E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc AGRICULTURE Scheme No 1. Name of the Scheme:- Farm Mechanisation/ Cropping Scheme for 2 Hactor of land for purchase of one Kamco Power Tiller ER 90 N / KMB 200 (9-12 HP) with complete accessories: 1. Introduction:The National Commission on Agriculture has already confer that the farm production /productivity is co-related with farm power. It is therefore, important that increasing cropping intensity, achieve targeted production is linked with the concentration of farm power in the form of tractor, Power Tiller & Pumping Set etc. 2. Objective:i. ii. iii. iv. v. 3. To provide custom hire services facilities to farmers. To improve timeliness in agricultural operation. To improve production and productivity of Indian Agriculture To improve post harvest processing facilities and profitability of farmers To provide a regular source of income to agriculture graduates. Location & Area of operation: The Project may be located in rural areas having sizeable number of farmers/area under farm land where cereals, pulses, oilseeds, spices and condiments, etc. are cultivated. The area of operation could be all the villages under a taluka or the villages adjacent to a bigger Panchayat head quarters. 4. Project Components:Tractor, Trailer and implements, Power Tiller, Pumset with accessories, Power thresher, Winnower, Self propelled Reaper, Sprayers, Tools for repairing of machines, primary processing Unit like machine, dal mill etc, Workshop shed. 5. Project Cost / Capital Cost ( Rs. in lakhs) a. Capital cost of Power Tiller b. Margin money (5 %) c. Bank Loan (95 %) 4. and Funding Pattern := Rs. 1,30,000/= Rs. 6,500/= Rs. 1,23,500/- REPAYMENT OF THE LOAN MAY BE MADE AVAILABLE FROM THE PROFIT OF THE CROPPING PATTERN SCHEME AND ALSO FROM THE PROFIT EARNED FROM THE HIRING AND SERVICES AS INDICATED IN ANNEXURE –II (ENCLOSED). ANALYSIS FOR THE COST OF OPERARTION FOR KAMCO POWER TILLER, MODEL ER 90 N/KMB 200(9-12HP) COMPLETE WITH ALL ACCESSORIES: 1. Capital cost of the Machine with Accessories = Rs.1,30,000/2. Service life of the machine. = 10,000 Hr. 3. DETAIL ANALYSIS FOR THE COST OF OPERATION PER HRS.:A. Fixed Cost/ Hr. 1. Depreciation hr. Cost Price – Scrape Value 10,000 = Rs. (130000 – 13000) 10,000 2. Interest on Capital / hr. @ 4% p.a. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur =11.70 = 5.20 16.90 1 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc B. OPERATIONAL COST /HR. 1. Fuel Cost./ Hr. @ 2 lit./ hr. @ Rs.26 2. Lubrication 10% of the cost fuel. 3. Repair and maintenance @ 10 % of the capital cost/ annum. 4. Pay of one operator/hr. @ Rs.54/day of 8 working hr. 5. Depreciation 6. Insurance and Registration = Rs.52.00/= Rs.5 .20/= Rs.13.00/= Rs. 6.75/= Rs.13.00/= Rs. 3.90/Rs.93.85 Total cost of Operation /Hr.(A+B) =Rs. (16.90 +93.85) =Rs.110.75 C. Establishment Charge /Hr. @ 15 % of the cost of the operation.= Rs. 16.61 D. Hiring charge of the machine/ Hr.(A+B+C) = Rs.127.36 Say Rs. 127/(Rupees one hundred and twenty seven) only Assuming the life of the machine is 10 years @ 900 working hour power year with scrape value 10 % of the initial cost of the power tiller. The wage rates of operator and helper are those of as skilled and unskilled worker approved by the Govt. of Manipur under minimum waged act Revised. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 2 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Annexure -I COAST OF CULTIVATION FOR 2 HACTER OF LAND. A. Season Pre Kharif. Crop Early Paddy (H.Y.V) Area 2 Hacter. Mode of cultivation – Transplanting. COST OF INPUT 1. Seed 160 KG@ 80 kg /ha. @ Rs. 10 /kg. 2. Fertilizer: 90: 60: 30 kg NPK/ Ha. a. Urea @ 150 kg/ ha. ic 300 kg @ 4.96 /kg b. D.A.P @ 125 kg/ ha. @ 250 /kg @ Rs. 10.80 /kg. c. M.O P. @ 50 Kg/ ha. ic. 100kg. @ 6.08/kg 3. Plant Protection: 2 time spray @ rs. 150 /ha. 4. Labor charge (excluding ploughing) 340 manday @ 170 manday/ ha. @ Rs.54/ manday. 5. Land preperation: a. 16 tractor hpur @ 8 tractor hour/hr. for 2 times ploughing @ Rs. 240/hr. b. 48 power tiller working hour @ 12 working hour per hacter for 2 times ploughuing @ 100/hr. 6. Irrigation and water management : 32 hour for 2 times Irrigation @ 8 hr/ha @ Rs 40/ha. = Rs. 1,600/= Rs. 1,488/= Rs. 2,700/= Rs. 608/=Rs. 600/= Rs.18,360/- = Rs. 3,840/= Rs. 4,300/= Rs. 1,280/Rs. 35,276/- (Expected yield is 9.6 M.T @ 4.8 MT/ Ha.) B. Season Pre Kharif. Crop Main Paddy (H.Y.V) Area 2 Hacter. Mode of cultivation – Transplanting. COST OF INPUT 1. Seed 160 KG@ 80 kg /ha. @ Rs. 10 /kg. 2. Fertilizer: 90: 60: 30 kg NPK/ Ha. a. Urea @ 150 kg/ ha. ic 300 kg @ 4.96 /kg b. D.A.P @ 125 kg/ ha. @ 250 /kg @ Rs. 10.80 /kg. d. M.O P. @ 50 Kg/ ha. ic. 100kg. @ 6.08/kg 3. Plant Protection: 2 time spray @ rs. 150 /ha. 4. Labor charge (excluding ploughing) 365 manday @ 178 manday/ ha. @ Rs.54/ manday. 5. Land preparation 72 working hour @12 working hr/ha for 3 times ploughuing @ 100/hr. 6. Irrigation and water management: 12 hr/ha @ Rs 40/ha. = Rs. 1,600/= Rs. 1,488/= Rs. 2,700/= Rs. 608/=Rs. 600/= Rs.19,224= Rs. 7,200/= Rs. 480/Rs. 33,900/- (Expected yield is 11 M.T @ 5.5 MT/ Ha.) C. Season Rabi Crop Pea Area 1 Hacter. Mode of Cultivation – Broadcasting. COST OF INPUTS 1. Seed: 70 Kg @ Rs. 15/kg. = Rs. 1050/2. Fertilizer; DAP 75 kg @ Rs. 10.80 /kg. = Rs. 810/3. P.P Chemical ; 2 times spray @ Rs. 150/ha. = Rs. 300/4. Labor charge (excluding ploughing) 83 manday @ Rs 54/manday = Rs. 4,482 5. Land preparation : a. 8 tractor hr in 1 ploughing Rs.240/hr. @ Rs. 240/hr. = Rs. 1920/b. 48 working hour @ 12 working hour per hacter for 2 times ploughuing @ 100/hr. = Rs. 4,800/6. Irrigation and water management: 12 hr/ha @ Rs 40/ha. = Rs. 200/Rs. 13,562/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 3 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc (Expected yield is 1.5 M.T.) D. Season Rabi Crop Potato Area 1 Hacter. Mode of Cultivation – Broadcasting. COST OF INPUTS 1. Seed: 1000 Kg @ Rs. 10/kg. 2. Fertilizer; a. Urea @ 150 kg @ 4.96 /kg b. D.A.P @ 125 kg @ Rs. 10.80 /kg. c. M.O P. @ 100 Kg. @ 6.08/kg 3. P.P Chemical ; 2 times spray @ Rs. 150/ha. 4. Labor charge 200/ manday @ Rs 54/manday 5. Land preparation : a. 16 tractor hr in 2 ploughing@ Rs.240/hr. b. 48 working hour @ 12 working hour per hacter for 2 times ploughuing @ 100/hr. 6. Irrigation and water management: 12 hr/ha @ Rs 40/ha. = Rs. 10,000/= Rs. 744/= Rs. 1350/= Rs. 608/= Rs. 300/= Rs 10800/= Rs. 3840/= Rs. 4,800/= Rs. 600/Rs. 33042/- (Expected yield is 15 M.T.) ECONOMIC OF CROPPING FOR THE CULTIVATION OF 2 HACTER AND CUSTOM SERVICE OF THE POWER TILLER: A. COST ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE CROPPING SCHEME: 1. Cost of Cultivation (as per Annexure –I) a. Pre- Kharif b. Kharik c. Rabi (Pea) d. Rabi ( Potato) 2. Expected production revenue: a. Pre Kharif Paddy :9.6 MT @ Rs. 7000/MT b. Khariff Paddy: 11 MT @ Rs. 6,500/MT c. Rabi (Pea): 1.5 MT @ Rs. 13,000/MT d. Khariff Paddy: 15 MT @ Rs. 6000/MT =Rs. 35,276/= Rs. 33,900/= Rs. 13,562/= Rs. 33,042/Rs. 1,15,780/= Rs.67,200/= Rs.71,500/ = Rs.19,500/= Rs.90,000/Rs. 2,48,200/- Net Profit from cultivation per year = Rs. 2,48,200.00 – Rs.1,15,780.00 = Rs. 1,32,420/B. COST ECONOMIC ANALYSYS OF THE CUSTOM HIRING OF THE POWER TILLER: No. of Hr. engaged of power tiller in cultivation: a. Early Paddy 48 hr. b. Main Paddy 72 hr. c. Rabi Pea 48 hr. d. Rabi Potatto 48 hr. 215 hr. Nos. of hour available for hiring and services of power tiller, considering to 10 % idle time of yearly total working hour of 1,000 i.e. 900 hour.= 900 – 216 = 684 hour. Total income for working and services = Rs.127 x 685 = Rs.86,995/Operational cost of the Tractor (own operated/year) = Rs.(Dpn. + Pay of operator + Estd.0 X 684 = Rs.(13.00 + 6.75 + 16.61) X 6874 = Rs. 24,870.24, say, Rs.24,870/C. TOTAL INCOME PER YEAR = Rs.1,94,418/Less sustenance (Rs.1,94,418 – 40,000/- = Rs1,54,418/D. NET INCOME PER MONTH = Rs.12,868/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 4 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc REPAYMENT SCHEDULE Total Scheme Cost - Rs.1,30,000/Loan.(95 %) – Rs.1,23,500/Beneficiary Contribution (5 %) – Rs. 6,500/Rate. – 4% p.a. ; Period of loan :- 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months and repayable in 26 equated quarterly Instalments. Sl. No Year Model of Repayment 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1st year 1st year 1st year 1st year 2nd year 2nd year 2nd year 2nd year 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year 4th year 4th year 4th year 4th year 5th year 5th year 5th year 5th year 6th year 6th year 6th year 6th year 7th year 7th year 7th year 7th year Total : 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4thquarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter Annual output 154418 154418 154418 154418 154418 154418 154418 Opening Bal. 1,23,500/1,23,500/1,23,500/1,18,750/1,14,000/1,09,250/1,04,500/99,750/95,000/90,250/85,500/80,750/76,000/71,250/66,500/61,750/57,000/52,250/47,500/42,750/38,000/33,250/28,500/23,750/19,000/14,250/9,500/4,750/- Instalment (Rs.) Int, for three months (Rs.) Total capital repaid in the year (Rs.) X X 4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/4750/1,23,500/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur X X 9500 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 1,235/1,235/668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 19,838 Inst. and Int. 1,235/1,235/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/5,418/1,43,338/- Total amount paid in the year 13306 21672 21672 21672 21672 21672 21672 Closing /Loan Bal. 1,23,500/1,23,500/1,18,750/1,14,000/1,09,250/1,04,500/99,750/95,000/90,250/85,500/80,750/76,000/71,250/66,500/61,750/57,000/52,250/47,500/42,750/38,000/33,250/28,500/23,750/19,000/14,250/9,500/4,750/Nil Profit remainder (Rs.) 141112 132746 132746 132746 132746 132746 132746 9,37,588/- 5 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 2. Name of the Scheme:- Agro Service Centre-Farm Machinery (Tractor) 1. Introduction:The National Commission on Agriculture has already conferred that the farm production /productivity is co-related with farm power. It is therefore, important that increasing cropping intensity, achieve targeted production is linked with the concentration of farm power in the form of tractor, Power Tiller & Pumping Set etc. 2. Objective:i. ii. iii. iv. v. To provide custom hire services facilities to farmers. To improve timeliness in agricultural operation. To improve production and productivity of Indian Agriculture To improve post harvest processing facilities and profitability of farmers To provide a regular source of income to agriculture graduates. 3. Location & Area of operation: The Project may be located in rural areas having sizeable number of tarmers/area under farm land where cereals, pulses, oilseeds, spices and condiments, etc. are cultivated. The area of operation could be all the villages under a taluka or the villages adjacent to a bigger Panchayat head quarters. 4. Project Components:Tractor, Trailer and implements, Power Tiller, Pumset with accessories, Power thresher, Winnower, Self propelled Reaper, Sprayers, Tools for repairing of machines, primary processing Unit like machine, dal mill etc, Workshop shed. 5. Assumption of the model Farm. a. Area- 2.0359 hectare b. Scope for hiring out the Tractor to the neighboring field is Estimated as 200 acre. c. Average run for haulage propose in one year is 200 hour. 6. Project Cost / Capital Cost ( Rs. in lakhs) and Funding Pattern a. Cost of Project = Rs. 3,90,000/b. Margin money (10 %) = Rs. 39,000/c. Bank Loan ( 90% ) = Rs. 3,51,000/7. Technical Consideration : Tillage for one year with one MF- 1035 “J” Series Massage Ferguson Tractor (35 HP)will be utilised as under. A. For the model Farm: (Ploughing) i.) Pre –Kharif - 1st crop of paddy in 5.73 acres x 5 time of ploughing operation ii) Kharif -Main-paddy in 5.73 acres x 5 time ploughing operation iii) Rabi - a) Musratd in 3.23 acres x 4 time of ploughing operation b) Potato in 2.50 acres x 5 time of ploughing operation = 28.62 acres = 28.65acres = 12.92 acres = 12.50 acres = 82.72 acres Therefore, required total area = 82.72 = 83 acres (say) As the said tractor will be utilized @ 1.5 acres/ hour, the required number of hours for the own farm will be : 83 ÷ 1.5= 55.33 + 5.53 ( 10% idle run ) = 60.68= 61 hours ( say) B. For hiring out: The tractor will be hire out the local farms/ neighbouring fields on customers service for 200 cers for four (4) times plughing operations, i.e. 200 X 4 = 800 acresw. Hence, the hour to be utilized is [800 ÷ 1.5] = 533.33 + 53.33 ( 10 % idle run) = 586.66 hrs= 587 hrs. ( say) Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 6 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc C. For haulage purpose: Average run for hauling purpose for one year is 200 hours. Hence, the total running hour for one year will be (A+B+_C) = (61+587+200) = 848 hrs. 8. Running cost / expenditure in one year. i) Cost of operation a.) Fuel - 3.5 lit/hr. @ Rs.26 /lit for 848 hrs. b) Lubricant -20% of the cost of fuel c) Depreciation - 10% of the unit cost d) Repairing & maintenance -3% of unit cost ii) Salary of driver for the year @ 1,500/- per month iii) Insurance & Registration - 3% of the unit cost iv) Misc. expenditure - 4 % of the unit cost Grand Total =Rs.77,168/=Rs.13,059/= Rs., 37881/= Rs.11364/Rs.1,39,472/= Rs. 18,000/= Rs. 11,364/= Rs.15,152/=Rs. 1,83,988/- Hence, the total running cost/ expenditure in one year will be Rs.1,83,988/( Rupees one lakh eighty three thousand, nine hundred and eighty-eight) only 9. Cropping Pattern : A double to triple cropping in one year is to be adopted as follows: i) Pre Kharif Season -1st crop of paddy in 5.73 acres ii) Kharif season - Main paddy in 5.73 acres iii) Rabi season - a) Mustard in 3.23 acres - b) Potato in 2.50 acres Total 17.19 acres 10. Farm Budget for 5.75 acres after mechanized (without project): A. Cost of cultivation for 1 (one) acre after mechanized. ANNEXURE- II, III, IV& V Sl. No Season Crop Area (acre) 1 Pre Kharif Season Kharif Main Paddy Rabi Mustard Rabi 1 Yield Cost of cultivation Grain without cost Qtl. of ploughing (Rs.) 8,350 22 1 8595 26 1 2840 5 1000 1 15685 75 450 2 3 4 Straw Qtl. Rate/ Qtl Grain Straw (Rs.) (Rs.) Value Grain (Rs.) Total Gross Gross surplus income - 13,750 5400 1250 16850 8255 5000 5000 1260 33750 33750 18065 - 625 - 13,750 250 600 5 145600 Straw (Rs.) B Economics of farming for 5.75 acres after mechanized (with project) Sl No Season Crop 1 Pre Kharif Season Kharif Main Paddy Rabi Mustard Rabi 2 3 4 Area (acre) 47,845 Gross income per acre (Rs). 13,750 Total gross income (Rs). 78,787 Gross surplus (Rs). 30,942 8,595 49,249 16,850 96,550 47,301 2,840 15,695 9,173 39,212 11,45,479 5,000 33,750 Total 16,150 84,375 2,75,862 6,977 45,163 1,30,383 of cultivation per acre (Rs.) Total cost of cultivation(Rs). 5.73 8,350 5.73 3.23 2.50 11. Income from hiring out: a) Customer service area = 200 acres in one year = 587 hrs { Sl. No. 7 (B)} Local rate hiring out is Rs. 260/ hr. So, income from hiring out is Rs. 587 X 260 =1,52,620 b) Average hour for haulage purpose is 200 hours/annum @ Rs.100/hr. So, income from haulage purpose is Rs. 200 X 100 = 20,000 Total = Rs. 1,72,620 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 7 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Thus, total income from hiring out is Rs. 1,72,620 (Rupees one lakh seventy two thousand six hundred twenty) only 12. Grand total income is (10 + 11) = Rs. ( 130383 +1,72,620 ) = Rs.3,03,003 (Rupees three lakh three thousand and three) only 13. Net income for one year is (12-8) = Rs. (3,03,003 -1,83,988) = Rs. 1,19,015/( Rupees one lakh nineteen thousand and fifteen) only Less : a) Family expenditure for one year – 20 % of net income = Rs. 23,803 b) Other unseen expenditure - 5 5 of net income = Rs. 5,951 Rs. 29,754/Net incremental income/ profit for one year is Rs. (1,19,015-29,754)= Rs.89,261/(Rupees eighty nine thousand two hundred sixty-one) only Thus, after deducting family maintenance and all kinds of expenditure for one year, the farmer can earn an incremental income or profit of Rs. 89,261/-. (Rupees eighty nine thousand two hundred sixty-one) only Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 8 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc ANNEXURE-I Cost of cultivation for 1 (one) acre of transplanted (HYV) paddy during Main Kharif mechanized (with project). 1. Land preparation : a) Ploughing 5 times with factor for 4 hrs. @ Rs. 250 /hrs. b) Side ploughing ande planking - 2 times Spairs of bulklock @ Rs . 120 / pair of bullock 2. Seed - 35 kg @ Rs. 10 /kg. 3. Farm Labour: a) Nursery bed preparation to uprooting and distribution of Nursery – 13 male labs @ Rs. 60/ manday b) Transplanting - 20 female labs @ 45 / manday c) Weeding and Hoeing – 30 female labs @ 45 / manday d) Harvesting –20 female labs @ 45 / manday e) Threshing , Winnowing and dressing of straw: i) 30 male labs. @ Rs 60 manday ii) 10 female labs @ rs 45/ manday Rs. 1,000 Rs. 360 Rs.350 Rs.780 Rs.900 Rs1,350 Rs900 Rs. 1800 Rs.450 4. Fertilizers : a) Urea - 40 kg. @ Rs 5.50/ kg Rs.220 b) DAP - 20 kg. @ Rs 11.50/ kg Rs.230 c) SSP - 40 kg. @ Rs 5.00/ kg Rs.200 d) MOP - 25 kg. @ Rs 7.00/ kg Rs.175 ** Applied by 2 male labs. @ Rs. 60/ manday Rs.120 5. Plant Protection Chemicals: a) Furadan 3G 2 kg. @ Rs. 65/kg Rs.130 b) Endosulphan 250 ml. @ Rs. 150/kg Rs.150 c) Corbandazyme 40 kg. @ Rs. 5.00/kg Rs.150 d) Monocrotophose 200ml. @ Rs.75/100ml Rs.150 ** Sprayed and applied by 2 male labs @ Rs. 60/ manday Rs.120 6. Irrigated: Natural cannel Rain Maintained by 1 male lab. @ Rs. 60/ manday Total Rs. 60 Rs. 9,595 Total Rs. 15600 Rs. 1250 Rs. 16850 Yield : i) Grain – 26 qtl. @Rs. 600/ Qtl. ii) Straw – 250 Qtl. @ Rs 5/ Qtl. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 9 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc ANNEXURE-II Cost of cultivation for 1 (one) acre of 1st crop of paddy during Pre-Kharif season after mechanised (with project). 1. Land preparation : a) Ploughing 5 times with tractor ( not to be calculated since it is included running cost) b) Side ploughing and planking - 2 times with 3 pairs of bulklock @ Rs . 120 / pair of bullock c) Nursery bed preparation- 1 pair of bullock@ -do- Rs.360 Rs. 120 2. Seed - 40 kg @ Rs. 10 /kg. 3. Farm Labour: a. Nursery bed preparation to uprooting and distribution of Nursery – 15 male labs @ Rs. 60/ manday b. Transplanting - 20 female labs @ 45 / manday c. Weeding and Hoeing – 30 female labs @ 45 / manday d. Harvesting –20 female labs @ 45 / manday e. Threshing ,&Winnowing : i) 25 male labs. @ Rs 60 manday ii) 5 female labs @ Rs 45/ manday 4. Fertilizers : a) Urea - 30 kg. @ Rs 5.50/ kg b) DAP - 40 kg. @ Rs 11.50/ kg c) MOP - 25 kg. @ Rs 7.00/ kg ** Sprayed and applied by 2 male labs. @ Rs. 60/ manday 5. Plant Protection Chemicals: a) Furadan 3G 2 kg. @ Rs. 65/kg b) Endosulphan 250 ml. c) Carbandazyme 200 gm. @ Rs. 75/100gm ** Sprayed and applied by 2 male labs @ Rs. 60/ manday 6. Rs.400 Rs.900 Rs.900 Rs1,350 Rs 900 Rs. 1500 Rs. 225 Rs.165 Rs.460 Rs.140 Rs.120 Rs. 130 Rs. 150 Rs. 150 Rs. 120 Irrigation 2 times- once with Natural cannels one with Pumt Set @ Rs. 200/ irrigation Maintained by 1 male lab. @ Rs. 60/ manday Total Yield : 22 Qtls. @ Rs. 625/ Qtl. Rs. 200 Rs. 60 Rs. 8350 Rs. 13,750/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 10 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc ANNEXURE-III Cost of cultivation for 1 (one) acre of transplanted (HYV) paddy during Main Kharif mechanized (with project). 1. Land preparation : a) Ploughing 5 times with tractor( not to be calculated) b) Side ploughing ande planking - 2 times 3 pairs of bulklock @ Rs . 120 / pair of bullock Rs. 360 2. Seed - 35 kg @ Rs. 10 /kg. 3. Farm Labour: a) Nursery bed preparation to uprooting and distribution of Nursery – 13 male labs @ Rs. 60/ manday b) Transplanting - 20 female labs @ 45 / manday c) Weeding and Hoeing – 30 female labs @ 45 / manday d) Harvesting –20 female labs @ 45 / manday e) Threshing & Winnowing and dressing of straw: i) 30 male labs. @ Rs 60 manday ii) 10 female labs @ Rs 45/ manday Rs.350 Rs.780 Rs.900 Rs1,350 Rs900 Rs. 1800 Rs.450 4. Fertilizers : a) Urea - 40 kg. @ Rs 5.50/ kg Rs.220 b) DAP - 20 kg. @ Rs 11.50/ kg Rs.230 c) SSP - 40 kg. @ Rs 5.00/ kg Rs.200 d) MOP - 25 kg. @ Rs 7.00/ kg Rs.175 ** Applied by 2 male labs. @ Rs. 60/ manday Rs.120 5. Plant Protection Chemicals: a) Furadan 3G 2 kg. @ Rs. 65/kg Rs.130 b) Endosulphan 250 ml. @ Rs. 150/kg Rs.150 c) Carbandazyme 40 kg. @ Rs. 5.00/kg Rs.150 ** Sprayed and applied by 2 male labs @ Rs. 60/ manday Rs.120 6. Irrigated Natural cannel Rain Maintained by 1 male lab. @ Rs. 60/ manday Total Yield : i) Grain – 26 qtl. @Rs. 600/ Qtl. ii) Straw – 250 Qtl. @ Rs 5/ Qtl. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Rs. 60 Rs. 8,595 Rs. 15600 Rs. 1250 Total Rs. 16850 11 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc ANNEXURE-IV Cost of cultivation for 1 (one) acre of Mustard during mechanised (with project). 1. Land preparation : Ploughing 4 times with tractor (already included not to be calculated ) Side ploughing with 1 pairs of bulklocks Rs. 120 2. Seed - 6 kg @ Rs. 15/kg. 3. Farm Labour: a. Sowing- 1 male lab. @ rs. 60/ manday b. Harvesting/ Uprooting –20 female labs @ 45 / manday c. Threshing ,&Winnowing : i) 5 male labs. @ Rs 45 manday ii) 8 female labs @ Rs 60/ manday Rs.90 Rs.60 Rs 900 Rs. 225 Rs. 480 4. Fertilizers : a) Urea - 20 kg. @ Rs 5.50/ kg Rs.110 b) DAP - 20 kg. @ Rs 11.50/ kg Rs.230 c) MOP - 15 kg. @ Rs 7.00/ kg Rs.105 ** Applied by 1 male labs. @ Rs. 60/ manday Rs.60 5. Plant Protection Chemicals: a) Chloropyriphos-100 ml. Rs. 70 b) Hinodan - 100 ml. Rs. 130 6. Irrigation 2 times- I) Natural cannels ( Maintained by 1 male lab) With Pumt Set @ Rs. 200/ irrigation Total Yield : 5 Qtls. @ Rs. 900/ Qtl. Rs. 60 Rs. 200 Rs. 2840 Rs. 4500/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 12 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc ANNEXURE-V Cost of cultivation for 1 (one) acre of Land during Rabi Season after mechanised (with project). 1. Land preparation : Ploughing 5 times with tractor (already included not to be calculated ) 2. Seed - 1,000 kg @ Rs. 10/kg. Rs.10,000 3. Farm Labour: a. Seed bed preparation - 15 male lab. @ Rs. 60/ manday Rs. 900 b. Planting –15 female labs @ 45 / manday Rs. 675 c. Interculture and earthing up- 30 female labs @ 45 / manday Rs. 600 d. Harvesting - 10 female labs @ 60 / manday Rs. 450 -10 female labs @ 45 / manday Rs. 450 4. Fertilizers : a) Urea b) DAP c) MOP 5. 6. - 40 kg. @ Rs 5.50/ kg - 60 kg. @ Rs 11.50/ kg - 20 kg. @ Rs 7.00/ kg ** Applied by 1 male labs. @ Rs.60/ manday Plant Protection Chemicals: a) Chloropyriphos-100 ml. b) Dithane M-45 – 500 ml. - 100 ml. ** Spray by 1 male labs. @ Rs. 60/ manday Rs.220 Rs.690 Rs.140 Rs. 60 Rs. 70 Rs. 150 Rs. 60 Irrigation 2 timesI) With Natural cannels ( Maintained by 1 male lab. For 2 days) @ Rs. 60/ manday) With Pumt Set @ Rs. 200/ irrigation Total Yield : 75 Qtls. @ Rs. 450/ Qtl. Rs. 60 Rs. 200 Rs15,685 Rs. 4500/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 13 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc REPAYMENT SCHEDULE Total Scheme Cost - Rs.3,90,000/Loan (90 %) – Rs.3,51,000/Beneficiary Contribution ( 10 %) – 39,000/Rate of interest – 5% p.a. Period of loan : 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months and repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Sl. No Year 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1st year 1st year 1st year 1st year 2nd year 2nd year 2nd year 2nd year 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year 4th year 4th year 4th year 4th year Model of Repayment 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5th 1st year 5th year 5th year 5th year 6th year 6th year 6th year 6th year 7th year 7th year 7th year 7th year Total : quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter Annual output 89261 89261 89261 89261 89261 89261 89261 Opening Bal. Instalment (Rs.) 351000 351000 337500 324000 310500 297000 283500 270000 256500 243000 229500 216000 202500 189000 175500 162000 X X 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 148500 135000 121500 108000 94500 81000 67500 54000 40500 27000 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 13500 Total capital repaid in the year (Rs.) 27000 54000 54000 54000 54000 54000 54000 3,51,000/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Int, for three months (Rs.) 4388 4388 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 2396 71072 Inst. and Int. 4388 4388 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 15896 422072 Total amount paid in the year 40,568 63,584 63,584 63,584 63,584 63,584 63,584 422072 Closing /Loan Bal. 351000 351000 337500 324000 310500 297000 283500 270000 256500 243000 229500 216000 202500 189000 175500 162000 148500 135000 121500 108000 94500 81000 67500 54000 40500 27000 13500 Nil Profit remainder(Rs.) 48693 25677 25677 25677 25677 25677 25677 2,02,755/- 14 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 3. Name of the Scheme:- Cash Crop Plantation (1Ha) of Turmeric variety Lakadong. 1. Introduction:- In the tenth Plan, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India has given more emphasis for popularizing organic food production all over the country. Manipur being one of the States in which least fertilizers, pesticides are used in crop cultivation practices, the produces of Manipur are in high demand for their comparatively chemical free, natural and pure quality. This is the evident from the fact that enquires for arranging supply of huge quantities of spices (Chilli, Turmeric, Ginger) from Manipur (primary/processed) are pouring into Manipur Small Farmers’ Agri Business Consortium (trade enquiries Copies enclosed). The spices Board, Ministry of Commerce, GOI has also assured to help in marketing of organically/ naturally cultivated Spices from Manipur. With the active promotional activities of Resources Mobilisation carried out by Manipur SFAC, Turmeric (Lakadon variety) is found to be one of the important and identified location specific crop suitable for the farmers of Manipur for generating income. For providing good quality planting materials, Manipur SFAC has also identified M/S Oriental Nurseries, Keithelmanbi Imphal for providing planting materials to be made available to the identified farmers. 2. Cultivation: - Land with proper irrigation facility with good rainfall but with good drainage is suitable for cultivation of turmeric. The land is properly ploughed 2/3 times and all the weeds, roots etc are completely sorted out. Rows of pits are prepared and about 500 grms of Farmyard Manure (FYM)/ organic manure are added. The turmeric rhizomes with properly developed shoots (Planting materials) are planted and covered with 4/5 inches of top soil. 3. Seed requirements:- Turmeric is generally planted in the month of May-June and harvested in Feb/March 2.0-2.5 tonnes per ha depending on size of Rhizomes or 25,000 – 26,000 plantlets for planting one ha at the spacing of 2-2.5 ft row to row and plant to plant. 4. Yield: - Under optimum condition the production per ha ranges from 23-25 Mts if harvested in the 1st year. However, the yield increases to 2-3 times when harvested in the second year. 5. Unique feature:- The growing Crop is never liked by cattle, attack by pests and diseases are minimum comparing to other crops. Chance of crop failure is only 5% under exceptional cases. 6. Cost of Cultivation per unit Ha. of Turmeric (Rs. in lakhs.) Sl No Actiovities/ details Amount A Non-Recurring Expenditure : 1 Construction of shed 0.15 2 Land preparation & digging of pits -120 0.06 mandays @ Rs. 50/- manday. Total of A : 0.21 B Recurring Expenditure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cost of Planting materials /Plantlets for 25,000 nos per Ha @ Rs. 2.00/- Plant Cost of Planting -100 mandays @ Rs. 50/mandays Organic Manure /Bio-Pesticides Irrigation & Intercultural operation after 45 days of Planting -60 mandays @ Rs. 50/mandays Harvesting & Curing 130 mandays @ 50/manday Total of B : Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0.50 0.05 0.045 0.03 0.065 0.69 15 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc C. Total Scheme Cost (A+B) D. Financing pattern : : Rs.0.90 lakhs 1. Bank Loan (95 %) : Rs. 0.855 2. Beneficiary contribution (5%) : Rs. 0.045 E. Returned/Income: 23,000 Kgs. of Rhizomes @ Rs.5/- per Kg.: Rs1.15 lakhs. F. Gross Profit : Rs. 0.46 lakhs. G(i). Depreciation on shed (15%) - Rs. 0.02 lakhs. G (ii.) Interest on loan - Rs. 0.03 lakhs G. (iii). Insurance @ 6.5 of planting materials - Rs. 0.04 lakhs Total of G - Rs. 0.09 lakhs H. Net profit - Rs. 0.37 lakhs. I. Net profit per month - Rs. 0.03 lakhs. 7. Loan Repayment :- The period of loan is 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months and the loan amount released to the beneficiaries including the calculated interest (@ 4 % p.a.) shall repaid in 26 equal quarterly instalments. LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Total Scheme Cost:Rs. 90,000/Bank loan (95 %) :Rs.85,500/Promoters contributors (5%) :Rs.4,500/Rate of Interest :4 % p.a Period of loan :- 7 years, repayable in 26 quarterly instalments with a moratorium period of 6 months. No. of inst. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Opening balance 85,500/85,500/85,500/82,200/78,912/75,624/72,336/69,048/65,760/62,472/59,184/55,896/52,608/49,320/46,032/42,744/39,456/36,168/32,880/29,592/26,304/23,016/19,728/16,440/13,152/9,864/6,576/3,288/Total Amt. of quarterly instalment Interest Total 855/855/855/855/3,300/462 3762 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 3,288/462 3750 85,500/13,722/99,222/- Principal X x Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Closing Bal. 85,500/85,500/82,200/78,912/75,624/72,336/69,048/65,760/62,472/59,184/55,896/52,608/49,320/46,032/42,744/39,456/36,168/32,880/29,592/26,304/23,016/19,728/16,440/13,152/9,864/6,576/3,288/Nil 16 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 4 Name of the Scheme:-Agri- Clinic & Agro Service Centre (Tractor) 1. Introduction: - There is an turn over of 30-40 student trained in the fields of Agriculture, Horticulture, Veterinary Fisheries and Sericulture. Most of them are lying without any effective employment. Agriclinic as such will provide a meaningful employment to these graduates specially these days where the scope of employment in Government service is very limited. 2. Objective :i. To supplement the efforts of government extension system. ii. To make available supplementary sources of input supply and services to needy farmers. iii. To provide gainful employment to agriculture graduates in new emerging areas in agricultural sector. 3. Project Component:Maintenance, repairs and custom hiring of agricultural implements and machinery including micro irrigation systems( sprinkler and drip) 5. Cost of Project : Non -Recurring Expenditure Land and Building (Security Deposit) Purchase of Tractor Furniture and Fixture Preliminary Expenses Rs. 20,000/Rs. 3,90,000/Rs. 8,000/Rs. 2,000/4,20,000/- Working Capital / Recurring Expenditure Spare parts of agricultural implements and manure etc.(per month) Salary / wages for 4 nos. (per month) Overheads expenses (per month) Rent for building(per month) Insurance @ 6.5 % of the cost of tractor and implements/ manure. Total cost of the scheme Rs. 80,000/Rs.10,000/Rs. 5,000/Rs.3,000/Rs. 2,000/Rs. 1,00,000/- Rs.5,20,000/- Funding pattern Bank Loan 4,20,000/- Beneficiary contrn. 78,000/- Cost of production (per month) 1. Working capital 2. Depreciation 3. Interest on capital investment Rs.1,00,000/Rs. 1,992/Rs. 1,842/Rs.1,03,834/- Financial Return (per month) R. M cost 15 % of RM cost Hiring charges Repairing charges Profit (per month) Break Even point (B.E.P) i) Fixed cost - ii). Profit I. B.E.P. =( F.C/F.C + Profit) % = 18.65% Total 5,20,000/- 1,15,000/13,000/10,000/Rs.1,38,000/- Rs. 34,166/= 40 % of salary + Interest + Depn. = Rs. (4000 + 1842 + 1992) = Rs 7834/= Rs. 34,166/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 17 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Total Scheme Cost:Rs.5,20,000/Bank loan (85 %) :Rs.4,42,000/Promoters contributors (15%) :Rs.78,000/Rate of Interest :5 % p.a Period of loan :- 7 years, repayable in 26 quarterly instalments with a moratorium period of 6 months. No. of inst. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Opening balance 442000 442000 442000 425000 408000 391000 374000 357000 340000 323000 306000 289000 272000 255000 238000 221000 204000 187000 170000 153000 136000 119000 102000 85000 68000 51000 34000 17,000 Total Amt. of quarterly instalment Principal Interest Total X X 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 4,42,000/- 5525 5525 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 3017 89,492 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 5525 5525 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 20017 5,31,492 Closing Bal. 442000 442000 425000 408000 391000 374000 357000 340000 323000 306000 289000 272000 255000 238000 221000 204000 187000 170000 153000 136000 119000 102000 85000 68000 51000 34000 17,000 Nil 18 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 5 Name of the Scheme:-Agri- Clinic & Agro Service Centre(Power Tiller) 4. Introduction: - There is an turn over of 30-40 student trained in the fields of Agriculture, Horticulture, Veterinary Fisheries and Sericulture. Most of them are lying without any effective employment. Agriclinic as such will provide a meaningful employment to these graduates specially these days where the scope of employment in Government service is very limited. 5. Objective :i. To supplement the efforts of government extension system. ii. To make available supplementary sources of input supply and services to needy farmers. iii. To provide gainful employment to agriculture graduates in new emerging areas in agricultural sector. 6. Project Component:Maintenance, repairs and custom hiring of agricultural implements and machinery including micro irrigation systems( sprinkler and drip) 6. Cost of Project : Non -Recurring Expenditure Land and Building (Security Deposit) Purchase of Tractor Furniture and Fixture Preliminary Expenses Rs. 1,60,000/- Rs. 20,000/Rs. 1,30,000/Rs. 8,000/Rs. 2,000/- Working Capital / Recurring Expenditure Spare parts of agricultural implements and manure etc.(per month) Salary / wages for 3 nos. (per month) Overheads expenses (per month) Rent for building(per month) Insurance @ 6.5 % of the cost of tractor and implements/ manure. Total cost of the scheme Funding pattern Bank Loan Beneficiary Contrn.. 2,20,500/24,500/- Rs. 70,000/Rs. 8,000/Rs. 4,000/Rs. 2,000/Rs. 1,000/Rs. 85,000/- Rs.2,45,000/Total 2,45,000/- Cost of production (per month) 1. Working capital 2. Depreciation 3. Interest on capital investment Rs. 85,000/Rs. 867/Rs. 919/Rs. 86,786/- Financial Return (per month) R. M cost 15 % of RM cost Hiring charges Repairing charges Profit (per month) Break Even point (B.E.P) i) Fixed cost - ii). Profit 97,750/8,000/7,000/Rs.1,12,750/- Rs. 25,964/= 40 % of salary + Interest + Depn. = Rs. (3200 + 919 + 867) = Rs 4986/= Rs. 25,964/- I. B.E.P. =( F.C/F.C + Profit) % = 16.16% Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 19 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Total Scheme Cost:Rs.2,45,000/Bank loan (85 %) :Rs.2,20,500/Promoters contributors (15%) :- Rs. 24,500/Rate of Interest :5 % p.a Period of loan :- 7 years, repayable in 26 quarterly instalments with a moratorium period of 6 months. No. of inst. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Opening balance 220500 220500 220500 212000 203520 195040 186560 178080 169600 161120 152640 144160 135680 127200 118720 110240 101760 93280 84800 76320 67840 59360 50880 42400 33920 25440 16960 8480 Total : Amt. of quarterly instalment Principal Interest Total X X 8500 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 220500 2759 2759 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 44648 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 2759 2759 10005 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 9985 2,65,148/- Closing Bal. 220500 220500 212000 203520 195040 186560 178080 169600 161120 152640 144160 135680 127200 118720 110240 101760 93280 84800 76320 67840 59360 50880 42400 33920 25440 16960 8480 Nil 20 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc VETERINARY Scheme No.6 TECHNICAL ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY REPORT & FINANCIAL WORKING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A DAIRY UNIT (3 NOS. OF MILCH COW) 1. CAPITAL/NON RECURRING EXPENDITURE : (a) Land : the dairy farm shed will be constructed at the own land of the beneficiary. Hence no financial investment will be required. (b) Building : (i) Construction of cow shed providing 60 sq.ft. per animal including floor space and manager, preferably pucca flooring, half brick wall, C.I. sheet roofing and well drained . (ii) Construction of calf shed providing 20 sq.ft./calf Nil Rs.12000/- Rs. 4000/- (c) Cost of purchase of dairy equipments/ utensils such as feeding trough, buckets, milk cane, rope etc. @ Rs.500/- per animal. Rs. 1500/- (d) Cost of 3 (three) pregnant cross bred milch cows preferably freshly calved within 1 (one) month of 1st lactation and age of 3 ( three) years having the average milk production of 10 (ten) litres/day/cow @ Rs.30,000/- including transportation charge. Rs.90000/- TOTAL NON RECURRING EXPENDITURE : 2. WORKING/RECURRING EXPENDITURE : ( Capitalised for 3 months ) (a) Insurance premium including service charge @ 6.5% of the total cost of the animal. Rs. 5460/- (b) Cost of concentrate feeding @ 3.5 kg/cow/day for 3 cows for 90 days @ Rs.900 per quintal. Rs. 8505/- (c) Cost of green and dry fodder @ 25 kg/cow/day Rs. 4347/and 4 kg/cow/day for 3 cows for 90 days @ Rs.50/and Rs. 90/- per quintal respectively ( Rs. 3375 + Rs.972) (d) Health care and breeding @ Rs. 500/- per animal. (e) Labour charge (f) Miscellaneous/ contingency charge. Self Total Recurring Expenditure : 3. Rs.107500/- TOTAL COST OF THE UNIT/PROJECT ( Rs. 97,500 + Rs. 22,500) Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Rs. 1500/Nil. Rs. 2688/__________________ Rs. 22,500/- Rs.1,30,000/- 21 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc ANNEXURE – I. REPAYMENT SCHEDULE OF THE LOAN 1. Total cost of the Unit/Project 2. Beneficiary contribution (5 %) 3. Financial assistance (95 %) 4. Rate of interest/year 5. Period of repayment (one) year - Rs. 1,30,000/- Rs. 6,500/- Rs. 1,23,500/- 4 % p.a. - 7(seven) years with a moratorium period of (Amount in Rupees) Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Opening Balance 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 113208 113208 113208 113208 113208 113208 102916 102916 102916 102916 102916 102916 92624 92624 92624 92624 92624 92624 82332 82332 82332 82332 82332 82332 72040 72040 72040 72040 72040 72040 Principal Interest 1235 1235 1235 1235 10292 1393 10292 1393 10292 1393 10292 1393 10292 1393 10292 1393 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 0 1235 0 0 1235 0 0 1235 0 0 1235 0 0 0 0 0 11685 0 0 0 0 0 11685 0 0 0 0 0 11685 0 0 0 0 0 11685 0 0 0 0 0 11685 0 0 0 0 0 11685 Closing Balance 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 123500 113208 113208 113208 113208 113208 113208 102916 102916 102916 102916 102916 102916 92624 92624 92624 92624 92624 92624 82332 82332 82332 82332 82332 82332 72040 72040 72040 72040 72040 72040 61748 22 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 I. II. III. Opening Balance 61748 61748 61748 61748 61748 61748 51456 51456 51456 51456 51456 51456 41164 41164 41164 41164 41164 41164 30872 30872 30872 30872 30872 30872 20580 20580 20580 20580 20580 20580 10288 10288 10288 10288 10288 10288 LOAN AMOUNT TOTAL INTEREST TOTAL AMOUNT - Principal Interest 10292 1393 10292 1393 10292 1393 10292 1393 10292 1393 10288 123500 1397 21660 Total 0 0 0 0 0 11685 0 0 0 0 0 11685 0 0 0 0 0 11685 0 0 0 0 0 11685 0 0 0 0 0 11685 0 0 0 0 0 11685 Closing Balance 61748 61748 61748 61748 61748 51456 51456 51456 51456 51456 51456 41164 41164 41164 41164 41164 41164 30872 30872 30872 30872 30872 30872 20580 20580 20580 20580 20580 20580 10288 10288 10288 10288 10288 10288 0 Rs.1,23,500/Rs. 20,994/Rs.1,44,494/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 23 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc ANNEXURE – II. MILK FLOW CHART OF THE DAIRY UNIT Lactation Period Per cow Total Dry Period Per cow Total Year No. of cows Calving sequence 1st year 3 nos. of cows 3 nos. of cows 3 nos. of cows 3 nos. of cows 3 nos. of cows 3 nos. of cows 3 nos. of cows 1st 275 825 90 270 Total milk produce @ 10 litres /cow/ day 8,250 2nd 305 915 60 180 9,150 3rd 275 825 90 270 8,250 4th 305 915 60 180 9,150 5th 275 825 90 270 8,250 6th year 305 915 60 180 9150 7th year 275 825 90 270 8250 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year 7th year Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 24 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc ANNEXURE – III. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND INCOME OF THE UNIT/PROJECT OF 3 (THREE) NOS. OF MILCH COWS A. Cost of Production (year wise) Sl.No. Particulars 1st year 2nd year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cost of feeding during lactation period. (i) Concentrate feeding (ii) Green fodder feeding (iii) Dry fodder feeding. 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year 7th year 25988 28823 25988 28823 25988 28823 25988 10,313 11,438 10,313 11,438 10,313 11438 10313 2,970 3,294 2,970 3,294 2,970 3294 2970 2430 3645 2430 3645 2430 3645 900 1,300 810 1,215 Cost of feeding during Dry period. (a) Concentrate 3645 feeding. (b) Green 1,350 feeding. (c) Dry Fodder 1,215 feeding. Cost of health 1,500 care/ breeding. Premium of Insurance. Depreciation on building 15% Contingency 2,000 charge. Bank loan 4,940 Recovery. Total 53,921 1,300 900 1350 900 810 1,215 810 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 5,460 5,460 5,460 5,460 5,460 5,460 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 25,318 24,494 23,672 22,848 22,024 21,198 84,873 81,835 83,727 80,639 82,079 78,989 B. GROSS INCOME OF THE UNIT. Sl.No. Particulars 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 1,215 5th year 6th year 7th year 1. Sale 1,15,500 1,28,100 1,15,500 1,28,100 1,15,500 1,28,100 1,15,500 proceed of milk @ Rs.14/litre 2. Sale 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 proceed of farm yard manure and empty gunny bags. Total 1,17,000 1,29,600 1,17,500 1,30,100 1,17,500 1,30,100 1,17,500 C. NET PROFIT OF THE PREPARED DAIRY UNIT. (A–B) 63079 44727 35665 46373 36861 48021 38511 D. MONTHLY INCOME - Rs. 3729/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 25 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc PARAMETERS:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) The cost of milch cross bred cow has been taken as Rs 30,000/-only per cow including the transportation charges. Milch cow will be purchased in two lots of 5 and 3 nos. at an interval of 6(six) months. Late stage pregnant milch cow will be purchased preferably freshly calved milch cow within one month of 1st calving and age of 3 years. At the time of purchase and also during the period of rearing, the probability of producing female and male calve is taken as 50:50. The average lactation period is taken as 305 days followed by a dry period of 90 days. The average milk yield per cow day has been taken as 10(ten) litres and the average sale price of the milk is Rs 14/-per litre. Gestation period and enter calving period are taken as 200 2 days and 13-14 months respectively. Health care/breeding of the animal is taken as Rs 500/- per cow/year The cost of green and dry fodders and concentrate are taken as Rs 50/-, Rs 90/- and Rs 9000/-per quintal respectively. The cost of rearing female calf has been taken as Rs 2500/- in the 1st year and Rs 5000/- in the subsequent year till the first calving. The appreciating value of the female calf is more than the expenditure incurred on this rearing. But the appreciative value of the female calf has not been included in the project however they are added to the stability of the enterprices. Farm bred heifers help in culling the animals whose production is below average. Male calve produced in the farm or brought during the course of purchase will be dispose off and thee expenditure incurred in rearing the male calves will be covered by the sale proceeds of the male calves. The calf mortality has been taken as 20 p.c. during the 1st year and no mortality during the remaining period. Insurance rate has been taken as 6.5 p.c. of the cost of animal ; Feed requirement of the milch cow is taken as detail: a) Concentrate feed - b) Green fodder - c) Dry fodder - xvi) xvii) xviii) xix) 3.5 kg/day/cow during lactation period 1.5 kg/day/cow during dry period. 25 kg/day/cow during lactation period 10 kg/day/cow during dry period. 4 kg/day/cow during lactation period 5 kg/day/cow during dry period. Promotor contribution: 10 p.c. of the cost of the unit/project Financial assistance required: 90 p.c. of the cost of the unit/project Rate of interest of financial : 5 p.c. per annum assistance(loan amount) Period of repayment of loan amount: 7(seven) years with a moratorium period of 1 year. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 26 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 7. MODEL PROJECT REPORT ON PIG FARMING (BREEDING CUM FATTENING UNIT) WITH 5 SOWS AND 2 BOARS 4 – 5 months old grower pigs are reared in semi-intensive feeding conditions for breeding cum fattening purpose. 50% of the progeny weaners are sold for breeding while the remaining 50% weaners are castrated and reared for fattening. Details Sl.No. (A) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (B) 1. Particulars Non-Recurring Expenses : Land required. Specificatio n Physical Unit Unit Cost (Rs./Unit) Total Cost (Rs.) Self available - - Nil Rs.80 14400 Rs.80 4800 Rs.80 11200 Rs.80 26400 Rs.80 8000 - Rs.14,000 - Rs. 2,000 Rs.2,200 Rs.2,200 Rs. 11,000 Rs. 4,400 Sheds and other structures. 180 sq.ft. 90 (a) Farrowing sq.ft./sow Pen – 2 Nos 60 sq.ft. 20 (b) Dry Sow pen sq.ft./sow – 3 nos. 140 sq.ft. 70 (c) Boar sheds sq.ft./boar cum service pen – 2 Nos 15 15 (d) Fattener shed sq.ft./fattene sq.ft./fattene – 1 No r r (e) Store room – 100 sq.ft. 100 sq.ft. 1 No. Water supply system, Lum sum water storage tank, pump set & pipe lines etc. Cost of farm Lum sum equipments & utensils feeding trays etc. Livestock ( 4-5 months) (a) Cost of gilts 5 (b) Cost of young 2 boars. Total : Recurring expenses: Working capital Feeds : (a) Breeder feed (i) 3 kg 8758 kg cost. /boar/day (ii) 3.5kg /sow/day 40% conc. 3431 kg 60% 5146 kg garbage (b) Piglet feed 0.2 kg/piglet 540 kg cost. /day (c) cost. (i) Fattener feed Fattener (2-5 1.5 kg /fattener/day 40% conc. 60% Rs.96,200 Rs.10 Rs.1 Rs.34,310 Rs.5,146 Rs.12 Rs.6,480 Rs.10 Rs.1 Rs.11,880 Rs.1,782 2970 kg 1188 kg 1782 kg Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 27 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc months) (ii) Fattener (5-7 months) 2. 3. 4. 5. Insurance premia @ 6.5 % of the total cost of the livestock. Livestock Health coverage. Labour charge Miscellaneous charges – Transports/ Rent/Taxes etc. Total : garbage 2 kg/fattener /day 40% conc. 60% garbage - 2640 kg 1056 kg 1584 kg Rs.10 Rs.1 Rs.10,560 Rs.1,584 - - Rs.1,365 - - - Rs.2,000 Self labour - - - Nil Rs. 2,000 Rs.77,109 Total cost of the project (A + B) = Rs.1,73,309/-( say 1,73,000/-) Term loan sought 95 % of the total unit cost = Rs.1,64,400/Margin money 5 % of the total unit cost = Rs. 8,600/(approximately) ECONOMICS OF THE PIGGERY UNIT 1st year Operational Cost Working Capital i) Breeder feed cost. ii) Piglet feed cost. iii) Fattener feed cost. iv) Insurance premia. v) Livestock Health coverage. vi) Miscellaneous charges Total : Depreciating charges 1. Building 5% 2. Equipments 10% Total : 1st year II – V year Rs.39,458 Rs.6,480 Rs.25,806 Rs.1,365 Rs.2,000 Rs.2,000 Rs.77,109 2nd year 3rd year Rs.39,458 Rs.6,480 Rs.25,806 Rs.1,365 Rs.2,000 Rs.2,000 Rs.77,109 4th year 5th year 6th year 7th year Rs.3,240 Rs.3,078 Rs.2,924 Rs.2,778 Rs.1,600 Rs.1,440 Rs.1,296 Rs 1,166 Rs.2,639 Rs.1,050 Rs.2,507 Rs.2,382 Rs. 945 Rs. 850 Rs.4,840 Rs.4,518 Rs.4,220 Rs.3,944 Rs.3,689 Rs.3,452 Rs.3,232 SALE PROCEEDS : Assuming that, the breeding stock matures and gilts conceive at about 7-8 months of age. After about 4 months, the first litter is born and mortality rate up to weaning has been assumed to be 10 percent. 50% of the weaners are sold at 2 months. The male weaners are castrated and reared for further 5 months when they attain about 80-90 kg and sold as fatteners. Since the foundation stock is purchased at the age of 4 to 5 months of age, it takes about 13 to 14 months for the unit to reach expected income bearing stage (3 months + 4 months + 7 months). As such income obtained after the end of the first year from the sale of 50% of the progeny as weaners and 40% of the fatteners is not adequate to support the unit. Hence the recurring cost during the first 14 to 15 month has to be capitalized. Particulars 1. Sale of 23 weaners @ Rs.1000 per weaner. 2. Sale of 22 fatteners per farrowing @ Rs.3000 per fattener. 3. Sale of one culled male 1st year Rs. 23,000 II – V years Rs.46,000 Rs. 27,000 Rs.1,71,000 Rs.3,000 - Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 28 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc stock @ Rs.3000 per boar. 4. Sale of pig manure and empty gunny bags. Total : Rs. 4,000 Rs. 4,000 Rs.57,000 Rs.2,21,000 LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan Interest on loan Period of loan = Rs.1,64,400/= 4 % per annum : 7 years with a moratorium period of 1 year. ( Amount in Rupees) Year Income Expenses I II III IV V VI VII 57,400 2,21,600 2,21,600 2,21,600 2,21,600 2,21,600 2,21,600 Total : * 81,627 81,329 81,053 80,798 80,561 80,341 Gross surplus 57,000 1,39,973 1,40,271 1,40,547 1,40,802 1,41,039 1,41,259 Annual Installments $ Interest Principal Total 6,560 6,287 5,193 4,100 3,007 1,913 870 27,880 6,560 27,340 33,627 27,332 32,525 27,332 31,431 27,332 30,339 27,332 29,245 27,332 28,152 1,64,000 1,91,880 * Capitalized $ During the first year only interest will be recovered. Net return per year = Net return per month = 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 150699 150699 150699 150699 150699 150699 136998 136998 136998 136998 50,440 1,06,346 1,07,746 1,09,115 1,10,463 1,11,794 1,13,107 7,09,011 Out standing amount of loan 1,64,000 1,36,660 1,09,328 81,996 54,664 27,332 Nil Rs.1, 01,287/Rs. 8,440/- Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Net surplus 1644 1644 1644 1644 13701 1854 13701 1854 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 0 1644 0 0 1644 0 0 1644 0 0 1644 0 0 0 0 0 15555 0 0 0 0 0 15555 0 0 0 0 Closing Balance 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 164400 150699 150699 150699 150699 150699 150699 136998 136998 136998 136998 136998 29 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 29 136998 30 136998 13701 1854 31 123297 32 123297 33 123297 34 123297 35 123297 36 123297 13701 1854 37 109596 38 109596 39 109596 40 109596 41 109596 42 109596 13701 1854 43 95895 44 95895 45 95895 46 95895 47 95895 48 95895 13701 1854 49 82194 50 82194 51 82194 52 82194 53 82194 54 82194 13701 1854 55 68493 56 68493 57 68493 58 68493 59 68493 60 68493 13701 1854 61 54792 62 54792 63 54792 64 54792 65 54792 66 54792 13701 1854 67 41091 68 41091 69 41091 70 41091 71 41091 72 41091 13701 1854 73 27390 74 27390 75 27390 76 27390 77 27390 78 27390 13701 1854 79 13689 80 13689 81 13689 82 13689 83 13689 84 13689 13689 1866 164400 28836 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 15555 0 0 0 0 0 15555 0 0 0 0 0 15555 0 0 0 0 0 15555 0 0 0 0 0 15555 0 0 0 0 0 15555 0 0 0 0 0 15555 0 0 0 0 0 15555 0 0 0 0 0 15555 0 0 0 0 0 15555 Closing Balance 136998 123297 123297 123297 123297 123297 123297 109596 109596 109596 109596 109596 109596 95895 95895 95895 95895 95895 95895 82194 82194 82194 82194 82194 82194 68493 68493 68493 68493 68493 68493 54792 54792 54792 54792 54792 54792 41091 41091 41091 41091 41091 41091 27390 27390 27390 27390 27390 27390 13689 13689 13689 13689 13689 13689 0 30 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc TECHNICAL PARAMETERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Age at breeding – 7 months. Average litter size - 10 Age of weaning of piglets – 8 weeks. Average body weight at the time of disposal of fatteners (7 months) – 80 kgs. Sex ratio of piglets – 50: 50 Mortality rate of piglets – 10 percent. 1kg of pork costs around Rs.55. It may fluctuate from time to time in the market. Gestation period – 114 days. About 50 percent of the total piglets born shall be disposed as weaners and the remaining 50 percent be fattened till the age of 7 months when they attain about 80-90 kg body wt. 10. Age at weaning of piglets – 8 weeks. 11. Dressing percentage of the carcass – 70-80 percent . 12. Number of farrowings per year – 2 (two) 13. Average weight of fatteners - 80 kg. 14. Sale price of fatteners – Rs.3,000/15. Sale price of weaners – Rs. 1,000/16. Depreciation on sheds – 5% 17. Depreciation on equipments – 10% 18. Cost of concentrate feed – Rs.1,000/- per Quintal. 19. Cost of creep feed – Rs.1,200/- per Quintal. 20. Cost of garbage – Rs.1.00 per kg. 21. Margin money – 5 % 22. Interest rate – 4 % 23. Repayment period – 7 years with a moratorium period of 1(one) year. 24. Grace period – 1 year. 25. In the first year value of only 40 percent of the fatteners is taken into account as all the fatteners may not attain the marketable body weight simultaneously. 26. Leguminous fodders shall be harvested by the entrepreneur, succulents roots/tubers, garbage, kitchen waste shall also be given. HERD PROJECTION CHART Year Month I. Breeding stock 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 So on II. III. G P L G G P P P P L L P P P P L L P P P P L L P P P P L - No. of piglets born 50 50 50 50 No. of suckling piglets. 50 45 50 45 50 45 No. of fatteners. 3-5 5-7 months months 22 22 22 22 22 22 Sale of piglets Weaners fatteners 23 22 22 22 23 - 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 22 22 22 50 Growth Pregnancy Lactation Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 31 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 8. MODEL PROJECT REPORT ON PIG FARMING (BREEDING CUM FATTENING UNIT) WITH 10 SOWS + 1 BOAR PER UNIT Sl.No. A. Particulars Shed and other structures : (a) Farrowing pen/lactating sow (4) (b) Dry sow pen (6) (c) Boar cum service pen (d) Fattener shed – I. Fattener shed – II . 2. 3. 4. Store room Water supply system (water tank, electric pumpset & pipe line) Cost of farm equipments & feeding utensils. Cost of breeding stock (4-5 months) (a) Cost of sows. (b) Cost of boars. Total ( Non recurring expenditure) B. Recurring Exp. (a) Breeder feed cost. (b) Piglet feed cost (c) 1st batch fattener feed cost (3-5 months) (d) (e) Physical unit Unit Cost (Rs./Unit) Total Cost (Rs.) 90 sq.ft. per sow 360 sq.ft. Rs.80.00 Rs.28,800 120 sq.ft. 70 sq.ft. Rs.80.00 Rs. 9,600 Rs.80.00 Rs.5,600 Rs.80.00 Rs.16,000 Rs.80.00 Rs. 24,000 Rs.80.00 Rs.8,000 Non Recurring Exp. 1. (e) Specifications 2nd batch fattener feed cost (6-8 months) Insurance premium 6.5 % of the Pig value at stock cost. 20 sq.ft. per sow 70 sq.ft. per boar 10 sq.ft. per fattener 15 sq.ft. per fattener - 200 sq.ft. 300 sq.ft. 100 sq.ft. Lum sum Rs.17,500 Lum sum Rs. 2,500 10 1 3 kg per boar/ 13,860kg day 3.5 kg per sow/ day 70% kitchen 9,702 kg garbage 4,158 kg 30% conc.feed 0.2 kg per piglet 800 kg /day 1.5 kg per 3,600 kg fattener / day 70% kitchen 2,520 kg garbage per day 30% conc. Feed 1,080 kg 2 kg per 4,200 kg fattener/ day 70% kitchen 2,940 kg garbage 30% conc. feed. 1,260 kg - Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Rs.2,200 Rs.2,200 Rs.22,000 Rs.2,200 Rs.1,36,200 Rs.1.00 Rs.9,702 Rs.10.00 Rs.12.00 Rs.41,580 Rs.9,600 Rs.1.00 Rs.2,520 Rs.10.00 Rs.10,800 Rs.1.00 Rs.2,940 Rs.10.00 Rs.2,145 Rs.12,600 Rs.2,145 32 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc (f) (g) (h) Labour cost. Self Lum sum Cost of medicine and vaccine etc. for breeding stock. Lum sum Miscellaneous expenditure for breeder/weaver/fattener stock. - - Nil Rs.1,000 - - Rs.1,000 Rs.93,887 Total Total cost of the scheme (A + B) = Rs.2,30,087 Margin money to be contributed by the beneficiary = Rs. 23,087 (approximately 10% of the total cost of the scheme) Bank Loan required = Rs.2,07,000 Interest on loan amount = 5 % per annum Period of loan : 7 years with a moratorium period of 1 year. ECONOMICS OF THE PIG FARMING SCHEME Particulars I year II to IV year V year to VII yr. Remarks (I)Cost/Expenditure A. Capital cost. Rs.1,34,500 0 0 B. Recurring Cost. (a) Breeder feed cost Rs.51,282 Rs.51,282 Rs.51,282 (b) Piglet feed cost. Rs.9,600 Rs.9,600 Rs.9,600 (c) Fattener feed cost Rs.28,860 Rs.28,860 Rs.28,860 (d) Insurance cost. Rs.2,145 Rs. 2,145 Rs. 2,145 (e) Labour cost. Nil Nil Nil (f) Medicine & Rs.1,000 Rs.1,000 Rs.1,000 vaccine cost. (g) Misc. expenses. Rs.1,000 Rs.1,000 Rs.1,000 Total (A + B) Rs.2,28,387 Rs.93,887 Rs.93,887 (II) Returns/benefits 1. Sale of 45 piglets ( Rs.45,000 Rs.90,000 Rs.90,000 A piglets per sow @ Rs.1000 per piglet at weaning) 2. Sale of 45 54,000 Rs.2,16,000 Rs.2,16,000 fatteners@ Rs.3,000 per fattener. Rs.3,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.3,000 3. Sale of gunny Rs.2,000 Rs.2,000 Rs.2,000 bags (lum sum) 4. Sale of manure from breeder/ young stock (lum sum) Total benefits Rs.1,04,000 Rs.3,11,000 Rs.3,11,000 returns Particulars III. Depreciation values of (a) (b) Sheds (5%) Equipmens I year II year Rs.4,600 Rs.4,370 Rs.2,000 Rs.1,800 III year IV year V year Rs.4152 Rs.1620 Rs.3944 Rs.3,747 Rs.1458 Rs.1,312 VI year VII year Rs.3559 Rs.1181 Rs.3381 Rs.1063 (10%) Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 33 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Year Bank loan (Rs.) Interest Period of loan Income Expenses I. II. 1,04,000 3,11,000 x 1,00,057 III. IV. 3,11,000 3,11,000 99,659 99,289 V. 3,11,000 98,946 VI VII TOTAL 3,11,000 3,11,000 98,627 98,331 * Capitalised = Rs.2,07,000/= 5 % p.a. : 7 years with a moratorium period of 1 year. Gross Equated Net Asset surplus annual surplus value installment 1,04,000 10,350 93,650 2,10,943 44,419 1,66,524 Building Rs.71,187 2,11,341 42,694 1,68,647 2,11,711 40,969 1,70,742 Equipment Rs.11,810 2,12,054 39,244 1,72,810 Livestock value of 10 sow + 1 boar 2,12,373 37,519 1,74,854 2,12,669 35,794 1,76,875 2,50,989 11,24,102 Net Return Per year _ Net Return Per month _ Months Opening Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 189749 189749 189749 189749 189749 189749 172498 172498 172498 172498 172498 172498 155247 155247 155247 155247 155247 155247 Principal Rs. 1,60,586/Rs. 13,382/Interest 2588 2588 2588 2588 17251 2948 17251 2948 17251 2948 17251 2948 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 0 2588 0 0 2588 0 0 2588 0 0 2588 0 0 0 0 0 20199 0 0 0 0 0 20199 0 0 0 0 0 20199 0 0 0 0 0 20199 Closing Balance 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 189749 189749 189749 189749 189749 189749 172498 172498 172498 172498 172498 172498 155247 155247 155247 155247 155247 155247 137996 34 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Opening Balance 137996 137996 137996 137996 137996 137996 120745 120745 120745 120745 120745 120745 103494 103494 103494 103494 103494 103494 86243 86243 86243 86243 86243 86243 68992 68992 68992 68992 68992 68992 51741 51741 51741 51741 51741 51741 34490 34490 34490 34490 34490 34490 17239 17239 17239 17239 17239 17239 Principal Interest 17251 2948 17251 2948 17251 2948 17251 2948 17251 2948 17251 2948 17251 2948 17239 207000 2960 45740 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 0 0 0 0 20199 0 0 0 0 0 20199 0 0 0 0 0 20199 0 0 0 0 0 20199 0 0 0 0 0 20199 0 0 0 0 0 20199 0 0 0 0 0 20199 0 0 0 0 0 20199 Closing Balance 137996 137996 137996 137996 137996 120745 120745 120745 120745 120745 120745 103494 103494 103494 103494 103494 103494 86243 86243 86243 86243 86243 86243 68992 68992 68992 68992 68992 68992 51741 51741 51741 51741 51741 51741 34490 34490 34490 34490 34490 34490 17239 17239 17239 17239 17239 17239 0 35 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 9 TECHNO ECONOMIC REPORT OF 100 NOS. DUCKERY FARM (KHAKI CAMPBELL) BIRDS FOR EGG PRODUCTION Sl.No. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. Particulars Non Recurring Expenditure Amount Nil 15,000 Land and land development. (Self finance/own plot) Cost of construction of Duck shed providing 3 sq.ft./bird @ Rs.50/sq.ft. with locally available materials. Cost of godown cum office of 150 sq.ft. @ Rs.70/ sq.ft. with C.I. sheet roofing. Cost of equipment and appliances like feeders, waterer, egg laying box @ Rs.10/- per bird. Cost of Medicine/vaccines, litter material @ Rs.10/- per bird. Cost of 110 nos. of seked one day old duckling @ Rs.25/per bird including transportation charge. Cost of feeding of 110 nos. of duckling upto 20 weeks of age @ 9.8 kg per bird i.e. 20.58 quintals @ Rs.1,300 per quintal starter ration per quintal. Cost of cultivation of palatable fodder including cost of fodder seeds in order to substitute 20-30% of concentrate feed (L.S.) Cost of labour Total Recurring Expenditure Cost of feeding of 100 layers @ 36 kg of feed/bird/year i.e. 72 quintals @ Rs.1000/- per quintal of layer ration per quintal. (20-30% concentrate feed will be substituted by green fodder) Cost of Medicine/vaccine/litters @ Rs.10/- per bird. Cost of labour charge. Contingency charge (non conventional feeds) Total Total cost of scheme A + B = 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,750 14,014 3,736 self 48,000 36,000 1,000 self 1,000 38,000 86,000 REPAYMENT SCHEDULE OF THE LOAN Total cost of Project Promoter’s contribution (5 %) Financial Assistance or loan amount (95 %) Rate of interest Period of Repayment - Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - 86,000 4,300 81,700 4 % p.a. 7 years with a moratorium period of 1(one) year. Opening Balance 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 Principal Interest 817 817 817 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 0 817 0 0 817 0 0 817 0 Closing Balance 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 36 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Opening Balance 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 74891 74891 74891 74891 74891 74891 68082 68082 68082 68082 68082 68082 61273 61273 61273 61273 61273 61273 54464 54464 54464 54464 54464 54464 47655 47655 47655 47655 47655 47655 40846 40846 40846 40846 40846 40846 34037 34037 34037 34037 34037 34037 27228 27228 27228 27228 27228 27228 20419 20419 20419 20419 20419 20419 13610 Principal Interest 817 6809 922 6809 922 6809 922 6809 922 6809 922 6809 922 6809 922 6809 922 6809 922 6809 922 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 817 0 0 0 0 0 7731 0 0 0 0 0 7731 0 0 0 0 0 7731 0 0 0 0 0 7731 0 0 0 0 0 7731 0 0 0 0 0 7731 0 0 0 0 0 7731 0 0 0 0 0 7731 0 0 0 0 0 7731 0 0 0 0 0 7731 0 Closing Balance 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 81700 74891 74891 74891 74891 74891 74891 68082 68082 68082 68082 68082 68082 61273 61273 61273 61273 61273 61273 54464 54464 54464 54464 54464 54464 47655 47655 47655 47655 47655 47655 40846 40846 40846 40846 40846 40846 34037 34037 34037 34037 34037 34037 27228 27228 27228 27228 27228 27228 20419 20419 20419 20419 20419 20419 13610 13610 37 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Opening Balance 13610 13610 13610 13610 13610 6801 6801 6801 6801 6801 6801 Principal Interest 6809 922 6801 81700 930 14340 Total 0 0 0 0 7731 0 0 0 0 0 7731 Closing Balance 13610 13610 13610 13610 6801 6801 6801 6801 6801 6801 0 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND INCOME OF THE UNIT/PROJECT OF 100 NOS. OF DUCKS A. Sl. No . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Sl. No . 1. 2. 3. C. Cost of Production Particulars Cost of feeding of 200 layers. Cost of Replacement stock of 200 nos. of duck Cost of feeding of replacement stock Cost of vaccine/medicine Contingency charge Insurance premium 6.5% of sale value of Birds. Depreciation on building (15%) Cost of labour Bank loan recovery Total : 1st year 2nd year 4th year 5th year 6th year 7th year 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 - - 2,750 - - 2,750 - - - 14,014 - - 14,014 - 1,000 1,000 975 1,000 1,000 975 1,000 1,000 975 1,000 1,000 975 1,000 1,000 975 1,000 1,000 975 1,000 1,000 975 - 3,825 3,251 2,764 2,349 1,997 1,697 Self 3,240 42,215 Self 16,605 59,405 Self 16,065 75,055 Self 15,525 57,264 Self 14,985 56,309 Self 14,445 72,181 Self 13,905 54,577 Gross Income of the Unit Particulars Sale proceed of egg from 90 birds @ 280 eggs/bird/ year @ R.2.80/ egg. Sale of culled bird 180 nos. at the rate of Rs.150/bird at the end of 3rd year. Sale of empty gunny bags 160 nos. @ Rs.10/Total 1st year 2nd year 70,560 - 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year 7th year 70,560 70,560 70,560 70,560 70,560 - 13,500 - - 13,500 70,560 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 71,360 71,360 84,860 71,360 71,360 84,860 71,360 Net Profit A - B 1st year 29,145 D. 3rd year 2nd year 11,955 3rd year 9,805 Cumulative monthly income of the beneficiary Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 4th year 14,096 5th year 15,051 6th year 12,679 5th year 16,783 - Rs. 1304/- 38 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 10. SCHEME FOR SETTING UP OF A BROILER FARM FOR MEAT PRODUCTION (Weekly rotation of 100 broilers) Sl.No. Particulars Amount A. Non-Recurring expenditure: Rs 70,000/1. House construction @Rs 100 per sq.ft. 700 sq.ft. 2. Equipments @Rs 5 per bird. Rs 3,500/3. Other houses(power, store, office etc) @Rs 100 per sq.ft. Rs 10,000/for 100 sq.ft. Total:Rs 83,500/B. Recurring expenditures:1. Cost of 4400 chicks @Rs 20/-per chick. Rs 88,000/2. Cost of feed 19800 kg. @ 4.5 kg in 7 weeks @Rs 14/-per kg. Rs 2,77,200 3. Water, electricity, medicine @ Rs 5/-per bird. Rs 22,000/Total:Rs 3,87,200/Total Recurring + Non-recurring Rs 4,70,700/C. Capital Investment: 1. Construction of house equipments etc. Rs 83,500/2. Cost of 800 chicks Rs 16,000/3. Cost of feeding 3420.00 kg, 760 chicks @Rs 14/-per kg. Rs 47,880/4. Electricity, water, medicine etc. 800 chicks. Rs 4,000/Total:Rs 1,51,380/(say Rs.1,51,000/-) Loan portion (95 %) (-) Rs 1,43,500/Beneficiary contribution(5 %)( + ) Rs 7,500/Total:Rs 1,51,000/D. Income:1. Sale of 4180 birds @ 2 kg./bird @Rs 56 per kg. Rs 4,68,160/2. Sale of gunny bags @Rs 10/-per bag. Rs 2,828/3. Sale of litter @Rs 0.50 per bird. Rs 2,200/Total Income: Rs 4,73,188/Recurring expenditure (-) Rs 3,87,200/Gross profit:Rs 85,988/E. Depreciation, Interest, Insurance:1. Depreciation on building @15%. Rs 10,500/2. Depreciation on equipments @ 15%. Rs 525/3. Interest on loan amount @ 4% p.a. Rs 5,720/4. Insurance- 6.5% of the saling value of bird. Rs 16,016/Total:Rs 32,761/F. Net profit:1. Gross profit Rs 85,988/2. Depreciation, Interest insurance(-) Rs 32,761/Total:Rs 53,227/3. Net profit per month Rs 4,435/- REPAYMENT SCHEDULE The mode of repayment is 12(twelve) equal half yearly installment extending over 7 years for a loan of Rs.1,43,500/- @ 4% p.a. provided first year (12 months) is given as moratorium period. Months Opening Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 Principal Interest Total 1435 1435 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 1435 0 0 1435 Closing Balance 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 39 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Opening Balance 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 131541 131541 131541 131541 131541 131541 119582 119582 119582 119582 119582 119582 107623 107623 107623 107623 107623 107623 95664 95664 95664 95664 95664 95664 83705 83705 83705 83705 83705 83705 71746 71746 71746 71746 71746 71746 59787 59787 59787 59787 59787 59787 47828 47828 47828 47828 47828 47828 35869 35869 35869 Principal Interest 1435 1435 11959 1618 11959 1618 11959 1618 11959 1618 11959 1618 11959 1618 11959 1618 11959 1618 11959 1618 Total 0 0 1435 0 0 1435 0 0 0 0 0 13577 0 0 0 0 0 13577 0 0 0 0 0 13577 0 0 0 0 0 13577 0 0 0 0 0 13577 0 0 0 0 0 13577 0 0 0 0 0 13577 0 0 0 0 0 13577 0 0 0 0 0 13577 0 0 0 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Closing Balance 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 143500 131541 131541 131541 131541 131541 131541 119582 119582 119582 119582 119582 119582 107623 107623 107623 107623 107623 107623 95664 95664 95664 95664 95664 95664 83705 83705 83705 83705 83705 83705 71746 71746 71746 71746 71746 71746 59787 59787 59787 59787 59787 59787 47828 47828 47828 47828 47828 47828 35869 35869 35869 35869 40 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Opening Balance 35869 35869 35869 23910 23910 23910 23910 23910 23910 11951 11951 11951 11951 11951 11951 Principal Interest 11959 1618 11959 1618 11951 143500 1626 25164 Total 0 0 13577 0 0 0 0 0 13577 0 0 0 0 0 13577 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Closing Balance 35869 35869 23910 23910 23910 23910 23910 23910 11951 11951 11951 11951 11951 11951 0 41 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 11. TECHNO FEASIBILITY STATEMENT/REPORT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A MEAT SHOP Sl.No. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. Particulars FIXED CAPITAL: Building: Rented a room measuring (15X12) sq.ft. @ Rs. 1500 p.m. Cost of one Deep freezer/Refrigerator Cost of equipment and appliances (viz defeatherer, batcher knife, blow lamp, weighing balance, cage etc.) Misc. charge Total:Recurring expenditure(working capital) for 1 month: Cost of 750 kg of broiler birds @Rs 55/-per kg line wt.. Cost of 6 nos,. of pigs(assuming one pig weight about 70 kg) @ Rs 50/-per line wt. Cost of slaughtering charge and handling of the animals & birds Cost of polythin containers & other contingency charge. Amount(Rs.) Total:- Rs 45,000 Rs 18,000 Rs 30,000 Rs 10,000 Rs 2,000 Rs 60,000 41250/21,000/Rs 750/Rs 2,000 Total cost of the Scheme (A+B) = 1,25,000/- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. REPAYMENT SCHEDULE OF LOAN -----Total cost of scheme =Rs 1,25,000/Loan portion (90% of scheme) =Rs 1,18,800/Beneficiary contribution (10% scheme) =Rs 6,200/Rate of Interest = 4 % p.a. Period of repayment =7 years with a moratorium period of 1(one) year. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Opening Balance 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 108899 108899 108899 108899 108899 108899 98998 98998 Principal Interest 1188 1188 1188 1188 9901 1340 9901 1340 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 0 1188 0 0 1188 0 0 1188 0 0 1188 0 0 0 0 0 11241 0 0 0 0 0 11241 0 0 Closing Balance 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 118800 108899 108899 108899 108899 108899 108899 98998 98998 98998 42 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Loan amount Total Interest Total amount repayment Opening Balance 98998 98998 98998 98998 89097 89097 89097 89097 89097 89097 79196 79196 79196 79196 79196 79196 69295 69295 69295 69295 69295 69295 59394 59394 59394 59394 59394 59394 49493 49493 49493 49493 49493 49493 39592 39592 39592 39592 39592 39592 29691 29691 29691 29691 29691 29691 19790 19790 19790 19790 19790 19790 9889 9889 9889 9889 9889 9889 Principal = = = Interest 9901 1340 9901 1340 9901 1340 9901 1340 9901 1340 9901 1340 9901 1340 9901 1340 9901 1340 9889 118800 1352 20844 Total 0 0 0 11241 0 0 0 0 0 11241 0 0 0 0 0 11241 0 0 0 0 0 11241 0 0 0 0 0 11241 0 0 0 0 0 11241 0 0 0 0 0 11241 0 0 0 0 0 11241 0 0 0 0 0 11241 0 0 0 0 0 11241 Closing Balance 98998 98998 98998 89097 89097 89097 89097 89097 89097 79196 79196 79196 79196 79196 79196 69295 69295 69295 69295 69295 69295 59394 59394 59394 59394 59394 59394 49493 49493 49493 49493 49493 49493 39592 39592 39592 39592 39592 39592 29691 29691 29691 29691 29691 29691 19790 19790 19790 19790 19790 19790 9889 9889 9889 9889 9889 9889 0 Rs. 1,18,800/Rs. 20,832/Rs.1,39,632/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 43 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND INCOME OF THE MEAT SHOP A. Sl.No. 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 1. 2. 3. COST OF PRODUCTION:Particulars Cost of 9000 kg. of broiler birds. Cost of 5040 kg. of pork. Cost of Polythine bags & other contingency charges. Rent of building Cost of slaughtering and handling of animals./birds Bank loan recovery. Grand Total 1st Yr. 4,95,000 2nd Yr. 4,95,000 3rd Yr. 4,95,000 4th Yr. 4,95,000 5th Yr. 4,95,000 6th Yr. 7th Yr. 4,95,000 4,95,000 2,52,000 2,25,000 2,52,000 2,52,000 2,52000 2,52,000 2,52,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,00 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 4,720 24,193 23,403 22,616 21,829 21,043 20,256 7,90,720 8,10,193 8,09,403 8,08,616 8,07,829 8,07,043 8,06,256 3,15,000 3,15,000 3,15,000 3,15,000 3,15,000 3,15,000 3,15,000 2,99,250 2,99,250 2,99,250 2,99,250 2,99,250 2,99,250 2,99,250 Gross Income of the unit:Sale proceed of 4500 kg of broiler bird @Rs 70/-per kg.(50% of the stock)./ Sale proceed of 3150 kg. of broiler meat(the remaining 50%) @Rs 95/-(taking 70% dressing) Sale proceed of 3528 kg or pork (taking dressing as 70) @ Rs 70/per kg. Grand Total. 2,46,960 2,46,960 2,46,960 2,46,960 2,46,960 2,46,960 2,46,960 8,61,210 8,61,210 8,61,210 8,61,210 8,61,210 8,61,210 8,61,210 Net profit (A-B) 70,490 51,017 51,807 52,594 Monthly Income of the beneficiary = 53,381 54,167 54,954 Rs 4624/= Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 44 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 12 Financial implication for establishment of one Veterinary Clinical Centre cum Vety.Pharmacy (Small) ----A. Non-recurring expenditure :I. B. Renovation of one hired building Rs. 30,000/( 12x15)sq.ft. along with remodeling of required essential infrastructure of the clinic. II. Purchase ofone two wheeler motor Rs. 35,000/Cycle /scooter for outdoor visit of the clinic. III. Cost of essential equipments and appliances Rs. 60,000/(minimum requirement ) viz.operation table, refrigerator, microscope,hot air oven, clinical thermometer,glass wares, syringes scalpen, laboratory balance, forceps, scissors, knifes etc. IV. Electrification and watering of the clinic. Rs. 5,000/Clinic. _________________ Total Rs.1,30,000/Non-recurring Recurring Espenditure ( consolidated for 3 months ) I. Cost of propeitory drugs and medicine , Rs.1,50,000/Vaccines, Frozen semen etc. for selling to the owner of the patient through pharmacy. II. Consolidated pay of one qualified Vety. Rs. Self Graduate. III Consolidated pay of one trained VFA cum Rs.9,000/Sales man @ Rs.3000/- p.m. for 3 months. IV Consolidated pay of one attendent Rs.6,000/Cum chowkidar @ Rs.2,000/- p.m. for 3 months. V Miscellaneous expenditure Rs. 5,000/__________________ Rs.1,70,000/C. Total cost of the scheme (A+B ) Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur - Rs.3,00,000/- 45 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Annexure -I BANK LOAN REPAYMENT SCHEDULE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Estimated cost of the scheme Rs. 3,00,000/Contribution of the beneficiary (10 %) Rs. 30,000/Financial assistance from the Bank (90 %) Rs.2,70,000/Rate of interest 5 % p.a. Duration of repayment of loan -7 years with a moratorium period of 1 (one) year. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Opening Balance 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 247499 247499 247499 247499 247499 247499 224998 224998 224998 224998 224998 224998 202497 202497 202497 202497 202497 202497 179996 179996 179996 179996 179996 179996 157495 157495 157495 157495 157495 157495 134994 134994 Principal Interest 3375 3375 3375 3375 22501 3846 22501 3846 22501 3846 22501 3846 22501 3846 22501 3846 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 0 3375 0 0 3375 0 0 3375 0 0 3375 0 0 0 0 0 26347 0 0 0 0 0 26347 0 0 0 0 0 26347 0 0 0 0 0 26347 0 0 0 0 0 26347 0 0 0 0 0 26347 0 0 Closing Balance 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 270000 247499 247499 247499 247499 247499 247499 224998 224998 224998 224998 224998 224998 202497 202497 202497 202497 202497 202497 179996 179996 179996 179996 179996 179996 157495 157495 157495 157495 157495 157495 134994 134994 134994 46 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Opening Balance 134994 134994 134994 134994 112493 112493 112493 112493 112493 112493 89992 89992 89992 89992 89992 89992 67491 67491 67491 67491 67491 67491 44990 44990 44990 44990 44990 44990 22489 22489 22489 22489 22489 22489 Principal Interest 22501 3846 22501 3846 22501 3846 22501 3846 22501 3846 22489 270000 3858 59664 Loan amount Total interest Total amount payable Total 0 0 0 26347 0 0 0 0 0 26347 0 0 0 0 0 26347 0 0 0 0 0 26347 0 0 0 0 0 26347 0 0 0 0 0 26347 :::- Closing Balance 134994 134994 134994 112493 112493 112493 112493 112493 112493 89992 89992 89992 89992 89992 89992 67491 67491 67491 67491 67491 67491 44990 44990 44990 44990 44990 44990 22489 22489 22489 22489 22489 22489 0 Rs. 2,70,000/Rs. 59,652/Rs. 3,29,652/- . Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 47 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Annexure –1 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE SCHEME A. EXPENDITURE FOR I YEAR : Sl.no. Particulars 1st yr. 1. Consolidated pay of one VFA cum sales-man @Rs.2500/- p.m. 30,000 2. Consolidated pay of one attendant cum chowkidar @ Rs. 1500/- p.m. 18,000 3. Rent charge for hired building @ Rs.1500/- p.m. 18,000 4. Electric & water charges (L.S) 1800 5. Depreciation on equipment 20% 6. Depreciation on Building (15 %) – 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 2nd yr. 3rd yr 4th yr 5th yr. 6th yr. 7th yr. 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 12,000 9600 7680 6144 4915 3932 4,500 3,825 3,251 2,764 2349 1997 Depreciation on 3,500 Motor Cycle (10%) Renovation of Building (L.S.) 3000 Insurance premium 820 800 for Motor Cycle Insurance premium for 10,800 10,800 drugs/medicines/equipments Cost of essential medicines and materials for maintenance of the proposed clinic. 6,000 6,000 Misc. Expenditure 18,000 18,000 Bank loan repayment 13,500 57,938 3,150 2,835 2,552 2296 2067 3000 770 3000 730 3000 690 3000 650 3000 600 10,800 10,800 10,800 6,000 18,000 55,688 6,000 18,000 53,438 10,800 10,800 6,000 6,000 6,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 51,188 48,938 46,688 Grand total (Rs) :- 1,16,920/-1,84,338/- 1,78,633/- 1,73,534/- 1,68,938/- 1,64,748/- 1,60,884/- B. 1. GROSS INCOME :Treatment of patients @ Rs. 50/- per patient as Registration & treatment assuming at least 8 nos. of patients per day. 1,44,000 1,44,000 1,44,000 1,44,000 1,44,000 1,44,000 1,44,000 2. Minor operation charges @ Rs.150/- per operation assuming 6 cases per month. 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 3. Field visit /door step treatment @ Rs.300/-per case assuming 10 cases per month. 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 4. Vaccination/immunisation of animals @Rs.10/-per patients assuming at least60 patient per month 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 5. Marginal of 10% from sale of proprietary medicine / drug of assuming all medicines are cleared / sold in every 6 months 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 ______________________________________________________________________________ C. D. Grand Total (Rs.) :- 2,28,000 2,28,000 2,28,000 Net Profit (Rs) 1,11,080/43,662/- 49,367/Net monthly income of the beneficiary /practitioner :Rs.5333/- 2,28,000 54,466/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 2,28,000 59,062/- 2,28,000 63,252/- 2,28,000 67,116/- 48 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc FISHERY Scheme No.13. ESTABLISHMENT OF 1 HA. UNIT FISH FARM PONDS (BY EXCAVATION) UNDER SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT GENERATION PROGRAMME FOR EDUCATED AND UN – EDUCATED UNEMPLOYED YOUTHS IN MANIPUR, SHRI / SMT. (NAME OF THE FARMER/BENEFICIRY) …………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. FATHER/HUSBAND’S NAME. ……………………………………………………………. under village………………………………..under District, ..………………………..……… Manipur …………. under ……………… Patta No. ……………… C.S. Dag No…………… covering an area of …………………………. Comprising …………………….. ha. Water spread area. INTRODUCTION : The state of Manipur, located in the easternmost corner of North Eastern state of India, comprising 22,327 sq. km. with a total population of 23.34 lakhs (2001 – Census) is bestowed with numerous natural resources/wealths like lakes, beels, rivers, streams, low lying paddy fields etc. which provide an ample scope for development of pisciculture to produce table fish. The requirement of fish in the state estimates to the tune of 23,000 MT whereas the present level of production is only 16,500 MT. The scheme will be taken up under special employment Generation Programme for Educated/un Educated un-employed youths in Manipur during the year 2004 – 2005 to 2006-07 with the flow of finance from the Financial Institution/Bank with borrowers contribution. In addition, the Fisheries Department, Manipur will provide technical guidance and infrastructural facilities such as allowing the products to be marketed at the Departmental fish marketing stalls at Govt. approved rate as and when required. AIM AND OBJECTS: The scheme mainly aims at popularizing the practice of Fish Farming/Fish seed Farm for development of private entrepreneurship in such cultural practices. The projected plan of the proposed scheme aims at the development of ………… ha. Of water area out of the total available area of ……. Ha. Under patta ………. Dag. No. ……. Village …………. District, Manipur. The scheme will provide/generate self employment to the poor farmer and his family members by providing financial assistance from the Financial Institution/Agency and the beneficiary will bear the remaining portion as their own contribution. It further aims at the production of table fish and also to make it available to the consumers at reasonable prices. This will also add to the augmentation of fish production in the state and also to increase the per capita income of the farmers thereby leading to the upliftment the socio-economiccondition of the farmer above the poverty line. OBJECTIVE : The objective of the scheme is to construct Fish ponds, Godown-cumchowkider quarter, and purchase of farm implements, inputs etc. to produce ……………… table fish. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 49 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOCATION OF THE FARM: The farm will be located at ……………………………………….. village ……………………………….. District ……………………………………….. under Patta No. …………………… C.S.Dag No. …………………………. At a distance from Imphal / Bazar. Hence the total estimated cost of project / scheme plan is ……………….. only. THE DETAILS OF THE SCHEME TO BE IMPLEMENTED IS AS FOLLOWS: MODEL OF 1(ONE) HA. UNIT AREA OF FISH FARM POND CULTURE SCHEME HAVING AN EFFECTIVE WATER SPREAD AREA OF 0.80 HA. A. Capital Cost ( Non-Recuring) ( Rs. In lakhs) i) Constn. / excavation of 8 nos. of ponds having size of 50 x 20 x 1. 5m each with side slope of 1:2 involving excavated earth 4928 cum. @ 18.50 per cum. (MSR – 1998) 0.91 ii) Constn. of Chowkider-cum-godown size 10 x 3 = 30 sqm. With ekra walling and G.C.I. roofing @ Rs. 420/- per sq.m. 0.13 iii) Water pumping engine with accessories. 0.25 iv) Farm implement/equiptment (L.S.) 0.06 TOTAL : 1.35 B. Working Capital ( Recurring) : i) Lime 320 kgs. @ 400kg/ha. @ Rs. 7/kg. 0.022 ii) Raw-cow-dung 8 M.T. @ 10M.T. /ha.@ Rs.200/M.T. 0.016 iii) Single Supper Phosphate 320 kgs @ 400kg/ha. @ Rs. 5/- per kg. 0.016 iv) Urea 160 kgs. @ 200 kg/ha @ Rs.4/- per kg. 0.006 v) Muriate of potash 48 kgs @ 60kgs/ha. @ Rs. 5.60 oer kg. 0.003 0.066 vi)Fish Fingerlings (including) 10% to compensate mortality) -6600 nos @ 6000 per ha @ Rs. 1/- each. vii) Fish Feed @ 2500 kg/ha of MOC + R.B. 1:1 a) MOC-1000 kgs – Rs. 7/kg. 0.070 b) Rice brand 1000 kgs @ Rs. 5/kg. 0.050 viii) Annual depreciation 5% A- ii – iv 0.021 B- i – vii 0.012 ix) Staff/Labour a) Manager. b) Skill labour –cum-chowkidar @ Rs. 1000/- per 0.12 month for 12 months. c) Technical Staff :- will be engaged from time to time as and when required from the concerned Department. x) Contingencies. 0.02 xi) Insurance on working cost & Water PumpEngine @ 6.50 0.043 % Total :0.465 say Rs. 0.47 C. Grand Total :- (A+B) = 1.35+ 0.47 = 1.82 lakhs. D. Annual Income : Table fish 2400 kgs @ 3000 kgs/ha. 1.32 lakhs Production of @ Rs. 55/- per kg. E. SOURCE OF FINANCE : a) Cost of Scheme b) Loan (95 %) c) Borrowers contribution (5 %) Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur - (Rs. In Lakhs) 1.82 1.729 0.091 50 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc F. ECONOMICS OF THE SCHEME. Sl. No. Particulars. i) Scheme Cost. ii) Gross income as in D above. iii) Less Cultural Cost. iv) Depreciation (5%) v) Net income. vi) Period of repayment of loan. - vii) Repayment of loan with 4 % per annum in 12 half yearly equated installments with 1st year gestation period. viii) Net income during repayment of loan period. ix) Net income after completion of repayment of loan. x). B.C.R. at 15% G. Amount (Rs. In lakhs) 1.82 1.32 0.47 0.02 0.83 7(seven) years in 12 half yearly equated installment with moratorium period of 1 year. 0.17 0.66 0.83 1.76 Repayment of Loan : Repayment of loan amount with interest @ 4 % p.a. will be done in 12 equated half yearly installments. LOAN REPAYMENT CHART 1. Loan amount - 1.72,900/- lakhs 2. Rate of interest - 4 % per annum. 3. Period of Loan - 7 (years) years with a moratorium period of I year and repayable in 12 half yearly instalments. Months Opening Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 158491 158491 158491 158491 158491 158491 144082 144082 144082 144082 Principal Interest 1729 1729 1729 1729 14409 1950 14409 1950 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 0 1729 0 0 1729 0 0 1729 0 0 1729 0 0 1729 0 0 16359 0 0 0 0 0 16359 0 0 0 0 Closing Balance 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 172900 158491 158491 158491 158491 158491 158491 144082 144082 144082 144082 144082 51 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Opening Balance 144082 144082 129673 129673 129673 129673 129673 129673 115264 115264 115264 115264 115264 115264 100855 100855 100855 100855 100855 100855 86446 86446 86446 86446 86446 86446 72037 72037 72037 72037 72037 72037 57628 57628 57628 57628 57628 57628 43219 43219 43219 43219 43219 43219 28810 28810 28810 28810 28810 28810 14401 14401 14401 14401 14401 14401 Principal Interest 14409 1950 14409 1950 14409 1950 14409 1950 14409 1950 14409 1950 14409 1950 14409 1950 14409 1950 14401 172900 1958 32045 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 16359 0 0 0 0 0 16359 0 0 0 0 0 16359 0 0 0 0 0 16359 0 0 0 0 0 16359 0 0 0 0 0 16359 0 0 0 0 0 16359 0 0 0 0 0 16359 0 0 0 0 0 16359 0 0 0 0 0 16359 Closing Balance 144082 129673 129673 129673 129673 129673 129673 115264 115264 115264 115264 115264 115264 100855 100855 100855 100855 100855 100855 86446 86446 86446 86446 86446 86446 72037 72037 72037 72037 72037 72037 57628 57628 57628 57628 57628 57628 43219 43219 43219 43219 43219 43219 28810 28810 28810 28810 28810 28810 14401 14401 14401 14401 14401 14401 0 52 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc CASH FLOW STATEMENT Cash in flow Project year 1 2-7 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.35 0.47 0.45 1.82 0.47 (0.50) 0.85 0.870 3.291 1.15 + 4.35 = 5.5 1.58 + 1.55 = 3.13 5.50/3.13 = 1.76 Income Total A) Capital. B) Cultural. Total :Net Benefit D.F. at 15% P.W. benefit at 15% P.W. cost at 15% B.C.R. at 15% Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 53 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No.14 ESTABLISHMENT OF 1 HA. UNIT FISH FARM PONDS ( BY IMPOUNDING ) UNDER SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT GENERATION PROGRAMME FOR EDUCATED AND UN – EDUCATED UNEMPLOYED YOUTHS IN MANIPUR, SHRI / SMT. (NAME OF THE FARMER/BENEFICIARY) …………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. FATHER/HUSBAND’S NAME …….………………………………………………………. under village………………………………..under District, ..………………………..……… Manipur …………. under ……………… Patta No. ……………… C.S. Dag No…………… covering an area of …………………………. Comprising …………………….. ha. Water spread area. INTRODUCTION : The state of Manipur, located in the easternmost corner of North Eastern state of India, comprising 22,327 sq. km. with a total population of 23.34 lakhs (2001 – Census) is bestowed with numerous natural resources/wealths like lakes, beels, rivers, streams, low lying paddy fields etc. which provide an ample scope for development of pisciculture to produce table fish. The requirement of fish in the state estimates to the tune of 23,000 MT whereas the present level of production is only 16,500 MT. The scheme will be taken up under special employment Generation Programme for Educated/un Educated un-employed youths in Manipur during the year 2004 – 2005 to 2006-07 with the flow of finance from the Financial Institution/Bank with borrowers contribution. In addition, the Fisheries Department, Manipur will provide technical guidance and infrastructural facilities such as allowing the products to be marketed at the Departmental fish marketing stalls at Govt. approved rate as and when required. AIM AND OBJECTS: The scheme mainly aims at popularizing the practice of Fish Farming/Fish seed Farm for development of private entrepreneurship in such cultural practices. The projected plan of the proposed scheme aims at the development of ………… ha. Of water area out of the total available area of ……. Ha. Under patta ………. Dag. No. ……. Village …………. District, Manipur. The scheme will provide/generate self employment to the poor farmer and his family members by providing financial assistance from the Financial Institution/Agency and the beneficiary will bear the remaining portion as their own contribution. It further aims at the production of table fish and also to make it available to the consumers at reasonable prices. This will also add to the augmentation of fish production in the state and also to increase the per capita income of the farmers thereby leading to the upliftment the socio-economiccondition of the farmer above the poverty line. OBJECTIVE : The objective of the scheme is to construct Fish ponds, Godown-cumchowkidar quarter, and purchase of farm implements, inputs etc. to produce ……………… table fish. LOCATION OF THE FARM: The farm will be located at ……………………………………….. village ……………………………….. District ……………………………………….. under Patta No. …………………… C.S.Dag No. …………………………. at a distance from Imphal / Bazar. Hence the total estimated cost of project / scheme plan is ……………….. only. THE DETAILS OF THE SCHEME TO BE IMPLEMENTED IS AS FOLLOWS: MODEL OF 1(ONE) HA. UNIT AREA OF FISH FARM POND CULTURE SCHEME HAVING AN EFFECTIVE WATER SPREAD AREA OF 0.80 HA. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 54 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc A. Capital Cost ( Non-Recurring) i) Constn. of ponds & main ring bund size-Top – 1.5m, Base-7.5m. Height 1.5m., Length – 464m. with side slope 1:2, involving 3173 cum. including dressing of side, ramming of bottom lift upto 15m. including getting out of excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50m. in hard and dene soil @ Rs. 18.50/cum. (MSR-1998). ii) Constn. of Chowkider-cum-godown size 10 x 3 m With G.C.I. and walling @ Rs. 420/- per sq.m. ( Rs. In lakhs) 0.60 0.13 0.25 0.06 TOTAL : 1.04 iii) Water pumping set with accessories. iv) Farm implement/equipments. B. WORKING CAPITAL ( RECURRING) : i) Lime 300 kgs. @ 400kg/ha. @ Rs. 7/kg. ii) Raw-cow-dung 7.5 M.T. @ 10M.T. /ha.@ Rs.200/M.T. iii) Single Supper Phosphate 300 kgs @ 400kg /ha.@ 0.021 0.015 0.015 Rs. 5/- kg. iv) Urea 150 kgs. @ 200 kg/ha @ Rs.4/- per kg. v) Potash 30kgs @ 60kgs/ per ha. @ Rs. 5.60 oer kg. vi) Cost of fish fingerlings 4950 @ 6000 nos per ha. (including) 10% to compensate mortality) @ Rs. 1/- per each. vii) Fish feed–1875 kgs @ 2800 kg/ha of M.O.C. + R.B.) 1:1 M.O.C.-937.50 – Rs. 7/kg. Rice brand 937.50 - Rs. 5/kg. viii) Depreciation (5%) : A – ii, iii, iv B – I – vii ix) Staff/Labour Manager. Skill labour –cum-chowkidar @ Rs. 1000/- per month for 12 months. C. D. E. F. 0.006 0.002 0.049 0.066 0.047 0.022 0.011 Self 0.12 x) Contingencies. 0.05 xi) Insurance on working cost & Water pump Engine @ 0.043 6.50 % Total 0.457 :say Rs. 0.46 lakhs Grand Total :- (A+B) = 1.05+ 0.45 = Rs. 1.50 lakhs. Annual Income : Table fish 2250 @ 3000 kgs/ha. 1.24 lakhs Production of @ Rs. 55/- per kg. (Rs. In Lakhs) SOURCE OF FINANCE : Cost of Scheme 1.50 Loan (95 %) 1.425 Borrowers contribution (5 %) 0.075 ECONOMICS OF THE SCHEME. Sl. No. Particulars. i) Scheme Cost. ii) Gross income as in D above. iii) Less Cultural Cost. iv) Depreciation (5%) v) Net income. vi) Period of repayment of loan. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur - Amount (Rs. In lakhs) 1.50 1.24 0.46 0.02 0.76 7(seven) years in 12 half yearly equated installments with a moratorium period 55 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc of 1 year. G. vii) Repayment of loan with interest @ 4 % per annum in 12 half yearly basis in with 1st year gestation period. viii) Net income during repayment of loan period. ix) Net income after completion of repayment of loan. x). B.C.R. at 15% 0.14 - 1.83 0.62 0.76 Repayment of Loan : Repayment of loan amount with 4 % interest will be done in 12 equated half yearly installments with a moratorium period of 1 year. LOAN REPAYMENT CHART 1. Loan amount 1,42,500/2. Rate of interest 4 % per annum. 7 (seven) yrs. with a moratorium period of 1 year and instalments. Months Opening Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 130625 130625 130625 130625 130625 130625 118750 118750 118750 118750 118750 118750 106875 106875 106875 106875 106875 106875 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 Principal Interest 1425 1425 1425 1425 11875 1608 11875 1608 11875 1608 11875 1608 11875 1608 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 0 1425 0 0 1425 0 0 1425 0 0 1425 0 0 0 0 0 13483 0 0 0 0 0 13483 0 0 0 0 0 13483 0 0 0 0 0 13483 0 0 0 0 0 13483 repayable in 12 half yearly Closing Balance 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 130625 130625 130625 130625 130625 130625 118750 118750 118750 118750 118750 118750 106875 106875 106875 106875 106875 106875 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 83125 56 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Opening Balance 83125 83125 83125 83125 83125 83125 71250 71250 71250 71250 71250 71250 59375 59375 59375 59375 59375 59375 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 35625 35625 35625 35625 35625 35625 23750 23750 23750 23750 23750 23750 11875 11875 11875 11875 11875 11875 Principal Interest 11875 1608 11875 1608 11875 1608 11875 1608 11875 1608 11875 1608 11875 142500 1608 24996 Total 0 0 0 0 0 13483 0 0 0 0 0 13483 0 0 0 0 0 13483 0 0 0 0 0 13483 0 0 0 0 0 13483 0 0 0 0 0 13483 0 0 0 0 0 13483 Closing Balance 83125 83125 83125 83125 83125 71250 71250 71250 71250 71250 71250 59375 59375 59375 59375 59375 59375 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 35625 35625 35625 35625 35625 35625 23750 23750 23750 23750 23750 23750 11875 11875 11875 11875 11875 11875 0 CASH FLOW STATEMENT Cash in flow Project year 1 2-7 1.24 1.24 Income Total 1.24 1.24 A) Capital. B) Cultural. Total :Net Benefit D.F. at 15% P.W. benefit at 15% P.W. cost at 15% B.C.R. at 15% 1.04 0.46 0.46 1.50 0.46 (0.26) 0.79 0.870 3.291 1.079 + 4.08 = 5.159 1.305 + 1.51 = 2.815 5.159/2.815= 1.83 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 57 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No.15. Establishment of Fish selling booth (Small) Introduction : Most of the people in Manipur takes fish. Location of stall is an important factor for more volume of business. Therefore, this should be located in a central place of town or city where there is more demand for fish. FINANCIAL DETAILS: A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1) Land & Building ( Rented) Security Deposit or the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery Deep Freezer and , wash basin , Chopper, pump Common balance with weight etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture and Fixture 5. Preliminary & preoperative expenses. Total FIXED Capital : B) WORKING CAPITAL 6. Raw Materials ( RM) ( Per month) 7. Salary and wages ( per month) Employment to be generated 3 nos. 8. Utilities and overhead expenses (Per month) Rent of Building Working Capital ( Per month) Total Working Capital Requirement for: 1 month C) Total Capital Investment ( A+B) D) Funding Pattern: Banks Benif. Contn. Share 1,90,000/10,000/E) Cost of production ( per month) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10 % of plant & machinery, other assets & furniture & fixture. (iii) Interest on total capital Investment @ 6 % per annum Cost of Production per month: F) Financial Return ( per month) RM cost + 25% of RM G) Profit ( per month) (i) Financial Return (ii) Cost of production (-) Profit per month H) Break even Point( BEP) (I) Fixed cost = 40 % of salary + Interest+ Depreciation (ii) Profit BEP= F.C ( FC+ Profit)% Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 1,000/20,000/70,000/- 10,000/2,000/1,02,000/87,000/6,000/4,000/1,000/98,000/98,000/2,00,000/Total 2,00,000/98,000/833/600/850/1,00,283/1,08,750/- 1,08,750/1,00,283/8,467/4,233/8,467/33.33% 58 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Loan repayment Chart 1. Bank of Loan 2. Interest on loan 3. Period of Loan yearly instalments. Rs. 1,90,000/4 % per annum. - 7 years with a moratorium period of 1 year and repayable in 12 half Months Opening Principal Interest Total Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 174167 174167 174167 174167 174167 174167 158334 158334 158334 158334 158334 158334 142501 142501 142501 142501 142501 142501 126668 126668 126668 126668 126668 126668 110835 110835 110835 110835 110835 110835 95002 95002 1900 1900 1900 1900 15833 2100 15833 2100 15833 2100 15833 2100 15833 2100 15833 2100 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 1900 0 0 1900 0 0 1900 0 0 1900 0 0 0 0 0 17933 0 0 0 0 0 17933 0 0 0 0 0 17933 0 0 0 0 0 17933 0 0 0 0 0 17933 0 0 0 0 0 17933 0 0 Closing Balance 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 174167 174167 174167 174167 174167 174167 158334 158334 158334 158334 158334 158334 142501 142501 142501 142501 142501 142501 126668 126668 126668 126668 126668 126668 110835 110835 110835 110835 110835 110835 95002 95002 95002 59 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Opening Balance 51 95002 52 95002 53 95002 54 95002 55 79169 56 79169 57 79169 58 79169 59 79169 60 79169 61 63336 62 63336 63 63336 64 63336 65 63336 66 63336 67 47503 68 47503 69 47503 70 47503 71 47503 72 47503 73 31670 74 31670 75 31670 76 31670 77 31670 78 31670 79 15837 80 15837 81 15837 82 15837 83 15837 84 15837 Principal Interest Total 15833 2100 15833 2100 15833 2100 15833 2100 15833 2100 15837 190000 2096 32796 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 0 17933 0 0 0 0 0 17933 0 0 0 0 0 17933 0 0 0 0 0 17933 0 0 0 0 0 17933 0 0 0 0 0 17933 Closing Balance 95002 95002 95002 79169 79169 79169 79169 79169 79169 63336 63336 63336 63336 63336 63336 47503 47503 47503 47503 47503 47503 31670 31670 31670 31670 31670 31670 15837 15837 15837 15837 15837 15837 0 60 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No.16. PROPOSAL FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF HEALTH CLINICS IN PRIVATE SECTOR IN STATE OF MANIPUR (Small) 1.INTRODUCTION: Manipur is a state of valley surrounded by hilly terrain having an area of 22,356 sq. km. It has a population of 23,88,068 (2001) with myriad dialects, different cultures and socio-economic standards having a literacy rate of 68.78%. Further the rural and hill areas are sparsely populated with small villages scattered far and wide with poor road communication facility. Many areas, especially in the hill are inaccessible during monsoon season. The disease pattern prevailing in the state is predominantly communicable followed by diseases due to poor hygiene and sanitation and malnutrition. i) Communicable diseases:• Arthropod-borne disease-Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis • Respiratory infections- T.B, Measles and Acute respiratory Infections • Intestinal Infections-Acute diarrhoeal diseases, Typhoid fever, Amoebiasis, Helminthiasis ii) Dental diseasesiii) Nutritional - Dental caries and Peri-odontal diseases Malnutrition specially in women (pregnant) and Children. The current health problem in the state is lack of equitable quality Primary Health Care which may be contained to a large extent by incorporating private sectors in the existing Health infrastructure of the Government specially in remote rural and hill areas. DISTRICT-WISE HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE STATE Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 District Imphal East Imphal West Thoubal Bishenpur Churachandpur Chandel Tamenglong Ukhrul Senapati State Hospitals Govt. Private Community Health Centres Primary Health Centres Primary Health SubCentres Medical Dispensary ISM & Homeo Dispensaries 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 16 19 12 5 9 3 6 6 12 72 104 58 36 61 26 29 40 66 420 7 0 0 7 0 2 2 2 20 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 3 26 5 1 3 0 0 1 1 40 The existing health infrastructure seems to satisfy in quantity but suffers from lack of quality basic health care due to various reasons mentioned e.g lack of equitable distribution of resources, law and order problems . Further majority of Health Institutions are run by Government sector. In such a situation, Private sector involvement is ensured by establishing a network of Private Health Clinics, the present health problem in the state may be solved and efficient primary health care may rendered to the people of the state. Strength- There are more than 300 unemployed Medical Graduates and a number of Homeopathic and ISM Medical Graduates Proposal –(1) It is proposed to establish three different categories viz:- (i) big, (ii) medium and (iii) small Private Health Clinics in the State (Allopathic, ISM & Homeopathic) in the State. (2) Similarly, it is also proposed to establish dental clinics of three different categories i.e :- big, medium and small size in the state. Distribution – The district-wise population of the State as per 2001 Census is shown below. The clinics to be opened may be distributed in the state on the basis of district-wise population. DISTRICT-WISE POPULATION OF MANIPUR (2001 CENSUS) Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of district Imphal East Imphal West Thoubal Bishenpur Churachandpur Population 393780 439532 366341 205907 228707 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur % of Population 16.49 18.40 15.34 8.62 9.57 61 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 6 7 8 9 Chandel Tamenglong Ukhrul Senapati 122714 111493 140946 379214 5.14 4.67 5.90 15.88 Total 2388634 100.00 Aims and objective of Private Health clinics(i) To provide local health services to the community (ii) To provide Basic Laboratory Services (iii) To conduct Routine Immunization sessions and ante-natal check-up (iv) Participate in National Health Programmes of relevance (v) Collection and reporting of vital statistics (vi) Periodic Health Education Resources (i) Large number of unemployed Doctors and paramedics (ii) Loan available for establishment of Private clinics Team composition (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Medical Practitioner- Qualified Doctor/ Dental Surgeon Trained Nurse/ Health Worker Trained Medical Laboratory Technician General duty Attendant Organization of Private Medical Clinic (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) To provide health care of the community in the clinic as well as at the residence of the patient in case need To conduct immunization sessions of children and pregnant women at least once in a week To conduct ante-natal check-up of pregnant women To be involved in the ongoing National Health Programmes of relevance in the area To provide basic pathological laboratory services To conduct Health Education session specially to get the community informed about the local health problem and motivate people to be self reliant and responsible for the health of the members of the family To maintain record of activities and report about vital statistics to the Health Authority BUILDINGDetails of space requirement for each category of clinic is enclosed in separate sheets. (Copies enclosed). The building may be rented or own. Equipment, Furniture:Details of equipments required and administrative accessories required for establishment of the clinics are enclosed in separate sheets. The list show the requirements to be purchased one time at the establishment of the clinics. Details of the consumables for the maintenance is not shown. The expenditure for purchase articles required at the time of establishment of the clinics are to be met out of the loan and margin money and those required for further maintenance are to be purchased from the earnings of the clinics. Fund requirement The expenditure on salaries on the staff, clinic maintenance will be borne out of the monthly earnings of the clinic. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 62 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 2,74,500/Interest of Loan =5% per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Opening Balance 274500 274500 274500 274500 274500 274500 274500 274500 274500 263942 263942 263942 253384 253384 253384 242826 242826 242826 232268 232268 232268 221710 221710 221710 211152 211152 211152 200594 200594 200594 190036 190036 190036 179478 179478 179478 168920 168920 168920 158362 158362 158362 147804 147804 147804 137246 137246 137246 126688 126688 126688 116130 116130 116130 105572 105572 Principal Interest 3431 3431 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 3431 0 0 3431 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 Balance 274500 274500 274500 274500 274500 274500 274500 274500 274500 263942 263942 263942 253384 253384 253384 242826 242826 242826 232268 232268 232268 221710 221710 221710 211152 211152 211152 200594 200594 200594 190036 190036 190036 179478 179478 179478 168920 168920 168920 158362 158362 158362 147804 147804 147804 137246 137246 137246 126688 126688 126688 116130 116130 116130 105572 105572 105572 63 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Opening Balance 105572 95014 95014 95014 84456 84456 84456 73898 73898 73898 63340 63340 63340 52782 52782 52782 42224 42224 42224 31666 31666 31666 21108 21108 21108 10550 10550 10550 Principal Interest 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10558 1874 10550 274500 1882 55594 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 0 0 12432 Balance 95014 95014 95014 84456 84456 84456 73898 73898 73898 63340 63340 63340 52782 52782 52782 42224 42224 42224 31666 31666 31666 21108 21108 21108 10550 10550 10550 0 64 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No.17. PROPOSAL FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF HEALTH CLINICS IN PRIVATE SECTOR IN STATE OF MANIPUR 1.INTRODUCTION: Manipur is a state of valley surrounded by hilly terrain having an area of 22,356 sq. km. It has a population of 23,88,068 (2001) with myriad dialects, different cultures and socio-economic standards having a literacy rate of 68.78%. Further the rural and hill areas are sparsely populated with small villages scattered far and wide with poor road communication facility. Many areas, especially in the hill are inaccessible during monsoon season. The disease pattern prevailing in the state is predominantly communicable followed by diseases due to poor hygiene and sanitation and malnutrition. i) Communicable diseases:• Arthropod-borne disease-Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis • Respiratory infections- T.B, Measles and Acute respiratory Infections • Intestinal Infections-Acute diarrhoeal diseases, Typhoid fever, Amoebiasis, Helminthiasis ii) Dental diseasesiii) Nutritional - Dental caries and Peri-odontal diseases Malnutrition specially in women (pregnant) and Children. The current health problem in the state is lack of equitable quality Primary Health Care which may be contained to a large extent by incorporating private sectors in the existing Health infrastructure of the Government specially in remote rural and hill areas. DISTRICT-WISE HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE STATE Hospitals Sl.No District Govt. Private Community Health Centres 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Imphal East Imphal West Thoubal Bishenpur Churachandpur Chandel Tamenglong Ukhrul Senapati State 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 26 5 1 3 0 0 1 1 40 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 16 Primary Health Centres Primary Health SubCentres Medical Dispensary ISM & Homeo Dispensaries 19 12 5 9 3 6 6 12 72 104 58 36 61 26 29 40 66 420 7 0 0 7 0 2 2 2 20 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 The existing health infrastructure seems to satisfy in quantity but suffers from lack of quality basic health care due to various reasons mentioned e.g lack of equitable distribution of resources, law and order problems . Further majority of Health Institutions are run by Government sector. In such a situation, Private sector involvement is ensured by establishing a network of Private Health Clinics, the present health problem in the state may be solved and efficient primary health care may rendered to the people of the state. Strength- There are more than 300 unemployed Medical Graduates and a number of Homeopathic and ISM Medical Graduates Proposal –(1) It is proposed to establish three different categories viz:- (i) big, (ii) medium and (iii) small Private Health Clinics in the State (Allopathic, ISM & Homeopathic) in the State. (2) Similarly, it is also proposed to establish dental clinics of three different categories i.e :- big, medium and small size in the state. Distribution – The district-wise population of the State as per 2001 Census is shown below. The clinics to be opened may be distributed in the state on the basis of district-wise population. DISTRICT-WISE POPULATION OF MANIPUR (2001 CENSUS) Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 Name of district Imphal East Imphal West Thoubal Bishenpur Population 393780 439532 366341 205907 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur % of Population 16.49 18.40 15.34 8.62 65 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 5 6 7 8 9 Churachandpur Chandel Tamenglong Ukhrul Senapati 228707 122714 111493 140946 379214 9.57 5.14 4.67 5.90 15.88 Total 2388634 100.00 Aims and objective of Private Health clinics(i) To provide local health services to the community (ii) To provide Basic Laboratory Services (iii) To conduct Routine Immunization sessions and ante-natal check-up (iv) Participate in National Health Programmes of relevance (v) Collection and reporting of vital statistics (vi) Periodic Health Education Resources (i) Large number of unemployed Doctors and paramedics (ii) Loan available for establishment of Private clinics Team composition (i) Medical Practitioner- Qualified Doctor/ Dental Surgeon (ii) Trained Nurse/ Health Worker (iii) Trained Medical Laboratory Technician (iv) General duty Attendant Organization of Private Medical Clinic (i) To provide health care of the community in the clinic as well as at the residence of the patient in case need (ii) To conduct immunization sessions of children and pregnant women at least once in a week (iii) To conduct ante-natal check-up of pregnant women (iv) To be involved in the ongoing National Health Programmes of relevance in the area (v) To provide basic pathological laboratory services (vi) To conduct Health Education session specially to get the community informed about the local health problem and motivate people to be self reliant and responsible for the health of the members of the family (vii) To maintain record of activities and report about vital statistics to the Health Authority BUILDINGDetails of space requirement for each category of clinic is enclosed in separate sheets. (Copies enclosed). The building may be rented or own. Equipment, Furniture:Details of equipments required and administrative accessories required for establishment of the clinics are enclosed in separate sheets. The list show the requirements to be purchased one time at the establishment of the clinics. Details of the consumables for the maintenance is not shown. The expenditure for purchase articles required at the time of establishment of the clinics are to be met out of the loan and margin money and those required for further maintenance are to be purchased from the earnings of the clinics. Fund requirement The expenditure on salaries on the staff, clinic maintenance will be borne out of the monthly earnings of the clinic. Establishment of Medical Clinics (Medium) I Staffing Norms Sl. No Category Strength 1 Registered Medical Grauduate 1 2 Trained Nurse 1 3 Laboratory Technician 1 4 Attendants 2 Total II Space Norms Sl. No. of No Rooms 1 Waiting Room 1 Grade Area in sq.m. 14.0 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 66 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 2 3 3 4 III Sl. No 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Consultation Room Injection/Dressing/Sterilization room Laboratory/Specimen collection room Lavatories Total PNEUMATIC, STERILIZATION & EQUIPMENTS Particulars of Equipment Emergency Resuscitation kit Diagnostic Set B.P. Instrument Stethoscope Thermometer Hammer, Tuning Fork Ophthalmoscope Weighing Machine Suction apparatus (electrical) Suction apparatus (Footl) Dressing Drum Gynae Exam. Set Surgical Exam. Set Dental Set ENT Exam. Set Incision and Drainage Set Delivery set Torch light Emergency Set Instrument Sterilizer Autoclave HP (vertical) Autoclave with burners 2 bin 1 1 1 1 5 17.5 14.5 12.00 9.0 67.0 Unit price 20000.00 475.00 490.00 425.00 29.00 40.00 10000.00 680.00 10200.00 1550.00 275.00 2500.00 1500.00 20000.00 1500.00 2000.00 2000.00 300.00 3400.00 3000.00 30000.00 6000.00 No. of Unit Unit price 43200.00 22000.00 6000.00 7300.00 1350.00 440.00 700.00 2186.00 3620.00 305.00 300.00 145.00 300.00 3200.00 800.00 85.00 5520.00 600.00 1450.00 1350.00 3400.00 6200.00 16490.00 No. of Unit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total