GPRS/GSM Modem and SMS Messaging Sending and receiving SMS messages using the GSM/GPRS modem INTERFACE Application Note 2560_en_A 1 Description © PHOENIX CONTACT - 05/2008 3. The PSI-GPRS/GSM-MODEM/RS232-QB… modems (Part No. 2900059 and 2900060) have the ability to send and receive messages using SMS protocol, available on many cellular telephones. Using the SMS message service, the digital output on the modem can be controlled, and the digital inputs can be reset. 2 Configuration 2.1 Modem Setup To set up the modem: 1. Connect the modem to the PC using a serial 1:1 cable, PSM-KA9SUB9/BB/2METER (Order No. 2799474). 2. Start the “PSI-MODEM-CONFIG” software provided with the modem. Select the “Options… RS232” menu to open the “Serial Interface” dialog box. Place a check in the “COM-Port device” check box that corresponds to the COM port connected to the modem. Do not edit the default serial settings. Figure 1 4. “Serial Interface” dialog box Select the “File… New” menu or click the “New” button to begin a new configuration. Figure 2 Make sure you always use the latest documentation. It can be downloaded at A conversion table is available on the Internet at Selecting the PSI-GPRS/GSM-MODEM/ RS232-QB device GPRS/GSM Modem and SMS Messaging 5. From the option list that appears, select “PSI-GPRS/ GSM-MODEM/RS232-QB” from the drop-down list. The “PSI-MODEM-CONF” dialog box appears. Figure 3 6. 7. 8. 9. “PSI-MODEM-CONF” dialog box Click the tab of the input to configure, either the “Input 1” or “Input 2” tab. Click the “SMS” check box to select it. In the “Number” field, enter the number to be called when the input is ON. In the “SMS Message” field, enter the text to send when the input is ON (160-character maximum). This message will be displayed on the phone when called. Figure 4 “GPRS/GSM Configuration” dialog box 12. Click the “OK” button to save changes and close the “GPRS/GSM Configuration” dialog box. 13. Click the “Write configuration to PSI-device” button to upload the configuration to the modem. 10. Click “Edit profile of PSI-device” button to open the “GPRS/GSM Configuration” dialog box. 11. In the “GPRS/GSM Configuration” dialog box, set the following parameters: – From the “DTR Signal” drop-down menu, select “Ignore DTR-Signal.” – From the “Auto Answer” drop-down menu, select, “OFF.” – From the “SMS Mode” drop-down menu, select “Control Mode.” – If desired, select “Enable” from the “Password Mode” drop-down menu and enter the desired password in the “Password” field. 2560_en_A PHOENIX CONTACT 2 GPRS/GSM Modem and SMS Messaging 2.2 Testing SMS message output from the modem After configuring the modem, a test message should be sent to ensure functionality. To send a message: 1. Turn the desired input ON, using either a connected control system, if applicable, or apply 24 V directly to the input terminal, (either Input 1 or Input 2) (the LED “ALR” will start flashing.) 3 Controlling the digital I/O with SMS To send a message to the modem to activate or de-activate the digital output: 1. Use a mobile phone and send the following message to set the output: #1234:SET:OUTPUT where “1234” is the password entered in the “GPRS/GSM Configuration” dialog box, if configured. PSI-GPRS/GSMMODEM/RS232-QB-US Ord.-No. 29 00 059 B-US VCC RD ANT ALR ALR NET DCD SI M RS 232 Figure 5 2. LED locations Check the receiving phone (the number in the “PSIMODEM CONF” dialog box) to confirm receipt of the message. Figure 6 2. 3. 2560_en_A Typical message display on a telephone The following message will reset the digital output. #1234:CLR:OUTPUT where “1234” is the password. The following message will reset the digital input. #1234:RESET where “1234” is the password. PHOENIX CONTACT 3