Biology 1322 - Nutrition Course Syllabus: Fall 2015

Biology 1322 - Nutrition Course
Syllabus: Fall 2015
“Northeast Texas Community College exists to provide responsible, exemplary learning opportunities.”
Dr. Christine Houser MPhil, MD Office: MS O (just beside MS 110)
Phone: 903-434-8038
Office Hours
9-11 am
1-4 pm
3-4 pm
9-11 am
1-4 pm
3-4 pm
Daily and as
The information contained in this syllabus is subject to change without notice. Students are expected to be aware
of any additional course policies presented by the instructor during the course.
Catalog Course Description (include prerequisites):
This course focuses on principles of nutrition throughout the life cycle, with special emphasis placed on normal healthy adults, the
role of basic nutrients in the body, metabolism and dietary needs at different times during the life cycle. Dietary assessment will
be included, with special attention to student’s nutrition. Also included are nutritional treatments of various common disorders
(CVD, diabetes, AIDS, stress, eating disorders). Students in remedial math or writing are recommended to complete the remedial
coursework before attempting this class. Students are strongly encouraged to complete introductory chemistry before this class.
Required Textbook(s)
Wardlaw, Contemporary Nutrition , 4th ed.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN Number: ISBN # 1-2592-0344-1
Student Learning Outcomes:
Demonstrate understanding of health assessment techniques and apply these techniques to themselves.
Know the functions, forms, and food sources of nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water)
and be able to identify health effects of nutrient imbalances.
Understand energy use in terms of cellular metabolism and energy balance.
Exemplary Educational Objectives: N/A
SCANS Skills: N/A
Attendance Policy and Missed Work:
All work should be completed and submitted by the scheduled date (check course schedule page or below for dates). Late
work will NOT be accepted without a verifiable (medical, legal or military) excuse. Students are given extra time at the beginning
of the semester and are expected to work ahead of the schedule. If you miss/skip an exam or assignment, your grade will be
calculated with a zero for the missing work. It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw from this course before the final
withdrawal date (April 9) to receive a "W" in the course. Students who fail to withdraw will receive a grade based only on the
work that they have completed.
Instructional Methods:
Online or face-to-face lecture with audio-visual aids. Independent work required.
Course withdrawal:
The last day to drop the course with a "W" is Tuesday, November 17th. It is a student's responsibility to withdraw by that
date if he or she is not able to complete the course. Failure to do so will result in a grade of "F" for the semester.
General Course Rules:
Respect your classmates' right to an education. Students wno are using cell phones or behaving inappropriately will be removed
from the class. Give your full attention to the course and to anyone who is speaking to the class as a whole. Turn off all cell
phones and beepers, etc., before coming into the classroom. Avoid creating distractions -- do not arrive late, leave during class,
pass notes, do any other work, or conduct private conversations during class. Don't bring visitors (either friends or children) to
class unless syou are sure they will be able to sit quietly throughout class, without distracting you or the other students. You may
bring food and/or beverages to class if all trash is properly disposed of by you at the end of class.
Evaluation/Grading Policy:
Final grade will be calculated as: 15% quizzes and homework, Tests 1 & 3 15% each, 25% midterm exam, and 30% final
exam. Final grades will be determined as follows: A = 90% or more, B = 80- 89%), C = 70- 79%, D = 60- 69%, F = less than 60%.
Grades are visible under “my grades.” Comments on work also should be visible to you in "My Grades".
All quizzes will be taken online, the mid-term and final exam must be taken in class. You may have two attempts at completing
quizzes. Five points will be deducted from your quiz grade for the second attempt. You may use the book and study hints to
help you to find the correct answer, while taking a quiz. After a quiz deadline has passed, you should be able to see your work.
Go to “my grades” and click your score (it should be a hyperlink). This will open a new page; click your score on this new page
(another hyperlink under Attempts). That link should open the quiz.
Midterm and Final exams will be taken on the scheduled day in the classroom. Prior arrangements to take a test early may be
made after consultation with the instructor. If you miss an exam, you will receive a zero. You must call/email me the day of the
missed exam, to see if a makeup exam is possible. If you do not call or email on your exam day, you will not be allowed to make
up the exam and will receive a zero grade for the missing exam. Makeup essay exams are available by student request and are
due two weeks after the exam date (late makeup exams will not be accepted). If you do not contact the instructor or you miss/
skip the makeup exam, your grade will be calculated with a zero for the missing exam.
NTCC Academic Honesty Statement:
"Students are expected to complete course work in an honest manner, using their intellects and resources designated as
allowable by the course instructor. Students are responsible for addressing questions about allowable resources with the course
instructor. NTCC upholds the highest standards of academic integrity. This course will follow the NTCC Academic Honesty policy
stated in the Student Handbook."
Academic Ethics
The college expects all students to engage in academic pursuits in a manner that is beyond reproach. Students are expected to
maintain complete honesty and integrity in their academic pursuit. Academic dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, and
collusion is unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action. Refer to the student handbook for more information on this
ADA Statement:
It is the policy of NTCC to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals who are students with disabilities. This
College will adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing
reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange an
appointment with a College counselor to obtain a Request for Accommodations form. For more information, please refer to the
NTCC Catalog or Student Handbook.
Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act (Ferpa):
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The
law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives
parents certain rights with respect to their children’s educational records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she
attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are considered “eligible students.” In
essence, a parent has no legal right to obtain information concerning the child’s college records without the written consent of
the student. In compliance with FERPA, information classified as “directory information” may be released to the general public
without the written consent of the student unless the student makes a request in writing. Directory information is defined as: the
student’s name, permanent address and/or local address, telephone listing, dates of attendance, most recent previous
education institution attended, other information including major, field of study, degrees, awards received, and participation in
officially recognized activities/sports.
Course Content and Schedule:
Note: Assignment deadlines are the latest possible time you could finish an assignment; students should
work ahead of schedule (before the deadline) since late work is not accepted without a verifiable legal,
medical or military excuse.
Week 1: Chapter 1 reading & assignments due no later than Sunday, August 30, midnight.
Complete the Start Here with syllabus acknowledgement exam and Connect registration, available
on Blackboard. Quiz for chapter 1 is due no later than Tuesday, September 1 at midnight.
Week 2: Chapter 2 reading & assignments. Same pattern.
Assignments due by midnight Sunday, September 6 -- Quiz due by midnight
Tuesday, September 8.
Week 3: Chapter 3 reading & assignments. Same pattern.
Week 4: Test 1 (chapters 1-3, approximately 30-40 minutes) Chapter 4 reading & assignments
Week 5: Chapter 5 reading & assignments
Week 6: Chapter 6 reading & assignments
Week 7: Chapter 7 reading & assignments
Week 8: Midterm exam on chapters 1-7 (emphasis on 4-7) Reading & assignments Chapter 8
Week 9: Chapter 9 reading & assignments
Week 10: Chapter 10 reading & assignments
Week 11: Chapter 11 reading & assignments
Week 12: Chapter 13 reading & assignments
Week 13: Test 3 (chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 13); Chapter 15 reading & assignments
Week 14: Chapter 18 reading & assignments
Week 15: Chapter 19 reading & assignments
FINAL WEEK: FINAL EXAM (Comprehensive) Scheduled for December 10