Delegate Information summits

Delegate Information
April 25-27, 2010 | The Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa | Hollywood, FL
The challenges that face today's healthcare
organizations require their Chief Executive
Officers to be more dynamic in their approach
as they manage all matters relating to the
board, shareholders and regulators. Employees
and physician staff are more diverse and
interconnected than ever before and with
healthcare reform looming, it remains vital to
stay on top of the evolving financial,
operational and political challenges ahead.
April 25-27, 2010 | The Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa | Hollywood, FL
Delegate Information
A Unique Event
Distinguished Presenters
Amidst an opportunity to enact meaningful healthcare reform, a host of new challenges will be
on the horizon for Chief Executive Officers moving into 2010. In an effort to reach elevated
healthcare goals and adjust operations to a new healthcare system, executives will be on the
lookout for cost-effective solutions in major areas from patient safety, quality of care and
operational efficiency to facility improvement, next-generation medical devices and health
information technology. Despite resistance, pay-for-performance isn't going away, but is coming
to the forefront, therefore, the pressure is on for hospitals to perform in order to get
reimbursements from Medicaid and Medicare and pay for these types of projects.
The Honorable Newt Gingrich, 58th Speaker of the
United States House of Representatives and Founder,
Center for Health Transformation
Another challenge facing CEOs is the number of underinsured which are growing at an
incredible rate and could eclipse the number of uninsured. This would obviously cause further
debt issues for hospitals as the underinsured often can't or won't pay the high deductibles.
Staying on top of critical technology issues and costs associated with implementations of
electronic medical records, internal IT support as well as support for insurance companies and
medical off shoring is vital.
Through a series of keynote presentations, roundtables and panel discussions, these and other
key issues will be discussed in depth at the National Healthcare CXO Summit. Together, CEOs
and Presidents of leading acute healthcare facilities will explore their most pressing challenges
and generate realistic and actionable solutions. This vibrant benchmarking opportunity allows
participants to hear from and interact with nationally recognized thought leaders, guaranteeing
maximum returns from the experience.
The Summit Program Key Topics
The primary objective of the National Healthcare CXO Summit is to explore the key aspects
and issues related to healthcare best practices and their application as business drivers for
innovation and growth. The Summit's program topics have been pinpointed and validated by
the executive level healthcare community as the top critical issues they face. Key issues for 2010
Insights into the New Healthcare Reform Plan – Adjusting Operations to a New Healthcare
System; Caring for the Uninsured; Exploring the Benefits and Risks of the Public Option
Healthcare CEO Leadership Development and Growth – Fostering a Culture of
Excellence; Strategic Risk Assessments; Recruiting and Retaining Exceptional Staff
Creating Strategic Alignment Between Hospitals/Health Systems and Physicians –
Working Towards a Common Goal
Donald H. Hutton, FACHE, President, Morgan Executive
Development Institute
Mark L. Frigo, PhD, CPA, CMA, Director, The Center for
Strategy, Execution and Valuation, Ledger & Quill Alumni
Foundation, Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Leadership,
Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, DePaul University
Victor J. Dzau, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Duke University Health System
Bill Leaver, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Iowa Health System
Steven D. Sonenreich, President and Chief Executive
Officer, Mount Sinai Medical Center
Amir Dan Rubin, Chief Operating Officer,
UCLA Hospital System
Patricia Maryland, DrPH, Ministry Market Leader,
Ascension Michigan and President and Chief Executive
Officer, St. John Health System
John Harris, Chief Executive Officer, Sierra Providence
Health Network
Pete Delgado, Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles County
+ University of Southern California Health Network
Stephen L. Mansfield, PhD, FACHE, President and Chief
Executive Officer, Methodist Health System
M. Michelle Hood, FACHE, President and Chief Executive
Officer, Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems
Alyson Pitman Giles, FACHE, President and Chief
Executive Officer, CMC Healthcare System
Kirk A. Calhoun, MD, President, The University of Texas
Health Science Center at Tyler
