TRAINING CALENDAR KALENDER PELATIHAN 2015 Periode : Januari – Desember 2015 Page 1 COURSE TITLE FINANCE & ACCOUNTING Accounting for Fixed Asset Accounting for Non-Accountants Cash Flow Management : Planning, Preparation & Analysis Collection Skills and Negotiation Techniques Corporate Treasury Management Effective Budgeting and Cost Control Effective Financial Controller Effectively Managing & Organizing Accounts Payable Efficient Finance and Accounting Operations Fast Closing Monthly and Year-End Accounts Finance Accounting Policies and Procedures Finance for Non-Finance Professionals Financial Statements Analysis Fixed Assets Management Internal Control & Cash Management Inventory Accounting & Costing Manage Cost Accounting Effectively Managing Credit, Accounts Receivable & Debt Recovery AUDIT & FRAUD Beginning Auditor Tools and Techniques Best Practice Internal Auditing Contract & Procurement Fraud Control Self Assessment (CSA) Fraud Detection & Investigation for Internal Auditors Internal Control & Risk Management Komunikasi Audit Penulisan Laporan Hasil Audit (PLHA) yang Efektif Risk Based Audit (RBA) CODE D JAN FA-01 FA-02 FA-03 FA-04 FA-05 FA-06 FA-07 FA-08 FA-09 FA-10 FA-11 FA-12 FA-13 FA-14 FA-15 FA-16 FA-17 FA-18 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 13-15 AF-01 AF-02 AF-03 AF-04 AF-05 AF-06 AF-07 AF-08 AF-09 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 07-09 12-13 FEB MAR APR 24-26 04-05 15-16 28-29 19-20 26-28 16-18 22-24 12-13 05-06 24-25 24-26 10-11 23-24 17-18 27-28 01-02 08-10 16-17 06-07 14-15 16-18 19-20 04-05 22-23 07-08 10-12 16-17 24-25 15-16 27-29 15-16 07-08 15-17 23-24 01-02 24-25 11-13 12-13 04-06 15-16 Ariobimo Sentral Building 5th Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-2 No. 5 Jakarta 12950, INDONESIA [P] 021 – 50664197; 50645670; 52919351 [F] 021 – 5226150 [E] [W] 14-15 03-04 09-11 10-11 07-08 10-11 04-06 18-19 15-16 08-09 19-21 25-26 03-04 Note: 1. Jakarta Bandung Bali 2. Biaya Pelatihan dalam Rp. (000,-), tidak termasuk pajak, akomodasi dan transportasi peserta pelatihan 3. Pelaksanaan training di adakan di hotel berbintang 03-04 19-20 12-13 01-02 12-13 21-23 19-20 15-16 27-28 13-14 09-10 13-15 16-18 10-11 18-19 01-03 29-30 23-24 08-10 03-04 24-25 23-24 16-17 05-06 24-26 28-29 07-08 29-31 07-08 21-22 06-08 20-21 25-26 12-14 06-07 18-19 04-05 10-11 26-27 07-09 01-02 20-21 21-22 16-18 DES 10-12 17-18 28-29 11-12 08-09 18-19 23-25 15-16 25-26 15-16 11-13 26-27 30-31 24-26 02-03 29-30 NOP 08-09 17-18 22-23 14-15 21-23 23-24 07-08 11-12 OKT 09-11 13-14 01-02 22-23 08-10 25-26 06-07 SEP 19-20 10-12 20-21 AGT 28-30 19-20 26-27 09-10 30-31 JUL 04-05 07-08 27-28 12-13 20-22 12-13 03-04 22-23 08-09 JUN 11-13 29-30 19-20 05-06 16-17 10-12 21-22 29-30 MEI 14-16 10-11 07-08 12-13 23-25 COST 5.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 5.850 5.850 3.850 3.500 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 5.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 5.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 5.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 5.850 TRAINING CALENDAR Periode : Januari – Desember 2015 Page 2 COURSE TITLE OPERATION & MANUFACTURING Excellence Negotiation Skills for Purchasing Materials and Supply Chain Management Measuring And Managing Suppliers Performance Planning and Controlling Material and Inventory Procurement Best Practices Purchasing Management and Cost Reduction Techniques Strategic Logistics: Planning and Management Warehouse Operations and Management HUMAN RESOURCE Human Resources Policies and Procedures Training Needs Analysis, Assessment and Evaluation Performance Management: Setting and Measuring Objectives Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection PROJECT MANAGEMENT IT Project Management Managing Global Projects Project Financing Project Management Essential TAX MANAGEMENT Comprehensive Tax Planning PPh Badan & Pengisian SPT Tahunan PPh Badan (Manual & E-SPT) PPN & Pengisian SPT PPN (Manual & E-SPT) Rekonsiliasi Fiskal & Akutansi Perpajakan Strategi Menghadapi Pemeriksaan Pajak, Keberatan dan Banding MARKETING & CUSTOMER SERVICE Business Etiquette for Marketing People Professional Selling Skills & Powerful Sales Team Complaints Handling Customer Service Excellence CODE D JAN OM-01 OM-02 OM-03 OM-04 OM-05 OM-06 OM-07 OM-08 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14-15 HR-01 HR-02 HR-03 HR-04 2 2 2 2 PM-01 PM-02 PM-03 PM-04 2 2 2 2 13-14 TM-01 TM-02 TM-03 TM-04 TM-05 2 2 2 2 