. I IN_SERVIC.E COURSES JULY SEMESTER 75 INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION SINGAPORE ;: J .. T1P..T.JI! T.JP.·,-,.,.; Tj,. T1P. 1? TR T11',; T1l' Tli'-'U! • 'II:·····. ~: j ~· • .. ' . 1 1 • I I j I -PATERSON RD. SI.NGAPORE 9 . INSTITUTE OF EDUCATJO. I LIBRARY. S:NGl\PORE. ltl • II l Tho In-Service Courses listed in this Prospectus will be conducted in tho July Semester 1975 at tho Institute of Education, Paterson Road, Sing~'rporo 9. Hcthod of Application Applications arc invited from teachers serving in schools. A serving teacher applying for any of the courses should fill out tho proscribed ( 1rhi to) application form and submit it to tho Insti -Duto througp. his school principal. Closing date for application Tho c1osing date for the submission of applications :for tho listed courses is 7 Juno 1975. The fcc for each cou::r.•so is stated in the Prospectus together with other com:.•sc dctaila. Payment of foes will E£1 bo rcquil·od at the time of application. j Iviinistry' s Sponso:rship Schcrac Under tho Ministry of Education's Sponsorship Schomo, a number of tao courses listed in tho Prospectus a::t.·c sponsored by tho :r.1inistry, and solooted applicarits for those sponsored courses need ~ pay tho stated tuition fees. Tho sponsored courses arc listed in tho pink: pages within. Com:·se details Tho Iusti. "Guto reserves tho right to cancel any course fo1· lack of sufficicut numbo1•s to form a class or for any other reason; and, to introduce any chaugos, when necessary, in J~he course d.otails. Any enquiry about courses lnay be directed to the ExtJ~·a-r>1ural Studies Dep<:crtment, Insti tuto of Education, Paterson Road (Telephone 374511, Ext. 25.) C 0 N T E 1r T S Tho courses marked irlth an asterisk (*) arc , ·; -s-po.nso.rod- by ~"c:hc- Ministry':of Ed"Yca.ti-o-nd -·'.:-,; -,__, -- Code' X.AR 102/1 --"' -- . ' .. ' .·' ..:.._ -.?- Art Education ~-age .;:- At·t 'Educa;tion:: :f'br Lower:__P:riimary .School- .T.oE.ch-o:t·s J .·:l Chinese I.anguago XCIJ 202/1 XCL 002/2 * * A Grammar of M:odorn Chinese 1 Hanyu Pinyin and Speech Training l ·- --·--- -- Educational 'reclmology XET 101/J. * ~. - Production a:r1d Utilization of Inoxpcns:Lvo Educational Materials 2 Eng:i.ish I.anguagc XEL 102/4 XEL 201/2 XEL 202/1 XEL 203/1 * * * * Tho Teachirl(s of E"r1gl:Lsh as a 2nd Language English for Mathematics Gradua~;c 2 Teachers of Science and 3 Ei~glish for Non-GraduD.te Teache::r.·s of .:Sci:cilo.o a1ld.: Hathematics 3 Engl.ish IJauguage Testi:n.g for Secondary School Teaoho:es 4 Homo Economics XHE 203/J. 4 XHE 204/1 * XM.A 101/4 -x- F~::~1ctical l1athcma.