Michael A. Young, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Grady Health System
Joseph F. Damore, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Mission Hospital and Health System
Gwen M. MacKenzie, President and Chief Executive
Officer, Sarasota Memorial Health Care System
Allen S. Weiss, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer,
NCH Healthcare System
David Strong, President, Rex Healthcare
Sylvia Hackett, SPHR, Vice President of Human Resources,
Rex Healthcare
Michael Nagowski, Chief Executive Officer, Cumberland
County Hospital System
Patient Satisfaction and Patient Safety – Outlining a Process of Improvement
Stephen J. Lawler, President, Pitt County Memorial
Hospital, University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina
Creating a Culture of Quality – Ensuring the Best Outcome for Every Patient, Every Time
Stephen A. Purves, FACHE, President and Chief Executive
Officer, Munroe Regional Medical Center
Strategic Risk Assessments for Healthcare Organizations – Developing an Action Plan
Expansion and Growth – The Next Steps in an Easing Credit Market
Anatomy of a Hospital Turnaround – Taking Major Strides with Confidence
Kirk G. Wilson, FACHE, President and Chief Executive
Officer, Saint Joseph's Health System
Jerry J. Fedele, President and Chief Executive Officer, Boca
Raton Community Hospital
George Hayes, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Medical Center of the Rockies
April 25-27, 2010 | The Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa | Hollywood, FL
Summit Program
Keynote Presentation
Insights into Healthcare Reform and the Direction the Healthcare
System will Take
The Honorable Newt Gingrich, 58th Speaker of the United States House
of Representatives and Founder, Center for Health Transformation
In order to truly transform America’s healthcare system, decision-makers,
healthcare leaders and the American people must focus on the following:
• Empowering consumers at the center of the healthcare
decision-making process with a primary focus on wellness, prevention
and early testing
• Creating a healthcare system that adheres to best practices that
produce better health at lower cost, while quickly discarding failed
models that produce the opposite
• Increasing the transparency of cost and quality data so that consumers
can make informed decisions about their heath and healthcare
Keynote Presentation
Seven Traits of the Healthcare Leader of the Future
Donald H. Hutton, FACHE, President, Morgan Executive
Development Institute
More than ever, leadership is the dominant factor in determining who will
be tomorrow’s successful healthcare organizations. Those organizations
that are led by high performing leaders outperform their competitors by
wide margins. Recent research shows that in today’s changing healthcare
market there are specific leadership traits, which are required to be one of
the top healthcare leaders of tomorrow. Knowing and using these traits
will enable a healthcare executive to gain an edge on their competitors
while making their organization more successful.
• What leadership traits are required?
• Why these traits are so important in today’s environment
• Practical tips on how executives can expand and grow these traits
Keynote Presentation
Strategy and Leadership for Healthcare 2010
Mark L. Frigo, PhD, CPA, CMA, Director, The Center for Strategy,
Execution and Valuation, Ledger & Quill Alumni Foundation, Distinguished
Professor of Strategy and Leadership, Kellstadt Graduate School of Business,
DePaul University
• What's missing in your current Strategic Plan?
• Strategies to engage stakeholders to create more value and reduce risks
• Strategic Risk Management for healthcare executives
• Leveraging and protecting your unique capabilities
• Communicating strategy throughout the organization
Keynote Presentation
Creating the Best Outcome for Every Patient, Every Time
Bill Leaver, President and Chief Executive Officer, Iowa Health System
• Changing culture
• Developing a clear vision
• Spreading the message across an entire state and to 20,000 employees
• Continual improvement through innovation, communication and
bringing the vision to life
Delegate Information
Keynote Presentation
The Role of Academic Health Sciences Centers (and Systems) in the
Transformation of Healthcare
Victor J. Dzau, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Duke
University Health System
As the healthcare landscape has changed over the past two decades,
so has the traditional academic medical center – becoming more
integrated, having expanded care networks, being more interdisciplinary
and less traditional – in short, evolving into true health systems. The
academic health sciences systems of the future promise to reshape
healthcare in the decades to come, as engines of innovation with deeply
held societal missions.
