk product. This mayor may not include the packaging function depending on the size and organization. Institute of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 POL-2.1 Production Authority - counterpart of quality authority, sometimes referred to as production head or, in the case of FLP (Fill-Label-Pack) operations, packaging head. PROC-2.r Product Matrix Approach - a chart that presents medical, toxicity, solubility, and other pertinent data so that a comparison can be made between products in the group in order that the most risky product can be selected for cleaning validation. This 'worst case' approach obviates the need to perform cleaning validation studies on every combination of product and equipment. POL 1.2 Quality Authority - one or more persons who, collectively, have formal responsibilities for specified quality-related operations, such as approval of manufacturing materials, release of finished products, review and approval of documents, and adjudication of quality assurance investigations. Titles of quality authority principals vary throughout the world; for example, in the U.S., one term "the Quality Control (QC) unit," is all embracing; in the E.U. and Canada, the head of quality control has some of the responsibilities, while a qualified person has others; terms as responsible head (or person) and quality assurance (and/or control) department are also used in other areas. PROC-2.r Research and Development - The division of a company that is responsible for developing the optimal manufacturing techniques and dosage form for a pharmaceutical product. It is also responsible for the development of preliminary cleaning procedures for new products. PROC-2.r Revalidation - repeating the original validation or selected portions for the purpose of demonstrating that the process is still in a state of control and delivers acceptable product and processes. As applied to cleaning procedures, the purpose would be to demonstrate that the cleaning procedures are still effective in removing residues. Revalidation is a natural consequence of making significant changes to equipment, manufacturing procedures, components, cleaning procedures, and cleaning agents. PROC-2.r Rinse Sampling - a type of sampling of cleaned equipment used in cleaning validation and cleaning verification studies to determine if product-contact manufacturing surfaces are clean. Controlled amounts of solvent are subjected to the equipment either under pressure or allowed to stand in the equipment to allow dissolution of the residues. Mixing, spraying, and recirculation may also be used to facilitate the detection of residues. Rinse solvents are usually selected on the basis of residue solubility in that solvent. The rinses may be either heated or at ambient temperature. PROC-2.r Scale-UplPilot Plant - Functionally, this area of responsibility is between development and full-scale production. This group is charged with scaling a formulation up from small scale to large production scale and troubleshooting problems that arise as a result of the scale-up process. They are also responsible for further refinements of the cleaning procedures handed over by development. POL 1.2 Site Validation Steering Committee (SVSC) - a standing committee with authority and responsibilities for validation policies, practices, and adjudication of issues. Must include quality authority and Production Authority representation, and often includes representatives of other involved disciplines. The name of the SVSC may vary from firm-to-firm. Journal of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 PROC-2.m Spray Devices (Sprayballs) - a device that may be either permanently installed or inserted into closed systems such as tanks specifically to provide a thorough, even coverage of the equipment surfaces by the cleaning solutions. If fixed and spherical in shape, the device is usually referred to as a "sprayball." Sprayballs may have fixed heads or they may rotate in complex patterns. PROC-2.1 Sprayball Pattern Analysis - a study that establishes that cleaning solution delivered by sprayballs will reach all equipment surfaces, especially difficult to access or shadowed areas. The study usually consists of coating equipment with easily detectable residue (dyes or fluorescent material), activating the sprayball mechanism for a normal cycle cleaning time, and then examining the equipment to see if any material remains on the equipment surfaces. PROC-2.r Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) - A written document describing, in detail, a specific process or procedure. These written procedures are required by the current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations for all critical processes. These procedures must be current, detailed, controlled, and revised when necessary. All personnel must be trained in a new or revised SOP prior to its implementation. Some companies have function specific procedures, e.g., cleaning procedures, that take the place of SOPs. PROC-2.r Swab Sampling - a type of sampling of cleaned equipment used in cleaning validation and cleaning verification studies to determine if product-contact manufacturing surfaces are clean. This type of sampling makes use of small pieces of fabric (usually polyester or other synthetic material) fused to the end of a plastic strip. The swab is typically wetted with solvent (although they can be used dry). Defined surface areas of equipment, including the most difficult-to-clean