7/1/2014 Administrative Agencies Defined Introduction to Administrative Law Steven Wise Administrative Law Judge Iowa Workforce Development Government entities other than legislature or courts Act as agents carrying out missions assigned by statutes passed by legislature They administer the law assigned to them by legislature 2 1 What are the Roles of Agencies? Organization and Control of Administrative Agencies Agencies carry out government policy Federal Agencies HHS Department of Defense FDA State Agencies Iowa Workforce Development Iowa State U Iowa Department of Human Services Local Agencies Parks & Recreation City Clerk Finance Department Police Department 3 Variety within Agencies 4 Types of Agencies by Mission Headed by single official or body of officials Agency heads usually appointed by chief executive but some state agency heads elected Varied names—department, bureau, division, section, board, office, etc. Regulatory Agencies Social Welfare Agencies 5 Control or supervise the conduct of individuals or businesses Administer the distribution of public funds or benefits Agencies that combine both purposes 6 1 7/1/2014 Types of Agencies by Structure Types of Agencies by Structure Executive Branch Agencies Independent Regulatory Agencies Government Corporations Executive Branch Agencies Agency head appointed by and can be removed at will by chief executive Include cabinet-level Departments and their subdivision agencies HHS – FDA, Department of Justice – FBI, Interior Department - BIA 7 8 Types of Agencies by Structure Types of Agencies by Structure Government Corporations Independent Agencies Appointed by chief executive with Senate confirmation but removed only for cause or expiration of term EPA, CIA, SBA, NASA Includes regulatory commissions and boards Headed by multiple-member board or commission Members of both political parties required Members have fixed, staggered terms Corporations chartered by federal government Separate legal entity created by an Act of Congress to perform a public purpose Market-oriented product or services Some receive federal budget appropriation, others have independent revenue source FDIC, US Postal Service, TVA, CPS, Amtrak NLRB, NRC, EPA, FCC, SEC, CPSC 9 10 Modern Administrative State Modern Administrative State 11 Administrative agencies not new in US Before 1900s, US administrative system was modest in size and scope Today, administrative state is expansive in size and scope. 12 2 7/1/2014 Barack Obama’s Government George Washington’s Government Congress John Jay Secretary of State George Washington President Henry Knox Secretary of War Supreme Court Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury 13 14 State and Local Government Growth Barack Obama’s Government http://www.netage.com/economics/publish/USGov.html Growth of administrative agencies is not just at the federal level Process has occurred at a smaller scale with state and local governments State and local government have executive departments, independent boards and commissions, and government corporations 16 15 STATE OF IOWA GOVERNMENT CITY OF DES MOINES GOVERNMENT VOTERS BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Access Advisory Board Airport Authority Board Building and Fire Code Board Citizen Odor Board Civil Service Commission Des Moines Music Commission Historic Preservation Commission Housing Appeals Board Housing Services Board Human Rights Commission Library Board of Trustees Neighborhood Revitalization Board Park and Recreation Board Plan and Zoning Commission Power Engineers Examining Board Sister Cities Commission Skywalk Commission Traffic Safety Committee Urban Design Review Board Water Works Board Youth Advisory Board Zoning Board of Adjustment 17 18 3 7/1/2014 Periods of Bureaucratic Growth Period Focus Key acts passed 1887-90 Control Monopolies and Rates Interstate Commerce Act Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1906-15 Regulate product quality Pure Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act Federal Trade Commission 1930-40 Extend regulation to cover various socioeconomic areas Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act National Labor Relations Act Securities and Exchange Act 1960-79 Expand regulation to make a cleaner, healthier, and fairer America Civil Rights Act Clean Air Act Occupational Safety and Health Act 1978-93 Deregulation movement as a reaction to bureaucratic overexpansion Deregulation of Airline, Banking, Radio and Television Industries Paperwork Reduction Act 1993 2001 Deregulation of telephone and cable companies and regulation of children's exposure to Internet indecency Telecommunication Act Communications Decency Act 2001Present Regulation to combat terrorism, address financial crisis, and implement healthcare reform USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, Dodd-Frank Act Affordable Care Act Broad Reach of Agencies Think about how administrative agencies affect you during the first hour of your day 19 20 Defining Administrative Law 1. 2. 3. Defining Administrative Law (continued) Administrative law defines the powers, procedures and limitations of administrative agencies Administrative law is divided into three parts: Powers vested in administrative agencies Procedures imposed by law for exercising powers The remedies for improper or unlawful agency action Administrative law involves the legal checks for controlling and limiting administrative agencies’ powers The Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, and Judicial Branch all control administrative agencies in a number of ways 21 22 Defining Administrative Law (continued) Defining Administrative Law (continued) Legislature Branch exercises political control: Standing and watchdog committees can change an agency’s statutory authority Appropriation power Confirmation power for high-level appointments Legislative review of rules Constituent services 23 Executive Branch exercises political control: Appointment and removal power Budget power Authority to reorganize executive branch agencies 24 4 7/1/2014 Sources of Law Defining Administrative Law (continued) Judicial Branch has primary role in controlling administrative agencies Judicial review of review of agency actions Courts have authority to prevent unconstitutional, unlawful, and arbitrary agency actions against citizens and businesses Constitutional Law Statutes Administrative Rules Common Law 25 26 Types of Law Types of Law One way of dividing law is into categories of: Substantive Law Procedural Law Substantive Law “Regulatory Law” IRS creates tax law EPA creates environmental law FCC creates communication law 28 27 Types of Law Sources of Administrative Law Procedural Law The process used to create or enforce the substantive law Administrative agencies must follow certain procedures to take action 29 Constitutional Law Statutes Administrative Rules Common Law 30 5 7/1/2014 Statutory Authority and Delegation Statutory Authority and Delegation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10 Fundamentals Administrative agencies are creatures of legislature. They can’t be created by courts. Statute enacted by legislature creating an agency is called agency's organic act or enabling act. Agencies function as far as the legislature gives them authority. Authority given may be very broad or very narrow. Federal agencies typically given broad, general powers. State legislatures often enact more detailed agency statutes. 7. 8. 9. 10. Some enabling acts contain agency procedures. Agencies often gets procedures from a more general statute Federal Administrative Procedures Act, 5 USC 551 et seq. State Administrative Procedures Act, Iowa Code Chapter 17A Within limits of enabling acts, agencies make policy. Within the limits of the APA, they also set procedures for efficient and fair decisionmaking Enabling acts and APAs provide minimum requirements for agencies. Agencies have leeway to fill in the gaps-both procedural and substantive. 31 32 Separation of Powers Administrative Procedure Act (APA) Set of laws in each state and the federal government specifying how agencies carry out basic functions such as rulemaking, adjudication, and how citizens can petition the agencies. APA applies if legislature has not made special rules for a given agency. Iowa APA Code chapter 17A 33 34 Common Agency Characteristic Separation of Powers Constitutions of federal and state government establish structure of government. US and State Governments have three branches: Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch Local governments merge executive and legislative powers Government authority divided into legislative, executive, and judicial and each given to a separate, equal, and independent entity. Founders diffused these powers to guard against abuse of power and prevent governmental tyranny, Madison's famous words, "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced as the very definition of tyranny." 35 One identifying characteristic of a modern administrative agency is the combination of executive power (investigation/enforcement), legislative power (rulemaking). and judicial power (adjudication) 36 6 7/1/2014 Government Operating Within the “Shadow of the Law” U.S. CONSTITUTION BILL OF RIGHTS Delegate •Powers •Duties Oversight LEGISLATURE Statutes EXECUTIVE Executive Orders GOVERNMENT “AGENCY” Delegation Issue JUDICIARY Judgments Appeal Judicial Review Power Rulemaking Investigation Licensing Enforcement Adjudication Means Notice and Comment Procedures Require Records Inspections Subpoenas File Petitions for Violations of Rules Hear Cases Results Rules Regulations Act as Legislature Develop Evidence Act as Investigator Prosecute Violators Act as Prosecutor Orders Decisions Act as Judge Purpose To Regulate Private Sector To Inform Agency To enforce rules To Decide Contested Cases Can Congress or state legislature delegate authority to an agency without violating the separation of powers principle found in the Constitution? Law Professor Kenneth Culp Davis: “In our theoretical discussions we should recognize that we have abandoned the basic idea that executive, legislative and judicial power should be kept separate from each other in order to protect against tyranny. We purposely combine the 3 kinds of power in administrative agencies. The protection against tyranny comes, not from separating the powers, but from our system of legislative supervision of administrative agencies and judicial review of administrative action.” 