Curriculum Overview for Early Years Foundation Stage

Curriculum Overview for Early Years Foundation Stage Autumn 2015
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Work together as part of a group and understand and follow rules.
Play co- operatively, taking turns with others.
Cope with changes and express feelings associated with this.
Develop confidence to speak in a familiar group.
Describe the sequence, events and characters in stories of ‘So much’, ‘Handa ’s surprise’, ‘My
family’, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘Joseph and the coat of many colours’, ‘Biff and Chip’.
Use non fiction texts to find out more information
Hear and say the initial sound, link sounds to letters .
Show understanding of what they have read.
Recite number poems and songs.
Communication & Language
Listen to stories from other cultures and respond to prompts and ideas
Recognise, order and say which number is 1 more and 1 less for numbers 0-10 and beyond.
Counting on and use Numicon and objects for simple addition and subtraction.
Understand and use language associated with size, weighing, position and time.
Use mathematical language to describe 2D objects and shapes and patterns.
Follow instructions to carry out activities
Express ideas, including fictional and non fiction ideas about families and cultures and
extend vocabulary
Listen to others one to one or in a small group.
Physical Development
Understand the world
Join with family customs and routines.
Talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends and family.
Learn about Harvest, Eid, Diwali, Christmas.
Observe detailed features of objects in the environment.
Talk about why things happen and how things work.
To operate simple equipment e.g. I pad, mouse control, tape recorder.
Experiment with different ways of moving.
Handle tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely.
Make collages/models using junk materials, scissors, glue and other equipment.
Show understanding that eating, sleeping, exercising and hygiene can contribute
to good health.
Dress and undress independently.
Expressive Arts & Design
Recreate and make up new characters and stories through imaginative and small world play
To sing songs, make music and dance.
Use different media to create pictures using own imagination.