Arts Senators - Arts Undergraduate Society of McGill University

 Senate ● Senate caucus submitted two questions (but they have not been approved by steering committee yet): ○ questions ● Next Senate meeting is Oct. 22 Jacob ● Committees ○ Senate ■ Note: more detailed reports on these committee meetings are available­­please ask us if you are interested in them! ■
i) Enrolment and Student Affairs Advisory Committee ● Met Oct 7 and discussed the McGill Writing Centre, support of student entrepreneurship on campus, and revisions to the Student Assessment Policy. ● In contact with Deputy Provost about our issues with the proposed changes to the late withdrawal policy ■ ii) APC Subcommittee on Courses and Teaching Programs ● Next meeting is Oct. 16 ■ iii) Subcommittee on Undergraduate Student Advising ● Next meeting is Oct. 28 ● Meeting with Dean of Students and Associate DoS on Oct. 17 to discuss official advising record idea ■ iv) Subcommittee on Student Affairs Policies (SAP) ● Was out of town for Oct 3. meeting ○ Discussed transfer credits database and changes to late withdrawals policy ● Next meeting Nov. 20 ■ v) Dean of Libraries Selection Committee ○ Faculty of Arts ■ i) Faculty of Arts Council ● SQ; Next meeting Nov. 25 ■ ii) Curriculum Committee ● SQ; Next meeting Oct. 27 ● McLennan­Redpath Library Food and Noise Policy Working Group ○ SQ ● Know Your Rights ○ Recruiting for this campaign is underway! Please share this blurb: ■ Interested in being part of a new initiative to make McGill a better place to learn? The Know Your Rights Campaign is a full­year project centred around improving students' access to their academic rights (found in documents such as the Student Assessment Policy) in order to ensure that education at McGill is as fair as it should be. There are three working groups each with a unique focus: researching the rights students currently have, advertising these rights to the wider student body, and advocating for better student rights. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved, no matter your interests or experience! Email Jacob Greenspon and if you're interested! ○ Email me at if you’re interested! ● Renaming JD and Champagne Rooms ○ Voting today on the shortlist for the room names! Kareem Committees (please send me an e­mail if you’d like any of the reports from committee meetings ­ working on finding a platform through which we can make all of them public ­ Senate i) the Committee on Student Services (CSS) ● Met on October 10th & discussed the goals of each service operation ○ Highlights ■ Relocation and revisioning of Healthy McGill/Shag Shop ■ Discussed summer fee structure change (making it more equitable) ii) the Subcommittee on Persons with Disabilities ● SQ; Waiting to find out meeting times from Chair iii) the Committee on Enrolment and Student Affairs (CESA) ● SQ; First meeting postponed to Oct 21 AUS iv) Faculty of Arts Council ● SQ; SSMU i) Accountability Committee ● Met yesterday, shall update orally ii) Sustainability Committee ● SQ; ● Passed a motion regarding Traditional Territory Acknowledgement ● All Councillors received Equity Training woohoo! Other ● Reached out to different student associations to begin work with SEDE’s various projects ● Attended strategizing meeting on course evaluations ­ exciting stuff coming our way! Faculties now have to opt­in to the shortened period for course evaluations, namely because they specifically have strong views regarding the potential skewing of important information post­exam evaluation ○ Hoping to collaborate with other faculty associations on a video promoting course evaluations and their importance Respectfully submitted, Jacob Greenspon & Kareem Ibrahim Arts Senators 