1 Minutes of the Flower Hill Central Corporation Board of Directors

Minutes of the Flower Hill Central Corporation Board of Directors monthly meeting
February 2011 monthly meeting held February 23, 2011
Call to Order
¾ Andrew Oxendine called the meeting to order at 7:36 PM
In attendance were Board members:
Bob Smith
Scott Cooper
Biff Gaut, Secretary
Shirley Kitzmiller
Paul Rohwer
Chris Reed, Treasurer
Andrew Oxendine, President
Brett Clawson, Vice President
Greg Ferentinos
RSV Pools
FHCC Staff
Ed Chemelewski
Mike Williams
Linda Horensavitz
New Agenda Items
¾ Biff Gaut added 10.4 new banking account
Open Forum
¾ No comments were made in the open forum
Consideration of Previous Meeting’s Minutes
¾ Biff Gaut moved to approve the minutes from the December 2010 monthly meeting held on January 5, 2011
meeting with no changes, Chris Reed seconded and it passed.
¾ Abstained from voting: Scott Cooper and Greg Ferentinos
Ground Maintenance Report
¾ Edward Chmelewski was present from Greenlink to address the Board with a brief update.
¾ The Board tabled for the March meeting the owner’s request to remove the healthy tree next to their parking
space located at in Hallmark.
Pool Management Report
¾ Mike Williams was present from RSV Pools to give a brief update to the Board
o Weather dependant March 10th – prep lap pool.
o April 1, main pool and baby pool
o ADA requirements: Waiting on the County for clarification on the regulations. Will cost about
$8,000.00 to $9,000.00 dollars for the ADA lift.
o Need a clear position on the ADA requirements in March.
¾ Chris Reed moved to approve the proposal from Frederick Fence Company with the $3,936.00 coming out of
the Capitol Reserves funds to replace the inside fencing at the pool, Brett Clawson seconded and it passes.
o Biff Gaut voted in opposition
¾ Biff Gaut moved to approve up to but not exceeding $500.00 out of the Pool Maintenance line in the budget,
if needed for the installation of a new phone line at the pool, Brett Clawson seconded and it passed.
¾ Agenda item 9.2 Proactive Active was addressed after the pool report. Proactive will provide the FHCC
office with weekly on Mondays reports to Linda Horensavitz at the FHCC office for another 8 or nine months
until Proactive contract’s ends with the GPS services. Then Proactive will find another company that will
allow FHCC to have access to the online log.
Treasurer’s Report
¾ Chris Reed gave a brief update to the Board.
¾ Biff Gaut moved to re allocated the capitol reserves funds as required by the SOP for FHCC, and as
recommended by FHCC’s financial Advisor Jon Abbott, Scott Cooper seconded and it passed.
o Bob Smith entered the meeting during the discussion.
Biff Gaut moved to post the funds below to bad / uncollectable debt, as recommended by FHCC’s staff, collections
attorney and bookkeeper, Brett Clawson seconded and it passed. (Total $2,956.93)
Property address
7911 Coriander Drive
18400 Honeylocust
Foreclosure ‐ previous
Park Terrace
Amount of Uncollectable
Management Report
¾ Linda Horensavitz presented a written update to the Board.
o Add free cycle info in the April newsletter
¾ Linda Horensavitz presented the annual Management Plan for FHCC to the Board for review.
Old Business
¾ The Board reviewed the Hallmark HOA response letter about the tot lot replacement. Linda Horensavitz will
move forward with the project.
Critical Issues
¾ Biff Gaut Moved to approve the insurance renewal as recommended by Manougian Insurance, without
terrorism coverage with the $27,602.00 coming out of the insurance line the budget, Brett Clawson seconded
and it passed.
¾ Agenda 9.2 was addressed after the Pool Report
New Business
¾ Biff Gaut moved to return the $200.00 deposit to the owner who canceled a rental at the Community Center,
Brett Clawson seconded and it passed.
¾ Linda Horensavitz will draft a new policy for renting the community center the board review at the March
¾ Biff Gaut moved to approve the computer service contract with Potomac Computer Service with the $1,505.00
and the quarterly charge of $500.00 charge coming out of the office expense line in the budget, Scott Cooper
seconded and it passed.
¾ Linda Horensavitz gave an update on the expansion of the Flower Hill Elementary School.
¾ Biff Gaut moved to have FHCC Staff look into opened a new business account with a debit card that can
function as petty cash for the FHCC office with a limited amount.
Security Chair
¾ No Security Chair business was addressed at the meeting.
Closed Session
¾ Biff Gaut moved to go into closed session to discuss employee issues, Brett Clawson seconded and the Board
convened into closed session.
¾ The Board reviewed the office staff annual reviews.
¾ The next meeting will be the March monthly and the 2011 Annual meeting on March 30, at 7:30 PM
¾ Biff moved to adjourn the meeting, Brett seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM