Flash Cards Energy Grade 3 Energy FC G3 Vocabulary Alligator Clip- Open Switch- Battery- Primary Colors- Circuit- Resistor- Closed Switch- Secondary Colors- Conductors- Series Circuit- Electric Motor- Static Charge- Electrons- Switch- Energy- Van de Graaff generator- Fahnstock Clip- Wire- Insulator- Energy FC G3 Alligator Clip One type of clip used to attach wires. Battery A device that stores electricity. Circuit The path an electric current follows. Energy FC G3 Closed Switch Allows electricity to flow. Conductor Allows an electric current (or heat) to flow through. Electric Motor Transforms electrical and magnetic energy into motion. Energy FC G3 Electrons The cause of static charge. Energy The ability to do work or make things move. Fahnstock clip One type of clip used to attach wires. Energy FC G3 Insulator Doesn’t allow an electric current (or heat) to flow through. Open Switch Does not allow electricity to flow. Primary Colors Red, Yellow, and Blue Energy FC G3 Resistor An object that uses electricity. Secondary Colors Can be made by mixing primary colors. Series Circuit When objects like a battery, bulb and switch are connected one after the other. Energy FC G3 Static Charge Caused by a buildup of electrons. Switch A tool used to open and close a circuit. Van de A machine that makes Graaff Generator static charge. Energy FC G3 Wire Metal that carries electricity over a distance. Energy FC G3