Site Alternative Deliverability Report SALT 023 Land opposite

Local Development Plan
Site Alternative Deliverability Report
Brecon Beacons National Park Authority
SALT 023
Land opposite Cilyddol, Llanspyddid
Resubmission: Undeliverable
SALT 023
Land opposite Cilyddol
Llanspyddid (Glyn Tarell)
Existing use
Proposed use
Previous CS/DBR Number
Site survey (site previously surveyed – reassessed due to submission evidence)
Site Code
SALT 023
Confirm current use
Brownfield/garden to Brook Proposed use
Development of single low-rise dwelling
“The site has indeed been partially developed, but the remaining part of the land on village side of the brook…has an existing long
established DMRB/TAN18 highways complinat access to the top end of the site. There are therefore no ‘topography’ issues preventing
development of this part of the site”
“This part of the land is also a Brown field site, and was previously used by the local farm for machine storage and scrap/rubble…”
“The visibility from the existing site access is excellent in both directions, and fully compliant with current WAG guidance…should
alternative access be desired, then this is easily achieved at an alternative location as the land level falls away in line with the decent
of the minor road for the majority of its frontage”
Fairly dense area of trees/shrubs/hedges etc – clearing containing long grass – likely ecological implications.
Site Issues raised from
Natural constraints to
site (topography, trees
Site Name
Land opposite Cilyddol
Substantial hedgerow fronting road.
Steep drop to brook.
Other constraints to
sites (access, highways
Narrow roads approaching site with poor visibility.
Impact on village
setting if developed?
No significant views in or out of site – well screened by flora.
Existing access to site at far south-western corner.
Modern development to the north-east and south of site.
Opportunity for
Concerns over achieving acceptable access could constrain development.
As Llanspyddid currently has an allocation for Housing (DBR-LPD-A), it’s growth has been provided for and further allocations are not
Previous site survey
Taken from LDP Settlement Assessment: Llanspyddid
Development Boundary Review : Site B land opposite Cilyddol
View looking Southwest from road, new dwelling existing on
part of the Development Boundary Review site
Modern Housing estate built circa 1990s. Higher
ground than development boundary review site
View looking From Southern
Boundary towards North, note
steep river bank and mature
hedgerows and trees.
Development Boundary Review Site B Land opposite Cilyddol
Current use of area
Track-way and woodland, some evidence of agricultural working (dumped old saw and small spoil heap)
Are there natural Constraints
Heavily wooded area with brook running through, steep sided
Are there any other constraints New dwelling on part of site, listed barns to the Northern extent
Development immediately
South East minor road towards Libanus, South east of road and on higher ground new development of Cilyddol.
Towards North East new dwelling and gardens of Ash Grove and Nant Bwthyn.
Impact on village setting if
Site is currently partly utilised as garden for new development. Remainder of site represents a significant area
of natural habitat and is heavily constrained by brook and natural topography. Site is well screened from
important views and A40 trunk road. Although extent of land available to accommodate future development is
limited. Vehicular access could be enabled from existing farm gate.
Opportunity for extension /
No opportunity exists to utilise site. Natural constraints and extent of available development land suggest that if
Llanspyddid were to be listed within LDP development boundary should follow line of new dwellings curtilage
remainder of area should be excluded from development boundary as important area of natural habitat.
DEPOSIT Key Stakeholder Responses
No previous consultation – site failed capacity stage.
SALT Key Stakeholder Responses
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
Foul flows from the proposed development can be accommodated within the public sewer. Foul and
surface water flows should be on separate systems.
Sewerage Treatment
There are no problems in accepting the domestic foul drainage demands at the Waste Water
Treatment Works for this area.
A water supply can be made available to service the proposed development site. However, this
would require off-site mains to be laid to the proposed development to ensure customer service
standards is maintained.
Use of the existing access for very limited residential development is acceptable subject to
improvements if necessary. Additional traffic should be restricted due to the narrowness of the
highway fronting the site.
The supporting documentation submitted in support of the proposed allocation does not include a
sustainability assessment of the site or any assessment against the Plan’s SA Objectives. Given the
lack of SA information in support of this site we do not consider that the proposed allocation meets
the requirements of the SEA Regulations.
Description Rough ground adjacent to unnamed incised, tree-lined stream; steep stream banks
below the site. Species-rich hedgerow along lane with hedgerow trees and rich ground flora in the
S42 Habitats Stream, hedgerow
S42 Species Possibly otter using stream; bats navigating via stream.
Protected Species Otter, bats?
Protected Sites 75m upstream from River Usk SAC
Connectivity Via stream and hedgerow
Recommendations Retain all existing features. Incised stream and possible use by otter could
constrain development here.
Deliverability Assessment
Is the site deliverable?
Although existing access is available, the desired location for development would be to the eastern extent of the site
keeping the built form in close proximity. The access is therefore not in an acceptable location and the creation of a new
entrance point is not achievable with such narrow roads and poor visibility.
Concern over ecological comments.
Local Development Plan
Site Alternative
Assessment against LDP Strategy
Brecon Beacons National Park Authority
SALT 023
Land opposite Cilyddol, Llanspyddid
Not Compliant with Strategy
Is the site located within a community where
there is a defined need for growth?
No The Community Council have shown no preference for further development
Is the site located in a sustainable location
Yes Llanspyddid meets sustainability criteria relating to role, function and relationship with key
Is there a current allocation within the Deposit
Yes allocation for 10 units over the plan period should provide adequate growth to meet community
Findings of Deliverability Assessment
Undeliverable Site fails Highways Safety deliverability criteria. Unresolved issues identified in relation
to Biodiversity which call into question the suitability of this site.
Compliance with Strategy
Not Compliant Growth needs of Llanspyddid are adequately addressed through deliverable
development options. Inclusion of the site would not support the LDP strategy.
Officer Recommendation Site
Site is not considered suitable as a development option for the National Park Community.
No change to the LDP as a result of deposit allocation representation.
Site to remain as countryside during LDP period (subject to findings of any subsequent review)
Officer Recommendation Settlement
No alteration to Llanspyddid Settlement Hierarchy Position.