READER DEMOGRAPHICS We cover the arts, business, lifestyle, dining & food, health, home, politics and more, all on a local, in depth level. Madison Magazine is the #1 paid subscriber magazine in the Madison area, reaching over 153,103 readers.* (brava: 46,301; InBusiness: 31,982) Madison Magazine readers are... 75% more likely to earn $150K+ in household income 23% more likely to be a woman age 40-64 51% more likely to be a business owner 85% more likely to hold 4 year college degree 95% more likely to attend an event at the Overture Center 53% more likely to belong to a health club 336% more likely to have had a cosmetic surgery or procedure in the past year 52% more likely to eat out 3-4 times at an upscale restaurant 114% more likely to have shopped at Hilldale Shopping Mall The Scarborough Demographic Study, 2015 68% of subscribers said they bought products/services as a result of seeing an ad in Madison Magazine. -Circulation Verification Council, March, 2014. 7025 Raymond Rd • Madison, WI 53719 • Phone: (608) 270-3600 • Fax: (608) 270-3636 • 2/3/2016