-tios fo1-- P:::'imal\Y School Tcachcl'"'S Xi"U 201/4 * XM.A 202/3 XM.A 203/2 * * Related Sciences in Home ..Ecot1omics 4 5 YLorloru lliathematics for Seconda:ry School Mathematics Teachers 5 Further Com:·se in Hodern riathematics for Secondary School IJiathcmatics Teachol'S 6 Introductory Cou1·se in Stc.:•:tiEdiics 6 Physic;:;_l Education XPE 007/2 * Research Methods and Statistics in Physical BducG.tion 1 Student Col._Wselling XGC 101/l * Principles and Practice o~ Student Counselling 7 Code xsc 201/4 Science ~ ,..., .. .... .. ·-.... .. * The Lower ~?~~da;ry Scienq~ · cJrricu11.un Den. ·pj;oject ·s- 202/1 * xsc~~o371 * xsc XN.r 001/l XN.r 002/l XET 003/l ::- XET 006/l XEL 204/l XEL 205/l XMD 101/l 00 001/l XMD 102/2 LSS Project - Ecological Studies in the Immedi~te School Environment TP.e .Teaching of ;Geology for "O't Level Bi()1.akY··- · ~......... . ....,.....,_ ... 8 8 ''• ..... . ;,._· ~ Educational Technology Organization and Administration of Media Resources in a School -~ .... -.. ·-- ~--··· 9 Designing and Production of lludio Programmes with AccompaP~ng Visuals 9 10 ' Television in the Classroom :10 Effective'Communications Practicum E:."lglish Language The Teaching of English Language and Literature in Secondary Schools ll ll Uso of tho Language Laboratory Music Band Instruction in Primary Schools . 11 12 Hovement ar.1 Dance fn· Schools . E-valuation in 1-~usic - . 1' . 12. for Primary Schools :;. .· .... !_·.;.. . . .,:· I' 1 .· -' > .·:{" .,· ·oourao is , , ·."to; .q~:t~04 . 1io.acla.ors· tn tho .· M,J)fQ'·r» .• /~~~ ·- P3} ·. . ·. RK e 11:!1 'l\\os4a7* ·. 9 :.: 11 ·a.m 2.· 30-4. 30 .·PD ··-· ..con¢~ ;o~~;;ai• '·school .,-:;:·-..., ';·ii;j!.:r;... c,;:":·••; ·. . ,o••=- -· .' . ' .· 30 · . 'te~li .of . ". '''·· .. ~ ~· i ~ ,. }hO-~· • . . . . ·~ mutzw _somo basto·:~o~lo.~o q~~ ~do~·· O~noao..~~~ ao t)JAa'$ .. tho7,·.~· ThurSdaY•{' can·· toaeh and analyso too «:Jon.... . · tbn:oo strudttl),'4 <?f 9 •.ll modorn .Ch:tnQso. 2 ... 4 ~ ptll . '• ~·, \ I • ~ I • Lootmr j Thd.s :.oo~ JQ.ll do.U. ·with tho This oourso is : MrFanOhing prj.n9iplos an(} ·praotioo .of ·. · Opotl to qualified OH!NESE· .· Day !z Titng•. H~··l>i~n•. \A comparison Ohi.nos~diUUl · ''\ ' .· ;llo~'tto'il·:H~yu ~iriYi'll a.na Ohinoao · toaoh(»J:S . toa.Qhing 1fodnoeda7a ·. ·. -ph~oti.~a· Will bo.· mado. Tho . ;n prl.ma:ry and ,. .'.Length of': - 11 OotirsQ: ' oou.~l,l. iao,o~oratos spoodl train- . aooonaa~: sohoois. 9 2.1.5-4.15'P\D / . ... 20 h0\0,'8 if1B ·.~ tho· toa~~ing of 'Han;yU . Prlii>r~ ty of sol co. . Pinyin~ · · " · · .\ion: ~ll bo givon - r \. ~0 teachers of ".' .'' '-EEt · ~· langu.ago, liter~ . · , · S20 ·pbr p~ioi.pant · turo and-EFL. ·La.~o'<?f., ·:tnstw,otiou: · b!\$.i~( am . )''' ,l· '.: l .. . ·\ ' . .. · J - 1- · ·- mt_. '\ .~~ ~' SJOpor ·' ~ -~, ..' '·~' ·.:_.._ parti.oipant \...:_, -D&! ! 'l'&fl -_ ·Mo~ia ~ :.: ;- ~~··,,, 9 --t- ~_li rii\. --t~,...,~r!li~~:;,a:rltift)ttlr-"~1 ·'.Nib~atif;c~:T.'·---Fr.t.cl8.ua ;L ·- · ,_ \ 3' .. 5'.pe! .~ . '/ ,,f-f'\'1::-P'J~;~_,.. \, '··. (' t , ; ........ PtiJ! Tiao ':' ·f . Mon-71t A 'J'ISt·.