
Literary Terms



The plot is the content of the story, the plan of action


The plot is made up of FOUR ELEMENTS:

1. Conflict

2. Complications,

3. Climax

4. Resolution


Without a PLOT, there is no story.


A PLOT is a series of happenings in a story, which refers to the action as it is organized around a conflict and builds through complication to a climax followed by a resolution.


Another name for PLOT is storyline.


The events of a plot usually follow this pattern: the conflict or problem is established; complications arise from the conflict; a main character takes decisive action, or the situation itself brings about a climax.



Conflict is a struggle, which takes place in the story.


It is a physical or emotional struggle between two forces; it is what keeps a story interesting and keeps your attention.


A conflict may be internal or external.


There are five types of conflict.

1. Man v Man


This is the most common conflict. This is when the antagonist opposes the protagonist.

2. Man v Society


The protagonist finds himself/herself in a position that is uncommon with society.

3. Man v Nature


This type of conflict puts the protagonist in a situation where he/she must overcome the forces of nature.

4. Man v Self


This is when the protagonist is in conflict with him/her self.

5. Man v God


This is very hard to write about. It is when the protagonist feels that God wants something from him/her and they struggle with whether or not to follow the wishes of God, the antagonist.



The main character



The force working against the main character. It may be a character, society, a force of nature or even a force within the main character.



A Genre is a classification of a story type.


Autobiography, Memoir, Poetry, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Realistic

Fiction are all examples of Genres.



Every story begins with an Exposition (Introduction)


During the exposition, essential information about the setting, time, and character relations are usually established.



As soon as the story reaches a point where the conflict can be introduced, the rising action begins.


In any story, the rising action is not necessarily a steady build; instead it builds along with the conflict. As the conflict becomes more intense, the

Action RISES.



The highest point in the rising action.


The rising action ends at the climax and the protagonist comes face to face with the problem; a turning point in the action follows.


The Climax is the decisive point in a story when the central problem or conflict must be resolved.

FALLING ACTION (Denouncement)


It is the explanation or outcome of the story.


It occurs between the climax and the end of the story.


It is where the author ties all the loose ends together.



The physical, moral, and emotional picture of the characters.


We learn about a character through 4 ways


By what the author stays about the character


By what the character says about him/herself


By what the other characters say about the character


By how the character reacts or behaves in various situations



The setting is the Time (both time of day or season and period in history) and place in which the story takes place.



A contrast between what appears to be and what really is.


When what you expect happens, the opposite occurs.



Fixed, generalized ideas about characters and situations based on who they are, their nationality, race, job, or where they live.



The use of one person or thing to represent or suggest another.


Something concrete, such as an object, person, place, or action that stands for something more abstract, such as an idea, feeling, or emotion.

For example a flag symbolizes patriotism.



The author’s attitude about a subject.


It is how the author feels about what he/she is writing about.


Words that describe attitude include: bitter, humorous, sympathetic, indignant, whimsical, joyous, cynical, ironic, and bitter.



A brief prose, that has one plot, few characters, and is build around one main incident.


It has a unity or time, place, and action.


It emphasizes setting, character, or action.


Unity of time: the story takes place in a short span of time.


Unity of place: The story takes place in on general locality.


Unity of action: The story is built around one main incident.

For the Quiz, you must know the following definitions:

The 5 types of conflict _____1. Plot

_____2. Conflict

_____3. Protagonist

_____4. Antagonist

_____5. Genre

_____6. Exposition

_____7. Rising Action

_____8. Climax

_____9. Falling Action

_____10. Irony
