French 2 Curriculum 1st 9-weeks Carole Chambers Objective: Review of French 1 TEKS : 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 5B Activities: Pronunciation review by sound readings and oral questioning using mid-term questionnaire Written review by journaling in target language; Metacognitive journal after pretest ; Reteach of material based on results of pre-test; Use of manipulatives, such as assembling cards to create sentences and matching pictures to words; Dry-erase boards conjugation practices; Chain board work on regular conjugations (team work); Questionnaire on culture Resources: French 1 book, pages 15, 47, 79, 109, 141, and 183; French 2 work book pages R1 –R20; conjugation charts; self-made manipulatives; dry-erase boards and markers; transparencies or power points for sounds and questionnaires Assessments: Pre-test, Post-test, Vocabulary quizzes and quizzes on verbs and partitives Objectives : Learning passé composé, including reflexive verbs; learn vocabulary of sports and daily routine TEKS : 1A, 1B, 1C, 5B Activities: Direct teach with PPT; dry-erase board practice; written practice of regular past tense with avoir with workbook; direct teach of irregular verbs with avoir; group practice with given verb; written practice of irregular past tense with workbook; manipulative sequencing of sentences to tell a story; direct teach of sports vocabulary review of vocab with charades; direct teach on the house of être; MrsDr Van der Trampp song; workbook written practice; direct teach on reflexive verbs (present and past); matching pictures to sentences (Carlex) ; journal writing on personal daily routine; translation of passage using all types of verbs in the past tense; group story writing in the past tense, using a starter; oral presentation of stories Resources: Power Points; dry-erase boards; manipulatives for sequencing; Carlex reflexive verbs interactive bulletin board set; Mrs.Dr.V der T song; posters to write stories; French 2 workbook pages R30, R 31, R 36, R37 Assessements: quiz on verbs with avoir; quiz on vocabulary of sports; quiz on reflexives 2nd 9-weeks Objective: Learn about cultural leisure in France TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5B Activities: Readings from book (pages 2 to 7); oral exercises (pp.4-5 and 8); written exercise 5 page 5; guessing game with secret flashcards; group cultural translations (pp.20-23)and presentations; student-made impressionist pictures; watching French commercials Direct teach on savoir and connaître; practice with hand signals; work book written practice Resources: French 2 book; French 2 work book p.5; flashcards; blank paper and crayons; commercials DVD Assessment: oral and written applications; hand signals; presentations Objective: Learn object pronouns TEKS: 1A, 1B, 5B Activities: Direct teach on object pronouns; oral practice; color-coded manipulatives with pronouns; work book written applications Resources: French 2 book; French 2 work book, pp. 6 and 7; self-made manipulatives Assessment: fill-in-the-blank pronoun quiz; test on Chapter 1 Objective: Learn health and medicine vocabulary and culture TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2B, 4B, 5B Activities: Readings pp. 34-35, pp. 38-39; TPR vocab review; book written application #4 p.37; body parts matching cards; doctor’s skits; cultural translations pp. 52-55; presentations; watching DVD of the catacombs Resources: French 2 book; cards; props (medical kit…); DVD Assessment: written work and skits Objective: Learn more indirect object pronouns TEKS: 1A, 1B Activities: Direct teach on object pronouns; color-coded manipulatives with pronouns; book written applications (exercises 14 and 15 p.43); direct teach on souffrir and ouvrir ; conjugation round tables Resources: French 2 book; manipulatives Assessment : French 2 book assessment pp.60-61; vocabulary bingo; Test on Chapter 2 Objective: Learn vocabulary of telecommunications TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 5B Activities: Drill on vocabulary p. 95; telecommunication skits; CD 6 listening comprehension Resources: French 2 book; French 2 CD Assessment: Skit; material included in the mid-term exam 3rd 9-weeks Objective: Learn the imparfait and contrast it with passé composé TEKS: 1A, 1B, 5B Activities: Direct teach on imparfait; Aggie bricklayer story stomp and clap exercise; comparing songs using both past tenses; Reading past tense poem containing both tenses(Petit déjeuner du matin by Prévert); direct teach on imparfait of être; readings pp. 109-111; writing group stories using both tenses; matching cards with translations Resources: handouts for song lyrics, poem, and story, as well as summary of lesson; book for readings; cards to match Assessment: putting present tense text in past tense, choosing the correct tense. Objective: Learn about traveling in francophone countries TEKS: 1A, 1B, 4A, 5B Activities: Drill on vocabulary of travel; Crossword Puzzle; Readings pp.98-99 and pp.102-103; True or false p.101; exercise 7 p.104; airplane skits; direct teach on prepositions used with geographic names; oral exercises 24 and 25 p.114 and 27 p.115; written exercise 28; review of aller and venir; listening comprehension with CD (p.116 of book); personal questions about travel; group translations and presentations (pp.118-223) Resources: French 2 book; French 2 CD Assessment: vocab bingo; written work; presentations; assessment pp.124-125; test on Chapter 4 Objective: Learn about