MyUH Portal
The University of Hawaii's integrated student information system for all 10 campuses.
Add/drop classes
 e-mail
 Grades
Financial Aid
 Holds
 Make payments
The first time you go there:
1. Click on *Get a UH Username
2. Fill in the required information. You will need your UH ID or your Social Security number!
3. Choose a UH Username. Remember, you will keep this username for the rest of your college career in the UH
system, so choose wisely and refrain from using inappropriate usernames—your instructors will see it!
4. Choose and answer two Secret Questions that will be used in case you ever forget your password. Remember
that these answers are case-sensitive.
5. Create a password. This can be tricky!
Your password must be 8-32 characters long
You must use at least
o one upper case alphabetic character,
o one lower case alphabetic character,
o one numeric character, AND
o one special character
Do not use dictionary words, birth dates, names, or anything relating to your Secret Questions and answers.
Password Tip:
If you really must use a name or dictionary word, substitute letters with symbols or numbers:
1 or ! for the letter i
@ for the letter a
3 for the letter e
0 for the letter o
For example, waianae808 could become “W@1@n@e808” and would probably be accepted.
A platform for on-line and distance classes, but useful for accessing content for live classes too.
Class syllabus
 Tests & quizzes
 Submit assignments
Resources & announcements
 Class forums and discussions
 Mailtool
Same username and password as your MyUH Portal.
You can also access Laulima straight from your MyUH Portal homepage instead of logging in again.
Once you log in, you should see a tab for each of your classes at the top of the homepage.
Laulima Student Guide
Tutorial Videos
Need help?
Use the “Request Assistance” link at the bottom of the Laulima page or
Contact Emi Kaneshiro at Leeward CC Wai‘anae at or 454-4710 or
Contact Sharleen Chock at Leeward CC Pearl City at or 455-0235