AP Psychology Review Important people glossary style

AP Psychology Review: Important People #1
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Adler, Alfred
1. : Broke away from Freud because he believed social
motives, rather than sexual drives, motivated people the most/
neo-freudian; inferiority complex - we are all striving for
superiority in the eyes of others
Ainsworth, Mary
2. : Studied attachment differences by observing
mother-infant pairs over a 6 mo. time period; found that secure
infants have good bonds with mothers and the reverse is also
Asch, Solomon
3. : Investigated social conformity
Bandura, Albert
4. : believed personality is formed in large part from
modeling our behaviors on those we observe around us/ Bobo
Binet, Alfred
5. : Testing and Individual Differences/ Developmental
Psychology- creator of the first intelligence test - Stanford-Binet
Buss, David
6. : evolutionary psychology research on human sex
differences in mate selection
Calkins, Mary Whiton
7. : memory researcher first woman president
of the american psych association and to study psych at harvard
Cattell, Raymond
8. : A psychologist who termed surface traits and
source traits. He devised a personality test to measure 16
personality traits. Also used 2 categories of intelligence:
"crystallized" vs. "fluid".
Chomsky, Noam
9. : Cognition- theorized the critical period
hypothesis for language acquisition
Dement, William
10. : sleep researcher - deprived patients of REM
sleep and allowed them to sleep normally after the experimental
period. discovered REM rebound.
Ekman, Paul
11. : An expert in emotional research and nonverbal
communication. Well known for his studies of emotional
expression and the physiology of the face
Ellis, Albert
12. : A cognitive Psychologist who developed the concept
of Rational-Emotive Therapy.
Erikson, Erik
13. : Studied psychosocial development; stages include
infancy, toddlerhood, preschooler, elementary school,
adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late
adulthood; each stage is accompanied by a particular issue that
must be resolved.
Eysenck, Hans
14. : a British psychologist (born in Germany) noted for
his theories of intelligence and personality and for his strong
criticism of Freudian psychoanalysis
Festinger, Leon
15. : A social psychologist who proposed cognitive
Freud, Sigmund
16. : referred to as the father of clinical psychology/
extensive theory of personality development (psycho analysis) is
the cornerstone for modern psychological thought and consists
of (1) the psychosexual stages of development, (2) the structural
model of personality (id, ego, superego), and (3) levels of
consciousness (conscious, subconscious, and unconscious).
Gardner, Howard
17. : Theory of multiple intelligences. Project
Spectrum is a natural assessment of the intelligences in young
children. MI was not originally meant for education, but is
widely accepted, though criticized for lack of data.
Gazzaniga, Michael
18. : psychologist and cognitive neuroscience /
Human brain split research, advances in understanding of
functional lateralization and how cerebral hemispheres
communicate with each other
Gibson, Eleanor
19. : Developed the "visual cliff" experiment; showed
that depth perception cues are innate.
Gilligan, Carol
20. : Studied gender differences; believes females differ
from males both in being less concerned with viewing
themselves as separate individuals and in being more concerned
with "making connections" .
Hall, Stanley
21. : created the psychology journal, 1st psychology lab in
Harlow, Harry
22. : Developmental Psychology- experimented with
infant monkeys and attachment
Hilgrad, Ernest
23. : research on hypnosis especially in regard to pain
control/ developed hypnosis susceptibility scales
Hubel, David
24. : with Torsten Wiesel discovered feature detector
groups of neurons;in visual cortex, respond to different types of
visual images (neuroscientist)
James, Williams
25. : Functionalist/ teacher and riter at harvard,
mentored Mary Calkins/ First comprehensive textbook
Janis, Irving
26. : Coined the term groupthink- likely to occur in a
group that has unquestioned beliefs, pressure to conform,
invulnerability, censors, cohesiveness within, isolation from
without, and a strong leader
John, Garcia
27. : Researched taste aversion. Showed that when rats
ate a novel substance before being nauseated by a drug or
radiation, they developed a conditioned taste aversion for the
Jung, Carl
28. : A student of Freud who split from the Psychoanalytic
Society because of his disagreements with Freud, especially his
view of the collective unconscious.
Kagan, Jerome
29. : Conducted longitudinal studies on temperament
(infancy to adolescence)
Kleitman, Nathaniel
30. : in the early 1950s, was the only person in
the world who had spent his career studying sleep, Discovered
REM sleep
Kohlberg, Lawrence
31. : Developmental Psychology- Stage theory of
moral development (preconventional, conventional,
Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth
32. : developmental psychology; wrote "On
Death and Dying": 5 stages the terminally ill go through when
facing death (1. denial, 2. anger, 3. bargaining, 4. depression, 5.
Lazarus, Richmond
33. : agrees that cognition is essential: Many
important emotions arise from our interpretations or
Lewin, Kurt
34. : social psychology; German refugee who escaped Nazis, proved the democratic style of leadership is the most productive; studied
effects of 3 leadership styles on children completing activities
Stephen LaBerge
35. : devised a methodology that enabled them to test the reality of reports of lucid dreaming. eye movements of REM sleep
correspond to the reported direction of the dreamers gaze.