The Duration of the Exchange Rate and Financial Account Regimes: A Multiple Destinations Model Approach∗ Raul Razo-Garcia† Carleton University This Draft: March 2008 Abstract This research analyzes the duration of the policy mix comprising an intermediate exchange rate regime and closed financial account. A multiple destinations model, augmented to incorporate unobserved heterogeneity, is proposed to explore the duration dependence of this policy and investigate the role played by domestic and international factors on the length of the spells. Our analysis is novel because we overcome the potential endogeneity between the two policies by analyzing the duration of the policy mix, allow for multiple destinations and control for unobserved heterogeneity using parametric and semiparametric techniques. The evidence favors the multiple destination model over the single destination version. So the latter hides interesting factors affecting the duration of the policy mix and overestimates the probability of survival. Regarding the probability of moving to a new policy we found that it depends on the elapsed duration. The deepness of the financial system, GDP per capita, size, the general acceptance of capital controls and the interaction between the feasibility of an intermediate exchange rate and a dummy variable for emerging markets are the most important determinants of the duration. ∗ I am highly indebted to my advisor Barry Eichengreen for his continuous guidance, encouragement, and support. I want also thank Kenneth Train for his comments on this paper and Carmen Reinhart and Nancy Brune for proportionating their data. Financial support from CONACYT and UC-MEXUS is gratefully acknowledged. All errors, however, are my own. † Department of Economics, C870 Loeb Building 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 3P1, Canada. Email: 1 1 Introduction The evolution of the international monetary system in the past 140 years can be divided into four different episodes: the Gold Standard, the Interwar period, the Bretton Woods System and the Post-Bretton Woods era. In each of these episodes the reaches of the trilemma of the monetary policy are evident.1 During the Gold Standard, for example, most countries forwent monetary independence in order to gain exchange rate (hereafter, ER) stability and capital mobility.2 Something different occurred during the interwar period when ER stability was sacrificed to tailor monetary policy toward domestic goals. The disastrous macroeconomic performance and the international economic disintegration experienced between the two World Wars called for a new international monetary order. As a result delegates from 44 nations gathered in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, and signed the Bretton Woods agreement in July 1944. This new monetary order, designed to promote price stability and full employment, was characterized by fixed-but-adjustable ER and capital controls. This in turn allowed policymakers to keep their monetary independence and to have a stable ER. In 1973, the Bretton Woods system collapsed and this in turn opened the way to a new era of greater ER flexibility. The abandonment of the fixed-but-adjustable parity system brought with it not only changes to the spectrum of exchange rate regimes (hereafter, ERR) but also changes to the set of financial account (hereafter, FA) policies that countries could rely on (i.e. capital controls).3 Since then a vast majority of countries, both advanced and developing, have shown a strong preference to deal with greater ER flexibility (not necessarily a fully flexible regime) before starting or accelerating the liberalization of the FA. As a byproduct, the policy mix comprising an intermediate regime and capital controls (hereafter, IC) became one of the most popular arrangements among policymakers in the last thirty five years (see figure 1).4 Not surprisingly, during this sequencing process of policies an important number of countries have moved away from the IC combination. This paper asks what factors determine the timing of that shift (i.e. the duration of the regime). To answer that question, however, we need to 1 See Obstfeld, Shambaugh, and Taylor (2004a) and Obstfeld, Shambaugh, and Taylor (2004b) for empirical evidence of the constraints of the trilemma along history and Obstfeld and Taylor (2005) the role of the trilemma on the evolution of the international financial system. 2 In spite of the golden points. 3 We have observed countries implementing a great variety of ER arrangements currency boards (e.g. Argentina and Hong Kong), dollarization (e.g. El Salvador), currency unions (e.g. Euro Zone), de facto pegs (e.g. Thailand before the Asian crisis), crawling pegs (e.g. Brazil and Mexico), managed floating (e.g. Mexico after the tequila crisis) and floating regimes (e.g. New Zealand), among others. 4 This trend is more evident for advanced and emerging markets. For all the other countries, the mix of hard pegs and capital controls has also been a popular option. 2 recognize the existence of another dimension in the analysis: the presence of multiple destinations (i.e. regimes). The reason is that policymakers choose not only the timing of the shift but also the arrangement they will adopt next.5 For example, some of countries that moved away from the IC policy mix continued their process towards a more flexible ER, others started the liberalization of FA, and some others moved back in terms of ER flexibility implementing a hard peg. In the specific case of emerging markets, these experienced a series of crises that pushed some of them to implement more flexible ERR and others to reconsider the pace of FA liberalization. The importance of the existence of multiple destinations in the analysis of duration may be better understood through an example. Imagine a country abandoning an intermediate ERR. This economy can move in terms of ER flexibility in opposite directions, to a hard peg or a floating regime. Before answering the question of what determines that shift, we must ask whether the factors that lead to implement a hard peg are the same as those that cause an exit to a flexible arrangement. We argue that even if the set of determinants are the same in these two situations, the magnitude of their effects may vary across the possible destinations. Thus, if we recognize the existence of multiple destinations in the duration analysis of policy mixes another question surges; how the marginal effects of the explanatory variables on the duration vary across destinations? Our belief is that answering these two questions will help not only to improve our understanding of the duration of these policies but will also enhance our understanding of their sequencing and therefore of the developments of the international monetary system. Recognizing that the duration analysis involves these two dimensions, when to move and in what direction, implies that the naive one destination model, commonly used in this area of research, does not serve to answer both questions.6 To overcome this problem we employ a duration model that recognizes the existence of multiple destinations. In particular, the empirical model we propose is equivalent to the simplest of the multiple destinations models; a competing risks model.7 Such models have been used to analyze the duration of various economic phenomena but not to analyze the duration of ER arrangements and capital controls. Our analysis is novel, relative to the existent work in the ERR and capital controls literature, in several ways. First, we allow multiple destinations. Second, rather than oversimplifying the 5 In some situations, policymakers have no choice but to abandon the current exchange rate regime. Even in those situations our argument on the need to recognize the existence of multiple destinations is still valid. 6 Going back to our example in which a country is moving from a soft peg, in that framework the single destination model would pool the hard pegs and floating regimes in one destination. 7 A traditional multiple destinations model is the medical competing risks model. A patient could die of lot of things (hearth attack, cancer, etc...). Another example would be the duration of marriage, where one risk is death of one of the spouses and the other is divorce. 3 Figure 1: Evolution of the de facto Exchange Rate Regimes (Reinhart and Rogoff) and Financial Openness Index (Brune) A A. Exchange Rate Regime Evolution (Reinhart and Rogoff) 100% Freely Float 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% No Flexibility I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII 2007 2004 2001 1998 1995 1992 1989 1986 1983 1980 1977 1974 1971 1968 1965 1962 1959 1956 1953 1950 0% XIV B. Financial Openness Index (Brune) 100% Completely p y Open p 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% Completetely Closed I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 1973 1971 1969 1967 1965 0% XI Notes: Reinhart and Rogoff’s classification comprises the following arrangements: I) No separate legal tender, II) Pre announced peg or currency board arrangement, III) Pre announced horizontal band that is narrower than or equal to +/ − 2%, IV) De facto peg, V) Pre announced crawling peg, VI) Pre announced crawling band that is narrower than or equal to +/ − 2%, VII) De factor crawling peg, VIII) De facto crawling band that is narrower than or equal to +/ − 2%, IX) Pre announced crawling band that is wider than or equal to +/ − 2%, X) De facto crawling band that is narrower than or equal to +/ − 5%, XI) Moving band that is narrower than or equal to +/ − 2% (i.e., allows for both appreciation and depreciation over time), XII) Managed floating, XIII) Freely floating, and XIV) Freely falling. Intermediate regimes comprise regimes (IV)-(XI) Brune’s index is the sum of eleven components related to the capital flows: I) controls on inflows of invisible transactions proceeds from invisible transactions (repatriation and surrender requirements); II) controls on outflows of invisible transactions (payments for invisible transactions and current transfers); III) controls on inflows of invisible transactions from exports; IV) controls on inflows pertaining to capital and money market securities; V) controls on outflows pertaining to capital and money market securities; VI) controls on inflows pertaining to credit operations; VII) controls on outflows pertaining to credit operations; VIII) controls on inward direct investment; IX) controls on outward direct investment; X) controls on real estate transactions; and XI) provisions specific to commercial banks 4 currency spectrum in fixed versus floating regimes, as is commonly done in the literature, we allow for three arrangements; hard pegs, intermediate and floating regimes. Third, we study the duration of the policy mix consisting of the ERR and the openness of the FA. This improvement is consistent with recent efforts to recognize and control for the interaction between the choice of the ERR and the imposition of capital controls. Fourth, we investigate the role played by unobserved factors on the duration of the policy mix. Using data from 1965 to 2006 for advanced and developing countries, we obtain that financial development, institutional framework (proxied by GDP per capita), relative size, the international acceptance of capital controls and the interaction between an emerging market dummy variable and the feasibility of intermediate ERR are the main factors affecting the duration of the IC policy mix. The results show that large economies with underdeveloped financial systems exhibit lower survival rates. As expected, the development of the general legal systems and institutions (proxied by GDP per capita) is an important requirement for a country to lift capital controls. Additionally, the evidence indicates that the probability of survival depends on the elapsed duration. For example, when a Log-logistic baseline function is assumed the chances of moving toward a new regime exhibits an inverted U-shape. Interestingly, emerging markets are found to be different, relative to the rest of the world, in many aspects. First, despite of their deep integration to the international capital markets they are attracted by the soft pegs. Second, consistent with the ”fear of floating thought”, initiated by Calvo and Reinhart (2002), these countries prefer to liberalize the FA rather than allowing the ER to freely float. Finally, emerging economies need to accumulate foreign reserves in order to maintain for a longer period of time an intermediate ERR. The last two results support the rejection of the ”bipolar view” hypothesis for these type of economies (e.g. Eichengreen and Razo-Garcia 2006).8 Regarding the advantages of using a multiple destinations model over the single destination version, we find that the former fits the data much better and that the latter masks interesting factors affecting the duration of the policy mix. For example, countries that eventually move to a hard peg and closed FA policy mix are at a higher risk of abandoning the current regime relative to the countries moving to any other destination. We also find that the competing risks model does a better job estimating the probability of survival and hazard functions. In particular, our 8 The advocates of this hypothesis state that the middle ground of the ERR spectrum is disappearing in favor of the two corners, hard pegs and floating, as the countries integrate to the world capital market. Bubula and Ötker-Robe (2002), Masson (2001), Masson and Ruge-Murcia (2005), and Eichengreen and Razo-Garcia (2006) have tested this argument using different de facto ER classifications. The consensus is to the rejection of the hypothesis. 5 estimates indicates that the single destination model overestimates the probability of survival (underestimate the hazard function). Two robustness checks are carried out to verify the sensitivity of the results to the specification of the baseline function and the presence of unobservable characteristics. First, we estimate the model using four different types of multivariate proportional hazards; Exponential, Weibull, Gompertz and Log-logistic. Second, given the potential misspecification of the random process for unobserved heterogeneity and its consequences in the estimated parameters we estimate the model using parametric and semiparametric techniques. In both cases, the qualitative results do not change. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Sections 2 and 3 we briefly describe the evolution of the ERR and the liberalization of the FA, respectively. In section 4 we analyze the tendencies of the bivariate classification of the ERR and capital controls. Next, in section 5 we describe the econometric model, while in section 6 we present the results. Some policy implications, mainly regarding to the Chinese economy, are described in section 7. Final remarks are contained in section 8. 2 Evolution of the Exchange Rate Regime A key issue in the analysis of ERR is how to classify these arrangements. The two choices are the de jure and de facto classifications. While the former is generated from regimes reported by countries (i.e. official regimes) the latter is constructed on the basis of the behavior of market ER and other macroeconomic variables (e.g. international reserves). Since our investigation deals with the duration of the implemented policy mix we utilize de facto arrangements. Three de facto ERR classifications have been constructed recently: Levy-Yeyati and Sturzenegger (2005), Bubula and Ötker-Robe (2002), and Reinhart and Rogoff (2004). We opted to use Reinhart and Rogoff’s (RR) natural classification for the following reasons. First, when multiple ER coexist RR use data from black or parallel markets to classify the arrangement under the argument that market-determined dual or parallel markets are important, if not better, barometers of the underlying monetary policy.9 Second, RR introduce a ’freely falling’ category to distinguish for periods of very high inflation and uncontrolled depreciation.10 Third, this classification is available for a longer period of time. 9 Under official peg arrangements dual or parallel rates have been used as a form of back door floating. A country exchange rate arrangement is classified as ”freely falling” when the twelve-month inflation rate is equal or exceeds 40 percent per annum or the six months following an exchange rate crisis where the crisis marked a movement from a peg or an intermediate regime to a floating regime (managed or freely floating). For more details on this classification see the Appendix in Reinhart and Rogoff (2004) 10 6 The countries included in the empirical analysis are grouped into three categories; advanced, emerging and ’developing’ countries. The definition of advanced countries coincides with that of industrial countries in the IMF International Financial Statistics data set. Countries included in the Emerging Market Bond Index Plus (EMBI+), the Morgan Stanley Capital International Index (MSCI), Singapore, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong SAR are defined as emerging markets. All the other countries for which we have data are classified as ’developing’ countries.11 The resulting sample consists of 22 advanced countries, 32 emerging markets and 141 of ’developing’ countries.12 Simple plots provide evidence that some countries in the early seventies and before the collapse of the Bretton Woods system started to move away from hard pegs13 to experiment with intermediate14 and floating regimes.15 Figure 2 documents this tendency. Among the advanced economies this trend is more evident. In fact, by the end of the 80s the hard pegs had almost disappeared from the industrialized world (figure 2, panel B). The adoption of the euro in 1999, however, reverted that trend. While emerging markets also moved to soft pegs, they did so at a much slower pace. In fact, the intermediate regimes still accounted for more than half of the emerging countries sub sample in 2006. A possible argument to explain this behavior is that many of these economies lack essential preconditions for the operation of alternatives regimes. Among developing countries, the prevalence of intermediate regimes also increased but at a rate much slower than the emerging countries. Where these regimes accounted for less than 20 per cent of the developing sub sample in 1973, they accounted for half of that sub sample in 2006. Finally, these countries have shown a higher attraction toward hard pegs. The trend just described is consistent with the rejection of the ’bipolar view’ and with the idea that intermediate regimes are still a viable option for non-industrialized countries. The importance of soft pegs in the currency spectrum over the past 35 years makes these type of arrangements an ideal candidate to analyze the determinants of its survival. In particular, we are interested in quantifying the effect of variables such as inflation, stock of international reserves, 11 Although we classify this group as developing countries there are some countries, as Monaco and Malta, that do not fit that description. 12 A list of the countries included in the analysis is provided in the Appendix. 13 Our definition of hard pegs includes regimes with no separate legal tender, pre-announced peg or currency board, and pre-announced horizontal band that is narrower than or equal to plus/minus 2%. De facto pegs are not classified as hard pegs because there is no commitment by the monetary authorities to keep the parity irrevocable. 14 Includes de facto pegs, de facto crawling band that is narrower than or equal to +/-2%, pre-announced crawling band that is wider than or equal to +/-2%, de facto crawling band that is narrower than or equal to +/-5%, moving band that is narrower than or equal to +/-2% (i.e., allows for both appreciation and depreciation over time), pre-announced crawling peg, pre-announced crawling band that is narrower than or equal to +/-2%, and de facto crawling peg. 15 Includes managed floating and freely floating arrangements. 7 level of development, among others, on the probability that the intermediate regime will end, given survival to t. 3 Evolution of the Openness of the Financial Account Given the lack of a de facto classification for the openness of the FA we rely on Nancy Brune’s de jure financial openness index (BFOI).16 This index aggregates eleven components related to capital flows.17 For the purposes of this paper we have updated Brune’s index for 2005 and 2006. For simplicity and to obtain a reasonable number of spells for different policy mixes, two FA regimes are assumed; closed and open. Countries with a BFOI greater than 3 are classified as open FA regimes.18 This binary classification shows a clear rise in capital mobility since 1973 (figure 3). The fraction of countries with open FA rises most among advanced countries, followed by emerging markets and developing economies. Although some countries were already financially open in the early 70s, the divergence between advanced countries and the rest of the world, if anything, has widened over time. A significant movement toward higher capital mobility started in the late 70s in developed economies and ten years later in emerging countries. By 1994 the industrialized world had moved virtually all the way to fully open FA. Among developing countries, we see that they have delayed this process for some years. In fact, a significant fraction of emerging and developing countries still maintained restrictions on capital flows in 2006. Eichengreen and Razo-Garcia (2006) argue that the preconditions for rapid FA liberalization were and are absent outside of the industrialized world. So in order to move further in the FA liberalization process, emerging markets and developing countries need to strengthen macroeconomic policies, financial systems, prudential supervision and regulation, transparency, and corporate governance. This coincides with the main conclusions emerging from the literature on financial crises of the 1990s. 4 Evolution of the Bivariate Classification of the Exchange Rate Regime and Liberalization of the Financial Account In the two previous sections we observed a trend towards greater ER flexibility and a continued rise in capital mobility. However, since we did not look at the joint evolution of the ERR and capital controls it was not possible to verify whether the timing of these two processes match, 16 Excluding the exchange rate structure component. See notes figure 1. 18 A value of 3 corresponds to the 66th percentile of the financial openness index. 17 8 or if such reforms were implemented in sequential manner. To do so, we study the evolution of the bivariate classification of the ERR and the openness of the FA. Figure 4 combines data on these two policies. One thing that comes through clearly from this figure is that the date on which the movement towards greater ER flexibility started does not coincide with the start of the liberalization of the FA. Instead, this binary classification shows that a sequencing process has been taking place in the last 35 years. The first stage of this process initiated a few years before the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, when a significant share of countries moved from a hard peg and closed FA to intermediate regimes (panel A). However, during this initial stage there is no clear intention to remove capital controls. As a result, the IC policy mix became one of the most popular arrangements implemented around the world.19 The next stage in this sequencing process is characterized by a removal of the limits on capital flows. Important insights can be obtained when one makes the same analysis separately for advanced countries, emerging markets and developing economies. First, immediately after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the IC policy mix became the most popular arrangement among advanced and emerging countries. Contrary to this, developing countries have preferred to maintain a hard peg with a closed FA. In fact, it was not until the early 90s when the IC mix began to be a more accepted policy among these economies. Second, at the end of the 80s the majority of the advanced economies were ready to liberalize the FA. Within this subgroup we see a dominant movement toward an intermediate ERR and open FA. Among developing countries, a similar trend is observed but with less intensity. Third, by the late 90s the advanced countries have moved virtually all the way to fully open FA and in doing so have abandoned the intermediate ERR in favor of either hard pegs or floating rates. Beyond the importance of the IC policy mix in the evolution of the international monetary system there are three additional aspects supporting our choice to analyze this policy. The first one is the absence of left-censored spells for this arrangement. If we had left-censored spells we would have to resort to stationary assumptions to build up the likelihood function. In other words, the presence of left-censored spells implies that the econometrician needs to make some assumptions regarding the flows into, and out, of the regime. Secondly, the number of spells for the IC policy mix is reasonable. Third, the majority of the spells are concentrated in the post-Bretton-Woods era. It is possible that the main determinant of the duration of the hard peg ERR and closed FA policy mix was the Bretton Woods system by itself (and the restrictions imposed by it) and not other macroeconomic variables. 19 Closely followed by the soft pegs and closed FA. 9 Figure 2: Evolution of the de facto Exchange Rate Regimes (Reinhart and Rogoff) 10 Hard Pegs Intermediate Floating Freely Falling Hard Pegs Intermediate C. Emerging Market Countries Floating 2006 2003 2000 1997 1994 1991 1988 1985 1982 1979 1976 1973 1970 1967 1964 1961 1958 1955 1952 1949 1940 2006 2003 2000 1997 1994 1991 1988 1985 1982 1979 1976 1973 0.0 1970 0% 1967 5.0 1964 20% 1961 10.0 1958 40% 1955 15.0 1952 60% 1949 20.0 1946 80% 1943 25.0 1940 100% 1946 B. Advanced Countries 1943 A. All Countries Freely Falling D. Other Countries 30.0 80.0 70.0 25.0 60.0 20.0 50.0 40.0 15.0 30.0 10.0 20.0 5.0 10.0 Intermediate Floating Freely Falling Hard Pegs Intermediate Floating Freely Falling 2006 2003 2000 1997 1994 1991 1988 1985 1982 1979 1976 1973 1970 1967 1964 1961 1958 1955 1952 1949 1946 1943 2006 2003 2000 1997 1994 1991 1988 1985 1982 1979 1976 1973 1970 1967 1964 1961 1958 1955 1952 1946 1943 1940 1949 Hard Pegs 1940 0.0 0.0 2004 2001 1998 1995 1992 1989 open 1986 closed 1983 C. Emerging Market Countries 1980 0.0 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 1973 A. All Countries 1977 10.0 1974 15.0 1971 0.0 1971 20.0 1969 40.0 1967 60.0 1965 80.0 1968 25.0 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 1973 1971 1969 1967 100.0 1965 2004 2001 1998 1995 1992 1989 open 1986 1983 1980 1977 1974 1971 1968 1965 11 1965 Figure 3: Evolution of the de facto Capital Controls B. Advanced Countries 25.0 90.0 70.0 20.0 15.0 50.0 10.0 30.0 5.0 10.0 0.0 closed D. Other Countries 80.0 20.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 5.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Figure 4: Evolution of the Policy Mix: ERR and FA Openness A. All Countries B. Advanced Countries 100% 25.00 80% 20.00 60% 15.00 Intermediate and Closed 40% 10.00 Hard Peg and Closed 5.00 20% Intermediate and Open Intermediate and Closed Hard Peg and Closed HP Open Fall Closed Int Closed Fall Open Int Open HP Closed Float Open Float Closed HP Open Fall Closed C. Emerging Market Countries Int Closed Fall Open Int Open 2004 2001 1998 1995 1992 1989 1986 1983 1980 1977 1974 1971 1968 2004 2001 1998 1995 1992 1989 1986 1983 1980 1977 1974 1971 1968 1965 12 HP Closed Float Open 1965 0.00 0% Float Closed D. Other Countries 30.00 70.00 25.00 60.00 50.00 20.00 40.00 15.00 Intermediate and Closed 30.00 10.00 20.00 Intermediate and Closed Hard Peg and Closed Hard Peg and Closed 10.00 0.00 HP Closed Float Open HP Open Fall Closed Int Closed Fall Open Int Open Float Closed HP Closed Float Closed HP Open Float Open Int Closed Fall Closed Int Open Fall Open 2004 2001 1998 1995 1992 1989 1986 1983 1980 1977 1974 1971 1968 2004 2001 1998 1995 1992 1989 1986 1983 1980 1977 1974 1971 1968 1965 0.00 1965 5.00 In summary, along history countries have used their ER and FA policies to cope with domestic and international shocks. In spite of the discretionary use of these two policies we can identify a common sequence during the post-Bretton Woods era. This ’typical’ sequence is characterized first by a closed FA and a hard peg combination, then a move toward greater ER flexibility (intermediate ERR and closed CA) and finally a move toward a more open FA. 5 Empirical Duration Model with Multiple Destinations Since the work of Klein and Marion (1997) on the duration of fixed ER few attempts have been undertaken to understand the determinants of survival of different ERR.20 Regardless of the important contribution of these papers to the field, we found three important limitations on them. First, there is in general an oversimplification of the ERR spectrum in fixed versus floating arrangements when the data show that intermediate regimes are still a valid option for the non-industrialized world. Second, the common concern in the application of duration models to ER arrangements has been with the exit of countries from one ERR to any another arrangement; a single destination state pooling all the possible ER destinations. It is surprising that none of the current studies allow for multiple destinations. In fact, the decision or the need to exit an ERR is accompanied by the choice of the arrangement that will be adopted next. Third, from the ’bipolar view’ argument and the trilemma of monetary policy we know that there exists a connection between the level of capital mobility and the ERR. Thus, to analyze the duration of the ER arrangements the interaction (endogeneity) between the openness of the FA and the ERR must be acknowledged.21 To deal with these issues we propose a multiple destinations model. Special emphasis is placed on the role played by macroeconomic conditions prevailing before the abandonment of the regime. Three potential destinations are identified: i) hard peg and a closed FA (hereafter, HPC); ii) intermediate ERR and open FA (hereafter, IO); and iii) flexible rate and closed FA (hereafter, FC).22 To verify the robustness of the results the model is augmented to incorporate unobserved heterogeneity. An additional sensitivity analysis is carried out to verify the impact of the distributional assumptions imposed on the unobservable characteristics by using parametric and semiparametric techniques. 20 See Wälti (2005) and Klein and Shambaugh (2006) Obstfeld, Shambaugh, and Taylor (2004b), Razo-Garcia (2008a), von Hagen and Zhou (2006), and Walker (2003) analyze empirically this issue. 22 The other potential destinations, hard-peg-ER-open-FA and floating-ER-closed-FA, has zero or just a few transitions during the sample period. 21 13 5.1 The Multiple Destinations Model The empirical model proposed is the simplest of the multiple destination models; the competing risks model. While the implementation of this type of models is not new in the duration analysis of economic phenomena it has become more familiar in the past few years. Research on the duration dependence of unemployment, retirement, hospital length stay or brand loyalty, among other subjects, have made use of such models. Han and Hausman (1990), Foley (1997), Addison and Portugal (2001) study unemployment duration allowing multiple destinations. While the former allow two risks, new jobs and recalls, Foley and Addison and Portugal assume inactivity (out of the labor) and employment as the two possible destinations.23 In a similar spirit Butler, Anderson, and Burkhauser (1989) analyze the duration of retirement assuming two potential risks, return to work or death.24 In health economics, Picone, Wilson, and Chou (2003) resort to a competing risks model to identify factors influencing hospital lengths of stay and post-hospital destinations of Medicare patients. The potential destinations assumed by them are skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, inpatient hospital rehabilitation units or in-hospital death.25 In marketing, researchers have employed this type of duration models to analyze brand loyalty (brand choice). Popkowski Leszczyc and Bass (1998), for example, propose a multiple destinations model for brand choice of ketchup assuming four brands. They focus on the transition from one brand to the others and the possibility of staying. In all these cases the evidence supports the multiple destinations model. Regarding the survival of the ER arrangements or capital controls we are not aware of any study utilizing a multiple destinations model. A first attempt to analyze the duration of ERR is found in Klein and Marion (1997). These authors examine the duration of pegs in 16 Latin American countries plus Jamaica motivated by a belief that there exists a trade-off between the cost associated with the defense of the peg (e.g. overvaluation or undervaluation of the ER) and the costs associated with the abandonment of the parity (e.g. political cost). Using a similar set of countries Blomberg, Frieden, and Stein (2005) analyze the government ERR choice, constrained by politics. Mathematically, these authors examine the likelihood of abandoning the peg in time t+1, given the survival of the regime to t (hazard rate). They collapse the spectrum of ERR in two possible arrangements, 23 An appealing characteristic of the model proposed by Addison and Portugal (2001) is the allowance for defective risks. The reason is that some destination states may be unreachable for some individuals so the probability of moving to that state is zero for them and therefore the risk is defective. Foley focuses on the determinants of the unemployment duration in Russia Addison and Portugal analyze the case of Portugal. 24 These authors allow for semiparametric unobserved heterogeneity (gaussian) and correlation among the heterogeneity components associated with the competing risks. 25 These authors control for the unobservable factors in a non-parametric way. 14 fixed and flexible. Their results provide statistical support for negative duration dependence (i.e. the longer a country has been on a currency peg the less likely it is to abandon it). 5.2 The Empirical Model Now we describe the empirical model in which we rely on. This section is based on the work of Lancaster (1990). Suppose that there are K possible destination states and define each of them as k, k = 1, 2, ..., K. These destinations must be mutually exclusive and they have to exhaust the possible destinations. For example, a country pegging its currency can continue to be pegging, move to a soft peg or switch to a floating regime. Let us think of time to exit as a continuous random variable, T , and consider a large number of countries entering state k at a time we shall identify as T = 0.26 In fact, for country ith we must define k different continuous duration random variables Tik (one for each risk or destination regime). Only the smallest of all these durations Ti = min Tik and the corresponding destination are observed. All the other durations are censored given that risk k is materialized (i.e. Tik > Ti for k 6= min Tik ). Estimating erroneously a single destination model under the presence of multiple risks is equivalent to assume that the random variables Tik are independent. Nevertheless, since the Tik s are affected by the agents’ behavior and unobservable characteristics (heterogeneity) this assumption looks very unrealistic and might led to incorrect inference (van den Berg, 2005). Define the instantaneous rate of exiting for state k per unit time period at t, known as the transition intensity for state k, as P r(t ≤ T ≤ t + dt, Dk ; T ≥ t, X) dt →0 dt θk (t; X) = lim k = 1, 2, . . . , K (1) where P r(t ≤ T ≤ t+dt, Dk ; T ≥ t, X) is the probability that a country departs from the current arrangement to state k in the short interval (t, t + dt) given that the state is still occupied at t, f (·) and F (·) are the probability density function and the cumulative density function of the random variable T , and Dk is a vector containing K binary variables dk assuming the value of one if state k is entered and zero otherwise. So Dk is a vector of zeros except for the k th row which is equal to one. In this framework, the hazard function is the sum of the transition intensities over the destination states K X P r(t ≤ T ≤ t + dt; T ≥ t, X) f (t) = = θk (t; X) dt →0 dt 1 − F (t) θ(t; X) = lim (2) k=1 26 Note that in this model we have K + 1 random variables conformed by the random variable T and K statedummy variables. 15 The last equality in (2) indicates that the total of the survivors at t who exit on the following period is the sum over k of those who leave for destination k. In other words, since the potential risks (destinations) are mutually exclusive events their densities (transition intensities) are added to obtain the conditional probability of exiting the current regime. These competing risks, however, may be correlated due to the unobserved heterogeneity present in each transition intensity. Let S(t; X) denote the probability of survival to t, P r(T ≥ t) = 1 − F (t). From a well known relationship between the hazard and the survivor functions we obtain the following equation S(t; X) = exp n Z − t o n o θ(s; X)ds = exp − Λ(t; X) (3) 0 where Λ(t; X) is the integrated hazard function. Then, S(t; X)θk (t; X)dt might be interpreted as the probability of departure to state k within the period (t, t + dt)27 P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk ; X) = S(t; X)θk (t; X)dt (4) The empirical counterpart of S(t; X)θk (t; X) is the fraction of an entering cohort who exit for state k between t and t + dt.28 Two types of spells contribute to the likelihood function; completed and censored. A country observed to exit for regime k at time ti contributes P r(exit f or k at time ti ) which can be rewritten in terms of the transition intensities and survivor functions. From equations (2), (3) and (4) we obtain the contribution of non-censored spells to the likelihood function ( − P r(t < Ti < t + dt, Dk ; Xi ) = exp Z tX K ) θk (u; Xi )du θk (t; Xi )dt (5) 0 k=1 A spell censored at time ti contributes the probability of being alive at that time (i.e. the survival function). Thus, the likelihood function is29 L(Γ) = " K n Y Y i 27 28 # dk,i P r(t < Ti < t + dt, Dk ; Xi ) exp n − Λi (t; Xi ) o1−PK k=1 dk,i (6) k=1 S(t|X)θk (t; X)dt=P(survival to t) × P(departure to k in (t, t + dt)|survival to t). Note that the intensity transition θk is equal to πkSfk and not to fSk as it would be if θk were the hazard function. In this case, fk (t) = −dSdtk (t) , πk fk (t) is the probability that a country exit the regime on period t and went to state k and S k (t) is the probability of survival to t conditional on the event that when departure occurs is to state k, P r(T ≥ t|when exit occurs it is to k, X). " # " # PK n o dk,i n o 1− k=1 dk,i Q Q K 29 L(Γ) = n − Λi (t) exp − Λi (t) . i k=1 θk (t; Xi ) exp 16 where Γ is a vector of parameters and dk,i is a binary variable equal to one when transition is for state k and equal to zero otherwise. 5.3 Baseline Functions Once the empirical model has been set the next step is to specify the functional form of the transition intensities, θk . This implies that we need to decide whether the transition probabilities will increase, decrease or stay constant over time. A common assumption in the literature is to assume time-independent transition intensities. However, since we do not know if the probability of departing to an FC policy mix, or any other state, in the short interval (t, t+dt), given survival to t, is constant over time this assumption seems somewhat restrictive a priori. To verify the sensitivity of the results to this assumption we estimate the model using different functional forms for the transition intensities. To do so, we first assume a proportional ”hazard” model θk (t, x) = f1 (x)f2 (t) (7) where f1 and f2 are the same functions for all countries. As before, t represents the duration of the regime, x is a vector of explanatory variables that shift the transition intensities, and β is a vector of coefficients associated with these variables. The specification of θk (t) consists of two terms. The first is a description of the way in which the transition intensities change, at a given point in time, between countries with different characteristics, f1 (x) = exp{x0 k βk }.30 The second term is known as the baseline hazard, which is a functional form for the time dependence, f2 (t). Note that the transition intensities for two different entities with regressor vectors x1 and x2 are in the same ratio, f1 (x1 ) f1 (x2 ) , for all t. We estimate the model assuming the following baseline functions f2,k (t) = exp{β0 } f2,k (t) = exp{β0 }αk tαk −1 f2,k (t) = exp{β0 } exp{γk t} Exponential Model (8) Weibull Model (9) Gompertz Model (10) With the first two baseline functions, Weibull and Gompertz, we allow the transition intensities, and therefore the hazard function, to increase or decrease monotonically over time. Specifically, in the Weibull model the transition intensities rise or fall monotonically if αk > 1 (positive dura30 Exponentiation prohibits the prediction of negative hazard rates and does not put restrictions on the parameters. 17 tion dependence) or αk < 1 (negative duration dependence), respectively.31 On the other hand, in the Gompertz model the hazard and the transition intensities rise (decrease) monotonically if γk > 0 (γk < 0). The exponential model is nested within the Weibull and the Gompertz models when α = 1 or γ = 0, respectively. Thus, for the Exponential model the transition intensity does not depend on the elapsed duration. Anticipating a possible non-monotonic behavior of the transition intensities we also consider a Log-logistic model θk (t; x) = exp{β0 + x0 k βk }αk tαk −1 1 + exp{β0 + x0 k βk }tαk (13) This specification is more flexible relative to the proportional ’hazard’ model because it displays a non-monotonic behavior for some parameterizations. For α > 1, θk (t; x) exhibits an inverted h i 1 α U-shape increasing from zero at t = 0 to a single maximum at t = exp{βα−1 and then ] 0 0 +x k βk } approaching to zero as t → ∞. For α ≤ 1 the transition intensity decreases monotonically.32 5.4 Unobserved Heterogeneity We adjust the model described above for unobserved heterogeneity. Heterogeneity arises when different countries have potentially different duration distributions. In that case, the waiting times are generated by different stochastic processes. Although we control for systematic differences across countries on the transition intensities by the inclusion of a vector of observable characteristics, X, there might be significant unmeasured (unobserved) differences among them. Neglecting unobserved heterogeneity affects the probability of staying in a given regime and therefore a spurious state dependency might result. Specifically, not controlling for unobserved factors implies that countries with the same level of covariates are identical. If this is not the case, the model would be misspecified. To analyze the importance of unobserved heterogeneity we estimate a mixed proportional ’hazard’ model and a mixed Log-logistic model. Given the potential misspecification of the random process for unobserved heterogeneity and its consequences on the estimated parameters (i.e. biased estimates) we estimate the competing 31 For the Weibull model the hazard function and the probability of survival to time t are θ(t; X) = K X αk exp{x0k βk }tαk −1 (11) k=1 S(t; X) = exp n − K X exp{x0k βk }tαk o (12) k=1 Specifically, if α = 1 then θk (t; x) decreases monotonically from exp{β0 + x0 k βk } at t = 0 to zero as t → ∞. If α < 1, θk (t; x) diminishes monotonically from ∞ at the origin to zero as t → ∞. 