the bank and the post office in France TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 4B, 5B Activities: Drill on vocabulary of bank; readings pp. 142143; discussion of culture following silent reading pp.160-162; written practice #3 and 4 pp.144-145; personal questions; drill on vocabulary of post office; readings pp. 146147; discussion of culture following reading p.163; bank and post office skits Resources: French 2 book Assessment: skit; reading comprehension; written practice Objective: Learn relative pronouns TEKS: 1A, 1B Activities: Direct teach on qui and que; Practice with #13 p.51; Checking with #14; written handout of application (teacher made) Resources: French 2 book; handout Assessment: Fill-in-the-blank quiz with qui or que Objectives: Learn agreement of the past participle and reciprocals; learn new negative forms. TEKS: 1A, 1B, 5B Activities: Direct teach on agreement and reciprocals; Class practice with work book page 57; manipulative exercise (find your partners) for reciprocals; class practice p.57; direct teach on new negatives; class practice with p.58 of work book. Resources: French 2 work book; teacher handout; manipulatives Assessment: class review on Chapter 5; Chapter 5 Test Objective: Learn about new food vocabulary and regional French cuisine TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B Activities: Reading pp.174-179; personal culinary preferences (oral exercise); regional food project (lab research, group brochure, presentations and food day) Resources: French 2 book; internet lab; library; travel agencies Assessment: oral responses; brochure and its presentation; food tasting Objective: Learn house furnishings TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C Activities: Vocabulary translation; Four corner activity, matching furniture and rooms Resources: handout; flashcards Assessment: four corner activity Objective: Learn the future, conditional present, and causative faire TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 5B Activities: Discovery learning; student-led lesson presentations based on pp. 182, 216, and 218; written translation using future tense; direct teach and comparison with the conditional present; “If I were a millionaire” paper; review of object pronouns; direct teach on causative faire; oral practice #22 p.188; written review for test Resources: French 2 book; transparencies, markers Assessment: presentations; written applications; oral exercise; Chapter 6 Test 4th 9-weeks Objective: Learn about cars and driving in France TEKS: 1B, 1C, 2A, 5B Activities: Drill on vocab of vehicles and gas station; Readings pp. 206-207; oral ex. 2 p.208; #3 and 4 in writing; drill on vocab of driving and highway; readings pp. 210-211; #7 and 8 p.212 orally; #8 in writing; group translations (pp.224-227) and presentations; show and tell of French cars, French driver’s license, and driver’s manual; flashcard review for quiz Resources: French 2 book; handouts Assessment: vocabulary and culture quiz; presentations Objective: Learn interrogative and demonstrative pronouns, and superlatives, including mieux and meilleur. TEKS: 1B Activities: Direct teach on pronouns; oral practice #13 p. 256; Practices with handouts from; flashcards with mieux and meilleur Resources: French 2 book and website from UT (see activities ) Assessment: quiz on grammar and culture Objective: Learn about hospitals and medical services in France TEKS: 1B, 2A, 4B, 5B Activities: group questions to present; Give One/ Get One sharing; show and tell about MSF and Louis Pasteur Resources: French 2 book (pp.266-271); question flashcards; Give One/ Get One handout Assessment: quiz on grammar and culture (see above) Objective: Learn vocabulary and culture of French hotels TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 5B Activities: Drill on vocabulary p.307; written practices #3p.183 and #8 p. 287; flashcard review activity; hotel skits; review of pronouns y and en Resources: French 2 book Assessment: vocabulary quiz Objective: Learn how to form adverbs. TEKS: 1B Activities: Direct teach on formation; practice with individual dry-erase boards; direct teach of exceptions Resources: UT website handouts Assessment: dry-erase board practice Objective: Learn about vacationing in the francophone world TEKS: 1B, 5B Activities: Group questionnaire; discussion of answers Resources: French 2 book pp.296-299 Assessment: discussion on answers to questions Objective: Learn vocabulary and culture of transportation in the francophone world TEKS: 1B, 5B Activities: Drill on vocabulary of p. 337; readings pp. 310-311 and 314-315; metro map reading ; multiple choice on metro map; culture group questions on pp. 326-327; Give One/Get One sharing; direct teach on depuis p. 323; true or false exercise about French buses Resources: French 2 book; Give One/Get One handout; flashcard questions Assessment: Metro map and bus handouts and Give One/Get One Objective: Learn vocabulary of city and country TEKS: 1B, 4B Activities: Drill on vocabulary p. 365; Practice #4 p. 343; learn French animal sounds and names; direct teach of suivre and conduire and infinitives after prepositions Resources: French 2 book; teacher knowledge Assessment: material included in final exam Objective: Learn professions TEKS: 1A, 1B, 5B Activities: Drill on vocabulary p. 463; guessing game on professions; oral questions about professions Resources: French 2 book; handout on professions Assessment: handout and oral responses