Junior English—Kennett Name: Getting Specific with Evidence Directions: Look at the source list on the back side of the handout and, for each value below, plug in at least 1 piece of textual evidence supporting that value. Values • Know & respect yourself • Evidence 1: • Evidence 2: • Respect others • Evidence 1: • Evidence 2: • Live with integrity (honesty, morally, etc.) • Evidence 1: • Evidence 2: • Value your family • Evidence 1: • Evidence 2: • Be positive • Evidence 1: • Evidence 2: • Work hard • Evidence 1: • Evidence 2: • Chill out / Don’t worry • Evidence 1: • Evidence 2: Some Good Moments That Could Be Evidence • “The Power of We” by Roger Rosenblatt — importance of community and the dangers of being self-absorbed • Transcendentalism • Self-reliance, non-conformity, nature, here & now, universal soul, simplicity, truth, etc. • Walt Whitman’s “I Hear America Singing” & Langston Hughes’ “I Too Sing America” • The Birthmark • Not getting too obsessed like Aylmer, appreciating beauty in others (quote by Aminadab about Georgiana) • Rappaccini’s Daughter • Importance of being true, like Beatrice and Giovanni should have been • Not to be too self-absorbed — could make an argument that Dr. Rappaccini was • Into the Wild • The importance of understanding and respecting opinions of others—Christopher McCandles’ parents vs. Chris • The interconnectedness of people on his journeys • “I'm going to paraphrase Thoreau here... rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth.” • “The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences.” • “Happiness only real when shared.” • Declaration of Independence • The need for liberty and equality among all people; could examine how the lack of these drove people to separate from the British • The Cather in the Rye • Holden getting stuck in depression about the death of his brother • Mr. Antolini’s advice to Holden (don’t criticize, recognize your strengths, get an education, recognize value of other people’s perspectives, etc.) • Holden realizing the importance of growing up & letting others, like his sister, learn from their mistakes • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest • The patients getting stuck in their fog of depression and inaction • McMurphy never giving up for freedom when fighting with the Nurse; the importance of taking risks • Death of a Salesman • The lies of the family and the destructive nature the lies had on Willy and the boys • Biff’s quote about how he “saw the sky” and realized “everything I want is out there waiting for me the minute I say ‘I know who I am’” • Biff’s quote at the funeral that showed how Willy didn’t know himself and, therefore, had the wrong dream