locations, are swabbed. The swab is then immersed in a vial of solvent. The residue on the swab is dissolved in the solvent, which is subsequently analyzed for product residues. Limits are calculated on the basis of the area swabbed. PROC-2.r Validation Master Plan (VMP) - a comprehensive, project-oriented action plan that includes or references all protocols, key SOPs and policies, existing Validation Task Reports *, and other relevant materials on which the specific system or process validation effort will be based. The plan also identifies resources to be allocated, specific personnel training, and qualification requirements of relevant, organizational structure, and responsibilities of the validation team, and planned schedules. The VMP is subject to periodic revisions as defined in change control procedures. Validation Task Report - a written report that summarizes results and conclusions following execution of all or any portion of a Validation Master Plan (VMP) (often referred to as a final report if summarizing all activities of the VMP). PROC-2.r Worst Case Product - the product selected from a group of similar products that presents the greatest risk of carryover contamination to other products made in the same equipment by virtue of its poor solubility, unstable chemical properties, potency, toxicity, or a combination of these factors. Institute of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 v. SELECTED REGULATORY EXCERPTS Regulatory Reference FDA Proposed Amendments to current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations Section Ill. C (May 3, 1996) Under CGMP, a manufacturer will set contamination limits on a substance-by-substance basis, according to both the potency of the substance and the overall level of sensitivity to that substance. Because other substances, such as cytotoxic agents, or other antibiotics, pose at least as great a risk of toxicity due to cross-contamination, FDA is proposing to expand the contamination control requirements to encompass other sources of contamination. The Agency has refrained from establishing a list of drugs or drug products that present such an unacceptable risk, because such a list would quickly become obsolete. FDA Guidance for Industry: Manufacturing,Processing, or Holding Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Section IV.D (March, 1998) Nondedicated equipment should be thoroughly cleaned between different products and, if necessary, after each use to prevent contamination and cross-contamination. If cleaning a specific type of equipment is difficult, the equipment may need to be dedicated to a particular API or intermediate. The choice of cleaning methods, cleaning agents, and levels of cleaning should be established and justified. FDA Guidance for Industry: Manufacturing, Processing, or Holding Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Section IV.E (March, 1998) Equipment cleaning methods should be validated, where appropriate. In early synthesis steps, it may be unnecessary to validate cleaning methods where residues are removed by subsequent purification steps. If various API's or intermediates are manufactured in the same equipment and the equipment is cleaned by the same process, a worst-case API or intermediate can be selected for purposes of cleaning validation. The worst-case selection should be based on a combination of potency, toxicity, solubility, stability, and difficulty of cleaning. The cleaning validation protocol should describe the equipment to be cleaned, methods, materials, extent of cleaning, parameters to be monitored and controlled, and analytical methods. Sampling should include swabbing, rinsing, or alternative methods (e.g., direct extraction), as appropriate, to detect both insoluble and soluble residues. Swab sampling may be impractical when product contact surfaces are not easily accessible due to equipment design and/or process limitations (e.g., inner surfaces of hoses, transfer pipes, reactor tanks with small ports or handling toxic materials, and small intricate equipment such as micronizers and microfluidizers). Validated analytical methods sensitive enough to detect residuals or contaminants should be in place. Residue limits should be practical, achievable, verifiable, and based on the most deleterious residue. Journal of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 FDA Guidance for Industry: Manufacturing, Processing, or Holding Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Section IV.F (March, 1998) When practical, equipment in CIP systems should be disassembled during cleaning validation to facilitate inspection and sampling of inner product surfaces for residues or contamination, even though the equipment is not normally disassembled during routine use. FDA Part 211-Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Finished Pharmaceuticals Subpart D, Section 211.67 (1990) Equipment and utensils shall be cleaned, maintained, and sanitized at appropriate intervals to prevent contamination that would alter the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of the drug product beyond the official or other established requirements. Written procedures shall be established and following for cleaning and maintenance of equipment, including utensils, used in the manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding of a drug product. FDA Guide to Inspections of Validation of Cleaning Processes, (July, 1993) FDA expects firms to prepare specific written validation protocols