38 Delegation of Power to the Agency Agency rules challenged as a unconstitutional delegation of rulemaking power to an administrative agency. The US Supreme Court has rejected such challenges: So long as Congress lays down by legislative act an “intelligible principle” to which the actor is directed to conform, the delegation is not an forbidden delegation of legislative power.” Touby v. U.S. (1991). In the Touby case, Congress gave the Attorney General power to add new drugs as schedule 1 controlled substances if “necessary to avoid an imminent hazard to the public safety.” According to the Court , this was an “intelligible principle.” Carrying Out Agency Policy 39 40 Iowa APA Procedures Iowa Code Chapter 17A, called the “Iowa Administrative Procedures Act” (IAPA) defines specific procedures which must be followed for carrying out agency policy: Promulgating or modifying administrative rules Regulating contested cases which are trialtype hearings Enforcement Actions Judicial review of any agency action 41 Administrative Rulemaking 42 7 7/1/2014 Why Make Rules? Administrative Rules The Legislature can delegate the power to make rules to the agency Some agencies do not have rulemaking authority Rules can’t exceed the authority in the agency's enabling legislation or the Constitution Properly promulgated rules have the same force as statutes Must give the public notice of proposed rules Must allow and consider public comment 43 44 Definition of a Rule Public Participation in Rulemaking IAPA §17A.2 (11) contains general definition of an administrative rule: Rule means each statement of general applicability that implements interprets or prescribes law or policy, or that describes the organization, procedure or practice requirements of any agency. The term includes the amendment or repeal of an existing rule IAPA §17A.2 (11) sets out 11 exclusions from the definition of a rule. Breadth and depth of regulation today makes it difficult for legislatures to specify the details of modern regulatory schemes. Details are delegated to agencies for rulemaking. Adding scientific expertise Adding implementation detail Adding industry expertise Adding flexibility Finding compromise Proposed rules must be published for public comment. The agency must take written comments. Federal agencies sometimes use public hearings on important policy issues. Some states require public hearings if requested by enough people (25 in Iowa). The agency must review and consider the comments. 45 Iowa APA Rulemaking Procedures Iowa Code §17A.4 Iowa APA Rulemaking Procedures Iowa Code §17A.4 1. Proposed rules published in Iowa Administrative Bulletin (IAB). 3. Comment Period and Public Hearing (20-day minimum). 4. Review by the Administrative Rules Review Committee (ARRC). 5. Agency Adopts Final Rules (35-day minimum from NIA). 6. Final Rules Published in Iowa Administrative Bulletin (IAB) 8. Notice of Intended Action (NIA) is filed with the Governor’s Administrative Rules Coordinator. 2. 7. 46 Final Rules Reviewed by the Administrative Rules Review Committee (ARRC). Final Rules Published in the Iowa Administrative Code (IAC). IAC is available at http://www.legis.iowa.gov/IowaLaw/AdminCode/adminLaw.aspx 47 48 8 7/1/2014 Iowa APA Rulemaking Procedures Oversight Provisions Governor, Legislature, and Attorney General have power to influence or delay the rulemaking process. Contested Cases - Adjudication Objection by ARRC, Governor, or AG--§17A.4(4) Governor rescission-- §17A.4(6) Session delay by ARRC--§17A.8(10) 70-day delay by ARRC--§17A.4(5) General Referral by ARRC--§17A.8(7). Legislative veto--Iowa Constitution, Art. III, section 40. 49 50 Iowa APA Contested Case Procedures Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Contested case process found in Iowa IAPA §§17A.10 17A.18 Evidentiary hearing because if decision impacts an individual’s rights, duties or responsibilities Contested case similar to a judicial hearing, except that it is held before an administrative agency The presiding officer can be an administrative law judge or a designated official of the agency. No jury involved with the contested case process. Due Process protections of notice and opportunity to be heard. A fact-finder and law applier in the administrative law system. ALJs usually act as inquisitorial judges and try to assure that the case is fairly presented and decided. Some ALJ's make recommended rulings to agency. Other ALJs are authorized to make final decisions, subject to appeal. 