Keynote Presentation
Achieving Excellence in Patient Satisfaction: Exploring UCLA's
"CICARE Service Excellence" Program
Amir Dan Rubin, Chief Operating Officer, UCLA Hospital System
Amir Rubin has been intensely involved in designing and executing the
unique "UCLA Operations Model" and the successful "CICARE Service
Excellence" program. This year, UCLA's efforts in patient satisfaction have
scored them in the 95-99 percentile, providing some of the best care in the
nation. Throughout this session, Amir will discuss:
• Keys to improving the patient experience
• Overcoming challenges with implementing a patient satisfaction
program like "CICARE Service Excellence"
• How the UCLA Operations Model has contributed to this success
Panel Discussion
Healthcare CEOs Speak Out: The Future of Healthcare in America
Joseph F. Damore, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mission
Hospital and Health System
Patricia Maryland, DrPH, Ministry Market Leader, Ascension Michigan
and President and Chief Executive Officer, St. John Health System
Michael Nagowski, Chief Executive Officer, Cumberland County
Hospital System
Alyson Pitman Giles, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer, CMC
Healthcare System
Steven D. Sonenreich, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mount
Sinai Medical Center
Kirk G. Wilson, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer, Saint
Joseph's Health System
An industry leading, executive-level discussion featuring top US healthcare
CEOs addressing their causes for concern and identifying the way they are
moving their organizations into alignment with national mandates set out
for the US healthcare system. This panel will bring the spotlight on the
cutting edge leaders of the industry to speak on the direction of a
universally accepted healthcare policy and infrastructure.
Bridging the Gap Between Hospitals and Corporate America
John Harris, Chief Executive Officer, Sierra Providence Health Network
April 25-27, 2010 | The Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa | Hollywood, FL
Strategic Risk Assessments for Healthcare Organizations
Mark L. Frigo, PhD, CPA, CMA, Director, The Center for Strategy,
Execution and Valuation, Ledger & Quill Alumni Foundation, Distinguished
Professor of Strategy and Leadership, Kellstadt Graduate School of
Business, DePaul University
This workshop will present a 7-step process for conducting a Strategic
Risk Assessment.
• Identifying the top strategic risks facing your organization
• Developing a Strategic Risk Profile
• How to develop a Strategic Risk Management Action Plan
• Developing Strategic Risk Management as a core competency in
your organization
Integrating Healthcare Services for the Uninsured
Pete Delgado, Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles County +
University of Southern California Health Network
• Getting physicians and management on the same page
• Preparing safety net providers for health reform
• Seeking the right care, at the right location, at the right time
CEOs: Keepers of the Culture
Stephen L. Mansfield, PhD, FACHE, President and Chief Executive
Officer, Methodist Health System
Stephen Mansfield’s philosophy is that culture is ultimately the
responsibility of the CEO. Both service quality (customer/partner
satisfaction) and clinical quality (outcomes) are consequential to company
culture. This session will explore Stephen’s mantra on leadership and tools
to build a strong culture of quality.
Graduate Medical Education (GME): Its Past, Its Future and the
Impact of Health Care Reform
Kirk A. Calhoun, MD, President, The University of Texas Health
Science Center at Tyler
The training of physicians occurs in two phases, undergraduate medical
education in medical schools and in post-MD graduate medical education
programs (GME) sponsored in teaching hospitals. GME programs
(residencies) are funded through complex funding mechanisms involving
federal and state governments, patient care revenues, and hospital subsidy.
As fiscal pressure on hospitals increase, the hospital’s ability to maintain
GME programs, to grow them to meet increasing physician workforce
demands, and to adapt the GME programs to the rapid changes in health
care are all challenging. In the presentation we will review:
• A brief history of GME in the United States
• Why are GME Programs so important in addressing physician
workforce issues?
• Funding mechanisms for GME programs
• Why hospitals get into or out of GME programs
• Changing educational and resident workload requirements
• The future of GME and the impact of health care reform efforts
Delegate Information
Fostering a Culture of Excellence in Your Hospital/Healthcare System
M. Michelle Hood, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems
• Empowering staff with information to understand the organization
and vision and how they fit into its success
• Demanding exceptional performance and rewarding it
• Encouraging staff to be innovative
• Staying successful in tough economic times
Alignment Between Hospitals, Health Systems and Physicians:
A Case Study
Alyson Pitman Giles, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer, CMC
Healthcare System
• Why align?