IV Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 V 1 2 3 4 5 Amount per clinic 20000.00 475.00 490.00 425.00 29.00 40.00 10000.00 680.00 10200.00 1550.00 275.00 2500.00 1500.00 20000.00 1500.00 2000.00 2000.00 300.00 3400.00 3000.00 30000.00 6000.00 116364.00 CLINIC PLANTS Particulars of Equipment Generator set with cable A/C with stabilizer Water storage tank Instrument cabinet Wash basin with stand Instrument tray Wooden bench with arms Wooden sunmica table (medium) Revolving chair File rack Dressing drum Lifting forcep Water filter Examination table Revolving stool Kidney tray Steel Almirah Foot Steps Bedside screen stand Saline stand (i.v. stand) Emergency lamp FireExtinguisher Refrigerator 300litres Total LaboratoryEquipments Microscope Simple Balance Water bath Hot air oven Counting chamber 24000.00 1650.00 990.00 45200.00 650.00 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Amount per clinic 43200.00 22000.00 6000.00 7300.00 1350.00 440.00 2800.00 2186.00 3620.00 305.00 300.00 435.00 300.00 3200.00 2400.00 340.00 5520.00 600.00 1450.00 1350.00 3400.00 6200.00 16490.00 131186.00 24000.00 1650.00 990.00 45200.00 650.00 67 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 6 7 8 9 10 Centrifuge machine Glucometer Haemoglinometer Timer stop watch Laboratory table with sink rack VI 1 2 3 Administrative Telephone land line Computer Computer station 12000.00 12000.00 640.00 45000.00 45000.00 1 1 1 1 1 2000.00 50000.00 5000.00 1 1 1 Total VII VIII IX 12000.00 12000.00 640.00 45000.00 4500.00 146630.00 2000.00 50000.00 5000.00 Total 57000.00 Since the working capital will not be provided under the project, the total capital expenditure will be quivalent to the cost of the project,.therefor, Total cost of the project = Rs.4,51,180/-, say, Rs. 4,51,000/FUNDING PATTERN : Bank's share Promoters Contrn. Total Rs. 4.059 lakhs Rs.0.451 lakhs Rs.4.51 lakhs. Repayment Schedule Overleaf LOAN REPAYMENTCHART Bank Loan = Rs. 4,06,000/Interest of Loan =5% per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Opening Balance 405900 405900 405900 405900 405900 405900 405900 405900 405900 390287 390287 390287 374674 374674 374674 359061 359061 359061 343448 343448 343448 327835 327835 327835 312222 312222 312222 296609 296609 296609 280996 280996 280996 265383 265383 265383 Principal Interest 5074 5074 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 5074 0 0 5074 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 Balance 405900 405900 405900 405900 405900 405900 405900 405900 405900 390287 390287 390287 374674 374674 374674 359061 359061 359061 343448 343448 343448 327835 327835 327835 312222 312222 312222 296609 296609 296609 280996 280996 280996 265383 265383 265383 249770 68 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Opening Balance 37 249770 38 249770 39 249770 40 234157 41 234157 42 234157 43 218544 44 218544 45 218544 46 202931 47 202931 48 202931 49 187318 50 187318 51 187318 52 171705 53 171705 54 171705 55 156092 56 156092 57 156092 58 140479 59 140479 60 140479 61 124866 62 124866 63 124866 64 109253 65 109253 66 109253 67 93640 68 93640 69 93640 70 78027 71 78027 72 78027 73 62414 74 62414 75 62414 76 46801 77 46801 78 46801 79 31188 80 31188 81 31188 82 15575 83 15575 84 15575 Total: Principal Interest 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15613 2770 15575 405900 2808 82206 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 0 0 18383 Balance 249770 249770 234157 234157 234157 218544 218544 218544 202931 202931 202931 187318 187318 187318 171705 171705 171705 156092 156092 156092 140479 140479 140479 124866 124866 124866 109253 109253 109253 93640 93640 93640 78027 78027 78027 62414 62414 62414 46801 46801 46801 31188 31188 31188 15575 15575 15575 0 69 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 18. PROPOSAL FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF HEALTH CLINICS IN PRIVATE SECTOR IN STATE OF MANIPUR 1.INTRODUCTION: Manipur is a state of valley surrounded by hilly terrain having an area of 22,356 sq. km. It has a population of 23,88,068 (2001) with myriad dialects, different cultures and socio-economic standards having a literacy rate of 68.78%. Further the rural and hill areas are sparsely populated with small villages scattered far and wide with poor road communication facility. Many areas, especially in the hill are inaccessible during monsoon season. The disease pattern prevailing in the state is predominantly communicable followed by diseases due to poor hygiene and sanitation and malnutrition. i) Communicable diseases:• Arthropod-borne disease-Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis • Respiratory infections- T.B, Measles and Acute respiratory Infections • Intestinal Infections-Acute diarrhoeal diseases, Typhoid fever, Amoebiasis, Helminthiasis ii) Dental diseasesiii) Nutritional - Dental caries and Peri-odontal diseases Malnutrition specially in women (pregnant) and Children. The current health problem in the state is lack of equitable quality Primary Health Care which may be contained to a large extent by incorporating private sectors in the existing Health infrastructure of the Government specially in remote rural and hill areas. DISTRICT-WISE HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE STATE Hospitals Sl.No District Govt. Private Community Health Centres 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Imphal East Imphal West Thoubal Bishenpur Churachandpur Chandel Tamenglong Ukhrul Senapati State 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 26 5 1 3 0 0 1 1 40 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 16 Primary Health Centres Primary Health SubCentres Medical Dispensary ISM & Homeo Dispensaries 19 12 5 9 3 6 6 12 72 104 58 36 61 26 29 40 66 420 7 0 0 7 0 2 2 2 20 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 The existing health infrastructure seems to satisfy in quantity but suffers from lack of quality basic health care due to various reasons mentioned e.g lack of equitable distribution of resources, law and order problems . Further majority of Health Institutions are run by Government sector. In such a situation, Private sector involvement is ensured by establishing a network of Private Health Clinics, the present health problem in the state may be solved and efficient primary health care may rendered to the people of the state. Strength- There are more than 300 unemployed Medical Graduates and a number of Homeopathic and ISM Medical Graduates Proposal –(1) It is proposed to establish three different categories viz:- (i) big, (ii) medium and (iii) small Private Health Clinics in the State (Allopathic, ISM & Homeopathic) in the State. (2) Similarly, it is also proposed to establish dental clinics of three different categories i.e :- big, medium and small size in the state. Distribution – The district-wise population of the State as per 2001 Census is shown below. The clinics to be opened may be distributed in the state on the basis of district-wise population. DISTRICT-WISE POPULATION OF MANIPUR (2001 CENSUS) Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of district Imphal East Imphal West Thoubal Bishenpur Churachandpur Population 393780 439532 366341 205907 228707 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur % of Population 16.49 18.40 15.34 8.62 9.57 70 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 6 7 8 9 Chandel Tamenglong Ukhrul Senapati 122714 111493 140946 379214 5.14 4.67 5.90 15.88 Total 2388634 100.00 Aims and objective of Private Health clinics(vii) To provide local health services to the community (viii) To provide Basic Laboratory Services (ix) To conduct Routine Immunization sessions and ante-natal check-up (x) Participate in National Health Programmes of relevance (xi) Collection and reporting of vital statistics (xii) Periodic Health Education Resources (iii) Large number of unemployed Doctors and paramedics (iv) Loan available for establishment of Private clinics Team composition (v) Medical Practitioner- Qualified Doctor/ Dental Surgeon (vi) Trained Nurse/ Health Worker (vii) Trained Medical Laboratory Technician (viii) General duty Attendant Organization of Private Medical Clinic (viii) To provide health care of the community in the clinic as well as at the residence of the patient in case need (ix) To conduct immunization sessions of children and pregnant women at least once in a week (x) To conduct ante-natal check-up of pregnant women (xi) To be involved in the ongoing National Health Programmes of relevance in the area (xii) To provide basic pathological laboratory services (xiii) To conduct Health Education session specially to get the community informed about the local health problem and motivate people to be self reliant and responsible for the health of the members of the family (xiv) To maintain record of activities and report about vital statistics to the Health Authority BUILDINGDetails of space requirement for each category of clinic is enclosed in separate sheets. (Copies enclosed). The building may be rented or own. Equipment, Furniture:Details of equipments required and administrative accessories required for establishment of the clinics are enclosed in separate sheets. The list show the requirements to be purchased one time at the establishment of the clinics. Details of the consumables for the maintenance is not shown. The expenditure for purchase articles required at the time of establishment of the clinics are to be met out of the loan and margin money and those required for further maintenance are to be purchased from the earnings of the clinics. Fund requirement The expenditure on salaries on the staff, clinic maintenance will be borne out of the monthly earnings of the clinic. I Sl. No 1 2 Establishment of Dental Clinics (Small) Staffing Norms Category Dental Surgeon Attendants Strength Total II Sl. No 1 2 3 4 Grade 1 2 3 Space Norms No. of Rooms Waiting Room Consultation Room Dental Workshop Lavatories Total 1 1 1 1 4 Area in sq.m. 14.0 17.5 17.5 9.0 58.0 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 71 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc III Sl. No 1 2 3 5 6 7 IV Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 V 1 VI VII VIII PNEUMATIC, STERILIZATION & EQUIPMENTS No. of Amount Particulars of Equipment Unit price Unit per clinic Dental Unit 49500.00 1 49500.00 Dental Chair 150000.00 1 150000.00 Shadowless lamp (mobile) 26500.00 1 26500.00 Autoclave with burners 2 bin 6000.00 1 6000.00 Suction apparatus (foot) 1555.00 1 1555.00 Instrument sterilizer 3000.00 1 3000.00 Total 236555.00 CLINIC PLANTS No. of Amount Particulars of Equipment Unit price Unit per clinic Generator 43200.00 1 43200.00 water storage tank 1000ltrs 6000.00 1 6000.00 Instrument cabinet 7300 1 7300.00 Wash basin stand 1350 1 1350.00 Instrument tray 440 1 440.00 Wooden bench with arm 700 4 2800.00 Wooden sunmica table (medium) 2186 1 2186.00 Revolving chair 3620 1 3620.00 File rack 305 1 305.00 Dessing drum 300 1 300.00 Lifting forceps 145 3 435.00 Water filter 640 1 640.00 Total; 68576.00 Administrative Telephone 2000.00 1 2000.00 Total 2000.00 Since the working capital will not be provided under the project, the total capital expenditure will be equivalent to the total cost of the project. Therefore, Total cost of the project = Rs.3,07,131/-, say, Rs.3,07,000/FUNDING PATTERN Bank's share (90% Promoters contrn.(10%) Total Rs. 2.763 lakhs. Rs.0.307 Rs.3.07 lakhs. Repayment Schedule As detailed below. LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 2,76,300/Interest of Loan =5% per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months Opening Balance Principal Interest EQI Balance 276300 1 276300 0 276300 2 276300 0 276300 3 276300 3454 3454 276300 4 276300 0 276300 5 276300 0 276300 6 276300 3454 3454 276300 7 276300 0 276300 8 276300 0 276300 9 276300 10627 1886 12513 265673 10 265673 0 265673 11 265673 0 265673 12 265673 10627 1886 12513 255046 13 255046 0 255046 14 255046 0 255046 15 255046 10627 1886 12513 244419 16 244419 0 244419 17 244419 0 244419 18 244419 10627 1886 12513 233792 19 233792 0 233792 20 233792 0 233792 21 233792 10627 1886 12513 223165 22 223165 0 223165 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 72 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Opening Balance 223165 223165 212538 212538 212538 201911 201911 201911 191284 191284 191284 180657 180657 180657 170030 170030 170030 159403 159403 159403 148776 148776 148776 138149 138149 138149 127522 127522 127522 116895 116895 116895 106268 106268 106268 95641 95641 95641 85014 85014 85014 74387 74387 74387 63760 63760 63760 53133 53133 53133 42506 42506 42506 31879 31879 31879 21252 21252 21252 10625 10625 10625 Total: Principal Interest 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10627 1886 10625 276300 1888 55946 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 0 0 12513 Balance 223165 212538 212538 212538 201911 201911 201911 191284 191284 191284 180657 180657 180657 170030 170030 170030 159403 159403 159403 148776 148776 148776 138149 138149 138149 127522 127522 127522 116895 116895 116895 106268 106268 106268 95641 95641 95641 85014 85014 85014 74387 74387 74387 63760 63760 63760 53133 53133 53133 42506 42506 42506 31879 31879 31879 21252 21252 21252 10625 10625 10625 0 73 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 19 PROJECT PROFILE TO ESTABLISH A PHARMACY BY A QUALIFIED, UNEMPLOYED ,REGISTERED PHARMACIST. The Drugs & Cosmetic Act,1940 and the Rules there-under requires a qualified, unemployed, registered pharmacist to supervise a retail pharmacy sale premise. A person who has undergone a minimum duration of 2(two) years Diploma or 4(four) years Degree Course is considered as a QUALIFIED PHARMACIST. A licence in Form 20, 21 and 20-F which cover all the drugs (except narcotics) are issued by the Licensing & Controlling Authority of the State. ESTABLISHMENT OF PHARMACY SHOP (SMALL) REQUIREMENTS :1. Licences in Form 20, 21 and 20-F 2. Building 3. Equipments 4. Medicines and 5. Maintenance. ESTIMATED COST :1. Fees for the issue of drug licences 2. Building on rent @ Rs.500/month 3. Equipments a. Refrigerator 165 ltrs. Rs. 8,000=00 b. Computer Rs. 20,000=00 c. Telephone Rs. 3,000=00 d. Furniture & shelves to stock medicines. Rs. 30,000=00 _---------------------------Total Rs. 61,000=00 4. Maintenance :The cost of maintenance/month a. 1 (one) Salesman Rs. 2,000=00 b. Electricity Rs. 200=00 c. Telephone Rs. 600=00 d. Packaging Material Rs. 500=00 e. Contingencies Rs. 1,000=00 ---------------------------Total Rs. 4,300=00 The cost of maintenance/year = Rs.4,300 x 12 = Rs. 51,600=00 5. The profit margin on the sale of medicines is 10% approx. To enable a person to sustain, the rolling stock to be maintained : Rs. 2,400=00 : Rs. 6,000=00 : Rs. 61,000=00 : Rs. 51,600=00. : Rs.1,00,000=00. 6. Since the project will not provide working capital assistance, the total capital expenditure will be equivalent to the cost of the project, i.e. TOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT : Rs.2,21,000=00. 7. Funding pattern : Bank’s share ( 90 %) Rs.1.989 lakhs. 8. Repayment schedule : Overleaf. Promoter’s contribution (10%) Rs.0.221 lakhs. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total(100%) Rs.2.21 lakhs. 74 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENTCHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,98,900/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months Opening Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 198900 198900 198900 198900 198900 198900 198900 198900 198900 191249 191249 191249 183598 183598 183598 175947 175947 175947 168296 168296 168296 160645 160645 160645 152994 152994 152994 145343 145343 145343 137692 137692 137692 130041 130041 130041 122390 122390 122390 114739 114739 114739 107088 107088 107088 99437 99437 99437 91786 91786 91786 84135 84135 84135 76484 76484 Principal Interest 1989 1989 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 1989 0 0 1989 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 Balance 198900 198900 198900 198900 198900 198900 198900 198900 198900 191249 191249 191249 183598 183598 183598 175947 175947 175947 168296 168296 168296 160645 160645 160645 152994 152994 152994 145343 145343 145343 137692 137692 137692 130041 130041 130041 122390 122390 122390 114739 114739 114739 107088 107088 107088 99437 99437 99437 91786 91786 91786 84135 84135 84135 76484 76484 76484 75 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 76484 68833 68833 68833 61182 61182 61182 53531 53531 53531 45880 45880 45880 38229 38229 38229 30578 30578 30578 22927 22927 22927 15276 15276 15276 7625 7625 7625 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7651 1075 7625 198900 1101 31954 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 0 0 8726 68833 68833 68833 61182 61182 61182 53531 53531 53531 45880 45880 45880 38229 38229 38229 30578 30578 30578 22927 22927 22927 15276 15276 15276 7625 7625 7625 0 76 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 20 ESTABLISHMENT OF PHARMACY SHOP (BIG) A qualified, registered pharmacist may venture to establish a medium scale pharmacy (wholesale) business with an estimated cost of Rs. 4 lacs. The entrepreneur can become a sub – stockist of various companies, to make a turn – over, sufficient to establish himself in the business as well as look for further extension. REQUIREMENTS 1. Licences in Form 20-B,21-B & 20-G. 2. Building 3. Equipment 4. Medicines and 5. Maintenance. ESTIMATED COST 1. Fee for the issue of Drugs Licence 2. Building on rent @ Rs.1,500 per month 3. Equipment i). Refrigerator Rs. 8,000.00. ii). Computer Rs. 20,000.00. iii). Telephone Rs. 3,000.00. iv). Furniture & shelves to store medicines Rs. 50,000.00. __________________ Total Rs 81,000.00. 4. Maintenance i). 2(two) salesman Rs. 2,000.00 x 12 x2 ii). Electricity Rs. 500.00 x 12 iii). Telephone Rs. 1,000.00 x 12 iv). Packaging Material Rs. 500.00 x 12 v). Transportation Rs. 1,000.00 x 12 vi). Contingencies Rs. 1,000.00 x 12 5. The profit margin in the wholesale of medicine is approx. 6 %. To enable a person to sustain, the rolling stock to be maintained Rs. 2,400.00. Rs.18,000.00. Rs.81,000.00. Rs. 48,000.00. Rs. 6,000.00. Rs. 12,000.00. Rs. 6,000.00. Rs. 12,000.00. Rs. 12,000.00. Rs.200,000.00. 6. Since working capital assistance will not be provided under the project, the total capital expenditure will be equivalent to the cost of the project, i.e. TOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT : Rs. 3,97,400.00., Say Rs.3,97,000/- 7. Funding pattern : Bank’s share ( 90 %) Rs.3.573 lakhs. Promoter’s contribution (10%) Rs.0.397 lakhs. Total(100%) Rs.3.97 lakhs. 8. Repayment schedule : Overleaf. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 77 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENTCHART Bank Loan = Rs. 3,57,300/Interest of Loan =5% per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months Opening Principal Interest EQI Balance Balance 357300 1 357300 0 357300 2 357300 0 357300 3 357300 4466 4466 357300 4 357300 0 357300 5 357300 0 357300 6 357300 4466 4466 357300 7 357300 0 357300 8 357300 357300 0 9 357300 13743 2439 16182 343557 10 343557 0 343557 11 343557 0 343557 12 343557 13743 2439 16182 329814 13 329814 0 329814 14 329814 0 329814 15 329814 13743 2439 16182 316071 16 316071 0 316071 17 316071 0 316071 18 316071 13743 2439 16182 302328 19 302328 0 302328 20 302328 0 302328 21 302328 13743 2439 16182 288585 22 288585 0 288585 23 288585 0 288585 24 288585 13743 2439 16182 274842 25 274842 0 274842 26 274842 0 274842 27 274842 13743 2439 16182 261099 28 261099 0 261099 29 261099 0 261099 30 261099 13743 2439 16182 247356 31 247356 0 247356 32 247356 0 247356 33 247356 13743 2439 16182 233613 34 233613 0 233613 35 233613 0 233613 36 233613 13743 2439 16182 219870 37 219870 0 219870 38 219870 0 219870 39 219870 13743 2439 16182 206127 40 206127 0 206127 41 206127 0 206127 42 206127 13743 2439 16182 192384 43 192384 0 192384 44 192384 0 192384 45 192384 13743 2439 16182 178641 46 178641 0 178641 47 178641 0 178641 48 178641 13743 2439 16182 164898 49 164898 0 164898 50 164898 0 164898 51 164898 13743 2439 16182 151155 52 151155 0 151155 53 151155 0 151155 54 151155 13743 2439 16182 137412 55 137412 0 137412 56 137412 0 137412 57 137412 13743 2439 16182 123669 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 78 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Opening Balance 123669 123669 123669 109926 109926 109926 96183 96183 96183 82440 82440 82440 68697 68697 68697 54954 54954 54954 41211 41211 41211 27468 27468 27468 13725 13725 13725 Total : Principal Interest 13743 2439 13743 2439 13743 2439 13743 2439 13743 2439 13743 2439 13743 2439 13743 2439 13725 357300 2457 72364 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 16182 0 0 16182 0 0 16182 0 0 16182 0 0 16182 0 0 16182 0 0 16182 0 0 16182 0 0 16182 Balance 123669 123669 109926 109926 109926 96183 96183 96183 82440 82440 82440 68697 68697 68697 54954 54954 54954 41211 41211 41211 27468 27468 27468 13725 13725 13725 0 79 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Scheme No. 21 SCHEME OF PROVIDING ASSISTANCE FOR SETTING UP COMPUTER TRAINING CENTRES FOR SELF EMPLOYMENT (small) 1. Name of the Project: Setting up of Computer Training Centre for selfemployment (small) 2. Introduction: With the increase in the use of computers in our day to day lives, it has become essential that the average person possesses a basic level of computer expertise. Training is Computer Usage for word processing, internet, email etc., is therefore much in demand from the general public. Higher level of computer expertise is also very popularly sought after by school and college going students. As a result of these aspects, there is a big market for training in basic computer usage and presents a big opportunity of self-employment to the IT educated unemployed youths of this state. 3. Objectives: To provide self-employment opportunities to educated unemployed youths through setting up of Computer Training Centres. 4. Methodology: a) Beneficiaries of the Scheme will setup Computer Training Centre. b) The Scheme will incorporate a Computer Training Centre with 7 nos. of computers. c) The implementing Bank will provide 90% of the Scheme cost, subject to a maximum Rs.5.00 lakhs, while beneficiary share will be 10% of the Scheme cost. d) The Scheme will be open to Graduates. 5. Project Components: a) Computers: 7 nos. of computers will be provided. b) Printers: 1 no. of Laser Printers and one no. coloured Ink Jet Printers will be provided under the Scheme. c) Scanner: One no. of Scanner will be provided under the Scheme. d) UPS: During power failure/load shedding UPS with external battery will be provided for intermediate power supply until generator is switched on. 2 nos. of 1 KVA UPS will be provided. e) Generator: A Generator will be provided under the Scheme for standby power supply during power failure and load shedding. 1 no. of 2.5 KVA Keropsene Generator will be provided. f) LAN Equipment: 1 no. unmanaged Switch with UTP Cat 5 cabling for connecting all the computers will be provided under the Scheme. g) Site Preparation: Provision for site preparation inclusive of electrical works and furniture will be provided for in the Scheme. h) Manpower Requirement: Beneficiaries will arrange required manpower on their own and salaries of engaged manpower will be paid by the beneficiary. 6. Estimated Scheme cost per Centre: A 1 2 3 3 Fixed capital : Land & Building (Rented) 1,500/Security Deposit for the rented building Celeron Based Computer – 7 Nos. @ Rs.0.25 lakhs/computer Laser Printer –1 No. @ Rs.0.20 lakhs/printer Scanner– 1 No. @ Rs.0.10 lakhs/per scanner Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 20,000/1,75,000/20,000/10,000/- 80 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C. 7. Uninterrupted Power Supply 1 KVA with external battery 2 No. @ Rs.0.15 lakhs per UPS 2.5 KVA Kerosene Generator – 1 No. @ Rs.0.40 lakhs/Generator LAN Equipment (unmanaged Switch, Cat 5 UTP, Crimping Tool) – 1 No. @ Rs.0.20 lakhs/ equipment Furniture and Fixture TOTAL Working capital : Raw –Materials (per month) Salaries & Wages for 3 persons (per month) Electricity Kerosene Rent of building Insurance @ 6.5 % of Machinery & R.M. Misc. Total : Total Scheme Cost : 40,000/20,000/20,000/3,25,000/1,000/8,000/1,000/1,000/1,500/1,500/1,000/15,000/3,50,000/- FUNDING PATTERN : Bank Loan (90 %) 3,15,000/- 8. 30,000/- Beneficiary contribution (10 %) 35,000/- Total 3,50,000/- Employment Potential: The Scheme in addition to the self-sustenance of the entrepreneur will be able to provide employment opportunities to a number of IT trained persons. 9. Estimated Revenue: Assuming that on an average 5 groups of 14 trainees each group can be trained daily for a month long training period at an estimated cost of Rs.500/- per trainee, revenue earned per month is as under: Rs.500 x 14 persons per group x 5 groups = Rs.35,000/- 10. Total estimated monthly revenue Estimated Monthly Profit: : Rs.35,000/- Total estimated Revenue – Working capital – Depreciation @ 10 % of Machinery, other assets & Furniture & Fixture – Interest on Loan = Rs. (35,000.00 - 15,000.00 – 2,633.00 – 1,313.00) = Rs.16,054/11. Project duration : The Project will be completed in 3 months time. 12. Repayment Schedule of loan : As per loan repayment chart given below. LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 315,000/Interest on Loan = 5 % per annum. Period of Loan = 5 years with a moratorium period of 3 moths, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. Opening Bal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 315000 315000 315000 315000 309474 303948 298422 Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In 0 0 0 5526 5526 5526 5526 1313 1313 1313 691 691 691 691 Total amount of monthly instalment 1313 1313 1313 6217 6217 6217 6217 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Closing Bal. 315000 315000 315000 309474 303948 298422 292896 81 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. Opening Bal. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 292896 287370 281844 276318 270792 265266 259740 254214 248688 243162 237636 232110 226584 221058 215532 210006 204480 198954 193428 187902 182376 176850 171324 165798 160272 154746 149220 143694 138168 132642 127116 121590 116064 110538 105012 99486 93960 88434 82908 77382 71856 66330 60804 55278 49752 44226 38700 33174 27648 22122 16596 11070 5544 Total: Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5526 691 5544 673 315000 43307 Total amount of monthly instalment 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 6217 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Closing Bal. 287370 281844 276318 270792 265266 259740 254214 248688 243162 237636 232110 226584 221058 215532 210006 204480 198954 193428 187902 182376 176850 171324 165798 160272 154746 149220 143694 138168 132642 127116 121590 116064 110538 105012 99486 93960 88434 82908 77382 71856 66330 60804 55278 49752 44226 38700 33174 27648 22122 16596 11070 5544 10 82 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 22 SCHEME OF PROVIDING ASSISTANCE FOR SETTING UP OF CYBER CAFES FOR SELF EMPLOYMENT (Small) 1.Name of the Project: Setting up of Cyber Cafes for self employment(small) 2. Introduction: Use of computers and Internet is still yet to percolate down to the average household. As a result of this, there is a big demand for use of Internet at the cyber cafes. With additional equipment, many cyber cafes have also been turned into entertainment centres. Cyber Cafes, therefore are viable units as they meet a large part of the requirements of the today’s youth. 3. Objectives: To provide self-employment opportunities to educated unemployed youths through setting up of Cyber Cafes. 4. Methodology: a) Beneficiaries of the Scheme will setup Cyber Cafes. b) The Scheme will incorporate a Cafe with 5 nos. of computers c) The State Government will provide 90 % of the Scheme cost, subject to a maximum Rs.5.00 lakhs, while beneficiary share will be 10 % of the Scheme cost. d) The Scheme will be open to Graduates. 5. Project Components: a) Computers: 5 nos. of computers will be provided. b) Printers: One no. of entry level Laser Printer along with an inkjet coloured printer will be provided under the Scheme. c) Scanner: One no. of Scanner will be provided under the Scheme. d) UPS: During power failure/load shedding UPS with external battery will be provided for intermediate power supply until generator is switched on. 2 nos. of 1 KVA UPS will be provided e) Generator: A Generator will be provided under the Scheme for standby power supply during power failure and load shedding. 1 no. of 2 KVA Kerosene Generator will be provided. f) Internet Connectivity: Beneficiaries will arrange their own Internet Connectivity through BSNL or local ISPs. g) LAN Equipment: 1 no. unmanaged Switch with UTP Cat 5 cabling for connecting all the computers will be provided under the Scheme. h) Site Preparation: Provision for site preparation inclusive of electrical works and furniture will be provided for in the Scheme. b) Manpower Requirement: Beneficiaries will arrange required manpower on their own and salaries of engaged manpower will be paid by the beneficiary. 6. Estimated Scheme cost: A 1 2 3 3 Fixed capital : Land & Building (Rented) 1,000/Security Deposit for the rented building Celeron Based Computer for Internet Access – 5 Nos. @ Rs.0.25 lakhs/computer Laser Printer – 1 Nos. @ Rs.0.20 lakhs/printer Scanner– 1 No. @ Rs.0.10 lakhs/per scanner Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 20,000/1,25,000/20,000/10,000/83 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Uninterrupted Power Supply 1 KVA with external battery 2 No. @ Rs.0.15 lakhs per UPS 5 2 KVA Kerosene Generator – 1 No. @ Rs.0.50 lakhs/Generator 6 LAN Equipment (12 port unmanaged Switch, Cat 5 UTP, Crimping Tool) – 1 No. @ Rs.0.20 lakhs/ equipment 7 Furniture and Fixture TOTAL B Working capital : 1 Internet Connectivity 2 Salary and Wages 1 Stationery (per month) 3 Electricity 4 Kerosene 5 Rent of building 6 Insurance @ 6.5 % of Machinery 7 Misc. Total : C. Total Scheme Cost : 30,000/- 4 7. 20,000/- 20,000/2,80,000/4,500/3,000/500/700/500/1,000/1,300/500/12,000/2,92,000/- FUNDING PATTERN : Bank Loan (90 %) Beneficiary contribution (10%) 2,62,800/8. 35,000/- 29,200/- Total 2,92,000/- Employment Potential: The Scheme in addition to the self-sustenance of the entrepreneur will be able to provide employment opportunities to other IT trained persons. 9. Estimated Revenue: Assuming usage of Internet on 5 computers systems for an average period of 10 hours daily at Rs.15/- per hour, revenue earned on monthly basis is as under: Internet – Rs.15/- x 5 PCs x 10 hours x 25 days = Rs.18, 750/Total estimated monthly revenue : Rs.18,750/- 10. Estimated Monthly Profit: Total estimated Revenue – Working capital – Depreciation @ 10 % of Machinery, other assets & Furniture & Fixture – Interest on Loan = Rs.(18,750.00 - 12,000.00 – 2,166.00 – 1,104.00) = Rs.3,480/- 11. Project duration : The Project will be completed in 3 months time. 12. Repayment Schedule of loan : As per repayment chart given in next page. LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 2,62,800/- Interest on loan Period of loan = 5 % per annum : 5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 84 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. Opening Bal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Total : Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In X 1095 X 1095 X 1095 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4610 577 4640 547 2,62,800 32859 Total amount of monthly instalment 1095 1095 1095 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 5187 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Closing Bal. 262800 262800 262800 85 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No.23 SCHEME OF PROVIDING ASSISTANCE FOR SETTING PUBLISHING CENTRES FOR SELF EMPLOYMENT (SMALL) 1. UP DESK TOP Name of the Project: Setting up of Desk Top Publishing Centres for selfemployment(small). 2. Introduction: The use of Computers in Printing Technology has brought about such a revolution. Good quality printing can now be done with such ease with the use of computers that dependence on regular printing press is now on the decline. However along with the improvement in printing technology, requirement for printed material has also increased. There is presently a big market for printed material an all it needs to tap this market is the availability of a few computers with Printing facilities. 3. Objectives: To provide self-employment opportunities to educated unemployed youths through setting up of Desk Top Publishing Centres. 4. Methodology: e) Beneficiaries of the Scheme will setup Desk Top Publishing Centres. f) The Scheme will incorporate one Desk Top Publishing Centre with 5 nos. of computers. g) The Implementing Bank will provide 90% of the Scheme cost, subject to a maximum of Rs.5.00 lakhs, while beneficiary share will be 10% of the Scheme cost. h) The Scheme will be open to Graduates. 5. Project Components: a) Computers: 5 nos. of Pentium 4 based computers. b) Printers: 1 no. of Laser Printers and one no. coloured Ink Jet Printers will be provided under the Scheme. c) Scanner: One no. High end Scanner will be provided under the Scheme. d) UPS: During power failure/load shedding UPS with external battery will be provided for intermediate power supply until generator is switched on. 2 nos. of 1 KVA UPS will be provided e) Generator: A Generator will be provided under the Scheme for standby power supply during power failure and load shedding. 1 no. of 2 KVA diesel Generator will be provided. f) LAN Equipment: 1 no. unmanaged Switch with UTP Cat 5 cabling for connecting all the computers will be provided under the Scheme. h) Site Preparation: Provision for site preparation inclusive of electrical works and furniture will be provided for in the Scheme. i) Manpower Requirement: Beneficiaries will arrange required manpower on their own and salaries of engaged manpower will be paid by the beneficiary. 6. Estimated Scheme cost per Centre: A 1 Fixed capital : Land & Building (Rented) Security Deposit for the rented building Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 1,500/20,000/- 86 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 2 Celeron Based Computer for Internet Access – 5 Nos.@ Rs.0.30 1,50,000/lakhs/computer 3 Laser Printer – 1 Nos. @ Rs.0.20 lakhs/printer 20,000/3 Scanner– 1 No. @ Rs.0.10 lakhs/per scanner 10,000/4 Uninterrupted Power Supply 30,000/1 KVA with external battery 2 No. @ Rs.0.15 lakhs per UPS 5 2 KVA Diesel Generator – 1 No. @ Rs.0.35 lakhs per Generator 35,000/6 LAN Equipment (12 port unmanaged Switch, Cat 5 UTP, Crimping 20,000/Tool) – 1 No. @ Rs.0.20 lakhs/ equipment 7 Furniture and Fixture 20,000/TOTAL 3,05,000/B Working capital : 1 Raw –Materials (per month) 8,000/2 Salaries & Wages @ Rs.3,000/month for 5 persons (per month) 15,000/3 Electricity 1,000/4 Kerosene 1,000/5 Rent of building 1,500/6 Insurance @ 6.5 % of Machinery & R.M. 1,500/7 Misc. 2,000/Total : 30,000/C. Total Scheme Cost : 3,35,000/7. FUNDING PATTERN : 8. Bank Loan (90 %) 3,01,500/Employment Potential: Beneficiary contribution (10 %) 33,500/- Total 3,35,000/- The Scheme in addition to the self-sustenance of the entrepreneur will be able to provide employment opportunities to a number of IT trained persons. At least 5 nos. of DTP Operators will be required to run the centre. It will also provide indirect employment to a number screen printers and offset printers who subcontract work from these DTP Centres. 9. Estimated Revenue: Assuming usage of 5 computers systems for an average 20 pages of typing and printing per day per computer at Rs.10/- per page, revenue earned just for document printing on monthly basis is as under: Rs.10/- x 5PCs x 20 pages per day x 25 days = Rs.25,000/For coloured printing @ Rs.30/- per page for an average 5 pages per day, revenue earned is: Rs.30/- x 5 x 25 days= Rs.3,750/- per month For printing of master copies for offset printing at a cost of Rs.100/- x 5 pages per day x 25 days = Rs.12,500/Total estimated monthly revenue 10. : Rs.41,250/- Estimated Monthly Profit: Total estimated Revenue – Working capital – Depreciation @ 10 % of Machinery, other assets & Furniture & Fixture – Interest on Loan = Rs. (41,250.00 -30,00.00 – 2,442.00 – 1,256.00) = Rs.7,552/- 11. Project duration : The Project will be completed in 3 months time. 12. Repayment Schedule of loan : As per loan repayment chart given below. