HERTSMERE BOROUGH COUNCIL COUNCIL DATE OF MEETING: PART I Agenda Item No Document Reference No 12 C/05/12 12th January 2005 HERTSMERE BOROUGH COUNCIL’S ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY This report brings before the Council Hertsmere’s Environmental Policy which has been produced after extensive consultation. It replaces the previous Environmental Strategy as part of the Council’s Policy Framework. 1. RECOMMENDED THAT 1.1 The Council adopt the Environmental Policy appended to this report and include it in its Policy Framework. 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 On 4 February 2004, the Executive agreed a draft of the Environmental Policy and asked that it be released for consultation (Ex/04/24). 2.2 A copy of the Policy was placed on the Hertsmere Website, an article directing residents to the website was run in the Hertsmere News and copies of the draft Policy were sent to other local authorities and partner organisations including those within Hertfordshire Environmental Forum. 2.3 Within the authority Environment, Transportation and Leisure (ETL) Overview and Scrutiny Committee examined the draft Policy at a single item meeting on 19 April (ETL/04/18) and again scrutinised progress at a meeting in October (ETL/04/34). Regulatory Committee discussed the regulatory aspects of the policy at a meeting on 14 September (REG/04/34). 2.4 Comments on the draft Policy received can be split into a number of main areas: 2.4.1 Comments, mainly by individual Councillors, Officer and Committees on the detailed content of the Policy. As a result of receiving these, Officers have changed any statements, or figures that were incorrect in the draft and these are now incorporated in the amended copy attached to this report. ETL Overview and Scrutiny Committees comments were addressed and reflected in the Policy where appropriate. 2.4.2 Other comments were received about the presentation of the Policy and one in particular being the need to separate out an action plan from the 1 Document reference C/05/12 Policy itself. Although this has been partially adopted, there remains throughout the Policy reference to proposed actions. 2.4.3 A view was expressed that this Policy was not the appropriate vehicle to take forward the Councils environmental aspirations rather that an environmental audit should be carried of the Councils services prior to engaging the principles of ISO14001 (Environmental Management). Officers respect this view but see the present Policy document as a step towards more formal environmental management as resources become available. Other comments requesting a simplified document were made and are understandable but with the complexity of the Council’s Services, such actions could reduce the document to generalities. 2.4.4 A request that statutory services be identified within the Policy is, officers believe, partially covered by listing in Part 4 the work of the authority as ‘a regulator’. Further definition can be difficult as it could be argued that everything the Council undertakes falls within its statutory powers. 2.4.5 A concern expressed revolved around the need to monitor and resource an action plan and the Executive have required an Action Plan to be brought back before them. 2.4.6 A number of comments were received with questions and/or comment, which have either needed or still require answering by individual Units or which comment or criticise the policy of the Council in specified areas. These have been circulated to appropriate Units of the Council so that these observations can be considered in future. 2.5 After a lengthy period of consultation detailed above, the revised Draft Policy was again put before the Executive on 24 November 2004. (Ex/04/147) who decided that it should now be recommended to the Council for approval. 2.6 Since the Policy has been concluded, the Audit Commission has agreed to pilot an inspection of the Council’s environmental services and have recently provided officers with their ‘Key Lines of Enquiry’ for that inspection. The Executive required that an Environmental Action Plan be produced, embracing the principles contained within the Hertsmere Environmental Policy and incorporating, where practical, the requirements of the Audit Commission so that the Executive agree a plan that delivers an environmental agenda consistent with Hertsmere’s Policy and at the same time addresses the broader national drivers for environmental services. 2.7 In conclusion the proposed Policy appended to this report has been widely consulted upon though it has not been drastically altered from the draft. However alterations that have been made are generally of a factual nature or for clarification. The Executive will consider an Action Plan and that plan will be consistent with the Environmental Policy principles and the requirements of the Audit Commission. 2 Document reference C/05/12 3. FINANCIAL AND BUDGET FRAMEWORK IMPLICATIONS 3.1 None directly as a result of this report. 4. LEGAL POWERS RELIED ON AND ANY LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 4.1 Local authorities carry out their activities under planning, building control, housing and associated legislation. The Environmental Policy is written embracing all that legislation while recognising Hertsmere Borough Council’s responsibilities to promote ‘the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Borough under the Local Government Act 2000’. 4.2 The Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 requires local authorities to demonstrate how they improve the energy efficiency in all homes in their districts and to report their progress annually. 5. RISK MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS 5.1 In order to deliver the actions contained within the Environmental Policy and when agreed an Environmental Action Plan, a commitment from all disciplines within the Council is required. Monitoring and evaluating progress of implementation requires the active management of this task and regular updates on progress will be provided to the Executive. 6. PERSONNEL IMPLICATIONS 6.1 The management and implementation of the whole project is required and there is an impact on the work of individual Service Heads in delivering the proposed actions. 7. CORPORATE PLAN & POLICY FRAMEWORK 7.1 The Environmental Policy links with the Council’s priorities contained within the Corporate Plan and supports the Community Strategy by working towards improving and sustaining the quality of Hertsmere’s environment. 8. APPENDICES ATTACHED 8.1 Hertsmere Borough Council’s Environmental Policy. 9. BACKGROUND PAPERS USED IN PREPARATION OF THIS REPORT 9.1 None 10. AUTHOR Paul Sawyer, Principal EHO Ext: 4660 Paul.sawyer@hertsmere.gov.uk 3 Document reference C/05/12