32 18 risks model using parametric and semiparametric methods.33 Our semiparametric approach is analogous to Butler, Anderson, and Burkhauser (1989).34 Common in the literature is to assume multiplicative heterogeneity θk (t; Xi , νk ) =f1 (Xi )f2 (t)h(νk ) θk (t; Xi , νk ) = (14) exp{β0 + X0ik βk }αk tαk −1 h(νk ) 1 + exp{β0 + X0ik βk }tαk (15) where h(νk ) is an increasing function of a time-invariant residual to be regarded as a realization of a random variable Vk . The realization of this random term, νk , is both unknown and varies over the population of interest. Equations (14) and (15) are the modified transition intensities for the proportional hazard and the Log-logistic models, respectively. Let ν = ν1 , . . . , νK be the vector of unobserved multiplicative heterogeneity assumed to have a joint distribution denoted by G(ν; X). We can rewrite equations (3) and (5) conditioned on νk ( P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk ; Xi , ν) = θk (t; Xi , νk ) × exp − Z tX K ) θk (u; Xi , νk )du (16) 0 k=1 ( − P r(T ≥ t; Xi , ν) = exp Z tX K ) θk (u; Xi , νk )du (17) 0 k=1 To construct the likelihood function, however, we need the unconditional counterparts of the marginal probabilities, equation (5), and the probability of survival.35 These probabilities are obtained by integrating out the random term ν Z ∞ P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk ; Xi ) = Z ∞ ··· P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk ; Xi , ν)g(ν; Xi )dν Z ∞ Z ∞ P r(T > t; Xi ) = Λ(t; X) = ··· P r(T ≥ t|Xi , ν)g(ν; Xi )dν −∞ (18) −∞ −∞ (19) −∞ which involves an K-fold integral. A simple case is one in which the K elements of ν are independent gamma distributed variables (the case we describe in the next section). In that case the K-fold integral decomposes into a product of K integrals and the risks are implicity assumed to be independent. 33 Assuming a distribution for the unobserved heterogeneity terms is not necessarily a source of bias but it is always preferable to implement a less restrictive model. 34 A modified version of Heckman and Singer (1984) approach. 35 Unconditional respect to the heterogeneity term. 19 5.4.1 Parametric Estimation of the Unobserved Heterogeneity A general specification of unobserved heterogeneity allows for risk-specific random components. Let h(ν) = ν and G(ν; Xi ) be the joint cumulative distribution function of the random vector ν conditional on Xi . The first set of models, adjusted for unobserved heterogeneity, that we estimate assume that the K elements of ν are independent gamma distributed random variables. Hence, following Lancaster (1990) m S k (t; X) Z ∞ Z ∞ ··· = −∞ Z exp − −∞ t 1 θk (t; Xi , ν) g(ν; Xi )dν = 1 2 0 (20) σ k [1 + σk2 Λm k (t; X)] where the superscript ”m” refers to the corresponding functions for the mixture distribution and Rt m Λm (t) = k 0 θk (s; X)ds is the integrated transition intensity for state k. Similarly, the mixture transition intensity can be written as the ratio of the conditional hazard at the mean of the marginal distribution of G(ν; X) divided by the increasing function [1 + σk2 Λkm (t; X)] θkm (t; x) = θk (t; x) 1 + σk2 Λkm (t; X) (21) With equations (20) and (21) we can derive the likelihood function L(Γ) = " K n Y Y i where S m # m θkm (ti ; Xi )dk,i S k (ti ; X) (22) k=1 Q R Q R P m t t m K K dk ds = m (s; X)dk ds = (s; X) θ exp − θ = exp − 0 K k=1 S k (t; X). k=1 k=1 k 0 k Note that the likelihood function is a product of K likelihoods, one for each destination (or failure). Moreover, the likelihood function involving a specific destination is exactly the same likelihood you would obtain by treating all other types of failure (destinations) as censored observations. In this framework the presence of unobserved heterogeneity can be easily tested. If there is no heterogeneity the variance of the K states should be jointly equal to zero. Under the null, the true model would be equal to the one presented in section 5.2. 5.4.2 Semiparametric Method to Account for Unobserved Heterogeneity To check the sensitivity of the results to the Gamma and independence assumptions imposed in the previous section we resort to a semiparametric estimation technique. In this framework the unmeasured heterogeneity is controlled for in a manner similar to Butler, Anderson, and 20 Burkhauser (1989) strategy. Contrary to Heckman and Singer (1984), who assume that the distribution of the unobservable heterogeneity term is explicitly discrete, Butler, Anderson, and Burkhauser consider that the discrete distribution is a numerical approximation of the true distribution. This semiparametric estimation technique allows correlated competing risks without imposing any distributional assumption on G(ν; X). Let h(ν) = exp(ν). As before, to derive the likelihood function we need the unconditional counterparts of the equations (16) and (17). Integrating out these probabilities over all possible values of ν we obtain Z ∞ P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk ; Xi , ν)g(ν; Xi )dν ··· P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk ; Xi ) = ≈ ∞ Z LK X l1 =1 lK =1 ··· Z ∞ τl1 ,...,lk P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk ; Xi , ν = q) Z P r(T ≥ t; Xi ) = ≈ (23) −∞ −∞ L1 X ∞ ··· P r(T ≥ t; Xi , ν)g(ν; Xi )dν −∞ L1 X LK X l1 =1 lK =1 (24) −∞ ··· τl1 ,...,lk P r(T ≥ t; Xi , ν = q) n o0 n o0 where g(ν; Xi ) is the prior distribution of the residuals, ν = ν1,l1 , . . . , νK,lK , q = q1,l1 , . . . , qK,lK is a vector of integration points, Lk is the number of integration points related to the random effect of destination K and ( τl1 ,...,lk = w1,l1 · · · wK,lK g(q1,l1 , . . . , qK,lK ) exp 2 q1,l 1 2 + ··· + 2 qK,l K ) (25) 2 The approximation is obtained by Gauss-Hermite numerical integration using w0 s as the integration weights.36 In the Appendix is proven that L1 X ··· l1 =1 LK X τl1 ,...,lk = 1 (26) lK =1 In this framework, the following likelihood function is maximized L(Γ; X) = N Y " P 1− K k=1 dk,i P r(T ≥ t|Xi ) # P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk |Xi ) dk,i i=1 36 More details about the Gauss-Hermite numerical integration are relegated to the Appendix. 21 (27) subject to (23), (24), and (26). 6 Variables and Results 6.1 Variables The source of the variables is included in the Appendix. The variables controlling for observed heterogeneity are inflation, GDP per capita, trade openness, stock of international reserves (normalized by M2), financial development, size relative to the U.S.A. (in terms of GDP), SpillER and SpillFA. We also control for type of country (dummy variables for advanced and emerging market countries) and regional fixed effects. SpillER is the proportion of countries in our sample implementing an intermediate ERR and SpillFA is the fraction of countries in the sample with a closed FA. Frieden, Ghezzi, and Stein (2000) and Broz (2002) use a variable similar to SpillER to control for the feasibility of the ER arrangement. The idea is to capture the ”climate of ideas” regarding the appropriate ERR. That is, the choice of an ER arrangement may be related to the degree of acceptance of that regime in the world. This being true, then if most of the countries are implementing an intermediate arrangement it would be more feasible to maintain that regime. Therefore, we expect a positive association between SpillER and the duration of the IC policy mix. Same logic applies to SpillFA. Optimum currency area (OCA) theory holds that variables such as low openness to trade, large size and low geographical concentration of trade are associated more frequently with more flexible regimes. The argument is that a higher volume and greater geographical concentration of trade increase the benefits from a less flexible regime, reducing transaction costs. Trade openness may be associated with the FA liberalization in two ways. On one hand, trade openness is commonly seen as a prerequisite to open the FA. On the other hand, a high level of trade openness can make capital controls less effective.37 Hence, higher trade openness should be associated with a higher propensity to remove capital controls. For the IC policy mix this means that an ambiguous relationship between the openness to trade and the duration of this arrangement is expected. For example, if the preconditions to implement a hard peg do not exist in a country willing to move in that direction then a soft peg might be a good alternative to reduce the transaction costs associated with the international trade. In that case, the higher the level of trade openness is the higher the hazard (lower survival) would be for countries eventually moving to a more open FA. Continuing with OCA theory, smaller economies have a 37 Typically overinvoicing of imports or underinvoicing of exports. 22 higher propensity to trade internationally leading to a higher likelihood of pegging. No empirical or theoretical correlation is expected between the size of an economy and the openness of the FA, so the main effect of this variable on the duration of the IC policy mix is expected to come from the ERR side. The stock of international reserves is aimed to control for a ’life-jacket’ effect. In particular, we want to check whether the stock of foreign exchange reserves helps to maintain a soft peg (i.e. longer duration). To the extent that a high level of international reserves is seen as prerequisite for defending less flexible regimes, a negative association between the flexibility of the ER and the stock of international reserves is expected (i.e. longer duration of the IC policy mix or a lower probability of survival conditional on the fact that the new regime involves a hard peg). Countries with underdeveloped financial systems do not count with the instruments needed to conduct open market operations and as a consequence are expected to adopt less flexible regimes. Since financial development and innovation reduce the effectiveness of capital controls, countries with more developed financial systems should exhibit a higher propensity to open the FA. Thus, a negative relationship between financial development (M 2/GDP ) and the duration of the IC policy mixture is expected. Inflation can play two different roles regarding the ERR. On one hand, countries can choose a less flexible regime as a commitment mechanism to assist them in maintaining credibility for low-inflation monetary policy objectives.38 On the other hand, defending an intermediate or a fixed ERR in a high inflation country might be a difficult and a costly task. Regarding the FA and its relationship with inflation, previous research suggests that governments compelled to resort to the inflation tax are more likely to utilize capital controls to broaden the tax base. Hence, a negative correlation between inflation and the openness of the FA is expected. The overall effect of inflation on the duration dependence of the IC policy mix is therefore uncertain. If the costs of maintaining an intermediate regime under a high inflation environment are lower than the low-inflation credibility benefits then a longer duration of the policy mix would be expected. Regarding the ERR and its expected correlation with institutions, Hausmann, Panizza, and Stein (2001) claim that the ability to adopt a freely floating regime is closely related to the level of development.39 So, countries with better institutional framework (i.e. developed countries) are more inclined to adopt flexible arrangements. What then about the expected association between 38 For example, before the tequila crisis in 1994 Mexico resorted to a crawling peg (intermediate regime) to mitigate inflation. 39 The rationale for this argument is based on the observed differences of the ratio of ER volatility to reserves and the ratio of reserves to M2 between advanced, emerging markets and other developing countries. 23 the openness of the FA and the institutional framework? As we mentioned above, to move further in the FA liberalization process, the economies need to develop the general legal systems and institutions (e.g. prudential supervision and regulation). Also, as explained by Eichengreen and Leblang (2003), democratic countries have more recognition of rights, including the international rights, of residents who have a greater ability to press for the removal of restrictions on their investment options. Finally, given the close integration of emerging economies to the international capital markets we analyze whether international reserves and the general acceptance of both the intermediate regimes and capital controls affect the transition intensities of these countries in a different way relative to the rest of the world. To do so, we include interactions between an emerging market dummy variable and international reserves, SpillER and SpillFA. With the exception of the dummy variables, SpillER, and SpillFA, all the other variables are lagged by one period. 6.2 Duration of the Intermediate Regime and Closed Capital Account Our sample consists of 155 spells with an average and median duration of 9 and 7 years, respectively, and standard deviation of 7.5 (see table 1).40 The longest spell observed lasted 34 years (Morocco) while the shortest just 1 year (14 spells). Only two countries moved to a floating ER and open FA policy mix (Czech Republic in 1996 and Dominican Republic in 2003). These two spells were discarded due to the small number of transitions observed during the sample period. Hence, we identify three possible destinations if a country decides to leave the IC policy mix: 1) HPC, 2) IO and 3) FC. Fifty spells are censored to the right. As we mentioned above, the left censoring problem is not present for any of the spells included in the sample. As we mentioned above, the left censoring problem is not present for any of the spells included in the sample. Overall and destination-specific descriptive statistics are shown in table 1. Some stylized facts can be drawn from that table. First, countries that move to a HPC policy combination exhibit, on average, the lowest level of financial development across the three destinations. In addition, countries that move to a hard peg (HPC) do it when the feasibility or acceptance of capital controls is high. Second, it seems that economies with developed financial markets, highest stock of international reserves, GDP per capita and level of trade openness liberalize the FA first rather than allowing the ER to freely float. Small countries are, on average, less attracted to lift capital controls. As expected, countries remove capital restrictions when the general acceptance of controls is low (i.e. lower level of SpillFA across the three destinations). 40 The table with the spells, duration and countries is contained in the Appendix (table A-4). 24 Third, countries moving to some form of floating with capital controls are on average the largest economies in our sample and the ones with the lowest level of international reserves. Fourth, consistent with OCA theory, countries with the highest level of trade openness prefer less flexible ER arrangements. In our sample, countries implementing intermediate regimes have the highest level of international trade integration. Fifth, while countries that eventually move to a HPC policy mix have the lowest average duration (4 years), countries that shift to an IO arrangement exhibit the highest duration. The latter fact support the argument that it takes a long time to prepare the ground to liberalize the FA. Sixth, a single destination model would hide all these interesting facts. The asymmetry between the three possible destinations can be clearly observed plotting the empirical transition intensities and the probabilities of survival.41 Panel A in figure 5 shows the empirical hazard and the survival rate. The transition intensities and the proportion of surviving countries that move at the end of the spell to destination k are presented in panels B to D. Due to the limited number of spells these plots should be taken with caution. At least the transition intensity associated with regime HPC presents a very different behavior relative to the hazard function and the other two transitions. Contrary to the empirical hazard, which exhibits neither negative nor positive duration dependence in the first 15 years, the transition intensity associated with the HPC policy exhibits positive duration. Hence the chances of departing to the HPC arrangement in the short interval (t, t + dt), given survival to t, increases over time. Similarly, the subgroup that eventually moved to a floating regime (i.e. FC policy) presents positive duration dependence. Finally, among the countries eventually removing all capital restrictions, the transition intensity related to the IO mixture indicates that the probability of abandoning the current regime in the first 15 years of the spell is small. This means that it takes about 15 years or so to prepare the ground to liberalize the FA. Given the flexibility of the multiple destinations model and the asymmetric behavior shown by the empirical transition intensities we estimate a ’hybrid’ model with baseline-specific destination functions. Since the empirical intensities for the IO and FC destinations are non-decreasing over time (panels C and D in figure 5) we assume, in this specific model, Weibull transition intensities for these two destinations. Given the non-monotonic behavior of the HPC transition intensity, panel B in figure 5, we assume that the probability of moving toward a HPC policy mix given survival to time t is better described by a Log-logistic transition intensity. This ’hybrid’ multiple destinations model is compared to model in which all transition intensities are assumed to be Log-logistic. 41 These are nonparametric empirical hazard, survival or transition intensities. 25 Figure 5: Empirical Hazard and Transition Intensities Panel A: All Spells Proportion Surviving Hazard 0.7 1 0.9 06 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 time 15 17 19 21 23 1 25 3 5 7 9 11 13 time 15 17 19 21 23 25 Panel B: Hard Peg - Closed FA Proportion Surviving Transition Intensities 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 time 13 14 time 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Panel C: Intermediate - Open FA 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 07 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 time i 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 25 2 3 4 5 6 time Panel D: Float - Closed FA 1.2 1 0.9 1 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 time 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 time 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Table 1: Descriptive Statistics Variable Duration Inflation M2/GDP (Reserves/M2) GDP per capita* Relative Size Trade Openness SpillER SpillK Advanced EM Asia Mean All Spells Std. Dev. Min Duration 27 Inflation M2/GDP (Reserves/M2) GDP percapita* Relative Size Trade Openness SpillER SpillFA Advanced EM Asia To Hard-Peg ERR and Closed FA. Mean Std. Dev. Min Max To Intermediate ERR and Open FA Mean Std. Dev. Min Max 9 8 1 34 4 4 1 18 11 8 1 32 0.116 0.390 0.360 0.395 0.021 0.700 0.437 0.675 0.148 0.290 0.252 0.124 0.290 0.455 0.560 0.065 0.432 0.077 0.144 0.357 0.455 0.435 -0.030 0.062 0.005 0.010 0.000 0.022 0.188 0.503 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.705 1.692 5.049 2.496 0.521 2.176 0.535 0.886 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.111 0.240 0.283 0.243 0.029 0.562 0.349 0.828 0.133 0.233 0.233 0.148 0.175 0.280 0.410 0.094 0.422 0.094 0.074 0.346 0.430 0.430 -0.030 0.067 0.005 0.011 0.000 0.074 0.188 0.560 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.705 0.849 1.129 1.735 0.486 1.810 0.477 0.886 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.117 0.481 0.468 0.768 0.016 0.801 0.458 0.663 0.300 0.225 0.125 0.125 0.349 0.793 0.757 0.033 0.394 0.042 0.095 0.464 0.423 0.335 0.013 0.062 0.048 0.018 0.000 0.219 0.361 0.530 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.638 1.692 5.049 2.496 0.152 1.928 0.535 0.853 1.000 1.000 1.000 Number of Spells Variable Max 155 30 To Flexible ERR and Closed FA Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Mean 40 Censored Std. Dev. Min Max 9 6 1 22 10 9 1 34 0.140 0.374 0.260 0.444 0.037 0.523 0.408 0.754 0.189 0.405 0.351 0.124 0.262 0.227 0.537 0.091 0.360 0.048 0.111 0.397 0.498 0.484 0.003 0.082 0.024 0.018 0.000 0.079 0.350 0.560 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.583 1.242 1.004 2.084 0.521 1.818 0.494 0.886 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.101 0.421 0.395 0.140 0.009 0.837 0.498 0.529 0.000 0.292 0.292 0.107 0.284 0.217 0.158 0.026 0.456 0.029 0.074 0.000 0.459 0.459 0.000 0.119 0.006 0.010 0.000 0.022 0.359 0.503 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.476 1.500 1.143 0.809 0.172 2.176 0.509 0.883 0.000 1.000 1.000 Number of Spells Notes: † In thousands of 2000 $US 37 48 6.3 Results An outstanding result is the similarity of the estimated coefficients across models with timedependent transition intensities; Gompertz, Weibull and Log-logistic.42 In these models the empirical hazard, transition intensities and survival functions indeed depend on the elapsed duration. An important difference between the proportional hazard models (i.e. Weibull and Gompertz) and the Log-logistic model has to do with the behavior of the hazard function. While the Weibull and Gompertz models exhibit monotonically increasing hazards (positive duration) the estimated Log-logistic hazard exhibits an inverted U-shape. That is, with the Log-logistic the chances of exiting the regime increase over the first years of the spell and then decreases monotonically. With the Gompertz and Weibull baseline functions the probability of moving to a new regime, given survival until time t, increases with the elapsed duration. Given the robustness of our analysis to the baseline functions we just comment the results obtained using the Log-logistic parameterization. For the other three models, Weibull, Gompertz and Exponential, the estimations are presented in the Appendix, tables A-6 to A-8. A second major result has to do with the role played by unobservable factors in the transition intensities and therefore in the survival function. In general, the results are not severely affected by unobservable characteristics. The major impact is reflected on the magnitude of the coefficients. Additionally, there is a small change in the significance of the estimates when heterogeneity is controlled for in the multiple destinations model. Log-Logistic Model In the first three columns of table 2 we present the estimated coefficients for the single destination model assuming no heterogeneity, gamma heterogeneity and semiparametric heterogeneity, respectively. The estimated coefficients allowing for multiple destinations, but not controlling for unobservable factors, are shown in the next three columns (model [4]). The results controlling for heterogeneity (model [5]) are presented in columns 7-9. Finally, in the last four columns we show the estimated coefficients using the ’hybrid’ multiple destinations model (model [6]) and a restricted model in which the coefficients for every explanatory variables are equalized across destinations (model [7]).43 42 The divergence exhibited by the Exponential model may be due to the implausible time-independent assumption imposed over the transition intensities and therefore in the hazard function. 43 The ’hybrid’ model uses a log-logistic transition intensity for the HPC destination and Weibull transitions for the other two destinations, IO and FC. Let βj,k be the parameter associated with covariate j in destination k. The restricted model sets βj,k = βj,l for j 6= l where l, j = {HP C, IO, F C}. 28 In this paper we argue that the marginal effects of the factors determining the duration of the IC policy mix vary across destination states. Comparing the results of the single destination models [1]-[3] and the competing risk versions [4]-[6] we verify that this is true. For example, the single destination model indicates that the probability of moving to any other regime, given survival until period t, increases with inflation. Now if we compare this result with the multiple destinations model we observe that inflation indeed increases the probability of moving to a new regime but increases more the likelihood of departing for those countries eventually moving to a more open FA (i.e. a transition to an IO regime). A similar argument can be formulated for all the variables included in the estimation. A more formal way to prove that both models are different is through a likelihood ratio test. The last line of the table shows the results of this test. Controlling or not for unobserved characteristics we reject the null hypothesis that both models are equivalent. The rejection of the null hypothesis provides support to the multiple destinations model and indicates that the marginal effects of the exogenous variables on the duration indeed vary across destinations. To answer the question of whether the probability of moving to a new regime exhibits a U-shape we test if the α coefficients are greater than one.44 In all the cases this scale parameter is greater than 2 and statistically greater than one at conventional levels. In particular for model [5], multiple destinations with heterogeneity, the scale parameters are equal to 3.156, 2.862 and 2.709 for the HPC, IO and FC policy destinations, respectively. These numbers imply that the estimated transition intensities and the hazard function exhibit an inverted U-shape. This can be verified in figure 6.45 The hazard (survival) function, which is the sum of the three transition intensities, increases (decreases rapidly) during the first years of the regime and then starts to decrease (decreases at a slower pace). Comparing the duration dependence obtained through the single and multiple destination models we find that the former overestimates (underestimates) the probability of survival (hazard), figure 7. The bias may be so large that the probability of survival calculated with the single destination model is two times greater than the probability calculated with the competing risks model. So, policy analysis is severely affected when a single destination model is used. Now we answer the question of what are the effects of the covariates in the overall and destination-specific survival functions, S(t) and S k (t). Recall that S k (t) is the probability of 44 In the Gompertz (Weibull) model we test whether the γ (α) parameter is different from zero (one) or not. If this parameter is different from zero (one) that would mean that the hazard function depends on the elapsed duration. 45 To obtain the transition intensity k (k = {HP C, IO, F C}) we only use the observations from countries that moved to destination k. The transition is just the average transition intensity per period of time among the countries moving to destination k. 29 survival to t conditional on the event that when departure occurs is to state k. Figure 8 shows S(t) and S k (t) for different values of the covariates. The four different lines represent 0, 0.4, 0.8 or 1 standard deviation from the original value for each exogenous variable. Five variables are statistically different from zero at standard confidence levels in at least two transition intensities: the development of the financial system (M 2/GDP ), GDP per capita, relative size (Size), fraction of countries with a closed FA (SpillFA) and the interaction between SpillER and the emerging market dummy variable. The results show a positive association between the duration of the IC mix and the development of the financial system. Thus, economies with underdeveloped financial systems have lower (higher) survival rates (hazards) relative to the countries with developed financial system. Now, analyzing the probability of survival across destinations we find that there are noticeable differences. The estimated coefficient associated with our measure of financial development suggest that in the first 15 years of the spell the effect on the probability of survival, S(t), is mainly driven by an important increase (decrease) in the transition intensity (probability of survival) of the HPC destination. Specifically, countries that eventually adopt an HPC arrangement and have an underdeveloped financial system exhibit a lower (higher) survival rate (transition intensity) relative to the countries departing to the other two destinations. Additionally, the behavior of the survival functions associated with the IO and FC regimes suggest that countries with developed financial systems take a long time to liberalize the FA or allow the ER float. As expected, among the countries that eventually open its FA (i.e. IO regime) the ones with higher GDP per capita exhibit a higher risk of abandoning the IC policy mix.46 . This suggests that the development of general legal systems and institutions, proxied by GDP per capita, is crucial for a country to open its financial markets. Conversely, for the subgroup of countries exiting toward an HPC or FC regimes the ones with a better development of legal systems and institutions present lower chances of abandoning the current regime. So, economies with a strong preference toward intermediate regimes must develop a strong institutional framework in order to maintain the regime. Larger economies, relative to the U.S., are associated with a lower probability of survival of the IC mix (first row of figure 9(a)). Again, the picture looks different when one makes the analysis for each S k (t). Interestingly, if there is any change in the policy it is more plausible to observe it within the subgroup of countries that eventually shift to a hard peg or a floating regime. This result supports the ’bipolar view’ for the the industrialized countries. The feasibility of capital controls is also an important determinant of the duration. In 46 For these countries the probability of survival is lower than 0.5 in the first five years of the spell. 30 particular, when the general acceptance of capital controls is high (i.e. high SpillFA) we observe significantly shorter spells. At first glance, this result looks counterintuitive, but it is not. The reason is that countries eventually moving to HPC or FC (i.e. limit capital mobility) exhibit a higher (lower) exposure (survival rates). So, if there is any change in the policy mixture there is a high chance of observing a move to one of the corners of the currency spectrum without lifting capital controls. In other words, the more accepted the capital controls are, the longer will be the period in which capital controls are implemented (rapid transition to regimes that limit capital mobility, HPC and FC, relative to the countries that liberalize the FA moving to an IO regime).47 Surprisingly, the general acceptance of the intermediate regimes (SpillER) does not play an important role in the survival of the IC policy mixture. This can be verified in the plots of the marginal effects (SpillER’s row, first column of figure 9(a)).48 Although the overall survival rate do not change with SpillER the transition intensities and the destination-specific survivals do change. This is the kind of asymmetries hidden in the single destination model and that makes the competing risks model a better choice to analyze the duration of the ERR and capital controls. As expected, when the general acceptance of soft pegs is high the countries with lower survival rates are the ones that keep a soft peg but eventually choose to open their FA. Note that even when the policymakers decided to abandon the IC mix, they did so by implementing a policy combination that includes a soft peg (i.e. they shift to a IO policy mix). This result is reinforced by the negative relationship between SpillER and the transition intensities associated with the HPC and FC destinations. Thus, the higher SpillER is, the lower is the chance of moving to a hard peg or a more flexible ER arrangement. In line with OCA theory, among the economies moving to an HPC policy mix the ones with a high level of trade openness exhibit lower survival rates. Also note that only the trade openness coefficient for the HPC transition intensity is statistically significant. Inflation decreases the probability of survival. From model [5] inflation has it biggest impact on the IO transition intensity and is significant only for this destination. Results regarding inflation are slightly different in the ’hybrid’ model [6]. Is it true that emerging markets are different to the rest of the world when we talk about the duration of the IC arrangement? The answer is yes. We can clearly see this through the coefficients associated with the interaction of the emerging market dummy variable with some other 47 If we add up the transitions associated with the HPC and FC regimes we can obtain the hazard of keeping a closed FA but abandoning the soft peg. 48 Since the transition intensities exhibit different signs, the effects of these on the hazard offset each other. Recall that the hazard function is equal to the sum of the transition intensities. 31 variables. Three are the main findings. First, while these economies are closely integrated to the international capital markets they love the intermediate arrangements, interaction with SpillER. This interaction shows that emerging economies are very sensitive to the general acceptance of soft pegs. In fact, this destination is the most sensitive to the interaction (50.376 vs 25.473 or -3.3). Second, supporting the ’fear of floating’ argument, emerging economies prefer to remove capital controls or implement a hard peg rather than moving to a floating regime (interaction with SpillFA). This result is in part due to the relatively high importance of this interaction on the IO transition intensity. Third, emerging markets with a high level of international reserves have longer spells, interaction with Reserves/M 2. This interaction is statistically significant at the 1 per cent level just for the IO transition intensity and greater than the estimates for the other two destinations. Hence, when emerging markets start to build up their stock of foreign reserves the chances of moving to a new regime increase significantly for the countries eventually lifting capital controls but keeping a soft peg (i.e. transition toward IO). The last two results are encouraging since they are consistent with the ’fear of floating’ though initiated by Calvo and Reinhart (2002). 7 Policy Implications A good example reflecting the complex interaction between the ERR and the openness of the FA is the current debate on China’s appropriate reforms. As Eichengreen (2005) emphasizes the ultimate question for China is ”not whether it will move to a more flexible currency but when, and how it will get from here to there.” A more flexible regime would permit China to tailor monetary policy to buffer the economy against shocks. At the same time, liberalizing the FA would pose significant risks for the Chinese economy given the weakness of its financial system. For example, the removal of capital restrictions may cause an outflow of deposits from Chinese banks, destabilizing the financial system. Also, in a poor regulated environment capital inflows could be misallocated and currency mismatches on the balance sheets of financial and corporate sectors might surge. Under this situation China decided in July 2005, as was suggested by some scholars (e.g. Eichengreen, 2005 and Prasad, Rumbaug, and Wang 2005), to move toward a more flexible regime.49 Despite the transition to a more flexible regime, China is still classified 49 There are still some doubts about the current Chinese ERR. The greater flexibility of the ER could smooth the FA liberalization process by preparing the domestic markets to deal with the effects of higher capital flows. A more flexible ERR creates stronger incentives for developing the foreign exchange market and for currency risk management. Additionally a more flexible rate avoids one-way bets and thereby prevents speculators from all lining up on one side of the market creating losses in the event that expectations of revaluation or devaluation are disappointed. 32 as a country implementing an IC policy mix.50 The question that arises now is what follows next for China? Eichengreen (2005) and Prasad, Rumbaug, and Wang (2005) suggest an improvement in the regulation of financial institutions (i.e. better institutions) and a further development of the financial system in order to move forward in the process to liberalize the FA. That is exactly what the multiple destinations model implies. On one hand, our findings indicate that countries implementing an intermediate ERR with limits on capital mobility need to improve the quality of the institutional framework in order to move further in the liberalization of the FA. On the other hand, the results indicate that countries with underdeveloped financial markets find it harder to both maintain a soft peg and remove capital controls. In recent years the world economy has been expanding, on average, at a rate slightly higher than 4.0% per year. That is because emerging countries like China, India, Russia, and Brazil have been growing at extraordinary rates. As a result, the ratio of the aggregate GDP of advanced economies relative to the world economy has decreased during the same period. In 2008, for example, China overtook Germany as the world’s third-largest economy (see figure 9). Similarly, Russia’s economy overtook Spain and Canada last year, while Brazil also overtook Canada. This tendency will eventually affect the optimal ER and FA policies of these countries. As China’s economy catches up, first Japan and then the U.S., the importance of the exporting sector in the overall economy might decrease and this in turn can make a flexible ERR a more attractive alternative. Another possibility that we could foreseen is the adoption of a common currency (a hard peg) in that region. The reason is that the degree of economic integration among the Asian economies rises the benefits from a currency union. Our results support these two potential trends. Specifically, the estimates show that large economies, currently implementing a soft peg and limits on capital mobility, are at higher risk of moving to the ends of the currency spectrum rather than moving to a more open FA. Along with the growing importance of some emerging markets in the global economy is the significant accumulation of international reserves. Countries such as China, Russia and Brazil have increased lately their stock of foreign reserves (see figure 10). One of the most common arguments to explain this behavior is that countries distrust the IMF so they have been accumulating reserves for rainy days. At the end of 2007 China’s international reserves were $1.5 trillion dollars or 29 per cent of China’s M2 stock. In the same year Russia, Brazil, Korea and India also built up an important amount of foreign reserves. Beyond this amassment process these four emerging economies have another thing in common; they have limits to capital 50 Reinhart and Rogoff classification indicates that China has been de facto pegging since 1992. 33 mobility. In addition, three of these four economies have implemented a soft peg during this process.51 Our findings are consistent with this preference toward intermediate regimes from emerging countries (interaction of the emerging market dummy variable and the foreign reserves), however, our model predicts that these accumulation process will eventually put pressure to liberalize the FA. In other words, among the emerging countries that eventually moved from an IC regime to an IO (intermediate ERR and open FA) policy mix the countries with highest stock of foreign reserves were at higher risk (i.e. exhibited a higher transition intensity and therefore a lower probability). Finally, it is not a secret that the development strategy followed by China, and some of its neighbors, has relied on heavily in the ER. In fact, it is argued that Pacific Asian countries are formally or informally managing their currencies with respect to the U.S. dollar in similar fashion as they did during the Bretton Woods system. Dooley, Folkerts-Landau, and Garber (2003) described this regional policy as a Bretton Woods system II. This behavior is in line with our specific emerging market finding regarding the feasibility of intermediate regimes. Since the regional acceptance of intermediate regime is high, it will take a longer period of time to observe the Chinese economy moving toward a more flexible ER relative to the time it would take if the acceptance of soft pegs was low. This reinforces the argument that China’s next step should be the removal of capital controls in the medium run (after improving the quality of institutions and developing further the financial system).52 51 52 With the exception of Brazil, country that has been implementing a de facto managed float. This does not necessarily mean a full liberalization of the FA. 34 Figure 6: Estimated Hazard, Survival and Transition Intensities: Multiple Destinations Model 0.25 Figure 7: Single Destination versus Multiple Destinations: Hazard and Survival Functions 0.25 Hazard Transition Intensity: Hard Peg-Closed Transition Intensity: Intermediate-Open Transition Intensity: Float-Closed 0.2 Hazard One Destination Hazard Multiple Destination 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 35 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1 Survival Survival: Hard Peg-Closed Survival: Intermediate-Open Survival: Float-Closed 0.8 0 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Survival One Destination Survival Multiple Destination 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 Years 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Years 25 30 35 40 Figure 8: Marginal Effects on the Survival Survival Function Hard Peg-Closed 1 Floating-Closed Intermediate-Open 1 1 1 Inflation 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 M2/GDP 1 0 0 10 20 30 0 40 0 1 10 20 30 40 0 0 1 1 0.5 0.5 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 20 30 40 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0 1 Reserves/M2 10 20 30 40 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 0 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 1 0 10 20 30 40 1 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 0.5 10 20 30 0 10 20 Years 30 1 0.5 0.5 40 Original 0 40 0 1 0 10 20 30 40 0 1 0.5 0 40 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 Years 30 Plus 0.4 SD 40 0 1 10 0.5 0 0 0 0 30 0.5 0 40 20 0.5 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 GDP per capita 36 (Reserves/M2)*EM 0 0 10 20 Years 30 40 0 Plus 0.8 SD (a) Inflation, M2/GDP, (Reserves/M2)*EM, Reserves/M2 and GDP per capita Plus 1 SD 10 20 Years 30 40 Figure 8: Marginal Effects on the Survival (con’t) Hard Peg-Closed Size Survival Function 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Trade Openness 0 10 20 30 0 40 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 10 20 30 40 0 1 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 0 0 10 20 30 40 0 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 10 20 30 0 40 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 1 0 0.5 0 0 1 10 20 30 40 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 20 30 40 1 0.8 SPillK 37 0 40 1 0 SpillER Floating-Closed 1 0 SpillER*EM Intermediate-Open 1 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 Years 0 10 20 Years Original Plus 0.4 SD 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 Years Plus 0.8 SD (a) Size, Trade Openness, SpillER, SpillER*EM and SpillK Note: These plots are obtained by increasing the original data by 0.4, 0.8 and 1 standard deviation. Years Plus 1 SD Table 2: Single and Multiple Destination Models: Log-logistic Baseline α Inflation M2/GDP Reserves/M2 (Reserves/M2)*EM GDP per capita Size 38 Trade Openness SpillER SpillER*EM SpillFA SpillFA*EM Advanced EM Asia Constant One Destination Multiple Destinations Multiple Destinations