• Potential legal hurdles
• Challenges of Catholic and other than Catholic organizations aligning
• Community reaction
Anatomy of a Hospital Turnaround
Michael A. Young, President and Chief Executive Officer, Grady
Health System
• Cash Flow
• Costs Reduction
• Management
• Action
Expansion and Growth: The Next Steps in an Easing Credit Market
Gwen M. MacKenzie, President and Chief Executive Officer, Sarasota
Memorial Health Care System
In 2008 and 2009, many projects were indefinitely put on hold or
cancelled due to the inability to find adequate funding. Few hospitals or
healthcare systems are entering 2010 unscathed. And while the economy
is still working to rebalance, the skies are looking brighter and credit
markets are becoming more accessible and practical. This session will
explore strategies on getting back into the market with a good credit
rating and continuing on the path of expansion and growth.
Disease Prevention and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
Allen S. Weiss, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, NCH
Healthcare System
It's essential to that CEOs put in place an officer or a program that
promotes a healthy lifestyle for patients as well as their own healthcare
workers. The payoffs of exercise and healthy eating cannot be said
enough. By having healthy workers, you have less sick days called-in,
which can be critical in a 24/7 hospital. Patients also appreciate the
promotion of wellness and the atmosphere of living a healthy lifestyle. A
wellness program, executed properly, has the potential for great rewards.
April 25-27, 2010 | The Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa | Hollywood, FL
Dual Presentation
Recruiting and Retaining Exceptional Senior Staff
David Strong, President, Rex Healthcare
Sylvia Hackett, SPHR, Vice President of Human Resources, Rex Healthcare
• Listening and providing the autonomy and resources senior staff needs to do their job
effectively and efficiently
• Leadership development
• Succession planning
• Aligning goals
• Communication
Improving Patient Satisfaction and Fostering a Culture of Patient Safety
Stephen J. Lawler, President, Pitt County Memorial Hospital, University Health Systems of
Eastern Carolina
It is the responsibility of every healthcare CEO to promote a culture of patient safety in their
hospitals, but it takes time to make such a dramatic change. This session will outline steps in the
process of improving your patient safety culture.
• Evaluating your current patient safety culture to identify strengths and weaknesses
• Circulate your new strategy to get feedback and buy-in from staff
• Implement the strategy and reward for exceptional patient safety culture in various hospitals
or wards
Sustaining a Top Tier Cardiovascular Program – When to Make Changes
Stephen A. Purves, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer, Munroe Regional
Medical Center
Munroe Regional Medical Center, a 421-bed public community hospital in Ocala Florida, has the
distinction of being the only non-teaching community hospital in the nation that has earned the
coveted Thompson Reuters 100 Top Hospitals Award for Cardiovascular Benchmarks 10 times.
CEO, Steve Purves will share the keys for Munroe's ongoing success, and why this is important for
the community it serves.
Financial Improvement in a Hospital Turnaround: Necessary, but Not Sufficient
Jerry J. Fedele, President and Chief Executive Officer, Boca Raton Community Hospital
Mr Fedele has been engaged as President and CEO in turnaround settings over the past ten years
including a $1.5 billion multi-hospital health system extracted from the largest health care
bankruptcy in US history and a $360 million community based hospital. This presentation addresses
the many aspects of an effective hospital turnaround beyond improving financial performance.
• Total Engagement: employees, medical staff, volunteers, and the community
• Transparency
• Setting a Balanced Agenda
• Visibility and Communication
• Leadership
Saving Lives with Baldrige
George Hayes, President and Chief Executive Officer, Medical Center of the Rockies
• Learn about Poudre Valley Health System's Baldrige journey
• Understand critical elements, critical events, and keys to sustainable improvement
• Learn how employee engagement and involvement are critical to organizational improvement
Delegate Information
This was one of the very best conferences I’ve attended – all
speakers were top flight.
North Texas State Hospital,
Texas Department of State Health Services
A high-powered, no-nonsense summit of engaging and
pertinent healthcare presentations by professionals that
have actually done it!
Sierra Providence Health Network
marcus evans provided the opportunity to hear from
both thought leaders and industry leaders on the rapidly
changing landscape in healthcare.
