Instructions for the EU-specific template: Income & balance sheet evolution Participating institutions are requested to fill in the yellow shaded cells of this template using the amounts from the official financial statements of the respective year. Amounts should be reported in the same reporting currency and unit specified in the General Info worksheet. Amounts should generally be reported as positive amounts except for items in panel A on income evolution where the relevant item has resulted in a reduction of profits (e.g. the amounts reported in row 10, operating expenses, are always expected to be reported as negative amounts). Panel A: Income evolution Row Column Heading 6 D-N Net interest income 7 D-N Net income activities 8 D-N Net fee & commission income The net profit/ loss generated from fees and commissions as included in the profit & loss statement of the relevant year. 9 D-N Net other operating income Any other sources of net operating income not included in rows 6-8 as included in the profit & loss statement of the relevant year. 10 D-N Operating expenses (including Total operating expenses (including provisions not included in rows provisions not included in rows 12 or 14) as included in the profit & loss 12 or 14) statement of the relevant year. 12 D-N Provisions for credit losses Provisions for credit losses (e.g. impairment provisions on customer loans or debt securities) as included in the profit & loss statement of the relevant year. 14 D-N Exceptional items Net profits/ losses from non-operating sources as included in the profit & loss statement of the relevant year. 16 D-N Income taxes Taxes on income as included in the profit from Description Interest income minus interest expenses as included in the profit & loss statement of the relevant year. trading The net profit/ loss from trading as included in the profit & loss statement of the relevant year. & loss statement of the relevant year. 18 D-N Net other comprehensive income Net profits/ losses that are directly not recognised in the income recognised in equity and are not recognised in the profit and loss statement statement of the relevant year. Panel B: Balance sheet evolution Row Column Heading Description 24 D-N Accounting total equity 26 D-N Retail & corporate deposits Customer deposits from retail and (excluding deposits by financial corporate clients as included in the balance sheet of the relevant year. institutions) Deposits from financial sector counterparties should not be included here but in row 27. 27 D-N Repos and deposits from financial Funds received in the form or repos or sector counterparties other than deposits from financial sector counterparties other than central banks central banks as included in the balance sheet of the relevant year. 28 D-N Debt securities issued Debt securities issued as included in the balance sheet of the relevant year. 29 D-N Derivatives Derivatives reported on the liability side of the balance sheet of the relevant year. 30 D-N Other accounting liabilities Liability items as included in the balance sheet assets of the relevant year which are not included in rows 26-29. 32 D-N Banknotes, coins & deposits with Banknotes, coins & deposits with central banks as included in the balance sheet central banks assets of the relevant year. 33 D-N Reverse repos and deposits with Reverse repos and deposits with financial sector counterparties financial sector counterparties other than central banks as included in the other than central banks balance sheet assets of the relevant Equity as reported on the balance sheet of the relevant year. year. Debt securities held by the institution as included in the balance sheet assets of the relevant year. 34 D-N Debt securities purchased 35 D-N Debt securities issued by central Debt securities held by the institution or regional governments and that were issued by central or regional governments and local authorities as local authorities included in the balance sheet assets of the relevant year. 36 D-N Loans Loans extended to customers as included in the balance sheet assets of the relevant year. 37 D-N Derivatives Derivatives reported on the asset side of the balance sheet of the relevant year. 38 D-N Other accounting assets Assets as included in the balance sheet assets of the relevant year which are not included in rows 32-37. 44 D-N Significant change entity composition? to group/ Please select ‘’yes’’ if the institution’s group/ entity composition has changed in a material way in the relevant year as a result of merger, acquisition or restructuring. In all other cases, please select ‘’no’’.