Heterogeneity No Heterogeneity Semiparametric Heterogeneity No Gamma Semi HPC [1] [2] [3] [4] Destinations IO FC [4] [4] HPC [5] Destinations IO FC [5] [5] 2.337 ∗ 2.337 ∗ 2.491 ∗ 2.396 ∗ 2.229 ∗ 2.432 ∗ 3.156 ∗ 2.862 ∗ 2.709 ∗ (0.178) (0.191) (0.195) (0.363) (0.285) (0.308) (0.393) (0.318) (0.316) 2.225 ∗∗∗ 2.225 2.709 ∗∗∗ 0.927 4.092 ∗∗∗ 2.707 2.022 5.617 ∗ 1.577 (1.160) (3.721) (1.448) (2.023) (2.108) (2.119) (2.244) (2.223) (2.676) -3.082 ∗ -3.082 ∗ -3.096 ∗ -9.402 ∗ -2.471 ∗ -3.630 ∗ -8.010 ∗ -3.410 ∗ -5.160 ∗ (0.769) (0.600) (1.381) (3.238) (0.969) (1.483) (3.336) (1.122) (1.651) -0.131 -0.131 0.021 -0.683 -0.193 -0.244 -0.731 -0.382 0.466 (0.331) (0.435) (0.468) (1.209) (0.327) (0.719) (0.961) (0.399) (0.869) 3.422 ∗∗ 3.421 ∗∗∗ 2.968 ∗∗∗ -0.928 7.059 ∗ -0.515 -0.125 7.484 ∗ 1.528 (1.612) (1.888) (1.794) (5.106) (2.288) (3.327) (5.608) (2.444) (4.257) 0.425 0.425 0.722 -8.540 ∗ 1.122 ∗∗∗ -0.825 -5.854 ∗∗ 1.287 ∗∗ -1.740 (0.516) (0.475) (0.591) (3.399) (0.597) (0.986) (2.583) (0.644) (1.375) 7.873 ∗ 7.873 ∗ 7.581 ∗ 24.089 ∗ 5.483 11.836 ∗ 17.719 ∗ 4.902 16.247 ∗ (2.770) (2.740) (2.932) (7.389) (5.114) (4.492) (6.665) (5.165) (4.943) 0.916 ∗∗ 0.916 1.065 2.879 ∗ 1.059 ∗∗∗ 0.448 2.122 ∗∗ 1.185 0.732 (0.433) (0.639) (0.577) (0.999) (0.639) (0.777) (1.030) (0.795) (1.006) -3.368 -3.366 -4.264 0.329 19.686 -1.051 -4.856 16.445 -2.548 (4.672) (2.251) (5.038) (6.943) (12.843) (8.652) (7.214) (12.380) (11.396) 2.003 1.997 3.218 -7.410 34.376 16.487 -3.300 50.376 ∗∗ 25.473 ∗∗ (7.081) (2.388) (7.914) (11.246) (21.281) (16.401) (11.388) (21.560) (11.636) 10.344 ∗ 10.346 ∗ 13.203 ∗ 22.754 ∗ 6.813 14.239 ∗ 27.239 ∗ 7.128 17.891 ∗ (2.471) (1.788) (2.647) (6.008) (5.487) (5.033) (5.948) (5.372) (5.636) -1.016 -1.021 -0.641 7.439 19.558 ∗∗ -5.257 8.501 29.684 ∗ -8.061 (4.008) (3.006) (4.571) (22.734) (8.852) (8.458) (20.402) (8.929) (6.420) -1.956 ∗ -1.956 ∗∗∗ -2.273 ∗ 7.691 ∗∗ -1.178 -0.378 3.944 -1.699 1.160 (0.833) (1.023) (0.968) (3.516) (1.091) (1.453) (2.942) (1.165) (1.728) -1.184 -1.178 -1.759 -4.388 -31.226 ∗∗ -2.521 -7.785 -45.616 ∗ -3.824 (5.618) (2.016) (6.233) (21.649) (15.140) (12.825) (19.396) (15.181) (8.774) -0.690 -0.690 -0.764 -0.353 -0.961 -0.398 -0.682 -1.325 -0.615 (0.429) (0.568) (0.505) (0.869) (0.673) (0.616) (1.090) (0.931) (0.741) -10.204 ∗ -10.207 ∗ -13.818 ∗ -21.576 ∗ -20.084 ∗ -15.739 ∗ -24.798 ∗ -20.792 ∗ -19.002 ∗∗ (3.641) (1.953) (3.837) (6.968) (9.141) (6.791) (6.930) (8.838) (8.267) σg2 0.000 Total Number of Spells 158 t(α)† 7.513 158 6.998 158 7.641 3.841 158‡ 4.309 4.656 Likelihood Ratio: 126.04 5.486 158‡ 5.861 5.290 Multiple Destinations Hybrid § Semiparametric Heterogeneity HPC [6] Destinations IO FC [6] [6] Multiple Destinations No Heterogeneity Restricted model [7] 3.203 ∗ 2.787 ∗ 3.321 ∗ (0.392) (0.289) (0.288) 0.877 7.112 ∗ 7.647 ∗ (2.099) (1.839) (2.034) -10.439 ∗ -1.532 ∗∗∗ -5.104 ∗ (3.675) (0.850) (1.320) -0.865 0.069 -0.248 (1.168) (0.221) (0.838) 6.438 11.645 ∗ -0.927 (5.054) (2.103) (2.901) -6.575 ∗∗ 0.915 ∗∗∗ -3.058 ∗ (2.979) (0.498) (0.939) 19.691 ∗ 3.174 18.244 ∗ (7.896) (4.858) (3.496) 2.615 ∗ 0.781 0.630 (1.021) (0.625) (0.768) -3.546 21.224 ∗∗ -9.006 (7.896) (9.809) (8.737) -10.209 29.709 ∗∗∗ 30.285 ∗∗∗ (11.979) (15.562) (15.577) 28.268 ∗ 5.199 13.521 ∗ (6.451) (4.255) (4.907) -1.406 23.109 ∗ -6.109 (18.990) (6.938) (8.440) 5.446 0.491 3.152 ∗ (3.472) (1.057) (1.263) 1.541 -32.403 ∗ -6.666 (18.416) (11.265) (12.527) -0.139 -1.477 ∗ -1.457 ∗ (1.182) (0.636) (0.535) -26.014 ∗ -22.319 ∗ -15.138 ∗∗ (7.636) (6.863) (6.664) 1.846 ∗ (0.141) 1.351 (1.166) -2.350 ∗ (0.697) -0.084 (0.229) 1.785 (1.631) 0.347 (0.437) 5.792 ∗ (2.111) 0.735 ∗∗ (0.366) -1.975 (4.111) 2.296 (6.158) 8.328 ∗ (2.141) -0.525 (3.654) -1.450 ∗∗ (0.724) -1.231 (4.935) -0.452 (0.351) -9.921 ∗ (3.081) 158‡ 6.184 158‡ 6.008 5.618 5.290 Likelihood Ratio: 114.04 Notes: *, **, *** denote coefficients statistically different from zero at 1%, 5% and 10% significance levels, respectively. In models [4] and [5] ”HPC” stands for hard peg ERR and closed FA, ”IO” for intermediate ERR and open FA, and ”FC” stands for floating ERR and closed FA. † The t-statistic testing if the alpha is different from one. ‡ The number of spells in for destinations HPC, IO and FC are 30, 40, and 38 spells, respectively. We also have 50 right-censored spells The likelihood ratio test whether the multiple destination model is equivalent to the single destination model (restricted). Let βj,k be the parameter associated with covariate j in destination k. The restricted model sets βj,k = βj,l for j 6= l where l, j = {HP C, IO, F C}. § The ’hybrid’ model uses a Log-logistic transition intensity for the HPC destination and Weibull transitions for the other two destinations. 8 Conclusions For many years a vast majority of countries, both advanced and developing, used a combination of soft pegs and limits on capital mobility as their de facto policy arrangement. In terms of the sequencing of the two policies we have observed, during the post-Bretton Woods system, a strong preference by policymakers to deal first with higher ER flexibility and then with a more open FA. We argue that the importance of this mixture of policies in the evolution of the international monetary system and our need to know more about its sequencing make the analysis of the duration of a policy mix comprised by an intermediate ERR and a closed FA a necessity in this area of research. In this paper, we analyze the duration of that policy mix. Specifically, we try to answer the question of what factors determine the timing of moving to a new regime (i.e. the duration of the arrangement). We argue that in order to correctly answer this question we must acknowledge the presence of multiple destinations (i.e. regimes), a dimension that has been completely disregarded in the literature. With the recognition of multiple destinations another question arises; how the determinants of the duration vary across the potential destinations. To answer these two questions a simple competing-risks model, augmented to incorporate unobserved heterogeneity, is proposed. In particular, we analyze the duration of 155 spells in advanced, emerging and developing countries from 1965 to 2007. The evidence favors the multiple destination model over the single destination version. Specifically, we find that the the latter masks interesting factors affecting the duration of the policy mix and overestimates the probability of survival. Regarding the probability of moving to a new policy the results show that it depends on the elapsed duration. The development of the financial system, GDP per capita, relative size, the general acceptance of capital controls, the feasibility of the intermediate ERR, and an emerging market dummy variable are the exogenous variables with the highest explanatory power. The results show that large economies with underdeveloped financial systems exhibit lower survival rates. Based on our data set, emerging markets behave differently in many aspects. First, when we interact the emerging market binary variable and the general acceptance toward soft pegs we found that these type of countries are more sensitive to the general acceptance of the soft pegs. Second, emerging economies accumulate foreign reserves in order to maintain an intermediate ERR for a longer period of time (interaction with Reserves/M2). Third, emerging markets prefer to open the FA rather than moving toward floating regime (interaction with SpillFA). Surprisingly, the unobserved heterogeneity does not affect neither the direction of the effects 39 Figure 9: Evolution the Shares of Domestic GDP relative to the World GDP A. Advanced Countries 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 US U.S. Germany 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 0 Japan B. Advanced and Emerging Markets 9 8 7 6 5 4 China 3 2 1 Germany Canada Spain Brazil China 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 0 Russia of the covariates on the survival, hazard and transition intensities nor their statistical significance. The main role played by unobservable factors is with respect to the magnitued of the estimated coefficients. The results are robust to the econometric specification of the baseline functions. Some future work is needed to analyze the duration of the HPC and FC polixy mixtures. For these alternatives an assumption about the transition from one policy mix to the others is needed in order to overcome the presence of left censored spells. Since in this paper we could not directly disentangle the effects of each covariate in the duration of the ERR or the duration capital controls future work is needed on this. Razo-Garcia (2008b) analyzes the duration of the hard pegs, intermediate and floating regimes controlling for the potential endogeneity of the openness of the FA. 40 Figure 10: International Reserves Accumulation Panel A: International Reserves in U.S. Dollars 1600000 1400000 Brazil China India Japan Korea Russia 1200000 1000000 1200000 800000 1000000 800000 600000 600000 400000 400000 200000 200000 0 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Panel B: Ratio International Reserves relative to M2 90 80 Brazil China India Japan Korea Russia 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 References Addison, J. T., and P. 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France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal San Marino Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Israel Jordan Korea, Rep. Malaysia Mexico Morocco Nigeria Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Poland Russian Federation Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka Thailand Turkey Ukraine Venezuela Central African Rep. Chad Comoros Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Rep. Costa Rica Cote d’Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Djibouti Dominica Dominican Rep. El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Gabon Gambia, The Georgia Ghana Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Iran, Islamic Rep. Iraq Jamaica Kazakstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Dem. Rep. Kuwait Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Lithuania Macedonia, FYR Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro (Serbia) Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia Nicaragua Niger Oman Palau Papua New Guinea Paraguay Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome & Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Slovak Republic Spells In table A-4 we report the spells used in the estimation of the models. 45 Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia St. Kitts St. Lucia St. Vincent Sudan Suriname Swaziland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tanzania Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkmenistan Uganda United Arab Emirates Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanatu Vietnam Yugoslavia, Zambia Zimbabwe Table A-4: Closed Financial Account and Intermediate Exchange Rate Policy Mix Spells Hard Peg-Closed Country 46 Benin Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Central African Rep. Chad Chile Congo, Rep. Cote d’Ivoire Ecuador Finland France France Gabon Indonesia Jamaica Japan Korea, Rep. Mali Mauritania Nepal Niger Philippines Senegal Sri Lanka Suriname Swaziland Swaziland Togo Turkey Intermediate-Open Start Year Duration 1973 1973 1969 1973 1973 1973 1979 1973 1973 1970 1967 1968 1970 1973 1970 1989 1971 1973 1973 1972 1992 1973 1965 1973 1989 2000 1982 1994 1973 1970 2 2 5 2 2 2 4 2 2 6 3 4 1 2 2 7 7 9 2 1 15 2 1 2 18 5 4 9 2 6 Country Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Botswana Cambodia Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Denmark Ecuador Egypt, Arab Rep. El Salvador Finland France Greece Hungary Iceland Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Macedonia, FYR Malta Mauritius Mexico Netherlands Nicaragua Paraguay Portugal Romania Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sudan Sweden Uganda Venezuela Float-Closed Start Year Duration 1996 1989 2001 1998 2003 1992 2003 2004 1988 1994 1994 1992 1990 1988 1994 2001 1994 1982 1992 1998 1988 1991 1996 2002 2004 1995 1991 1977 1995 1989 1991 2002 1973 2002 1999 1992 1999 1988 1993 1995 1 18 6 19 2 9 9 32 17 1 23 3 18 17 10 20 11 8 14 14 6 1 8 8 32 20 4 7 3 4 19 2 1 10 8 19 10 16 4 2 Country Algeria Algeria Argentina Australia Brazil Brazil Chile China Colombia Congo, Dem. Rep. Dominican Rep. El Salvador Greece Guinea Haiti Iceland Indonesia Iran, Islamic Rep. Italy Japan Korea, Rep. Madagascar Malaysia Moldova Myanmar New Zealand Paraguay Philippines Philippines Poland Suriname Syrian Arab Rep. Thailand Turkey Turkey United Kingdom Zimbabwe Censored Start Year Duration 1972 1987 1980 1982 1976 1998 1999 1980 1983 1974 1982 1982 1981 1999 1992 1976 1973 1976 1975 1977 1997 1985 1997 1997 1982 1984 1981 1983 1997 1999 1981 1981 1997 1980 2000 1972 1983 8 14 2 8 8 5 12 7 19 3 16 18 16 9 8 12 1 3 3 5 18 4 22 3 9 12 17 14 13 5 8 12 20 9 3 1 3 Country Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belarus Burundi Cape Verde China Colombia Ethiopia Fiji Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Honduras India Kazakstan Lao PDR Libya Macedonia, FYR Malawi Malaysia Moldova Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Peru Philippines Poland Russian Federation Rwanda Samoa Sierra Leone Sri Lanka Sudan Tanzania Thailand Tonga Tunisia Ukraine Vietnam Zimbabwe Start Year Duration 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1992 1991 2006 2006 2006 1999 1998 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1998 2006 2006 2006 1971 2006 1992 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2001 5 12 2 4 2 17 4 23 8 14 22 17 5 6 5 9 10 22 31 11 12 13 2 3 1 7 34 12 13 12 25 17 1 7 2 8 3 5 1 16 4 13 7 6 33 8 5 1 A.3. Data Sources Table A-5: Definition and Source of Variables Variable POLITY XCONST DURABLE INFLATION FINDEV OPENNESS GDPCAP SHARE GOVSIZE Source Polity IV project Polity IV project Polity IV project IFS Line 64 WDI WDI WDI DOT (IMF) WDI Definition or Transformation Political Regime Executive Constraints Political Regime Durability Annual Inflation Money + Quasi Money (% of GDP) Exports plus imports over GDP GDP per capita (constant 2000 US$) % Total Exports with Main Partner General Government Final Consumption Expenditure (% of GDP) MONEY FOREIGN LIABILITY FINLIA RESERVES M2 RESM2 BORER IFS Line 34 IFS Line 16c RRER Reinhart and Rogoff KBrune Nancy Brune Chinn-Ito Chinn and Ito B IFS Line 1L IFS Lines 34 and 35 Bubula and Ötker-Robe Foreign Liability to Money Total Reserves - Gold Money plus Quasi Money Reserves/M2 De facto Exchange Rate Regime Classification De facto ”Natural” Exchange Rate Regime