Hydrates – Hydrated and Anhydrous Compounds

(Hydrated and Anhydrous compounds)
Opal (SiO2)
Hydrates: •  Are solid crystals with trapped water molecules inside. -  The name of a hydrate consists of the compound name followed by the word hydrate with a prefix
indicating the number of water molecules.
Example  - 
A Hydrate is written as the ionic salt and the number of water molecules associated with one compound.
Anhydrous compounds are formed when hydrates are heated and the water of hydration is driven off. Law of Definite Proportions:
Any given compound is always made of the same elements in the same propor7on by mass. “% by Mass” & “% Composi=on”. also called, Equation 
__________________________ ___________________ Percent(%) Composi=on: Is, how much mass each Element, adds to a Compounds total mass (as a %). (water) (Anhydrous)  Is the mass of each element (in a compound) divided by the mass of the en=re compound. __________________________________________________________________________________ Equa7on modified for Hydrates: _____Water______ X 100 Hydrated Compound = % Composi=on 