UGBS 609 Management Information Systems

Weekend MBA UGBS 609 Management Information Systems: Dr. Richard Boateng |
UGBS 609 Management Information Systems
Course Syllabus, Teaching Plan and Reading List
Weekend MBA
2012/13 Academic Year
Class website:
Instructors and Contact Information
Dr. Richard Boateng
Office: RT18, Rooftop Offices, UGBS
Mr. Joseph Budu
1. Background
The idea behind this module is to explore various different ways in which information technology relates to
organisational objectives and goals in an organisational context, given the increasing inter-relationship between these
two in today’s global world.
2. Aim & Content
This course examines the fundamental principles associated with the strategic adoption, implementation, use and
evaluation of information systems in organisations. It discusses the significant managerial aspects of treating
information as an organisational resource and its increasing impact on today’s organisation. The course will involve
lectures, readings, cases and discussions.
Topics to be covered include Information Systems Defined; Organisational Information Systems and Ther Impact;
Electronic Commerce; Strategic Information Systems Planning; Value Creation with Information Systems;
Appropriating IT-Enabled Value Over Time; Information System Trends and Security, Privacy, and Ethics.
3. Participants
This is essential for anyone involved in a modern administration or management role in both IT and non-IT institutions
and organisations. It is also useful for anyone who is going to take on general management role, to help them
understand how IT can impact organizational strategy. The learning points include both theories and practices.
However, we expect that, after finishing this module, the students can align important theoretical concepts with the
strategic adoption and usage of information systems.
4. Course Objectives
By the end of this course, it is expected the student will:
1. Analyze the business issues, processes, and techniques associated with organizational information systems;
2. Assess and explain global issues surrounding the adoption of information technology;
3. Explain basic concepts about information systems development, implementation and review; and
4. Explain how companies can leverage information technology for competitive advantage and for national
5. Measurement of Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes will be measured through:
 Assessment of group assignments and presentations
 Individual assignments and class tests
 Final examination
Recommended Text
Laudon, K. C. & Laudon, J. P. (2010) Management Information Systems, 11th Edition Pearson.
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Weekend MBA UGBS 609 Management Information Systems: Dr. Richard Boateng |
Group term papers
Individual assignments
Final Examination
7. Methodology
The course will be a combination of lecture sessions, class discussions, and group presentations. Lectures will follow
the course outline (given below) and text presentation of the relevant chapters of the recommended text. The
instructor may utilize additional information to supplement the text.
Students are expected to read topics in textbooks [especially the introductory case study of every chapter] ahead of
class and will use lecture sessions to clarify difficult materials. Any changes to the schedule and assignments will be
given in class. If for some reason a student must miss a class, it is his/her responsibility to find out what was discussed
on that day. For example, the absence from class on a particular day will not be an excuse for a late submission of an
Class Power Points Slides:
To obtain a copy of the class power point slides, consult your instructor and also the class website (which will be
announced in class).
8. Group Term Paper
First, each student will join a group. The student or student group (at most 10 students) needs to finish a written case
study report (2500 – 3000 words) on the use of Mobile technology in a firm or society. The research paper must
reflect your understanding on basic concepts taught in the course and capability of using them to analyze practical
The case study should be outlined as follows:
A. Abstract
[150 words]
B. Firm Profile
[450 words]
a. Describe the nature of activities and services provided by the firm
b. Describe the organizational structure and a summary of resources [especially technology resources]
C. Business Start-up
[500 words]
a. A brief relevant historical background on the company and how they began operations in Ghana and
major key milestones of development and achievements.
D. Business Problem
[400 - 500 words]
a. Discuss a specific business problem, opportunity or challenge which required an Mobile technologyenabled solution. Describe the antecedents to the problem including the social, managerial,
organizational, technological, legal or economic issues which increased the complexity of addressing
the problem or opportunity.
E. Technology-based Solution
[400 - 500 words]
a. Discuss the Mobile technology-based solution introduced to address the business challenge,
problem or opportunity. What process led to the choice of this solution and what other options
were considered?