51 52 ALJ – Types in Iowa Many ALJs in Iowa are employed by the agency that handles the substantive law matters IWD (UI and WC), Department of Corrections, PERB board, Utilities Board Iowa also has Central Panel of ALJs, called DIA Administrative Hearings Division who hear a variety of cases for agencies Human Services, DOT, DNR, Professional Boards, Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Civil Rights Commission, etc. 53 Agency Enforcement Tools 54 9 7/1/2014 Permits and Licenses Administrative Searches You must show you’ve met the standards set by law or regulation to receive the license or permit. Standards must be clear. Must treat all applicants equally. Conditioned on accepting enforcement standards Agree to be bound by the administrative rules. Allow inspections during business hours. Licenses and permits can be revoked without a court order but statutes or due process require that the person whose license is revoked to be able to challenge the revocation. Some license and permit holders may be inspected without a warrant if authorized by statute. Other inspections require an administrative warrant. Requirements for an administrative warrant. Unlike criminal warrants, administrative warrants do not require probable cause of a violation . Inspector must show that the premises are due for an inspection under a neutral inspection plan. Administrative searches can’t be used when a criminal warrant is necessary. 55 56 Administrative Orders First enforcement step is to issue an order requiring correction of a violation Most persons comply with order Order proves the person was on notice of the problem if person doesn’t comply There may also be a fine for not complying with the order If person doesn’t comply, the agency must seek a judicial order Agencies cannot make arrests or use force Violating court order may result in fines and imprisonment for contempt Public Access to Agency Information 57 58 Open Records Laws Open Meetings Laws Provides public access to information held by agencies Have exceptions to protect trade secrets and information affecting agency function or public safety Modified by state and federal privacy laws to protect personal information On the federal level and in many states, law is called Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 59 Provide for public attendance at agency governing body meetings. Require public notice of meetings Allow for closed meetings on personnel matters and other topics such as bids that require secrecy. On the federal level, the law is called the Government in the Sunshine Act. 60 10 7/1/2014 The Iowa Public Information Board Iowa Open Meetings and Records Laws Iowa’s open meetings and records laws in Iowa Code 21 and 22 assume that government meetings and records are open. Meetings must be open and records must be available for inspection unless a law authorizes closure or makes a record confidential. The laws ensure that public business is conducted in the public eye. 61 Iowa Code Chapter 23 effective July 2013 created a 9member board to deal with open records and open meetings complaints. Agency is authorized to: Hear complaints and issue formal opinions on whether chapter 21 or 22 has been violated. Propose legislation where the laws need further clarification. Make training opportunities available to all governmental bodies, news organizations, and public. Issue orders with the force of law requiring compliance with chapters 21 and 22 and issue penalties. 62 Exhaustion of Remedies Judicial Review Many agencies provide an internal appeals or review process for agency decisions Courts require that persons who want to challenge agency actions in court first go through all the agency appeals The court does not require exhaustion of the agency process if the agency process is alleged to be unconstitutional or illegal. 64 63 Judicial Review Iowa Code §17A.19 Is the Agency Acting Legally? Agency actions that impact rights, duties or responsibilities can be reviewed through the judicial system. Person who is "aggrieved or adversely affected" by an agency action—including rulemaking and contested case decisions—can seek judicial review. No right to jury. The court is reviewing the agency record regarding the action. 65 Does the agency action violate the US or state constitution? Is action allowed by the agency's enabling act? Is action prohibited by other laws? Did the agency following its own rules in taking action? Is the action arbitrary and capricious? 66 11 7/1/2014 Is the Agency Acting Legally? Contested Case Decision Is the Agency Acting Legally? Rules For review of administrative rules: Is the statute authorizing the rule constitutional? Is promulgation of the rule authorized expressly or by necessary implication? Was the procedure for promulgation of the rule followed? Is the rule within authority of the agency and reasonable? 67 For review of contested case decisions: Were the parties provided due process hearing? Did the ALJ make any improper rulings on evidence that affected the outcome of the case? Are there findings of fact regarding all key facts? Are the findings supported by substantial evidence in the record? Did the ALJ interpret the law correctly and properly apply the law to the facts? 68 Questions? 69 12