·. · · '810 po~ . · . . ·· .1>:6\ii~pil>~'nt .. Tb~····· ·~d . ·• -,;> • • 3 .;.:·5 pm· ·not'.· a,.,;;om,_ ·tho ;tn.;.; . oot1du,ot11ld·t ,on:rv'.JLcn . Co\i,rso in fol." Non-·. Ulll -~~es .....IIIB,4.· ·K~i Z.Ol~lt~~-11Q.. .... ,~...L'O$.oAC._M"~· . :L'U':I·T\R.ln'T-1'1 ':.Part-,··· / ... must- bo P~~a:~-~~~r-•ao.b:; . . ··:-':thS ·'l.iA ;Itngl'iJifi . >~-a~etti.wt t.tohqol.~, ducl~n&' . . :th~·.:aQO~ ph.a~M)· ... ·p£._. 1i.. A,~i¢•o• ; ,-· ~ . i,.:.A, ·ia.:~e~ontittllf a.· courso ·to· ;·;·s£1!j..~··;ki. ·~u~·:.sb..:.t>l"'f:ioioue¥ ... · InstX"'ict:.i.ou• ;--r=~~'Etmt'"XIf""~'··· toao.ho;r.os of . 1 . · · · ) ·· . )ri th a ·Lon.rt~·.&~·. •....11l1~·1ol!a haokc1-ound 1 ;..~--~--.. Oo~t-··"::. · :~ . · · .....·~!t_~_-·. ··,.,,_w_ ..· ...~_o_._ h· _ J.ug_.· th.·()so aubJ · 240 h.ours ·; ·1!).,~ ..__.l~l!li · no. will .. · or'.if · ·'bo · .. · ··. ~q~};1io,«' t9.1io·· sQ" in tho;p.oar •· .Qii,:. ··· ·-~· ~·· , ' tu~u~• · ,Eutpha,sis will· bo givon. . 1240 p.-· ., ·. to' t1lo u.ao ot soi()ntifi.o/m-ti;i,o-., . pa$Cipan~ ·- · matica;l ·Mgistoi'~ 'in tho , · . , r ·.: · ·' eit.uati®. _ , tw .r .. . This 1)0l.,lrso will bo oonductod in phas6s of 120 hours oaoh. · During tho .fil•st. pha.so, partioipants will o_ontinuo toa.ohing in t}+oir pl:'Qsont soho«;Jls. Vhon tho ·· aooond ~1JO~·b0gins, ·tho so in - noU..;.~lifilh -modium soh6ols will bo postod to English-medium . schools whoro theY, will. bo oxpoot()d to toa.ch,soionoo or math& _in,. EoB1iah. • '- i• ~. 'v>it ~' !'-; ' J • ' . - ; . ~ ·' • Langu~e ot ) .. ,'i'b.is ()()urso Lop;tm.!D ~~· ie . S'tal'f t:rOm . tho Englisb-l3tudioa:, . : ; ..o:Ptm'"''il>-~q~i.ed;~ t(laohon/ of ·· ~ion~ and/or . · 5e.ion~o and .: --~~in--~lV· :s9bQoJ.~,c·~ aro · Dc!pw···· · ·-~.:r~t~·· · ~.t.~I:L ect .. · who· Jaavo .uo.t · .. attQ\iaoa ··t~ Iu- Mo'n,days -& · §Ol'V~~o ,9our~So· . ,in.-~li.eli£-<?r ·Non lfodnosd$,7B .· 9 - 11 ~- :. . .l.~--M94ium ··!Poaoh~~s,. Parti• _oi.pant$ mu..st ·bo · propa.rod to toaoh:· . soionoo and/o"J) math-a in English . ~n.-'Erlglis~modium aohools during · · tho sooon4 phase of tho oo-q:rso. - .3' .-· . ~- • -\ r: b~~,;;_' '- .·~--····;·: ,-.~·-~·-' ... . . . -~ ~~~r '_JQ~-~ . •. , ;r -' "':··· ~.' ' . ' , ' .~ ' .. ~-.· :~;~.;. ?!UA_-~­ ·-;, ·WedtJ.~s a~ ll':am F!'idqs- \' FEE: ·' 130 ~.JQ.,!jo pm . ' .l' ~- .· ' .' . ' . ,JlOtilM.,""' .l>~i.·A~~. ·.-.:.~H· ·~t"?:.~:!~.!:::4-:::.;;::.:;::-; __;;;. ...."j-..-- . •• . ~- : •' .< ' '.., 'J • J ~ ~' ~- ···-: LS,etttr.g ·r,~~eor Mr Chong Y FMt- Clfons .'.P B Inst&-Uotiona ENOLISR :eaz &: Timo ' ·'l'w&edare ... 8 ":"' 10.30 am FEEa · , ~ p~tioiPa.nt ·.130 . c::-· - _/ •".J ' ,.-'I \· ~,,i~-~.~;_· · Courso."t · ~ J.A~~~~ ,.. •. . ..,...,....... ,.~_..,_... ,.,.__ :_7~"""""f' -~~,~-·- .~~~;·_<~:'·t: ·::.,·"f.' !_ .._, ·,,. "' . ·-' I=~ ;., ,..,,.. ··-~.... -..:.....~ .... ~·"'r"'"--i':J,..,,._"..-.-..,..~.~" .. "':"'""".;..: __ ,..,......-.