Houston Northwest Medical Center
A worthwhile use of my time. I identified a number of good
opportunities for my hospital.
Raritan Bay Medical Center
An excellent summit, very informative.
Christus Spohn
Opportunity to network with healthcare leaders who are
thoughtful and creative problem solvers that are actually
solving problems, improving care and promoting health.
Middle TN Mental Health Institute
April 25-27, 2010 | The Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa | Hollywood, FL
Delegate Information
The Executive Delegation
Sample Delegate Schedule
The National Healthcare CXO Summit delegates will include CEOs, COOs and CAOs and are
carefully screened and selected according to the following criteria:
Each attendee at the National Healthcare
CXO Summit receives a personalized itinerary
based on their priority selections of conference
sessions, business meetings and special networking
events. Below is a sample of a personalized
attendee schedule.
Number of Beds
Job Level
Sign-off Authority
National Healthcare CXO Summit Solution Provider Companies
To ensure the success of the National Healthcare CXO Summit, marcus evans is pleased to
partner with an exclusive number of leading companies that can provide valuable solutions and
expertise to the attending senior-level decision-makers. Our summit model is strongly based on
our ability to acquire the most innovative and cutting edge industry suppliers of key solutions
and services for direct delivery to the delegation and their forward thinking corporations
interested in staying ahead of the market.
The number of companies in each product or service category is strictly limited to ensure an
appropriate overall balance. These meetings provide a forum for dialogue and information
sharing, on organizational concerns and appropriate, corresponding solutions.
11:00 – 01:00 pm
01:00 – 01:15 pm
01:15 – 02:00 pm
02:00 – 02:45 pm
02:45 – 03:00 pm
03:00 – 05:00 pm
05:00 – 05:45 pm
05:45 – 06:30 pm
06:30 – 07:00 pm
07:00 – 07:30 pm
07:30 – 08:00 pm
08:00 – 10:00 pm
Event Registration
Chairperson Opening Remarks
Opening Keynote Presentation
Conference Presentation
Networking Break
Business Meetings
Round Table Discussion
Conference Presentation
Keynote Presentation
Free Time
Welcome Cocktails
Networking Dinner
National Healthcare CXO Summit Solution Provider Product and
Service Categories
Accounts Receivable Funding/Financing
Health Law Services
Asset Tracking/Recovery
Hospital Department Management
Business Process Management
Image & Data Management
Business Process Outsourcing
IT Solutions & Consulting
Clinical Documentation & Information Systems
Construction & Design
Contract Services
Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE)
Denials Management Solutions & Services
Energy Solutions
Medical Equipment
Mergers, Acquisitions & Financing
Patient Safety Solutions & Services
Point-of-Care Solutions
08:00 am
08:45 am
09:30 am
09:45 am
11:45 am
12:30 pm
01:45 pm
02:30 pm
03:15 pm
03:30 pm
04:30 pm
05:00 pm
05:30 pm
06:15 pm
07:15 pm
10:30 pm
Networking Breakfast
Keynote Presentation
Conference Presentation
Networking Break
Business Meetings
Conference Presentation
Networking Lunch
Conference Panel Discussion
Conference Presentation
Networking Break
Business Meetings
Networking Opportunity
Business Meeting
Keynote Presentation
Free Time
Networking Cocktails, Dinner
Entertainment Evening
08:00 am
08:45 am
09:30 am
09:45 am
11:15 am
12:00 pm
12:45 pm
02:00 pm
Networking Breakfast
Keynote Presentation
Conference Presentation
Networking Break
Business Meetings
Conference Presentation
Closing Keynote Presentation
Networking Luncheon
Process & Performance Improvement
Revenue Cycle Management
Revenue Recovery Solutions/Collection Services
Enterprise Risk Management
Staffing & Outsourcing
Executive Search & Selection
Supply Chain Management
Facility Management
Telemedicine & Mobile Health Solutions
Governance Solutions
Waste Management
Healthcare Real Estate
Wound & Disease Management
April 25-27, 2010 | The Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa | Hollywood, FL
Delegate Information
What Makes the National Healthcare CXO Summit Different
The Venue
A strictly invitation-only event; selection of delegates according to criteria such as scope of
responsibility and size of company
Restricted number of delegates in order to facilitate successful networking opportunities
Personalized summit and meeting schedule to suit individual requirements and provide an
efficient use of time
Keynote presentations, case studies and interactive sessions by world-class industry experts
and pioneers
Breathe in the scents of lemongrass ginger with green tea
and indulge in the calming effects of the full-service Spa
at The Diplomat. Challenge yourself with an early
morning tee time on the 18-hole golf course, managed
by Troon Golf. Take a tennis lesson, charter a fishing
boat, ride a Jet Ski or just relax in a poolside cabana. On
the Blue Wave certified beach of the Atlantic, in the
vibrant city of Hollywood, Florida rests The Westin
Diplomat Resort & Spa. It is easily accessible by Fort
Lauderdale/Hollywood or Miami International Airports as
well as two international ports-of-call.
A relaxed but professional business environment, in which to explore new ideas, strategies
and technical developments with industry colleagues, experts and peers
Access to the secured summit website, providing information on other delegates and each
service provider prior to the event
The Organizers
Individual pre-arranged one-on-one business meetings with senior representatives from key
industry service providers
An invitation which covers two nights' accommodation, all Summit materials, meals and
leisure activities during the Summit
An opportunity to relax and enjoy the superb facilities at the prestigious Westin Diplomat
Resort & Spa
Secured Summit Website
Summit session overviews allow delegates to choose from a selection of summit and
interactive sessions to best suit their business needs
Presenter biographies determine which presenters are most likely to assist in benchmarking
and improving initiatives
Profiles of attending service providers, offer relevant information to enable delegates to plan
their personal event schedule
Inform delegates of social activities taking place at the event
Post-event summit documentation provides complete documentation of all executive
presentations immediately after the Summit
One of the world's leading business information
companies, marcus evans is dedicated to the provision
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Every year marcus evans produces more than 150 of the
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business meetings to provide an effective, highly focused
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April 25-27, 2010 | The Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa | Hollywood, FL
Delegate Information
A Selection of Attendees from Previous marcus evans National Healthcare CXO Summits
Chief Executive Officer
Little Company of Mary
Chief Financial Officer
Harborview Medical Center/UW
Vice President Administration
Rose Medical Center
Chief Executive Officer
Alameda County Hospital
Chief Executive Officer
Heartland Regional Medical Center
Chief Executive Officer
Ruby Memorial Hospital / West Virginia
University Hospital
Chief Executive Officer
Arizona State Hospital
Chief Executive Officer
Brotman Medical Center
Chief Executive Officer, System
Christus Dubuis Health System
Chief Executive Officer
Christus St. Michael
Executive Vice President/ Chief
Operations Officer
Covenant Medical Center
Chief Operations Officer
Desert Regional Medical Center
Vice President & Administrator
Loma Linda University Hospital
Chief Network Officer
Los Angeles County Health Services
Chief Executive Officer
Saint Ritas Medical Center
Chief Executive Officer
Loyola University
Chief Executive Officer, President
Mercy Medical Center
Chief Executive Officer
Methodist Hospitals
Chief Executive Officer
Metropolitan State Hospital
Chief Executive Officer
Downey Regional Medical Center
Chief Operations Officer
East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital
El Camino Hospital
Genesis Medical Center Illini Campus
Chief Executive Officer/President
Genesis Medical Center, Davenport
Chief Executive Officer
GRADY Memorial Hospital
Chief Executive Officer
Saint Joseph's Hospital / Tuscon
Health Hospital
Chief Executive Officer
Middle Tennessee Health Institute
Chief Executive Officer
Presbyterian / St. Lukes Medical Center
Chief Executive Officer
Providence Health Network
Chief Executive Officer
San Francisco General Hospital
President and Chief Executive Officer
Sanford USD Medical Center
St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital
Chief Executive Officer
Tenet Health/ Houston N.W.
Chief Executive Officer
Terrance Cardinal Cooke Health Center
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer / President
University of Texas
President and Chief Executive Officer
Raritan Bay Medical Center
Chief Executive Officer
Valley Medical Center
Chief Operations Officer
Regional Medical Center
Senior Vice President
Vanguard Health Systems