Classification Financial Openness Index (excluding Exchange Rate Regime Capital restrictions (k3) Duration Models with Multiple Destinations In this part we show the derivation of some of the equations presented in section 5. It is straightforward to derive equation (11) from Weibull transition intensity and equation (2) so we omit the proof to save space. Equation (12) is derived using the following well known fact S(t) = exp n Z − θ(r)dr 0 47 t o then plugging the Weibull transition intensity into the previous equation we get S(t) = exp n − Z tX K αk rαk −1 exp{x0k βk }dr o 0 k=1 = exp n − αk K X exp{x0k βk } Z n − K X rαk −1 dr o 0 k=1 = exp t exp{x0k βk }tαk o k=1 C Gaussian-Hermite Numerical Integration Gauss-Hermite quadrature is often used for numerical integration. In this paper we deal with the unobserved heterogeneity by replacing the continuous integrals included in equations 23 and 24 with a set of discrete points at which the integrand is evaluated. In particular, we use the Gauss-Hermite formula based on Hermite polynomials to deal with the integration interval (−∞, ∞). Specifically, our estimation method is based on the semiparametric approach proposed by Butler, Anderson, and Burkhauser (1989). In spirit, this approach is similar to the non-parametric maximum likelihood method proposed by Heckman and Singer (1984). The main difference between the two methods is that the latter assume a discrete distribution for the unobserved heterogeneity, g(ν), while Butler, Anderson, and Burkhauser (1989) assume that the discrete distribution is a numerical approximation of the true distribution (which might be continuous). Then unconditional probability of leaving the current regime to destination k in (t, t + dt) can be approximated in the following way: Z ∞ Z P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk |Xi ) = ∞ ··· P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk |Xi , ν)g(ν; Xi )dν (A-28) )" ( ) # ( Z ∞ Z ∞ X ν2 X −ν 2 exp P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk |Xi , ν)g(ν; Xi ) dν = ··· exp 2 2 −∞ −∞ " ( ) # LK L1 X X X ν2 ··· wl1 · · · wlK exp ≈ P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk |Xi , ν)g(ν; Xi )g(ν; Xi ) 2 l1 =1 lK =1 " ( ) # LK L1 X X X ν2 ≈ ··· wl1 · · · wlK exp g(P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk |Xi , ν); Xi ) πli,k 1 ,...,lK 2 −∞ ≈ −∞ l1 =1 lK =1 L1 X LK X l1 =1 ··· τl1 ,...,lk πli,k 1 ,...,lK lK =1 2 P ν2 ν12 νK where πli,k = P r(t ≤ T < t + dt, Dk |Xi , ν), 2 = 2 + . . . + 2 , g(ν; Xi ) is the prior distribution of 1 ,...,lK P ν2 the residuals and τl1 ,...,lk = wl1 · · · wlK exp argument can be applied 2 g(νl1 , . . . , νlK ; Xi ). A similar P ν2 i,k to derive equation (24). The approximations rely on the assumption that exp 2 g(νl1 , . . . , νlK ; Xi )πl1 ,...,lK can be approximated with negligible error by a multivariate Taylor Series of order mK, where m is a P 2 P ν2 finite integer, in each of its arguments. The normalization exp is used because the exp − ν2 2 is the basis of Gaussian integration over the range minus to plus infinity. As is clearly stated in Butler, Anderson, and Burkhauser (1989) the number of integration points is determined by the accuracy of the P ν2 i,k approximation of exp 2 g(νl1 , . . . , νlK ; Xi )πl1 ,...,lK . If this is true, the likelihood function can be approximated with negligible error and the resulting estimates can be treated as maximum likelihood estimates, with asymptotic variance-covariance equal to the inverse Hessian. The maximum likelihood is constrained by equation (26). Proving this constraint is straightforward 48 and comes from the fact the joint distribution is a proper density function Z ∞ Z ∞ ··· g(ν; Xi )dν = 1 −∞ −∞ Then, following the same argument as before Z ∞ Z ∞ ··· 1= −∞ g(ν; Xi )dν ≈ −∞ L1 X ··· l1 =1 = L1 X " ( wl1 · · · wlK exp X ν2 2 lK =1 ··· l1 =1 C.1. LK X LK X ) # g(νl1 , . . . , νlK ; Xi ) τl1 ,...,lk lK =1 Centered Moments of the Heterogeneity Terms The moments of the heterogeneity random variables are: E(νk ) = L1 X ··· l1 =1 V(νk ) = L1 X L1 X l1 =1 ρ(νk , νm ) = p τl1 ,...,lk × qk,lk ··· LK X τl1 ,...,lk × qk,lk − E(νk ) 2 (A-30) lK =1 ··· LK X τl1 ,...,lk × qk,lk − E(νk ) qm,lm − E(νm ) (A-31) lK =1 Cov(νk , νm ) (A-32) V(νk ) × V(νm ) for k, m = 1, . . . , K C.2. (A-29) lK =1 l1 =1 Cov(νk , νm ) = LK X Results Using Different Baseline Functions 49 Table A-6: Single and Multiple Destination Models: Weibull Baseline One Destination Heterogeneity No Gamma [1] [2] Semi Multiple Destinations No Heterogeneity HPC Destinations IO FC Multiple Destinations Semiparametric Heterogeneity HPC Destinations IO [3] [4] [4] [4] [5] [5] α 1.554 ∗ 2.082 ∗ (0.109) (0.305) 2.876 ∗ (0.165) 1.940 ∗ (0.290) 1.884 ∗ (0.236) 1.996 ∗ (0.237) 3.126 ∗ (0.404) 2.813 ∗ (0.308) Inflation 0.838 1.746 (0.978) (1.267) -1.908 ∗ -2.701 ∗ (0.567) (0.842) -0.047 -0.109 (0.156) (0.258) 0.658 2.644 (1.279) (1.892) 0.249 0.403 (0.376) (0.465) 4.685 ∗ 6.756 ∗ (1.536) (2.683) 0.733 ∗ 0.799 ∗∗ (0.304) (0.420) -1.520 -2.635 (3.511) (4.470) 2.585 2.212 (5.134) (6.747) 6.750 ∗ 9.351 ∗ (1.794) (2.578) -0.117 -0.728 (2.905) (3.967) -0.969 -1.736 ∗∗ (0.621) (0.777) -1.264 -1.290 (4.074) (5.328) -0.258 -0.578 (0.299) (0.412) -7.675 ∗ -9.513 ∗ (2.592) (3.452) 4.162 ∗ (1.305) -2.872 ∗ (1.100) 0.116 (0.289) 3.089 ∗ (1.469) -0.178 (0.463) 5.630 ∗ (2.216) 1.313 ∗ (0.538) -0.893 (4.665) -4.563 (6.659) 13.895 ∗ (2.915) -2.149 (3.709) -0.426 (0.710) 2.404 (5.129) -0.446 (0.392) -16.533 ∗ (3.775) 0.571 (1.779) -8.826 ∗ (2.772) -0.811 (0.993) -2.043 (4.451) -9.697 ∗ (3.223) 24.762 ∗ (6.608) 2.629 ∗ (0.629) 5.525 (4.578) -9.105 (8.968) 22.673 ∗ (5.743) 5.521 (21.479) 9.146 ∗ (3.101) -1.700 (20.300) 0.014 (0.636) -23.042 ∗ (6.017) M2/GDP (Reserves/M2) (Reserves/M2)*EM GDP per capita 50 Size Trade Openness SpillER (SpillER)*EM SpillK (SpillK)*EM Advanced EM Asia Constant [5] 3.290 ∗ (0.284) 0.675 6.976 ∗ 7.282 ∗ (1.305) (1.844) (2.142) -8.138 ∗ -1.594 ∗∗∗ -4.935 ∗ (2.956) (0.848) (1.303) -0.415 0.056 -0.255 (0.736) (0.258) (0.848) 3.574 11.709 ∗ -0.405 (5.327) (2.165) (2.841) -3.999 ∗∗∗ 0.947 ∗∗∗ -2.978 ∗ (2.454) (0.491) (0.967) 16.024 ∗ 3.094 17.435 ∗ (6.430) (5.140) (3.505) 2.373 ∗ 0.779 0.389 (0.781) (0.654) (0.747) -11.339 ∗∗ 21.764 ∗∗ -5.818 (5.449) (9.890) (8.791) -5.311 29.637 ∗∗∗ 28.984 ∗∗ (10.460) (15.750) (15.119) 23.845 ∗ 6.176 14.009 ∗ (5.965) (4.839) (5.169) 5.784 22.548 ∗ -5.611 (16.479) (7.407) (8.504) 1.010 0.236 3.217 ∗ (2.780) (1.225) (1.337) -5.610 -32.130 ∗ -6.678 (15.776) (11.373) (12.415) -0.633 -1.476 ∗∗ -1.393 ∗ (1.005) (0.700) (0.541) -20.346 ∗ -23.114 ∗ -16.623 ∗ (6.713) (6.949) (6.840) 0.635 ∗∗∗ (0.355) σg2 Total Number of Spells t(α)† 3.383 ∗∗∗ 2.118 (1.751) (1.752) -1.551 ∗∗ -2.371 ∗ (0.760) (1.205) -0.044 -0.274 (0.213) (0.709) 6.547 ∗ -0.307 (1.871) (2.560) 0.932 ∗∗∗ -0.477 (0.482) (0.775) 4.174 6.495 ∗ (4.018) (2.890) 0.808 0.389 (0.511) (0.665) 14.671 -0.842 (10.457) (6.759) 32.175 ∗∗∗ 13.544 (18.415) (12.551) 5.036 12.217 ∗ (4.287) (4.314) 17.641 ∗ -3.554 (7.515) (6.683) -0.766 -0.347 (0.964) (1.180) -28.581 ∗∗ -2.618 (13.080) (9.952) -0.791 -0.169 (0.565) (0.507) -16.310 ∗∗ -14.011 ∗ (7.408) (5.482) FC 158 5.083 158 3.546 158 11.337 3.238 158‡ 3.740 4.200 5.262 158‡ 5.887 5.290 Likelihood Ratio: 140.62 Likelihood Ratio: 147.72 Notes: *, **, *** denote coefficients statistically different from zero at 1%, 5% and 10% significance levels, respectively. In models [4][5] ’HPC’ stands for hard peg ERR and closed FA, ’IO’ for intermediate ERR and open FA, and ’FC’ for floating ERR and closed FA. † The t-statistic testing if the alpha is different from one. ‡ The number of spells for destinations HPC, IO and FC are 30, 40, and 38, respectively. We also have 50 right-censored spells The likelihood ratio test whether the multiple destination model is equivalent to the single destination model (restricted). Let βj,k be the parameter associated with covariate j in destination k. The restricted model sets βj,k = βj,l for j 6= l where l, j = {HP C, IO, F C}. Table A-7: Single and Multiple Destination Models: Gompertz Baseline One Destination Heterogeneity No Gamma [1] [2] Semi [3] γ 0.102 ∗ 0.162 ∗ (0.018) (0.043) Inflation 0.950 1.546 1.320 (1.013) (1.131) (1.050) -2.175 ∗ -2.998 ∗ -2.734 ∗ (0.632) (0.925) (0.722) -0.057 -0.138 -0.141 (0.187) (0.257) (0.205) 0.604 1.739 1.819 (1.278) (1.663) (1.335) 0.295 0.457 0.422 (0.385) (0.490) (0.412) 4.827 ∗ 6.454 ∗ 5.810 ∗ (1.678) (2.443) (1.856) 0.782 ∗ 0.805 ∗∗ 0.677 ∗∗∗ (0.310) (0.406) (0.376) -1.703 -3.151 -2.987 (3.613) (4.145) (3.792) 2.601 3.090 3.047 (5.526) (5.583) (5.693) 6.887 ∗ 7.899 ∗ 7.568 ∗ (1.892) (2.077) (1.839) 0.235 0.663 0.745 (3.159) (3.154) (3.575) -0.928 -1.423 ∗∗∗ -1.463 ∗∗ (0.632) (0.809) (0.672) -1.567 -2.504 -2.642 (4.405) (4.242) (4.700) -0.147 -0.310 -0.354 (0.300) (0.381) (0.319) -7.135 ∗ -7.126 ∗ -7.489 ∗ (2.714) (2.926) (2.682) M2/GDP (Reserves/M2) (Reserves/M2)*EM GDP per capita 51 Size Trade Openness SpillER (SpillER)*EM SpillK (SpillK)*EM Advanced EM Asia Constant σg2 Total Number of Spells 0.147 ∗ (0.019) Multiple Destinations No Heterogeneity HPC Destinations IO FC Multiple Destinations Semiparametric Heterogeneity HPC Destinations IO FC [4] [4] [4] [5] [5] [5] 0.133 ∗ (0.058) 0.120 ∗ (0.026) 0.141 ∗ (0.031) 0.293 ∗ (0.061) 0.282 ∗ (0.032) 0.380 ∗ (0.034) 0.470 (1.740) -7.077 ∗ (2.623) -0.592 (0.952) -2.272 (4.329) -7.663 ∗ (2.895) 20.638 ∗ (6.274) 2.312 ∗ (0.639) 2.040 (4.322) -5.752 (8.423) 18.332 ∗ (4.887) 5.913 (19.426) 7.060 ∗ (2.781) -3.002 (18.351) 0.005 (0.631) -17.593 ∗ (5.123) 2.901 ∗∗∗ 1.986 (1.616) (1.582) -1.884 ∗ -2.441 ∗∗ (0.792) (1.223) -0.022 -0.292 (0.210) (0.712) 5.131 ∗ 0.073 (1.757) (2.478) 0.865 ∗∗∗ -0.222 (0.483) (0.746) 3.596 5.828 ∗∗ (4.060) (2.886) 0.780 0.407 (0.529) (0.666) 14.698 -1.714 (10.337) (6.030) 27.280 ∗∗∗ 14.185 (18.434) (11.792) 5.578 11.485 ∗ (4.287) (3.900) 14.458 ∗∗ -1.324 (7.248) (6.154) -0.474 -0.499 (0.950) (1.171) -23.822 ∗∗∗ -4.737 (12.850) (9.248) -0.603 0.065 (0.575) (0.503) -15.330 ∗∗ -11.854 ∗ (7.326) (4.887) 0.565 2.500 6.363 ∗ (1.198) (1.579) (1.849) -3.910 -5.431 ∗ -7.790 ∗ (2.484) (1.051) (1.414) -0.414 -0.111 -0.549 (0.782) (0.222) (1.107) 4.476 4.475 ∗ -3.578 (3.694) (1.939) (3.115) -2.112 1.993 ∗ 0.913 (1.907) (0.623) (0.816) 10.837 ∗∗ 9.476 ∗∗ 16.018 ∗ (4.899) (4.628) (3.267) 0.679 1.260 1.076 (0.643) (0.644) (0.765) -16.540 * 27.335 * -13.519 (4.419) (10.170) (9.703) 9.503 10.396 19.021 (7.643) (24.684) (15.281) 17.295 ∗ 11.178 ∗ 10.902 ∗∗ (4.866) (4.419) (5.233) 12.238 11.601 ∗ -1.099 (15.176) (9.494) (7.225) -1.993 -1.933 -1.590 ∗ (2.169) (1.064) (1.411) -17.416 -13.830 ∗ -4.752 (14.349) (16.611) (11.361) -0.078 -1.403 ∗∗∗ -0.978 ∗∗∗ (0.667) (0.854) (0.596) -11.288 ∗∗ -26.079 ∗ -8.174 (5.205) (7.128) (7.228) 0.435 (0.282) 158 158 158 158‡ 158‡ Likelihood Ratio: 124.46 Likelihood Ratio: 128 Notes: *, **, *** denote coefficients statistically different from zero at 1%, 5% and 10% significance levels, respectively. In models [4][5] ’HPC’ stands for hard peg ERR and closed FA, ’IO’ for intermediate ERR and open FA, and ’FC’ for floating ERR and closed FA. ‡ The number of spells for destinations HPC, IO and FC are 30, 40, and 38, respectively. We also have 50 right-censored spells The likelihood ratio test whether the multiple destination model is equivalent to the single destination model (restricted). Let βj,k be the parameter associated with covariate j in destination k. The restricted model sets βj,k = βj,l for j 6= l where l, j = {HP C, IO, F C}. Table A-8: Single and Multiple Destination Models: Exponential Baseline One Destination Heterogeneity Inflation M2/GDP (Reserves/M2) (Reserves/M2)*EM GDP per capita Size Trade Openness 52 SpillER (SpillER)*EM SpillK (SpillK)*EN Advanced EM Asia Constant No Gamma Semi HPC [1] [2] [3] [4] 0.780 0.780 0.780 (0.946) (0.633) (1.001) -1.177 ∗ -1.178 -1.178 ∗ (0.566) (0.902) (0.585) 0.038 0.038 0.038 (0.187) (1.207) (0.191) 0.622 0.623 0.623 (1.211) (1.005) (1.075) 0.297 0.297 0.297 (0.365) (0.717) (0.369) 2.767 ∗∗∗ 2.768 ∗∗ 2.768 ∗∗∗ (1.629) (1.372) (1.581) 0.484 ∗∗∗ 0.484 0.484 (0.296) (1.641) (0.307) -1.257 -1.260 -1.260 (3.309) (1.412) (3.185) 1.617 1.623 1.624 (4.950) (3.015) (4.769) 5.856 ∗ 5.855 ∗ 5.855 ∗ (1.747) (0.985) (1.618) -0.463 -0.459 -0.459 (2.948) (2.094) (2.656) -0.829 -0.829 -0.829 (0.604) (0.691) (0.617) -0.528 -0.534 -0.534 (3.982) (2.429) (3.672) -0.215 -0.215 -0.215 (0.286) (0.559) (0.313) -6.012 ∗ -6.009 ∗ -6.751 ∗ (2.487) (1.654) (2.317) σg2 Total Number of Spells Multiple Destinations No Heterogeneity Destinations IO [4] 0.487 2.229 (1.622) (1.576) -5.119 ∗ -0.561 (2.169) (0.676) -0.382 0.084 (0.913) (0.214) -2.079 4.213 ∗ (4.233) (1.712) -5.687 ∗ 0.758 ∗∗∗ (2.386) (0.452) 15.261 ∗ 1.188 (5.050) (4.014) 1.793 ∗ 0.525 (0.571) (0.488) 0.891 13.873 (4.221) (9.772) -5.868 17.043 (7.682) (17.135) 15.182 ∗ 4.075 (4.102) (4.044) -1.409 10.649 (15.560) (6.891) 5.129 ∗∗ -0.243 (2.387) (0.890) 3.178 -16.213 (14.877) (12.017) -0.048 -0.790 (0.606) (0.573) -14.380 ∗ -13.216 ∗∗∗ (4.447) (6.891) Multiple Destinations Semiparametric Heterogeneity FC HPC [4] [5] 1.629 (1.404) -1.089 (1.032) -0.136 (0.685) -0.561 (2.277) -0.241 (0.681) 2.985 (2.705) -0.088 (0.632) -0.589 (5.276) 7.917 (9.042) 9.797 ∗ (3.482) -4.632 (5.212) -0.315 (1.079) 0.631 (7.273) 0.004 (0.463) -10.187 ∗ (4.333) Destinations IO [5] 0.487 2.229 ∗∗∗ (1.469) (1.358) -5.119 ∗ -0.561 (1.970) (0.664) -0.382 0.084 (0.809) (0.219) -2.079 4.213 ∗ (3.933) (1.563) -5.687 ∗ 0.758 (2.212) (0.468) 15.261 ∗ 1.188 (4.567) (3.586) 1.793 ∗ 0.525 (0.565) (0.493) 0.891 13.873 (3.879) (8.832) -5.868 17.043 (7.300) (15.427) 15.182 ∗ 4.075 (3.730) (3.737) -1.409 10.649 ∗∗∗ (14.323) (6.213) 5.129 ∗∗ -0.243 (2.229) (0.883) 3.178 -16.213 (13.744) (10.813) -0.048 -0.790 (0.607) (0.553) -13.638 ∗ -13.958 ∗∗ (4.029) (6.289) FC [5] 1.629 (1.286) -1.089 (1.040) -0.136 (0.707) -0.561 (2.119) -0.241 (0.611) 2.985 (2.507) -0.088 (0.642) -0.589 (4.810) 7.917 (8.123) 9.797 ∗ (3.186) -4.632 (4.724) -0.315 (0.943) 0.631 (6.586) 0.004 (0.467) -12.521 ∗ (3.989) (0.000) 158 158 158 158‡ 158‡ Likelihood Ratio: 110.58 Likelihood Ratio: 104.64 Notes: *, **, *** denote coefficients statistically different from zero at 1%, 5% and 10% significance levels, respectively. In models [4][5] ’HPC’ stands for hard peg ERR and closed FA, ’IO’ for intermediate ERR and open FA, and ’FC’ for floating ERR and closed FA. ‡ The number of spells for destinations HPC, IO and FC are 30, 40, and 38, respectively. We also have 50 right-censored spells The likelihood ratio test whether the multiple destination model is equivalent to the single destination model (restricted). Let βj,k be the parameter associated with covariate j in destination k. The restricted model sets βj,k = βj,l for j 6= l where l, j = {HP C, IO, F C}.