F. Addressing the Challenges
[400 - 500 words]
a. Assess the Mobile technology-based solution – has the problem been solved, was the company able
to achieve the objectives set out? Get the views of stakeholders concerned including managers,
employees, clients, partners or customers concerning the new solution or service provided.
G. Lessons for Managers
[300 - 400 words]
a. Discuss three key lessons which managers in organizations and students learning information
systems can learn from this case study.
Key Guidelines
1) Each case study report should be presented with a cover page which should state out the title of the case
study and also outline the names, index numbers and email addresses of students who participated in the
assignment. The mobile number of the group leader should be included.
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Weekend MBA UGBS 609 Management Information Systems: Dr. Richard Boateng |
2) Your case study should focus on how an organization attempted to address a business challenge, opportunity
or problem through an Mobile technology solution. Hence, the business problem, opportunity or challenge
should be clearly stated and discussed.
3) Your case may depict either a failure or success – meaning the solution worked or did not work or perhaps
worked for a brief period and failed.
4) It is important to draw out some of the social, managerial, organizational, technological, legal or economic
issues which contributed to either the failure or success of the technology-enabled solution.
5) To ensure confidentiality, you should keep the names of organization and its employees anonymous, where
Sample Topics for Case Report [not limited to these topics]
1. Social Networking Adoption for Customer Service – The Case of A Ghanaian Institution
2. Securing Customer Information in a Ghanaian Financial Institution through the use of virtual and Internet
3. Using Internet Banking to Enhance Branchless Banking
4. The Adoption of Mobile technology in A Public Sector Institution in Ghana
5. Using Social Networking to Market or Introduce New Products/Services
6. Marketing Banking Services through Internet
Individual Assignments
Individual Assignments (3 Questions)
Question 3 on page 100 (review question)
Question 1 page 146
Question 2 on page 432 (review question)
Question 1 on page 395 (discussion question)
Background Readings
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Case study on page 145-146
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Submission Date
17 Nov 2012
17 Nov 2012
17 Nov 2012
17 Nov 2012
Students will be assessed individually through a number of assignments
Students are required to complete the assignments and submit on the submission date
Each questions are to be answered in 150 - 300 words
Each assignment should be presented with a cover page which should state out the name, index number and
email address of the student.
Each student should type out the question (only) before answering it.
10. Exams
Materials included in the exams will be taken from the text, class lecture and discussions. Exams will be administered
on dates scheduled by the Academic Registrar
Term papers, group work, individual assignments are expected to be completed and submitted at the times
scheduled. Delays will be permitted for the following reasons only:
1. Death of an immediate family member.
2. Personal illness requiring attention of a physician and supported by medical certificate
3. Illness of an immediate family member requiring your personal attention.
4. Unplanned holidays/ interruption by other College activities.
5. Travel out-of-town required by your employer (with proof).
6. An emergency situation (to be at the discretion of Instructor).
Term papers/homework handed in late will not be accepted
Attendance: Regular class attendance is expected.
Policy Revision: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus or to the above stated procedures if
deemed appropriate. Students will be advised of such changes as soon as practicable.
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Weekend MBA UGBS 609 Management Information Systems: Dr. Richard Boateng |
Weekend MBA UGBS 609 MIS Session Outline 2012/13
Session Topics
Week 1
Course Introduction
Information Systems in Global Business Today
- Recommended Text:
Chapter 1
Week 2
Global E-Business: How Businesses Use Information Systems
- Recommended Text:
Chapter 2
Week 3
Information System, Organizations, and Strategy
- Recommended Text:
Chapter 3
Ethical and Social Issue in Information Systems
- Recommended Text:
Chapter 4
Week 5
Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management
- Recommended Text:
Chapter 6
Week 6
Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology
- Recommended Text:
Chapter 7
Week 7
Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications
- Recommended Text:
Chapter 9
Week 8
E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods
- Recommended Text:
Chapter 10
Week 9
Key Learning Questions/Objectives
MID Semester Examinations (first one hour)
Week 10
Managing Knowledge and Collaboration
- Recommended Text:
Chapter 11
Week 11
Enhancing Decision Making
Submission of All Assignments
- Recommended Text:
Chapter 12
Week 12
Week 13
Revision week
Week 14
Examination Week
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