~-· .. ~-~~_...;.......,_..... ~--.~-~~·--"" ..... _ ~w. ... ~ •...:.. .. . ' .. • '< -1· ·:.; ., ' -.• >:- / ,.•.-.._' ··.i .:·c>o·· ..... ./~~ ~-.......................I, '.- ;' ,\•:., -~·-~·-- ·--· ~~, ,:_. . . '.· .......~~~..........- - - - - - - - - -....."'""'"..,............._......................~. .i!lll • ·- :. ..... "' ,.,,..._~ .......~-v:iloscrt~;on .. • .. ~--------- . . ..:_..,.___,....,,. __ _ . .of /I~6tioru: ). · .. . >:EifOLftm . .•- ~ L.~h~of~·· :'' ·coursot.: ' 9Q'·'hou;.-a. · , ( ·. ; . . ~--_ ' l'EE: i. ... .. ' . '.Z~~· ,· S90 po~ .. · r.:·~· . ·•.. "l'-t\Q ... Dag(s.& . ··!~c _'!', • . ; ~;; -~11$!·' TU.osd.ays. ~ . c ~ 'l'hu~sda." 9 ... 'll'S$' . participant·· L ~ . ·. '. .... '!F'Pftl: . ,. . '~ .,.t;td,~sda1$.' & ·.Frttlai$ ·· · · . '9~.;.:.li~ -aa.- --~ . - ¥->b-.,,., ..-:-. . 3- 5 ,, . ,/ . .... .. · •..., p$·:. . ,f; ,"-· . - .·, .,,''. j ' \, '\ --~~--- --,----~------ ....----------~-----··--~ - ........ ... -~---~------------------- x:m oo1 /1 . . - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - . . . - . .... ·~.· .. "'':.,o~; •.~.::.-.,-:;·-~:·-· . .• .. -~- ORG.ANIZATIOlt'"1iNDADMINISTRATION OF I-rnDik----+---.. --.-·- - - .. -~---·~-""__.,,... ........ ~-...--..-._.,_.,.,,__. ... .. RBJSOURCES IN A SCHOOL .- · - ' -::. ·-- ' '. )_,c) C tJ.U'Cl' in-troducos to pa:r.•ti~ j cipa;q.ts- who have already ac<luL·ed ·_the basic skills in :the produc- . tion of ·instl.-l.lO~t'fonal· materiats, techn:tqucs in the organiz;ati-on and administJ.'atiG-tl :of noti-p:rint materials and 'thoi::r.• aocomp~nying technology.· This course ;is of direct interest -to teachdr librarians and teachers intending to administer an instructional media centro. ..oi'.._.-+ This ,coui'SO Languago Iustl.•twtio:nz :ENGI.~ISH Length of Course~ 30 hOLE'S FEEz $30 per participant -This cotl'rsc. is :Mrs Ghong-'L L open· to. qualified- . teachers or to~.-- -· cher-librarians TLiesdays -who have ac~U:ircd ·911 am -the basic ~ills iu·thc.p~oduction­ ·. of 'in.structiomU materials Xl.'T 002/1 DESIGNING .fl.l\TD PRODUCTION OF AUDIO FROGRAI;ii:lJi:S WITH ACCOHJ? ANYING VI SU.ALS Lee t:u:rer Language of . l}l~:' cour..:o pi~~..":ide~ t?achers. with This -~OUl'Se _ ~s. · Miss M Lim Ins't'l.•ucticii1f 'Wo:r:1tB11trp pra:c v ....:cu- :r.:n'lille·<d'o1ngr~--r-o~ "t-o--q_tta.:t::t:f~d:- '-~~·---~- ..........~.... ~- ~·-~~· ENGLISH ing and production of audio-tape teachei.'S interDay & Time . progt·a.mmos fol' ins~Gructici:nal ostcd in using . _· . ~~ ~ d ·: - · ..... T -'-1 f - ,._, ·, .. ., • ~ • b.-i-.;1. '-• .~ • -~·-'1 On ayS J.Jer.g~o1 -0 J;>1.U':pOSes. s.l..vl'OSS 1-r.l:J..l. '-' J..Cl.T.• d -·orr,·-au:u·;.."'-''L~·=-·---v·::· ·.·-~ ·~ - ... _-- ...~ ··-- .... 2 · · an d 1n~J..~oa · .~.. ·.. ng·· maverJ..als f ·o1.> -unc:tl' ·' ·· 4-. 30· pm· COUI'seg p· l a;rFJJ·.. ng, oJ.•gam·.. zJ..ng 30 hot.n'lil programmes as supplemontaJ.