ESP 178 Applied Research Methods Notes on Conceptual Models from Articles Note: These are my interpretations of the articles, but they are not necessarily the only interpretations! Nord Question: What are the associations between forest recreation, environmental concern, and proenvironmental behavior? Type: Explanatory/deductive/hypothesis testing Dependent variable 1: environmental concern Dependent variable 2: pro-environmental behavior Independent variable: forest recreation activity, divided into “appreciative” and “consumptive” activities Control variables: socio-demographic characteristics Hypothesis 1: Environmental concern only weakly associated with forest recreation activity, especially after controlling for socio-demographic characteristics Hypothesis 2: Pro-environmental behavior positively associated with appreciative activities. Note: What is the direction of causality? Hard to tell. Note: First hypothesis tested as a replication of previous studies. Forest recreation activity Environmental concern Socio-demographic characteristics Forest recreation activity Pro-environment behavior Socio-demographic characteristics Daneshvary, et al. Question: Will residents support curbside textile recycling (CTR)? More specifically what factors influence support for CTR? Type: Explanatory/quantitiative/deductive Dependent variable: Support for curbside recycling (support, don’t support) Independent variable 1: Recycle solid waste on a regular basis Independent variable 2: Donation of used textiles last year Control variables: Socioeconomic variables, including income, age, political party Hypothesis 1: Recycle solid waste on a regular basis positively associated with support for CTR Hypothesis 2: Donation of used textiles last year positively associated with support for CTR Additional Hypotheses: income negatively associated; age positively associateds; republican negatively associated with support for CTR. Note: Antecedent variables – factors that influence independent variables: e.g., Environmental concerns are antecedent to current recycling behavior Note: Mediator variables – factors that come between independent and dependent variable, an intermediate step: e.g. Current recycling behavior is a mediating variable between environmental concerns and support for CTR. Current Recycling Beh Recycle solid waste Environmental concern Donate used textiles Support for curbside textile recycling Socioeconomic factors Gatersleben Questions: Are proenvironmental behaviors correlated with energy use? To what degree do environmental attitudes and demographic variables influence proenvironmental behaviors? To what degree do they influence energy use? Type: Quantitative and explanatory, but with a good dose of exploratory Dependent variable 1: Energy use Dependent variable 2: Proenvironmental behaviors Independent variables: Environmental attitudes, demographic variables Hypothesis: Proenvironmental behaviors are negatively associated with energy use Note: The same variables can be both dependent and independent variables in the same study! e.g. Proenvironmental behaviors as an explanatory factor for energy use e.g. Proenvironmental behaviors as the outcome of environmental attitudes and demographic variables Environmental Attitudes Proenvironmental behaviors Demographic variables Energy use Note: The independent variable, dependent variable, antecedent variable, mediator variable terminology gets confusing! Any variable can be any one of these things, depending on your conceptual model!