in advance for the studies to be performed on each manufacturing system or piece of equipment, which should address such issues as sampling procedures, and analytical methods to be used, including the sensitivity of those methods. FDA expects firms to conduct the validation studies in accordance with the protocols and to document the results of studies. FDA expects a final validation report which is approved by management and which states whether or not the cleaning process is valid. The data should support a conclusion that residues have been reduced to an "acceptable level." Examine the design of equipment, particularly in those large systems that may employ semi-automatic or fully automatic clean-in-place (CIP) systems since they represent significant concern. For example, sanitary type piping without ball valves should be used. When such nonsanitary ball valves are used, as is common in the bulk drug industry, the cleaning process is more difficult. Examine the detail and specificity of the procedure for the cleaning process being validated, and the amount of documentation required. When more complex cleaning procedures are required, it is important to document the critical cleaning steps (for example certain bulk drug synthesis processes). Determine the specificity and sensitivity of the analytical method used to detect residuals or contaminants. The firm's rationale for the residue limits established should be logical based on the manufacturer's knowledge of the materials involved and be practical, achievable, and verifiable. Check the manner in which limits are established. If a detergent or soap is used for cleaning, determine and consider the difficulty that may arise when attempting to test for residues. FDA Guide to Inspections of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals (May, 1994) Cross contamination is not permitted under any circumstances. Institute of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 The cleaning program should take into consideration the need for different procedures depending on what product or intermediate was produced. Where mUltipurpose equipment is in use, it is important to be able to determine previous usage as an aid in investigating cross-contamination or the possibility thereof. Cleaning of multiple use equipment is an area where validation must be carried out. Validation data should verify that the cleaning process will remove residues to an acceptable level. There should be a written equipment cleaning procedure that provides details of what should be done and materials to be utilized. We expect the manufacturer to establish an appropriate impurity profile for each BPC based on adequate consideration of the process and test results. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 1.0 (April, 2000) Cleaning procedures must strictly follow carefully established and validated methods of execution. This applies equally to the manufacture of pharmaceutical products and bulk active ingredients. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 2.1 (April, 2000) Normally only cleaning procedures for product contact surfaces need to be validated. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 2.2 (April, 2000) Cleaning procedures for product changeover should be fully validated. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 2.6 (April, 2000) At least three consecutive applications of the cleaning procedure should be performed and shown to be successful in order to prove that the method is validated. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 2.8 (April, 2000) Control of change to validated cleaning procedures is required. Revalidation should be considered under the following circumstances: (a) Revalidation in cases of changes to equipment, products or processes. (b) Periodic revalidation at defined intervals. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 3.1 (April, 2000) A validation protocol is required laying down the general procedures on how cleaning processes will be validated. It should include the following: • The objective of the validation process • Responsibilities for performing and approving the validation study • Description of the equipment to be used • The interval between the end of production and the beginning of the cleaning procedures • Cleaning procedures to be used for each product, each manufacturing system or each piece of equipment. • Any routine monitoring requirement • Sampling procedures, including the rationale for why a certain sampling method is used • Data on recovery studies where appropriate Journal of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 • Analytical methods including the limit of detection and the limit of quantitation of those methods • The acceptance criteria, including the rationale for setting specific limits • When revalidation will be required PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 3.3 (April, 2000) A final validation report should be prepared. The conclusions of this report should state if the cleaning process has been validated successfully. Limitations that apply to the use of the validated method should be defined (for example, the analytical limit at which cleanliness can be determined). The report should be approved by management. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 3.4 (April, 2000) The cleaning process should be documented in an SOP. Records should be kept of cleaning performed in such a way that the following information is readily available: • The area or piece of equipment cleaned • The person who carried out the cleaning • When the cleaning was carried out • The SOP defining the cleaning process • The product which was previously processed on the equipment being cleaned PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 3.5 (April, 2000) The cleaning record should be signed by the operator who performed the cleaning and by the person responsible for the Production and should be reviewed by Quality Assurance. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 4.1 (April, 2000) Operators who perform cleaning routinely should be trained in the application of validated cleaning procedures. Training records should be available for all training carried out. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 5.1 (April, 2000) The design of the equipment should be carefully examined. Critical areas (those hardest to clean) should be identified, particularly in large systems that employ semi-automatic or fully automatic clean-in-place (CIP) systems. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 5.2 (April, 2000) Dedicated equipment should be used for products, which are difficult to remove (e.g., tarry or gummy residues in the bulk manufacturing), for equipment, which is difficult to clean (e.g., bags for fluid bed dryers), or for products with a high safety risk (e.g., biologicals or products of high potency which may be difficult to detect below an acceptable limit). PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 6.1 (April, 2000) The existence of conditions favorable to reproduction of microorganisms (e.g., moisture, sub-strength, crevices, and rough surfaces) and the time of storage should be considered. The aim should be to prevent excessive microbial contamination. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 7.1 (April, 2000) Samples should be drawn according to a written sampling plan. Institute of Validation Technology Proposed Validation Standard VS-3 PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 7.2 (April, 2000) There are two methods of sampling that are considered to be acceptable: direct surface sampling (swab method) and the use of rinse solutions. A combination of the two methods is generally the most desirable, particularly in circumstances where accessibility of equipment parts can mitigate against direct surface sampling. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 8.1 (April, 2000) The efficiency of cleaning procedures for the removal of detergent residues should be evaluated. Acceptable limits should be defined for levels of detergent after cleaning. Ideally, there should be no residues detected. The possibility of detergent breakdown should be considered when validating cleaning procedures. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 9.1 (April, 2000) The analytical methods should be validated before the cleaning validation study is carried out. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 9.2 (April, 2000) The analytical methods used to detect residuals or contaminants should be specific for the substance to be assayed and provide a sensitivity that reflects the level of cleanliness determined to be acceptable by the company. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 10.1 (April, 2000) The pharmaceutical company's rationale for selecting limits for product residues should be logically based on a consideration of the materials involved and their dosage regimes. The limits should be practical, achievable, and verifiable. PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 10.2 (April, 2000) The approach for setting limits can be: • Product specific cleaning validation for all products • Grouping into product families and choosing a "worst case" product • Grouping into groups of risk (e.g., very soluble products, similar potency, highly toxic products, difficult to detect) PIC Document PR 1/99-2 "Cleaning Validation" Section 10.3 (April, 2000) Carry-over of product residues should meet defined criteria, for example the most stringent of the following three criteria: (a) No more than 0.1 % of the normal therapeutic dose of any product will appear in the maximum daily dose of the following product. (b) No more than 10 ppm of any product will appear in another product. (c) No quantity of residue will be visible on the equipment after cleaning procedures are performed. Spiking studies should determine the concentration at which most active ingredients are visible (d) For certain allergenic ingredients, penicillins, cephalosporins, or potent steroids and cytotoxics, the limit should be below the limit of detection by best available analytical methods. In practice, this may mean that dedicated plants are used for these products. 0 About the Author William E. Hall, PhD., is the President of Hall & Associates, where he provides consulting on cleaning validation, process validation, and compliance issues for the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Hall is internationally recognized as an authority on the subject of cleaning validation. Dr. Hall serves on the Editorial AdviSOry Board of the Journal of Validation Technology, and is a member of the Institute of Validation Technology Hall of Fame. Dr. Hall received his PhD. from the University of Wisconsin, and is a former professor at the University of North Carolina. Dr. Hall can be reached by phone at 910-458-5068, by fax at 910-458-5068, or bye-mail at CleanDoct@aol.com. Journal of Validation Technology