2 26-27 15-16 MC-01 MC-02 MC-03 MC-04 2 2 2 2 FEB MAR APR 24-25 12-13 03-04 20-21 JUN 27-28 07-08 16-17 09-10 16-17 08-09 26-27 MEI AGT 02-03 15-16 24-25 12-13 23-24 19-20 04-05 JUL OKT 09-10 25-26 03-04 27-28 03-04 04-05 21-22 SEP DES 16-17 01-02 08-09 01-02 12-13 07-08 23-24 NOP 07-08 10-11 12-13 15-16 17-18 22-23 10-11 24-25 04-05 25-26 01-02 11-12 20-21 20-21 03-04 03-04 26-27 29-30 08-09 04-05 29-30 27-28 04-05 01-02 27-28 21-22 01-02 06-07 26-27 26-27 11-12 04-05 21-22 19-20 12-13 26-27 04-05 22-23 11-12 17-18 12-13 10-11 24-25 02-03 05-06 25-26 18-19 23-24 22-23 21-22 01-02 28-29 10-11 27-28 Note: 1. Jakarta Bandung Bali 2. Biaya Pelatihan dalam Rp. (000,-), tidak termasuk pajak, akomodasi dan transportasi peserta pelatihan 3. Pelaksanaan training di adakan di hotel berbintang Ariobimo Sentral Building 5th Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-2 No. 5 Jakarta 12950, INDONESIA [P] 021 – 50664197; 50645670; 52919351 [F] 021 – 5226150 [E] [W] 21-22 11-12 15-16 02-03 03-04 14-15 07-08 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 03-04 09-10 12-13 08-09 15-16 02-03 25-26 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 01-02 09-10 17-18 03-04 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 10-11 15-16 03-04 18-19 13-14 04-05 01-02 09-10 21-22 06-07 23-24 11-12 26-27 01-02 13-14 25-26 11-12 15-16 28-29 30-31 26-27 22-23 19-20 12-13 18-19 10-11 08-09 20-21 15-16 16-17 27-28 08-09 02-03 29-30 30-31 08-09 07-08 16-17 10-11 24-25 29-30 02-03 COST 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 TRAINING CALENDAR Periode : Januari – Desember 2015 Page 3 COURSE TITLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & STRATEGIC PLANNING Balance Scorecards – Concept through Implementation Business Continuity Management Corporate Planning and Strategy Developing and Implementing the Business Plan Enterprise Risk Management Successful Planning, Organizing and Control LEADERSHIP & TEAMWORK Analytical Skills & Creative Thinking Dealing with Unacceptable Employee Behavior Effective Change Management Effective Communication Skills Managerial Decision Making & Problem Solving People Management Skills for New Managers Powerful Team Building & Effective Leadership Time Management and Workplace Prioritization Techniques Win-Win Negotiation Skills OFFICE ADMINISTRATION & SECRETARIAL Administration Skills Better Business Writing Skills for Secretaries Creating and Delivering Professional PowerPoint Presentations Effective Office Management Powerful Business Report Writing Professional Business Image and Telephone Etiquette DOCUMENT & RECORD MANAGEMENT Cost Control with Document Management Document Imaging & Electronic Document Management Effective Records, Document Control, and SOPs Manajemen Arsip Dinamis CODE D JAN BP-01 BP-02 BP-03 BP-04 BP-05 BP-06 2 2 2 2 2 2 13-14 19-20 28-29 LT-01 LT-02 LT-03 LT-04 LT-05 LT-06 LT-07 LT-08 LT-09 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 06-07 29-30 AS-01 AS-02 AS-03 AS-04 AS-05 AS-06 2 2 2 2 2 2 07-08 DR-01 DR-02 DR-03 DR-04 2 2 2 2 07-08 21-22 FEB MAR APR 26-27 19-20 05-06 11-12 16-17 23-24 23-24 27-28 06-07 03-04 23-24 12-13 01-02 13-14 25-26 09-10 05-06 14-15 04-05 25-26 13-14 29-30 04-05 21-22 12-13 16-17 26-27 27-28 24-25 19-20 11-12 25-26 04-05 12-13 20-21 21-22 07-08 12-13 20-21 Note: 1. Jakarta Bandung Bali 2. Biaya Pelatihan dalam Rp. (000,-), tidak termasuk pajak, akomodasi dan transportasi peserta pelatihan 3. Pelaksanaan training di adakan di hotel berbintang Ariobimo Sentral Building 5th Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-2 No. 5 Jakarta 12950, INDONESIA [P] 021 – 50664197; 50645670; 52919351 [F] 021 – 5226150 [E] [W] 10-11 15-16 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 09-10 24-25 28-29 09-10 29-30 18-19 04-05 03-04 17-18 16-17 17-18 03-04 07-08 15-16 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750 15-16 06-07 19-20 03-04 10-11 04-05 02-03 28-29 07-08 07-08 14-15 22-23 24-25 06-07 02-03 05-06 24-25 28-29 30-31 11-12 22-23 07-08 03-04 10-11 15-16 03-04 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.850 19-20 28-29 15-16 27-28 29-30 09-10 29-30 06-07 11-12 COST 10-11 16-17 09-10 27-28 DES 04-05 23-24 19-20 22-23 01-02 27-28 09-10 NOP 26-27 15-16 22-23 18-19 15-16 OKT 22-23 17-18 07-08 02-03 12-13 21-22 SEP 06-07 25-26 12-13 08-09 09-10 AGT 23-24 30-31 07-08 02-03 09-10 19-20 15-16 08-09 24-25 23-24 17-18 JUL 01-02 27-28 22-23 26-27 04-05 26-27 21-22 14-15 JUN 25-26 04-05 12-13 19-20 30-31 26-27 MEI