Step-by-Step Instructions Country Manor Bench from concept to reality Units used: Difficulty Level : Advanced 111 222 333 This is an advanced do-it-yourself project. We’d love to see photos of your finished projects! Please email them to with a subject of Step-by-Step. Country Manor Bench from concept to reality Use this block configuration for courses 1, 3, 5, & 7. Step 1 : Prepare the location After selecting your location, measure the required 14’ 2” x 32” rectangle for the bench. Remove dirt from the rectangle until you have a hole 12” deep with a level bottom. If you are placing the bench on a patio or other concrete base, make sure surface is level, then use Keystone KapSeal adhesive to secure the base course in place. Step 2 : Construct the leveling pad Add 3” of crushed stone. Level and compact with a hand tamper. Repeat one time to complete the 6” leveling pad. Use illustration above as a guide. Step 3 : Install the first course For the first course, place the units as illustrated above on the prepared leveling pad. The first course must be 6” below finished grade. Check the front-to-back and side-to-side of each unit to make sure it is level. Adjust as necessary with sand. Use this block configuration for courses 2, 4, & 6. Cut block to fit Cut block to fit Step 4 : Build the bench seat and column bases Place two ¼” wide strips of Keystone Kapseal adhesive completely around the first course approximately 3” away from the edge of the units. Place the second course of units on top of the first course as illustrated above. Apply Keystone Kapseal as before. Continue alternating course layouts as indicated until the fourth course is completed. Note: It is suggested that you dry fit the second course and each course of blocks thereafter before you apply the adhesive, to ensure you have the correct orientation and correct blocks. Step-by-Step Instructions Step 5 : Build the backrest and columns With the fifth course, you will begin building the backrest to your bench. Apply Keystone KapSeal as before to the back wall of your bench and the columns only. Continue alternating course layouts as indicated in the previous steps, omitting the units on the front wall of the bench. Continue the pattern, omitting the units on the front wall through course seven. 20" x 20" column unit layouts Use this block configuration for course 8. Use this block configuration for course 9. Step 6 : Finish building the columns Once you have completed the seventh course, you are ready to complete your columns. Please note that the eighth and ninth courses are built on the columns only using the 20” x 20” column patterns shown above. Complete the column layers as illustrated above alternating with one of each layer per column. Secure in place with Keystone KapSeal. Be sure to alternate the layouts to avoid seams lining up in the final design. Step 7 : Cap the bench and columns You are now ready to complete your bench by capping the lower wall on the front of the bench to create the seat as well as the wall that creates the bench’s backrest and columns. Secure the cap units with Keystone KapSeal. Complete the look with outdoor furniture cushions, wood or another material of your choice, and pillows to make your bench more comfortable. from concept to reality For more great ideas and inspiration, check out our other Step-by-Step installation brochures. Step-by-Step Instructions Step-by-Step ® Instructions mn KeySTone Mailbox Colu ity real from concept to ® Units used: DETAIL "A" vel : Advanced Difficulty Le OPTION #2 111 333 222 type of gid . 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Step-by-Step it from concep Mailbox d Place a 4" ban ut gro of concrete x around mailbo cks to create Use small blo fit mailbox opening to 4" Difficulty 111 A Keystone ® 4" Copyright © Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc. • A CONTECH Company 4444 West 78th Street • Minneapolis, MN 55435 (952) 897-1040 • t to reality Level : Int ermediate 222 do-it-your 333 self projec t. 1