French I: Curriculum


French 1 Curriculum

Carole Chambers and Joelle Ford

1 st 9-weeks

Objective: Learn pronunciation and alphabet and cognates

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 5B

Activities: Pronouncing cognates with the help of a pronunciation guide; drill on alphabet with song; selecting French names; spelling of French names to practice alphabet; reading selections with cognates

Resources : Pronunciation guide; alphabet song; selections

Assessment: oral responses, cognate bingo, recitation of alphabet

Objective: Learn greetings

TEKS: 1A, 2A, 4C

Activities: Total Physical Response (TPR) exercises; Mixfreeze-pair activity, Round robin and link chain; Café skit

Resources: French 1 book Preliminary Chapter D; list of greetings

Assessment: oral responses; Cornell notes of greetings

Objective: Learn about francophone world and countries bordering France

TEKS: 1A, 3A, 3B, 4B, 5B

Activities: video on francophone world; map activity, listing and coloring francophone countries; round table listing 20 francophone countries, France not included; labeling countries bordering France on map of Europe.

Resources: video or DVD; paper maps; markers and colored pencils

Assessment: quiz listing francophone countries and those bordering France

Objective: Learn classroom commands and objects

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 4B, 4C

Activities: TPR activities; oral responses for objects

Resources: French 1 book Chapter 3 for objects and p. T55 for both objects and commands

Assessment: TPR exercises; quizzes on commands and objects

Objective: Learn numbers 1-30

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 3B

Activities: flashcard activities; inner-outer circles; number bingo; dry-erase boards responses

Resources : flash cards; French 1 book p.10

Assessment: dictation of numbers; number quiz

Objective: Learn calendar and birthdays

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 2A, 3A, 3B, 4B

Activities: flash cards, poems, songs; mix-freeze-pair with what is the day, what is the date; chain work with when is your birthday and how old are you?; watch birthday


Resources: poems, songs, French 1 book pp.10-11, DVD

Assessment: oral /written test (answer to questions and translations)

Objective: Learn numbers 31-1000

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 2A, 3B

Activities: math sheets, word searches or puzzles; hangman; bingo; slap boards

Resources: flashcards; French 1 book pp. 23 and 87; teacher made materials

Assessment: quiz on dates, birthdays, age, and large numbers

Objective: Learn Time telling

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 4B, 5B

Activities: self-made analog clocks; written exercise 1 p.13; teacher handout; oral responses throughout the period; bingo

Resources: French 1 book pp.12-13; teacher handouts; plates and brads to make clocks; dry-erase clocks

Assessment: quiz writing out times based on analog or digital clocks

Objective: Learn how to describe people and where they are from

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 4C, 5B

Activities: describing self and classmates with assigned vocabulary; TPR with “show me…”; direct teach on to be, agreement of adjectives, and nationalities; making passports; journal about self; cultural readings; written application #4 p.27; poem

“L’accent grave” by Prévert; conjugation chart on to be, affirmative and negative forms; direct teach on definite and indefinite articles, singular and plural; vocab bingo

Resources: French 1 book Chapter 1; French 1 workbook

Chapter 1

Assessment: Fill-in-the-blank review; Chapter 1 test

2 nd 9-weeks

Objective: Learn about school subjects and French school system.

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 2A, 3B, 4A, 4B

Activities: reviewing material in Chapter 1 in the plural;

Cornell notes on school subjects; writing school time schedules in French; describing teachers and classes; cultural and grammar readings of Chapter 2;

show and tell of French school realia; discussing school system differences; visiting French high school on line; Give One / Get One activity

Resources: French1 book Chapter 2 ; internet teacher-made materials; video on touring France

Assessment: quiz on education system; vocabulary quiz;

Chapter 2 test, including grammar and culture

Objective: Learn about during and after school activities

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 5B

Activities: TPR with commands to review class objects, using new verbs; oral chain asking and answering questions; conversation about school activities; song

(Sympathique by Pink Martini); direct teach on –er verbs; manipulatives with conjugations, forming affirmative and negative sentences; journal writing of daily activities; written application of conjugation; cultural readings from book; listening to Manau

Resources: French 1 book and workbook Chapter 3; music; poems; handouts

Assessment: vocab quiz; -er verbs quiz; Chapter 3 test

Objective: Learn family and pets, and possessives

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 3B, 4B, 5B

Activities: Cornell notes on vocabulary of family and house ; making family trees; practice vocabulary orally based on family tree; exercises pp. 114-115; picture description; making house blue prints; conversation

#9 and 10 pp. 118-119; direct teach on avoir with expression il y a; direct teach of possessives and possessive case; oral practice; written handout of application; direct teach on irregular adjectives; dryerase board practice; manipulatives, using different forms

Resources: French 1 book and workbook Chapter 4; teachermade resources and handouts

Assessment: family tree, house blueprint, fill-in-the-blank test with possessives and irregular adjectives; midterm exam (see review pp. 142-147)

3 rd 9-weeks

Objective: Learn parts of the body

TEKS: 1A, 1B

Activities: vocabulary list; crossword puzzle; matching cards; drawing monsters to describe them; Alouette song;

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes song; Simon says; avoir mal is introduced

Resources: teacher-made handouts and cards

Assessment: matching quiz

Objective: Learn simple weather expressions

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 5B

Activities: vocabulary list; matching cards; hidden pictures from Carlex; weather forecast posters by the week or the season; oral practice daily

Resources: teacher-made materials; posters; markers; seasons song

Assessment: quiz on weather expressions and seasons

Objective: Learn meals and food, and partitives

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C

Activities: cut and paste plate with food; oral practice with plate and stating food preferences; direct teach on manger and boire and partitives; meal journal writing ; teach conjugations of aller and venir and contractions of following prepositions; make sentences using both verbs with manipulatives; teach prendre conjugation

Resources: plate template, scissors and glue, magazines, conjugation charts; manipulatives ; French 1 book and workbook Chapter 5

Assessment: conversations; plates; journal and manipulatives;vocabulary quiz and verb quiz;

Chapter 5 test

Objective: Learn about French restaurants etiquette

TEKS: 1B, 1C, 2A

Activities: Reading pp. 172-175 and B p. 177; discussion of restaurant etiquette and cultural differences

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 3A, 4B, 5B

Activities: making flash cards with vocabulary of food and pictures; playing concentration (memory game) with the cards; using cards to match with store labels throughout the room; readings of pp. 186-

191; exercises pp.192-193, in writing and orally; hidden picture with food; direct teach of faire and faire expressions pp. 194-195; review of partitives and handout of application; exercise 27p. 200; direct teach of vouloir, pouvoir, devoir; practice with pp.

202-203; round tables competition; #33 p. 203; listening comprehension p. 204; pronunciation drill p.205; group translations (pp.206-209); presentations; reading and discussing pp. 210-211; watching DVD; Give One/Get One on culture

Resources: French 1 book, workbook, and DVD, Chapter 6; flash cards; labels; hidden pictures and other puzzles; conjugation charts; Give One/ Get One

Assessment: mix and match game; bingo; conversations; vocab quiz and verb quizzes; Chapter 6 test

Resources: French 1 book pp. 172-175

Assessment: Culture will be included in the Chapter 5 test.

Objective: Learn about French money, food shopping, and stores

4 th 9-weeks

Objective: Learn clothing and colors and about shopping for clothes

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B

Activities: clothing vocabulary notes by season; review weather expressionsl direct teach on colors and shapes; warm up with hidden pictures of clothes and colored shapes; coloring clothes with different sets of directions; making foldable with clothing by season including weather expressions; poem “Petit poème à mon frère blanc”; fashion show; make believe skits for clothing and shoe stores ( pp.224 and 234); teach acheter, essayer, préférer, mettre, voir and croire conjugations; direct teach of comparatives with size line-up of students; direct teach of French money with show and tell; group translations of pp. 236-241 and presentations

Resources: French 1 book, DVD, and workbook Chapter 7; teacher handouts; colored shapes; paper and glue;

French money

Assessment: coloring, clothes foldable, verb quiz, Chapter 7 test

Objective: Learn places and directions

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 2B, 5B

Activities: direct teach on places to go in town; review of aller and venir with their prepositions; memory game with places; teach directions; outdoor practice of

directions; car and map activity; scavenger hunt, puzzles and word searches

Resources: teacher made handouts; toy cars and maps; items for scavenger hunts

Assessment: results of the hunt ; quiz on places and directions

Objective: Learn about Paris

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2B, 5A

Activities: watching video on the building of Paris and touring

Paris; translations on monuments and places of

Paris and presentations; Cornell notes on Paris which can be used on the quiz; power point of trip to

Paris with students ; show and tell of Paris with books

Resources: library picture books; videos; power point; internet on monuments

Assessment: open notes test on Paris

Objective: Learn sports and musical instruments

TEKS: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 3A, 3B, 4B

Activities: Cornell notes on sports vocabulary; direct teach on jouer au sport and faire du sport ou de la musique; spoken preferences; written application; video on La maison des jeunes ; direct teach of interrogative and demonstrative pronouns and forms of tout; written application; translations pp. 342-345 and presentations

Resources: French 1 book pp. 342-345 and workbook Chapter

10; videos

Assessment: Test on sports, places, Paris, and grammar

Objective: Learn conjugations of –ir and –re verbs and more irregular verbs

TEKS: 1A, 1B

Activities: direct teach on –ir and –re verbs and dormir, sortir, servir, lire, dire and écrire; written applications and songs for dormir

Resources: conjugation charts; songs

Assessment: Verbs will be included in final exam.