•y and instruction. PJ:'O- · ·v~-~e.nrichment· materials fo:r :class.. fereucc i·l'ill be . _ 1 room j_nstruction. · The various given to teachoi·s and varied uses of "Ghe t9,pe· of English; JnL2, $30 per recorder and tapo-r•ecordcd proDjjama &-Music, · grammes will be discussed, ·in·j Social Studies, '1 clud::.._, ng teclmiques of go~d 1'0COI'dl. Natu1•e. and Bioing9 ·tape-editing and dubbing. · logical Scim1ces ! · ~ . ani :remedial :reading. 1 1 .J.. • - .. r I . .l1 j -, , ·~- .. ·---· ·········~ ·-t-.....-.•1".~~ ., ..... -~,~ -·~·- ... .,--- .. - -........- ..... -~-- - 9 - ---~ _.........,.. ·-- -...... ~- .. ---- ... ~-~~ .. ~·--·- .... -........ ~. -- .. -.,._ ............. _ ,_..- ........ -~- .... ~ ~ . . . . . . , ........ -····· X·ET··oo3/l· · -.!CJ --··-···--·-····-···--···· " - - · - · · - - . · - -. . . . TELEVISION IN THE CI1ASSROOM ·-·· ,. ~ . . . . . . ._ - ...- - .. ~ -~- ... -~·· -- -4• ••• --· ......... ~- I-1iss Chon A Y Language o:f This cou:r.·so will examine tho This COU1'SO is onen to q_ualifiod ·· · Instruction:-·· ·-eh-ai·actoristics of telovis.5~9IL... ... P ;_:i tnai~i-a:i1Ci · 1 o1ici' -·- IJar ··&~±-urn-- ··---.. ··L'NGLISH · and. tho advai:lJiiago of _,using it seoo nda;ry teach· · ·. as a modit.tm. of inst:ruction based Wednesdays I1ength of~-- ....2E:.~·tho theory of team teaching .. ors who usc or 2 _ 4 pm Course: The'~'o will bo. a clo.ar oxposiwho will be using 30 hours tion of its role. in m1riching, educational tolesupplementing an9., cotnplemonting vision progJ.•ammos FEE: classi'oom· teaching. and the as part of their $30 per toacho:r." s. :role in realising instructional those aims.. A glimp_so into scheme. studio p:roduction procodin.•os, script 1rr·i ting and studio presentation will be given in --· ....... -~f-.P.::t;'s3D."9.J.::.~.~l _s.ossions. Sample p;.•ogramtnos and f1ow tlioy ·a1·n · .. to be used in a variety of con- .. ~~~~a~~n;0 ~~o:~ ;~~~~-~!m~! will be dca1 t ·1-vi th. 1. 1· 1 ·-- .........._ ... , . .....~ -........ XET 006/lJ:;FFECTIVJ.:.; COfliT'WNJ:CATIONS PftACTICUJVf .. Language of Instruotiom I1er..gth of Courseg 30 hour$ FJ!.JEg $30 per participant - ....... _ _ ..... ' <# . . . . . . __ - In this C01E'so, tho princip_los, components,. process and models of <.:omrnunication arc exa.mi~od and :r.·olated to tho learning process. : Selected pl'Oblems in formal aud non-fo:rmal, inschool and out-of-school education c:n.·o explo1•ed. Proposals for tho app::eopriato media and methodology t; ach:Lovo a vai'ioty of· communicatipn objectives will J?.Q'-2.t~ostod. Thoo}~·ios and basic skill's· -:foi.: oath <:ii·al and 1-n'i tten communication og listonj.i:'lg, spoa.1dng and m·i ting will be included. - 10- This course is open to od.l.wation officers uho arc in superv·isory atHl managemont positions. Miss Chon A Y Day & Time Saturdays 9 - 12 no::m ; _ _1 --· .. ;·,· Course Description Eligibility Other Particulars XEL 204/1 THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Language of Instructiom ENGLISH I Tho main aims of this course arc: (a) to help participants clarify instr•uctional objectives in tho t~achir~ of English lang _and lit; (b) to familiarise participants irlth useful strategies for tho teaching of these sub.jocts, and .. (o) to assist participants in tho construction of language and literature tests. Length of Coursm 30 hourlil FEE: $30 por This course is open to secondary school teachers whoso current teaching subjects arc Rnglish language and literature. Lecturers Staff from tho English Studies Department Day & Time Wednesdays 9 - 11 am participant X.lill.. 205/1 USE OF THE LANGUAGE J,ABORATORY Language of Instruction: ENGLISH Length of Course: 30 hours FEE: Loctu1'0rs In this course, participants •rill be introduced to the usc of tho 1 usual t;ypc of equipment found I- in a language laboratory. Thc:~·c is provision for practice in proparing language labo;.•atory scr•ipts and taped materials and in the conduct of lang lab lilcslilions with a class. I This cou:rsc is open to qualified teachers who nood to lear-n how to uso a lahg lab and to proparo materials for uso in such a lab. $30 por par•ticipant Staff from tho English Studios Department Da;ys& Time Mondays 3- 5 pm Wednesdays 9 - 11 am XIIID 101/1 BAND INSTRUCTION IN PRHlARY SCHOOlS Language of Instr"Uctiom ENGLISH/ CHI:NESE 1 The aim of this course is to equip band instructors with a basic knowledge of instruction, organization and administration of band work in primary schools. Lm1gth of Course: 30 hours FEE: $30 per participant - 11 - ... -----~-----------~---- This course is open to qualified teachers who arc instr"Ucting band instruments in primary schools. Applicants must have a basic knowledge of music. Mr Ho H L Day & Time Tuesdays 9 - 11 am ··•··· . -. Course Description --~- ... Eligibility XUD 001/J. MOVFJYIENT AND D.ANCE IN SCHOOLS Language of Instructioru EUGI1ISH This course introduces to teachers dance techniques and helps participants crec,te and cho,:eograph dances -. This course is open to all qualified teachers Other Particulars Lecturer Mrs Maureen Lim Day & Time Length of Com.·seg 30 hours Fridays 9. 30-11. 30 am FEE~ $30 per participant .. XIm ..- ·'1?/1- -.--- .. - · ·· EV.l\JJUA:IJION IN MUSIC FOR PRIHARY TEACHI!.':RS Language of Instruction: ENGLISH· Lcu.gth -of Cou:>:se: 30 hOUl'S This course will exa.inin.c the long and short te1~ objectives pertaining to music education; the interaction of musical apti tttde with musical achievement; and the evaluation of teacher's plans and students' achievement. FEE: $30 per participant· ..... - 12- This cotn.:-se is open to p2•imary school teachers, one of whose teaching subjects is music . Miss I1 Cheng Day·& Time Tuesdays 9 - 11 hm