February 12, 2014

Music Undergraduate Students’ Association
Tel.: 514 398 4551 Fax: 514 398
Strathcona Music Building
555 Sherbrooke Street West, E106
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1E3
Executive Council Minutes
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2014
Room A-412, Marvin Duchow Library, New Music Building
Time: 6:00 pm
Present: President, VP External, VP Academic, VP Finance, VP Events, VP Communications,
VP Health and Athletics, VP Administration, First Year Rep
Regrets: VP Internal, Senator
Absent: Phonograph Editor
1. Call to Order: VP Admin, 6:09 pm
2. Adoption of the Agenda:
2.1. Motion to adopt the Agenda: VP Health and Athletics
2.2. Seconded: First Year Rep
3. Announcements:
 Voice studio recital @ 2 pm Redpath Hall on Sunday, with VP Health and Athletics, VP
Academic performing
 Wind Symphony concert Feb. 20 @ 7:30 pm Pollack Hall
 McGill Savoy Society Production of the
Mikado: https://www.facebook.com/events/1415990671977445
New Business:
Executive Report Presentations
Faculty council @3:30pm at A832 (talked about budget situation; Provost Masi gave
presentation on academic goals and long-term McGill success)
attended Scarlet Key Speaker series on entrepreneurship and leadership
attended “Exploring Leadership” workshop
Sparkgig organization contacted me again to ask about collaboration and getting McGill
music students to their performing platform ->I had to reject his proposal so that we are
not overstepping McGill Booking Office’s role
VP Internal
o Practice room reservations went smoothly, schedules went up the morning of
Wednesday February 5th. Super taped them with masking tape on all 4 sides, so
hopefully no one can tear them off.
o During an office hour, someone came in to complain that her posters were being
torn down. They were not stamped by us, but they were McGill sanctioned events
with the McGill logo on them, and she said that Rebecca Woodmass told her they
would be fine. Thoughts?
o Opportunity. My friend sent me the following email: Hi there
Tel.: 514 398 4551 Fax: 514 398 8061
Strathcona Music Building
555 Sherbrooke Street West, E106
Music Undergraduate
Students’ Association
Association des Étudiants en
du to
1e have
Cyclean opportunity to
If you or someone or someone's ensemble you knowMusique
would like
perform for some of the students of the Montreal heart of the city piano program at the
Schulich school of music at mcgill , please check out the google form at this
link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mXezrXrTAHg2GOEyswKtLwfIFpCh5BlNYedE
rWukTqY/viewform for additional details and to send us info so we can get our program
VP External
Jan 31: submitted application to SSMU Campus Life Fund on behalf of MUSA
SSMU GA (feb 5): 1 motion deemed inappropriate, 3 motions passed, and the last one
approved by the consultative forum because we lost quorum
SSMU council (feb 6): unfortunately I could not attend this due to a conflicting concert,
but I will read through the minutes when they're released
VP Academic
VP Finance
VP Events
 Two remaining event possibilities- both good for the dates selected
 Kafein cafe and bar: $800 total up front for food and drinks, get tickets in return to
distribute to students; cafe is upstairs, bar is downstairs, both are offered; they've offered
to personalize and organize food menus; close to a metro station; however, very narrow
 Karina's lounge: $150 per hour; could comfortably fit 200-300 people; don't have to pay
rental fee if it's not closed down but if it is it's open to any student, not just music
 Contract has been written
 Tickets: $17 for 200, $5 for music students, $7 for non-music students
 Posters: $20 for 25
 Contacted Msert, walk safe and drive safe
 MSert wants to charge
 Photographer possibly hired- still waiting on response
 downloaded and used Eventective
 allocating the first week of ticket-selling to music students ONLY, then for non-music
 needs to get availabilities from MUSA execs for non-music ticket-selling in the SSMU
 Samosas are approx $30 for a hundred
 Table in 688 Sherbrooke booked for Feb. 28th
 Tables in music building booked for Feb. 27th and 28th- baked goods and samosa
 SSMU table booked for February 26 for ticket sales to Clusterfunk
VP Communications
I have put up the nomination forms for the MUSA 2014-2015 executive on the MUSA
- I have updated the minutes to the website
Music Undergraduate Students’ Association
Tel.: 514 398 4551 Fax: 514 398
Strathcona Music Building
555 Sherbrooke Street West, E106
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1E3
- I have posted about the upcoming events on the website and on Facebook
- Listserv is currently not working, Alain and I are trying to figure it out
- posters will be posted by the end of the day tomorrow (by the meeting)
VP Health and Athletics
VP Administration
a. created and put up office hour sheet
b. organized folders and miscellaneous documents on the MUSA desktop
iii. Senator
i. Phonograph Editor
ii. First Year Representative
12. Guest Speakers:
13. Round Table
14. Adjournment: 7:45pm, President