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 87 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 301,500/Interst on Loan = 5 % per annum. Period of Loan = 5 years with a moratorium period of 3 moths, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalmentss. Amt. of monthly Instalments Sl. No. Opening Bal. Total amount of Closing Bal. monthly instalment Pr. In 1 301500 0 1256 1256 301500 2 301500 0 1256 1256 301500 3 301500 0 1256 1256 301500 4 301500 5289 662 5951 296211 5 296211 5289 662 5951 290922 6 290922 5289 662 5951 285633 7 285633 5289 662 5951 280344 8 280344 5289 662 5951 275055 9 275055 5289 662 5951 269766 10 269766 5289 662 5951 264477 11 264477 5289 662 5951 259188 12 259188 5289 662 5951 253899 13 253899 5289 662 5951 248610 14 248610 5289 662 5951 243321 15 243321 5289 662 5951 238032 16 238032 5289 662 5951 232743 17 232743 5289 662 5951 227454 18 227454 5289 662 5951 222165 19 222165 5289 662 5951 216876 20 216876 5289 662 5951 211587 21 211587 5289 662 5951 206298 22 206298 5289 662 5951 201009 23 201009 5289 662 5951 195720 24 195720 5289 662 5951 190431 25 190431 5289 662 5951 185142 26 185142 5289 662 5951 179853 27 179853 5289 662 5951 174564 28 174564 5289 662 5951 169275 29 169275 5289 662 5951 163986 30 163986 5289 662 5951 158697 31 158697 5289 662 5951 153408 32 153408 5289 662 5951 148119 33 148119 5289 662 5951 142830 34 142830 5289 662 5951 137541 35 137541 5289 662 5951 132252 36 132252 5289 662 5951 126963 37 126963 5289 662 5951 121674 38 121674 5289 662 5951 116385 39 116385 5289 662 5951 111096 40 111096 5289 662 5951 105807 41 105807 5289 662 5951 100518 42 100518 5289 662 5951 95229 43 95229 5289 662 5951 89940 44 89940 5289 662 5951 84651 45 84651 5289 662 5951 79362 46 79362 5289 662 5951 74073 47 74073 5289 662 5951 68784 48 68784 5289 662 5951 63495 49 63495 5289 662 5951 58206 50 58206 5289 662 5951 52917 51 52917 5289 662 5951 47628 52 47628 5289 662 5951 42339 53 42339 5289 662 5951 37050 54 37050 5289 662 5951 31761 55 31761 5289 662 5951 26472 56 26472 5289 662 5951 21183 57 21183 5289 662 5951 15894 58 15894 5289 662 5951 10605 59 10605 5289 662 5951 5316 60 5316 5316 635 5951 0 301,500 41,476 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 88 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc HORTICULTURE. Scheme -24 UNIT COST FOR OYSTER MUSHROOM CULTIVATION Oyster Mushroom can be cultivated almost all the year round in Manipur. Cultivation technique of oyster is easier in comparison to other type of mushroom. Some of the materials used for its cultivation are cereal and millet straws, residues of oilseeds and pulses, sugarcane bagasse, etc. Unit cost for Oyster Mushroom cultivation Item of works Sl.no Total ( Rs) A; A Capital outlay/Non-Recurring Expenditure : 1 Building( kacha thetch roofing , Pucca flooring ) Size (15x25x13)ft 2 Equipments Sub-Total : B Cost of Production of Oyster Mushroom/Recurring Exp : 1 Raw materials, straw, spawn, polybags, pesticides, transpsortation charge and Misc. 30000.00 3,000.00 33,000.00 11,000.00 2 Cost of Labours Sub-Total :Total C. Financing Pattern 1. Loan portion (95%) 2. Beneficiary contribution (5%) D. Returned/Income:Production ( in Kg) 6,000.00 17,000.00 50,000.00 Rs. 47,500/Rs. 2,500/- Fresh Mushroom E. Gross Profit (Gross income- Recurring expenditure_ F (I). Depreciation on building (15%) F(II). Depreciation on equipments (15%) F(III). Interest on loan F(IV). Insurance @ 6.5 % Total of F G. Net Profit (E-F) H. Net Profit per month Kg Rate Kg ( in Rs) 1200.00 50.00 Gross returned (in lakhs) 60,000.00 Rs. 43,000/Rs. 4,500/Rs . 450/Rs. 2,000/Rs. 715/Rs. 7665/Rs. 35,335/Rs. 2945/- LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan Interest on loan Period of loan = Rs. 47,500/= 4 % per annum : 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 475 475 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 475 0 0 475 0 0 Balance 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 89 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 9 47500 1827 257 10 45673 11 45673 12 45673 1827 257 13 43846 14 43846 15 43846 1827 257 16 42019 17 42019 18 42019 1827 257 19 40192 20 40192 21 40192 1827 257 22 38365 23 38365 24 38365 1827 257 25 36538 26 36538 27 36538 1827 257 28 34711 29 34711 30 34711 1827 257 31 32884 32 32884 33 32884 1827 257 34 31057 35 31057 36 31057 1827 257 37 29230 38 29230 39 29230 1827 257 40 27403 41 27403 42 27403 1827 257 43 25576 44 25576 45 25576 1827 257 46 23749 47 23749 48 23749 1827 257 49 21922 50 21922 51 21922 1827 257 52 20095 53 20095 54 20095 1827 257 55 18268 56 18268 57 18268 1827 257 58 16441 59 16441 60 16441 1827 257 61 14614 62 14614 63 14614 1827 257 64 12787 65 12787 66 12787 1827 257 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 Balance 45673 45673 45673 43846 43846 43846 42019 42019 42019 40192 40192 40192 38365 38365 38365 36538 36538 36538 34711 34711 34711 32884 32884 32884 31057 31057 31057 29230 29230 29230 27403 27403 27403 25576 25576 25576 23749 23749 23749 21922 21922 21922 20095 20095 20095 18268 18268 18268 16441 16441 16441 14614 14614 14614 12787 12787 12787 10960 90 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 67 10960 68 10960 69 10960 1827 257 70 9133 71 9133 72 9133 1827 257 73 7306 74 7306 75 7306 1827 257 76 5479 77 5479 78 5479 1827 257 79 3652 80 3652 81 3652 1827 257 82 1825 83 1825 84 1825 1825 259 Total : 47500 7634 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 Balance 10960 10960 9133 9133 9133 7306 7306 7306 5479 5479 5479 3652 3652 3652 1825 1825 1825 0 91 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme-25. UNIT COST FOR GINGER CULTIVATION Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is one of the important spices all over the world. It is marketed in different forms such as raw ginger, dry ginger, ginger powder, ginger oil, ginger oleoresin, ginger candy, ginger beer, brined ginger, ginger squash, ginger flakes, ginger paste etc. It is one of the most important commercial crops of the state. Cost of Cultivation of Ginger A. Non –Recurring Expenditure: Sl.no Item of works 1 Construction of shed 13,000.00 2 Cost of equipments ( sprayer , Spade ,Garden Fork,Garden Hoe & Rack , Khurpi, Dao& Grass cutter etc ) Jungle clearance 75 mandays Rs. 47.65 per manday Land preperation and lay out 115 manday Rs. 47.65 per manday 3,000.00 3 4 TOTAL : B. Non-Recurring Expenditure : 1. Cost of Dibbling ( 100 mandyas @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 2. Cost of application of Fertiliser (50 mandays @ Rs. 47.65 per manday) 3. Application of spraying and Dusting ( 30 mandyas @ Rs. 47. per manday) 4. Interculture @ Weeding ( 100 mandays @ Rs.47. per manday) 5. Cost of Harvesting & storing (180 mandays @ Rs.47. per manday) 6. Cost of Seeds ( 2500 Kgs. @ Rs. 15 per Kg.) 7. Cost of Bio Fertiliser and Compost (LS) 8. Misc. expences TOTAL : C. Total Scheme cost : D. Financing pattern 1. Bank Loan (95 p.c.) - Rs. 99,800/2. Beneficiary Contribution – Rs. 5,200/E. Returned/Income:Production ( in Kg) Rate/Kg ( in Rs) Green 10000 8.00 Dry 5600 13.00 F. Gross Profit G(I) Depreciation on Shed (15 p.c.) G(II) Depreciation on equipment (15 p.c.) G(III) Interest on Loan G(IV) Insurance TOTAL OF G : H. Net Profit I. Net Profit per month 3574 5480 25,054.00 Say, Rs. 25,000/4765 2382 1430 4765 8577 37500 20000 1000 80,419/Say, Rs.80,000/1,05,000/- Gross returned( in Rs) 100000.00 72800.00 92,000/1950/450/4000/2435/8835/83165/Rs.6930/- LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan Interest on loan Period of loan = = Rs. 99,800/4 % per annum : 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months Opening Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 99800 99800 99800 99800 99800 99800 99800 99800 Principal Interest 998 998 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 998 0 0 998 0 0 Balance 99800 99800 99800 99800 99800 99800 99800 99800 99800 92 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Opening Balance 99800 95962 95962 95962 92124 92124 92124 88286 88286 88286 84448 84448 84448 80610 80610 80610 76772 76772 76772 72934 72934 72934 69096 69096 69096 65258 65258 65258 61420 61420 61420 57582 57582 57582 53744 53744 53744 49906 49906 49906 46068 46068 46068 42230 42230 42230 38392 38392 38392 34554 34554 34554 30716 30716 30716 26878 26878 26878 23040 23040 23040 19202 19202 Principal Interest 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 Balance 95962 95962 95962 92124 92124 92124 88286 88286 88286 84448 84448 84448 80610 80610 80610 76772 76772 76772 72934 72934 72934 69096 69096 69096 65258 65258 65258 61420 61420 61420 57582 57582 57582 53744 53744 53744 49906 49906 49906 46068 46068 46068 42230 42230 42230 38392 38392 38392 34554 34554 34554 30716 30716 30716 26878 26878 26878 23040 23040 23040 19202 19202 19202 93 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Opening Balance 72 19202 73 15364 74 15364 75 15364 76 11526 77 11526 78 11526 79 7688 80 7688 81 7688 82 3850 83 3850 84 3850 Total: Principal Interest 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3838 540 3850 99800 528 16024 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 0 0 4378 Balance 15364 15364 15364 11526 11526 11526 7688 7688 7688 3850 3850 3850 0 94 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme -26. UNIT COST FOR PASSION FRUIT CULTIVATION Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) is one of the fruit which is unique to North-Eastern states of India. The juice of passion fruit with an excellent flavour, is quite delicious, nutritious and liked for its blending quality. It is extensively used in confectionery and preparation of cakes, pies and ice-cream. There are two recognized varieties-purple and yellow. Purple passion fruit is more productive. A number of processed products - nectar, squash, carbonated drink and juice concentrate - could be prepared. These products are in great demand both in domestic as well as export market. Cost of Cultivation of Passion Fruit ( 0.8ha ) A. Non –Recurring Expenditure: Sl.no Item of works 1 2 3 4 5 Construction of shed Cost of equipments ( sprayer , Spade ,Garden Fork,Garden Hoe & Rack , Khurpi, Dao& Grass cutter etc ) Jungle clearance 75 mandays Rs. 47.65 per manday Land preparation and lay out 115 manday Rs. 47.65 per manday Construction of traillies Cost of wooden post( 8ft high) 2000 nos. @ Rs. 25 per post Cost of G.I wire( 2mm dia ) 200 nos. @ Rs. 50. Cost ofU shape & iron nail 20 nos. @ Rs.40 per rode TOTAL : B. Non-Recurring Expenditure : 1. Cost of transplanting ( 80 mandyas @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 2. Cost of application of Fertiliser (40 mandays @ Rs. 47.65 per manday) 3. Application of spraying and Dusting ( 20 mandyas @ Rs. 47. per manday) 4. Interculture @ Weeding ( 50 mandays @ Rs.47. per manday) 5. Cost of planting material 2000 Nos. @ Rs.2/6. Cost of Bio Fertiliser and Compost (LS) 7. Labour charge (80 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per manday 8. Misc. expenses TOTAL : 10,000.00 2,500.00 3574 5480 50,000/10,000/800 81,639/Say, Rs.82,000/3812 1906 953 2383 4000 6000 3812 1000 28,631/Say, Rs.28,000/1,10,000/- C. Total Scheme cost : D. Financing pattern 1. Bank Loan (95 p.c.) - Rs. 1,04,500/2. Beneficiary Contribution – Rs. 5,500/E. Returned/Income Production (in Rate per Kg. (in Rs.) Gross returned (in Ripe Fruit Kg.) Rs.) Fruits 15000 10.00 1,50,000/F. Gross Profit 1,22,000/G(I) Depreciation on Shed (15 p.c.) 1500/G(II) Depreciation on equipment (15 p.c.) 375/G(III) Depreciation on Traillers (15 p.c.) 9120/G(IV) Interest on Loan 4180/G(V) Insurance 260/15435/TOTAL OF G : 1,06,565/H. Net Profit I. Net Profit per month Rs. 8880/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 95 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan Interest on loan Period of loan = Rs. 1,04,500/= 4 % per annum : 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 104500 104500 104500 104500 104500 104500 104500 104500 104500 100480 100480 100480 96460 96460 96460 92440 92440 92440 88420 88420 88420 84400 84400 84400 80380 80380 80380 76360 76360 76360 72340 72340 72340 68320 68320 68320 64300 64300 64300 60280 60280 60280 56260 56260 56260 52240 52240 52240 1045 1045 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 4020 565 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 1045 0 0 1045 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 Balance 104500 104500 104500 104500 104500 104500 104500 104500 104500 100480 100480 100480 96460 96460 96460 92440 92440 92440 88420 88420 88420 84400 84400 84400 80380 80380 80380 76360 76360 76360 72340 72340 72340 68320 68320 68320 64300 64300 64300 60280 60280 60280 56260 56260 56260 52240 52240 52240 48220 96 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 49 48220 50 48220 51 48220 4020 565 52 44200 53 44200 54 44200 4020 565 55 40180 56 40180 57 40180 4020 565 58 36160 59 36160 60 36160 4020 565 61 32140 62 32140 63 32140 4020 565 64 28120 65 28120 66 28120 4020 565 67 24100 68 24100 69 24100 4020 565 70 20080 71 20080 72 20080 4020 565 73 16060 74 16060 75 16060 4020 565 76 12040 77 12040 78 12040 4020 565 79 8020 80 8020 81 8020 4020 565 82 4000 83 4000 84 4000 4000 585 Total : 104500 16800 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 0 0 4585 Balance 48220 48220 44200 44200 44200 40180 40180 40180 36160 36160 36160 32140 32140 32140 28120 28120 28120 24100 24100 24100 20080 20080 20080 16060 16060 16060 12040 12040 12040 8020 8020 8020 4000 4000 4000 0 97 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme – 27 UNIT COST FOR PINEAPPLE CULTIVATION Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is an important fruit crop of the State. The cultivation of pineapple is confined to high rainfall and humid areas. It grows in almost any type of soil, provided it is free-draining. Cost of cultivation of Pine Apple A. Non –Recurring Expenditure: Sl.no Item of works 1 Construction of shed 20,000.00 2 Cost of equipments ( sprayer , Spade ,Garden Fork,Garden Hoe & Rack , Khurpi, Dao& Grass cutter etc ) Jungle clearance 75 mandays Rs. 47.65 per manday Land preparation and lay out 100 manday Rs. 47.65 per manday Construction of Hedge fencing 2,000.00 3 4 5 3574 4765 2000 32,339/Say, Rs.32,000/- TOTAL : B. Non-Recurring Expenditure : 1. Cost of transplanting and mulching ( 540 mandyas @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 2. Application of spraying and Dusting ( 20 mandyas @ Rs. 47.65 per manday) 3. Interculture @ Weeding (150 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 4. Cost iof Harvesting and transportation (400 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per m.d.) 5. Cost of planting material 45000 Nos. @ Rs. Per 0.50/- per plant 6. Cost of Bio Fertiliser and Compost (LS) 7. Cost of application of Fertiliser940 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 8. Misc. expenses TOTAL : C. Total Scheme cost : D. Financing pattern 1. Bank Loan (95 p.c.) - Rs. 1,14,000/2. Beneficiary Contribution – Rs. 6,000/E. Returned/Income Kgs. Production Ripe Fruits 40000 Kgs. F. Gross Profit G(I) Depreciation on Shed (15 p.c.) G(II) Depreciation on equipment (15 p.c.) G(III) Depreciation on fencing(15 p.c.) G(IV) Interest on Loan G(V) Insurance TOTAL OF G : H. Net Profit I. Net Profit per month 25731 953 7148 19060 22500 10000 1906 1000 88,298/Say, Rs.88,000/1,20,000/- Rate per Kg. (in Rs.) 4.00 Gross returned (in Rs.) 1,60,000/- 72,000/3000/300/300/4560/1463/9623/62,377/Rs. 5198/- LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,14,000/Interest on loan = 4 % per annum Period of loan : 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Opening Balance 114000 114000 114000 114000 114000 114000 114000 Principal Interest 1140 1140 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 1140 0 0 1140 0 Balance 114000 114000 114000 114000 114000 114000 114000 114000 98 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Opening Balance 114000 114000 109615 109615 109615 105230 105230 105230 100845 100845 100845 96460 96460 96460 92075 92075 92075 87690 87690 87690 83305 83305 83305 78920 78920 78920 74535 74535 74535 70150 70150 70150 65765 65765 65765 61380 61380 61380 56995 56995 56995 52610 52610 52610 48225 48225 48225 43840 43840 43840 39455 39455 39455 35070 35070 35070 30685 30685 30685 26300 26300 26300 21915 Principal Interest 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 Balance 114000 109615 109615 109615 105230 105230 105230 100845 100845 100845 96460 96460 96460 92075 92075 92075 87690 87690 87690 83305 83305 83305 78920 78920 78920 74535 74535 74535 70150 70150 70150 65765 65765 65765 61380 61380 61380 56995 56995 56995 52610 52610 52610 48225 48225 48225 43840 43840 43840 39455 39455 39455 35070 35070 35070 30685 30685 30685 26300 26300 26300 21915 21915 99 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Total : Opening Balance 21915 21915 17530 17530 17530 13145 13145 13145 8760 8760 8760 4375 4375 4375 Principal Interest 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4385 616 4375 114000 626 18306 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 0 0 5001 Balance 21915 17530 17530 17530 13145 13145 13145 8760 8760 8760 4375 4375 4375 0 100 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme - 28. UNIT COST FOR KING CHILLI CULTIVATION King Chilli is an important crop of the state which is popular for its pungency and aroma. It can be grown in almost all parts of the state. Though it is well adopted in the state its commercial potential is yet to be exploited. It will become one of the major crops of the state if it is cultivated commercially. Cost of cultivation of U Morok (King Chillies) A. Non –Recurring Expenditure: Sl.no Item of works 1 2 3 Cost of equipments ( sprayer , Spade ,Garden Fork,Garden Hoe & Rack , Khurpi, Dao& Grass cutter etc ) Jungle clearance 75 mandays Rs. 47.65 per manday Land preparation and lay out 115 manday Rs. 47.65 per manday TOTAL : B. Non-Recurring Expenditure : 1. Cost of transplanting and watering( 100 mandyas @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 2. Application of spraying and Dusting ( 30 mandyas @ Rs. 47.65 per manday) 3. Interculture and Weeding (100 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 4. Cost of Harvesting and curring (200 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per m.d.) 5. Cost of planting materials 24750 Nos.. @ Rs. Per 1.00/- per plant 6. Cost of Bio Fertiliser and Compost (LS) 7. Cost of application of Fertiliser (50 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 8. Misc. expenses 3,000.00 3574 5480 12,054/Say, Rs.12,000/- 4765 1430 4765 9530 24750 20000 2383 1000 68,623/Say, Rs.69,000/81,000/- TOTAL : C. Total Scheme cost : D. Financing pattern 1. Bank Loan (95 p.c.) - Rs. 77,000/2. Beneficiary Contribution – Rs. 4,000/E. Returned/Income Rate per Kg. (in Rs.) Gross returned (in Kgs. Production Rs.) Green Chilli 3000 Kgs. 50.00 1,50,000/Dry Chillie 1000 Kgs. 150.00 1,50,000/Total : 3,00,000/F. Gross Profit 2,19,000/G(I) Depreciation on equipment (15 p.c.) 450/G(II) Interest on Loan 3080/G(V) Insurance 1609/5139/TOTAL OF G : 2,13,861/H. Net Profit I. Net Profit per month Rs. 17,822/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 101 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan Interest on loan Period of loan = Rs. 77,000/= 4 % per annum : 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 77000 77000 77000 77000 77000 77000 77000 77000 77000 74038 74038 74038 71076 71076 71076 68114 68114 68114 65152 65152 65152 62190 62190 62190 59228 59228 59228 56266 56266 56266 53304 53304 53304 50342 50342 50342 47380 47380 47380 44418 44418 44418 41456 41456 41456 38494 38494 38494 35532 770 770 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 2962 416 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 770 0 0 770 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 Balance 77000 77000 77000 77000 77000 77000 77000 77000 77000 74038 74038 74038 71076 71076 71076 68114 68114 68114 65152 65152 65152 62190 62190 62190 59228 59228 59228 56266 56266 56266 53304 53304 53304 50342 50342 50342 47380 47380 47380 44418 44418 44418 41456 41456 41456 38494 38494 38494 35532 35532 102 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 50 35532 51 35532 2962 416 52 32570 53 32570 54 32570 2962 416 55 29608 56 29608 57 29608 2962 416 58 26646 59 26646 60 26646 2962 416 61 23684 62 23684 63 23684 2962 416 64 20722 65 20722 66 20722 2962 416 67 17760 68 17760 69 17760 2962 416 70 14798 71 14798 72 14798 2962 416 73 11836 74 11836 75 11836 2962 416 76 8874 77 8874 78 8874 2962 416 79 5912 80 5912 81 5912 2962 416 82 2950 83 2950 84 2950 2950 428 Total : 77000 12368 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 0 0 3378 Balance 35532 32570 32570 32570 29608 29608 29608 26646 26646 26646 23684 23684 23684 20722 20722 20722 17760 17760 17760 14798 14798 14798 11836 11836 11836 8874 8874 8874 5912 5912 5912 2950 2950 2950 0 103 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme - 29. UNIT COST FOR POTATO CULTIVATION Potato can be grown in all types of soils but light, well drained sandy loam soils are bestsuited. Optimum temperature for potato growth and development ranges between 150C and 250C. Minimum night temperature is of great significance for tuberization and yield. There is little tuber formation at temperature above 290C. That is why potato is grown as summer corp in hills and as a winter crop in plain. Cost of cultivation of Potato A. Non –Recurring Expenditure: Sl.no Item of works 1 Construction of shed 1 Cost of equipments ( sprayer , Spade ,Garden Fork,Garden Hoe & Rack , Khurpi, Dao& Grass cutter etc ) Jungle clearance 75 mandays Rs. 47.65 per manday 2 19000 TOTAL : B. Non-Recurring Expenditure : 1. Ploughing 6 times ( 80 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 2. Cost of Dibbling (30 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 3. Openning furrow (40 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 4. Cost of Harvesting and Bagging ( 80 mandyas @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 5. Application of spraying and Dusting ( 30 mandyas @ Rs. 47.65 per manday) 6. Interculture and Weeding (100 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 7. Cost of Seeds 2500 Kgs. .. @ Rs. Per 10.00/- per plant 8. Cost of Bio Fertiliser and Compost (LS) 9. Cost of application of Fertiliser (20 mandays @ Rs.47.65 per manday) 10. Misc. expenses 3000 3574 25,574/Say, Rs.26,000/3812 1430 1906 3812 1430 4765 25000 20000 953 1000 64,108/Say, Rs.64,000/90,000/- TOTAL : C. Total Scheme cost : D. Financing pattern 1. Bank Loan (95 p.c.) - Rs. 85,500/2. Beneficiary Contribution – Rs. 4,500/E. Returned/Income Rate per Kg. (in Rs.) Gross returned (in Kgs. Production Rs.) Potato 15000 Kgs. 10.00 1,50,000/F. Gross Profit 86,000/G(I) Depreciation on Shed (15 %) 2850/G(I) Depreciation on equipment (15 p.c.) 450/G(II) Interest on Loan 3420/G(V) Insurance 1625/8345/TOTAL OF G : 77655/H. Net Profit I. Net Profit per month Rs. 6471/- Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 104 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 85,500/Interest on loan = 4 % per annum Period of loan : 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 85500 85500 85500 85500 85500 85500 85500 85500 85500 82211 82211 82211 78922 78922 78922 75633 75633 75633 72344 72344 72344 69055 69055 69055 65766 65766 65766 62477 62477 62477 59188 59188 59188 55899 55899 55899 52610 52610 52610 49321 49321 46032 46032 46032 42743 42743 42743 39454 855 855 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 3289 462 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 855 0 0 855 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 Balance 85500 85500 85500 85500 85500 85500 85500 85500 85500 82211 82211 82211 78922 78922 78922 75633 75633 75633 72344 72344 72344 69055 69055 69055 65766 65766 65766 62477 62477 62477 59188 59188 59188 55899 55899 55899 52610 52610 52610 49321 49321 49321 46032 46032 46032 42743 42743 42743 39454 39454 105 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Opening Principal Interest Balance 50 39454 51 39454 3289 462 52 36165 53 36165 54 36165 3289 462 55 32876 56 32876 57 32876 3289 462 58 29587 59 29587 60 29587 3289 462 61 26298 62 26298 63 26298 3289 462 64 23009 65 23009 66 23009 3289 462 67 19720 68 19720 69 19720 3289 462 70 16431 71 16431 72 16431 3289 462 73 13142 74 13142 75 13142 3289 462 76 9853 77 9853 78 9853 3289 462 79 6564 80 6564 81 6564 3289 462 82 3275 83 3275 84 3275 3275 476 Total : 85500 13736 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 0 0 3751 Balance 39454 36165 36165 36165 32876 32876 32876 29587 29587 29587 26298 26298 26298 23009 23009 23009 19720 19720 19720 16431 16431 16431 13142 13142 13142 9853 9853 9853 6564 6564 6564 3275 3275 3275 0 106 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc INDUSTRY Scheme No. 30 CARPENTARY INDUSTRIES/SEMI MECHANISED FURNITURE WORKS Introduction :With increase of population the demand for wooden furniture’s of different designs is increasing day by day. In view of the present trend there will not be any problem for marketing of the wooden furniture goods. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 20,000 2. Plant & Machinery 35,000 Circular saw complete set, Electric motor 3 HP, Wood turning machine, Hand saw, Tennon Saw, Iron Jack Planner, Other hand tools like chisel, hammer, carpentry axe, vice etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 3,000 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 1,000 Total Fixed Capital: 59,000 B) WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 30,000 Plank and scantling - A class Sunmica, commercial plywood, fevicol Nail, mirror, glass, lock and key etc. 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) 9,000 Employment to be generated 3 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 1,000 Rent of building 1,000 Working Capital (per month): 41,000 Total Working Capital Requirement for: 1 months 41,000 C) TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 100,000 D) FUNDING PATTERN: Banks Share Pro. Shares Total Total Capital Investment (A+B) 95,000 5,000 1,00,000 E) COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 41,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 15% of Plant & Machinery, 317 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 317 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 477 Cost of production per month: 42,111 F) FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 49,500 RM cost + 65% of RM G) PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 49,500 (ii) Cost of production (-) 41,250 Profit per month: 8,250 H) BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 4,711 (ii) Profit 8,250 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 36.35 % I) REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per loan repayment chart given in page No. 2. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 107 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 95,000/Interest of Loan = 4% per annum. Period of Loan = 5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly installments Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Principal Interest Total 950 950 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5257 95000 537 11192 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 950 0 0 950 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 Balance 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 89721 89721 89721 84442 84442 84442 79163 79163 79163 73884 73884 73884 68605 68605 68605 63326 63326 63326 58047 58047 58047 52768 52768 52768 47489 47489 47489 42210 42210 42210 36931 36931 36931 31652 31652 31652 26373 26373 26373 21094 21094 21094 15815 15815 15815 10536 10536 10536 5257 5257 5257 0 108 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 31 IRON & STEEL INDUSTRIES Introduction: Nowadays steel furniture of different designs are preferred by the general public for its durability. The demand for such product is increasing leaps and bounds. Hence there will not be any problem for marketing of the steel furniture. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 20,000 2. Plant & Machinery 40,000 Welding transformer, Stand drill, Air compressor with accessories, Sheet bending machine, Grinder, Other misc. tools like hammer, pliers,scissors, cutter, etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 15,000 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 2,000 77,000 Total Fixed Capital: WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 49,000 MS iron sheet 22 gauge 8'X4' MS iron sheet 24 gauge 8'X4' Angle Iron, Other items like paints, thinner, putty, electrodes, sand paper etc. 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) 20,000 Employment to be generated 7 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 3,000 Rent of building 1,000 Working Capital (per month): 73,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 73,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 150,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 1,42,500 7,500 150,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 73,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 625 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on bank loan @ 4. % p.a. 475 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 672 Cost of production per month: 74,772 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 85,750 RM cost + 75% of RM PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 85,750 (ii) Cost of production (-) 74,772 Profit per month: 10,978 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 9,772 (ii) Profit 10,978 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 47.09 % As per loan repayment chart given in page No. 2. REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 109 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,42,500/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Principal Interest EQI 1425 1425 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7911 142500 779 16770 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 1425 0 0 1425 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 Balance 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 134583 134583 134583 126666 126666 126666 118749 118749 118749 110832 110832 110832 102915 102915 102915 94998 94998 94998 87081 87081 87081 79164 79164 79164 71247 71247 71247 63330 63330 63330 55413 55413 55413 47496 47496 47496 39579 39579 39579 31662 31662 31662 23745 23745 23745 15828 15828 15828 7911 7911 7911 0 110 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 32 CANE & BAMBOO WORKS Introduction: Cane and bamboo products like sofa set, dining table, cradle, chairs, baskets, morahs, etc. are very popular in the State. Besides, there are many decorative articles made of cane and bamboo which are of a great demand in and outside the State of Manipur. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 20,000 2. Plant & Machinery 6,000 Hacksaw 18" with handle, Anant Spoke shave, Hand drill(1/4"), Bench Vice No. 4 Blow Lamp, Blower, Other minor accessories like plier, sharpening stone, augur set, hammer, files etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 3,500 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 2,000 Total Fixed Capital: 31,500 WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 50,000 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) 16,000 Employment to be generated 7 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 1,500 Rent of building 1,000 Working Capital (per month): 68,500 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 68,500 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 100,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 95,000 5,000 100,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 68,500 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 246 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 317 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 431 Cost of production per month: 69,494 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 82,500 RM cost + 65% of RM PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 82,500 (ii) Cost of production (-) 69,494 Profit per month: 13,006 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 7,394 (ii) Profit 13,006 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 36.25 % As per loan repayment chart given in page No.2. REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 111 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 95,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments Sl. No. Amt. of quarterly Instalments Opening Bal. Pr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 89721 84442 79163 73884 68605 63326 58047 52768 47489 42210 36931 31652 26373 21094 15815 10536 5257 In 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5279 5257 95000 Total amount of quarterly instalment 0 0 950 950 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 5794 950 950 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 527 Closing Bal. 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 89721 84442 79163 73884 68605 63326 58047 52768 47489 42210 36931 31652 26373 21094 15815 10536 5257 0 11182 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 112 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 33 HANDLOOM INDUSTRIES Introduction: The handloom industry is the main cottage industry in Manipur. There is a great demand for the handloom products viz. – Phanek, chadar, bed cover, etc. in and outside the State. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Workshed 2. Plant & Machinery Fly shuttle loom (pine tree), Warping drum(pine), Steel read, Shuttle, Wire heald(steel) hook, pirn, bobbin, charkha with winder and other equipment etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 40's cotton, 2/36s Acrylic, 80's cotton, Woolen yarn(2 ply) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 4 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Working Capital (per month): Total Working Capital Requirement for: C) TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 15,000 13,000 2,000 1,000 31,000 B) D) E) F) G) H) I) 14,500 3,500 1 months 1,000 19,000 19,000 50,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 47,500 2,500 50,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 19,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 125 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 158 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 241 Cost of production per month: 19,524 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 25,375 RM cost + 75% of RM PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 25,375 (ii) Cost of production (-) 19,524 Profit per month: 5,851 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation 1,924 (ii) Profit 5,851 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 24.75 % REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per loan repayment chart given in page No. 2. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 113 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 47,500/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Principal Interest 475 475 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 EQI 0 0 475 0 0 475 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 Balance 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 45673 45673 45673 43846 43846 43846 42019 42019 42019 40192 40192 40192 38365 38365 38365 36538 36538 36538 34711 34711 34711 32884 32884 32884 31057 31057 31057 29230 29230 29230 27403 27403 27403 25576 25576 25576 23749 23749 23749 21922 21922 21922 20095 20095 20095 18268 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 114 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Principal Interest 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1827 257 1825 47500 259 7634 EQI 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 0 0 2084 Balance 18268 18268 16441 16441 16441 14614 14614 14614 12787 12787 12787 10960 10960 10960 9133 9133 9133 7306 7306 7306 5479 5479 5479 3652 3652 3652 1825 1825 1825 0 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 115 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 34 READYMADE GARMENT INDUSTRY Introduction: Garment is the basic need of human being. The trend of using readymade garment is increasing day-by-day. The readymade garments have been finding more and more acceptance in the Indian and export markets mainly due to low cost of fabrication, saving of cloth as well as saving of time. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery Sewing machine, overlock stitching machine, Electric press, cutting & measuring machine, etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: B) WORKING CAPITAL: C) D) E) F) G) H) I) 1,000 30,000 60,000 20,000 2,000 112,000 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 70,000 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) 12,000 Employment to be generated 5 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 5,000 Rent of building 1,000 Working Capital (per month): 88,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 88,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 200,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 190,000 10,000 200,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 88,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 917 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 633 )iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 975 Cost of production per month: 90,525 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 98,000 RM cost + 40% of RM PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 98,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 90,525 Profit per month: 7,475 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 7,325 (ii) Profit 7,475 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 49.49 % As per loan repayment chart given in page No.2. REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 116 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,90,000/Interest of Loan = 4% per annum. Period of Loan = 5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments Months Principal Interest EQI Balance 190000 1 0 190000 2 0 190000 3 1900 1900 190000 4 0 190000 5 0 190000 6 1900 1900 190000 7 0 190000 8 0 190000 9 10556 1031 11587 179444 10 0 179444 11 0 179444 12 10556 1031 11587 168888 13 0 168888 14 0 168888 15 10556 1031 11587 158332 16 0 158332 17 0 158332 18 10556 1031 11587 147776 19 0 147776 20 0 147776 21 10556 1031 11587 137220 22 0 137220 23 0 137220 24 10556 1031 11587 126664 25 0 126664 26 0 126664 27 10556 1031 11587 116108 28 0 116108 29 0 116108 30 10556 1031 11587 105552 31 0 105552 32 0 105552 33 10556 1031 11587 94996 34 0 94996 35 0 94996 36 10556 1031 11587 84440 37 0 84440 38 0 84440 39 10556 1031 11587 73884 40 0 73884 41 0 73884 42 10556 1031 11587 63328 43 0 63328 44 0 63328 45 10556 1031 11587 52772 46 0 52772 47 0 52772 48 10556 1031 11587 42216 49 0 42216 50 0 42216 51 10556 1031 11587 31660 52 0 31660 53 0 31660 54 10556 1031 11587 21104 55 0 21104 56 0 21104 57 10556 1031 11587 10548 58 0 10548 59 0 10548 60 10548 1039 11587 0 190000 22366 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 117 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 35 EMBROIDERY CENTRE Introduction : The scheme envisages production or embroidered garments for ladies, bed sheet etc. The products of this sort of industry are highly preferred in the State rather than outside products because of the accurate size, colour and design etc. Hence, market range and demand of such products even from outside customers are increasing. A) FINANCIAL DETAILS FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery Usha Sewing machine, Usha Flora machine, Other hand tools like scissors, iron, etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) Bed sheet clothes, Phanek mapan naiba Thread 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): Total Working Capital Requirement for: C) TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) D) FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) E) 500 10,000 12,000 3,000 1,000 26,000 B) F) G) H) I) 23,500 500 24,000 1 months 24,000 50,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total 47,500 2,500 50,000 (i) Working Capital 24,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 125 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 158 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 263 Cost of production per month: 24,546 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) RM cost + 50 % of RM 35,250 PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 35,250 (ii) Cost of production (-) 24,546 Profit per month: 10,704 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 546 (ii) Profit 10,704 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 4.85% As per loan repayment chart given in page No.2. REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 118 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 50,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Principal Interest Total 475 475 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2637 47500 260 5596 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 475 0 0 475 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 Balance 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 44861 44861 44861 42222 42222 42222 39583 39583 39583 36944 36944 36944 34305 34305 34305 31666 31666 31666 29027 29027 29027 26388 26388 26388 23749 23749 23749 21110 21110 21110 18471 18471 18471 15832 15832 15832 13193 13193 13193 10554 10554 10554 7915 7915 7915 5276 5276 5276 2637 2637 2637 0 119 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 36 CHATTAI MAKING INDUSTRIES Introduction: Bamboo is abundantly available vin Manipur. There is ample scope for economic utilization of bamboo specially Moubi to provide employment to the masses. Moubi bamboo mat is generally used for fencing, walls, containers (kot) and even in roofing. There is scope for establishment of such units in the State. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit 2. Plant & Machinery 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) 500 10,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 16,000 WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials (RM) (Per month) 30,000 7. Salary & Wages (Per month) 3,500 Employment to be generated 4 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses (Per month) Rent of building 500 Working Capital (per month): 34,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 34,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 50,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 47,500 2,500 50,000 COST OF PRODUCTION (Per month) (i) Working Capital 34,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 42 Other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 158 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 244 Cost of production per month: 34,444 FINANCIAL RETURN (per month) RM cost + 40% of RM 42,000 PROFIT (per month) (i) Financial Return 42,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 34,444 Profit per month: 7,556 BREAK EVEN POINT (BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 1,844 (ii) Profit 7,556 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 19.62% REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per repayment chart given in page No.2. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 120 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 50,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Principal Interest 475 475 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total 0 0 475 0 0 475 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 Balance 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 44861 44861 44861 42222 42222 42222 39583 39583 39583 36944 36944 36944 34305 34305 34305 31666 31666 31666 29027 29027 29027 26388 26388 26388 23749 23749 23749 21110 21110 21110 18471 18471 18471 15832 15832 15832 13193 13193 13193 10554 10554 10554 7915 121 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Principal Interest 2639 258 2639 258 2637 47500 260 5596 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total Balance 0 7915 0 7915 2897 5276 0 5276 0 5276 2897 2637 0 2637 0 2637 2897 0 122 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 37 EXERCISE BOOK MAKING Introduction: Exercise book of different sizes are used by students of all standard. As the numbers of students have been increasing proportionately with the increase in population, demand for exercise book are also increasing day by day. There will be no problem in establishing such unit, as it is a demand-based industry. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery 1 Treadle paper cutting machine and 1 treadle wire stitching machine, Other Assets Workshop tools and equipment etc, 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: B) WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 6 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): Total Working Capital Requirement for: C) TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) D) E) F) G) H) I) 1,000 20,000 100,000 2,000 10,000 4,000 136,000 49,000 12,000 1 months 2,000 1,000 64,000 64,000 200,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 190,000 10,000 200,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 64,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 1,100 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 633 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 980 Cost of production per month: 66,713 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 73,500 RM cost + 50% of RM PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 73,500 (ii) Cost of production (-) 66,713 Profit per month: 6,787 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 7,513 (ii) Profit 6,787 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 52.54 % As per loan repayment chart given on Next page REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 123 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,90,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Principal Interest 1900 1900 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 1900 0 0 1900 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 Balance 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 179444 179444 179444 168888 168888 168888 158332 158332 158332 147776 147776 147776 137220 137220 137220 126664 126664 126664 116108 116108 116108 105552 105552 105552 94996 94996 94996 84440 84440 84440 73884 73884 73884 63328 63328 63328 52772 52772 52772 42216 42216 42216 31660 124 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Principal Interest 10556 1031 10556 1031 10548 190000 1039 22366 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur EQI 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 Balance 31660 31660 21104 21104 21104 10548 10548 10548 0 125 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 38 TAILORING Introduction: Clothing is one of the basic needs of human beings. The demand of tailored cloths is increasing day by day and will last forever. A) B) C) D) E) F) FINANCIAL DETAILS Qnty. Rate FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 2. Plant & Machinery (i) Sewing machine 3 4,000 (ii) Overlock machine 1 6,000 (iii) Other misc. items Total : 3. Furniture & Fixtures (i) Cutting table 1 1,000 (ii) Show box cum almirah 1 2,600 (iii) Working table 1 1,000 (iv) Stools 4 100 Total : 4. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital (2 to 4): WORKING CAPITAL: 5. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) (i) Terrycotton for shirting, terrywool for pants, button, bukram, lining clothes, chai etc. 6. Salary & Wages(Per month) (i) Manager –cum- Proprietor 1 3,500 (ii) Skilled workers 2 3,000 (iii) Semi-skilled workerHelper 1 2,000 Total : 7. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) (i) Transportation (ii) Repairing and maintenance (iii) Rent (iv) Other charges Total : Working Capital (per month)(6 to 8): 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) Banks Share Pro. Shares FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 4,800 91,200 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, other assets & furniture & fixtures (2,& 3) (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % Cost of production per month: FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) (i) By sales of Terry cotton shirt 120 150 (ii) By sales of Terry wool pant 100 400 (iii) By sale of Ladies blows 100 80 (iv) By sale of Baby suit, School uniform Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Value 12,000 6,000 4,000 22,000 1,000 2,600 1,000 400 5,000 Nil 27,000 5,500 3,500 6,000 2,000 11,500 500 500 1,000 500 2,500 69,000 69,000 96,000 Total 96,000 69,000 225 303 444 69,972 18,000 40,000 8,000 6,000 126 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc G) H) I) (v) Income from job work 4,500 Total : 76,500 PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 76,500 (ii) Cost of production (-) 69,972 Profit per month: 6,528 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 5,572 (ii) Profit 6,528 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 46.05 % REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per loan repayment chart given below. LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 91,200/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Months Principal Interest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 EQI 912 912 5067 495 5067 495 5067 495 5067 495 5067 495 5067 495 5067 495 5067 495 5067 495 5067 495 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 912 0 0 912 0 0 5562 0 0 5562 0 0 5562 0 0 5562 0 0 5562 0 0 5562 0 0 5562 0 0 5562 0 0 5562 0 0 5562 0 0 Balance 91200 91200 91200 91200 91200 91200 91200 91200 91200 86133 86133 86133 81066 81066 81066 75999 75999 75999 70932 70932 70932 65865 65865 65865 60798 60798 60798 55731 55731 55731 50664 50664 50664 45597 45597 45597 40530 40530 40530 127 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Principal Interest 39 5067 495 40 41 42 5067 495 43 44 45 5067 495 46 47 48 5067 495 49 50 51 5067 495 52 53 54 5067 495 55 56 57 5067 495 58 59 60 5061 501 91200 10740 EQI Balance 5562 35463 0 35463 0 35463 5562 30396 0 30396 0 30396 5562 25329 0 25329 0 25329 5562 20262 0 20262 0 20262 5562 15195 0 15195 0 15195 5562 10128 0 10128 0 10128 5562 5061 0 5061 0 5061 5562 0 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 128 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 39 ESTABLISHMENT OF IRON FABRICATION UNITS Introduction: As cutting of trees are restricted in the hilly areas of our State, the wooden furniture have been recently substituted by iron & steel products. The iron grills fro window, door, ventilators, gate and side railings are used for the construction of pucca buildings. Water filter stand, hanging box for clothes, light stand, TV box and other decorative items are the main utilities for the domestic purpose. A) B) C) D) E) F) FINANCIAL DETAILS Qnty. Rate FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 2. Equipments (i) Weight measuring balance 100 kg. capacity 1 6,500 complete set (ii) Measuring tape (steel), scale, calculator and LS other equipments Total : 3. Furniture & Fixtures (ii) Show box cum almirah (Sunmica) 2 2,500 (iii) Table 1 1,500 (iv) Chair (Ordinary) 4 600 Total : 4. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital (2 to 4): WORKING CAPITAL: 5. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) Candle stand, water filter stand, electric light stand, window and ventilator of grills, hanging box for clothes of different sizes and varieties of design 6. Salary & Wages(Per month) (i) Manager –cum- Proprietor 1 1,500 (ii) Helper 2 500 Total : 7. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) (i) Water charge/stationery etc. (ii) Rent Total : Working Capital (per month)(5 to 7): 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) Banks Share Pro. Shares FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 2,500 47,500 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, other assets & furniture & fixtures (2,& 3) (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % Cost of production per month: FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) (i) By sales of Candle stand, water filter stand Electric light stand, window and ventilator of grills, hanging box for clothes of different sizes and varieties of design. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Value 6,500 1,500 8,000 5,000 1,500 2,400 8,900 2,100 19,000 27,000 1,500 1,000 2,500 500 1,000 2,500 31,000 31,000 50,000 Total 50,000 31,000 141 158 232 31,531 34,000 129 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc G) H) I) PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 34,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 31,531 Profit per month: 2,409 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 1,531 (ii) Profit 2,409 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 38.86 % REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per loan repayment chart given below : LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 47,500/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Principal Interest EQI 475 475 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 475 0 0 475 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 Balance 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 47500 44861 44861 44861 42222 42222 42222 39583 39583 39583 36944 36944 36944 34305 34305 34305 31666 31666 31666 29027 29027 29027 26388 26388 26388 23749 23749 23749 21110 21110 21110 18471 18471 130 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Principal Interest EQI 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2639 258 2637 47500 260 5596 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 0 0 2897 Balance 18471 15832 15832 15832 13193 13193 13193 10554 10554 10554 7915 7915 7915 5276 5276 5276 2637 2637 2637 0 131 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 40 LEATHER SHOES MAKING Introduction: Shoes are very much essential for the human beings. There is a growing demand for shoes. India is one of the largest exporters in the world. There is very good demand of shoes in both local and foreign markets. The existing units cannot fulfil the demand. There will be no difficulty in making and marketing this product. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery Upper sewing M/c flat and cylinder, Connecting air pressure, Trade Mark embossing m/c with heater, Hand tools, Wooden last, etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: B) WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): C) D) E) F) G) H) I) 1,000 20,000 30,000 2,000 10,000 2,000 64,000 25,000 8,000 5 nos. 2,000 1,000 36,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 36,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 100,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 95,000 5,000 100,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 36,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 517 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 317 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 455 Cost of production per month: 37,289 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 42,500 RM cost + 70% of RM PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 42,500 (ii) Cost of production (-) 37,289 Profit per month: 5,211 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation 4,489 (ii) Profit 5,211 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 46.28 % As per loan repayment chart given in Next page REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 132 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 95,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Principal Interest 950 950 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 EQI 0 0 950 0 0 950 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Balance 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 89721 89721 89721 84442 84442 84442 79163 79163 79163 73884 73884 73884 68605 68605 68605 63326 63326 63326 58047 58047 58047 52768 52768 52768 47489 47489 47489 42210 42210 42210 36931 36931 36931 31652 31652 31652 26373 26373 26373 21094 21094 21094 15815 133 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Principal Interest 5279 515 5279 515 5257 95000 537 11192 EQI 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Balance 15815 15815 10536 10536 10536 5257 5257 5257 0 134 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 41 PAPAD AND BORI MAKING INDUSTRY Introduction: Papad forms a popular food item in Indian diet. It is essentially thin wafer like product usually circular in shape, rolled from a dough made out of pulses or fernaceous material with added salt and spices. Though traditionally it has been confined to the house hold papad making, in recent years has developed in cottage scale and small scale sector. Bori are also important food item and has a good demand in the domestic market. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery Pulveriser, dough mixing & round making machine, drying oven, etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: B) WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): C) D) E) F) G) H) I) 1,000 20,000 35,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 60,000 30,000 7,000 3 nos. 2,000 1,000 40,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 40,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 100,000 FUNDING PATTERN: Banks Pro. Shares Total Share Total Capital Investment (A+B) 95,000 5,000 100,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % Cost of production per month: 40,000 658 317 482 41,457 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 49,500 RM cost + 75 % of RM PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 49,500 (ii) Cost of production (-) 41,457 Profit per month: 8,043 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 4,257 (ii) Profit 8,043 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C+Profit)% 34.61 % As per repayment scheduled given in Next page REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 135 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 95,000/-, Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, quarterly instalments Months Principal Interest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 950 950 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5279 515 5257 95000 537 11192 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur repayable in 18 equated EQI 0 0 950 0 0 950 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 5794 136 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 42 FOUR WHEELERS REPAIRING (LIGH) Introduction: The project is aim at providing self employment opportunities for trained mechanics for servicing and repairs of four wheeler vehicles like Maruti Car, Van etc. While the spares are purchased from the dealers, the repairs are carried out for defects and the vehicles serviced for efficient performance. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Workshed 2. Plant & Machinery Air Compressor 2 HP with spray gun, Power drill (Stand), Portable drilling machine, D.E. Electric grinder, Timing torch & timing equipment, Tool kits & hand tools I/c Hydraulic Jack, etc. 3. Other Assets Water Pump & Hoses (for washing) Water Reservoir, etc. 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): 1,000 15,000 50,000 10,000 6,000 2,000 83,000 7,000 8,000 4 nos. Total Working Capital Requirement for: TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 1,000 1,000 17,000 1 months 17,000 1,00,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 95,000 5,000 100,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 17,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 675 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 317 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 477 Cost of production per month: 18,469 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 25,000 RM cost + 20% of RM + Service Charges PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 25,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 18,469 Profit per month: 6,531 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 4,669 (ii) Profit 6,531 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C+Profit)% 41.69% As per repayment scheduled given in Next Page. REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 137 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 95,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In x 317.00 317.00 x 317.00 317.00 x 317.00 317.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 138 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 49 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 50 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 51 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 52 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 53 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 54 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 55 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 56 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 57 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 58 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 59 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 60 1648.00 184.00 1832.00 Total : 95,000.00 *9424.00 *104,424.00 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 139 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 43 TWO WHEELERS REPAIRING Introduction: In Manipur the number of vehicles have recently been increasing. In view of this increasing trend of number of vehicles, there is ample scope for establishment of 2 wheelers repairing units in the State. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Workshed 2. Plant & Machinery Air Compressor 2 HP with spray gun, Stand drill, Electric grinder, Oil serving gun, Portable drill machine, Gas welding compete set, Other hand tools, etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: B) C) WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): 500 15,000 45,000 4,000 1,000 65,000 10,500 4,000 2 nos. 1,000 500 16,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 16,000 81,000 D) FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) E) COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 16,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 408 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 257 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 404 Cost of production per month: 17,069 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 25,000 RM cost + 20 % of RM + Service Charges PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 25,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 17,069 Profit per month: 7,931 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation+ Insurance 2,669 (ii) Profit 7,931 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C+Profit)% 25.18 % As per repayment scheduled given in next page REPAYMENT OF LOAN F) G) H) I) Banks Share Pro. Shares Total 77,000 4,000 81,000 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 140 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 77,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 1 X 257 257 2 X 257 257 3 X 257 257 4 1351 134 1485 5 1351 134 1485 6 1351 134 1485 7 1351 134 1485 8 1351 134 1485 9 1351 134 1485 10 1351 134 1485 11 1351 134 1485 12 1351 134 1485 13 1351 134 1485 14 1351 134 1485 15 1351 134 1485 16 1351 134 1485 17 1351 134 1485 18 1351 134 1485 19 1351 134 1485 20 1351 134 1485 21 1351 134 1485 22 1351 134 1485 23 1351 134 1485 24 1351 134 1485 25 1351 134 1485 26 1351 134 1485 27 1351 134 1485 28 1351 134 1485 29 1351 134 1485 30 1351 134 1485 31 1351 134 1485 32 1351 134 1485 33 1351 134 1485 34 1351 134 1485 35 1351 134 1485 36 1351 134 1485 37 1351 134 1485 38 1351 134 1485 39 1351 134 1485 40 1351 134 1485 41 1351 134 1485 42 1351 134 1485 43 1351 134 1485 44 1351 134 1485 45 1351 134 1485 46 1351 134 1485 47 1351 134 1485 48 1351 134 1485 49 1351 134 1485 50 1351 134 1485 51 1351 134 1485 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 141 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 52 1351 134 1485 53 1351 134 1485 54 1351 134 1485 55 1351 134 1485 56 1351 134 1485 57 1351 134 1485 58 1351 134 1485 59 1351 134 1485 60 1344 141 1485 Total : 77,000 *7,645 *84,645 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 142 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 44 PHOTOSTAT COPYING Introduction: In view of the increasing demand for photocopying original documents setting up of Photostat copying unit will be successful ventures. Nowadays most of the students, college goers insisted on photocopying in order to save time in their studies. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) B) C) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery Photocopying machine(xerox) Stabilizer 1.5 KVA, Generator 2 KVA 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): 1,000 20,000 1,23,000 7,000 1,000 1,51,000 4,000 2,000 1 no. 1,000 1,000 8,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) Banks Share Pro. Shares Total 1,51,100 7,900 1,59,000 D) FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) E) COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % Cost of production per month: F) G) H) I) 8,000 1,59,000 8,000 1,083 504 834 10,421 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 5 times of RM cost 20,000 PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 20,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 10,421 Profit per month: 9,579 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 3,221 (ii) Profit 9,579 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 33.63 % As per repayment scheduled given in next page REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 143 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,51,100/Interst of Loan = 4 % per annum. Period of Loan = 5 years with a moratorium period of 3 moths, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In X 504 X 504 X 504 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 2651 263 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total amount of monthly instalment 504 504 504 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 2914 144 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 47 2651 263 2914 48 2651 263 2914 49 2651 263 2914 50 2651 263 2914 51 2651 263 2914 52 2651 263 2914 53 2651 263 2914 54 2651 263 2914 55 2651 263 2914 56 2651 263 2914 57 2651 263 2914 58 2651 263 2914 59 2651 263 2914 60 2644 270 2914 TOTAL : 1,51,000 *14,998 *1,66,098 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 145 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No.45 TV/ ADIO SERVICING UNIT. Introduction: Today Radio & TV have become a necessity in every household of rural as well as urban areas. The demand of this particular consumer durable has reached an all time high. Keeping in view the buying free of this equipment by the public, it will be sensible on the part of any one to start more Radio and TV servicing centres to meet the immediate requirements of the customers. A) B) C) D) FINANCIAL DETAILS Qnty. Rate FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 2. Plant & Machinery (i) Pattern Generator 1 5,500 (ii) Oscilloscope (10 MHz) 1 9,500 (iii) Multimeter (Analog) 3 450 (iv) Multimeter (Digital) 2 2,000 (v) Soldering Irons 35 W & 25 W 8 75 (vi) Drill Machine (Portable) 1 1,750 (vii) Tools.Jigs 1 2,000 Total : 3. Furniture & Fixtures (i) Working Table (size 3` x 4`)(wooden) 2 1,000 (ii) Working stool/chairs 6 250 (iii) Wooden almirah /show box 2 1,500 (iv) One table and chair (set) 1 11,750 Total : 4. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital (2 to 4): WORKING CAPITAL: 5. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) (i) ICs, Transistors, Diodes of different types & values (ii) Transformers, Chokes, Coils 1 8,900 (iii) Capacitors, Resistors (iv) Wires, solders, flux etc. Total : 6. Salary & Wages(Per month) (i) Technicians 2 1,500 (ii) Skilled workers 1 1,000 (iii) Helper 1 700 Total : 7. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) (i) Power supply 1 300 (ii) Rent 1 1,000 (iii) Repairs and maintenance 1 100 (iv) Misc. Expdt. 1 50 Total : Working Capital (per month)(6 to 8): 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) Banks Share Pro. Shares FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 47,500 2,500 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Value 5,500 9,500 1,350 4,000 600 1,750 2,000 24,700 2,000 1,500 3,000 1,750 8,250 2,000 34,950 8,900 8,900 3,000 1,000 700 4,700 300 1,000 100 50 1,450 15,050 15,050 50,000 Total 50,000 146 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc E) F) G) H) I) COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, other assets & furniture & fixtures (2,& 3) (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % Cost of production per month: FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) (i) Colour TVs (of different screen sizes) 45 (ii) B&W TVs (of different screen sizes) 30 (iii) Radios of different bands & sizes 25 (iv) Others electronic items/appliances 25 Total : PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return (ii) Cost of production Profit per month: BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance (ii) Profit B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per loan repayment page No.3. 15,050 275 158 227 15,710 250 150 75 50 (-) 11,250 4,500 1,875 1,250 18,875 18,875 15,710 3,165 2,540 3,165 44.52 % chart given in LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs.47,500/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Opening Balance 47500 47500 47500 47500 46667 45834 45001 44168 43335 42502 41669 40836 40003 39170 38337 37504 36671 35838 35005 34172 33339 32506 31673 30840 30007 Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In 0 158 0 158 0 158 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 Total amount of monthly instalment 158 158 158 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Closing Balance 47500 47500 47500 46667 45834 45001 44168 43335 42502 41669 40836 40003 39170 38337 37504 36671 35838 35005 34172 33339 32506 31673 30840 30007 29174 147 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. Opening Balance 26 29174 27 28341 28 27508 29 26675 30 25842 31 25009 32 24176 33 23343 34 22510 35 21677 36 20844 37 20011 38 19178 39 18345 40 17512 41 16679 42 15846 43 15013 44 14180 45 13347 46 12514 47 11681 48 10848 49 10015 50 9182 51 8349 52 7516 53 6683 54 5850 55 5017 56 4184 57 3351 58 2518 59 1685 60 852 Total : Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 852 64 47500 5187 Total amount of monthly instalment 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Closing Balance 28341 27508 26675 25842 25009 24176 23343 22510 21677 20844 20011 19178 18345 17512 16679 15846 15013 14180 13347 12514 11681 10848 10015 9182 8349 7516 6683 5850 5017 4184 3351 2518 1685 852 0 148 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 46 BEAUTY PARLOUR Introduction: As the standard of living raises the requirement of services like beauty parlour are sought more. Moreover, the status of women in society is also improving. Their lifestyle is changing. Economic independence makes them to resort to these types of services. So there is much scope for this kind of services in future. By conducting a market survey in areas where high middle class and other higher income group live, this unit can be started. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: B) C) WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): 1,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 1,000 41,000 4,000 4,000 2 nos. 1,000 1,000 10,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) Banks Share 48,500 Pro. Shares 2,500 10,000 51,000 Total 51,000 D) FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) E) COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 10,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 208 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 162 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 238 Cost of production per month: 10,608 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 15,000 RM cost + 20% of RM + Service charges PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 15,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 10,608 Profit per month: 4,392 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 2,208 (ii) Profit 4,392 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 33.45 % REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per loan repayment chart given in next page F) G) H) I) Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 149 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs48,500/-, Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 monthly instalments. Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 48500 48500 48500 48500 47649 46798 45947 45096 44245 43394 42543 41692 40841 39990 39139 38288 37437 36586 35735 34884 34033 33182 32331 31480 30629 29778 28927 28076 27225 26374 25523 24672 23821 22970 22119 21268 20417 19566 18715 17864 17013 16162 15311 14460 13609 12758 11907 11056 10205 9354 8503 7652 6801 Total amount of Int. 0 0 0 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 monthly instalment 162 162 162 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 162 162 162 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 48500 48500 48500 47649 46798 45947 45096 44245 43394 42543 41692 40841 39990 39139 38288 37437 36586 35735 34884 34033 33182 32331 31480 30629 29778 28927 28076 27225 26374 25523 24672 23821 22970 22119 21268 20417 19566 18715 17864 17013 16162 15311 14460 13609 12758 11907 11056 10205 9354 8503 7652 6801 5950 150 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Total : 5950 5099 4248 3397 2546 1695 844 851 851 851 851 851 851 844 84 84 84 84 84 84 91 48,500 5280 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 5099 4248 3397 2546 1695 844 0 151 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 47 PHOTO STUDIO/COLOUR PHOTO LAB Introduction: Photographic works become an essential venture in day to day life. Various occasion, festivals, events, documentation etc. can be kept recorded by photography. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery Photographic cameras, Printing machine with enlarger facility, computer, printer, generator, lighting equipment etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 2 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): Total Working Capital Requirement for: C) TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 1,000 20,000 153,000 15,000 1,000 189,000 B) D) E) F) G) H) I) 5,000 4,000 1 months 1,000 1,000 11,000 11,000 200,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) 1,90,000 10,000 2,00,000 (i) Working Capital 11,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 1,400 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 633 (v) Insurance @ 6.5 % 1,045 Cost of production per month: 14,078 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 20,000 Printing, developing, shooting charges etc. PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 20,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 14,078 Profit per month: 5,922 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 4,678 (ii) Profit 5,922 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 44.13 % REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per loan repayment chart given in next page Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 152 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,90,000/-, Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 1 x 633 633 2 x 633 633 3 x 633 633 4 3333 331 3664 5 3333 331 3664 6 3333 331 3664 7 3333 331 3664 8 3333 331 3664 9 3333 331 3664 10 3333 331 3664 11 3333 331 3664 12 3333 331 3664 13 3333 331 3664 14 3333 331 3664 15 3333 331 3664 16 3333 331 3664 17 3333 331 3664 18 3333 331 3664 19 3333 331 3664 20 3333 331 3664 21 3333 331 3664 22 3333 331 3664 23 3333 331 3664 24 3333 331 3664 25 3333 331 3664 26 3333 331 3664 27 3333 331 3664 28 3333 331 3664 29 3333 331 3664 30 3333 331 3664 31 3333 331 3664 32 3333 331 3664 33 3333 331 3664 34 3333 331 3664 35 3333 331 3664 36 3333 331 3664 37 3333 331 3664 38 3333 331 3664 39 3333 331 3664 40 3333 331 3664 41 3333 331 3664 42 3333 331 3664 43 3333 331 3664 44 3333 331 3664 45 3333 331 3664 46 3333 331 3664 47 3333 331 3664 48 3333 331 3664 49 3333 331 3664 50 3333 331 3664 51 3333 331 3664 52 3333 331 3664 53 3333 331 3664 54 3333 331 3664 55 3333 331 3664 56 3333 331 3664 57 3333 331 3664 58 3333 331 3664 59 3333 331 3664 60 3352 312 3664 1,90,000 *18,848 *2,08,848 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 153 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 48 VIDEOGRAPHY Introduction: Videography have recently become the commonest one to record and visualise all sorts of events, public functions and ceremonies of any individuals. This particular venture is for young and energetic persons with artistic vision. A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) FINANCIAL DETAILS FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 20,000 2. Plant & Machinery 85,000 Video Camera Panasonic M9000 with cable, Converter, DIN cables, Adopter and rechargeable battery 3. Other Assets 32,000 VCR-L-15, Rechargeable Battery, Gen Set VW-OGIEN, Sun-Gun, etc. 4. Furniture & Fixtures 10,000 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 1,000 Total Fixed Capital: 148,000 WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7,000 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) 5,000 Employment to be generated 2 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 2,000 Rent of building 1,000 Working Capital (per month): 15,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 15,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 1,63,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 1,54,900 8,100 1,63,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 15,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 1,058 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 516 )iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % . 834 Cost of production per month: 17,408 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 25,000 RM cost + 20% of RM + Shooting Charges PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 25,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 17,408 Profit per month: 7,592 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 4,408 (ii) Profit 7,592 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 36.73% As per repayment scheduled given in next page REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 154 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,54,900/Interest of Loan = 4 % per annum. Period of Loan = 5 years with a moratorium period of 3 moths, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In X X X 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 2718 269 2987 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 155 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 49 2718 269 2987 50 2718 269 2987 51 2718 269 2987 52 2718 269 2987 53 2718 269 2987 54 2718 269 2987 55 2718 269 2987 56 2718 269 2987 57 2718 269 2987 58 2718 269 2987 59 2718 269 2987 60 2692 295 2987 1,54,900 *15,359 *1,70,259 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 156 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 49 DRY CLEANING Introduction: To look smart and charming, many men and women including children avail the services rendered through Dry cleaning unit. With the increase in literacy rate, the standard of living has also gone up considerably. People nowadays are quite conscious for well ironed and cleaned clothes, especially costly woolen suits, sareas and other wears are normally dry cleaned through such units.. These types of units can be set up in urban cities and towns and it is employment generated as well as suitable for self employment. A) B) C) D) E) FINANCIAL DETAILS Qnty. Rate FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 2. Plant & Machinery (i) Side loading type washing machine 1 1,34,500 (ii) Suspension type hydro-extractor 1 35,500 (iii) Drying tumbler 1 75,500 (iv) Electronic iron 3 500 Total : 3. Other Assets (i) Diesel Generator 1 18,500 (ii) Water Reservoir 1 10,000 (iii) G.I. Pipe and installation 1 2,000 Total : 4. Furniture & Fixtures (i) Show Box 1 2,500 (ii) Wooden Box 1 500 (iii) Almirah 1 800 (iv) Chairs and Seat Total : 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital (2 to 5): WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) (Chemicals and detergents) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) (i) In-charge 1 3,500 (ii) Machine man 2 3,000 (iii) Helper 2 1,500 Total : 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) (i) Maintenance/fuel/water (ii) Transportation and conveyance (iii) Packing/Stationery (iv) Rent Total : Working Capital (per month)(6 to 8): 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) Banks Share Pro. Shares FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 2,80,800 31,200 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Value 13,000 1,34,500 35,500 75,500 1,500 2,47,000 18,500 10,000 2,000 30,500 35,000 2,500 500 800 200 4,000 4,000 2, 85,500 10,000 3,500 6,000 3,000 12,500 1,500 500 1,000 1,000 4,000 26,500 26,500 3,12,000 Total 3,12,000 157 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc F) G) H) I) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, other assets & furniture & fixtures (2,3,&4) (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 5 % p.a. (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % Cost of production per month: FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) (i) Dry cleaning of pull over 400 (ii) Dry cleaning of suit/jacket 200 Total : PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return (ii) Cost of production Profit per month: BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance (ii) Profit B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per loan repayment page No.3. 26,500 2,346 50 100 (-) 1,171 1,579 31,596 21,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 40,000 31,596 8,404 10,096 8,404 54.57 % chart given in LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs.2,80,800/Interest of Loan =5% per annum. monthly instalments. Sl. No. Opening Bal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 280800 280800 280800 280800 275874 270948 266022 261096 256170 251244 246318 241392 236466 231540 226614 221688 216762 211836 206910 201984 197058 192132 187206 182280 177354 172428 167502 162576 157650 Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of Closing Bal. monthly instalment Pr. In 0 1170 1170 280800 0 1170 1170 280800 0 1170 1170 280800 4926 616 5542 275874 4926 616 5542 270948 4926 616 5542 266022 4926 616 5542 261096 4926 616 5542 256170 4926 616 5542 251244 4926 616 5542 246318 4926 616 5542 241392 4926 616 5542 236466 4926 616 5542 231540 4926 616 5542 226614 4926 616 5542 221688 4926 616 5542 216762 4926 616 5542 211836 4926 616 5542 206910 4926 616 5542 201984 4926 616 5542 197058 4926 616 5542 192132 4926 616 5542 187206 4926 616 5542 182280 4926 616 5542 177354 4926 616 5542 172428 4926 616 5542 167502 4926 616 5542 162576 4926 616 5542 157650 4926 616 5542 152724 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 158 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 152724 147798 142872 137946 133020 128094 123168 118242 113316 108390 103464 98538 93612 88686 83760 78834 73908 68982 64056 59130 54204 49278 44352 39426 34500 29574 24648 19722 14796 9870 4944 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4926 4944 280800 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 598 38604 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 5542 147798 142872 137946 133020 128094 123168 118242 113316 108390 103464 98538 93612 88686 83760 78834 73908 68982 64056 59130 54204 49278 44352 39426 34500 29574 24648 19722 14796 9870 4944 0 159 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 50 DRY FISH FERMENTATION (SMALL) Introduction: Fish is very highly perishable food item and this requires proper handling and preservation. Despite the technological developments, considerable quantity of fish caught are wasted or spoiled making them unfit for human consumption. This wasted can be checked up if we take up different types of processing. Some of the methods practices at present in the State are sun drying, smoking and dry fish fermentation of puntius spp. Dry fish fermentation is a process for making low fish to value added products. It is prepared from dry fish of puntius spp. About 90% of the total populations of Manipur are consumer of fermented fish. It is a kind of oriental foods which have been using in South East Asia. Various dishes are prepared with this fermented fish. So, fermented fish finds a place in the daily diet in every house of the state. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1 Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 20,000 2 Construction of Shed 30,000 3 Plant & Machinery 37,000 4 Other Assets 4,000 5 Furniture & Fixtures 2,000 6. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 2,000 Total Fixed Capital: 95,000 B) WORKING CAPITAL: 7. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 92,200 8. Salary & Wages(Per month) 8,000 Employment to be generated 3 nos. 9. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 3,800 10. Rent of building 1,000 Working Capital (per month): 1,05,000 1 months 1,05,000 Total Working Capital Requirement for: C) TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) Banks Share Pro. Share Total D) FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 1,90,000 10,000 2,00,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) E) (i) Working Capital 1,05,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 608 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 633 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 1003 Cost of production per month: 1,07,244 F) FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 1,15,250 RM cost + 25 % of RM G) PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 1,15,250 (ii) Cost of production (-) 1,07,244 Profit per month: 8,006 H) BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 5,444 (ii) Profit 8,006 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 40.48 % I) REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per repayment scheduled given in next page Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 160 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,90,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In x 633 x 633 x 633 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total amount of monthly instalment 633 633 633 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 3664 161 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. 57 58 59 60 Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In 3333 331 3333 331 3333 331 3352 312 1,90,000 *18,848 Total amount of monthly instalment 3664 3664 3664 3664 *2,08,848 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 162 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 51 DRY FISH FERMENTATION (BIG) Introduction: Fish is very highly perishable food item and this requires proper handling and preservation. Despite the technological developments, considerable quantity of fish caught are wasted or spoiled making them unfit for human consumption. This wasted can be checked up if we take up different types of processing. Some of the methods practices at present in the State are sun drying, smoking and dry fish fermentation of puntius spp. Dry fish fermentation is a process for making low fish to value added products. It is prepared from dry fish of puntius spp. About 90% of the total populations of Manipur are consumer of fermented fish. It is a kind of oriental foods which have been using in South East Asia. Various dishes are prepared with this fermented fish. So, fermented fish finds a place in the daily diet in every house of the state. A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) FINANCIAL DETAILS FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 20,000 Construction of Shed 40,000 2. Plant & Machinery 60,000 3. Other Assets 6,000 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5,000 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 5,000 Total Fixed Capital: 1,36,000 WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 1,20,500 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) 12,000 Employment to be generated 4 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 5,000 9. Rent of building 1,500 Working Capital (per month): 1,39,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 1,39,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 2,75,000 Banks Share Pro. Share Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 2,47,500 27,500 2,75,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 1,39,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 925 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 5 % p.a. 1031 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 1362 Cost of production per month: 1,42,318 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) RM cost + 20% of RM 1,50,625 PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 1,50,625 (ii) Cost of production (-) 1,42,318 Profit per month: 8,307 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 8,118 (ii) Profit 8,307 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 97.72 % REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per repayment scheduled given in page No. 2. LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 163 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Bank Loan = Rs. 2,47,500/-, Interest of Loan =5% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Total amount of monthly instalment In x x x 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4342 4348 2,47,500 1031 1031 1031 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 543 537 *30,945 1031 1031 1031 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 4885 *2,78,445 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 164 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 52 BAKERY (MANUFACTURING OF BREAD & BISCUIT). Introduction: Bread and biscuits constitute an important item of bakery industry. Now these products have become common items of consumption among all classes of people with tea and coffee and in the breakfast bread and biscuits make not only the nutritious snack but also form an important constituent. It has become more and more popular as a convenient food. With the rise in population and greater urbanisation and improvement in the standards of living of the people, there has been gradual change in the food habits of the people during the last few decades. With these changes taking place in the economic life of the masses, the consumption of biscuits and breads has been increasing over the years and this envisages the scope for further expansion or development of this industry in the small towns, villages and backward areas of the state. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 30,000 2. Plant & Machinery 70,000 3. Other Assets 5,000 4. Furniture & Fixtures 10,000 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 2,000 117,000 Total Fixed Capital: WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 68,000 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) 10,000 Employment to be generated 4 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 4,000 Rent of building 1,000 Working Capital (per month): 83,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 83,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 200,000 Banks Share Pro. Share Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 1,90,000 10,000 2,00,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 83,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 1275 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 633 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 991 Cost of production per month: 85,899 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 95,200 RM cost + 40% of RM PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 95,200 (ii) Cost of production (-) 85,899 Profit per month: 9,301 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost = 40 % of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 6,899 (ii) Profit 9,301 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 42.59 % REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per repayment scheduled given in next page. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 165 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,90,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Amt. of quarterly Instalments Sl. No. Total amount of quarterly instalment Pr. In 1 x 2 x 3 10,556 1031 11587 4 10,556 1031 11587 5 10,556 1031 11587 6 10,556 1031 11587 7 10,556 1031 11587 8 10,556 1031 11587 9 10,556 1031 11587 10 10,556 1031 11587 11 10,556 1031 11587 12 10,556 1031 11587 13 10,556 1031 11587 14 10,556 1031 11587 15 10,556 1031 11587 16 10,556 1031 11587 17 10,556 1031 11587 18 10,556 1031 11587 19 10,556 1031 11587 20 10,548 1039 11587 1,90,000 *18,566 *2,08,566 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 166 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 53 WATCH REPAIRING AND SERVICING Introduction : To increase the life span of watches, clock, alarm, time piece etc., it requires periodical servicing of this horological equipment. Thus, there exists continuous demand for this type of service oriented units. FINANCIAL DETAILS : A. FIXED CAPITAL : 1. Land & Building(Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery Digi Crome Vitchi machine, Micrimate, Vibograph, Digital multimeter, cleaning machine, crystal fixing jig, tools, etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixture 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses Total Fixed Capital : B. WORKING CAPITAL : 6. Raw- Materials (RM)(per month) Watch cases, dials, needles, key rods, key bottons, Chains, straps, centre wheel, roller, hair spring, Jewels, batteries, petrol, oil., etc. 7. Salary & Wages (per month) Employment to be generated 2 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses (Per month) 9. Rent of Building Working Capital (per month) : Total Working Capital Requirement for I month : C. TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT (A+B) D. FUNDING PATTERN : Bank’s Share Total Capital Investment (A+B) 95,000/E. COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10 of Plant& Machinery, other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on bank loan @ 4%p.a. (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % Cost of Production per month : F. FINANCIAL RETURN (per month) : RM cost + 12 % of RM G. Profit (per month) (i) Financial Return (ii) Cost of production 1,000 20,000/41,000/- 15,000/2,000/78,000/15,000/- 5,000/1,000/1,000/- 22,000/22,000/1,00,000/Pro. Share Total 5,000/1,00,000/22,000/467/317/493/23,277/23,277/- 30,000/(-) 23,277/- Profit per month: 6,723/H. BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost = 40 % of salary + Interest+ Depreciation + Insurance = 3,277/(ii) Profit = 6,723/BEP=F.C./F.C.+ Profit)% = 32.77 % Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 167 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 95,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In x 317.00 x 317.00 x 317.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total amount of monthly instalment 317.00 317.00 317.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 168 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. 55 56 57 58 59 60 Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 1648.00 184.00 1832.00 95,000.00 *9424.00 *104,424.00 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 169 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No.54 PUBLIC CALL OFFICE (PCO) Introduction: Public Call Offices(PCO) have been recently rendering service to the public for communication from one part to the other. It enables to user to talk person to person in and outside the State for those who do not have their own telephone installation, besides, it helps the youths to employ themselves. Hence this servicing enterprises are worth encouraging. A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) FINANCIAL DETAILS FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 20,000 2. Plant & Machinery 30,000 Billing machine Vision Tek-31 with installation charge, Telephone receiver with display board installation 1 for STD and 1 for local calls 3. Other Assets (including telephone security 10,000 deposit) 4. Furniture & Fixtures 17,000 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 3,000 Total Fixed Capital: 80,000 WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 1,000 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) 6,000 Employment to be generated 2 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 12,000 (including tel. Bill) Rent of building 1,000 Working Capital (per month): 20,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 20,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 100,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 95,000 5,000 100,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 20,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 642 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 317 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 423 Cost of production per month: 21,382 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 25,500 (Call charges received) PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 25,500 (ii) Cost of production (-) 21,382 Profit per month: 4,118 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 3,782 (ii) Profit 4,118 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 47.87 % As per repayment scheduled given in next page REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 170 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 95,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments Sl. No. Opening Bal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 95000 95000 95000 95000 93333 91666 89999 88332 86665 84998 83331 81664 79997 78330 76663 74996 73329 71662 69995 68328 66661 64994 63327 61660 59993 58326 56659 54992 53325 51658 49991 48324 46657 44990 43323 41656 39989 38322 36655 34988 33321 31654 29987 28320 26653 24986 23319 21652 19985 Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of Closing Bal. monthly instalment Pr. In 0 317 317 95000 0 317 317 95000 0 317 317 95000 1667 165 1832 93333 1667 165 1832 91666 1667 165 1832 89999 1667 165 1832 88332 1667 165 1832 86665 1667 165 1832 84998 1667 165 1832 83331 1667 165 1832 81664 1667 165 1832 79997 1667 165 1832 78330 1667 165 1832 76663 1667 165 1832 74996 1667 165 1832 73329 1667 165 1832 71662 1667 165 1832 69995 1667 165 1832 68328 1667 165 1832 66661 1667 165 1832 64994 1667 165 1832 63327 1667 165 1832 61660 1667 165 1832 59993 1667 165 1832 58326 1667 165 1832 56659 1667 165 1832 54992 1667 165 1832 53325 1667 165 1832 51658 1667 165 1832 49991 1667 165 1832 48324 1667 165 1832 46657 1667 165 1832 44990 1667 165 1832 43323 1667 165 1832 41656 1667 165 1832 39989 1667 165 1832 38322 1667 165 1832 36655 1667 165 1832 34988 1667 165 1832 33321 1667 165 1832 31654 1667 165 1832 29987 1667 165 1832 28320 1667 165 1832 26653 1667 165 1832 24986 1667 165 1832 23319 1667 165 1832 21652 1667 165 1832 19985 1667 165 1832 18318 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 171 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. Opening Bal. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 18318 16651 14984 13317 11650 9983 8316 6649 4982 3315 1648 Total : Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of Closing Bal. monthly instalment Pr. In 1667 165 1832 16651 1667 165 1832 14984 1667 165 1832 13317 1667 165 1832 11650 1667 165 1832 9983 1667 165 1832 8316 1667 165 1832 6649 1667 165 1832 4982 1667 165 1832 3315 1667 165 1832 1648 1648 184 1832 0 95000 10374 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 172 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 55 RICE MILL Introduction: The main food crop of Manipur is paddy. Almost 90% of the inhabitants of Manipur live on rice. A kind of coal like fuel can also be manufactured from the husk of paddy. Paddy occupies almost 80 percent of food crops in Manipur. So rice milling industry is quite feasible. A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) FINANCIAL ETAILS FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery 122,000 Sheller, polisher, motor, etc. 3. Other Assets 4,000 4. Furniture & Fixtures 12,000 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 2,000 Total Fixed Capital: 140,000 WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) 4,000 Employment to be generated 2 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 5,000 Rent of building 1,000 Working Capital (per month): 10,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 10,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 150,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 142,500 7,500 150,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 10,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 1,150 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank Loan 475 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 750 Cost of production per month: 12,375 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 16,000 Rice milling charge PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 16,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 12,375 Profit per month: 3,625 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 4,000 (ii) Profit 3,625 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. +Profit)% 52.46 % As per Repayment scheduled given in next page REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 173 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,42,500/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Principal Interest EQI 1425 1425 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7917 773 7911 142500 779 16770 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 1425 0 0 1425 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 0 0 8690 Balance 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 142500 134583 134583 134583 126666 126666 126666 118749 118749 118749 110832 110832 110832 102915 102915 102915 94998 94998 94998 87081 87081 87081 79164 79164 79164 71247 71247 71247 63330 63330 63330 55413 55413 55413 47496 47496 47496 39579 39579 39579 31662 31662 31662 23745 23745 23745 15828 15828 15828 7911 7911 7911 0 174 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No.56 TENT HOUSE Introduction: The scheme aims at lending Shamayana, Karnat, Phijang, Utensils etc. and construction of Mandop which are commonly used in all the ceremonies. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery 3. Other Assets Samiyana, Karnat, Phijang, Utensils, bamboos, chairs, tables, cookeries etc. 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: B) WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 5 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): Total Working Capital Requirement for: C) TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 1,000 30,000 2,000 147,000 5,000 2,000 186,000 10,000 1 months 3,000 1,000 14,000 14,000 200,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total 190,000 10,000 200,000 D) FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) E) COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 14,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 15% of Plant & Machinery, 2,300 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 633 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 997 Cost of production per month: 17,930 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 25,000 Received from lending and construction charges PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 25,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 17,930 Profit per month: 7,070 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 7,930 (ii) Profit 7,070 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. + Profit)% 52.87 % As per repayment scheduled given in next page Repayment of loan F) G) H) I) Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 175 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,90,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 18 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Principal Interest 1900 1900 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10556 1031 10548 190000 1039 223566 EQI Balance 0 0 1900 0 0 1900 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 0 0 11587 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 179444 179444 179444 168888 168888 168888 158332 158332 158332 147776 147776 147776 137220 137220 137220 126664 126664 126664 116108 116108 116108 105552 105552 105552 94996 94996 94996 84440 84440 84440 73884 73884 73884 63328 63328 63328 52772 52772 52772 42216 42216 42216 31660 31660 31660 21104 21104 21104 10548 10548 10548 0 176 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 57 CYCLE/RICKSHAW REPAIRING Introduction: Cycles and Rickshaws are the means of conveyance for the common people leaving in Manipur. With the increase in population, utility of cycle and Rickshaw have recently been increasing at a faster rate. Hence establishment of cycle/Rickshaw workshop will be of successful ventures. FINANCIAL DETAILS A) FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery Portable electric drill, Swedge Block, Spanner Set, Ring Wrench Set (King Dick) Other tools like hammer, screw driver, Gas welding machine, etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: Total Fixed Capital: B) WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) Cycle/Ricksaw frame, RIN, Saddle, Tyre, Tube, Paddle, Spoke, Carrier, Brack shoe & Others spares parts etc. 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 2 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building Working Capital (per month): Total Working Capital Requirement for: C) TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) D) E) F) G) H) I) 1,000 15,000 15,200 2,800 1,000 34,000 20,000 4,000 1 months 1,000 1,000 26,000 26,000 60,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 57,000 3,000 60,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 26,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 317 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 190 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 287 Cost of production per month: 26,794 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 31,000 RM cost + 20% of RM + Servicing charges PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 31,000 (ii) Cost of production (-) 26,794 Profit per month: 4,206 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation 2,394 (ii) Profit 4,206 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C. + Profit)% 36.27 % As per repayment scheduled given in next page REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 177 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 57,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In X 190 X 190 X 190 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 1000 99 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total amount of monthly instalment 190 190 190 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 178 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 51 1000 99 1099 52 1000 99 1099 53 1000 99 1099 54 1000 99 1099 55 1000 99 1099 56 1000 99 1099 57 1000 99 1099 58 1000 99 1099 59 1000 99 1099 60 1000 99 1099 Total : 57,000 *5,643 *62,643 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 179 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 58 AUTOMOBILE SPARE PARTS STORE Introduction : The demand of spare parts for automobiles is increasing day-by-day with increase of vehicle population. To make it easily available such parts, more number of spare parts store are required to be established. FINANCIAL DETAILS : I. FIXED CAPITAL : 1. Land & Building(Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixture 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses Total Fixed Capital : J. WORKING CAPITAL : 6. Raw- Materials (RM)(per month) 7. Salary & Wages (per month) Employment to be generated 3 nos. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses (Per month) 9. Rent of Building Working Capital (per month) : Total Working Capital Requirement for I month : K. TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT (A+B) L. FUNDING PATTERN : Bank’s Share Total Capital Investment (A+B) 1,90,000/M. COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10 of Plant& Machinery, other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on bank loan @ 4%p.a. (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % N. O. P. 1,000 30,000/2,000/20,000/2,000/54,000/1,37,000/6,000/2,000/1,000/1,46,000/1,46,000/2,00,000/Pro. Share Total 10,000/2,00,000/- Cost of Production per month : FINANCIAL RETURN (per month) : RM cost + 12 % of RM Profit (per month) (i) Financial Return (ii) Cost of production 1,46,000/183/633/1,024/1,47,840/1,53,440/- 1,53,440/(-) 1,47,840/- Profit per month: 5,600/BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost = 40 % of salary + Interest+ Depreciation + Insurance = 4,240/(ii) Profit = 5,600/BEP=F.C./F.C.+Profit)% = 43.09 % LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,90,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In x 633 633 x 633 633 x 633 633 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 180 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3333 331 3664 3352 312 3664 1,90,000 *18,848 *2,08,848 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 181 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 59 LUBRICANT SHOP Introduction : The demand of lubricant items for automobiles is increasing day-by-day with increase of vehicle population. To make it easily available such items, more number of lubricant shops are required to be established. FINANCIAL DETAILS : A. FIXED CAPITAL : 1. Land & Building(Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixture 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses Total Fixed Capital : B. WORKING CAPITAL : 6. Raw- Materials (RM)(per month) 7. Salary & Wages (per month) Employment to be generated 1 no. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses (Per month) 1,000 30,000/3,000/10,000/2,000/45,000/- 50,000/2,000/2,000/- 9. Rent of Building 1,000/- Working Capital (per month) : Total Working Capital Requirement for I month : C. TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT (A+B) D. FUNDING PATTERN : Bank’s Share Total Capital Investment (A+B) 95,000/- E. COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10 of Plant& Machinery, other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on bank loan @ 4%p.a. (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 55,000/55,000/1,00,000/Pro. Share 5,000/- Total 1,00,000/- 55,000/108/317/504/- Cost of Production per month : 55,929/- F. FINANCIAL RETURN (per month) : RM cost + 20 % of RM G. Profit (per month) (i) Financial Return (ii) Cost of production 60,000/- Profit per month: 60,000/(-) 55,929/4,071/- H. BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost = 40 % of salary + Interest+ Depreciation + Insurance = 1,729/(ii) Profit = 4,071/BEP=F.C./F.C.+Profit)% = 29.81 % Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 182 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 95,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 1 x 317.00 317.00 2 x 317.00 317.00 3 x 317.00 317.00 4 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 5 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 6 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 7 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 8 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 9 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 10 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 11 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 12 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 13 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 14 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 15 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 16 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 17 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 18 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 19 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 20 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 21 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 22 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 23 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 24 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 25 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 26 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 27 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 28 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 29 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 30 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 31 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 32 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 33 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 34 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 35 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 36 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 37 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 38 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 39 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 40 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 41 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 42 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 43 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 44 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 45 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 46 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 47 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 48 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 49 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 50 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 51 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 52 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 53 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 54 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 55 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 56 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 57 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 58 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 59 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 60 1648.00 184.00 1832.00 95,000.00 *9424.00 *104,424.00 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 183 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 60 ELECTRICAL STORE Introduction : Electrical stores are very common where electrical appliances/items such as electric bulb, tubes, wire, sockets, holders, switches, iron, fan, etc. and various other essential items are available. These items are essential and commonly used by men of all categories. A common man cannot afford to buy these items in bulk from wholesale markets where it is available a comparatively cheaper rate. On the other hand, these items are easily available through retail electrical stores in required quantities every where and close proximity. FINANCIAL DETAILS : A. FIXED CAPITAL : 1. Land & Building(Rented) Security deposit for the rented building 2. Plant & Machinery Multimeter, hand tools, testers etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixture 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses Total Fixed Capital : 1,000 30,000/10,000/14,000/1,000/55,000/- B. WORKING CAPITAL : 6. Raw- Materials (RM)(per month) 135,000/Electric bulb, tubes, wire, sockets, holders, switches, iron, fan etc. 7. Salary & Wages (per month) 7,000/Employment to be generated 3 no. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses (Per month) 2,000/9. Rent of Building 1,000/Working Capital (per month) : Total Working Capital Requirement for I month : C. TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT (A+B) D. FUNDING PATTERN : Bank’s Share Total Capital Investment (A+B) 1,90,000/- E. COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital (ii) Depreciation @ 10 of Plant& Machinery, other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on bank loan @ 4%p.a. (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % Cost of Production per month : F. FINANCIAL RETURN (per month) : RM cost + 15 % of RM G. Profit (per month) (i) Financial Return (ii) Cost of production 1,45,000/1,45,000/2,00,000/Pro. Share Total 10,000/- 2,00,000/- 1,45,000/200/633/1,024/1,46,857/155,250/- 1,55,250/(-) 1,46,857/- Profit per month: 8,393/H. BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost = 40 % of salary + Interest+ Depreciation + Insurance = 4,657/(ii) Profit = 8,393/BEP=F.C./F.C.+ Profit)% = 35.69 % Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 184 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,90,000/Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of Sl. No. monthly instalment Pr. In 1 x 633 633 2 x 633 633 3 x 633 633 4 3333 331 3664 5 3333 331 3664 6 3333 331 3664 7 3333 331 3664 8 3333 331 3664 9 3333 331 3664 10 3333 331 3664 11 3333 331 3664 12 3333 331 3664 13 3333 331 3664 14 3333 331 3664 15 3333 331 3664 16 3333 331 3664 17 3333 331 3664 18 3333 331 3664 19 3333 331 3664 20 3333 331 3664 21 3333 331 3664 22 3333 331 3664 23 3333 331 3664 24 3333 331 3664 25 3333 331 3664 26 3333 331 3664 27 3333 331 3664 28 3333 331 3664 29 3333 331 3664 30 3333 331 3664 31 3333 331 3664 32 3333 331 3664 33 3333 331 3664 34 3333 331 3664 35 3333 331 3664 36 3333 331 3664 37 3333 331 3664 38 3333 331 3664 39 3333 331 3664 40 3333 331 3664 41 3333 331 3664 42 3333 331 3664 43 3333 331 3664 44 3333 331 3664 45 3333 331 3664 46 3333 331 3664 47 3333 331 3664 48 3333 331 3664 49 3333 331 3664 50 3333 331 3664 51 3333 331 3664 52 3333 331 3664 53 3333 331 3664 54 3333 331 3664 55 3333 331 3664 56 3333 331 3664 57 3333 331 3664 58 3333 331 3664 59 3333 331 3664 60 3352 312 3664 1,90,000 *18,848 *2,08,848 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 185 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 61 GENERAL STORE (Small) Introduction: General stores are very common where items such as pulses, floor, rice, ghee, oil, soap and detergents and toiletries and various other items of daily use are available. These items are essential and commonly used in every family of all categories. A common man cannot afford to buy these items of daily use in bulk from wholesale markets where it is available at comparatively cheaper rate. On the other hand, these items are easily available through retail general stores in small quantities everywhere and close proximity. With the all round development taking place in cities and towns and increase in population, there appears to be good scope for general store. FINANCIAL DETAILS FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 500 Security deposit for the rented building 15,000 2. Plant & Machinery 2,000 Weighing balance improved type Measuring weight and containers, etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 3,000 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 20,000 Total Fixed Capital: B) WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 28,500 Grocery items such as rice, mustard oil, dal, ghee, sugar, moida, ata, etc Cosmetic items Food items like biscuit, milk powder etc. 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 1,000 Rent of building 500 Working Capital (per month): 30,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 30,000 C) TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 50,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total D) FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 47,500 2,500 50,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) E) (i) Working Capital 30,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 279 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 158 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 263 Cost of production per month: 30,700 F) FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) RM cost + 20 % of RM 34,200 G) PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 34,200 (ii) Cost of production (-) 30,700 Profit per month: 3,500 H) BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 700 (ii) Profit 3,500 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C.+ Profit)% 16.67 % I) REPAYMENT OF LOAN : As per loan repayment chart given in next page A) Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 186 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 47,500/-, Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In x 158 x 158 x 158 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 833 83 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 158 158 158 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 916 187 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 50 833 83 916 51 833 83 916 52 833 83 916 53 833 83 916 54 833 83 916 55 833 83 916 56 833 83 916 57 833 83 916 58 833 83 916 59 833 83 916 60 852 64 916 47,500 *4,712 *52,212 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 188 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 62 GENERAL STORE (Big) Introduction: General stores are very common where items such as pulses, floor, rice, ghee, oil, soap and detergents and toiletries and various other items of daily use are available. These items are essential and commonly used in every family of all categories. A common man cannot afford to buy these items of daily use in bulk from wholesale markets where it is available at comparatively cheaper rate. On the other hand, these items are easily available through retail general stores in small quantities everywhere and close proximity. With the all round development taking place in cities and towns and increase in population, there appears to be good scope for general store. A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) FINANCIAL DETAILS FIXED CAPITAL: 1. Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 20,000 2. Plant & Machinery 3,000 Weighing balance improved type Measuring weight and containers, etc. 3. Other Assets 4. Furniture & Fixtures 5,000 5. Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 2,000 Total Fixed Capital: 30,000 WORKING CAPITAL: 6. Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 66,000 Grocery items such as rice, mustard oil, dal, ghee, sugar, moida, ata, etc Cosmetic items Food items like biscuit, milk powder etc. 7. Salary & Wages(Per month) 2,000 Employment to be generated 1 no. 8. Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) 1,000 Rent of building 1,000 Working Capital (per month): 70,000 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT(A+B) 100,000 Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 95,000 5,000 1,00,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 70,000 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 617 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank Loan @ 4 % p.a. 317 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 509 Cost of production per month: 71,443 FINANCIAL RETURN (per month) 79,200 RM cost + 20 % of RM PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 79,200 (ii) Cost of production (-) 71,443 Profit per month: 7,757 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost = 40 % of Salary + Interest+ Depreciation + Insurance. 2,243 (ii) Profit 7,757 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C+Profit)% 22.43 % As per loan repayment chart given in next page REPAYMENT OF LOAN Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 189 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 95,000/Interest of Loan = 4% per annum. Period of Loan = 5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Amt. of monthly Instalments Pr. In x 317.00 x 317.00 x 317.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 1667.00 165.00 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Total amount of monthly instalment 317.00 317.00 317.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 1832.00 190 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Sl. No. Amt. of monthly Instalments Total amount of monthly instalment Pr. In 50 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 51 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 52 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 53 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 54 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 55 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 56 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 57 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 58 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 59 1667.00 165.00 1832.00 60 1648.00 184.00 1832.00 95,000.00 *9424.00 *104,424.00 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 191 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 63 KIOSKS/SNACK BAR/TEA STALL & RESTAURANT Introduction: The scheme envisages setting up of Kiosks/Snack Bar/tea stall & restaurant at the urban areas of Manipur. Men and women of all categories are habituated to take tea/coffee/snacks and beverages. As such the prospect of opening of Kiosks/Snack Bar/tea stall & restaurant is considered economically viable. A) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B) 6. 7. 8. C) D) E) F) G) H) I) FINANCIAL DETAILS FIXED CAPITAL: Land & Building (Rented) 1,000 Security deposit for the rented building 15,000 Plant & Machinery 7,500 Other Assets Furniture & Fixtures 7,000 Preliminary & Preoperative expenses: 1,000 Total Fixed Capital: 30,500 WORKING CAPITAL: Raw-Materials(RM) (Per month) 19,000 Salary & Wages(Per month) Employment to be generated Utilities & overhead expenses(Per month) Rent of building 500 Working Capital (per month): 19,500 1 months Total Working Capital Requirement for: 19,500 TOTAL CAPITAL 50,000 INVESTMENT(A+B) Banks Share Pro. Shares Total FUNDING PATTERN: Total Capital Investment (A+B) 47,500 2,500 50,000 COST OF PRODUCTION(Per month) (i) Working Capital 19,500 (ii) Depreciation @ 10% of Plant & Machinery, 279 other assets & furniture & fixtures. (iii) Interest on Bank loan @ 4 % p.a. 158 (iv) Insurance @ 6.5 % 263 Cost of production per month: 20,200 FINANCIAL RETURN(per month) 28,500 RM cost + 50% of RM PROFIT(per month) (i) Financial Return 28,500 (ii) Cost of production (-) 20,200 Profit per month: 8,300 BREAK EVEN POINT(BEP) (i) Fixed Cost =40% of Salary + Interest + Depreciation + Insurance 700 (ii) Profit 8,300 B.E.P=F.C/(F.C+Profit)% 7.78 % REPAYMENT OF LOAN As per repayment schedule given in next page Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 192 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 47,500/-, Interest of Loan =4% per annum. Period of Loan =5 years with a moratorium period of 3 months, repayable in 57 equated monthly instalments Amt. of monthly Instalments Sl. No. Pr. In Total amount of monthly instalment 1 x 158 158 2 x 158 158 3 x 158 158 4 833 83 916 5 833 83 916 6 833 83 916 7 833 83 916 8 833 83 916 9 833 83 916 10 833 83 916 11 833 83 916 12 833 83 916 13 833 83 916 14 833 83 916 15 833 83 916 16 833 83 916 17 833 83 916 18 833 83 916 19 833 83 916 20 833 83 916 21 833 83 916 22 833 83 916 23 833 83 916 24 833 83 916 25 833 83 916 26 833 83 916 27 833 83 916 28 833 83 916 29 833 83 916 30 833 83 916 31 833 83 916 32 833 83 916 33 833 83 916 34 833 83 916 35 833 83 916 36 833 83 916 37 833 83 916 38 833 83 916 39 833 83 916 40 833 83 916 41 833 83 916 42 833 83 916 43 833 83 916 44 833 83 916 45 833 83 916 46 833 83 916 47 833 83 916 48 833 83 916 49 833 83 916 50 833 83 916 51 833 83 916 52 833 83 916 53 833 83 916 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 193 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Amt. of monthly Instalments Sl. No. Pr. In Total amount of monthly instalment 54 833 83 916 55 833 83 916 56 833 83 916 57 833 83 916 58 833 83 916 59 833 83 916 60 852 64 916 47,500 *4,712 *52,212 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 194 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc TRANSPORT Scheme No. 64 MODEL SCHEME IN RESPECT OF TRANSPORT BUSINESS. 1. Type of vehicle to be purchased : Auto Rickshaw for passenger service (*) 2. Cost of the vehicle : Rs.0.80 lakhs. 3. Funding pattern : Banks Share (95%) Rs. 0.76 lakhs Promoters contribution(5 %) Rs. 0.04 lakhs. Total Rs.0.80 lakhs. 4. Estimated figures of profitability per month : A. INCOME : a). Number of days in a month the vehicle be on road b). Number of kilometers the vehicle will run per day c). Estimated average income per day d). Estimated average income per month : 26 days : 100 kms. : Rs. 500/day. : Rs. 13,000/month. (Please indicate the average km. the vehicle will run per day with passengers/goods and the rate of fare per km. The average income should be multiplied by the number of days in a month the vehicle will be on road to arrive the monthly income). In case of buses, number of trips and estimated income from each trip should be stated. e). Have the rates been approved by the Road Transport Authority? : B. Expenses : (Estimated per month): a). Cost of fuel = A X B X C N Where, A = Total number of days the vehicle will be on road in a month B = Average km. the vehicle will run per day C = Cost of fuel per litre N = Number of kms. the vehicle will run per litre of fuel = Rs.5,200/- = 26 days. = 100 kms. = Rs.40/litre. = 20 km. b). Salary and allowance for Driver, Conductor/Cleaner/Mechanic, etc. c). Cost of Lubricant d). Insurance premium e). Motor Tax including Municipal Tax f). Garage rent g). Maintenance expenditure, repairing, servicing, etc. h). Interest on borrowings @ 7 % p.a. i). Depreciation @ 10 % per annum j). Other expenses, if any. k). Drawings for personnel maintenance = x = Rs.100/= Rs.167/= Rs.100/= Rs. x = Rs.200/= Rs.253/= Rs.667/= Rs.200/= Rs.700/- Total := Rs.7,587/= Rs.5,413/- 5. Monthly profit/surplus (A-B) 6. Repayment Schedule : Overleaf Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 195 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 76,000/Interst of Loan = 4 % per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Principal Interest EQI 760 760 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 760 0 0 760 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 Balance 76000 76000 76000 76000 76000 76000 76000 76000 76000 73077 73077 73077 70154 70154 70154 67231 67231 67231 64308 64308 64308 61385 61385 61385 58462 58462 58462 55539 55539 55539 52616 52616 52616 49693 49693 49693 46770 46770 46770 43847 43847 43847 40924 40924 40924 38001 38001 38001 35078 35078 35078 32155 32155 32155 29232 29232 29232 196 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Principal 2923 Interest 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2923 411 2925 76000 409 12204 EQI 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 0 0 3334 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Balance 26309 26309 26309 23386 23386 23386 20463 20463 20463 17540 17540 17540 14617 14617 14617 11694 11694 11694 8771 8771 8771 5848 5848 5848 2925 2925 2925 0 197 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 65 Purchase of Auto-Rickshaw (Transport) 1. Type of vehicle to be purchased : Auto Rickshaw for Transport purpose. (**) 2. Cost of the vehicle : Rs. 1.21 lakhs. 3. Funding pattern : Banks Share (95%) Rs. 1.15 lakhs Promoters contribution(5 %) Rs. 0.06 lakhs. Total Rs.1.21 lakhs. 4. Estimated figures of profitability per month : A. INCOME : a). Number of days in a month the vehicle be on road b). Number of kilometers the vehicle will run per day c). Estimated average income per day d). Estimated average income per month : 26 days : 100 kms. : Rs. 500/day. : Rs. 13,000/month. (Please indicate the average km. the vehicle will run per day with passengers/goods and the rate of fare per km. The average income should be multiplied by the number of days in a month the vehicle will be on road to arrive the monthly income). In case of buses, number of trips and estimated income from each trip should be stated. e). Have the rates been approved by the Road Transport Authority? : B. Expenses : (Estimated per month): a). Cost of fuel = A X B X C N = Rs.3,380/- Where, A = Total number of days the vehicle will be on road in a month B = Average km. the vehicle will run per day C = Cost of fuel per litre N = Number of kms. the vehicle will run per litre of fuel = 26 days. = 100 kms. = Rs.26/litre. = 20 km. b). Salary and allowance for Driver, Conductor/Cleaner/Mechanic, etc. c). Cost of Lubricant d). Insurance premium e). Motor Tax including Municipal Tax f). Garage rent g). Maintenance expenditure, repairing, servicing, etc. h). Interest on borrowings @ 7 % p.a. i). Depreciation @ 10 % per annum j). Other expenses, if any. k). Drawings for personnel maintenance Total := Rs.6,484/5. Monthly profit/surplus (A-B) = x = Rs. 100/= Rs. 213/= Rs. 100/= Rs. x = Rs. 200/= Rs. 383/= Rs.1,008/= Rs. 300/= Rs. 800/- = Rs.6,516/- 6. Repayment Schedule : Overleaf Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 198 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 1,15,000/Interst of Loan = 4 % per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months Principal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Interest EQI 1150 1150 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 0 0 1150 0 0 1150 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 Balance 115000 115000 115000 115000 115000 115000 115000 115000 115000 110577 110577 110577 106154 106154 106154 101731 101731 101731 97308 97308 97308 92885 92885 92885 88462 88462 88462 84039 84039 84039 79616 79616 79616 75193 75193 75193 70770 70770 70770 66347 66347 66347 61924 61924 61924 57501 57501 57501 53078 53078 53078 48655 48655 48655 44232 44232 44232 199 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Principal 4423 Interest 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4423 622 4425 115000 620 18470 EQI 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 0 0 5045 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Balance 39809 39809 39809 35386 35386 35386 30963 30963 30963 26540 26540 26540 22117 22117 22117 17694 17694 17694 13271 13271 13271 8848 8848 8848 4425 4425 4425 0 200 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 66 Purchase of TAXI (VAN). 1. Type of vehicle to be purchased : Maruti Van. 2. Cost of the vehicle : Rs. 2.50 lakhs. 3. Funding pattern : Banks Share ( 90 %) Rs. 2.25 lakhs Promoters contribution(10%) Rs. 0.25 lakhs. Total Rs.2.50lakhs. 4. Estimated figures of profitability per month : A. INCOME : a). Number of days in a month the vehicle be on road b). Number of kilometers the vehicle will run per day c). Estimated average income per day d). Estimated average income per month : 26 days : 100 kms. : Rs. 800/day. : Rs.20,800/month. (Please indicate the average km. the vehicle will run per day with passengers/goods and the rate of fare per km. The average income should be multiplied by the number of days in a month the vehicle will be on road to arrive the monthly income). In case of buses, number of trips and estimated income from each trip should be stated. e). Have the rates been approved by the Road Transport Authority? : B. Expenses : (Estimated per month): a). Cost of fuel = A X B X C N Where, = Rs.6,933/- A = Total number of days the vehicle will be on road in a month B = Average km. the vehicle will run per day C = Cost of fuel per litre N = Number of kms. the vehicle will run per litre of fuel = 26 days. = 100 kms. = Rs.40/litre. = 15 km. b). Salary and allowance for Driver, Conductor/Cleaner/Mechanic, etc. c). Cost of Lubricant d). Insurance premium e). Motor Tax including Municipal Tax f). Garage rent g). Maintenance expenditure, repairing, servicing, etc. h). Interest on borrowings @ 7 % p.a. i). Depreciation @ 10 % per annum j). Other expenses, if any. k). Drawings for personnel maintenance Total := Rs.12,840/5. Monthly profit/surplus (A-B) = Rs. x = Rs. 200/= Rs. 786/= Rs. 100/= Rs. x = Rs. 500/= Rs. 938/= Rs.2,083/= Rs. 300/= Rs.1,000/- = Rs. 7,960/- 6. Repayment Schedule : Overleaf Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 201 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 2,25,000/Interst of Loan = 5 % per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Principal Interest EQI 2813 2813 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 0 0 2813 0 0 2813 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Balance 225000 225000 225000 225000 225000 225000 225000 225000 225000 216346 216346 216346 207692 207692 207692 199038 199038 199038 190384 190384 190384 181730 181730 181730 173076 173076 173076 164422 164422 164422 155768 155768 155768 147114 147114 147114 138460 138460 138460 129806 129806 129806 121152 121152 121152 112498 112498 112498 103844 103844 103844 95190 95190 95190 86536 86536 202 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Principal Interest EQI 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8654 1536 8650 225000 1540 45566 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 0 0 10190 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Balance 86536 77882 77882 77882 69228 69228 69228 60574 60574 60574 51920 51920 51920 43266 43266 43266 34612 34612 34612 25958 25958 25958 17304 17304 17304 8650 8650 8650 0 203 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 67 PURCHASE OF TATA 407. 1. Type of vehicle to be purchased : Tata 407 with mounted body. 2. Cost of the vehicle : Rs. 4.64 lakhs. 3. Funding pattern : Banks Share (90 %) Rs. 4.176 lakhs Promoters contribution(10%) Rs. 0.464 lakhs. Total Rs.4.64 lakhs. 4. Estimated figures of profitability per month : A. INCOME : a). Number of days in a month the vehicle be on road b). Number of kilometers the vehicle will run per day c). Estimated average income per day d). Estimated average income per month : 26 days : 100 kms. : Rs. 1,500/day. : Rs.39,000/month. (Please indicate the average km. the vehicle will run per day with passengers/goods and the rate of fare per km. The average income should be multiplied by the number of days in a month the vehicle will be on road to arrive the monthly income). In case of buses, number of trips and estimated income from each trip should be stated. e). Have the rates been approved by the Road Transport Authority? : B. Expenses : (Estimated per month): a). Cost of fuel = A X B X C N Where, = Rs.13,520/- A = Total number of days the vehicle will be on road in a month B = Average km. the vehicle will run per day C = Cost of fuel per litre N = Number of kms. the vehicle will run per litre of fuel = 26 days. = 100 kms. = Rs.26/litre. = 5 km. b). Salary and allowance for Driver, Conductor/Cleaner/Mechanic, etc. c). Cost of Lubricant d). Insurance premium e). Motor Tax including Municipal Tax f). Garage rent g). Maintenance expenditure, repairing, servicing, etc. h). Interest on borrowings @ 5 % p.a. i). Depreciation @ 10 % per annum j). Other expenses, if any. k). Drawings for personnel maintenance Total := Rs.25,885/5. Monthly profit/surplus (A-B) = Rs.2,000/= Rs. 400/= Rs.1,058/= Rs. 300/= Rs. x = Rs.1,000/= Rs.1,740/= Rs.3,867/= Rs. 500/= Rs.1,500/- = Rs.13,115/- 6. Repayment Schedule : Overleaf Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 204 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 4,27,500/Interest of Loan = 5 % per annum Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Sl. No. Amt. of quarterly Instalments Total amount of Pr. In quarterly instalment 1 x 2 x 3 16062 2850 18912 4 16062 2850 18912 5 16062 2850 18912 6 16062 2850 18912 7 16062 2850 18912 8 16062 2850 18912 9 16062 2850 18912 10 16062 2850 18912 11 16062 2850 18912 12 16062 2850 18912 13 16062 2850 18912 14 16062 2850 18912 15 16062 2850 18912 16 16062 2850 18912 17 16062 2850 18912 18 16062 2850 18912 19 16062 2850 18912 20 16062 2850 18912 21 16062 2850 18912 22 16062 2850 18912 23 16062 2850 18912 24 16062 2850 18912 25 16062 2850 18912 26 16062 2850 18912 27 16062 2850 18912 28 16050 2862 18912 4,17,600 *74,112 *4,91,712 * Exclusive of the interest accrued during the gestation period Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 205 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 68 Purchase of 207 Tata Mobile. 1. Type of vehicle to be purchased : 207 Tata Mobile 2. Cost of the vehicle : Rs. 4.03 lakhs. 3. Funding pattern : Banks Share (90 %) Rs. 3.627 lakhs Promoters contribution(10%) Rs. 0.403 lakhs. Total Rs.4.03 lakhs. 4. Estimated figures of profitability per month : A. INCOME : a). Number of days in a month the vehicle be on road b). Number of kilometers the vehicle will run per day c). Estimated average income per day d). Estimated average income per month : 26 days : 100 kms. : Rs. 1,500/day. : Rs.39,000/month. (Please indicate the average km. the vehicle will run per day with passengers/goods and the rate of fare per km. The average income should be multiplied by the number of days in a month the vehicle will be on road to arrive the monthly income). In case of buses, number of trips and estimated income from each trip should be stated. e). Have the rates been approved by the Road Transport Authority? : B. Expenses : (Estimated per month): a). Cost of fuel = A X B X C N Where, A = Total number of days the vehicle will be on road in a month B = Average km. the vehicle will run per day C = Cost of fuel per litre N = Number of kms. the vehicle will run per litre of fuel = Rs.13,520/- = 26 days. = 100 kms. = Rs.26/litre. = 5 km. b). Salary and allowance for Driver, Conductor/Cleaner/Mechanic, etc. c). Cost of Lubricant d). Insurance premium e). Motor Tax including Municipal Tax f). Garage rent g). Maintenance expenditure, repairing, servicing, etc. h). Interest on borrowings @ 7 % p.a. i). Depreciation @ 10 % per annum j). Other expenses, if any. k). Drawings for personnel maintenance Total := Rs.25,012/5. Monthly profit/surplus (A-B) = Rs.2,000/= Rs. 400/= Rs. 921/= Rs. 300/= Rs. x = Rs.1,000/= Rs.1,513/= Rs.3,358/= Rs. 500/= Rs.1,500/- = Rs.13,988/- 6. Repayment Schedule : Overleaf Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 206 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 3,62,700/Interst of Loan = 5 % per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Principal Interest 4534 4534 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 EQI 0 0 4534 0 0 4534 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Balance 362700 362700 362700 362700 362700 362700 362700 362700 362700 348750 348750 348750 334800 334800 334800 320850 320850 320850 306900 306900 306900 292950 292950 292950 279000 279000 279000 265050 265050 265050 251100 251100 251100 237150 237150 237150 223200 223200 223200 209250 209250 209250 195300 195300 195300 181350 181350 181350 167400 167400 167400 153450 153450 153450 139500 139500 139500 125550 207 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Principal Interest 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 2476 13950 362700 2476 73444 EQI 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 0 0 16426 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Balance 125550 125550 111600 111600 111600 97650 97650 97650 83700 83700 83700 69750 69750 69750 55800 55800 55800 41850 41850 41850 27900 27900 27900 13950 13950 13950 0 208 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Scheme No. 69 PURCHASE OF TATA SUMO (TAXI SERVICE). 1. Type of vehicle to be purchased : Tata Sumo. 2. Cost of the vehicle : Rs. 4.13 lakhs. 3. Funding pattern : Banks Share ( 90 %) Rs. 3.717 lakhs Promoters contribution(10%) Rs. 0.413 lakhs. Total Rs.4.13 lakhs. 4. Estimated figures of profitability per month : A. INCOME : a). Number of days in a month the vehicle be on road b). Number of kilometers the vehicle will run per day c). Estimated average income per day d). Estimated average income per month : 26 days : 200 kms. : Rs. 2,000/day. : Rs.52,000/month. (Please indicate the average km. the vehicle will run per day with passengers/goods and the rate of fare per km. The average income should be multiplied by the number of days in a month the vehicle will be on road to arrive the monthly income). In case of buses, number of trips and estimated income from each trip should be stated. e). Have the rates been approved by the Road Transport Authority? : B. Expenses : (Estimated per month): a). Cost of fuel = A X B X C N Where, A = Total number of days the vehicle will be on road in a month B = Average km. the vehicle will run per day C = Cost of fuel per litre N = Number of kms. the vehicle will run per litre of fuel = Rs.22,533/- = 26 days. = 200 kms. = Rs.26/litre. = 6 km. b). Salary and allowance for Driver, Conductor/Cleaner/Mechanic, etc. c). Cost of Lubricant d). Insurance premium e). Motor Tax including Municipal Tax f). Garage rent g). Maintenance expenditure, repairing, servicing, etc. h). Interest on borrowings @ 7 % p.a. i). Depreciation @ 10 % per annum j). Other expenses, if any. k). Drawings for personnel maintenance Total := Rs.34,673/5. Monthly profit/surplus (A-B) = Rs.2,000/= Rs. 400/= Rs.1,277/= Rs. 300/= Rs. x = Rs.1,000/= Rs.1,721/= Rs.3,442/= Rs. 500/= Rs.1,500/- = Rs.17,327/- 6. Repayment Schedule : Overleaf Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 209 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 3,71,700/Interst of Loan = 5 % per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 6 months, repayable in 26 equated quarterly instalments. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Principal Interest 4646 4646 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 EQI 0 0 4646 0 0 4646 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Balance 371700 371700 371700 371700 371700 371700 371700 371700 371700 357404 357404 357404 343108 343108 343108 328812 328812 328812 314516 314516 314516 300220 300220 300220 285924 285924 285924 271628 271628 271628 257332 257332 257332 243036 243036 243036 228740 228740 228740 214444 214444 214444 200148 200148 200148 185852 185852 185852 171556 171556 171556 157260 157260 157260 142964 142964 142964 210 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Principal 14296 Interest 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14296 2537 14300 371700 2533 75250 EQI 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 0 0 16833 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur Balance 128668 128668 128668 114372 114372 114372 100076 100076 100076 85780 85780 85780 71484 71484 71484 57188 57188 57188 42892 42892 42892 28596 28596 28596 14300 14300 14300 0 211 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc SERICULTURE Scheme No. 70 MODEL SCHEME FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF SECULTURE FARM. INTRODUCTION: Manipur is a unique State in the world where 4 (four) verities of silk viz. Mulberry, Eri, Muga, and Tasar are produced. However, the production of quality silk could not be made due to lack of infrastructure with the Govt. and lack of equipments with the Private Rearers. In order to provide self-employment in the State of Manipur and also for the development of rural economy in the State by increasing silk production, Department of Sericulture Manipur has to initiate the implementation of Special Employment Generation Programme for educated / uneducated and unemployed persons in Manipur. OBJECTIVE: The programme has twin objectives: I. To alleviate poverty of the rural population through generating self-employment opportunities, particularly educated/uneducated youths, in the field of Sericulture. The programme will give self- employment to 200 persons. II. To increase the present Raw Silk production by additional 5:3 M.T. of Mulberry Silk Yarns under this programme. Details of the programme are as follows: 1. TITLE OF THE SCHEME 2. Continuation / New: 3. Broad objective: : Establishment of Sericulture (Mulbery) Firm New. Quality up gradation, Technology Absorption, Productivity improvement & Self EmploymentLinked. Manipur. 4. State Covered: 5. Funding Pattern: In respect of the programme which involves sharing of funds between Manipur State Cooperative Bank (MSCB) and Beneficiary (Bene), the funding pattern will be 95% Bank loan (MSCB) and 5% (Bene). Brief Description: In the scheme assistance will be given for the following components: 1. 2. 3. 4. Assistance of establishment of 1 (one) acre of Mulberry plantation. Assistance of construction of rearing houses. Assistance for procurement of rearing equipments. Assistance for installation of reeling machine. 6. Implementation Guidelines / Operational modalities: Implementation and operation of the scheme will be discussed in 4 (four) different components. 6.1 Assistance for establishment of 1(one) acre of Mulberry plantation: For the development of mulberry sericulture both in hills and plain areas of Manipur, plantation of mulberry is of great importance. To ensure a good remuneration income, 1 (one) acre area of mulberry plantation is needed accommodating 4000 nos. of plants. The unit cost details are appended at Annexure-1. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 212 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc 6.2 Assistance of construction of rearing houses. For encouragement of general and bivoltine rearers, rearing house are proposed under this programme. To insure hygienic conditions and prevent contamination during silkworm rearing, construction of separate silkworm rearing houses is very essential. The proposed type of rearing house will be appropriate for hilly area of Manipur. The unit cost details and model of the proposed rearing house are appended at Annexure-2. 6.3. Assistance for procurement of rearing equipments: For popularization of bivoltine rearing, the rearing appliances / farm equipments are of prime importance. As the farmers are rearing bivoltine, they will be additionally supported with modern rearing equipments such as rotary mountages, shoot rearing racks, farm machinery etc. which are essential for bivoltine sericulture. The unit cost of these equipments is Rs 30,00/- per farmer. The unit cost details are appended at Annexure -3. 6.4 Assistance for installation of reeling machine: For ensuring International Grade of Bivoltine silk yarn, installation of improved reeling machine is a must. The unit cost of the reeling machine is approximately Rs.10,000/- and this will be made available to the beneficiary at a subsidized rate of Rs. 5,000/- under the assistance of Central Silk Board (CSB). State level Purchase committee constituted by DOS will assist the units in procurement of articles/ equipments. Sl. No 1 2 3 4 Components Physical Target Assistance for establishment of 1(one) acre of mulberry Plantation. Assistance for construction of rearing houses Assistance for procurement of rearing equipments Assistance for installation of reeling machine Total : Total Scheme Cost Rs.1.00 lakhs. Bank’s share(95 %) Rs.0.95 lakhs. 200acres 200 Nos. 200 Farmers 200 Nos. Unit Cost (Rs.) 15,000 50,000 30,000 5,000 100,000 Beneficiary contribution (5 %) Rs.0.05 lakhs. 7. Programme out put: 7.1 Qualitative: The implementation the programme will direct results in the production of additional raw silk and provide direct employment to the people of the state as per details given below. Details Sl.No. 1 Establishment of new Mulberry plantation by 200 nos. of beneficiaries. 2 Additional cocoon production. 3 Production of additional raw silk. Unit 1 acre per beneficiary Quantity 200 acres 160 kg per beneficiary 26.5 kg per beneficiary 32 MT 5.3 MT 7.2 Qualitative: Implementation of the programme components will held to improve the quality and productivity because of adoption of improved technology. Additional income generated will help to improve the economic and social condition of the beneficiaries. The programme component also envisages providing assistance to the rearers to develop and maintain systematic host plantation to ensure quality foliage, which results in crop stability. Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 213 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Cost of Mulberry Plantation Development: Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 Annexure-I [Unit: I] Description Unit Quantity 1 Unit Cost (Rs.) 8300 Amount (Rs.) 8300 Land Development/ Preparation Cattle Proof/ Trenching / Fencing Cost of compost Planting of Sapling Cost of Fertilizer. Acre Acre 1 4000 4000 Acre Acre Acre 1 1 1 800 800 600 600 1300 1300 15,000 TOTAL Note: Cost of sapling and cost of application of compost & fertilizer will be borne by the beneficiary. 8. Repayment of loan will be as per repayment chart given below : LOAN REPAYMENT CHART Bank Loan = Rs. 95,000/Interest of Loan = 4 % per annum. Period of Loan = 7 years with a moratorium period of 12 months, repayable in 12 equated half yearly instalments. Months Principal Interest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 950 950 950 950 7917 1072 7917 1072 7917 1072 EQI Balance 0 0 950 0 0 950 0 0 950 0 0 950 0 0 0 0 0 8989 0 0 0 0 0 8989 0 0 0 0 0 8989 0 0 0 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 87083 87083 87083 87083 87083 87083 79166 79166 79166 79166 79166 79166 71249 71249 71249 71249 214 E:\Sys_Compaq_New\Homendro\SEGP\MSCB\2005-06\Scheme Details.doc Months Principal Interest 34 35 36 7917 1072 37 38 39 40 41 42 7917 1072 43 44 45 46 47 48 7917 1072 49 50 51 52 53 54 7917 1072 55 56 57 58 59 60 7917 1072 61 62 63 64 65 66 7917 1072 67 68 69 70 71 72 7917 1072 73 74 75 76 77 78 7917 1072 79 80 81 82 83 84 7913 1076 95000 16668 EQI Balance 0 0 8989 0 0 0 0 0 8989 0 0 0 0 0 8989 0 0 0 0 0 8989 0 0 0 0 0 8989 0 0 0 0 0 8989 0 0 0 0 0 8989 0 0 0 0 0 8989 0 0 0 0 0 8989 Secretariat : Planning Department Government of Manipur 71249 71249 63332 63332 63332 63332 63332 63332 55415 55415 55415 55415 55415 55415 47498 47498 47498 47498 47498 47498 39581 39581 39581 39581 39581 39581 31664 31664 31664 31664 31664 31664 23747 23747 23747 23747 23747 23747 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 7913 7913 7913 7913 7913 7913 0 215